I Played 100% of Palworld

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I played 100% of pal world can I conquer the entire end game of pal World by unlocking every achievement capturing each pal reaching the maximum level and defeating legendary Pals by using assault rifles and rocket launchers I'm playing on the default settings welcome back to Pal world so this is the continuation of 100 days here so if you want to see all the progress that's been made then be sure to watch that but we're going to try to complete the game here by 100 pering it and by that I mean getting all the steam achievements so the remaining ones that I have is to defeat this Tower boss right here and the final boss which is this Tower right here but I would also like to catch every single pal and hopefully get up to level 50 we're at level 39 so we're going to have to start by leveling up so we will catch some more Pals yeah we did just try to take out the tower boss right here so I'm going to have to repair everything going to have to grind w well I've repaired most of my equipment here what I'm going to do is look through each and every pal here and see the capture bonus so the lift monk here I need eight of them and try to go down and down to get as much xp as possible so here we go level two Cris even though they're only level two we get 5,000 XP because of the capture [Music] bonus so Farm a few Pals there as you saw so we're halfway done to level 40 but another way to get more exp is to farm dungeons Farm bosses World bosses and the tower bosses here 8,000 XP for that I will take out the German tie now hey here we go 21k XP well then taking out this boss only 7,000 XP that is less than two Pals so I think there is a better saddle for us here with the ragna Hawk ragna Hawk saddle here at level 37 it should be faster than the hell ofhere at level 33 I'm going to ride you right here ah yeah this is also way faster oh well time to take out some damn bosses or capture some Pals [Music] oh captured another human a swift human O level 11 GMOs boss I will take that out so you get a higher capture rate if you throw a pal sphere behind the pal here so first try without even fighting it 72 87 we got it so level 40 now our biggest milestone yet and we need 350 XP for the next level oh well let's increase our weight I think that's the best choice and at level 40 we unlock Giga glider maybe I'll get that suso saddle and Lily spear what is this we also found this boss here level 32 lunaris so we will kill [Music] it 27% chance not bad first try there we go well back at home so let's craft all of these new things this a CO saddle need that so susak we got the boss one yeah this one is even faster I think and it has way more stamina I can also make a what is it the blossam saddle I would like this Lily spear what the hell is this item so deals a lot of damage I would like to try something here I have a Syndicate fog let me summon this guy here there we go a human let's see what would happen when I equip my meat cleaver okay little guy I'm going to have to butcher you I'm butchering a human is this allowed two Anubis working on an item is so damn fast these are the best handw working pawns well then blossam with saddle let's see this how fast is this guy quite all right but now I can ride him at least time to capture some Pals in the hottest [Music] ERT there firing rocket launchers on us uh-oh what do we have here a few lavander oh somebody please capture her oh they're oh yes the shadow beak is too strong the real grind for level 50 starts now but we're soon halfway to level 41 oh well I want to explore this part of the map now so let's go [Music] almost level 41 jeez we have so much loot from our adventures H new boss level 29 Beacon [Music] somewhere please first tribe there we go what is this 10,000 XP I would like to see if I can reach that tree right there looks very interesting there we go level 41 so what do we unlock now we get incendiary grenade electric kitchen oh yeah we can level up our stats even further if I'm honest wait yeah just wait so this is the routine now for my leveling session just mine some coal and ore that we need later and then you want to to catch as many Palace as possible and explore well then large tree what do you have to offer oh there's a dungeon here level 23 fell [Music] bat didn't even have to try can I even reach that Island it looks so damn far away ooh capture power level seven now I have enough lift monkey fgs for that we're almost maxed out where in the hell am I going is this thing even reachable I'm at a border or something you see this this red border I cannot cross it uh but I can see the land there as you can see so I'm guessing they might add that in the future update oh looks interesting at least New Pal hu chis so how is our pal deck looking like we have have 123 registered 1 2 3 so I think I'm going to implement ly nocturnal here into our party because