When Have You Seen A Nice Person Finally Snap?

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people who've seen nice people finally snap what happened I had just started high school and there was a new kid I was from a1 primary one high school town so all the kids already knew each other he was a giant Aboriginal kid who was quiet with no friends so my friend and I befriended him we always chatted to him and he was so lovely always softly spoken and generally just so nice like holding doors opened for us and bashfully smiling when we would go out of our way to be friendly to him anyway he started getting picked on by the bad boy of our grade relentlessly one day he snapped and beat him up with a garbage can and was expelled and I never saw him again bully bullies kid school bullied kid fights back school you weren't supposed to do that I mentioned this in another thread Samoan friend happiest most friendly guy who ever want to meet some guy said something about his sister and of course it made him mad my friend went after him and caught him punched about three times and we realized he was going kill him it took three of us normal sized guys to hold his arm back from hitting the guy one more time we told the other to run like run freaking now he did our friend was mad at us for a while for stopping him then he went home the next day it was as if nothing happened he just went back to being a super nice guy PS I forgot a couple days later our friends Big Brothers Big Brothers were looking for that same guy that got the crap beat out of him I don't think they found him but never didn't see him again this woman Mary I worked with was always pleasant and cheerful said hello and the lunchroom and was generally liked she worked in finance in special projects she said she wanted to retire in a few years and she had been working there for 15 years her boss started pressuring her to complete our annual budget report faster but this thing is huge and comprehensive and a figurative beast Mary told the boss it would be ready in a couple of weeks for the usual schedule the boss said that it needed to be completed within one week to give to the higher-ups Mary said it wasn't possible boss emailed Mary and Cici a bunch of coworkers and the assistant man calling Mary out for a poor work ethic and for making the department look bad Mary said it wasn't possible and didn't appreciate being bullied she put in her notice to retire by the end of the week leaving her boss high and dry she was the only one who could do the budget report in a timely manner so the department was double freaked well good for her back in fifth grade I was super lucky to have the elementary schools favorite teacher every single student loved her my class was always super loud and annoying we were working on some assignment before pay and everyone was passing her off she was only allowing students to go out if they finished the assignment my slow boat was unfortunately one of the last kids in the room this one student who was a god-awful and annoying [ __ ] back kid was being way over the top my teacher got up put her hands over her ears and just started screaming shut the Frick up just shut up shut up shut up and she just stomped out of the room still screaming with her hands covering her ears all of us just sat there in horror couple of kids just left to go to pay and I sat there just trying to finish the assignment our principal came into the room a few minutes later just telling the rest of us to go out to pay but she made the [ __ ] bag kids stay in the room with her he was moved into the other 5th grade teachers room after this she was completely normal and fine after coming back and there was nothing else that went wrong for the rest of year just worked her butt off and made all of this love her by her caring soul and all of that fun stuff but that moment completely traumatized me a long time ago I used to do call center tech support for fairly complex issues are really nice quiet guy went through the same training class he talked if you talk to him but never went out of his way to chat right after training the call center changes a ton of stuff we start getting squeezed on the amount of time we can do documentation how much research time we have just metrics in general it was utter Bulls because of a favorites got to go on smoke breaks as often as they wanted with the managers we'd essentially be punished for that because we had to keep the average numbers in a search area he did all the right things talk to his manager talk to their manager then to HR it kept getting worse plus enforced overtime then he got a super long call he was on it at least two hours about a complex issue and the customer was just straight up abusing him but he had to take it because the managers wouldn't give permission for him to hang up and they were basically screaming at him to resolve this issue and get to his next call but we couldn't end calls the custom I had to one day he just stood up stepped onto his chair then onto his desk through his headset on the desk and sort of growled something like Frick this quietly he looked around staring people in the face especially the people who took those long breaks and the managers then he walked out and no one ever saw him again everyone was super quiet and afraid to move or say much of anything my best friend had lost his mom to murder a few months prior when we were in the 10th grade somehow he had pulled himself together just enough to start going back to school I don't know how he handled it with being an only child and growing up without a father his mom was all he had a kid that thought he was popular that got on everyone's nerves cracked wise to my friends face about his mom's death what he said isn't exactly sure my friend threw him on the ground and punched him in the face multiple times the end result was a broken nose a broken left orbital and my friend got kicked out of school we were very grateful he taught him a lesson but suddenly had to come at such a high cost I'm not sure