Dumbest Ideas in Stressful Situations

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what is the dumbest idea you had in the middle of a stressful situation forgot i had a pizza box in the oven and started to preheat not my best moment ran down after smelling smoke to see the box on fire instead of using the fire extinguisher right next to the oven i grabbed the box and instead of throwing it immediately in the sink behind me i ran outside with it my hands were pretty much cooked one stroke for the way through for a few weeks pizza boxes can be reheated where i live when i was a kid i was playing with matches in my room started a small fire and began to panic solution direct the air from my fan towards the fire to blow it out you can imagine how that went similar issue but i stomped it out barefoot covered the melted carpet with a rug walked on the sides of my feet for a while and my parents didn't find out for 20-plus years a woman yelled did you sleep with my boyfriend and my dumb butt said who's your boyfriend that's funny as heck lem check my dinner was in the oven it caught on fire instead of attempting to put out the fire i took a picture of it and texted it to my mom for advice i was 39 years old not me but my dad we're australian and drive on the left side of the road while driving in germany he turned onto the wrong side of the road he pulled over with the car still facing the wrong way and instead of just turning around lifted the hood of the car so that it would look like he'd pulled over with car troubles instead stood there for several minutes before finally leaving that was supposed to somehow mitigate the embarrassment of driving on the wrong side of the road the vehicle equivalent of doing push-ups after falling on your face my hair was getting long hard to manage i was also just stressed in general about school but for some reason i associated these two things and thought getting my head shaved was the answer to all my problems i actually went ahead with it during the initial stage of an anaphylactic shock from my nut allergy i didn't want to kill the vibe of the party i was at so i told my friends i wasn't feeling well and left everyone tried to help but i insisted i was just tired called 9-1-1 about two minutes on my walk back home when i realized it was a much worse reaction that practically paralyzed me on the sidewalk but how terrifying i was once in a fight the guy ran at me to tackle me and i put him in a headlock and fell backwards so my back was on the ground with him in a headlock a huge crowd was around us i knew if i let him go he'd have the advantage being i was on my back so i started just talking to the crowd giving a commentary and making jokes it just made him super mad and go into a savage state i learned never hold a guy in a headlock that has a free hand i had a situation similar to yours a very drunk guy started a fight as soon as the bars got out he went around and started punching random people eventually coming to me had him in a headlock and he had one hand free he went into straight savage mode when i told him to calm down pro tip if you rip an air off they suddenly don't want to fight anymore was having a panic attack tried to calm myself with some whiskey turns out taking a depressant to relieve anxiety only makes your anxiety worse you got lucky the alternative is it works so you do it again next time slowly you come to depend on the whiskey to calm anxiety and you forget your other coping methods you have anxiety anytime you're not drinking whiskey you ruin your finances and relationships and at the end of it all you still have to learn how to deal with your anxiety when i was in high school we had to complete a notebook full of work and get upgraded it was time to hand them in and my friend wrote penis on the front cover i panicked and wrote an s in front of it to spell out spanish i'm glad my teacher had a good sense of humor it's not high school if nobody draws wright's penis on my very first backpacking trip we had a bear encounter just as we were eating supper there were two small cubs coming toward our campsite when we heard mama bear crashing through the brush toward us my now ex boyfriend and i were sharing a rehydrated meal and eating it straight from the pouch instead of splitting it into two bowls because i couldn't be bothered washing the bowls anyway i've had the saying a fed bear is a dead bear drilled into me from a young age and i've always been really good about not leaving food out where bears or other wildlife might get it so as i was starting to freak out about this ginormous pee off mama bear lumbering toward me i thought i'd better make sure she didn't get any of our food so i quickly started shoveling the rest of that meal in my mouth and swallowing as fast as i could my ex and i are still good friends and to this day he still makes fun of me for how quickly i stuffed almost two full servings of mountain house teriyaki chicken and rice down my throat because i was afraid the bear would eat it not sure if this counts when i was a youngster this guy and i broke out of of juvie during the night i suggested we go to this park where there are usually people smoking weed nobody was there just three