Building A GIANT Base In Palworld!

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today in The Amazing World of Po World we're going to be building up a gigantic base and I'm going to be getting an army of Pals to do it all for me cuz uh currently our house is um you know I mean it's something it's a little house and we're still in like the starter Zone and I don't want to live here cuz this place kind of sucks the Army is begun already by that I mean this is nowhere near enough uh Pals I want to get like like 800 lamb balls to build me a house basically also in the last video you guys commented a great locations for me to be able to build because ores are going to be a very very important thing later on in this world I had no idea about that so good looks comment section you guys are the best and now I know a lot of people are saying cuz there's like a little coordinate thing in the bottom left it a lot of people are saying like negative like five positive like 500 or no it's POS got double check it's like 7 and 500 and something wait wait what's happening wait hold on I'm just I'm literally in my map and then we're getting raided hello BR they don't want the smoke I mean I don't want it either so let's get the bow ready I have no arrows um he someone come over here I need to craft up another workbench also um here someone make me these arrows what oh no they're coming already all right hold up hold up make more make more make more arrows come on I'm making Spears cancel oh my gosh okay um I'm overweight now this isn't good uh drop that nope oh no this this is going terribly how am I still overweight dude okay um oh the lamb balls already beat him good looks lamb balls good uh you guys protect to your house respect One's On Fire you know in a in a moment of panic you know I may have crafted up Spears instead of arrows but hey we're fine so as I was saying though location wise a lot of people are saying kind of like around here would be a great location to build a base because there's like a mountain that has a lot of ores and stuff like that and my only fear is obviously leaving behind our current base and like our current PO Box because I don't know if I like destroy this will it just get rid of all the pals that are here I don't know we'll find out however we're going to go scope out that other location and I also want to level up along the way because uh yeah we we need to level up badly I want to be able to fly I hate not being able to fly and actually I know one of the fastest ways of leveling up in this game is to actually just catch 10 of each Pals I throw a uh a pow ball while riding this bad boy cuz like obviously this would be a super easy way to do it oh yeah oh yeah there we go come on now hey nope what brother get back in there don't want to do this right now there we go yep perfect so we have two Fox Parks I would need 10 of those I don't believe I have a bunch of chick peas either come on now get up there get get okay this is why I want to fly I'm stuck in a river and then we do also have a Nightwing which would be great to be able to fly on however we uh we kind of can't yet cuz I need to level up to get the saddle so that's like level 15 though ye no no no oh my gosh he just nuked him you right little mans oh he's in the ground oh come on now you can get out of it I believe in you or not and that should be the 10th chickpea oh now better stay in there oh I'm going beat the crap out of you and there we go got some juicy XP off of that and I'm pretty much just going to continue to capture 10 Pals of each as we go no no no don't kill that I want I needed 10 of those oh I see one of those little Effigy thing oh sorry um you talking to me okay well this got to happen now I put you guys down huh huh what or well technically I could catch 10 of you too stop resisting my only fear is that if I leave this area am I going to still be able to have the same Pals cuz I know once you get into different areas and different regions then there's like different Pals and then that's obviously going to be a huge issue if I'm going to want to like uh capture 10 of these things will there be premises in this new area I don't know and me obviously there's only one way to find out and that's actually go on this adventure finally keep getting distracted me every time it's just I see these Pals and I'm like oh capture that all right well so far so good there are some crises along the way anyway so this works out actually oh this looks like a beautiful area to build to be honest nice gigantic flat area only problem is that yeah there's like no ores and trees I need my pals working [Music] hard there's a whole war going on over here what the heck's going on syndicate Thug bro they're shooting each other hold up need to intervene I got to save the pal Merchant come here no we got to save him no he's cooked now they're beating up the monkey there you go I saved you little mans you know what um see yeah we couldn't save the pal Merchant that's all right usually I don't like playing games at night but I do only need uh one little Cris and they are sleeping and they are kind of easy pickings right now he why aren't you guys sleeping huh bro holy crap this guy's strong I got him backed into a wall you ain't going to do nothing about it you help me llama Bahama Mama that's right get him oh almost deleted him oh what the heck is that dude combat that thing is sick I want it we