I Survived 100 Days in JURRASIC PARK in Hardcore Minecraft

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the jurassic era a time of primitive technology and monsters beyond comprehension in these next 100 days we will be taking on the four hardest bosses that rule this ancient era whilst conquering dimensions that would cause the average person to quake in their boots with custom terrain generation and new dungeons to explore throughout this dangerous time period only time will tell if we can survive the next 100 days in a jurassic period let's begin we are speed running 50 000 subscribers as soon as we reach it i'll be uploading two 100 days videos a week so if you want to see this kind of content even more please subscribe we just released a limited time merch drop we're selling 10 of each of these hoodies and shirts all proceeds go to upgrading my main computer so if you guys want to see even more content go check out the store at mudflaps.shop but hurry as there's only a limited supply and once they sell out we're never selling day one i spawned into a brand new biome that i'd never seen before i spawned right next to some diplodocuses but i also spawned next to some alligator things that looked like they wanted to eat me so i quickly ran to get the highest vantage point i could to see what was going on i climbed to top one of the jungle trees to see what i could see and oh boy this world was looking crazy thankfully the diplodocuses did not want to eat me but i knew there were much more dangerous dinosaurs that did while exploring my surroundings i found this really cool looking cave i was definitely not ready to go in there though i then crafted my basic tools i was really excited because i knew pretty soon i was going to be able to start customizing a bunch of tools and armor sets that i had never seen before because this modpack holds in some really cool mods while exploring i found this ancient structure-like thing and i went in to investigate it i checked all the chests but there was just some gold and some old runes i wasn't sure what the old runes did yet but they would play a big role later since nobody seemed to be home i decided to raid their sugarcane farms and take all of it from my own i knew i needed some food if i wanted to survive so i quickly found some pigs and i started marching towards them but as i got closer something didn't seem holy biscuits they're the same size as i am what is going on after slaughtering the innocent pigs i noticed the rhinoceros stuck atop a tree i have no idea how he got there i'm sorry but this is just amazing they made squids bigger too this this is fantastic since it was becoming nightfall i debated on the idea of going mining until i saw this creeper that looked like he was twice the size of me and i decided that was a horrible idea and i ran into a little hidey hole i started out the next day by going to the caves and beginning to mine while exploring i found this abandoned room that led to more rooms inside of a mine shaft-like area i'd never seen areas like this before and i was really excited to see what else these caves had to offer while exploring i found some damaged anvils these wouldn't be too useful but they might be useful in the early game when i'm looking at combining some early enchants i also made use of the wool that was placed here and there so i can make a bed for later i also took all the food from their farms as maybe i could use it to tame some dinosaurs soon while exploring the abandoned mine shaft i found this giant creeper who charged at me and i was barely able to avoid his deadly blow that was a close one i continued exploring and i found two full iron blocks inside of the mine shaft this was going to give me a great start to get some early game armor i found some levers and a button on a wall and i figured maybe it was some type of code to unlock a room somewhere so i tried them out but i'm horrible at code so i just broke down the wall to see if there's any redstone behind it there wasn't i was quite disappointed i then crafted some armor with my newfound iron i came back up to the surface now that i felt like i could protect myself and i found this black pit of what looked like tar but you know what they say the best way to know something for sure is to test it so i jumped right in yep it's tar while exploring i also found this abandoned dig site you can find some fossils here that you can actually create your own dinosaurs with later or create hybrid dinosaurs with i was really excited for this should i be able to survive long enough to actually be able to accomplish it playing god with the creation of life never goes wrong right i then found this dude that looks really cool i'm not quite sure what he's called but he looks cool i knew i needed to start tinkering with armor and weapons very soon you see you can actually create custom weapons and armor inside of this game the reason i want to do this is because the carnivores actually begin to hunt as they get hungrier and we've set us at their range increases of way they can find us as the game goes on so i'm going to be hunted by a bunch of carnivores very soon i started out the day by boring some more librarians books as i looked out the window i realized there was a skeleton there with a ginormous bow waiting for me so i made a dash for it and i was able to get away gotta go gotta go sorry i'm late for something you're just you deal with that house over there i'm busy i'm busy is that just me or is that a ginormous zombie on fire i am going the opposite direction now now hear me out i understand this is going to be a dinosaur theme parked eventually but can we have a ginormous squid inside of it next i started looking for a house location before i wanted to explore and start gathering looting items i wanted to have a home base and this mountainous terrain looked like the perfect place for it so i gathered some wood up so i