whether they kick the correct one out honestly it's like curing symptoms but not the cause she was an assistant manager and was known for being soft spoken at a manager meeting one of the general managers who was known for being a total jackass so everyone was going off on how every store should be run well she snapped you have the highest turnover rate out of any store in the district you can't keep employees for more than six months before they just quit all saying you were the problem maybe you should take that advice you're giving us and use it on yourself what happened next to us she put in her two weeks not even three days later the manager who she yelled at was transferred to a different location out of that district the store he managed has since bounced back and has been doing very well could I fantasize about saying something like this to my boss every dang day I used to manage a pub in a small rural town population around 300 in Australia running the pub was mostly a business of maintaining the peace between the attina and soil and gas workers and the local cattle industry families who resented their presence the flashpoint for this conflict was frequently the jukebox in the bar the oil and gas guys were usually city folks on flying flyers rotations so their musical tastes somewhat differed to the locals anyway so there's a guy wheel called Brian who was the heir apparent to one of the larger cattle empires in the district but super cool guy everyone liked him would give you the shirt off his back sort of thing Brian had a daughter who just married and was pregnant with her first kid sometime during the pregnancy she'd noticed her dodgy looking blemish on her butt though she figured she'd wait till she had the kid to get it looked at months later she's had the kid goes to get a checked skin cancer metastasized everywhere weeks to live there's a huge funeral Brian is destroyed at the end of the church service there's a procession of vehicles out of the cemetery some Halliburton truck impatient to be caught behind it plows down the sidewalk the road and spoofs dust over the whole thing but from then on Brian would be down the pub every other night he'd get half smashed and then put that freaking if I die young song on the jukebox that was popular like 10 years back man was circling the drain but nobody really knew what to do about it anyway one night brands at the bar and the song is on the jukebox some guys in Halliburton patched I this start bitching about the song choice I tell them to just leave it be but one of them gets up and unplugs the jukebox Brian plugs it back in and puts the song on a game one of the Halliburton guys calls Brian a depressing old C Brian tells him to get flicked and well I don't remember who threw the first punch but between the fight starting in the couple of seconds it took me to break it up Brian did enough damage to put the guy in an ambulance for those wondering how this all turned out for Brian there was no trouble with the police because the town didn't even have a police officer at the time and the gas worker couldn't have his boss knowing he'd been brawling with the locals at the pub I haven't lived out that way for a couple years but last I heard Brian was still running the family cattle stations and de-facto raising his granddaughter because the son-in-law works fifo three on and one off an acquaintance of mine Daryl was always a quiet kid that bothered nobody given that he was six feet five inches in 250 pounds he played football and was generally respected and liked one day in Spanish class the class clown was making his usual rounds talking crap until he got to this one girl Nelly he never really made fun of people of the opposite gender so everyone around him was telling him to freak off but he kept going and finally got to the birthmark on her neck that was very large and dark red he told her that had dropped her a few numbers down at this point just about everyone and their grandma in the class was standing up about to rush him save for Daryl and a few others until Daryl got up Wahl Stover to the class clown picked him up by his hair and said and I quote if you don't shut the Frick right now I am going to put you through that frickin wall points to the nearest wall he dropped the clown and walked away a few seconds later with his band of merry men behind him the clown tries to jump Daryl in the middle of the class Daryl then proceeds to elbow him across the room run over pick him up by the shoulder and put his hand through the drywall right next to the clown's head security by this point was cooled and both Daryl and the clown were arrested with both only getting off with fines for damages every day the spackle patch where the hole used to be humbles me every day Daryl is a cool guy had a friend Jerry in year 12 that was 7 feet ish and Jerry was massive he had some sort of giants disorder that made him huge recently he had been getting a lot of crap about his mother dying one day Jerry just had enough he proceeds to pick up the bully who was at the time and fling him several feet like he was a bag of feathers then he goes up to him and picks up each leg and stomps on them like they were twigs that crunch sound was horrible next time anyone talks crap about my mom I will make you effing suffer I believe he served a few months in jail had some community service and had to repeat year 12 the bully ended up in the IQ for a day for his legs and hip he landed on it and needed to use a cane for a long time back in the sixth grade I was in a class with this kid will call Hudson now Hudson was the nicest comest kid in the entire school and almost never spoke a word but then came along someone who will call will will was from a nearby city and since we were all from a small little town he thought of himself as above everyone else this resulted in him being an overall piece of crap to everyone around him whether it be students EA's or even teachers one day will decided he wanted to try picking on Hudson who was sat quietly reading a book whit