got to battle this thing ah okay we're going to tag team it what the hell is even that bro just nuked me yo beat his cheek oh oh oh yeah that's right what's up okay I need something else I need something a little stronger huh oh my gosh dude he's doing so much damage to me there we go there we go oh my gosh okay we're going to hide he's also low please don't I have like medicine okay so that doesn't just instantly work it's more so for like Pals um cuz I'm one hit away from dying a bro is also one pow ball away from being mine yeah come on come on what the heck is that night time pals are scarier no I need something that'll not quite kill it get a little bit weaker just a little bit not too much not too much I have no PO balls I have no more po balls I hate running out of resources in this game more than anything this is so upsetting just got to pause the battle got to mine some Stone get some Stone there we go all right now surely that one will work BR so low on health there's no way okay if he comes out okay now we got him all right nice nailed it we only struggled all the way through that battle and there we go that should be the 10th kativa so now yeah we're actually already level 13 originally I was like oh we're not going to be able to really do much exploration but uh yeah once I H 15 and we're able to fly it's game over hold on a second oh my God what is that I'm seeing some mamar fighting out there in the distance all I know is that I'm might be able to catch another weak Pokémon I mean pal it's pal oh one of them's already dead uh oh perfect actually thank you mamis come here fine sir I would like to claim you oh my gosh no there's no way 0% what I was at 0% bro has no HP all right um I don't want to kill it just stop resisting nope how is just really hard to catch one of these things you know what oh oh it it's just really strong no no no no my Pal's going to go fight it oh no no no no he's going to go fight me oh pow ball here we go okay all right all right we got this under control no I didn't want to throw the pow ball already oh I have to use a better sphere oh okay we're just going to claim some XP then we're just going to knock him out yeah yeah yeah let's get him let's get him boy let's get him huh you know that's kind of interesting thousands of tear later that's fine because we're basically just going to act like none of that ever even happened anyways back on that uh level 15 grind so that then we can be able to fly everywhere oh great we got another raid at least I could be able to get a lot of XP off of these things you know since that's pretty much all we're doing is power level o actually hold on I want to catch these things did I catch these surely I mean if you could catch a merchant you can catch these things get back here stop resisting perfect did we get all three oh yeah some raid that you guys had huh last second I found another shiny I hear it shining over here why do it got to be a gumas this thing is ugly it's pretty weak though I accidentally threw a pow ball at it now we only have two whatever it's fine it's fine it's com cool oh my okay we're we're we got to yeah we got to do something about that my boy no way we're going to let you get away with beating the crap out of me like that gum's got to be the lamest pal I've ever seen in my life why is he shooting a god Ray at me okay is he low enough is he low enough can we catch him if not perfect okay oh my gosh apparently bro is battle ready what the heck why is he so strong I think You' be able to see his like special features lucky and Vanguard how blast which does 150 damage and then sand blast okay so I'm going I'm going to go ahead and take him with me and now I got two shinies technically we got the chapi and then we also got the gumas oh my gosh I just realized we also got level 15 off of that which I haven't been using like any of my technology points by the way I've just been like leveling and I started using a little bit and then I was like ah we'll deal with that later Tan's assault rifle what yeah we're going to go ahead and grab that one um we're doing the Nightwing saddle that's a priority the mill sounds important wheat Plantation sounds like it can be useful Mega sphere need that one a sphere workbench also sounds important hold up we're doing sphere workbench real quick insufficient material I need Nails okay which obviously I need metal which I unlocked nails but yeah I need ingots which means I need to smelt down metals and see this why where we live is very important now all I got to do is craft up a pal gear workbench thank you everyone I appreciate all the hard work I love every single one of you and then I can be able to craft up a Nightwing saddle all I need is leather cloth ingots all right looks like we're crafting up a smelter I thought this was going to be a lot easier I thought it was just like hey you unlocked it you get it so now we can craft up a primitive smelter and then now technically I could craft up ingots we have a bunch of ores well actually hold on if I let me put this fox Park oh well we have a bunch of fox parks there we go and then now let me craft up these and then he should just do it on his own perfect perfect love to see it if I put more Fox Parks will it go faster or is it just like a onean job no you want to help out over there who are you talking to right now all right well back in the PO Box you go what about the merchant what you going