I Watched Black Panther in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and this time i have watched black panther at 0.25x speed and found 29 new details that he might have missed at regular speed now four of the details are from captain america's civil war that i had kept for this video and if you want to know those important for details you've got to stay till the end now before i begin please spare me 55 seconds to thank expressvpn for sponsoring this video without a vpn your data is like a postcard that can be seen by a bunch of people before it gets to your final destination and with expressvpn your data is encrypted and sent through a secure tunnel similar to putting that postcard into a super secure envelope your internet provider can see every website you visit therefore can steal your personal information luckily expressvpn is super easy to use all you need to do is open it up and click to connect and to find out how you can get three months for absolutely free click the link in description and visit expressvpn.com the canadian land but that's not it expressvpn also allows you to unlock content not available in your country for instance i can't watch rick and morty from canada and that's why every time before watching i simply switch my location to uk so make sure you're protected and unlock some great content with expressvpn by clicking on my link down below number one the movie begins with anjoubus saying millions of years ago a meteorite made of vibranium struck the continent of africa millions of years ago a meteorite made a vibranium struck the continent of africa now the detail in this scene is how marvel designed an ancient looking earth if you do some research you'll find out that almost 600 million years ago the earth looked incredibly similar to what we see in this movie the vfx department could have easily got that wrong and until now i didn't really pay any attention to this detail but because of slow motion i kept on staring at this scene like an idiot and then it finally hit me number two after winning the ritual combat against embaku we see t'challa taking the heart-shaped herb for the first time and immediately after he meets his father in a dream but notice he wakes up from a grave but the second time t'challa drank the herb he didn't come out of any grave this implies that the first time he was kept in dark from the truth of his father but on the second time he came prepared he came to confront his own ancestors so he's no longer kept in dark therefore the surroundings are bright as well number three in the final fight between t'challa and killmonger at one point they both go for a heavy punch at the same time and it creates a huge ripple effect but if i slow it down you'll see that t'challa's ripple effect is purple because the nanites of his suit are purple whereas killmonger's one is yellow so even the blast that they cause through their suit represents their different identity number four the movie opens in the year 1992 where we see young tichaka and anjobu for the first time king t'chaka then activates a beaded bracelet that projects a hologram image of hebrews claw so wakanda already had attack like this in the year 1992 but in the present day this hologram projector technology has been replaced by nanotech this goes to show the technological advancement of wakanda throughout the years number five now this one is more of a debunk than a detail so let me explain a lot of you have been telling me about the underside of this ship that looks like the mask of black panther it's like saying iron man's helmet looks like it's made of iron come on lads everything inside wakanda is supposed to reflect the idea of black panther so spotting one or two things looking like the shape of a black panther shouldn't really count as a detail number six in the ritual combat killmonger chose to fight with a spear and a sword whereas t'challa fought with a spear and a shield this symbolizes killmonger's imperialistic mentality versus t'challa's which is fight only when necessary now another detail from the same scene number 7 killmonger breaks his spear to be better equipped for stabbing just like shakazulu of south africa who was famous for this weapon style as it maximized the possible kill count with just one spear number 8 the wakandan throne has panels of meteorite with whitman's stature and patterns now if you don't know what it is let me explain in real life iron meteorites have complex internal patterns known as whitman's saturn patterns so the throne of wakanda is also made of the very entity that gives their entire society a power greater than the rest of the world number nine king t'chaka required his subjects to bow down but in this movie we learned how t'challa is going to be a different king than his father hence in infinity war when bruce banner tried to bow down t'challa simply said we don't do that here what are you doing we we don't do that here number 10 when claw refused to drop eric killmonger in wakanda eric went completely rogue and there was a shootout between him and claw but if you watch it in slow motion you'll see that claw actually wins the shootout because he managed to shoot right in the middle of eric's chest but as eric was wearing a bulletproof vest so it had little to no impact on his body had it not been for this vest cloud have gotten the better of eric already number 11 when t'challa nakia and okoye travel to south korea to extract ulysses claw pay attention to what they're wearing the costume department intentionally put okoye in red nakia in green and t'challa in a black suit now if you put all these colors together it becomes a pan-african flag and this brings my next detail number 12 when t'challa okoye and nakia confront claw he escaped with his team in their cars but they kept on shooting at the car nakia was driving now the sound of the gunfire is an exact rhythm of the avengers theme song [Music] thanks to this user from reddit for sending me this awesome detail number 13 after finally catching claw agent ross goes on to interrogate him but t'challa could still hear him because he planted a listening device on agent ross's shoulder now we as an audience didn't know this until the camera focused on the listening device but if you watch the previous scene and listen carefully you'll actually be able to hear a noise when t'challa plays this device on ross's shoulder yeah i do appreciate your help get your help get your help number 14 eric killmonger used to wear his father's vibranium ring on his necklace but as soon as he takes the throne he begins to wear it on his right hand just like t'challa number 15 when killmonger