she can restore our health and to be frank her attack is way better than the aagon there is something that I would like to try here so instead of digging I can get a dig toys headband so apparently this should make it mine way faster let's see this big guy I has tab this thing out and it will AFK mine for me way faster than the other m miners okay this is our new source of mining that's way faster than the pickaxe so apparently we have another Wildlife Sanctuary right here so there were some rare Pals over here but I'm going to check this one out to see what Pals they have here so then what do we have over here an ACH theor Terra never seen that oh there it is a Gris bolt never seen this yeah I could solo this and that's a new pal I think also some other Pals here that I need for [Music] ex New Pal captured a theor Terra I mean this is just free XP I'm just going to stay here for a while we might get level 42 with this o I'm wanted for trespassing yeah who can stop me come over here nobody can stop me all right let's get out of here the they spawn on top of me there we are spawning I I'm not sure what's happening oh well I'm just going to TP away from here why are they everywhere make it stop make it stop there we go looks like we lost them I would also like to make a giant wall around our base so Raiders cannot get in they are quite annoying but this should help wow the Great Wall around the base has been constructed so let's see here when we want to exit the uh the base we have to this and yeah I mean now we're secure make some more hypers spheres and let's head out we have gotten so much loot from our adventures that I'm going to go ahead and sell some stuff so for some garbage items we get 30k I actually need to buy some more bone for cement which is very important I have so many Pals that I need to sell jeez a lot of mamor rests sell all of those I will try to keep one of each pal though so you sell off the ex's so almost 100 F and [Music] gold there we go level 42 so what do we unlock now pump shotgun production assembly line two ooh and a decal gun set allows crafting of a strange gun that paints a palic cal where it is fired while we're leveling steadily here we can soon get the best sphere here the legendary sphere time to become Gordon Ramsey with an electric kitchen and now I need to make what is it the production assembly line two I wonder if we can fit this here should be enough space ah speaking of which we have a [Music] raid come on Len I need this oh my good I wasted so many spheres oh no I already have a lilene but I needed is a petalia here there's some missing I would also like to enhance the shadow beak maybe try to Max it out this one is the best pal and then after that maybe the anuis so let's see here production assembly line two look how fast we craft the pal spheres 151 in literally 10 seconds so I'm missing a pal here number 61 so this one can be found in the snow biome at night I believe right over here so apparently if you get on us to gone right here and number 61 the kiten and breed them you get a shadow beak imagine breeding the best Shadow beaks and condensing them here to level up the best one there it is the Kiton there we go first try oh my it's Swift so the shadow beak it breeds might also be swift got a bunch more of these kits soon try to get the best [Music] one and already halfway to level 43 going to try to capture a patalia with this dungeon right [Music] there let's try this here 36% so how much xp 13,000 and yeah this should be level 43 just grinding out Pals is the best way to go so anything good we unlock if I remember hypers Shield yes please oh we got a sword the next level and the legendary sphere and an electric furnace so I got our kitsun here with Swift and Vanguard okay I'll breed this kit soon right here replace an Anubis and the aagon all right aagon big guy assign you to the breeding Farm uh how the hell is the tigon going to make with this small f oh well it will have to work even if you die there we go looks like it's working going to have to make some more cake so let's go and buy some more milk 100 milk and 100 eggs so with the electric kitchen making cake should be much faster what is this carbonara ah I can make carbonara and pizza one really useful thing is that if you have a celix in your base then they will Ranch some high quality claw for you which is highly required in the end game only two more levels until I can craft the assault rifle ammo and then we will take on the tower boss so by that I mean this Tower boss in the desert apparently it's level 45 so there it is this is a huge dragon egg huge dark egg yeah we have just spread one of the best Pals so if you have a Aon then do this ah we can upgrade the base even further but it's pointless I think we have a red here let's just dance on them H so I want to make a hypers shield here but I need more ancient civilization Parts I guess I'm going to have to kill