What Did That B**** Do at Your Wedding?

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what did that be do at your wedding soon to be mother-in-law doesn't show up to the wedding cause she hates her soon-to-be son-in-law reasons still unknown years later but she dang sure showed up to the reception for the free food and open bar not my wedding but my cousins her best friend kept jumping into every picture she could and she'd stick her middle finger up at the camera in every picture and then she tried to make out with the groom no one has heard from her since the wedding my uncle went around taking photos and getting people's names and addresses to send them the photos a month later he sent out photos printed on an advertisement for his fly-by-night prepaid legal business along with hard sell marketing material so basically he lied about what he was doing to get people's contact info for his business pretty p off about that one hahaha that's great i mean it's crappy but it's great her jackass cousin tackled her the bride in her wedding dress i approached him and asked something like why did you do that she's in her dress he looked down walked away to leave and muttered i was just freaking around mother mother-in-law left immediately following the ceremony she loves to be over the top and dramatic she didn't even say anything to my wife before doing so we only found out when it was time to take pictures that she left missed all the photos in the reception and never gave her a reason she hasn't spoken to her daughter in over two years most likely blames everyone else for her problems rather than herself it blows my mind not going to lie probably better off without that type of person in your life my sister's wedding was a bit over the top but beautiful castle south of france need i say more she had this group of friends who all put some money in an envelope as a present one girl the new girlfriend of one of the boys said something like i don't have a lot to give and feel embarrassed to put my participation in front of you so she took the envelope in the low and added her money there away from judging eyes yep you guessed it she took more than 500 euros from the envelope they only find out when one of those friends asked weeks later if the newlyweds had enjoyed the 1000 euro during the honeymoon the girl's excuse was that she was planning her own wedding and could just afford a city hall affair and it was so unfair my sister had such a great venue i'm personally quite immune to princess wedding day but stealing money at a wedding is so so wrong i think the girl ended up as a bit of a castaway my sister's marriage didn't last anyway so i don't know what happened to her group of friends but i often think of this girl and imagine her as one of life's constantly unhappy and envious no way i hope they called the dang cops on her my mother-in-law changed our reception venue behind my back luckily i found out and was able to get it changed back this was my first introduction to her boundary issues i have since learned that if she thinks there is even the slightest chance that someone won't do what she wants then she feels completely entitled to use whatever means necessary to get her way i think she legitimately believes that people who won't do what she wants are purposely being mean to her she also passed out dollar store glow necklaces at our reception she didn't ask me or anything of course it was a complete surprise to see her handing out glow necklaces as wedding favors frick that's my worst nightmare not a bee a c little guy big mouth was a really close friend until at my wedding he stood in front of my mum when we were cutting the cake and proceeded to give her the finger when she asked him to move over a little just after that while my dad was taking photos of me and my wife cutting the cake he keeps nudging my dad's arm so he would get a shaky photo my dad gave him a swift elbow to say freaking stop then set c stamps on my dad's foot my dad loses it pushes him out of the door to my father-in-law who then pushes him further outside to his brother who is a big guy and an ex-bouncer picks him up by the collar and slaps him around the face a couple of times and drops him on the floor cops were called because he wouldn't calm down and had a knight in the cells i don't speak to him anymore if you are reading this ricky you are a sea the dad dad-in-law combo pleases me family unity not my wedding i was just hotel management bridesmaid god so drunk she crap herself then proceeded to walk crawl down the hallway to and from the public restroom and then the elevator dribbling crap down her leg then she passed out in front of the elevator and crap some more showed up on age she barely made it past the ceremony my now wife's best friend did this not my wife it still made for a huge crap show behind the scenes she got stuck in the outhouse or something she deliberately took forever to get ready and started a fight with her boyfriend my husband's best friend and best man right before the wedding they showed up late because of the whole thing which caused our whole wedding ceremony to be 20 minutes late it is well known that she doesn't like me so it was obviously a power play and done on purpose she then didn't talk to me once during the entire wedding it felt very awkward i have one photo of me on the dance floor and she is in the background giving me the worst stink eye