finally sits on the throne he says the sun will never set on the wakandan empire the sun will never set on the wakandan empire but by the end of the movie they both were looking at the sunset signifying the end of his ruling number 16 in this particular scene angela bassett's character knows that shuri did something offensive without even looking at her it's because if i slow it down and zoom in you'll notice that t'challa was shocked after seeing shuri giving him the finger and his mother could easily see the surprised expression on his face and therefore she knew shuri must have done something offensive number 17 when shiri was demonstrating the new suit she made for t'challa she told him to strike on the suit for testing its kinetic energy storage and as soon as t'challa kicks it some glowing wakandan text appears on the torso now if you translate one chunk of this text it actually says i love you mom and you can use this guide found by a reddit user to translate any wakandan text to english number 18 the heart-shaped earth gives anyone the ability to become black panther but it also heals any existing wounds if you slow down your playback you'll clearly see the herb healing the chest wound of t'challa almost instantaneously this happened with eric killmonger as well he had a massive cut on the right side of his face from the ritual combat but it was completely gone as soon as it took the heart-shaped earth number 19 just before sending out wakandan weaponry to concur the rest of the world killmonger says their weapons are untraceable by metal detectors look at this a handheld sonic cannon powerful enough to stop a tank trace football metal detectors and we actually got to see this visually when nakia t'challa and okoye went through a metal detector and it failed to detect any vibranium number 20 nakia is always in green just like the environment is green it represents her being from the river tribe where everybody wears green and it showcases her ability to blend into any circumstances from the outside world even though she's a wakandan herself 21 when killmonger returns to his childhood apartment and goes through his father's notebook a handwritten map is briefly shown together with some coordinates and a text that reads if you can reach this coordinates you have a chance to make it to wakanda the coordinates is actually in the african republic of rwanda which sounds very similar to wakanda number 22 when t'challa apprehends claw he says every breath you take is mercy from me every breath you take is messy from me this is a famous line from jonathan hickman's new avengers comic where he set it to neymar 23 in the opening scene one of the young children playing basketball calls another child as e a very common nickname for the name eric this was a clue that one of the children was eric killmonger and i count this as a clue is because at this point we didn't know who might turn out to be as eric number 24 ulysses clark considers himself a musician and tries to give agent ross his mixtape it's quite the entourage you got a mixtape coming out oh yeah yeah actually there is one yeah i'll send you the soundcloud link if you like please don't make me listen to your music this is because in the original comics claw is an entity composed of pure sound and he also used vibranium to gain the power of manipulating sound in the comics now as i said i kept four black panther details from captain america civil war so here goes all of them number 25 in captain america civil war when cap bucky and tony are entering the winter soldier facility tony picks up just one hit signature we got heat signatures how many uh one they find zemo but black panther remains hidden it's because black panther's suit completely masks any sort of thermal signatures number 26 t'challa notices his vibranium ring repels against bucky's arm [Music] and that's why t'challa was struggling in this scene because hydra probably made bucky's arm using a substance that was supposed to resist captain america's shield and because cap shield and t'challa's ring happened to be made of the same thing so bucky's arm came very handy while fighting one-on-one against t'challa number 27 throughout the movie black panther's footsteps are silent and he makes no sound whenever he falls to the ground this is because his suit is made of vibranium and absorbs all types of sound number 28 at the end of civil war the only marks on cap's shield are from black panther's claws it's because both are made of vibranium number 29 now as usual the last detail has nothing to do with me watching this film in slow motion but it's something that i observed i just realized that the ending of this movie looked very similar to the ending of captain america civil war both scenes were similar in the way they were shot and what happens in the scenes in civil war t'challa stopped zemo from committing suicide because zemo needed to serve jail time for everything he has done however in this movie t'challa could have stopped eric killmonger from ending his life by not letting him pull the dagger but he decided not to because t'challa sympathized with him and therefore allowed eric to end his life as he seemed fit so even though these two scenes are quite similar but in civil war t'challa decided to let the culprits suffer the consequences of his action but in this one he let his cousin die because he didn't want him to suffer anymore and that depicts how well written the character of killmonger was it's not easy to write a villain that makes even the protagonist feel sorry for him i mean how can you not like a villain that says death is better than bondage and with that i'll end today's video and i hope you enjoyed all 29 of these details coming up next is a very exciting video so make sure you grab the subscribe button and turn notifications on and follow me on instagram where i post updates about my channel till then i'll see you lads in the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 2,893,196
Rating: 4.9263864 out of 5
Keywords: Black Panther, Black Panther in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Black Panther in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Black Panther in 0.25x Speed, I Watched in 0.25x Speed, Black Panther Easter Eggs, Black Panther Hidden Movie Details, Black Panther Hidden Easter Eggs, Black Panther New Easter Eggs, Black Panther New Details, Black Panther Explained, Capain America: Civil War, Captain America: Civil War New Details, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: ibBfcFrnKKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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