walked up to him spat in his face and took his book and proceeded to tear out pages from it now Hudson was a huge bookworm so seeing a book having its pages being torn out by will must have snapped something because he lets out this unholy shriek and launched his himself out of his chair and right on to him Hudson then proceeds to beat the absolute crap out of him and then just when you thought he was done he grabs a book and begins smacking him with it I'm talking meaty slaps hair these could be heard very clearly after almost a full minute of Hudson beating him with a book a teacher finally returns to the class only to see the quiet kid beating the ever-loving crap out of the prick with Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows if I remember correctly well managed to get off with only three days suspension and Hudson got at least a full week when will came back he had a broken nose and enough bruises to make him look like a human grape if you looked at him right needless to say will didn't mess with anyone after that I guess his love for Harry Potter was very serious one of my middle-school friends whom we'll call Bob was about 1/2 foot shorter than everyone else everyone was around five feet he was an interesting in a good way dude interested in learning played video games was great to hang out with but he looked scrawny didn't look like he could hurt anything if I'm being honest for some context to the story our gym teacher was in butthole gave nicknames some good some bad to everyone he was always sarcastic always berating everyone speaking down to this instead of encouraging them one day the gym teacher says something about Bob's mom which Bob's mom had fibromyalgia and some other conditions making her weak and unhealthy not by choice and something in Bob snapped Bob completely took down this six point five feet monster gym teacher gym teacher looked like he stood no chance at that time they were quickly pulled apart and Bob got expelled and had to move school while the gym teacher was fired for fighting a student and being an overall butthole older brother's wedding he's a very nice guy almost too nice he had a horrible girlfriend he had daughter though she told him that he wasn't good enough and that she would break up with him unless he bought her this super fancy ring and married her he did he wedding was very stressful and she was extra nasty after they cut the cake she got herself a huge slice and left him with no telling him he should go on a diet for context he was underweight he was working his way up to average he snapped throw a handful of cake at her pretty dress and hair then told her to expect divor papers to sign he proceeded to scream cry and rant about how horrible she was and how she made him suicidal he's better now they split up and live in different continents sorry for bad grammar and typos I'm on mobile also sorry for flaws in the story this was quite a while ago dang dude freak that woman when I was in high school my group of like six friends were sitting at a round table in the cafeteria for breakfast a table over some girls had been tossing small chunks of their food in our direction my one friend em wore her hair in an unusual spiked up style and I guess the girls at the table were trying land food in her hair while cackling to themselves Hugh my quiet sweet introverted friend kay getting so angry I swear steam was coming out of her ears one of the girls had thrown a decent sized piece of her egg patty at us and it landed on the floor near case foot kay proceeded to step on the egg patty pick it up off the ground walk over to the table of bullies and shove the egg directly into the mouth of the one WH Oh had thrown I T this was such an amazing moment in my high school memory I couldn't believe what I was seeing as kay was the last person I would have expected to do that of course she did get in trouble but she didn't regret it one bit Frick a guy I had worked with for about ten years never could get ahead at work wasn't bad but just didn't really excel he was always kind always ready to laugh and crack a joke never saw or heard him be mean but apparently him and his wife were having some trouble though I'd not heard him talk about it much but one day while his youngest was out a church with a family member he flipped out and shot his wife then himself another woman I worked with even prior to that it's at the same place was super sweet and always smiling she was mid divorce and drowned her 3yo daughter in a bathtub at her dad's the kids grandpa's because she didn't want to share her with her ex after the divorce she's still in prison as far as I know both are kind of ripped up where the Frick do you work dude a guy I knew freshman year was super chill we all call him James he was the guy that if your didn't like him or picked on him everyone just hated you so one day this absolute douche of a junior who thought he was through tough cause he was just older than him was just being a douche and picking on a group of freshmen for literally nothing so James did the appropriate thing and stepped and told the junior to knock it off now James wasn't very big dude maybe five feet six inches and 120 maybe give or take endure junior was about 5 minutes and 11 seconds and 190 a fairly large difference so this junior dude is like actin all tough and being a douche like usual and James just sucker punches this dude in the stomach and proceeds to rock this dudes crap the Julia goes to the hospital and had a broken arm three broken ribs and a pretty messed up face nobody really bothered to ask James why he was able to beat this dude up so bad but bottom line is we all became very scared of James holy crap James he wasn't the nicest kid around he really meant well but being severely autistic he didn't understand social cues or the toll what he said took a couple of popular guys thought this was hilarious and loved to pick on him endlessly this went on for years before one day he told them to Frick off there of course started mocking him more asking