lol the photo must be awesome what a bee not mine but my friend's brother's rather religious wedding bride's mother makes a speech and says deadpan if you hurt her i will slit your throat in her speech at the wedding where her daughter is marrying the nicest guy everyone was so stunned and embarrassed no one laughed bride and groom could barely look at her my sister bridesmaid frowned through the whole ceremony like a pronounced frown with a pouty bottom lip like not subtle at all destroyed all the pictures from the ceremony she then got drunk dominated every conversation then when one of my friends tried to change the subject she became irate and later tried to convince me that my best friends don't really like me and had begged her to go on a group date with them yup until it was embarrassing of course when i didn't believe this insanity she immediately told me a completely outlandish story about being abducted by aliens and how if i don't believe her i'm a c because she wrote about it in her journal once so that means there's proof um i think it's official she's lost her freaking mind this reminded me of the fact that i ruined all of my sister's wedding photos because my resting face just smacked me looked enraged couldn't smile either because i always looked like chandler from friends damn it i had just repressed that at my brother's wedding his mother-in-law sat her 11 last minute guests at our guests table because she clearly did not give a freak about my family's guests we couldn't add another table because we were at the max tables that would fit in the venue so i had to ask the reception venue staff to add shares to our other tables which overcrowded our other tables and fricked up our seating chart his mother-in-law cuts me off saying no you cannot have 13 people to a table it's unlucky then b why did you steal our table huh you freaking dumb our superstitious bee what the heck were we supposed to do ask our guests to leave i completely ignored her turned to the staff member and had them at the chairs anyway okay i'm done ranting my uncle he made a scene about how his doctor had misdiagnosed his mental illness he doesn't have one he's an attention w and claims he has every disease disorder under the sun for years how he was going to sue them etc he literally stood up and made a speech about it we had a very small wedding only be about 40 guests so it was completely inappropriate ex-girlfriend who i hadn't spoken to in four years sent me a text message minutes before the ceremony was to start that simply said don't totally through me and whilst i was able to brush it aside and get on with the job at hand i've never really forgotten it also my wife's only brother who is an attention seeking knob came out to her and all her friends the night before the wedding even though everyone knew for decades he was gay but chose to choose at night to take the attention away from his sister who he was insanely jealous of that would have been a perfect opportunity for a new phone who diss my mother my so and i ended up doing a courthouse type marriage did the papers found someone to marry us went to her office to do it the only people there were my ex-step dad i call him bonus dad mom aunt uncle and grandmother my mom was my maid of honor bonus dad was my sos best man right in the middle of our house my mom breaks down sobbing interrupting everything the bee is obviously trying to get the attention on her since she can't seem to stand not being the middle of everything we try to continue over her sobbing but only starts crying louder my aunt being the amazing person she is grabbed the ring from my mom pushed her towards my uncle who pretty much dragged her outside brandt quickly announced she's the maid of honor now which i was completely fine with and the vows carried on after signing everything we go out to get to the car and my mom is just furious at me for letting your aunt do that i just ignored her and went to the car on the upside when we were saying our vows bonus dad started tearing up it made me happy because it was super unlike him kinda guy who never says i love you because that's just him ex first sergeant served from 1972 to 2007 manly man i love you bonus dad frick you mom i'm amazed by how many moms carry on like this it's nuts i get angry just thinking about this it was my husband's best friend's mom who was not invited it showed up anyway and brought a bunch of small children with her it was explicitly her no kids no exceptions wedding tried to sit at the same table as me and tried to take pictures of me while i was eating and loudly criticized one of the caterers because she thought she saw him put a used spoon into a buffet dish he didn't my mom who is pretty blunt straight up asked her who are you and why are you here i personally addressed all the invitations and i know we didn't invite you to which she replied well my son needed a ride my mom told her to leave which was so unbelievably awkward but she left without making more of a scene your mom is the queen of badassery with a spine of titanium got outrageously drunk fought with their so didn't spend time with any of the wedding party created unnecessary drama with family members never said congratulations yeah my brother-in-law is a bee at my mom's best friend's wedding a young lady decided to wear a white floor-length dress and kept asking the dj to play all these line dancing songs that only