I Watched Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today i've watched guardians of the galaxy volume 2 at 0.25x speed and found 17 new details that you may or may not have seen before now without wasting any of your time let's jump straight to the point number one when peter quill has to go through a quantum asteroid he brags about himself that he is the best capable pilot to do so but then rocket interrupts him and says i am to make it do that you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe lucky for us but here's the interesting detail as soon as rocket says he's better than quill rocket takes the control over the ship and it's visually shown through this green indicator previously this green circle was at peter's screen but now it just switched to rockets it keeps going back and forth while rocket and peter were arguing who's the better pilot i've included this detail to convey my gratitude towards the vfx department that worked on this film number two ego describes to peter that his mother was like a river lily it was with meredith that i first experienced love i called her my river lily now notice that the sculpture that he made of meredith is wearing a dress with river lily flowers on it and another one appears to be holding a basket filled with river lily flowers now before i move on to my next point i'd like to thank honey for sponsoring today's video honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your car to save you money and for those of you who didn't sign up yet you're literally throwing away free money it's free to use and installs in a few clicks let me show you how it works you add the product that you want to buy in your cart and then honey will ask you to apply coupons as you can see the grand total is 98 so let's use honey and see how much we can save on this product now as soon as i click apply honey will begin testing multiple codes to see which one works best and there we go i just saved myself 10 bucks 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and a mouth this is a reference to ego the living planet from the comics number five while trying to escape from the sovereign's attack all the guardians enter a planet called bearheart but notice the moment their ship and wrecks at the back enter the atmosphere of this planet they burst into flame the reason it happen is because when anything enters the atmosphere at orbital speed they will burn up because the air cannot get out of the way fast enough so the air ionizes like a neon light and being a student of science any detail that goes out of its way to follow the laws of physics just makes me appreciate the movie more and more number six ego tells peter that he killed his mother by planting a tumor in her brain but it broke my heart to put that tumor in her head this arguably foreshadows how the guardians will destroy ego by planting a bomb in his brain at the center of ego's planet number seven peter tells nebula that she is not good at lying set me free you'll need my help i'm not a full nebula you are a fool if you deprive yourself hand in combat you'll attack me the moment i let you go no i won't you know you'd think an evil super villain would learn how to properly lie this happened again in infinity war where thanos could tell whether gamora was lying or not because thanos never taught any of her daughters to lie and this is consistent even in endgame where nebulous says her father is many things but not a liar my father is many things a liar is not one of them number eight while talking to drax mantis says ego found her orphaned on her home planet found me in the larva state orphan on my homeworld he raised me by hand and kept me as his own but notice when ego is explaining the expansion to peter quill he can be seen with someone from the same race as mantis now the director james gunn has actually confirmed even though this lady and mantis are from the same race but they're not related number nine after escaping from the ravagers rocket searches for coordinates for ego's planet and there on his display we can see the names of multiple other planets grasslar hella terma and terra now both dressler and hella are part of the kree empire while termina in the comics is where adam warlock was found and terra is of course planet earth number 10 now to understand the next detail you have to watch this scene the actor who just shouted down there is richard christie he's a friend of james gunn but guess how he was credited in the film that's right his character is literally called down there number 11 when ego successfully used peter as a battery to concur all the other planets one of the people on earth that almost got himself killed is actually the grandfather of peter quill when i watched it in slow motion their faces looked really similar and upon searching it on imdb this was in fact peter's grandfather number 12 at the end of the film when the ravagers show up for the funeral of yondu yondu's ashes take the shape of a red arrow flying through space number 13 during the final fight between the guardians and ego his body was regenerating after taking a huge damage but notice the last piece to form is his left eye this might be a nod to kurt russell's previous role as snake pliskin in escape from new york number 14 when the credits were rolling james gunn did something that only james gunn would do a lot of the credits were written as i am groot which then turns into the real credit it almost implies the relationship between peter and groot because all he can hear is i am groot but then his translator implant translates what groot really means a very clever historic from james gunn and that brings me to my next detail number 15. when the credits were rolling we can see jeff goldblum as the grandmaster dancing with the other guardians now grand master doesn't appear official in the mcu before thor ragnarok which came out six months after this movie so his arrival was already foreshadowed through this film and at this point it's safe to say there's no other director who plays with the credit rolls as much as james gunn number 16 during one of the post credit scenes peter enters into groot's room and says he should do some cleanup but if we pay attention to the background there in the wall is a graffiti with scroll letters that reads you and here is a chart to help you translate scroll language into regular english number 17. now this detail is not related to this video but i'll tell you anyway because it's quite interesting there's a scene where yondu was listing the ways he and rocket are similar he told rocket they're the same because they both steal batteries that they don't need i know who you are you don't know anything about me loser i know everything about you i know you steal batteries you don't need i know who you are boy because you're me yondu is making a reference to rocket's reckless decision to steal batteries from the sovereign which began all the action in the first place but if you think about it yondu wasn't there when that happened so why is he saying they both stole batteries that they don't need it seems a bit strange for him to use that example but here's why you undo said it after peter quill refuses to help ego in his plan igor refers to quill as a battery i wanted to do this together but i suppose you'll have to learn by spending the next thousand years as a battery so peter understood he's nothing more than a battery to his father this metaphor comes up a third time during yondu's funeral and he stole batteries he didn't need [Music] notice how peter looks at rocket immediately after he said yondu stole a battery he didn't need because peter now realizes that the battery yondu stole is in fact peter himself so not only yondu and rocket are the same figuratively but they're the same quite literally as well and i think james gunn has established this metaphor quite brilliantly throughout the course of this film and that's my breakdown of guardians of the galaxy volume 2 which has to be one of my all-time favorites it has stories inside a story while being loyal to the comics and i don't think i've mentioned the name of a director of other films as much as i do when it comes to a james gunn movie he really gives his everything when making these movies and all i can do is appreciate his work and talent and here goes a screenshot of the comments that you lads made in my community post now if you like this video then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button if you haven't already and follow me on instagram where i post updates about my videos till then i will see you lads in the next one you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,736,791
Rating: 4.931839 out of 5
Keywords: Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Guardians Of The Galaxy in 0.25x Speed, Guardians Of The Galaxy Easter Eggs, Guardians Of the Galaxy Hidden Details, Guardians Of The Galaxy Hidden Easter Eggs, Guardians Of the Galaxy Breakdown, GOTG Vol 2, Avengers, Avengers in 0.25x Speed, I Watched In 0.25x Speed, Marvel Guardians, Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 (2017), Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Movie Details, TCL
Id: VIG_vu6K9Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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