to do oh you can still buy and like trade with them after capturing them I just got to put him in the PO box at at the base okay regardless he's not doing nothing so more Bob the builders on the base is the better is the is the better is is better hate myself and now finally at long last after all that grinding we can craft ourselves up a Nightwing saddle oh my gosh someone get over here and help me with this hold up yeah someone someone get on this job what do you want we need more Bob the builders on the job everyone get over here do they not build like uh po items okay okay now he's one extremely annoying shift later and finally done it was all worth it because now I can finally fly around bask in my glory this is going to make getting around much easier oh I hear another shiny it sounds like it's coming from over here hidden it's a kativa I might one shot this thing a little bit worried actually hold on maybe I maybe I fight this one with my hands ah okay no it's a it's a it's stronger it's stronger get him get him Nightwing beat his cheeks yeah oh my anyways now that we got flying obviously we could be able to just easily fly to the locations to go check out where we want to live and all the different oo there's a little uh little eggy right there but check out these different locations and obviously decide if we want to build our gigantic house there that we will be forever expanding oh my gosh I see another egg okay um we collecting eggs today still don't even have any incubator um so that sucks what you guys commented Down Below in the last video that apparently to get an incubator I got to beat bosses and then when I beat bosses I get the the ancient technology uh skill point and then I can be able to get it which actually now that I think about it there is a very easy boss yeah the level 11 chillet over here opposed to you know fighting the 38 mamist oh we got ourselves a bridge actually a man-made looking Bridge with a little fiery Smokey stacky what's going on over here oh there's bar barcades oh this this like a hostile camp or something o I see all the ores though that must be where everyone's been telling me to live doesn't look like we're going to have some pretty mean neighbors although I will say it's looking beautiful over here with a nice little like Folly kind of biome we got all this iron right here yo yeah you guys weren't cing this is actually juice what the heck you can set up like a gigantic house right here on the hillside I'm definitely seeing why people would want to live here you got this nice little Plateau kind of areas oh yeah this is beautiful is this got to be our home now for sure oh we got some little Wolfies dire wolves or dire house saying Game of Thrones saying dire wolves now my only beef with this is that I already have a base cannot build any more bases blah blah blah blah blah sure sure sure blah blah blah and I don't know if I get rid of that PO box if it's going to just delete all the pals in that PO Box I'm hoping it doesn't because otherwise I have to level up the the PO box and I'm I I think I'm just way too lazy I don't think I can do that right now I'll be honest after power leveling to 15 just to be able to fly I don't know and surely there's like a teleporter or like a checkpoint somewhere around here right oh Syndicate thugs are fighting some lamb balls and stuff not on my watch my gosh dude they got blickies they actually okay maybe I see why living here is kind of RIS what's up what's up with a gangster get clapped up yo I shot the dir wolf that's not what I meant to do I wanted to get these guys what if I capture one about you huh oh dang they take a lot to capture okay look dir wolf dire how uh I don't want okay you know what whatever I'm just going to I'm just going to capture one of them just because they're kind of cool I'll be honest yo what the heck is that inin oh my gosh I want that inceram I want whatever that is I don't have any arrows God dang it okay we're fighting we're fighting right now get him sick him boy uh-oh uh-oh my Nightwing's getting a little weak I can't be having my my Nightwing get clapped up right now that's my ride home and then The Syndicate Thug he's bugged out I love to see it free opportunity to catch one oh my God hello brother you left your uh your Desert Eagle back oh hello now all that's out of the way this guy looks sick and I want to capture him I got to make sure that I don't just delete him so malpa let's get to work let's capture this dweeb huh oh he's just he's just not even going to fight back all right makes my life a little easier [Music] all right now hopefully that'll do it 38 68 come on now that's what I'm talking about okay all right now that we cleaned all that up oh my gosh there's still more so maybe living here I you know like I get it I get why it's like high risk you know you get a lot of resources but you're at the mercy of being constantly at War all right so it's looking like we might have a bit of a teleporter not too far away at some small settlement if that's the case then obviously we're going to take that how's it going guys just uh passing through passing through don't mind me oh there's the small settlement oh this looks like a perfect spot to live if there was just some more iron wait what's what's the name of that pal excuse me King Paca oh guys we got big goals that thing looks sick I want that all right so this is that settlement yeah small