I Watched Guardians Of The Galaxy in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] how's it going everybody I'm the Canadian lad and this time I have watched guardians of the galaxy vol 1 at point two-five EXPEED and found 20 new details that he might have missed at regular speed this movie in my opinion is one of the best in the entire MCU so I'm gonna try to give you details that are really worth mentioning so without wasting any of your time let's jump straight to the points number 1 I'm gonna begin the video with a very weird detail and I'm not even sure what to make out of it I'm just gonna show it to you and you lads can decide what this is towards the end of the movie when Ronan was telling the people of Xandar what a big failure the guardians are look at his right leg this seems as the Ronin was dancing already I'm gonna play it at regular speed and you will notice what I'm talking about so it looks like Ronan was dancing already even before Peter called for the dance-off this is a fun little detail so I thought I'll include it in the video number 2 do you want to jam out like star-lord but on headphones from this galaxy then why rake on your buds who sponsor today's video so if you're still using wired headphones these earbuds will change your mind and there's one special reason why I'm in love with Rey Khan as you know I watch Marvel movies at 0.25 X speed so I have to put on my headphones for a longer time but Ray Khan earbuds made it so much easier and comfortable for me to hear my audios I don't have to deal with wires getting tangled nor do I have to worry about getting headaches because of the weight of other headphones I can just simply put on my rake on earbuds and go for a walk or a workout and you can take my words for it that the sound quality of this ear buds are second to none and best of all they start at half the price of other premium wireless earbuds and the latest model the everyday e25 is their best one yet with 6 hours of play time more base and a more compact design that gives you an amazing noise isolating fit and to get this year but today click my link in description to get 15% off your order or simply visit by Raycom slash canadian lad moving on number 3 when the collector was explaining the six Infinity stones for the first time ever we could actually see the Realms in color they only show it for a second so without slowing down the playback it really becomes impossible to notice it number four during the scene where Peter quill is arrested by the Nova Corps a red light flashes over Peters DNA scan report this indicates that something is wrong with Peters DNA later in the movie Nova prime reveals that quill is only 50% human and the other half is something they haven't seen before I'm not Terran your half Terran your mother was of Earth your father well he's something very ancient we've never seen so the fact that Peter is not a normal human being was already foreshadowed earlier in the film number 5 Howard the Duck appeared for the first time in the post-credits scene of this movie but if we look closely in the background we could already see Howard the Duck on screen exactly 1 hour 5 minutes earlier and not only that there was also one of the Dark Elves and a Chitauri in the collectors vault number 6 during the scene where the guardians were planning their escape from the prison rocket asks for the prosthetic leg of a prisoner and then later we come to know that he was only joking he does it again when planning the attack on Ronan I need his prosthetic leg but here's the detail that I found if we slow down the speed we can actually hear a rocket laughing very subtly even when he said he needs that guy's leg that dude there I need his prosthetic leg prosthetic leg prosthetic leg this subtle shake in the voice of rocket proves that he never meant it he was always joking about needing that guy's prosthetic leg had Peter understood the signal he wouldn't have to transfer 30,000 units to that prisoner number 7 when the Guardians met each other for the first time or fought each other for the first time I should say we got to see the surroundings of Zander notice Zander has giant shaped aquariums all over the city the reason I'm including this in the video is because no VFX work should go unnoticed in a movie like this one this brings me to my next point number eight because the Guardians were fighting each other breaking the laws of xander the Nova Corps intervened and arrested them all but noticed the pedestrians were already pointing towards the sky because they saw the Nova Corps coming before any of the Guardians dead several continuity details like this are the reasons why we love Marvel so much number nine upon watching this movie in slow motion one thing that occurred to me is that Craig Lin was already adopting you on this look his look throughout the movie indicated that he will indeed take the mantle of yondu in guardians of the galaxy vol 2 so this one is a clever easter egg well-hidden by James Gunn number 10 when the Nova Corps captured Peter quill his rap sheet included a translator implant in his neck and that is why we get to see all the aliens speaking English because we're looking at them from Peters perspective this brings me to my next point number 11 the Nova Corps also got his name wrong as it says spacelord instead of star-lord mister Lord can you get your folks to circle up mister Lord star-lord is number 12 Peter tells Drax how and when to kill Ronan he puts his finger across his throat which is a general symbol for killing someone but Drax doesn't get it but a companion of Gregg's does understand this symbol and out of fear of Drax he lies that he doesn't know this sign that's for you slicing his throat general expression for you killing somebody you've heard of this you've seen this right you know what that is the same prisoner who lied to Drax show dissemble to Gamora to taunt her earlier in the film so the fact that everybody in the prison was [ __ ] scared of Drax was pretty well established through the scene number 13 when Ravagers rocket and Nova Corps were fighting Ronan and his army they fought off the invasion over water to prevent additional casualties so that if any of the craft loses control it doesn't drop over any civilians head number 14 going back to the beginning of the movie when star-lord was retrieving the orb his girlfriend beruete was in his ship but notice the t-shirt that she was wearing it's the same t-shirt that Peter quill was wearing 26 years ago when he was being abducted by yondu number 15 when Rockets rap sheet is being shown we can see that one of his Associates listed is Lila in the comics Lila is a former associate of rocket racoon and apparently she will make her debut in guardians of the galaxy vol 3 where we might get a story revolving around Rockets love life number 16 at the end of the film when Peter opens to present given to him by his mother look at the design of the background the shapes tape deck is shaped exactly like a giant cassette tape the amount of attention given to the details in this movie is a reward for the eyes number 17 as I said I will only mention details that are worth mentioning and such is a detail from the credits that states know raccoons or tree creatures were harmed during the making of this film the typical James can move number 18 the collector has some sort of alien slugs in his collection this is a nod to James Gunn's movies slither that had similar looking aliens number 19 at the end of the film when Peter held the power stone it was damaging his hands and face the same effects can be seen in Avengers endgame when Thanos held the power stone with his bare hand but it didn't do any damage to thanasis face because he's physically much more stronger than Peter quill number 20 this detail has nothing to do with me watching this movie in slow motion but it's something that I observed throughout the course of this film Peter quill gives a speech to motivate the rest of the guardians but his speech resonates with all three movies from phase two let me explain what I mean by that but first let's hear his speech I look around at us you know what I see no sirs I mean like folks who have lost stuff and we have man we have all of us our homes our families normal lives and usually life takes more than it gives but not today today it's given us something it has given us a chance to do what to give a [ __ ] Peter said they lost homes their families and their normal lives and if you think deeply you will notice in Iron Man 3 Tony Stark ends up losing his home and in Thor the dark world Thor loses his mother and thinks he has lost to Loki and in Captain America the Winter Soldier cap as the normal part of his life he goes on a journey where he comes to know a lot of things that he didn't know before so homes families and normal lives are all lost in this 3 movies and Peter speech echoes all of this losses and that's it these are my findings from guardians of the galaxy vol 1 and I hope I was able to give you at least one new detail through this video and if I did then please grab the subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and follow me on Instagram where I post updates about my videos I'm the Canadian lad and I will see you lads in the next one in the screen a horseshoe oh you must [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 2,669,942
Rating: 4.9092155 out of 5
Keywords: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1 (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy, I Watched Guardians Of The Galaxy in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched In 0.25x Speed, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1, Guardians Of The Galaxy Hidden Easter Eggs, 20 New Guardians Of the Galaxy Hidden Details, Easter Eggs, Movie Hidden Details, Movie Details, Guardians of the Galaxy explained, Guardians of the galaxy hidden easter eggs, Hidden movie details, CanadianLad
Id: AaGxK3WDocA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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