Truck Drivers, What Are Your Creepy Stories?

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truck drivers what's a creepy story you've got from the middle of nowhere i used to work as a road train driver in the gascoyne region of outback western australia a lot of black dog phenomenal night shift i would see all kinds of things appear in the shadows because of fatigue or three goats would change into some sort of beast one time i swear i nearly ran over a corgi which would be astronomical odds there is one in the wild in this part of the outback one night i pulled up to sleep let the engine run cold for 10 minutes then tried to sleep i woke up to noises not voices but some sort of order to the noises in the whole cab of the truck was shaking i looked in the mirror and saw shadows around the vehicle i turned the truck on and every single light attached to the thing and hastily continued my run to the port this is a big cab would have taken a lot to move it i rationalize it as it being windy some goats around the truck and fatigue either way scared the frick out of me and i never slept on night shift again i've been working and reading this thread for four hours now i was hoping to see a story from a trucker in the outback of australia those rigs are monstrous compared to anything here in the us not a truck driver but once i was driving through the canadian rockies late at night and had just passed through a small town so i'm driving through the pitch black and i need to stop to pee and have a smoke but because it's so dark i miss the last rest stop for the next while no problem the highway is completely deserted so i pull to the side of the road have my pee while staring out into the dark and then light up a cigarette and stand by my car as i'm standing there i see the figure of a man just walking out of the tree line i'm miles from civilization patchy cell service and there isn't a soul on the road i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and maybe it was a deer but nope this was a man so i calmly walk back to the driver's door and get in locking the doors behind me i'm keeping my eye on this guy as i nervously smoke and have my car in drive ready to peel out but for some reason i just stayed put the guy walks right up to my passenger door and knocks on the window i crack the window and i ask what's up he replies to me in a very very serious tone i need you to call the cops i cautiously ask why and he tells me he had gone out into the woods to kill himself but he couldn't go through with it because he had thought of his daughters right before he was about to do it i call the cops while the guy quietly cries outside he had a kitchen knife that he was gonna use on himself so i stayed in the car and advised him to maybe leave the knife on the ground before the cops arrived the cops came and got him but before they left with him i gave him a solid heart to heart and wished him well i still think about him i hope he was able to turn things around what are the odds of you stopping to pee at the exact same time and place this guy was wandering out of the woods needing help this is almost supernatural in a positive way well it was creepy at first i pull into a purdue plant drop my empty trailer a go park where they allow bob tails to sit right next to a nice little pond my pickup was in 12 hours so i do my pti and lay down in the bunk at about 3 am i hear something tapping on my passenger side door i get up look out the window expecting to see someone maybe a driver asking for a lumper check but no one's there i'd maybe i'm hearing things so i go back to lay down as soon as my head hits the pillow i hear the tapping again except this time it's on my driver's side same thing as before i jump up and look out my window but nothing's there double lock my doors just in case and open my side hatches so i can hear what's going on outside after about 15 minutes i hear a very light splat splat splat going along the driver's side of the truck i slowly get up planning to look out my window at the exact moment whoever it is knocks on my door and then i hear a thud coming from the roof of the cab i stop grab my tyre thumper off its hook and ready myself for whatever the heck is going on then a mother freaking goose falls off the top of the truck and lands on my hood it stands up waddles back and forth and looks at me as we make eye contact the tapping at my door starts again i say frick it and throw open the driver's side door and there's another dang goose waddling away with all the speed it can manage honking like a five-year-old who just found the horn on his new bike the pond i parked next to had a ton of them just [ __ ] around needless to say it was hard to sleep that night because every couple minutes the dang geese would peck at my door or land on the cab and waddle around geez are territorial so they were probed just angry at you [Music] used to do deliveries not actually a truck driver though i used to have this regular that was out in the boondix 25 m plus out of the way of civilization and smack dab in the middle of two large towns i would drive this route maybe once a month and would always pass at least one car driving towards