dudes off to the side we went over to talk to them and after a bit we ended up snorting h for the first time we both got really sick vomiting every five minutes we were both in such bad shape with nowhere to go we figured we only had one choice we broke back into juvie never got caught i can't tell you how many times in college i'd be walking to a midterm or final exam and think about stepping in front of a bus it was more of an intrusive thought than an actual desire but the idea was that the overwhelming anxiety i had about the upcoming exam could be instantly and permanently solved the funny thing is i always did fairly well on tests mostly isn't bees the stress and anxiety was completely unnecessary my kittens started choking and my family didn't know what to do i said should we do mouth to mouth and my dad leaned forward to do it but then stopped and realized that you don't do that on a choking person so at least i wasn't alone in my stupidity i was fixing my guitar amp i grabbed a can of lubricant instead of air spray and sprayed it all over the amp circuit in a fit of genius i took the amp board into the tub to wash it all off before i damage anything i don't have that amp anymore my school did the school shooting practice without warning also in my country there hasn't been a school shooting ever my school had never done a practice before and they did not tell us what was happening just started pulling kids in classrooms and blocking doors when it started to dawn on me that we were in what i thought was a school shooting i wanted to go onto the roof because i thought i was safe there i would not have been safe there why is the first thing our human minds think is let's go through the window probably some kind of i have to get out of here right the frick now line of thinking when i was about nine i was in the car with my mom i was fiddling with the cigarette lighter the one you push into the console that heated up i pulled it out and was about to touch it when she firmly told me to put it back and not touch it again we were on our way back from the grocery store and had to get gas she pulls over tells me to wait in the car whilst she gets gas my nine-year-old self decides to outsmart her i took one of the plastic bags from the store and wrapped it around my finger and decided if i had that in place it technically wasn't me touching it it was the plastic it played out as you'd expect i ended up melting a plastic bag onto my finger and the situation involved me screaming my head off i melted a band-aid to my arm once because i was curious to see if i could feel fire through the band-aid form a restaurant server on and off throughout undergrad and all of grad school on busy busy nights when i was super weeded so busy you can't even think straight every table needs something at once and the kitchen is yelling for you and the bar made you the wrong drink and you just got seated again i would have to fight the urge to just leave restaurant owner me too there were times i wanted to walk and never look back toilet at school blocked up i know school toilets are an absolute mess but hear me out i knew i couldn't leave the toilet in that state because i'm not the type of person to just leave problems for the next person in line also i couldn't just leave it there either in case someone was waiting to use the toilet and they were smart enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together anyway i got a bit stressed out so i decided to check underneath the cubicle next to me to see if anyone was in there from what i could see no one was there but i wasn't 100 sure and luckily the toilet seat was up once i looked over the edge very risky but luckily no one was there my plan was to move the blockage from one toilet to the other yes this was a freaking awful idea you're probably wondering how i fish the blockage out well let's just say old pencil cases are good for this anyway i picked up the blockage and dumped it in the toilet next to me in other words i successfully unblocked a school toilet in the dumbest way possible for the rest of the day i was disgusted but at the same time i knew deep down that i went when no one else would ever dare to go this is also the story of why i refuse to use public toilets i mean at least you unblocked it in my school we had a toilet that everyone would shut in and you weren't allowed to flush so it would pile up i never crap in school anyway so i stayed far away from it i was sitting in my living room as a kid i was making a lego set and the heat got me very stressed my brother came in and i showed it at him for disturbing me i figured a push would stop him from annoying me and i pushed him into the fireplace he got a second-degree burn and i told him i'd give him my halloween candy if he didn't tell our parents he's kept that secret for 14 years candy is really overpowered the first day that i started roofing the machine that kept the tar hot caught on fire i grabbed on water hose and began to spray anyone who knows anything about simple grease fires knows what happened next and this was not a simple grease fire that was my last day roofing shaving all my hair off i was a depressed teen girl with home problems turned out all right and