I Watched Deadpool 2 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today i have watched deadpool 2 at 0.2 fabex speed and found 33 new details that he may have missed at regular speed now today's video is sponsored by squarespace the easy and reliable way to build a website i'll talk more about it at the end and don't worry this video is going to be pg so you can watch it with your family around now without wasting any more time let's begin number one we know that deadpool gets torn in half during a fight with a juggernaut but notice in later scenes his suit has been repaired with duct tape number two deadpool asks russell if his powers come from his hands or all the way up from his elbow fire fist ooh that's a great name where does it burn just the fist or all the way up to the elbow now deadpool correctly guesses elbow because towards the end of the film we do get to see where russell's fire fister really comes from take a look in slow motion number three while trying to kill himself to get over vanessa's death deadpool drinks bleach labeled agent k on the bottom a reference to josh brolin who played a young agent k in man in black three number four after coming from the future cable robs the store but notice the responding police cars are not any random or regular police they are apparently a part of the mutant response division number five while having a conversation with cable wade wilson wears the same floral shirt that chunk wears in the goonies this is a nod to josh brolin's first big hollywood movie number six cable's gun has a dial that resembles a dial on an amplifier the dial goes from 0 to 11 instead of 10. this is a reference to the famous disco 211 scene from this spinal tab 11 exactly one lounge why don't you just make 10 louder and make 10 be the top number and make that a little louder these guys are eleven number seven after cable tries to kill russell in the prison we get our first big fight of the film where we can see the rules in the shower at the dmc such as guards may conduct cavity searches without warning singing in the shower is prohibited and is a punishable offense and also it's a coed shower number eight during the interview scene the first headshot that they flipped through is a photo of ruth bader ginsburg with the code name notorious rbg number nine in the final fight wade realizes from where the shot came from because he sees how the blood splashed the camera now we know already that deadpool breaks the fourth wall quite a few times in this movie but the fact that he realized somebody just got shot by looking at the splashed blood over the camera has to be counted as a detail it's almost like the camera is a part of the story as well number 10 one of the rednecks talking about toilet paper is actually matt damon in four hours worth of prosthetic makeup and his character is credited as dicky greenliff now dicky is the character whose identity matt damon's character steals in the talented mr ripley number 11 when deadpool is assembling the x-force he puts a knife through everyone's muksha to hold it on the cork board except for dominoes for which he used a white thumbtack this foreshadowed how domino and deadpool are gonna be the only ones alive for the battle and whoever got a knife in their mug shot ended up dying number 12 when the members of the x-force jump out of the airplane they all form an axe in the air another great attention to detail number 13 ryan reynolds himself did the voice over for juggernaut and the reason he had to do it is because they were out of money at the time to hire any new actors to do the role and juggernaut's face beneath the mask was apparently modeled after the film's director david leach number 14 although it's almost impossible to catch this detail but if you watch it in point 2 fabex speed you'll notice that during the opening credits the word b can be seen engraved in gold in one of the sword's handle this is a reference to b arthur an actress that deadpool loves and names his swords after in the comics number 15 as wade and russell were entering the prison this guy caught my attention because he was clapping the same way heath ledger did in dark knight and after doing some search on google i just found out that this actor is also canadian and apparently known as the vancouver joker number 16 inside the x-men mentioned there are several velcro name tags referencing several of the x-men including one that says wheels this is a reference to what wolverine calls professor x the first time they meet in x-men what do they call you wheels number 17 yukio and nagasonic's cup says i'm with her with arrows pointing towards each other number 18 when wade enters heaven with vanessa the score take on me can be heard in the background in the music video of this song a girl enters into a comic book realm to meet her love interest the same way wade enters into vanessa's heaven number 19 when deadpool complains about domino's powers he says it must have been the idea of an artist who can't even draw feet i mean luck what coked out glass pipe sucking freak show comic book artist came up with that little chestnut probably a guy who can't draw feet now the funny thing is domino and deadpool's co-creator rob liefeld is widely mocked and criticized for avoiding drawing characters feets and hands but reportedly he