me due to the sheer length of the drive there was a small group of old houses on this route that were really broken down and i had never seen anyone around them in six plus months of driving the route always assumed they were vacant because they didn't look livable well i was driving out to this customer one fall afternoon had been driving for a very long time without seeing a single car drive towards me finally drive past the abandoned houses and there's one old lady in her front yard pushing an old manual grass cutter but she stops in her tracks as i drive towards her i took it as a sign i was speeding or something and slow down i take a quick glance in my rear view mirror after passing by and she was staring straight at me she dropped the grass cutter and turned 180 to do this it was just very odd and definitely set off my spidey sense never saw her again or anyone else on that route by those houses in the 10 months i drove it i like to imagine she loved mowing lawns but that wasn't actually her house she would just always feel a niche every once in a while tomorrow you know not the middle of nowhere but a trash route in a pretty rural area we were at a stop loading trash when a pickup stop behind us a petite woman and scrubs that were covered in blood got out and asked directions to lake jack nolan she said there was a deer that had been hit by a truck and she had been sent to remove the remains she never said who sent her but she wasn't moving a deer anywhere at her size we gave her directions and sent her on her way we all said we wondered if she was going to dump a body or something she was already covered in blood in a nice truck and was supposed to be on her way to move roadkill that was far too heavy for her to handle then we went back to work people that care for large carnivores become adept at tossing roadkill into their car or truck some even equip their truck bed with a winch the blood isn't surprising either trucker here i think the best creepy thing that ever happened to me was i was heading from tucson azed up into salt lake city ut well this was a few years ago and the main highway had been taken out in a flash flood was under construction so i had to take a weird detour through the mountains in lower utah well it was getting late and i was getting tired so i pulled off onto the shoulder and went to sleep in my bunk now this was in the middle of nowhere closest town was like 40 miles away so it is completely pitch black outside once i turn the lights off anyway around 4 am i wake up because i'm hearing something messing with my truck like playing with the air and power cables between my cab and the trailer which is literally six inches from where my head is at but on the outside of the cab then i feel something climb onto the landing that's on the back of my truck and it shakes my whole truck so i'm guessing something around two to three hundred pounds was climbing around back there i'm thinking like a mountain lion or a bear at this point i'm wide the f awake and i want to get this thing away from me so i slam my hand into my cab wall trying to scare whatever is out there slam hard enough to really make it loud i then hear someone a male scream bloody murder and i hear them fall off the back of my truck i then hear about 15 other people all around my truck yelling i climb up front turn on my lights and illuminate to squad of army reserves doing their midnight rock march and capture drills turns out these guys were supposed to go find an abandoned truck and secure it for their midnight drills that truck was three miles back down the road they were not expecting me to be sleeping there and thought i was part of the drill i'm ex-military so after explaining i was not part of their test and legit was just there out of coincidence we laughed it off they had to radio to their co and tell him i was there and not have the other squads bother me that's hilarious but also scary lol parked off an exit ramp at about 3 a.m for my 10 hours the moon was full and high and i spotted an unmistakably human figure in a nearby cut cornfield a little spooky but i just wrote it off as an old timer putting up a scarecrow for the grandkids started watching a few youtube videos before turning in and out the corner of my vision either i saw movement i shut my lights off to get a good look saw the figure but nothing else i couldn't be sure but it looked like maybe it was in a different spot maybe a little closer even i was definitely feeling a bit spooked highway was devoid of anyone besides a car passing every 10 minutes or so i didn't want to but i had to jump out to pee i considered a bottle but i told myself i was being childish i took a look at the figure and it was right where i figured it should be i hop out walk between my truck and trailer and start leaking every fiber of my being wanted to look i told myself again i was being foolish but i couldn't help it i looked out the field was empty the figure wasn't there my stomach dropped i pinched off and jumped back in i took off down the highway didn't give one crap about a violation stopped 40 minutes up the road at a well lit and very full loves haven't stopped on a ramp since i posted this