some more bosses yeah yes grinding some more bosses almost level 44 so that's pretty good well defeated a lot of bosses here so make the hypers shield well then hypers Shield this one has o double the Shield capacity there we go level 44 holy we have come far so now we can get a sword an electric furnace and a legendary sphere here damn that's expensive but let's go back home so an electric furnace allows refinement of pal metal ingots I need circuit boards let's see here huge dark egg O there we go it was Swift just like its parents now our shadow beak here is level 43 so it would take quite some time to level up the new level one Shadow beak to level 43 but yeah I'm going to breed at least 20 so we can condense it and make this one more powerful two times get two stars so an electric furnace let's place this bad boy down O A Swift and Vanguard Shadow beak H let's see here pal Metal Ingot I can make a lot of that only takes ore and palum fragments yeah right now I don't think I need the metal ingots only for the legendary spheres I think I'll use the legendary spheres for the bosses the last few bosses level 50 paladius and level 50 jetr gon and where is it frost Stallion and will'll need it for the pal metal armor at level 46 and the next level I can get assault rifle ammo and then I think we should take out the tower boss in the desert let's make a sword here let's see here 525 damage better than the spear I want to test this thing out proper sword one of our what is it the orer has an ulcer so I'll treated our pals are getting quite depressed here have to treat them uh I guess I need to feed them better food here we go oh well as much as I like those level one Shadow beaks I do not want to spend the time leveling them up so here we go we're going to use these things as sacrifices and so now the shadow beak is even more powerful well I've read enough Shadow beaks now so you can rest kid soon oh wait you are the male so you had to go into that yeah it was nice while it lasted I'm sure yeah so now all my pals are happy and when I was feeding them berries they were depressed so be sure to give them some good food in this case I'm giving them salad which has 11 sanity per salad well then 104 hyperspheres let's start grinding some more pals come here I'm going to kill you with my sword oh my so much damage [Music] yeah this sword is so satisfying to use oh my we're almost level 45 time passes by so quickly and there we go level 45 so then assault rifle we already have that but I need the ammo so then now I think we should just get going and take out the tower boss so for the boss fight I of course need my assault rifle and I think I'll bring the shotgun just in case now all I need to do is make enough ammo that's the most important part well then assault rifle ammo I can make a lot I find it funny how this sword is almost as good as the pickaxe at mining here we go 700 AR ammo let's enhance our Pals for the battle I'm bringing the German tide we're going to fabricate some pal metal ingots for the future how much do I need for this armor 20 and 20 40 in total not bad H maybe I should make some omet eating it improves attack by 10% for a period of time I just have everyone Munch that down before the battle going to have to go and buy some eggs and milk I'll be back I I think we might have a little bit too much Stone 10,000 Stone but we have all the assault rifle ammo almost 700 our pal deck is filling out quite nicely here what are we missing not a lot huh well then we are officially ready 150 shotgun ammo almost 700 G assault rifle ammo 668 I need to do this 666 assault rifle ammo we are cursed so let's do this well done the PF Tower aha I am back once [Music] again W then Marcus and feris this time we will make it yep eat some food and let's do this and I need you to attack we are adequately leveled now so we're dealing much more damage all right the shadow beak our best pal yeah I mean this time we will make it oh no okay I need to heal myself let's see here goddess of the Tranquil light okay there we go did something now ice versus fire is not too good [Music] actually oh [Music] no come on we can easily do [Music] this yeah I mean we can relax now this has been um a bit too overleveled but apparently this boss is level 45 [Music] and there we go boss eliminated oh my goodness that was quite quick actually for 5 minutes left ah yeah poor guy poor poor guy but uh we have done it well now we head home and we just need to level up five more levels and then take out the boss at the winter Tower but yeah maybe we're also ready to take out some legendary bosses here like paladius because we can get the legendary spheres here where the hell is that right here but the plan is to get a lot of these and then we do that take out some Pals okay I can make 10 legendary spheres for now ah legendary spheres how many more can I get I need P ingots well you're spending a lot of time getting some