I Watched Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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wherever i go the wind follows and the wind it smells like rain all right let's do this one last time hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and this time i have watched spider-man into the spider-verse at 0.25 xp and found 51 new details that you might have missed at regular speed so this is going to be a very long video than i usually make so please give me just 25 seconds of your time to thank my sponsor rich wallet the wallet that holds up to 12 cards and cash and with over thirty thousand five star reviews and a lifetime warranty they are the last wallet you will ever need to buy so throw that old clunky wallet in the trash and best of all they have over 30 colors and styles to choose from so save yourself 10 and get free worldwide shipping and returns by going to rich.com canadian land and use the code canadian led you'll be supporting my channel while getting yourself an awesome wallet that will last a lifetime let's begin number one the movie opens with miles trying to sing along to sunflower by post milan [Music] yeah he conveniently gets one of the lines wrong by saying she wanna drive me instead of the actual lyrics you want to ride me like a cruise eliminating a sexual reference to keep this film pg number two at the beginning of the film peter parker says there's only one spider-man there's only one spider-man and you're looking at him but just as he said it seven birds fly by peter representing the total number of spider protagonists in the film number three it was a big reveal in the movie when this head scientist was revealed as dr octavius but the surroundings in her office including her eyeglasses were all foreshadowing her true identity for example this tentacle in her desk alludes to her actual identity and everything in her office including her eyeglasses are all shaped in octagons instead of circles number four in the scene where we see miles meeting his uncle aaron for the first time he sends his uncle a text and there we see uncle aaron has a picture of him with his brother in his locked screen a similar picture is seen on jefferson's phone when he reaches out trying to find miles this indicates that even though there's a distance between these two brothers but deep down they do care about each other and that brings me to my next detail number five when we get introduced to miles's uncle for the first time he's watching community on tv a show starring donald glover where we can see him in spider-man pajamas and that's not it donald glover has appeared in spider-man homecoming as miles's uncle don't ever do that again the other night you told that dude if you're gonna shoot somebody shoot me it's pretty ballsy i don't want those weapons in this neighborhood i got a nephew who live here number six the spider that bites smiles can be seen changing colors using camouflage which is where miles gets his ability to turn invisible number seven remember the creepy sound whenever pawler aka aaron would appear on screen [Music] this creepy polar sound was actually made using the theme of miles but backwards [Music] credits to steven boatwright for coming up with this amazing detail number eight when peter b parker crashes in times square there were multiple ads around him including one for high hello featuring nick kroll and john mullaney now john mullaney provides the voice of spider-ham and had a show with nick kroll in real life called oh hello number nine after coming across peter from another dimension miles captures him and ties him up but notice peter had some bruises and a black eye at the beginning of the scene but throughout this interrogation peter heals all of his physical bruises number 10 miles has a poster of chance the rapper in his room but instead of having the number 3 on his head like in real life it has number four to indicate they're on a different universe than our own number 11 after getting bitten by the spider the next morning miles walks by gwen in the hallway now at this point of the movie we weren't sure whether this is gwen stacy or not but this is later confirmed by a flashback from her perspective that this was indeed gwen stacy number 12 it's more of a trivia than a detail which is the animator said that if you pause this movie at any point every frame would look as crisp and clear as a comic book panel number 13 when miles's spider-sense activates for the first time in the background it says look out now i wondered why a spider sense is enough to alert miles then why did the animator put such huge text in the background and then i realized it completes the lyrics of spider-man's theme song look out here comes the spider-man just like kai's lookout here comes the spider-man and in the very next scene we do get to see spider-man for the first time in the film so this lookout was only foreshadowing that here comes the spider-man number 14 when miles morales electrocutes peter b parker it illuminates his nervous system instead of the usual carton shape of his skeleton because this is much more scientifically accurate number 15 when gwen stacy is explaining her origin story it shows blue traces on the body of peter from her universe this is a reference to the comics in which peter