could actually build a structure and then i began scaling the side of the mountain like a good old mountain goat would once i had topped the mountain i started realizing how cool it would be if we could somehow interconnect both of the mountains side by side maybe put a lab in the one mountain have the jurassic park all the way below it this could be absolutely epic i then increased my render distance to 64 and almost blew up my computer but the view was worth it i was going to be the lord of this land also i didn't have any shoes i then began carving out the side of the mountain so i could start my base i found out that this 3x3 hammer is incredibly slow and i would never ever use it again i finished up the start of the house at least by putting a little fence on the edge so i didn't walk off by accident never done that before in a hardcore series and then i slept away the night to begin for an adventurous day for the next day i decided to go up mining i know i wanted to start gathering resources very quickly if i wanted to start progressing taming dinosaurs and entering new dimensions to face some of the bosses inside of this modpack while in the caves i bumped into this mine shaft this was definitely no ordinary mine shaft with secret rooms everywhere and with different pathways that i'd never seen before this is going to be very fun to explore nope not going in there i continued exploring the mine shaft to see what treasures it would hold i also gathered all the rails up as since my house is atop a mountain i figured maybe i could make a cool rail system later i spent the next few days looting this dynamic cave system finding chess everywhere in secret hidden rooms with people that used to live there i wonder he used to live in the prehistoric age while exploding i found these preserved ice cubes not exactly sure how they stayed as ice but nonetheless they had some cool fossils in them from the ice age i was attacked multiple times while mining and one time i even came close to dying even though these mobs are bigger they also do double the damage so it makes it a lot more dangerous to go mining while exploring i began to hear some noises through the walls i began mining towards them it turns out there was an abandoned room with mob spawners and different chests inside so i fought my way in after creating a shield who was able to dismantle all the dead guests had an assortment of rare minerals and some enchanted items inside this would definitely give me a good start so i could get out of the mines quicker and begin looking at dinosaurs well mining a vein the wall opened up and i noticed that there was an open area below the dungeon so i went down there and i found some rare minerals it looks like this was a secret room intended to hold some of the riches so i decided to take them all for myself whilst mining i found another new dungeon full of zombies all of the blocks were silverfish blocks so after i mined through i used a lava trick to kill them all killing silverfish is very annoying with a normal sword a lava trick works just fine after taking out the dungeon i opened the chest in the center of the room and explosions began to happen it looked like it was a trap chest but i was safe because i immediately ran away right after without even realizing i then inspected the other chest to make sure it was not trapped but it was all good i began the next day by going adventuring i wanted to start taming some dinosaurs however halfway down the mountain i realized i had forgotten the tool i would need to actually tame them so i had to go all the way back up getting a good calf workout here whilst adventuring i bumped into these archaeologists who had some awful trades that i would never trade with i found a dinosaur stuck in a tree and i decided he'd be a great victim so i began whipping him apparently whipping is the way you tame something not exactly sure how that bridge is a brand new friendship but you know what we'll go for it so i began whipping him until he became my team and then i tried to ride him but unfortunately it did not work i have no idea what i'm doing while searching for more dinosaurs that were potentially ridable i found some more ginormous cows and i began slaughtering them for their meat i then found a new dinosaur in the wild and i decided to whip him to become my friend once he became my friend i attempted to ride him but he would not let me i have still no idea what i'm doing so i decided to go to the wiki and try and figure out which dinosaurs were actually rideable i then found what looked like a prehistoric doggo so i figured hey man's best friend so i began to whip him to see if he'd become my friend he did but he would not let me ride him as nightfall approached i noticed two large masses in the distance and i zoomed in they were tyrannosaurus rexes not going that way i then cuddled up to this dinosaur and dug myself a hole right beneath him we were going to be sleeping buddies for the night i started out the next day by trying to tame this pteranodon i tamed him but he would not let me mount him later in the day i found this moose which fits very well considering i'm canadian i decided to name him gregory because that seemed like a fitting name and then we began zipping around the map like he was the usain bolt of the moose colony later in the day i found this structure-like thing that emerged from the ground which i could only assume was a dungeon of course i was going to go in there so i said my goodbyes to gregory and then i headed down into the deep dark cavern i knew if i wanted to fight my first dinosaur boss by day 25 i needed to get some armor and need to get it as quickly as possible and this was going to be a great way to begin that looting process and the next few days instead of the dungeon looting all the different rooms inside there are great enchanted books some enchanted armor and some pretty difficult mobs as the