I Watched Doctor Strange in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today's video is another breakdown of doctors range and the reason i say that is because i had already watched this movie in 0.25x speed and that video has received over a million views so the reason i'm making a second breakdown on this movie is because i took a much needed break from watching films in slow motion so i thought let me watch the crucial scenes of dr strange again and let's see if i can find any new details and indeed i managed to find a few and i've added some details from my previous video as well just so you let's better understand the context so without any further ado let's begin number one this isn't something a lot of people have noticed but there is a subtle nod to the comics before this multiverse scene the ancient one pressed a thump in the middle of strange's forehead and said open your eye if you really pay attention she says i not plural what it means is the doctor's range in the comics gains a third eye that he can activate to see things normal people cannot see and where's the third eye in the center of his forehead so ancient ones saying open your eye and pressing right there on his forehead could just be a reference or a foreshadowing that he'll get this ability in a future film credits to divine x one of my subscribers who came up with this detail in my previous doctor's range breakdown number two i've talked about how this apple was used as a metaphor for the forbidden fruit in my previous video but upon watching this scene again i found another new detail when steven's range begins to experiment with the eye of agamotto he eats an apple while discovering the abilities of the time stone and then he experimented on the same apple to see how it works but notice when strange puts the apple aside this apple was fresh as new but the moment wong and mordo interrupts range he immediately stopped his spell and turned around and that made the apple go back to its previous form which is half eaten as it was before indicating that once the time stone is interrupted things will go back to the way it was before number three each time doctor's range and the ancient one are in their astral form all trace of blood and scars are removed of their spiritual bodies implying that any physical damage does not leave any trace on the spiritual embodiment credit goes to chris for giving me this amazing detail so graciously in the comment section and that brings me to my next detail number four now that we know that any physical wound does not carry in spiritual form but notice if you get hard in your astral form it does affect your physical body when strange was fighting a zealot in the astral dimension he almost got knocked out and that was heavily impacting his actual physical body the small detail signifies the effects of depression and anxiety for example if someone is depressed and going through a mental breakdown it takes a toll on their body as well same thing happened in this movie if you cannot protect yourself in your spiritual form your physical body will also cease to exist number five starting with this movie the colors of the six infinity stones can be seen briefly in the marvel opening title number six dr strange has already received an award for spinal fusion that he has been working on look i'm fusing transected spinal cords i'm stimulating neurogenesis in the central nervous system work i'm doing is gonna save thousands for years to come in er you get to save one drunk idiot with a gun talking tonight at a neurological society dinner come with me just before he gets ready for his speech at a neurological society dinner we get a quick glimpse at the award that proves that he has already been recognized for his work in this field number seven ancient ones hoodie covering a huge spoiler at the beginning of the film the movie begins by showing kaiselius killing the librarian and stealing a page from the book of kagliastro he and his disciples are then confronted by ancient one but notice she never takes off her hoodie it's because anyone who is actively drawing power from the dark dimension gets a mystic symbol on their forehead and while inside the mirror dimension ancient one was indeed drawing power from the dark dimension therefore she must have had a similar symbol on her forehead but we don't get to see it because of the hoodie and that's why kaiselius called ancient one a hypocrite because she herself draws power from the dark dimension despite fighting against it number 8 a close-up of steven's watch reveals that the timepiece was set to tuesday february 2 at just a little over quarter past five this seems to indicate that his car crash which would have likely stopped the watch took place on ground talk day this is a nod at bill murray's 1993 film groundhog day which features a time loop similar to the one that dr strange executes in his battle against dormammu at the end of the film this is probably one of the best easter eggs in the movie that foreshadowed the ending of the film number nine on the phone call just before strange's car crash his colleague billy is naming of patience range could take on the first one he refers is an air force colonel who has crossed his lower spine i've got a 35 year old air force colonel crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor mid-thoracic burst fracture this is probably a reference to the soldier that was hurt and almost twisted himself in half in iron man 2. now this reference was pointed out by thomas mcbride but a lot of you have disagreed with this detail and pointed out that it was rhody and not some colonel from iron man 2. well the director of doctors ranged scott derrickson has actually confirmed it wasn't roadie because strange's car crash didn't take place in 2016 where civil war took place it happened way before only in the second half this movie comes into present day and that brings me to another detail number 10. billy also tells dr strange about a 22 year old woman with an electronic implant in her brain struck by lightning how about a 22 year old female with an electronic implant in her brain to control schizophrenia struck by lightning that does sound interesting this is a reference to the superhero miss america aka america chavez who is wrongly rumored to make her debut in dr spain's sequel number 11. many people are still unaware of the fact that benedict cumberbatch himself did the voice over for dermamoo cumberbatch is also known for his dynamic range of voices that he's capable of doing for example this small clip from the graham norton show shows us just how versatile benedict cumberbatch is so miranda oh my god is your heart beating faster number 12 at the start of range's first crazy and mind-bending trip through the multiverse suddenly he sees a butterfly flying around in space he touches it and gets rocketed back on high-speed journey through time space and probably some places in between it was a nice literal interpretation of the butterfly effect that one tiny decision can change everything going forward the theory is that a butterfly flapping its wings on the east coast of the us changes the currents of the wind and as it builds it leads to a tsunami in japan the little touch of a butterfly is indeed steven's range's first step towards accepting the larger world around him leading to his eventual mastery of the mystic arts number 13 ancient one oversimplifies magic in order to help steven's range learn beyond his ego she says spells but if that word offends your modern sensibilities you can call it a program sorcerers of antiquity call the use of this language spells but if that word offends your modern sensibilities you can call it a program she explains them as programs that run the code of the universe she dumbs it down to the level of strange so he can understand and learn better just goes to show how intelligent she is and how well written her character is and that's it if you didn't find any new details from this video then i'd suggest you to watch my actual breakdown in pointy five xp where i found 15 new details some of which i did include in this video as well and because doctors range is going to be the new leader of the young avengers so it only makes it fair if i keep on working to find small details from this movie now if you like this video then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button if you haven't already and follow me on instagram where i post updates about my videos till then i will see you lads in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,929,068
Rating: 4.9309487 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange (2016), I Watched Doctor Strange in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I watched Doctor Strange in 0.25x Speed, Doctor Strange Hidden Details, Doctor Strange Hidden Easter Eggs, Doctor Strange Easter Eggs, Doctor Strange Details, Doctor Strange Explained, Marvel Movie Explained, Doctor Strange in 0.25x Speed, Hidden Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dr. Strange in 0.25x Speed, I Watched Dr. Strange in 0.25x Speed, TheCanadianLad
Id: cmzw2AiRYzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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