somewhere else recently but it fits better here i used to deliver hotshot freight across the great plains minnesota area one night around 2 am i was hauling across north dakota trying to reach montana by morning i was delivering a particularly valuable tractor part that a farm desperately needed for the following day i began to notice some highway hypnosis sneaking up on me but it didn't really bother me because i'd been through it hundreds of times before anyone who has driven across north dakota knows that it is incredibly flat like really flat there also tends to be very straight and long roads it's somewhat easy to see things on the road that are far away even at night i noticed something long on the road spanning my entire lane approximately half a mile in front of me i slowed down a little and prepared to move into the opposite lane thinking it was some great tread off a blown tire as i got closer i noticed it was two people laying head to toe across the entire lane i swerved into the other lane successfully avoiding them and came to an almost complete stop but they didn't move not an inch i was just about to back up and check on them when i remembered a story that an old greybeard colleague of mine told me he told me that inserting remote areas people will lie down in the middle of the road and wait for a car or truck to stop and see what's going on at that point the road layers along with whoever else is hiding in the nearby bushes will beat the crap out of the driver and steal his vehicle leaving him in the middle of nowhere i decided not to back up and when the two people in the road saw me put my truck back in gear and drive away they both got up and walked toward the shoulder i called the police and explained what happened but we were so far away from civilization that i doubt anything came of it thanks to that old grey beard i got to keep my truck my job and my teeth definitely the right move another response on this thread spoke of the same thing happening only difference i think was that you didn't run them over lol covered was raging and there was a truck stop the only one around for a long while i stopped there and parked needing to pee badly but the actual truck stop was closed with no available restrooms and i had no empty bottles or anything to pee in so i was desperate and tried to find a secluded spot and the best place i could find was in some bushes as a man my options are much more plentiful unfortunately the spot would be visible to one trucker that was parked nearby and i saw that he was awake in his cab in the daylight so i thought it would be polite to approach him and say i'm sorry man their restrooms are closed and i'm gonna go pee in those bushes right there i wanted to let you know so i don't weird you out he was an older guy and responded no man you can just go between my tractor and trailer and be there on the ground no one can see you there i chuckled and said thanks sir but if i'm gonna do that i'll just do it between my own tractor and trailer and i started walking back to my truck he called out no no do it between my tractor and trailer something was really disturbing though admittedly funny about a guy insisting i pee between his truck and trailer i was once sitting in my truck in broad daylight at a closed rest stop when some weirdo decided to come up and announce to me he was going to pee in a bush where i could see instead of just going between his tractor and trailer like a normal person not sure if this story is creepy but it's definitely scary my father was a truck driver in east africa in the 80s and early 90s during the years leading up to the ruined and genocide my father was passing through rwanda he reached a checkpoint and was forcibly removed from his truck at gunpoint apparently he looked like he belonged to the tutsi tribe and they put him in a cage with other tootsie prisoners he tried communicating that he isn't rwandan but no one spoke the same language as him every night they would take about five people from the cage and slaughter them in front of him after the third night he saw a man that spoke a little bit of swahili which my dad spoke and told him that he's not rwandan and showed him his id somehow that guy got him out and he was handed the keys to his truck and was on his way jesus i'm so glad your dad survived but my heart breaks for the others i bet he had some major trauma from seeing people killed in front of him i used to drive truck in northern manitoba there's a road in the northeast you can drive for several hours and see very few vehicles this road is quite flat and straight and stretches of course this is deep in the bush one day i saw something cross the road in the distance very large easily past the hood on my track but not long like a moose or elk just tall it disappeared into the bush and as i drove by the spot the hair on the back of my neck stood up i heard days later a tow truck driver describing on the radio his encounter with a similar creature only he was much more clear he had spotted bigfoot this guy went to some length to explain he didn't want people thinking he was crazy but he was sure what he saw i asked an aboriginal client of mine in a nearby