she knew the moves too i think the groom was more pee than the bride so part two of my wedding gift to them was to casually drag her off the dance floor and talk to the dj about reading the room when it came to requests so many of these stories involve butthole djs that just don't get how to properly do their job at a wedding baffles my mind mother-in-law showed up 30 minutes late told my wife she looked terrible made negative comments the whole time been working on a nice jig to do over her grave ever since up vote for jig i love jigs after the ceremony we were taking group pics with both families after a couple of pictures my mother-in-law starts walking around loudly proclaiming can we get a picture with just the close family please my husband and i were like sure but then she kept saying it over and over again until finally i realized she wanted a pic without me in it but was just being passive aggressive about it so finally i'm like do you want me to move and she's like yeah that would be great i've been meaning to get some family pics done and this is the perfect location continues to get a million pics of her she's my husband's stepmom her kids and their families and my husband and his brothers while i'm just standing off to the side awkwardly then come christmas she has the audacity to send my parents a christmas card using one of the pics of just them from the wedding with a little from our family to yours line this on top of the million other things she's done to be awful i cannot stand this woman i would have later requested that the photographer delete all those photos but i'm also super petty about that crap if you're paying you decide she got super drunk gave a speech during the ceremony where she was apparently channeling my dead mom whom she had never even met saying how proud my mom was of me then later during the actual reserve time for speeches she again uninvited shared the story of when i met my husband and how i actually wasn't interested in him bc i was trying to freak his friend at the time she didn't say trying to frick but she may as well have it's totally true but did she have to announce it to my entire group of wedding guests what a nightmare we are not friends anymore where she was apparently channeling my dead mom i would be totally okay with this ending and that's when i killed her i'm not an actually violent person but there are things you just don't do say be stood around and loudly complained about our cake choice the photographer our music and the flowers bee also didn't stop the music i had chose for the wedding march when i had instructed her to it b was the wedding planner the day before my wedding my husband's female roommate texted him saying she didn't think she could come to the wedding because she'd be in such emotional pain and would miss him so much instead she said she'd be sitting at home watching rom-coms and eating ben and jerry's i kid you not she had liked him for two years he had assumed she would respect reasonable boundaries like i have a girlfriend and i'm not entrusted do not passive aggressively confess to your crush the day before they get married skipped my bridal shower and bachelorette party but found time to go uninvited to the strip club with my husband his friends and her boyfriend who was a groomsman came to my wedding dressed as a rage and congratulated me by saying she thought it would be her getting married first we're obviously not friends anymore and these aren't even the main reasons for that give her some credit maybe she was not invited to the strip club but scheduled by the manager well i don't want to call my mom a bee but it fits the category my wife and i told her she could wear any color dress she wanted except navy blue as that was the bridal party color what color dress does she wear navy blue also i have a suspicion that my two cousins that were there that were not invited by me were invited by my mom my mill did the same balls except i said she could wear a little bit she took that to mean floor length gown in exact color and shade and claimed it wasn't the same really because it had some silver beading on top i have a couple unfortunately my first marriage didn't go very well at the wedding i had a rented tux on and i asked my new wife not to smear cake on me when we cut the cake because of that of course when the time came it wasn't just a cute smear of frosting or something like you'd see at most weddings oh no she full-on plastered me with cake and a mess of frosting and food coloring i don't know what was worse being angry and hurt and embarrassed when the whole room was watching or when people were pulling me aside later and apologizing for it when her and her parents were still laughing and making jokes about it a couple of hours later i thankfully remarried a great person years later and we had a small ceremony that was really very nice our photographer was taking pictures afterward before we were heading to the reception and i had been talking to my dad when he started so he just took our picture together first my mom being who she is was incensed by not being first to get her picture taken when she wanted and proceeded to throw a fit and leave my parents had been divorced for at least a decade or so prior to this maybe a couple of minutes later we were all lining up and getting family together for pictures and when i couldn't find my mom i learned that she'd stormed off