more pal speres and regaining all of our assault rifle ammo I think we spent it all almost yeah I still need to catch what is it the feris this thing right here number 105 so I believe it's in the wildlife sanctuary over here let's go and we also have all the shadow beaks ready now so what we can do is level this one up once more we need 16 of these bad boys now the shadow beak will be even stronger yeah two star Shadow beak a level 50 shiny dig toys what in the actual hell is this yeah that thing seems extremely [Music] rare please just take my damn [Music] sword all right let's see here zero point Okay Legendary sphere um I should not be using this on this but an ultra sphere simply isn't good enough I think all right let me try not to kill it there we go yeah this is uh going to be quite difficult I only have 11 legendary spheres oh we got it Jesus a shiny dig toys level 50 that's the highest level pal we've caught there we have it the feris yeah we don't see enough to fight it we can just shoot the damn thing and uh 11 okay 30% come on legendary sphere Jesus I'm going to waste all my legendary speres on this thing ah there we go finally so we can get a fery saddle here but it's two levels lower than the suso saddle is that worth it well then fer is here it is I mean it's all right well then this dig toys will be perfect for mining well then feris I got your saddle here are you faster I think it seems faster this stamina might be yeah worse but this seems very fast anyways I think we're ready to take out the boss so we have a few options here we have the jetrion we have the frost alion or we have paladius so H I think I'm going to go for the jragon this might not go so well but we have a lot of ultra and legendary spheres well then big guy I see it level 50 jragon legendary Celestial Dragon I think we're going to bring out the shadow beak for this let's he a scope this thing is extremely fast Jesus leave me the hell alone homing missiles oh my what the hell is going on we're only five levels lower than this thing right H ice seems to be very very useful here jeez how is this going to go come on only 8,600 HP left this is by far the fastest pal ever oh no that attack is undodgeable uh-oh this attack is also hell Nerf quite literally the fire damage I think is really good because when it's on fire then it really takes a lot of damage this thing is [Music] vicious I need to recharge my shield I cannot take any damage that's quite literally impossible halfway there halfway there it's so damn dark what the uh what did I take damage from okay I need to get healed right now I need you to heal me it died I think I'm dead I'm barely [Music] alive Shield has regenerated this is the hardest boss by [Music] far [Music] how the hell do I dodge that I just need to buy more time to let our other Pals regenerate yeah when it's on fire that's when we deal the most damage oh well only 2,500 HP the beginning of this fight was hell all right fire on the damn thing that seems to [Applause] [Music] work all right almost time to try to capture it legendary spheres let's do this 11% 12% no away okay this will uh take some time legendary sphere come [Music] on no way we got it spit an ultra sphere no jet dragon how in the hell did we get it with an ultra sphere it was 5% I think wow I mean the ultra sphere isn't that much worse than the legendary sphere but well I think that's technically our first legendary pal here the last one in the pal deck so with this in our hands it should be quite easy to take out the other legendaries right let's see here so we can get a saddle for this thing at level 50 ah that was fun A lot of fun we we actually have the jeton well let's go home I really want to see this thing it was the strongest pal I've thought so far okay for goodness sake where is this thing jeton 846 attack 628 defense so it technically has worse attack in the shadow beak but that's because I've maxed it out uh what is this Legend 20% attack 20% defense 15% movement speed increase and 20% increase to dragon attack damage we have to replace something so the Ling can get out the Lin is not too good I forgot to eat my omelets before the battle I should do that with the next one we're going to take out so can we enhance the jetr gon we have no small Pils but yeah I'm just going to grind some more ammo I think some more resources and then we will take out the paladius or maybe the frost alion yeah the thing is so massive it can mine two ores at once Mr Bowser look at this magnificence I like how Anubis runs like Naruto look at that yeah it's annoying that I always have to get my pal un stock like a step brother but oh well this game is in Early Access so it's not an issue well we have enough ammo now we have how many 13 Ultra spheres and nine legendary spheres should be enough hello Frost alion this one has a lot more HP this time I'm going to feed everyone some omelettes let's see what this one has to