dungeon progressed deeper and deeper closer to the void i knew if i wanted to fight my first boss by day 25 i would need the best armor i could get my hands on i had set myself a challenge that every 25 days i would fight another boss all the way until i could fight the titanosaurus rex on day 100. i knew if i wanted to do this challenge i needed to make sure i was progressing while i was also working on my dinosaur park but for now it was time to focus on armor looting and getting ready to face my first boss inside of the game i started out the next day by crafting some more chests so i could begin sorting out my inventory from all this mess i'd accumulated from the dungeon i wanted to grab the glider so i could begin gliding off my mountain instead of running all the way down but i was one leather short i then began traversing my way down the mountain so i could go and collect my one more piece of leather i also wanted to start collecting some sand gravel and clay so i could begin on my tinker's construct i wanted to begin casting the best armor in the game the ardite set you see when you wear this armor you slowly level it up and give yourself different perks and as i battled different bosses throughout the mod pack from different dimensions and different layers i knew i needed the best armor in the game and i need to start getting it early so i began making my tinkers concert i started out the next day by clearing out some of my base i know if i want to add a smeltry in here i need a little bit more room i realized pretty quickly that mining out this entire space with my pickaxe was going to take way too long and i wanted a hammer from tinker smeltery but to get that i needed to go to the nether first so i headed back down into the mines to grab some obsidian i decided it'd be a great idea to test out my new glider with a max height drop meaning if i fell i would probably die i had no idea how to use it but lucky for me i figured it out in mid-flight pog champ i then made my way down into the caves and began mining obsidian after my the obsidian i scaled the opposite mountain just because i wanted to glide into my front door because i thought that was cool the next day i began the day by crafting the nether portal inside of my wall this couldn't go wrong upon entering the nether i attached my glider and began to fly around this thing would be a great asset for the nether i was looking for some rdi and some cobalt because when combined you can make them into monelium a super strong material which you can then craft into armor and different weapon types however when i found the rdi and began to mine it i realized that my diamond pickaxe could not mine it but an obsidian one could so i decided to go back and craft an obsidian pickaxe instead when i arrived home i began construction of my new smeltery i knew i couldn't put it inside of my house yet because well it wouldn't fit so i decided to put it outside temporarily i will be tearing it down because it looks absolutely atrocious i then began assembling the parts i would need to craft my obsidian pickaxe i needed to make an obsidian two rod cast an obsidian pickaxe head cast and an obsidian binding cast this would allow me to pour the molten obsidian inside and then forge it into a new pickaxe that i can mine ardite and cobalt with and then by nightfall i was able to assemble my new pickaxe and become ready to face the nether once again i then thought it'd be a fun idea to see if i could glide onto my bed and i would bounce i did i entered the nether and upon entering i was able to start mining cobalt with my new obsidian pickaxe i need to gather quite a bit of it because to make a full set of magnelium armor and tools was going to require a lot of our dying cobalt smelted together i then bumped into this chunky fellow who proceeded to run away from me huh yes that's right i am the king of this land not you giants i then found this small structure and i decided to investigate i robbed them of their ender chest as the obsidian would become useful later i then went down the stairs and i found some epic items guarded by the zombie pigman but as long as i didn't hit him everything would be okay i then met this friendly fellow who decided to shoot webs at me stick me and then wither me but it's okay because i took care of him i guess friends aren't that easy to come by around here after a while of mining ardite and cobalt my obsidian pickaxe broke but i continued mining with my diamond pickaxe some nether quartz i wanted to make a laboratory soon and now the quartz would be an essential building block on my way home this gas startled me when i was trying to investigate this structure so i ran into the structure as quick as i could and grabbed the loot from the chests as i made my way down i saw a weather skeleton and decided this would be a horrible idea so i went the other direction and left i began the next day by putting some rdi and cobalt inside of my smeltery so that it would form into manelium one of the strongest materials inside of the game now i could start building some epic tools and armor sets so that when i faced the boss on day 25 i would be ready and he would reckon the day that he messed with me and then i began carving out some of my house but i began to realize midway through that i needed to start work on my armor if i wanted a chance against this boss so after carving a bit of the house out i decided to leave it for now and as the sun set i began to prepare for the next day's adventure i began the day by gliding off the top of my mountain i wanted to plummet to the surface safely to go and go some mining i wanted to make an armor forge so i could begin crafting some epic magnelium armor to take on the boss while in the mines i found this drowned spawner i'm not exactly sure where he was supposed to spawn considering there was no water nearby while searching for iron in the caves i found this weird