and left on what would otherwise be one of the best days of my life there'll always be that storm cloud of pettiness that she left behind because she couldn't handle putting one of her kids ahead of herself for 10 minutes worth of time and there right there is an illustration of exactly who i don't want to be god help me i hope i'm never like your mom [Music] showed up in a trashy version of my bridesmaids dress and brought an uninvited guest jokes on her everyone know she was a complete idiot to try and do that and someone actually told her later that it was super crappy reminds me of my bill's wedding my so was the best man and i happened to own a nice dress in the bride's favorite color the color vest the groomsmen wore i had to explain to my so that it was not a good idea to wear it specifically because we'd match and i would look like a tacky clinger in every picture i know a girl who wore white consistently to all of the weddings she was invited to one wedding season but she was also very aggressive at all of the book a tosses so much secondhand cringe everyone was a bee i had a destination wedding and paid for people to come people only stayed about an hour at our reception and took off to do tourist stuff my husband and i spent the majority of our reception alone we paid out a lot of money to make sure people had fun and they all left 10 years later and it still pisses me off it was a small wedding and it did not not sure prices now cost that much to fly to this destination it was on a beach at a resort whoa that's really freaked up a whole new level of inconsiderate and egotistical i'm really sorry to hear they acted this way i love my aunt but she scrapped our planned dj for a live band without telling us needless to say a skin and cover band was not what i had in mind for my wedding and i love me some skinhead we gave them a cd with our song on it after a few minutes and then realizing they didn't have the equipment to play our song they just started playing something random i still have no freaking clue what song we shared our first dance as a married couple too i'm a petty enough guy that if this happens at my wedding i just won't dance until we can get the right song i don't care if it's coming off youtube on a phone stuffed in my pocket we're dancing to our song bridesmaid i had only a glimpse of her crazy prior to this frequent emotional meltdowns throughout the day disappear to cry for a while sucker another brights made to comfort her and carry on like nothing without identifying a source of discontent yelled at the nicest woman in the building not even in wedding party just being helpful and stormed off swearing when her decorations weren't perfect left saying i can't do this and drove away in a fit with flowers for the reception in her car eventually showing up late adding flowers to tables acting like nothing happened bridesmaids were excellent buffers the whole time and it later came out she was jealous of me getting married to a man and not her talk about a twist ro wore the same color dress as the bridesmaids even though she was expressly told not to and her dress was real loose on the top so her teeth kept falling out walked around taking pictures during the ceremony with a stupid little point-and-shoot camera she's in the background of literally over half of our wedding pictures it was almost 10 years ago and i'm getting p off all over again thinking about it by the time of our wedding my husband's 33 year old sister was still single and she hated that her younger brother was getting married first how did she deal with it by trying to sabotage my wedding the night before our wedding she got s faced and while ugly crying told my husband that it was supposed to be her wedding and it wasn't fair because she'd be able to plan a much better wedding than ours that would eventually prove to be false as she finally got her on again off again boyfriend to propose by giving him an ultimatum we had a small elegant outdoor wedding at a mountain lodge and myself convinced some family members on my husband's side that the dress code was casual so they showed up in jeans t-shirts and hoodies i was beyond upset with them for readily taking my sills word without double checking with us luckily my photographer was sensible enough to exclude them from the pictures as much as possible at our reception she went around complaining to our guests about how cheap our wedding was my husband's side is used to those typical church and banquet hall weddings and ours was way different but still it's rude to crap all over someone else's wedding at their wedding the lodge had a hot tub on the property and near the end of the night when people were starting to leave she changed into her bathing suit and chilled in the hot tub this was planned ahead of time because she thought to bring her bathing suit there my husband and i don't really talk to her anymore yikes also what kind of idea turns up to a wedding in a hoodie even if it's casual surely you want to look good if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 97,929
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: wedding ruined, wedding ruined by ex, wedding ruined by side chick, wedding ruined by mother in law, wedding ruined by mom, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: AY5kmVvshb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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