I Spent 100 DAYS in FUSION ONLY PIXELMON! (Pokémon in Minecraft)

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I spent 100 days in Minecraft Pixelmon using only Fusion Pokémon I want to become the most powerful Pokémon trainer on the server but I have some goals to complete along the way we need to get a full team of fusion Pokémon teach them all their signature Fusion move at level 100 and finally defeat a fusion Pokemon trainer in a 1 V one battle will I be able to complete my goals and become the strongest trainer watching until the end to find out and please don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy this video at any point YouTube tells me that 90% of the people that watch my videos aren't subscribed so make sure you sub to see my next Pixelmon video and here we are on the server and as you can see we have three baby Legendary Pokémon to choose from we have baby Groudon look how adorable we have baby Kyogre on the left also super cute and in the middle we have baby Ray quaza dude these are so cool I love all the baby Pokémon but of course we have to choose one to be our starter and I think that going to be baby Ray quaza cuz I want to make a fusion with Rayquaza later on and here we are at spawn with our baby Rayquaza dude I am so excited I think we need to come up with a name for our baby Rayquaza and I think that name is going to be Fred so here we go we have Fred the baby Rayquaza everyone say hi but the first thing I want to do is head over here to the fusion lab and show you guys some of these Pokemon fusions this server has so many incred incredible Pokémon fusions just look how cool these are this is a Blastoise and Kyogre this is a Beedrill and celisa and just when you think you've seen the all there's a whole another side to the fusion lab here there's fusions in here this server is home to some of the coolest Fusion Pokemon and this one specifically is going to be our first Fusion Pokemon Target which of course is a fusion between Tor Tera and Delise AKA delterra so our first order of business is going to be tracking down a twig and a Delise and since Turtwig spawns during the daytime and it's the daytime Turtwig will be our first objective and sadly for us it's actually a pretty rare spawn here in the forest biome ooh and something we really need to do is Battle wild Pokemon because something I didn't mention is that baby Rayquaza evolves to normal Rayquaza at level 50 meaning we need to evolve it to normal Rayquaza before we can even make a fusion with it so that will be a task in itself but but we need to find twig and it just changed from dusk to night time so it's looking like another day with no twig however there's a chance one spawn during the day and still hasn't despawned so we got to move yes I saw a little guy up there I like is that a Turtwig it is level 11 I really hope it just doesn't destroy my baby Rayquaza oh my God we're already half HP Ultra Ball I need you to come in clutch Turtwig please just stay in the ball starter Pokémon are kind of hard to catch and of course it breaks out that is not good all right here we go though another Ultra Ball one shake two Shake three Shake four Shake is at it and we have secured the tur wig which means we have one part of our first Pokemon Fusion caught oh and it's night time right now this is the perfect time to look for Delise the problem with Delise though is it spawns at a relatively high level as you can see from our team Fred is level seven and twick is level 11 So to avoid getting absolutely obliterated I'm going to train up a tiny bit and try to get baby Rayquaza to like level 25 level 30ish to be honest this might take longer than I thought this dude has One Singular Rattata all right and just like that baby Rayquaza is level 25 unlucky the Sun is up which means Delise can't actually spawn so we'll have to wait for the moon to come out if we want to see one in the meantime while we wait though I might as well level Fred up on some of these wild Pokémon just so we can start working on turning our little Fred here into Big Fred o no way master ball loot wait this could actually be really good guys let's see oh a choice scarf no way that's definitely going to be handy for the fusion Pokémon battle later in the challenge which is probably going to be one of the craziest Pixelmon battles on my channel and the waiting has paid off the moon is out and delmis can now spawn of course though it is still a pretty rare spawn it might take another day or two to even see one but lucky for you guys I'm the one that actually has to wait around for the spawn so I'll see you when we find the Delise yes yes dude wait I can't even see it where it is that it yes Delise has been found but oh my God we got to swim so fast please turn around buddy we are so close to it Delise please just let me Chuck a ball at you no all we got to do is snipe it