community and he said the elders spoke of them as commonly the same way they spoke of the other animals i don't know what i saw that day but i'm certain it wasn't a bear moose deer or elk i just don't know what the heck it was driving through an abandoned section of baltimore at three in the morning my cb radio turned itself on and crackled for a bit out of nowhere some voice over the radio said in a deep southern drawl i ain't got no panties on i could see up and down the interstate for miles and saw not one set of headlights that was fred he just wanted you to know he didn't have no panties on honestly though i have no idea why or when that started but i've heard it for over 26 years leave the cb on and you will hear it at least once a day always a southern drawl and always said in a harsh whisper driving through rural nm bisti area with the crazy melted rock look no plants or anything just rock and sand monsoon time raining cats and dogs just pouring so hard you could barely see going 20 miles per hour thunder and lightning just rocking the car sometimes turning into hail and pounding you just a nasty storm came around a corner and the whole countryside legit on fire like 20 feet tall flames hundreds of yards in all directions while pouring rain at dusk just rocks and dirt wildly on fire in the pouring rain just slowly drove on was totally freaky and surreal honestly thought i may have hallucinated it check the news a propane truck slid off the road going way too fast and apparently busted open pretty violently and lit on fire never saw the truck must have been behind something felt a bit bad after about not stopping don't feel bad i would not stop for flames in a rainstorm especially in skinwalker country besides there really isn't much you could have done i bet a good buddy of mine is a long-haul trucker for my company a few months ago he woke up in a parking lot surrounded by police some dude had gotten shot and dumped 15 feet from his truck my friend drove for a few years a while back he told me he was driving a rig very late at night in utah driving on a lesser youth two-lane highway he said he remembers feeling very alert that night so he noticed what appeared to be a figure manifesting up ahead on the dark road told me it wasn't on the road but just next to it he then comes to a stop and grabs his heavy duty flashlight and points it at the figure he then describes it apparently this humanoid creature had a dead coyote it was eating and the truck had gotten its attention and pee it off so it sort of stands up so he can get a full view of the thing it was guant with very big eyes and of course a coyote blood all over its face its height was about six feet two it had skinny limbs no clothing he then describes how it started to shuffle slowly towards the truck not only does he not have a weapon at that time the only usable weapon being his flashlight is actively helping him view this creature he decides to book it and leave had no problem passing it turned around to see it standing in the middle of the road on two legs as he drove away when he reaches the nearest rest stop he sees two other truckers talking apparently my friend wasn't the only one to see the thing both the two guys looked as horrified as he was as for my opinion on my friend's encounter i have to say my friend isn't one to lie so his story had me intrigued i told him maybe what he saw was some mentally ill person out there but he brushed the idea of saying he knew what he saw wasn't human i'm not the supersticus type but his story really did creep me out my dad drove a truck between edinburgh and london and tells this story often he was driving down the motorway and looked to his right saw a woman with a mistrunchable bun as he describes it staring at him with a terrified expression from a car next to him before he really knows how to react the car pulls off at the next exit and my dad although shaken carries on about half an hour later a different car with a different driver pulls alongside my dad with the same woman in the passenger seat with the same expression on her face my dad thinks frick this and plans to pull into the next services to report as even if it's nothing misunderstanding better to be safe than sorry right anyway the car disappears before he can get any details played ctc and he thinks there is no point calling the police with no details so he carries on driving literally about four hours later almost in london yet another car pulls alongside him with the same woman same mistrunchable hair same terrified expression except this time she appears to be screaming at my dad through the window so my dad pulls over into a lay-by and calls the police apparently they have received three other calls about the same woman car in the same area in the last few minutes it is unfortunately anticlimactic as he never heard anything more about it but he didn't see her again and although he kept an eye on the news didn't see anything about it hopefully it's just a giant coincidence who knows not a truck driver but i have one weird story from when i was a kid my parents always took us on long road trips every summer and my dad liked to take meandering routes through rural