i kept it shaved for six months ai ball teen girl club once i was on the descent into the mountains i don't know why but i decided to run i was six years old as you can imagine i could not stop i just could not feel my legs out of despair i decided to fall at great speed into the bushes i had a full-on panic attack thought it would be smart to lock myself in the half bathroom i ended up on the toilet for three hours until my wife came home from work still in full-blown manic mode she tried to unlock the door the handle came apart i'm losing it and i can't get off the toilets to help bc my legs are asleep from sitting on it for the last three hours we look back and look at our security footage and it looks like keystone cops watching her trying to help me and we both get a good chuckle from it now dad was in the hospital and my uncle was driving me home uncle made a joke about selling me i opened the door while he was going 80 kmh saying i would jump out as a joke i've done something similar except i was like 5 and i thought that opening the car door would make the car fly not sure how i came to that conclusion i was driving through town and saw my boyfriend walking up the road holding hands with a woman i stopped the car and gave chase i forgot i was wearing a chicken suit complete with feet and beak i was alone in the woods miles from civilization suffering from exhaustion and hypothermia and i started to eat handfuls of snow because i thought maybe it had calories that would energize me warm me up hypothermia does weird things to your mind one time i jumped over a balcony to one story below to escape a conversation i blame that alcohol afterward as an excuse because it was an alcohol party even though i didn't drink it hurt like heck but i didn't even break a bone so i guess i got off easy man the other person must not have been very perceptive imagine jabbering on then suddenly your conversation partner flings himself out a window i'd love to see his her face pregnant wife started an argument before we both drove to work got pretty heated she got pee and drove off first so i thought so when i drove backwards she was still there sitting in her car and i backed right into her put a dent into her car but instead of looking after my wife and if she was well i instead checked the car for damages and decided to call insurance while she was still sitting in the driver's seat pretty dang stupid of me and when i'm thinking back i don't have the slightest idea what was going on in my mind in that situation not proud of it at all i don't know if it counts as idea but i start losing common simple words when under too much stress it's usually my signal to do something about it before i end up in the looney bin last year during the pandemic my classes were online a teacher called me on the phone and told me that my grades are very different from one another and that she will call me on zoom the next day and question me so she can decide what my final grade for the year is going to be i didn't know a thing on her subject i wasn't paying attention in her classes but i thought i could pass by because we were online after her call i spent all day reading how to hack a computer instead of actually maybe just studying my plan was to hack her computer and disconnect her wi-fi or something i don't even know i was so panicked i didn't realize how dumb that actually is and in the heat of the moment i thought that's the rational thing to do i was being followed by some random creep who no matter where i turned kept following me after i got off school so you wanna know what my brain told me to do i started doing the jojo torture dance and played the music to the mass i can't make this crap up my reasoning was just if i'm going to die to some random creep imma die doing something i love i was having an extremely stressful week at work while taking medication for some chronic back related pain issues meaning i was also in pain a good friend of mine knew i was having a bad time and that friday she suggested we meet up with friends at a club in town that we commonly go to feeling so intensely stressed out and truly just wanting to forget my troubles for a few hours i agreed that was the stupid decision you know what's commonly prescribed for pain benzes opiates you know what you should never ever do while having opiates in your system drink alcohol and especially for the love of god not in public i have a permanent highly visible scar on my leg now from the resulting events i count it as a win but some friends and i were drinking outside it's a private place surrounded by land with farm animals and cottages one night we notice a car approaching and that's very unusual so we were alert we saw how a guy got out of the car and burned a stable we didn't know what to do the guy left and the best idea we had was to pee the fire out it worked but the police came and it was hard to explain it wasn't us who set the fire the owner of the stable is a bar owner and in gratitude for saving his animals he gave us a bottle of rum when one of my kids threw a beginning of stomach bug at a family christmas party i panicked and piled us all in the car for a two-hour drive home i will say that i learned that many