structure that appeared to be a trap so i investigated it and i realized that there was tnt in the middle so i broke all the pressure plates like an intelligent boy would and i smashed to the chest to clear out the tnt i then gathered all the loot up there was some basic diamond leggings in there nothing too special but i did collect all the diamonds and iron that it had i then continued for a long period of time just mining some iron out i needed it for the armor forge it needs four blocks of iron so i needed quite a bit before i could come back to the surface the armored forage is required to be able to actually make the new tinker's armor that i wanted to be able to face the boss well mining i kept finding this or called a brass ore i wasn't quite sure what it was used for yet but i guessed it had something to do with the archaeology mod so i just made sure to grab it up as i went i found another structure i'd never seen before there didn't seem to be a point to this one aside of the fact that there were two iron blocks sitting atop it so i scooped him up and went on my way well mining i found my first natural spawn of diamonds pollock champ and then i managed to lose two of them into the lava less of a pog champ while on my way out of the mines i found this random villager that was just chilling down here not exactly sure what he was doing but i figured i would leave him to it i began the next day by smelting down some iron so i could actually start creating my armor forge i then poured the molten iron out into a casting basin to make some iron blocks i love this animation and just like that i crafted my armor forge and i was ready to start making some unfathomable armor i then began the casting process of what would be the new moulds for my armor i then began pouring the molten manelium into their new molds to start crafting the armor set this was a brand new crafting for me i'd never done something like this before once you enter the armor forge you need three parts you need the core and the other two elements i only had enough nelium to actually make a chest plate for now so i'd have to go back to the nether to gather up some more i began the next day by heading into the nether i needed to collect some more rdi and cobalt i decided i was going to spend a few days here and gather up as much of it as i could this way i would never have to come back and throughout the series i could just keep repairing my same armor i didn't want to spend a lot of time mining this series there was tons to explore lots of new dimensions lots of bosses that i've really wanted to encounter but i wanted to make sure i was set up first before i went and did that whilst exploring in the nether i found this weird looking ship so i decided it'd be a good idea to glide onto it nothing bad ever happens when you do that and there was this weird looking dude that was just staring at me he seemed to be like from some sort of egyptian time or something like that but he didn't do anything he didn't give me any items he wasn't breakable he he just kind of existed i'm not exactly sure what you're supposed to do with him but he did kind of scare me so i decided to leave while i was ending my adventure i found another fortress while i went inside there was blazes shooting me right left and center and where the skeletons chasing me down all the hallways there weren't too many chests so i decided to abandon the mission and finish my quest to go home i started out the next day by smelting some more cobalt and our diet to make menelium to finish off my magnelium armor set i then decided for my weapon of choice i was gonna go with a rapier they keep the mobs at a distance while doing a good amount of damage and they have a quick attack they don't do a lot of damage but because you can do a quick attack you can compound that damage very quickly i then began doing some research into modifiers you can add on modifiers onto your armor and onto your tools such as things allowing them to mine faster or give you more protection i didn't understand the armor yet but i knew that diamonds would give me a little bit more protection so i decided to put one diamond on all of my armor set by base you have three modifiers that you can apply and then you get more as you level up your armor types i didn't want to use all of my modifiers as i didn't understand really what all the modifiers did yet but i figured i should at least increase my defense a tiny bit the next day i wanted to go and grab some more resources before i faced the first boss but it was raining outside and i hate rain so i decided to stay inside and start working on my base i wanted to do a courtyard area with three different entryways two of the entryways would lead to different storage units or different tinkers areas and the third entryway would begin wrapping around the interior of the mountain i wanted to hollow out a good part of the mountain and just have different rooms on all the way down to you eventually got into the base almost in a spiral pattern but it might make it go a little bit more random so i started mork on the first three rooms on this day and then as nightfall came i quit my sword and i said i was ready and i jumped off the ledge ready to venge the first boss but then realized i needed to go to bed so i came back and went to sleep [Music] the next day i mainly spent killing dinosaurs for their food i was about to enter the new dimension and i needed all the food i could get the next day before i started work on my actual base i wanted to go and explore a new dimension and take down the bosses that held within but to get there i needed to craft what's called the staff of guia simply put an emerald an obsidian and a diamond on top of this altar and eventually it will assemble into the orb of gear which then you can make into the staff of gea i didn't have any vines or oak leaves which are both required to spawn the portal so i ran