towns to see all the tourist traps one trip we passed through a little town in illinois the kind you miss a few sneeze this one had mannequins every house and business was only populated by mannequins i don't remember seeing any people everything looked maintained and clean so someone was at least caring for the place there weren't any signs or anything indicating it was for tourists just a convenience store bait shop with a sign reading eat here get worms not exactly creepy but definitely terrifying my father was a truck driver and he was driving through a smaller town in northern california hoarding tomatoes suddenly he got incredibly tired wasn't low on sleep or deprived at all but ended up passing out of the wheel last thing he saw was the light of the town in front of him he woke up about two hours later on the other side of town perfectly parked on the side of the road he swears something was looking out for him that night driving through a national park in the middle of the night going through a slow stretch at about 30 kilometers per hour every so often i think i see something out the window and beside me just a glimpse of movement when i rock though i don't catch it finally on about the third time i whip my head around and this time i recognize it's a huge black wolf following alongside my truck just off the highway i only saw it for a few seconds before i had to focus back on the road but it was absolutely lovely yet unsettling driving home through what could be considered the outskirts of town a young woman ran through the street waving at me and yelling something she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties there's a lot of homeless people in that area and a lot of them in my town so i just kept going it's fairly common for women to flag a car down and distract them while a bunch of guys scramble out of the bushes to frick you up and take your car about a mile down the road i realized she didn't really look homeless i felt guilty for not stopping and the ethical thing to do was risk the carjacking for the possibility the woman was in danger crappy people shouldn't turn everyone else into crappy people with fair the woman was gone i only passed one car when i flipped around a blue 99's toyota there are no stores or houses just sand dirt rocks brush later that night it occurred to me that she may have been running from the man in the blue toyota i hope she was a carjacker please consider calling the police or emergency line when you see something like this you don't put yourself in danger but also get help for the person in case they are in genuine distress or the police will find the hijackers not a truck driver but a few years ago i was driving back from georgia to arkansas the trip usually means i cross into the northern part of alabama where i normally take a wee nap at this one rest area i take my nap go pee and get a red bull from the vending machine i get back in my car at 1 32 am and start driving the highway is completely deserted except for me found it weird but shrugged it off next thing i know it's nearing 6 am and the sun's coming up my gas tank was near empty at the rest stop i had three stroke for a tank my odometer shows i've driven like 250 miles but my gps showed i was only about 10 miles from the rest area i have no recollection of the time lost just poof gone that's one heck of a red bull years ago i read an answer on a thread with this question about a guy who was riding with his truck driver father as a child they were in the middle of nowhere and they were coming up on a person laying in the road with no one else around no cars etc his dad blew the horn they didn't move he blew it again as he got closer they didn't move he told his son to put his head down and cover his eyes and he ran the person over when they looked back a bunch of people who were previously hiding were running out of the woods and the gist was that his dad knew it was a setup for a robbery or worse and wasn't chancing it with his child in the car no clue if it was true or not but i think about that story all the time my uncle was driving between great falls and helena at around 3am he had his high beams on as it was a lonely drive and quiet highway in the distance he saw something across the median and started to slow his approach thinking it was a deer as he got closer he realized it was standing up and so he slowed down to about 30 miles per hour he realized what it was and started to panic a man in blue coveralls with a pig's head not a mask but literally the head of a pig on his shoulder my uncle moved to the left lane and as he passed pig head lunged at the truck my uncle didn't stop to check if he'd grabbed until he was in the safety of helena nothing was out of the ordinary there but on that stretch of road now he doesn't slow down for anything if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 20,578
Rating: 4.9165425 out of 5
Keywords: trucker creepypasta, creepy trucker, creepy trucker stories reddit, creepy trucker stories, creepy, scary, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: iPS_wtCyv_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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