settlement now these guys like mean they going to attack me oh they seem pretty chill so then there's a fast travel not too far away it's a it's a bit of a skip over but we should be able to manage oh my gosh dude there's no way there's going to be another raid already a herd of wild Pals where gives me a good opportunity to test out literally the devil dude what the heck bro is so intimidating where are you going what job do you do or well incin so I assume breathe fire you punch Rock surprise mother oh my God guys it's battle time oh bro incam is diabolically strong and he punches rocks so that he's super useful but now comes the time where we are going to disassemble the PO Box this has me so nervous I'm just so worried about losing all the pals that I already have YOLO oh all Pals at the base will be stored in your pal box perfect that's all I cared about hello okay but now I can take the checkpoint at the very very start of this entire world fast travel on over to the small settlement and fly on over to the new home now we could be able to place down our PO Box I wish I could like see where it's going to go before I even place it cuz like I kind of want a part of oh that's not okay that show me the outline now that I plac that oh I hear shiny what hold on this is like the fourth shiny now it's a shiny pansy I will take a shiny monkey any day of the week actually you know what I just I can't risk it with him around okay maybe I can this thing's a little strong this thing a little strong all right maybe I oh God he's shooting Fireballs clap his cheeks just not quite as as hard as last time whoa there we go maybe he should be low enough get rid of this tany this guy's just staring at me and one more there we go he should be weak enough now BR okay all right this bro really wants to get down to one Health come on oh no there we go another shiny in the bag okay so yeah I could see the outline of where this PO Box would be so it' be like half of this Plateau right here it'd be like three of the ores over here H obviously later on I could just build more PO Boxes though and just make one Mega base so maybe I just include all these ores for now right here by placing this down right there we'll build up another one nearby and make a mega base over here then inside of this we still got all of our pal all right that's all it matters I'm not worried about all the stuff at the old base didn't really spend much time there anyway oh my gosh why do this Crown got like a tumor um God dang it regardless now we could start obviously assigning different Pals to do different jobs I don't know what the little monkey guy does let's see what he does he gets wood like every like 90% of Pals all right oh it says the icons like right here on the right side I just don't know what each of those icons mean I'll be honest all I do know is that lamb balls are hard workers Bob the builders you know they basically gather up all the items that get left on the ground and if I put down boxes they'll just start loading up the boxes for now we you to start upgrading the base a little bit that's not what I meant to do um oh my gosh is this what I'm going to have to deal with like we just established a base and the neighbors are already coming over like I haven't even set up yet the house looks terrible let's go bust their cheeks before they even get down here can they even get down here wow they got a long trip we got a really uh really ahead start on this fight all right give them the hands come on now go get him what the dog doing Incan what the hell you double crossing me right now what's happening okay come on stop stop running get my gosh these there we goam we're fighting thank you it took you long enough there we go you know what after that terrible performance I need you to cook up some food I really only have mushrooms that's all we got this is the game plan for right now what I'm planning on doing is placing down a little like outdoor Outpost type of thing right here where all the wood and stuff can be stored for now that my little man's is chopping down at and going to town at boys are you good what's happening everyone's in a in a state of panic right now oh my gosh wait a second I just realized I'm gantu a mistake these are all ores which is super important but I don't have any stone where's the nearest rock oh my gosh another egg eggs are cool but not what I want give me give me rock it appears I've made a gigant mistake in miscalculation and there's another egg okay we got a lot of eggs we got to we got to incubate o another chest okay I think I'm good though because I could create a stone pit which somehow will infinitely create more Stone I just got to make sure that I actually place down enough of those and get Pals that'll be able to work on them I recently found out that I can't use a bed without a roof got me a little upset not going to lie does that count messing with the whole Vibes I wanted this to be like open outdoor indoor outdoor thing I will be disassembling this a new priority I need to build up a stone pit and for that I'm going to need a little bit of stone to start feel like I moved into a bad neighbor there always gunshots violence hey yo what's this special tree ice skill fruit grass skill fruit and electric okay so I could be able to like give my pal special skill fruits to be able to teach them new skills can I find a single Rock I can mine hello look at this Rocky