offer uh we barely deal any damage what is [Music] this that seems to be it unique attack oh no I have to escape yeah where assault rifle deals less damage than on the jragon but fire is actually broken against [Music] it only 11, HP left oh no I'm [Music] frozen yes this will do it jron but it doeses seem like Ice is very effective against dragon types so jron is yeah a bit vulnerable oh no Anubis seems a bit bugged what is it doing oh no that attack right there almost [Music] dead [Music] [Music] but the feris seems to be the best pal against this I think it has dealt the most damage [Music] oh no I cannot take a hit like that again it's almost dead or uh we're not going to kill it we're going to capture [Music] it every time you get low or you think you're going to die just run away and make sure there's distance between your pal and them against you the jeton no no no no no do not push it in the wall ah what have you done okay let's just throw how did I miss just throw a sphere on it 11% oh first try no way first try legend ice Emperor Frost alion I guess being in the wall saved us yeah I would be so mad if jetrion had pushed it off the map and then we would have to do all of that again seems like we are stronger than we thought so now we have two legendary Pals to attack the last one paladius is this the last legendary that I need yeah seems like it let's go but it seems to be two legendaries here I don't want to fight two legendary Pals all righty fost alion how good are you uh seems even better than the jeton uh yeah could be so ice emper 20% increase to ice attack damage and logging for foran is useless so one interesting thing about the skills here is that they have cooldown time so blizzard Spike here has 45 CT so 45 seconds which is quite long want to make sure to get some useful skills but who do we replace here uh I'm not sure Shadow beak has to stay I'm thinking blossam or Anubis ah yeah Blossom it you will have to go but now we need to prepare resources for the last legendary so that's what we're going to do for the next few days or one day well then I think we're about ready have enough ammo have enough spheres but if it's two then I might need more spheres but I should be fine this might be the hardest or the easiest legendary pal fight yet I've also made some egg Loom Moko here which increases attack by 20% here we go a 8,000 HP each Dark Knight of Legend Holy Knight of Legend oh well let's feed everyone want some nice food so everyone should be yep they have extra attack let's see what they have to offer uh so far so good need to make sure to get one first oh no they have laser beams come on Frost stallion do something barely deal any damage with the AR okay so dark types are very good against Natural type which is what the paladius is come on jetra gon very [Music] effective only 6,000 HP left on each they deal so much damage though oh no oh my goodness the heal there I didn't see that attack [Music] coming [Music] where the hell is my Anubis going oh no please don't tell me I'm [Music] dead damn that attack from necris is deadly but yeah with them clumped up fellis can just plow through oh my goodness my Anubis almost died all right necromus it's almost time to capture him or her I don't know there we go nice and low let's try this legendary sphere 10% first try baby ah never mind but now it gets much easier come on ah this will take quite some [Music] time come on yes get captured there we go we got one of them boss first kill lord of the underworld oh my we're going to do it we're going to capture every single pal in this [Music] game all right 11% first try or is this the second try [Music] only five legendary spheres left there we go we got both of them Celestial Emperor paladius all right let's get the hell back home I want to see this one so every single World boss has been defeated unless I'm missing something I'm probably missing one or two but that is been quite the adventure but now we need to level up five levels higher and take out the final boss so then paladius and necromus necromus has more attack but less defense and the other way around for the paladius what is this can be ridden can triple jump while mounted so yeah I mean this we need to implement these guys into our deck uh who the hell do we remove is it time for anabis to go out I think so once we get the saddle for jeton or Frost alion then feris has to go out but for now I'm thinking necromus replaces Anubis she has been uh really good yeah this thing looks pretty damn cool wouldn't you say so now we just need to grind to level up apparently I need to get a palal here which you can only get by breeding the frost alion and hell here here we go so hir and falion they need to breed well now I have no need for the legendary spheres huh maybe I want to catch another aagon or something but we have done it I'm going to get the remaining PS that we're missing the robin Quil Terra I will get