out and got some once i was able to craft the staff i put the portal block below the new portal which is made by using stone bricks and then i put the staff atop the portal spawner and filled the portal with oak leaves once you do that the portal spawns and you have a gateway to eribus the home of prehistoric bugs the size of humans and two bosses that would stand in your way of conquering the dimension i was here for one reason and one reason only to kill the bosses inside of this dimension the little mobs meant nothing to me i wanted the bosses and i wanted them now so i spent the next two days searching for the first boss tower and then after what seemed like neons we found the temple of the idol guardian however getting in was not so easy we needed four unique scarabs that can only be obtained by killing umber golems and umber golems spawn in the mazes of the idol guardian's temple and finding that was not so easy to find the umber golems they are located in the four corners of a maze that is booby trapped with fire traps and different spawners some of these venomous creatures give you poison some give you slowness some make you levitate but at the end of the day we were able to clear it out find all four of them and return atop the temple two days later and then we unsealed it only to find that there were puzzles inside of it that we needed to solve to actually get down to the base as soon as i made it past the force scarab entrance i was immediately confused as there was no way to go down until i looked at the patterns on the floor and they started giving me hints as to what they could be since i took the jewels out of the chest i only assumed that maybe i right-clicked them with the jewels or something of that nature so i tried it and it worked it then dropped me down to a new floor that had four corners on it the first corner was easy it was simply exoskeleton leather i placed it down and it warped me into the next room but as i looked at the floor i was completely confused as to what the items were i had nothing that was circular in my inventory and i didn't know what to do in retrospect i actually had the actual item but i didn't know that at the time i traversed my way back through the maze in case i missed something trying to kill every mob that i could to see what it dropped but nothing dropped anything circular and i was quite confused i then left the maze attempting to find some other mobs that could potentially drop something circular but well out i was attacked by many spiders that levitated me thankfully i had a glider and i was able to glide down safely upon landing i fell directly to the floor into this dungeon-like area apparently there's fake quicksand that can spawn anywhere and you can fall into these traps where these bugs attempt to eat you but not today i then used my oversized cranium and realized that it was magma that i needed for the eight slots so i went over the lava because i had seen lava bugs before and i could only assume that they actually dropped magma in of itself getting them out of the lava though wasn't entirely another story they seemed to really like it in there i then placed the newly acquired eight magma down and i spawned into the next room inside of it they were like these eyeball shaped thingamabobbers but i knew i had some so i quickly placed them down and i went into the final room before i would awaken the boss of the temple whilst in the room it was pretty easy to assess what the items were it was eight string unfortunately i'd acquired none of it but i knew there were spiders instead of the dimension so i left the temple and i went on a hunt for spiders i then returned to the temple placed the remaining string down and i began my battle against the antillean [Music] overlord [Music] [Music] [Music] he was actually a fairly strong boss considering how much armor i had on and there were times where i actually feared for my life but in the end we were able to take him down even though we had lost half of our hearts he drops a gem which you can then craft into a block animator staff which simply put if you right-click on a block it will animate it i'm not exactly sure what the usage of the staff is but i think it's quite pog i then realized i had run out of food so i returned home quickly to grab some more food before taking on the second and final boss of the dimension once again though finding this boss tower was another story i had to traverse many biomes before i was able to find it and finally after another day of hunting for it i was able to track it down to reach the boss you have to complete a few of the floors first which have spider spawners in them but these are no ordinary spiders they poison you they're quicker and they do more damage and they have more health they kept not letting me through the front door to break their spawners it wasn't very hospitable of them so i had to figure out an alternate route to be able to break down the spawners so i did what any courageous person would do when i hid under their floors and i mined them out and i mined the spawners from there and then from there i could go back into the house and eradicate what was left of the vernon however fate played its cruel hand and lava lit the house of fire and everybody inside burned rather than going in i decided to watch the flames burn down the house and wait for all the spawners to be deleted before i could go and attempt to kill the brood mother and then the battle commenced between the tarantula broodmother and the new alpha predator in the dimension she has two phases one where she's immune to melee damage and one where she's immune to range damage but the first one she's immune to melee so i decided from a distance to bow her because one hit and she can knock me off that platform since it all burned down and i will fly off and i will die so i figured i would give myself the best chance possible by lowering her health as much