turned himself into the lizard number 16 while escaping from the lab miles throws a bagel at a scientist and instead of writing a usual scream it just says bagel when it hits the scientist apparently this was a joke that an animator took seriously and added in the movie number 17 miles reads a comic book which is about spider-man's origin this implies that peter from miles's universe made a profit off of his superhero life but peter b parker on the other hand failed at it this is one thing that makes peter parker perfect as stated by peter b also i was dead and blonde i was kind of perfect it was like looking in a mirror number 18 just before meeting the other spider people miles's spider sense goes off a split second later than both gwen and peter this indicates how miles is yet to reach his maximum capability as this universe's spider-man number 19 seth rogen has somewhat of a cameo in this movie he appeared multiple times like when peter b parker and gwen stacy enter this universe number 20. peter b parker says the restaurant he and miles morales are eating in closed six years ago in his dimension and he's wondering why my universe this place closed six years ago i don't know why i really don't but you can see on the door that the restaurant has a c rating which is probably what caused it to get closed in another dimension number 21 the perfect peter of miles universe has a spotless name tag while the not so perfect peter's name tag is dirty and worn another amazing continuity detail and that brings me to my next detail number 22. there's an ad for the mary janes on the left of peter b parker in the spider-gwen comics gwen stacy is the drummer of the mary jane's band a very subtle nod to the comics number 23 when all the spider people glitch together they all glitch in different colors but notice spiderman noir who still only glitches black and white 24. in the scene where gwen stacy is looking at the photographs of king pin and his allies the one in the bottom right corner is actually a villain called the rose aka richard fisk and in the comics the rose turned out to be kingpin's son 25 stan lee has many cameos in the entire film apart from his obvious cameo where he talks to miles the other two cameos are very subtle one is when miles carries peter b parker and falls from the bridge you can see stanley walking by them and he again appears for the third time during the subway scene in the first act and in fact if you hit pause anytime a train goes he's in almost every single crane 26 you can see on miles phone that he has b bendis and sarah picali in his contacts under favorites this represents brian michael bendis and sarah pikelli who are the creators of the ultimate spider-man universe and miles himself and another one of his contacts is jason reynolds reynolds is the author of miles morales spider-man 27 the spider that bites smiles glitches out just like the other spider people implying it came from another dimension as well and traveled back in time just like gwen 28 miles spider-sense remains green and purple for a couple of seconds when he meets peter because his spider-sense had previously been warning him about the green goblin indicating his spider sand still hasn't reached its full potential and that's why it's reacting slow 29 when gwen stacy enters the universe you can briefly see an advertisement in the background called clone college this is a multiverse variant of clone high an mtv show created by phil lord and christopher miller who have also produced into the spider-verse number 30 when miles peterby parker and gwen stacy went to see the underground facility of peter parker if you look carefully one of the mannequins is empty implying that the costume is already in use which basically means the costume in which peter parker died was never returned 31. when miles is late for one of his classes there in the projector was a very big spoiler for the movie and even the audio playing in the background was talking about the crucial plot of the film countless other possibilities there could be a universe where i am wearing red or wearing leather pants because dr olivia octavius is a spoiler for the rest of the story the creators deliberately kept her surname hidden behind miles morales 32 when we see gwen in the school uniform if you look closely she is still wearing the same pair of shoes that she wears while wearing her costume indicating despite being in a school uniform she always had her suit underneath 33 during the scene when peterby parker crashed lands in times square if you watch it in slow motion both of his boots come off and therefore he was barefoot while breaking into the alchemic slab 34 miles roommate is reading a comic about multiple spider people teaming up before he looks up to see real spider people do animals talk in this dimension because i don't want to freak him out 35 miles father says he's the kind of cop that never runs a red light oh my gosh don't cops run red lights well yeah some do but uh not your dad when he receives the call about the fight at aunt may's house and goes full speed he actually does not want any red lights another great continuity detail 36 just before the end battle all the other spider people need to reach the collider through kingpin's building kingpin has a private elevator entrance