I Watched Thor in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone I'm the Canadian lad and I just watched Thor one in point to 5x speed and found many new details that are quite a bit difficult to notice in regular speed so without wasting any of your time I'll jump straight to the point number one a minute into the movie and we see Jane Foster using some astronomical applications on her laptop and this is not something Marvel made up if we zoom in look what it says in the bottom right corner it says Van Allen belts and this actually do exist in real astrophysics Van Allen bells are invisible magnetic force fields surrounding our planet protecting us from harmful solar wind that could potentially annihilate earth and if I simplifies this even more the Sun produces some highly charged protons and electrons that could have reached our planet and destroy our power grids and even damage electronic devices but it doesn't happen because Van Allen belts surrounding our planet captures those winds and prevents it from entering Earth and to be able to see this in such a small scene in a Marvel film makes me respect them even more now before I move on to my next point I'd like to thank Nord VPN for sponsoring this video and right now noir VPN has a 70% off sale for using the code the Canadian LED plus you'll get one month for absolutely free and here's why you need Nord VPN remember how Tony hacked into the government system in the Senate hearing and exposed to all their secret experiments guess what there are people like that in the real life as well but in a very creepy way and that's why our privacy is always at stake while surfing through the internet but here's where Nord VPN comes in it protects your internet traffic encrypts it and routes it through of remote server to protect your data from anyone trying to view it and not only that it allows you to watch content not available in your country on platforms such as Netflix Amazon Prime and Disney Plus so go ahead and protect your information today and unlock some great content by clicking the link in description and use the code the Canadian lad to get 70% off number two I began watching this movie from the previous film Iron Man 2 because it had a post-credits scene that was directly taken from Thor 1 and in the post-credits scene of Iron Man 2 Agent Coulson arrives in New Mexico and says on a phone call that he found the hammer so we've had but notice the car he drives in has no will badge in the post credit scene but the same shot in floor one has the badge totally visible now this probably happened because Marvel might have yet not reached an agreement with the Korra when the released Iron Man 2 and that's why they couldn't show this product placement but when Thor 1 was released they probably made an agreement and the badge was finally shown number 3 the card that Stanley was driving while trying to move the hammer is seen again in the background during the diner scene when I was watching the diner scene in slow motion this car in the background really seemed a bit odd and upon doing some digging it really is the same car that Stanley was using number 4 when Odin comes to safe Thor and his friends from the frost giant Odin arrives in a horse that has eight legs this is Slade near from Norse mythology number five right after Loki comes to know that he indeed is from Jotunheim he comes back to Asgard and uses the casket to see his original form but Odin commands him to stop doing that and the Loki turns and we see him in his actual form my cast you're my son but notice white after he grabbed the casket his hands were already beginning to turn blue another great attention to detail number six when we get our first look at meal here in the background we can see the eternal flame that hella later used in Thor Ragnarok to resurrect our army and the wolf aka Fenris with the eternal flame you are reborn number seven when Thor failed to lift the hammer for a few seconds dissemble appeared on the side of Miller the symbol is called the triquetra disappeared once already when Odin enchanted his spell if you see it in point to 5x speed you can see the triquetra slowly fading away and the fact that it showed up in this scene and then faded away kinda tells me that in this moment Milner was trying to tell something to Thor something like don't lose hope you can still become worthy oh okay okay moving on number eight Heimdall keeps watch at Thor and saw how he failed to lift his own hammer but notice if we zoom in then we can see a reflection on hime dog's eye it resembles the exact layout of the shield base that was built around the hammer the next shot shows there's literally nothing but space in front of Heimdall so that reflection definitely means it was off the shield base number nine this billboard appears in the movie a couple of times it says land of enchantment journey into mystery now the land of enchantment is what New Mexico is called first natural beauty but journey into mystery is the title of the comic book where Thor made his debut number 10 when lady SIF and the warrior three arrived on planet earth Agent Coulson sent some of the shield agents to find out who they are and one of those agents was carrying an iced coffee now this has nothing to do with the story or the plot of the film but I appreciate their effort into making this movie more realistic which brings me to my next point number 11 this two agents inform shield about who they're looking at and one of them describes the group as Xena Jackie Chan and Robin Hood with no mention of anybody resembling Volstagg the bass we've got a Xena Jackie Chan and this seemed a little weird to me why would you look at a group of four people and only describe three of them so I did some search on Google and found two Ray Stevenson the actor who played the role of Volstagg wasn't available on set when they shot the arrival of Lady SIF and the Warriors three he was added in post-production and that's why Marvel put him up in front so they don't have to edit his shadow number twelve when dr. Erik Selvig bails out Thor from shields captivity he used a fake ID as a proof that Thor is with him and his name is Donald Blake but the photo of the used to make this fake profile is a picture of Thor that Darcy took in the diner number thirteen after killing the destroyer Thor arrives back in Asgard and immediately points to Heindel and says get him to the healing room this scene echoes another scene where odin rescued Thor and his friends and upon reaching Asgard Odin immediately said get him to the healing room now this Raza parallel between Thor and Odin and shows how Thor has overcame his way of vengeance and has grown into something bigger this detail didn't need me watching this in slow motion but watching it in slow motion helped me draw this parallel and I thought it's worth pointing out number fourteen Kenneth Branagh who directed this movie also voiced a character in Avengers infinity war that distress call made from this guardianship to ask for help when they're attacked Kenneth Branagh did voiceover for the character and he did an amazing job with his voice being all shaky and scared which made it possible for infinity war to begin with such a dark plot number 15 when meal here is discovered on earth for the first time we saw that nobody could move it but that's old news what I found watching it in slow motion are pieces of glass around mill here now you may ask how is that relevant well if I may use a little bit of my knowledge of physics I learned in school that lightning can turn sand into glass sand melts at about 1,800 degrees Celsius and the temperature in a bolt of lightning can reach up to thirty thousand degrees Celsius if all conditions are met then lightning can turned sand into Phil great Phil great is basically made of glass the word Phil go right comes from the Latin word foger which literally means lightning and that's how lightning can turn sand into glass and it's amazing that marvel followed the laws of physics because we all know when million arrived on earth it came through a lightning and had I not watched it in slow motion I don't think I could have caught that and that's all I have from Thor one as of now and I hope I was able to give you at least a few new details through this video and if I did then please grab the subscribe button and follow me on Instagram I will see you lads in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,857,907
Rating: 4.9437027 out of 5
Keywords: Thor, Thor in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Thor in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, Thor 1, Thor Movie Hidden Details, Thor Easter Eggs, Thor Movie Details Revealed, Thor Explained, Marvel Movies Hidden Details, Marvel movies in 0.25x Speed, Thor Ragnarok, thor in 0.25x speed, Avengers, I Watched In 0.25x Speed, Chris Hemsworth, Thor 1 Easter Eggs, Thor 1 hidden details, Movie Details, Movies Hidden Details, TheCanadianLad, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: xOpr537My90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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