I Watched The Dark Knight in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian land and today i've watched christopher nolan's the dark knight at 0.25 xp and found 30 new details that he might have missed at regular speed so without any further ado let's begin number one the movie begins with the camera slowly panning into the joker's mask but here's a detail that i never imagined i would see in a dc film pay close attention to this poster this is literally the poster of spider-man 3 and here's a behind-the-scenes photo of heath ledger that gives us a more clear view of this poster number two when the joker is done robbing the spank he leaves a smoke grenade in literally the mouth of the bank manager and this grenade has a string attached to it all the way to the joker's jacket but notice just before the joker takes out his grenade we could already see his jacket is frayed with one single longer string this means he had already planned to smoke the bank out he didn't just do it because the bank manager interrupted him it was part of his plan the entire time do i really look like a guy with a plan number three during the scene when the mayor was giving a speech everyone was trying to find the joker because he said he will kill the mayor and moments later the joker actually attempts to shoot the mayor but notice a minute before the shooting takes place in this wide shot of the parade the joker and his accomplice can clearly be seen standing in the firing squad without anyone having to bat an eye number four when the joker fires an rpg from a trailer notice that both sides are open and if it wasn't the case everybody on board would have been injured by the bad blast number 5. if you watch the joker interrogation scene at point 2 fabric speed you'll briefly see the camera crew in the reflection of the mirrored windows now before i dive into my next point i'd like to thank skillshare for sponsoring today's video skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning connect with the support of fellow creatives and enter a community of encouragement communication and inspiration if you're uncertain about what's next creative challenges and productivity classes can be a great way to help you structure your time and set up achievable goals now many of you might already know that i'm a writer myself and a course on skillshare by dustin curtis murphy has taught me so much about screenwriting and character developments which was a massive help for my youtube content and it doesn't mean you can only learn about writing you can literally join any classes and learn from experts at your own convenience and right now skillshare is giving away two free months of premium membership to the first thousand people who click my link in description to help you explore your creativity and after that it's only around ten dollars a month so click my link down below to visit skillshare today and remember the first two months are absolutely free moving on number six the joker makes the batman choose between harvey and rachel and actually explains to batman that he's going to have to choose who dies pay attention to his words the joker doesn't say choose the one to save but he says killing is a choice and you should choose the one to so by choosing rachel thinking he'll be saving her batman has actually chosen her to die number seven the joker asked commissioner gordon what's the time to which the commissioner simply replies what difference does it make where is he what's the time what difference does that make well depending on the time he may be in one spot or several notice that joker does manage to get a peek of the commissioner's watch to figure out how much time he has left until the timers of the bombs run out number eight the first time harvey dent is doing something illegal which is threatening someone at gunpoint notice that only half of his face is lit foreshadowing his transformation into two-face later on in this movie now there might be some people who may think this is incidental have no idea how a movie is made almost everything in a movie is intentional every aspect has been discussed they don't just show up in set and accidentally put shadows on actors faces number nine during the courtroom scene harvey then tells maroonie if you want to kill a public servant i suggest you buy american carbon fiber 28 caliber main china if you want to kill a public servant mr maroney i recommend you buy american and the first person dan kills is a public servant and he kills him with the smith and wizard model 64 a classic american revolver so when harvey then suggested an american gun to kill a public servant he really meant it number 10 when the police empty the joker's pocket there's a vegetable peeler among the knives and my favorite part is the officer hesitates for half a second before placing it with the rest of the weapons because he's not sure if it counts as a weapon well the joker did say that guns were too quick do you want to know why i use a knife guns are too quick you can't savor all the little emotions you see in their last moments people show you who they really are so i'm guessing a vegetable peeler would be a way to savor it and you might as well have a nice conversation while you literally take off the skin of your victim i guess you know so number 11 batman gets mauled by dogs in his left arm at the beginning of this movie and later on we see alfred stitching it did you get mauled by a tiger it was a dog huh it was a big dog this was continued to the next movie the dark knight rises where bruce wayne has a scar on the same spot number 12 when commissioner gordon holds the joker's mug shot from the security camera the number displayed is the exact date when this movie was released on july 18th 2008. number 13. right before the joker gets thrown against the glass you can notice him smiling with the look of pure acceptance and confidence that he is truly breaking down batman this actually draws quite a parallel between thanos and joker because even thanos smiled when he saw his future self getting decapitated by the avengers and i guess that's why they're such great villains because no matter what you do they're always ready to accept their worst case scenario and a villain that does not have the fear of death or any physical pain how exactly do you defeat him and that's why both thanos and joker actually managed to win to some extent number 14 in this particular scene joker tries to