as possible until she's immune to range damage and then i glided in with my sword in hand and i began to furiously attack i was just able to kill her before she potentially threw me off the edge she dropped a boss trophy and she also gave me an egg i'm not quite sure what the egg is used for but it'll be cool for the trophy room later next day i began gathering resources so i could start on actually constructing the interior of my new base i also found a new oracle tanzanite not quite sure what it does i spent the next few days gathering some white cobblestone i wanted a nice contrast between the spruce wood and perhaps a cobblestone brick i think the white cobblestone will look really good as the interior of my first build inside of the mountain i started out the next day by smelting down some andesite so i can make some andesite bricks i then began repairing all my tools so i could begin mining out the mountain i started out the build by adding some stairs down to the main floor i then began to add some andesite bricks to the wall using spruce logs for contrast i then duplicated the design on the other wall i then finished the construction of my first room i used andesite bricks as the walls and i used nsi cobblestone as a ceiling and spruce planks as the flooring i thought it looked quite good next day i started out by finishing the next room i wanted to put my smeltery in this room and then from there i decided i wanted to have a different block choice for the hallways i was going to create i knew if i wanted to fight a boss on day 50 i needed to finish my house up quickly so i could get ready to fight him while i was flying around i saw some mammoths they looked quite cool well flying around i noticed some of these cool trees i figured i could use their aesthetic as part of the hallway or something so i decided to mine them i then found a new block type inside of a cave and decided that would be the block type i was going to use for my new room so i began mining it since i was now finished the upstairs i decided i was going to start on my hallway and start creating rooms in the basement i was going to use this room as a portal room and a trophy room i was debating on if i should use the cobblestone from the mountain for anything and i decided to make it the hallway so i made bricks be the walls and i made the cobblestone be the ceiling i thought it looked quite nice i then finished up the portal room and i placed my portals inside and my one tarantula egg is my trophy so far i thought this room looked quite sick i started out the next day by pouring all the molten oars out of my smell tree i was going to dismantle it and build it inside of my base now i started off the next day by moving all the items from my chest into my new storage area i was tired of them floating in midair i knew tomorrow we would face the next boss so i decided i would work on my armor a bit next eventually i was able to track down the boss and the battle began but he was much stronger than the last boss and he kept bringing me down to near death i also definitely did not bring enough food with me after the morn of the next day i retreated as i had no more food and i had to collect some before i could actually fight him i then returned to the battle scene and i climbed a tree like any courageous person would do as fish cannot climb trees i'm already stunned that he's on land apparently he's a land shark but i bowed him and i bowed him until i brought him down and i killed him he unlocked a new dimension for me an ancient egyptian realm and i was going to go there next to see what bosses and loot lay within there was a plague now upon these lands and until i defeated the bosses of the next dimension it would recurringly occur so i decided to venture out to gather food and supplies before i ventured into the new dimension to take on the bosses that it held within while finding these rhino dinosaurs i almost died twice but thankfully my glider saved my life and i was able to glide away both times and heal before they were able to catch up to me whilst my new food was smelting down i decided to repair my armor and my tools so i could be the most prepared before taking on the boss that rules this ancient dimension as the sun set and i was preparing to enter the new world i could only think to myself will this hardcore series end here or will we survive i began the next day by jumping into the portal and you might be wondering wow my screen is black what is happening and that's because obs was not recording i managed to jump into the dimension fight my way through to one of the pyramids defeat the pharaoh that corrupts the land and win basically the dimension unfortunately none of it recorded though it was truly epic so out of the spirit of content i decided to do it all over again but i just warn you if i die right now i will be very upset because i'm doing this for you guys i started off the next couple days by looking for a new pyramid instead of these pyramids there's epic loot traps monsters and above all the pharaoh that guards his treasure or sleeps on his treasure one or the other i then entered the temple and i found these stone golems with swords i thankfully was able to outrun them and shoot them from a distance but when they hit me they hit like a rock and they did a ton of damage whilst maneuvering the maze i encountered many traps some poison me some shot arrows at me some slowed me they have unlimited ammo and they're not breakable so there was no way around them but to fight my way through them and then after venturing through the pyramid i found the tomb of the pharaoh to activate his tomb you have to place four royal torches around it and then right click the tomb and the pharaoh comes to life however fighting him once i knew i was going to need a tome of undying if i was going to survive this fight and i did not have one so to begin the fight i blockaded myself off and i