that real quick here we go a u what is a dark egg that's a huge dark egg here we go a robbing Quil Terra this is what I'm missing there we go a serious Runner robbing Quil Terra that's pretty good I need a gobin egg ignis and yeah that should be about it here we go Goin [Music] ignis now then I'm missing the inam knock as well right here I will just get this quickly apparently it should be in this Wildlife Sanctuary there it [Music] is oh there we go with the legendary sphere we have captured it so what's up here 135 encounters 135 registered now I know there is a variant of this which is doctrinal but we have gotten every single main pal in the game so this is yeah this is how it looks like not sure how we did it but it's all done so yeah all that's left is to grind and level up and as I said take care of the final boss I also need small P Souls here so I can level up our jetr gon and other legendary Pals all right almost level 46 there we go level 46 so at this level we unlock the pal metal armor well well well let's just go home and make this so a pal metal Helm and I should have enough for the suit as well and pal metal armor the best armor in the game let's see here pal metal armor oh my that is say a big difference almost 1 million XP to the next [Music] level oh here it is Frost alion knocked so let's see here this thing has the legend skill so it is legendary but it's level one so I think it's originally is better yeah we have so much Stone we do not need the stone pit anymore I want my anabis to focus on Crafting for the remainder of this playthrough H capture power level eight almost maxed out on that as well and now I want to enhance the jeton max out its attack please at this point we need 1 million XP per level but as you level up you get more XP per catches I think it's a set percentage with the XP bonus when you level up so that's quite nice we should be level 50 within a few days in one level we get the shadow beak saddle then we can get rid of our feris and insert this guy's brother [Music] paladius let's see here we're going to get a thousand attack on the frost alion the jet dragon has 999 attack that's going to take out some World bosses again or try to capture them like balamut oh my necromus is op we can already catch the damn thing yeah looks like we cannot catch it yeah 33k XP not bad and now aagon will be taken care [Music] of there we go level 47 so now we unlock the shadow beak saddle and the weapon assembly line two I will need this in the future but the shadow beak saddle we can make that well then feris I do not need you anymore and paladius comes in s and Shadow beak I can finally ride you after all this time let's see here how fast are you yeah you are uh pretty damn good pretty damn fast yeah this is great let's just uh keep on leveling up the good thing with the shadow beak is that it's also a ground Mount so I can just run with it well done just kill some more bosses level up I'm going to have to stay up the entire nights now because I'm missing so many Night Time Pal oh no I'm going to die to Lava I think okay there we go almost dead oh a new boss that I missed I do know some looks need to take that out well then here we go yo there shouldn't be a [Music] problem well we are 200 XP away from level 48 let going to shoot this monkey here shoot those foxes and cut him up goodbye five oh no not that one there we go level 48 it's only two levels away that was very grindy to 48 but uh yeah we're soon done we're soon done now I can get a frost stallion saddle but that takes 200 refined ingots which is very expensive um but yeah let's just the progress now we need 1.5 million XP for level 49 ah the grind is so real we have to capture like 100 PS per level but it's going steadily I have a lot of time H black marketeer I wonder if I can capture him all right boy I'm catching you as my own ah 2% never mind you can die oh I got a gold key and 10,000 gold coins I think this is a bug here no I'm I'm climbing on a oh well only halfway to level 49 now holy when did the map get so red what the hell is this it looks um looks beautiful but we're at the wildlife sanctuary and we're about to level up yep a the Terra and how did it Escape 97% or 93 and there we go level 49 now I need 1.7 1.8 million XP for max level but now we can make a rocket launcher and Rocket ammo I want to test this out but I have to grind yeah let's make the frost alion saddle and both of these things yeah not sure what happened to the map it looks like a red moon well then time to make a frost alion saddle and I believe I can enhance my capture power to level 9 almost maxed that out as well yeah so now starts the real grind the longest grind yet but I think we should reach it within a few hours so let's see here we get 25,000 XP for one uh one of these XP bonus catches so finally I can make a weapon assembly line to these things are so expensive soan Frost stallion saddle so now we can ride