yes we are in the battle oh it's level 45 that is actually what I would call bad like do I even go for twister it does zero wait we got the Flinch though hold on baby rayco I think we actually just go for an Ultra Ball here we want as many chances to Ultra Ball this in battle as possible so let's see if we can get lucky I can't even see the ball it is under the sand is that good seems bad cuz it just broke out dang dude but he's going for WP wait a sec that's actually kind of good for us I have no idea what moves this deli's nose but so far it's gone for growth and wrap and wrap I mean is you know we get another attack out of it so let's see come on Ultra Ball I feel like it's got to stay in one of these I mean come on dude yes and it stayed finally we have caught Delise once again it is is it daytime now oh no it looked like it was daytime I thought it took so long to catch that it changed today but now we have Delise meaning the only part of our first Fusion Pokémon that we're missing is tor Terra so it's time to grind this twig up to a tort Tera and just like that Grotle is level 32 which means it's evolving to the powerful to oh learning earthquake 2 and here we have the two parts to the delterra Pokémon Fusion let's go make it guys I am so excited our first Fusion of this 100 days getting made right now we have torra on the left side delm here on the right and in the middle white we have Del Terra of course you guys already saw this one in the fusion chamber but look at it in all of its glory and the team is only getting crazier from here and of course we still need to level Dela up to 100 and teach it its very own signature move but for now I want to show you guys something really cool I'm doing this 100 days on the smash MC Rayquaza server and on this same server I did a live live stream series and this is actually my own town from the live stream series as you can see my house is right here I mean it's not a very good house of course though I did get rid of all the items I want to start from scratch for this 100 days there's nothing in the PC but there's been so much progress on the town so many people have built since the last time I saw it so if you guys want to join my town and build here you can come to the smash MC Rayquaza server in type slw arist town and that'll take you out right here and you can claim your land and Bill but I thought we should include it this place is so cool but it's nice to have my terrible house with a washing machine for some reason because we can actually store some of the items we picked up like that choice Scar from earlier so with that being said I really want to get Dela its signature move you guys just need to see how cool these signature moves are so I think we should level it up to 100 first things first though we need to see if there's any moves we can teach our Fusion here I feel like heavy slam is much better than gyro ball wood Hammer instead of Mega drain 100% ooh and Lee seed too don't mind if I do let's check Fred what Fred can learn Dragon Ascent I mean uh thank you very much I'll take crunch over twister too we really don't need twister that is definitely going to make leveling up Dela much easier just wood Hammer just one shot please this is going to be so easy so I'll see you guys when we have our signature move the Pokemon is so big it doesn't even fit in the room and I believe after this Tyranitar Dela reaches level 100 and look we're learning daav Jones and Anor I know it's a little hard to see but trust me that is the signature move and as you can see we're actually a water and Ghost type I'm going to go ahead and get rid of wood hammer and now we simply need to find a victim Pokemon this earthworm I'm sorry but I hope you weren't having too good of a day cuz it's about to get terrible we got one move for this little steel worm and that's Davey Jones and it missed well to be fair it has 85% accuracy all right that was and anticlimactic but here we go Davey Jones anchor absolutely destroys orw worm Del is a newer Fusion which is why the move doesn't have a description but the move description is the user whips the opponent with its metallic tail crippling its legs as you can see it's 105 base power 85 accuracy and it's special but it also lowers the speed of the opponent's Pokemon by one so if that earthworm did survive which it wasn't going to it would have had its speed lowered which is actually a really good move for Dela but the Sun is up it's a new day now time to move on to the next fusion and the first part of our next Pokémon Fusion is actually Charizard oh that's perfect the rain cleared up as soon as I said we're looking for a fire type perfect so finding a Charmander will be our next task what is this a sea incense okay and Charizard can actually fuse with a few different Pokémon on the server it can fuse with Agron to make agard or with Zeon to make