shot him from a distance after a while when he was low on health i decided i would melee him for the rest and take him on he almost killed me even then even though he's only at 1 16 of his health but i was able to take him down barely surviving with just a few hearts upon killing him i opened his sarcophagus and inside was another totem of undying inside the last sarcophagus there was a lightning staff that when you throw it at people it spawns lightning i thought that was a lot cooler but i took the totem anyway i started off the next day by repairing my tools i was going to venture deep into the mines so i could begin mining up some supplies to build my new jurassic park i then began strip mining in hopes to collect some iron some gold and some diamonds since this was going to be what my park was going to be made out of but unfortunately i was having not a lot of luck with this whilst in the caverns i found this dungeon i then went and broke the spawner and inspected the chests it had a lucky horseshoe in it which for those of you who don't know negate fall damage so i immediately put it on i've always wanted one of these they have them in a real craft but you can't actually use them i also found a bunch of recall potions this is going to be very useful for getting back to my base as it was atop a mountain and was quite annoying to get access to whilst exploring i found this underground sanctuary full of bookshelves and rare minerals i began to explore it to see what other secrets it may hold well exploring it i found this big boy and i took care of him handily i also found some more rare minerals inside of this room after leaving the sanctuary i found another one of these dungeons but unfortunately there was no good loot inside of the chests i then returned home and decided i want to go to the nether to get some more cobalt and our diets so i could start repairing my my my mynellium tools when i began terraforming the land so i could start building my new jurassic park i started out the next few days by designing my new jurassic themed park i only wanted to build a few cages for now as i only had a few dinosaurs in mind and potentially some genetically modified dinosaurs in mind so i started out by building a base and then i would build cages on top of it later i would do a little bit more at the design of it but for now i just wanted to function so i could begin creating my dinosaurs and playing god in this world so [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't want to say i did it again but i did it again i managed to leave the recording software on the screen that was recording that time lapse and forgot to record my in-game play essentially all i did was build an analyzer and a culture vat an analyzer analyzes fossils and from that you can get dna that dna that is placed in the culture vat to give you an egg when you get the egg you can then place it and the dinosaurs tame to you so that's what i've been doing for the past few days i then adventured out to find the sun chief he's the ruler of a small tribe that's deadly but if you're able to kill them you get special masks that give you perks inside of the game but killing the sun chief is no easy task he spawns lightning bolts on you that can kill you in four hits he's actually crazy strong and i found out that running up to him immediately is not the way to kill him i kept trying to run up to him and kill him but his lightning bolts kept stopping me or he shot a ray out of his belly for some reason and that dropped me back even farther i thought he was immortal i thought there was no way to kill him and i was so upset that i couldn't figure it out he nearly killed me while fighting him and if i didn't have the totem the series would have ended at day 73 but thankfully i found a few totems in that dimension and i was able to keep myself alive but i needed a new strategy on how to kill him after gathering some more food i returned to fight the sun chief once again he had regenerated all of his health and the battle had begun i thought maybe i could bow him from a distance and i could stay safe but his lightning bolts would get me as long as i was in bow range distance and it wasn't working i kept on taking way too much damage i didn't have enough food to sustain what was happening i noticed that every once in a while his lightning rays stopped for a while i didn't know why so the next time they stopped i ran up to see why they were stopping it turns out he stops to spawn his little minions and he can't spawn his lightning bolts while he's respawning his minions and that was the time to strike so i ran in as fast as i could and i began me laying him even though his lightning bolts were coming back i figured it was my only shot so i spam clicked the heck out of him and i was able to get him he drops a mask which one you wear you can actually spawn your own minions the armor wasn't good enough for me to actually wear it for now but it could be a fun little meme for later next i wanted to fight the fairest rot not but there was a slight issue you see the custom terrain generation didn't allow for this dungeon to spawn inside of the world so we had to copy the world data over so we could actually fight him so i lost a few items in my experience but he was worth it because i wanted to defeat him and take his items back to my main world but to be able to kill the ferrous rot not definitely saying that wrong you have to attack him after he does a full swing but be careful because i found out when he does a full swing he can do over half of your hearts if he hits you but every time he does a full swing he leaves his back susceptible to damage and that's when i striked and eventually i was able to take him down and take his helm and his axe i started the next few days by heading to the nether to kill some wither skeletons with looting three on my sword i know i'd have a good chance i also wanted some necrotic