him what he was going to do about it and started pushing him around big mistake what followed was a scream so loud and ear-piercing the whole school heard it from the opposite end the guy getting picked on lunch led the bully in the middle and started wailing on him while his buddies watched shocked until blood started flying and they tried pulling him off mistake number two since the fury was now directed at them another higher pitched scream was let out and he started beating the two of them with the strength you could only find in a life-or-death situation it took three teachers to restrain him and two more to pull the bullies away who were fighting back tears and bloody noses trying to save face by shouting something about kicking the autistic kids but later the victim was given a three week suspension and sent home while the bullies were given the option to move schools and avoid punishment or stay and risk expulsion for gang violence only one moved away and the other two were never seen again at that school at least the bullies were taken care of for once usually that doesn't happen but dang that's intense in middle school my six foot two gentle giant friend who is literally the nicest guy I've ever meet got teased about his mom by some short popular kid my friend no hesitation picked him up by his shirt and slammed him against the locker at eye level and said never talk about my mom like that one of my favorite memories of him one of my friends a nice kid was getting crap talked buy some bottles and when one of them made a comment about his mom he literally dragged him by his shirt into the bathroom and broke his nose and left him covered in bruises nice Asian family across the street and suburban OKC woke up to helicopters and SWAT one morning the father had killed whole family and then himself so this story is from the time I was in high school two years ago to be exact our group had this guy will call him in he was pretty popular and everyone liked him he was the perfect blend of jock and nerd you want to break up a fight you call n you want someone to play the piano for your musical you call n you want help with mathematics or physics you call n you want a midfielder for the football soccer team y ou you call n you want to talk to someone you call n so we were in the mess when a guy let's call him a started teasing our friend P because how fat and ugly she was and his friends were laughing passing comments all around and told P to ignore the BS then and his friend started throwing paper bits and food at us and told a to quit it I didn't listen and told P that her father left because he could stand how ugly she was this was pretty much the last straw n got up grabbed and threw him against the wall like a bag as friends got up and then punched both of them in the face and one of them ended up with a bloody nose and went back a and laid it to him at least 10 to the face it was at this time that me and my friends could separate them I ended up with a one-week suspension and two broken teeth and also got a one-week suspension but his mother told us she is proud of him when she invited all of us for dinner she even told P that she will be going to the school with P's mom to talk to the principal about this matter all in all then and his family are the most wholesome people I've ever met n dot up grabbed and threw him against the wall like a bag as friends got up and then punched both of them in the face and one of them ended up with a bloody nose and went back a and laid it to him at least ten to the face just imagine the sheer amount of fear I felt when he saw his only hope of rescue get btfo right before n turned his attention back to him a lady where I used to work was subjected to constant gender-based harassment by a much older co-worker in the company failed to do anything about it he was showing up at her house eventually forcing her to move house after she moved into the new house he bought the house next door she arrived to work with a baseball bat and stopped at reception to ask if tom was in when they asked why she calmly told them she was there to kill him she walked upstairs to his office reception called ahead and had him take the fire escape and she instead demolished his office until the police arrived she was not charged the company and police knew she had announced her intentions to reception as a cry for help so she didn't actually find him because it was clear that if she had found him she would have killed him she took some sick leave and eventually returned to work and the company put her on a project with this guy as a manager because Frick protecting victimized women right TLDR nice guy put up with bully making fun of him but snapped when jerk said something about his girlfriend a friend was nicknamed rat because he was skinny with a big nose super nice guy who had a lot of friends but never a girlfriend senior year of high school he has a girlfriend who also rode the same bus as us the guy who though he was so cool starts asking her how she could date rat because he was so ugly he had bullied Ratzinger's who always seemed to ignore it then the bully asked the girlfriend if she felt fast standing next to rat he could have said anything about rat with no issue but once he started making fun of his girlfriend it was over-the-line they start pushing and shoving on the bus the bully challenges him to a fight they all get off at the next stop I still remember everyone plastered against the back windows of the bus to watch what was going on bully had his fists up and dancing around like he was a boxer rat threw one punch and down went the jerk broke his nose and cheekbone pushed part of his nose into his brain he needed surgery and had to wear a cage around his face when he returned to school the whole time the jerk kept calling rats girlfriend names knowing as long as he had the cage on his face nothing would be done after months of rehab and training he decided to challenge rat to another fight they get off the bus together again and again he puts up his fists