I Watched Captain America: TFA in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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hey everyone I'm the Canadian lad and today I've watched Captain America the First Avenger in point two five X speed one of the least popular original stories in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe but the details that I found watching this movie in slow motion might make you love this movie slightly more than before so without wasting any time let's begin number one at the beginning of the movie Johann Schmidt ordered his soldiers to use the tank to open fire on the village of towns Berg maybe you can help village and in the next scene we can see someone reading a newspaper that has an article with the headline that says elite Nazi forces overrun Norwegian town so whatever damage Red Skull has caused the day before has been reported in the newspaper a day after this is a great attention to detail number two from the very first minute where red skull appears in the film if we zoom into his face the stretch marks are quite visible indicating from the very beginning of the movie that you Han Smith is indeed wearing a fake mask number three when your hunch Smith goes to Norway to retrieve the space stone three Hydra soldiers are shown attempting to open the tomb of the deceased Norwegian king with no success Schmidt however is able to do it single-handedly in the same scene so what three soldiers couldn't do it did it with his bare hands you can even see the commanding soldier getting a bit surprised when Schmidt attempts to open the tomb so we're not even past a six-minute mark and this movie had already established two important things about the villain one his fake mask and two his incredible amount of strength both of which are consequences of him taking an imperfect serum number four when Colonel Phillips throws a fake grenade to test the soldiers capability Steve Rogers jumped on the grenade now we all know that that's not my point but try noticing that Peggy Carter also tried to jump on the grenade to save everybody else but Steve Rogers did it before her this draws a connection between these two characters that they're always ready to sacrifice themselves no matter what situation number five we don't get to see you Han Smith aka red skulls actual face reveal until more than one hour into the film precisely one hour and six minutes but his face was already revealed for less than a second when he was getting a painting made of himself but then Arnim Zola walks in and Smith switches off the lights but just before that we can see his real face for less than a second so his actual face was already shown on screen 38 minutes prior to the big reveal number 6 we can see on Steve's enlistment form that he was born on 4th of July Steve kept on lying about what he is from on his forms but one of the things he didn't change is his date of birth fourth of July is also the Independence Day in the United States one more reason for Steve to do something for his country number 7 when Steve Rogers went through the serum infusion procedure the panel's unfolded and heard lowered over Steve's head sealing him inside the feeder chamber and there's a small window to keep an eye on Steve but notice how dr. Erskine had to lean forward to see Steve inside the chamber because Steve was too short to look at through the window and even Steve others said that it felt a bit big comfortable but when the infusion stopped Steve Rogers face was visible through the small window because he is taller now and it's almost impossible to notice it without slowing down the playback here's how it looks in regular speed number 8 when three German Nazi officers come to stop Red Skull because he hasn't kept his promise of supplying weapons Red Skull decides to kill them all but just before killing them he casually counts the three officers in order to prepare his weapon for firing imagine a shooter counting heads in front of his victims to make sure how many bullets is gonna need that's arrogance of a different level number nine when Steve Rogers executed his rescue mission and saved almost 400 soldiers Johann Smith blew up his entire compound so Arnim Zola had to escape with all his blueprints and one of them seems to be a blueprint for some kind of a suit the suit looks awfully similar to his actual form from the comics which brings me to my next point number 10 when Captain America saved Bucky cap had to make a jump as well but listen to the background score which is the same music that was used in Avengers and game when cap lifted Thor's hammer [Music] number eleven during the scene where Steve Rogers played the character of Captain America in the theater for the final time if we zoom out the stage resembles a large version of cap shield remember he was yet to receive his vibranium made shield so the layout of the stage actually foreshadowed the coming of his iconic weapon or a shield or a shield which is a weapon or a weapon which is a shelter oh my number 12 after Steve Rogers gained a lot of Fame for portraying the character of Captain America in theaters kids and people in general started buying his comic books but if you're a comic book nerd like me then you'll notice that none of the covers of those books featured Bucky in it because it wouldn't make sense in terms of storytelling by that time in the film Steve Rogers was already established as Captain America but people were here to know who Bucky is so having Bucky on the cover photo would just mess up the continuity of the movie and that's why they had to cut him out number 13 in the stark Expo held in 1943 a mannequin dressed in red can be seen in a large tube this character is also known as the Human Torch and the fact that Chris Evans also played the character of Human Torch turns it into a more fun detail number 14 Steve and Bucky had a short conversation where Bucky tells Steve to get cleaned up and Steve asks why where are we going and Bucky answers to the future as unintentional as it might be or maybe they just meant the stark Expo where projects of future are being shown both of them eventually ended up waking up in the future so I appreciate the wordplay from the writers of Captain America Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFeely number 15 right after receiving the Super Soldier Serum Steve had to chase a Hydra agent and in between he came across a fence so he tried jumping towards the fans with his hands reaching for the top anticipating that he would need to jump over the fans like a regular person would do but instead because of the force of his running and his enhanced capability he leaped over so high that he crossed the fence even without touching it and now look at Steve's hand movements before the jump this shows how unfamiliar Steve was with his new powers he intended to jump like a regular person but ended up doing it in a way that no normal humans ever could and that's all I have from this movie as of now but if you think I missed any of the details then please go ahead and tell me in the comment section down below also keep in mind this video isn't only about Easter eggs it's about details that are difficult to notice in regular speed and before I end this video please grab the subscribe button if you haven't already give me a thumbs up and follow me on Instagram I'll see you lads in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 3,434,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captain America, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America 1, Captain America in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Captain America: The First Avenger in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched in 0.25x speed and here's what I found, Avengers, First Avenger, Chris Evans, Captain America Easter Eggs, Captain America Hidden Details, Captain America Hidden Easter Eggs, Captain America Hidden Details Revealed, Captain America Explained, Movies Explained, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: mXGvpeyBVw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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