Losing $150 Every Time I Laugh

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yo we're gonna be doing the you laugh let me wait i gotta have a sound effect alone you laugh you lose if you guys make me laugh you get 150 bucks hold on i gotta burp guys what counts as a laugh okay it's a good question we count a laugh as an audible open mouth right so if i'm like like that no it's going to be like a like that like some kind of some kind of open laugh of of some sort smile is not a laugh no it's a smile if you told the joke to someone and they went you've all right i i don't know anything about this other than it's called wonderfully so nico nico carr i'm gonna get all my laughs out now monkey [Laughter] without further ado let's have a cup of tea for the queen no laughs here we're british connor you're british you're a normal british man you don't laugh at anything straight faced all right [Music] do this no laughs here all right that's that is that is humorous i will admit why is it when other people laugh in a clip it's like ten times funnier all right next one it's it's me he's restricted it's me i i guess i'm age restricted guys i like that clip i don't know why it's just simple take that back lay oreo think it was funnier that i didn't hear the joke there in water will drown [Music] not like this not like this alcohol liquor booze that nearly got me i was this one [Music] why why [Music] twice twice you can't do it or you can't do this on concrete it's the oh [ __ ] that really sells that clip i did not expect that at all that was a good clip thank treat them like you why do guys only want [ __ ] bimbos who walk alone [Music] compose myself i do love that clip i put my candle mike dude not funny [Music] you know they're just they're still practicing it's all right new kids they're good [Music] how did that man get that much speed it's brilliant it's so good in fact that i'm gonna let the cameraman take it back to the top gear bunker and me i'm gonna go in the subaru or as they say in wales where of course they're allergic to vowels you got me jeremy that's what we call them that's what we call them [Laughter] did i kill it what um yeah that was good basically make a triangle just like that [Music] it's a story of courage and heroism of heart-pounding suspense hold on because you know they just threw that dog ready okay here we go yo what happened did chris submit that clip chris left the television watch that yoda one again okay all right i mean i did laugh there but i don't know if i laugh i didn't start it i just looked at the the title okay now that i know the title i didn't see that it was called yoda penetrating i didn't know the context if i saw the title i would have left for sure all right fine there you go you can have 150 bucks let's blow those whining women back to the dark ages right where they belong hmm yeah okay good view james i still can't believe that yo the clip i all right what's the next story i think i know this one do not come i'm seeing this do not come i'm gonna come it's very difficult i've seen it like five times and every single time it makes you want to laugh that's a classic that's a classic meme video you know if you've tried to make home improvements yourself mistakes happen for example if you're trying to put a picture frame up there on the wall okay that one's good that one was good all right i love this one [Applause] tic-tac video [Music] what are you doing dude i know that was chris chris knows i love that video chris knows i love that video why is chris texting are you texting me chris chris got one more video up his sleeve he says all right bet well two can play at that game three can play at that game or you can play that game and five can play at that game i love pro cd such a nice guy too show us your cat all right i like how they had that ready like they knew it was gonna be asked of them [Music] is that a chicken god damn it man that's good bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang that one always makes me [ __ ] love that when there's money on the line it doesn't always make me laugh bro [Music] all right i'll give you the you got me you got me all right congratulations i don't know why that made me laugh i didn't think this is chris's i gotta be honest with you i never really liked star wars oh yes you dare you have the phantom menace don't you okay no that's like the same thing you do the only one that's worse is the one where you flip around like that it's better no yoda it's better oh my it's so much worth we should never see it it's funnier imagine chris just laughing to this that's good chris that was good that was good all right i'm sorry chris that one didn't get me all right maybe your next one will at some point i don't know when your next is coming [Music] oh at another moment that would have made me laugh i don't know why i didn't but that was very funny that was very good that was that was probably one of the funniest clips we've had you alone can change your life no one else can yeah have a really fun day meow meow meow meow meow brilliant that's my it's scientifically impossible to laugh at a chris broad video guys did you know that what what is jellyfish xqc what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man what's going on with you bro are you good oh it's cart oh no well you know it's tradition to always throw back like the first catch so i'm just going to let him go home with his family be free michael and get really nice and comfortable and then turn her over and bang up the butt hmm and this is where you need a small knob this is where you need a small knob guys i see who made this it's called yoda tells a funny joke submitted by chris broad he's really trying to get his money isn't he god damn it i don't want to pay chris recording is it yep hey thomas i have another funny joke for you do you have a joke what weapon does a fat jedi use [Music] it give me a boy's name that starts with the letter h jose you sure about that one you sure about that i'm still thinking about the jose he's heard the name jose and he visualizes it as h-o-s-e i don't know why that one got me my life and i have a gaming channel now link also in the description [Music] why do i want to laugh at that why do i want to laugh i don't know why i want to i really want to laugh at that one nearly's my favorite look how calm she is as well real calm real real calm can you speak english classic bro why does no one ever use the high quality version all right that's the full clip we missed earlier [Music] bro what that's got to be staged what the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want to know what that was from thank you for the name that's for you hello this is the german coast guard we are thinking we're thinking what are you thinking about it's freaking i have to do three impressions the best i can that's what this minigame is mario mario finished [Music] oh no [Music] [Music] it's got a good mic that is hindered yes anakin's betrayal s rank this is called oh no no no not like this no attica don't do it that is so morbid that is that's good though [Music] no where did it go the game cube why didn't the x spin that's pretty good that's pretty good alright you suck my [ __ ] waterboarded chicken name a country a man with a mustache should visit a woman with the mustang france france paris [Music] why did the horse do that why on earth it was the horse thinking you know what i'm done with life let's just slam on my book i have a joke for you what the clip ended it might have been funnier than the joke if it just ends there hey vsauce michael here that was pretty good that's pretty good no no no no no why not holy [ __ ] how long is this [Music] very long indeed all right the final clip boys let's see if it makes us laugh oh where was it oh yeah it might have been a denied by the mods i guess we enter it we end it wow target i man handle you pov you're being manhandled gamers hope you enjoyed this i owe 450 to people in the chat i can't believe i owe chris can broad money god damn it the winning clips if i remember correctly were uh the yoda one from chris wait oh my god i left the two yoda clips yoda penetrating you clip the title and the master chief edit so clearly next time we do this you need to send me yoda clips literally but if you did enjoy this video what are you doing subscribe to the connor dog channel for more fantastic content where i gamble all my money away on my ability to not laugh but thank you so much for watching if you haven't subbed already what are you doing just do it just do it like comment subscribe come to the live streams you could say hi in the chat as well like these beautiful people right here i always get it wrong thank you so much for watching bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ConnorDawg
Views: 3,314,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, CDawgVA Streams, CDawgVA Highlights, CDawgVA Stream Highlights, Highlights, Connor, ConnorDawg, CDawg, ylyl, you laugh you lose, money, challenge, tiktok, media share, twitch
Id: JcGpxtPVQfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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