bones i could add them to my armor and it would passively repair my armor at the cost of hunger after getting all the heads that i needed i went and collected some soul sand so i could spawn the wither boss i then dived through what seemed like an endless hole and then i landed slowly turned and prepared myself to fight the wither i placed the sole sand and then i placed the wither heads atop and i began the battle i basically obliterated him in about 13 seconds it was great i ventured out the next night to kill some endermen i wanted to get some ender pearl so i could make some eyes of ender and begin to hunt down the portal room because once i killed the dragon he dropped a new item that i wanted after casting the eyes of ender in the air i was able to track down the stronghold location and through a little bit of searching i found the portal room it was time to take on what was most likely going to be the hardest boss yet i began the battle by taking down the end crystals but i couldn't see them all so i had to tower up to some of them to be able to take them out there was also cages around some of the crystals so i had to go up there and break the cages before i could shoot them the dragon hit me off numerous times but i was able to water block a clutch and save my life and then the final moments came where i striked the ender dragon down with my iron sword i would have used my medallium saber but unfortunately it was broken so i had to use my bow and this silly old iron sword the entire time but it got the job done and we got the dragon egg now this mod pack adds in a special feature that actually allows you to hatch the dragon egg into a dragon and that would be my next venture after returning to the overworld i placed my egg inside of one of the cages that i mean the one of the houses i'd built and i right-clicked it to begin the spawning process i had no idea how long this would take but it couldn't take that long right the next day i continued to wait for it to spawn i put a piece of another rack next to it in case it wanted some remnants of something warm it didn't work though the next day it was still not hatched so i thought of a great idea of singing it lullabies my little leg don't blow up or suffocate yourself just hatch pick up my pet fly around blow up things like dinosaurs yeah i probably won't kill you by accident the next day i was beginning to think i was a horrible parent and i had no idea how to actually raise my egg and then all of a sudden the dragon broke free of its capsule and began to walk around this thing is tiny but it will eventually grow into a giant dragon right i don't know what i was expecting i don't know why i was expecting a giant dragon to come out of this tiny egg i started out the next day by going to an otg dungeon dimension this dimension is apparently just dungeons like there's nothing else there's just dungeons inside and these dungeons looked absolutely epic so i started exploring them i found a bunch of mob spawners and mobs everywhere some random redstone here and there but there was no actual loot inside the dungeons although they looked really cool there was nothing really to explore past actual mob spawners once i realized this i decided to head back home and go and explore some other dimensions and see what the world had left for me i began the next day by going back into the dungeons i wanted some bubbles that could only be found in rare chess drops before i fought the titanosaur the most epic dinosaur of all whilst i was fighting my way through the dungeon i opened up a trapped chest and explosions began to sound i quickly went to the escape menu tried to figure out my options but i realized that the only thing i could do is hold my shield out and pray that i did not die i decided to venture back into the end to kill another dragon i wanted another dragon egg as i had failed the first time to make another dragon and that's the one that i really wanted you can make custom dragons inside of this pack and i really wanted another one so i decided i would take him on again roll the time lapse [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i started out the next day by trying to befriend my tyrannosaurus rex by feeding him tyrannosaurus rex meat anyway i tried to feed him it but he just kept on attacking me actually broke my helmet i then tried to exit the cage but he followed me out like a little rascal so i used my big brain and i placed a water bucket down to push him away and then i placed the iron bars back i then began upgrading my bow a bit upgrading it to power five if i was going to fight this final boss i wanted to have the best bow possible whilst on my way to find the final boss i found some doomsday ice dragons i had never seen these in my world before and i was quite confused why they were here but i decided to go down and attack them and oh boy were they tough this is a quick time lapse of what happened i've been really well focused on success [Music] after killing one of them i began to go back towards the others and i realized that there was another one that had just spawned there was no way i was going to be able to take these guys on so i flew back home but on my way the terrain began to look a little different everything was white and i wasn't i wasn't seeing any dinosaurs anywhere oh no the ice age [Music] you
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 1,310,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, luke thenotable, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days jurassic, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, biggest modded survival, I Spent 100 Days in Modded Minecraft, Spending 100 Days in Minecraft, i survived modded hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days modded minecraft, minecraft modded 100 days
Id: KgE06xSiFx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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