from his penthouse to the collider below you can count on having an audience because miles is the only one who knows about the subway entrance this also explains how he's able to get to the collider shortly after the others despite stopping to get his suit from aunt may 37 the movie begins by showing a montage of spider-man fighting different villains one of them is a fight with king pin this is the same fight which kingpin later flashes back to while thinking about how he lost his family 38 when miles first encounters peter parker's suit on display his reflection appears beneath the suit looking up towards the mask but when he comes back at the end ready to take the leap of faith his face lines up perfectly with the mask implying within time he has grown himself into becoming spider-man so stanley was right all along eventually it will always fit can i return it if it doesn't fit it always fits eventually 39. stephen curry is a golf player in miles's universe number 40 at the end during the train sequence fisk's son transforms to matt murdock for less than a second and a fun fact in the spider-gwen comics matt murdock is kingpin's lawyer and takes the title of kingpin once fisk is in prison and that brings me to my next detail number 41 one of the versions of fisk's family is an african-american referencing michael duncan's version of kingpin from the movie daredevil in 2003 number 42 miles morales is the first black spider-man to be featured in a major film during the movie he falls off from a building in between the number 4 and 2 42 now 42 was jackie robinson's number when he played pro baseball and jackie is known as the first black pro baseball player and notice the radioactive spider that bites miles also has the number 42 on it number 43 you can see the exact same costume from the ps4 spider-man game in the background number 44 when kingpin returns for the final fight peter tells miles to push the green button push the green button but notice just as peter tells miles to push the green button a game controller flies past with a green button highlighted number 45 in the final fight the car spiderman noir throws at tombstone comes from his own universe number 46 during the climactic fight miles throws kingpin from the train causing him to plummet down onto this bridge the shot of the fragmented bridge mirrors the opening of the daredevil netflix show where the character of kingpin features prominently number 47 the special move that miles uses at the end of the film to reach the ceiling surprised both peter and gwen now we taught him that right i didn't teach him that and you definitely didn't ironically this is the same move spider-man used at the beginning to get to the ceiling how does he do that so when miles saw the actual spider-man using this move his brain actually memorized it and later used it here number 48 at the end of the film after the super collider explodes there's a building displaying the words i want indicating miles morales has successfully managed to snatch his win number 49 during the end credits roll you can see the spiderman suit from the spiderman game for ps4 number 50. when miles is still trying to figure out who he is he makes the choice to keep his shoes untied hey yeah his shoes inside yeah i'm aware it's a choice but later after he trips and falls and breaks the bypass key he keeps his shoes tied you only really notice it when he finally becomes spider-man number 51. now this detail has nothing to do with me watching this film in slow motion but it's quite fascinating miles breaks the glass of the skyscraper while jumping from it meaning his hands were sticking to the glass because he was scared but despite his fear he took a leap of faith just like the lesson peter taught him earlier in the film when will i know i'm ready you won't it's a leap of faith that's all it is mile a leap of faith so miles morales doesn't jump because he has already become spider-man in fact it's quite the opposite it's because of his jump he truly turns into spider-man and that's it this was my breakdown of spiderman into the spiderverse which is definitely one of my most favorite comic book films the fact that people almost ignore how well animated this movie is just goes to show how well written the story of this film is the story has depth tension fun and most importantly it had a rhythm that most plots fail to maintain and i hope you enjoyed this video as much as i did while making it and if you did then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button and follow me on instagram where i post updates about my videos till then i will see you lads in the next one
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 13,418,925
Rating: 4.900228 out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018), I Watched Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse in 0.25x Speed, I watched in 0.25x speed, I watched Spider-Verse in 0.25x speed, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Easter Eggs, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse New Details, Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Spider-Verse, Spider-Verse Easter Eggs, spider-man: into the spider-verse, TCL
Id: fTBsdqfd788
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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