many items can be used to catch puke all the time that one of my kids split her chin open on the playground and my body just decided to shut down and pass out at the sight of the open wound mother of the year right here i was having a nice peaceful summer evening in my apartment where i lived alone with my cat it's worth mentioning that i'm a woman and at the time was about 23 or 24 the weather was nice so i had the balcony door open to let in the breeze all of a sudden i heard a man outside screaming bloody murder and yelling help me for the love of god somebody help immediately i bolt up run out the door and get halfway down the stairs outside before it hits me i don't have my phone i'm not wearing shoes i don't even know where exactly this guy is and i don't know what he needs help with or if he really needs help at all maybe he's being attacked by someone else in which case i would be putting myself in danger by getting involved with no way to defend myself or maybe he was calling for help in order to lure someone to his location where he would rob or murder them it's not likely but it can't be ruled out i felt horrible leaving someone who might need my help so i told myself i would just go inside and get my phone and shoes then i could approach the situation more rationally by the time i got back inside my apartment all of the above scenarios were playing out in my head so i locked my door and called 9-1-1 instead the dispatcher said multiple other people had already called on the incident so i didn't need to stay on the line i never found out what happened or why that guy was screaming but it was nice to know that my neighbors would have called 9-1-1 for me if i needed help and screamed about it loud enough i do feel like i did the safest and most responsible thing for both myself and that man but it's a little embarrassing to know that my first reaction was something a girl in a horror movie would do right before she's killed so i was giving a presentation in my eighth grade class and i had a boner right so i started giving the presentation and these girls started giggling and pointing at my dong from the back of class so i straight up pulled down my pants and said well just tell everyone in the whole world then i have a boner alright deal with it thinking it would sound really cool but instead i was suspended for harassment of the girls in my class for a week omg i love this story that was ballsy cops caught me and my roommate smoking weed in the car pulled up to us and asked have you got anything to smoke and i was three brain impulses away from saying not anymore i started hearing a strange noise in my car so i had the idea to the engine off to see if it was making the noise while i was driving i had my first panic attack and genuinely thought i was having a heart attack being overly anxious about other people's opinions of me i took time to shower and pack some essentials in case they need to admit me to hospital only then i called an ambulance last night my brother and i got into a wreck but truth was i was going about 30 miles per hour around a mildly sharp turn and we had embers on the road from where it snowed a lot and they were left over so i lost traction on a turn i could usually have control on and we spun out and went off a four featuring drop and both of us were okay and my car was fine bent tyrod from pulling it out no metal parts on the front end of my car it's a phero and while we were spinning out i said and feared crap and when we stopped my brother said at least your seat belts work hard cause that was a big concern for us cause they were floppy but let me say those be held us down to the seat no issue lol related to this my friend and i spent all afternoon fixing the speedometer on his car and we knew his horn was broken we went to go get some food afterwards the guy in front of us in the restaurant parking lot started reversing for some reason my friend tried to hit his horn a few times and when it obviously didn't work i shouted beep i was sitting in the other room while my girlfriend was making dinner in a cast iron pan well apparently something in the pan fled and caught fire and she yelled for me from the other room so i ran as fast as i could to the kitchen and then stood there like chris pratt trying to fend off the velociraptors for jurassic world she asked me what we should do i said throw it in the microwave and the fire will get starved of oxygen she thought that idea was dumb and wanted to run it out the back door over the wooden deck and i told her that was also dumb as we argued about what to do the fire burned itself out the correct answer is to put a lid over the pan to starve the fire out faster and don't move it at all as moving it could make the fire spread don't just stand there like you're trying to supervise dinosaurs while offering to sacrifice a microwave if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 13,229
Rating: 4.9720931 out of 5
Keywords: dumbest ideas ever, dumbest ideas, dumbest ideas that actually worked, dumbest ideas in history, dumb, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: ikSE_Tl0zy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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