provoke detective stevens in order to escape from his cell and he successfully does it as well by pointing a broken glass to his neck but notice that joker already knew there were broken pieces of glass behind him and that's why he was sitting exactly there number 15 whenever the joker says a joke nobody is laughing but when he says something serious everybody laughs if you're good at something never do it for free i want you will uh have and the new joker movie starring walk in phoenix also has some very similar scenes when i was a little boy and told people i was going to be a comedian everyone laughed at me while no one's laughing now [Laughter] number 16 there's one very particular scene that this movie has common with its predecessor batman begins in both movies after a major character dies alfred offers bruce something to eat and then bruce ignores him while crying but then acknowledges him as he leaves i thought i might prepare a little something when the joker confronts harvey dent in the hospital notice he still has white paint on his fingers this is probably because he keeps reapplying his makeup throughout the film this can also be seen in various other scenes but very briefly number 18 after exploding the entire hospital the joker gets into the school bus but if i slow it down and zoom in you can clearly see there's a camera inside the school bus however the footage recorded using that camera never made it to the final cut number 19 joker keeps using the shotgun throughout the film but after this re-watch i actually figured out how he got this gun this is the same gun that the bank manager had at the beginning of the movie so joker not only put a smoke grenade in his mouth but also took his gun that he kept using throughout the film number 20 when bruce wayne grabs harvey to take him to the panic room despite not being in costume bruce instinctively switches to his batman voice and warns rachel that the joker has come for harvey what are you doing number 21 when batman has to extract lao from his office he sets a couple of bombs with the timer of 2 minutes and 30 seconds and after watching this scene in slow motion i played it again in regular speed and guess what i found it exactly takes two and a half minutes for the bombs to explode talk about the fixation christopher nolan has with time number 22 at the beginning of the film one of the robbers gets shocked by the electrified bank vault so in the next scene we see that he has his rubber soled sneakers on his hands to insulate himself from the electricity 23. coleman rhys finds out batman's true identity with very little effort just like the riddler has in the comics i went down to the archives and i started pulling some old files don't tell me you didn't recognize your baby out there pancaking cop cars on the evening news what are you building for him now uh rocket ship i want 10 million dollars a year for the rest of my life this is probably a nod to the villain the riddler number 24 joker tells batman that harvey dent is being held at 250 52nd street he's at 250 522nd street if you write it down this address contains the phrase 50 50. and both harvey and rachel have a 50 50 shot at surviving and we know that it was actually rachel and not harvey who was being held at 250 52nd street so batman gets punished for choosing himself over justice and proves joker's point because had bruce thought about actual justice he would have gone to save harvey and as a result he would have saved rachel the love of his life but because he chose love over justice it literally cost him rachel batman then later redeems himself by sacrificing himself for dent because now he understands the value of justice now the next 6 details are all sort of trivial from this film and i think you lads will enjoy it as well so here it goes number 25 this famous joker pencil scene was shot in 2 days and needed a total of 22 takes because nolan decided to stage the stunt for real with the stuntmen moving away the pencil at the last minute and the stuntman apparently had three knockouts while filming the scene 26 christian bell said in an interview that during the interrogation scene heath ledger wanted him to beat him as hard as he could to get the real feeling of what was required from the scene 27 the delay in the hospital explosion was not a fluke even though there were still rumors that it was was always part of the script and heath ledger practiced the joker's reaction very thoroughly before they did it for real 28 bruce wayne drives a lamborghini murcielago in the scene where he saves coleman reese from an oncoming truck now the word murcielago is spanish for bat 29 the scene with the tumbler versus the garbage truck was filmed with 1 3rd scale miniatures number 30 batman tells lucius that the sonar device is now key encrypted the database is now key encrypted it can only be accessed by one person this was added as a joke since it actually means there is no encryption and that's it these are my findings from the re-watch of dark knight and i hope i was able to give you at least a few new details through this video and don't worry i'm certainly not switching to dc but i watched this movie in slow motion mostly because of christopher nolan christian bell and heath ledger who in my perspective are one of the greatest in hollywood and to be really honest it's the dc extended universe that i don't like and there are many reasons behind it but apart from that the dark knight trilogy is still one of my favorites now if you like this video then please give me a thumbs up and grab the subscribe button if you haven't already and follow me on instagram where i post updates about my videos till then i'll see you lads in the next one let's put a smile on that face [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 3,828,972
Rating: 4.8905849 out of 5
Keywords: The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight in 0.25x Speed, The Dark Knight New Easter Eggs, The Dark Knight New Hidden Details, New Easter Eggs, The Dark Knight (2008), Batman, Joker, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Movie Explained, The Dark Knight easter eggs, Batman The Dark Knight, Batman Movie Easter Eggs, Justice League Snyder Cut, Snyder Cut, I Watched The Dark Knight in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, I Watched In 0.25x Speed, TheCanadianLad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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