close side would have had a lot of rocks but it does not moments later here we go finally got some rocks and now obviously with the stone I could craft up a nice little Stone pit y everyone get over here I need some help this is a big project look at him go yeah what talking about then now I need to figure out what pal is going to make some Stone which one's a stoner I me we obviously know that incin does it or yep perfect my boy he's an actual fighting machine as well as a mining machine now we need a speedrun basically upgrading this base a little bit so then I can finally build a house cuz now that I upgrade the base I can be able to have more Pals at the base to be able to do more jobs essentially and then I'll always have these little land balls helping me build things while also picking up all the resources and with them automate everything now I can actually start putting down the foundation for our base there we go this is kind of the foundation so far for the base just waiting on a little bit more wood come on guys you know something I just realized having a shiny Pals in the base is really op this monkey thing just destroyed some some dire house I don't want to come over here anymore anyways now that we got the foundation for the base all set up now I can actually kind of like like a wall in the ENT entire thing oh well I do need some windows that's for sure this stupid ground part oh this game drive me insane I was going to have two doors as well because we're just kind of sick like that or should I just do a wooden gate down in the middle that kind of be cool like if I just plop down a giant wooden gate right here can I do that it doesn't snap but it fits oh it's huge guys hold on I don't know if we want this it looks cool no yeah we need to cancel this though we need yeah we'll see how it goes see how it look dire House's back you guys want the smoke again monkey thank you wait why does it say the team seems hungry I gave you guys stupid things over here huh I got to put stuff in it I can't just put seeds in it oh there's berries at the Berry Farm I see I see I see now I take the berries from The Berry Farm and I put it in their food now there you go I'm not certain about doing this whole uh giant gate down in the middle thing it looks cool I just don't know if it makes sense for the base though because now the second level is isn't really going to be usable give me a multi-story house you know sick like that I mean come on that's looking pretty sick though I'll be honest I'm vibing pretty heavy with it yeah this is going to be a little funky M now I have an idea if I tear it down we could build it back again but we can rotate it mhm mhm see how I'm going excuse me Pals can you all get out of the way there we go now the doors open outward perfect why does the pal team seem hungry still don't you guys have food yeah you guys got food go eat I'm starving I'm starving for you guys I'm being a good parent I know I heard of man eating wild Pals on the way huh we's see how they fair in the meantime I'm going to cook myself up some food come over here in cineram I need your help whing it up in the kitchen thank you looks like the invasions here oh my god oh it's just a complete war and and they're getting destroyed oh wait this yep there we go and then here comes the rest of them come on boys take them out you know the rules of the base someone walks in cheeks clapped what are these keys for man copper key silver key we dropping Keys nonstop I got the keys I got the keys is it like someone's job to get rid of these carcasses is it my job do I do I got to get rid of these is that how this works okay off the cliff we go huh see you later not enough about upgrading the actual uh pow box and we can obviously finish building out the base I mean in reality this is I would I would call this like base V1 you know like cuz once we are able to build up another PO Box I build a new house up there and we're talking Mega Mansion okay this isn't this isn't working the gate I love the gate I think it looks cool but it's not going to it's not quite working out so instead we'll just put down a door right here with another door right here oh you know what I just had a Galaxy brain idea what if I build the gate here bro oh my gosh I swear living here there's like 800 times more raids oh yep I mean that's kind of what happens when I come near the base I mean it's on you guys if you want to do that there we go now we boxed in the entire bottom floor I do need some lights um mounted torch does it does it only mount on the ground wall mounted torch there we go that's what I want any more technology I just realized that I haven't really done any sort of walking around in this place yet sorry about that you know uh Nightwing's a little wild he likes to attack random things um I haven't done any sort of like bartering in this little town oh bro just sells PALS like straight up I want the cow what the heck that thing is sick hey why do you have this in here if you sell Pals and that interesting okay what's this guy I got pal speres medications bones nothing that I really desire this place does sock so honestly I was hoping that I could be able to buy maybe like a little bit of wood or something like that then I could be able to you know build the house a little bit faster but it's okay all right fortunately you know I mean the pals the pals are doing enough work I think getting enough wood