loved this joke in the movie number 20 during the chase segment after vanessa's death a business called heru korean kitchen can be spotted in the background and i can tell you it's an actual location in vancouver canada number 21 the music that plays over deadpool's death scene near the end of this film is also the same score used in logan for wolverine's death scene number 22 upon their first meeting deadpool tells the juggernaut it has always been a dream of mine to see my face reflected in your helmet as you charge at me with murderous intent you know it has always been a dream of mine to see my face reflected in your helmet as you charge at me with murderous intent now this pretty much describes the cover of deadpool scenes of the past comics number 23 posters for m day can be seen in the orphanage now m day is an event in the comics that depowered 91 percent of all mutants you can also say it's a reference to house of m comics which it may as well be because of the recent trailer of one division that confirms that the house of m story is definitely coming to the mcu number 24 in the opening credits it says directed by one of the guys who killed a dog in john wick it's a reference to david leach who made his directorial debut with john wick and notice there were a bunch of tokens in the background as well which is yet another reference to john wick where we saw the usage of special metal coin number 25 in the movie hubs and shock ryan reynolds character talked about stabbing someone with the brick she stabbed one guy in the chest using a brick do you know how hard that is to stab someone using a brick there's no sharp edge how did she get an entire brick into another person's chest now in this movie when deadpool and cable were fighting together there's a scene where wade is trying to stab someone with the brick and guess what both movies have the same director number 26 as domino parachutes in on the convoy stanley appears in an advertisement on the side of a building number 27 the taxi the depender drives promotes a travel agency called alpha flight in the marvel comics alpha flight is a team of canadian superheroes who have a major dealings with the x-men number 28 deadpool can be seen reading the canadian mountain this is the same book john candy reads in the movie planes trains and automobiles now both john candy and ryan reynolds are canadian as well number 29 during the fight scene between deadpool and cable deadpool says give me your best shot one-eyed willy give me your best shot one-eyed willy no one eyed willie was the pirate character in the goonies so this is another reference to that movie number 30 director david leach can be seen in a brief cameo during the convoy chasing scene he's the first prisoner cable throws of the truck to stop deadpool number 31 zeitgeist a member of the x-force can be seen with the number 116 tattooed on his left shoulder this is a reference to his only comic book appearance x-force issue 116. number 32 in deadpool 1 wait says there's about 116 kilos of cocaine buried somewhere in the apartment right next to the cure for blindness and also um there's about 116 kilos of cocaine buried somewhere in the apartment right next to the cure for blindness good luck now in this one he does get the stash of cocaine but notice just below the gun there's actually something labeled cure for blindness number 33 in the final seconds of the closing hand-drawn credits that drop away it briefly reveals an accurate hand-drawn map of vancouver bc where much of the movie was filmed now as i said this video is sponsored by squarespace so let me tell you a little bit more about it as you already know squarespace gives people a powerful online platform from which you can create your website to help ensure running your website is as efficient as possible squarespace allows you to link your various social media accounts to your website so that you can post your content to all of your accounts at the same time and to get the most traffic to your website squarespace has an email campaigns feature that allows you to make your email stand out so to get started with your own business go to squarespace.com the canadian land for a free trial and a 10 off of your first purchase and that's it this was my breakdown of deadpool 2 at 0.25x speed and i hope i was able to give you at least a few new details and if i did then please grab the subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and follow me on instagram to get updates about my channel till then you're welcome canada
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 6,586,805
Rating: 4.9123712 out of 5
Keywords: Deadpool 2, Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, I Watched Deadpool 2 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, Deadpool 2 Easter Eggs, Deadpool 2 Hidden Details, Deadpool 2 hidden easter eggs, Deadpool 2 in 0.25x speed, I Watched in 0.25x Speed, Avengers, Avengers vs X-Men, Marvel, Deadpool new movie details, Deadpool 2 explained, Deadpool 2 Explained, Movie Details, Marvel Movie Easter Eggs, Avengers in 0.25x Speed, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Deadpool funny scenes, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: ztIyOjUPAzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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