and dances around a game rat hit him right in the nose and Down Goes Frazier everyone yelled and the bus driver pulled over to radio for help we thought he killed him just broke his nose again I'm sure the jerk thought the first time was a lucky punch in no way a skinny kid will get him twice jerky kid now has a flat and boxers nose I lost track of rat a few years after college he was still skinny and going by rat still a nice guy life seemed good for him this was in the 70s today the police would have been called and lawsuits filed I take my cat to a vet who also has 100 cats living at the clinic some of them are just unsociable some are blind will have other horrible handicaps and the clinic is basically hospice care for still others long story short the doctor and her staff and volunteers are all Saints unfortunately word has gotten out and some people now think of the clinic as the place where you can dump unwanted casts which they really can't it's already at capacity anyhow I'm waiting the one day for a routine check-up in this Kardashian lookin woman covered with jewelry and expensive clothes walks in with a perfectly healthy looking cat she tells the woman behind the counter I'm leaving town I can't take the cat so I'm donating it to you guys the employee explains that no that's not a sweater in your hands and this isn't Goodwill it doesn't work that way oblivious to her surroundings there are maybe a dozen people there between patient parents and staff the visiting woman isn't even making an effort to talk discretely after being refused she says fine if you don't take the cat I'm just going to dump it on the street she has a brief stare down with the woman behind the counter maybe assuming that she can guilt the clinic into taking her cat then walks away another customer a big beefy guy who's been watching this intercepts a woman before she can get the door and proceeds to say something so vivid I wish I could repeat it verbatim but I can paraphrase it with some highlights lady you wanted um the cat fine I'm going to give you what you want I'll take your cat but the price is that I'm going to beret to you in front of everyone here you useless frickin see you're so goddamn selfish we won't even cough up 69 cents a day for I cannot Friskies Frick you you freaking w you don't frickin deserve the generosity of the people who work here you want a frickin blackmail them into preventing a cat murder you disgust me if it wasn't for that gold-plated pee dripping between your legs I'd punch you in the orbital sockets until your eyes bleed now get the Frick out of my sight before I decide that it had be worth a battery charge to do it anyway but Frick you this was our leone level crap by now the doctor herself has shown up she doesn't know exactly what's happening but it's gotten pretty loud obviously she doesn't like people swearing at other people in her waiting room it's bad for business and the guy says to her look you're probably used to it but I get angry when I see people who mistreat animals freshman and sophomore year the same kid gave me crap at the bus stop in the whole walk home every single day non-stop harassment just kept needling me constantly but so many people asked me why I took it but I was just really shy and passive at that age I stayed quiet and didn't react one day the kid tried to push me into some bushes thinking it it'd be funny he'd never gotten physical before I grabbed his wrist and put him on his butt he went down on his back and when he tried to get up I put the past two years into a single punch that put him right back down next day in school kid had the darkest black eye I'd ever seen he wasn't at the stop for the next few days and when he started taking it again he never said another word I shocked a bunch of people but turns out lots of other kids hated this guy and were jealous I gave him what he had coming it did a lot of good for me and the positive reaction kind of helped me come out of my shell 10 stroke ten would punch again nice when the defense mechanism kicks in once a guy yelled at me and I yelled at him way harder and scared the crap out of him it wasn't planned turns out I can yell loud I was that kid I was the nice guy I grew a poor and matured slower physically than everyone else I had to be a nice guy BC if I screwed up my dad would literally beat the crap out of me I was used to getting in fights with my dad and getting hit hard in eighth grade I kept getting picked on by a big popular athletic rich cocky cool kid I never retaliated or stuck up for myself not out of fear from him or his friends but that I'd get beat up by my dad one day the cool kid made a comment about my mom usually it was about me this was different my mom was the one person I could count on to be nice to me it broke me on the inside I was still a little guy and much smaller than him but had been in so many fights with my dad by that age that his punches felt like girl slaps i frickin demolished the kid I remember being pulled off the kid while pounding the side of my fist against his face our style when I looked back he was still on the ground not moving i unleashed years of child abuse on that poor kids face I feel bad now for what I did my dad never found out and the cool kid never said another word to me ever that story made me sad hope your situation has improved by now my extremely docile sister punched me in the face because I kept calling her a dingus she's never done anything violent in her entire life note to self don't call siblings dingus the quarterback drunkenly tried to violate her left him with a black eye broken arm and both sprained ankles well rightfully so if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 164,712
Rating: 4.9188623 out of 5
Keywords: nice people, decent people, nice people snapping, people snap, snapping, losing mind, losing mind scene, losing my mind, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: yITzuFfTrpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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