this thing it's way faster than the shadow beak and I think it also flies much faster well then I would like to make a rocket launcher For Heaven's Sake I think I'm also going to make the heat resistant pal metal armor so I can replace my uh heat resistant refin metal armor all right it's time to catch some more Pals and defeat more bosses for the final level I'm going to take out Aon and [Music] blossam the blossom just got destroyed well then here we go a rocket launcher and I'm also going to make some heat resistant pal metal armor now I just need some ammo for the RPG but I will need to grind enough for that I will use the RPG on the final boss here we go the RPG on my 10,000 attack we will save that for the boss fight only 900,000 XP left [Music] [Music] halfway [Music] and almost level 50 only 130 more XP ah that took like what 25 hours from Level 38 or something I'm not sure H this boss might take us to level 50 let's [Music] see and come on ah there we go didn't get a level up or anything but ah I cannot believe this we have truly maxed out the game so these are my final skills 10 stat points in health 15 in stamina and all of this so yeah that is pretty damn good and what do we get now jetr gon missile launcher well I actually yeah don't have enough to afford that so we will prepare for the final boss fight damn that took a really long time we had to capture uh get the capture bonus for a lot of Pals here I'm going to sell off a bunch of items and buy a lot of ammo for the battle I will make a lot of Rocket ammo here 50 should be enough and then we want to repair all of our weapons armor and everything and we're going to cook up some egg the deer Loom Moko for the damage and I should have a lot of Pils here so yeah we can max out the jeton and the falion is what I want so here we go and I think the necromus is also a pretty good pal there we go we maxed out the attack on every everyone except paladius well I would say we're ready we have the best armor I think heat resistant pal metal armor assault rifle repaired pump action shotgun rocket launcher so yeah we're just going to attempt this we have 50 Rockets as well rocket ammo so without further Ado we're going to teleport to the final Tower here and we're simply going to head in to face off the final boss of pal World and Achieve every single achievement so who the hell is this guy all right Gojo saturo let's see what pal you have a that uh what is that the shadow beak interesting Victor and Shadow beak let's do this all right uh I forgot to feed my people but here we go uh feed them some pretty good food and let's do this the RPG how good are you okay pretty damn good come on shoot the damn RPG [Music] boom all right the RPG is really good and then once we run out of RPG ammo it's the assault rifle ah Dragon seems very effective against the shadow beak come on huge St where the hell is it going H let me see if the DPS of the AR is [Music] better but yeah the jetr gon in this case is the best [Music] pal this guy is so strong all right Frost Stallion and jetrion and necrose those are the ones I want [Music] out yeah I think we have enough DPS actually come on halfway [Music] there [Music] I think necris ultimate is the best uh DPS in the game or I think so thank God I got the RPG because I don't think we would have enough DPS without it come on we will beat this damn game fire the damn RPG we truly have the terrorist build [Music] only 28 Falls in HP and we have 3 minutes [Music] left y it's over we have done it we have actually done [Music] it I want to finish it off personally goodbye Shadow beak yes one more RPG shot 360 no scope boss eliminated and I got the final achievement oh my H yeah that's uh that's it we have beaten P world and I believe that will be an expansion this big tree we will see maybe I should check this area out see if I have missed any bosses oh looks like a misty boss level 14 de mod how about I liberate you with an RPG oh no I missed a boss here a Nightwing a there it is level 18 Nightwing and looks like I missed one more boss level 23 Bron Cherry so the final boss uh yeah goodbye so looks like we completed everything in 150 days or actually 149 I just slept and yeah here are all the achievements so 100% pal world you can see here but yeah we have done it we have leveled up to the max level level 50 we have gotten every single pal here uh if you want to look through there are so damn many but 136 encounters 136 registered but yeah now the pals can finally rest now that their Master is gone so you can go back to the wild but that was quite the playthrough but yeah please subscribe if you enjoy this playthrough and thank you so much for watching and if you're bored then watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 37,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GaZgX59Fbk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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