for us obviously instead of doing the uh the big old gate in the front we'll just have uh a little balcony maybe I can be able to build handrails later I don't know I don't know if that's an option or not but obviously downstairs right here is where all of our workbench stuff is going to go so let me build up a couple more of them oh you know what I need to do I need to build a furnace again I can put down a couple furn eyes like right here I was taking a nap in the middle of the day really in this climate I need to figure out what pal mines ore or is just mining mining in general what I wanted to do was get some ores that then I could be able to smelt them all down come out here in Center get to work on this thing then now with those ingots I can be able to craft up some nails then now I could be able to place down a much bigger and better workbench there we go now we pretty much got almost all of our workbenches and stuff like that all set up now all we really need to do is slap a roof on this how do you do the roof do I have to do it like this I really don't want to do it like this actually Galaxy brain like that so then I could get on top nice and then now I can go up here and then place them down like this all the way across and I'll just delete all the ones I don't want anymore I just say my brain is pretty swollen no way I can go in build mode right Ah that's what I thought oh wait a second I goofed H it'd be really cool if I could go in build mode while also mount it up but uh yeah that doesn't seem to be legal you know finesse in this roof is actually a lot more complicated than I thought it would [Music] be and last hold on we're cooking insufficient funds whoa wait a second I haven't ran out of wood in a while who's slacking off oh yeah I got rid of my wood Chopper guy he was slacking off there you go they're getting some more wood now and there we go we should be good to go on the roof now everything should pretty much be all set okay yeah we're getting rid of that portion of the roof uh it didn't turn out quite how I thought it would there we go now that's looking pretty good this our big old house to our eles and then obviously we'll expand the base as we go given different Pals you know maybe their own home because they're special Pals maybe we start naming some Pals after some subscribers kind of like we did in the old hardcore world but obviously upstairs we got our what's going to be our bedroom essentially downstairs our working zones and then we'll build a separate storage house that'll be completely separate from the house because I don't want to deal with Pals going in and out of my house all day long just to store some items and some chests here now we can be able to actually move in with our bed I'll put our bed right here and maybe build up some like storage up here that's just specifically my storage my own special storage and then we got some decorative shells yeah I got to put them up got decorate a little bit in here wooden countertop it's literally a bar holy crap it's huge this way bigger than I thought it was going to be although it looks really cool this is more like an outdoor thing I'll be honest if I if I had this like outdoor like a part of this or something if their beds weren't right here that'd be cool I think actually I can build up like special chests right so if I wanted to have my own little like chest room and stuff yeah metal chest yo what is happening right now how could you guys let this thing in and attack me hello actual war going on you know we got seven technology points here I'm going to get a wooden table just for decorating purposes ooh a dire house saddle I think the dire House's really fast uh Mount obviously flying is pretty ideal but wall torch we will absolutely take those wooden wall defenses I want that especially because where we live and now I can build like SI mode giant walls oh yeah actually just make the base look even cool just add a little bit more flavor to it I giant spiky walls on the side of it oh yeah cuz now we got like a nice fortified base look at this thing that's looking pretty op I wish they had this but like with Windows I mean it kind of defeats the purpose still look now I can be able to put like a bed right here like special Pals or something you know Pals that I care about a lot but for now I think the base is coming along we'll end up working on some outdoor storage expanding the base obviously once we up update the PO Box a little bit more but for now this is working for me if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you guys smash that like button hit subscribe join the Paul G Army let me know if you guys want to see some more of this juicy power world content some more adventures and some more things cuz this is literally an endless world of things to do so comment down below some ideas that you guys want to see me do in this world and for now I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: PaulGG
Views: 49,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul, paulgg, notpaulgg, not paulgg, not paulgg minecraft, palworld, pal, world, palworld online, palworld survival, palworld gameplay, palworld building, palworld base, palworld house, pal world, pals, palworld series, palworld best base location, palworld base location, palworld base design
Id: L5DiicEYkKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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