zard but we're actually going for a different fusion and I don't want to give it away just yet I think I might wait till we grind up our next batch of fusions before I start training baby Rayquaza anymore or excuse me Fred this isn't baby Rayquaza this is Fred like look he's just going to die oh no and since it's a baby legendary Pokemon it needs so much xp to level up look look we knock out Geodude get 146 in the EXP bar I didn't even see a go up I'm going to be honest Charmander is a decently rare spawn here in the mountains biome so hopefully we find one soon and there it is Mr Charmander how you doing buddy oh don't go in the hole here I got you but we have found the Charmander hey little buddy how you doing down there we might just have to throw balls and hope we get lucky so Mr Charmander please just stay in the great ball and he breaks free starter Pokemon are actually quite hard to catch if you remember twig we kind of need to get a little lucky here let's see that oh that one was so close something I totally forgot to do is go to the Pokémon Mar so we need to make a trip thereafter and get some Ultra Balls come on yes and just like that Charmander has been caught and we have the first part to our next Pokemon fusion and trust me guys you're going to want to see this Charizard Fusion it's pretty insane but we still need to catch the other part of the Pokémon Fusion so we need to get some more pokeballs I can actually sell that sea incense we got so I'm just going to do that but Poke Balls aren't very expensive here so there we go we can just cash out and get 12 Ultra Balls I think that should be good but now I'm finally ready to tell you guys the Pokémon that will be fusing with our Charizard and that Pokémon is corvite which will fuse to make Cor vazard which means of course we'll need to catch ourselves a rook a d which thankfully is actually a pretty common spawn however it only spawns at night time but it does look like the Sun is setting so we can start hunting for Rook a quite honestly I don't think it should take too long to find one it's a common level spawn but it does say specifically that it spawns on top of trees so we need to keep a lookout on the trees around here oh it's not a rook actually that could work we could just catch the evolution oh but it flew away it was going way way too fast all right thankfully we should be able to find another one or just a rookie D which should be way easier to catch if it's flying in the air we found a Starly which is pretty similar but not what we're looking for and a spearo too all these early bird Pokémon where is the rooked D come on buddy oh I see one it's in the air please please please please can I get in the battle with it oh he stopped he knows he wants to be on the team he literally stopped flying he's like what's up buddy how you doing a he's just sitting on the tree all right I don't want to attack this thing at all it's only level 18 I think we have enough Ultra Balls it broke free are you serious this is a rookie D you think you're a Diga or something buddy just stay in there we go rooked has been caught and now we have both of the ingredients to our next Pokemon Fusion we just got to level them up which honestly should be super easy we have a level 100 Dela so we can just switch train with that let me come in here with delterra take out Tyranitar how much exp do we get let's see charmander's gaining so many levels up to level 20 charmand Ander should start evolving oh my God someone has an ancient zachian do you guys see that I know that's cool but try to pay attention to my Charmander evolving all right I mean this is pretty cool too right and now Charmeleon is evolving to Charizard can you stop facing the wall buddy can you like look towards me and corvisquire is evolving into Corvin nightes which means it's time to make our next Pokemon Fusion this is making me so excited for when we evolve Rayquaza Infuse it later in the video but for now it is time to put Charizard and corvite in the chamber and make a beautiful cor vard oh my gosh and here we have it guys our second Pokemon Fusion Charizard and corvite I'm pretty sure actually gmax corvite more specifically actually first things first let's see if there's any cool moves that we can rete to corvaz guard steel beam would be great oh my God there's so many flamethrower as well give me that do Pokemon get scale shot I'm teaching that too we can get rid of heavy slam all right and just in case you're curious corvaz is a dragon and Steel type with the solar power ability and if you didn't see Dela has Steel Workers one more fusion and we're halfway done with our Fusion Pokémon team and the next fusion we're going for is actually one of my personal favorites it's a fusion between huian Zoroark and Lucario it's one of my favorite Fusion Pokémon based off its design and I don't want to give it away yet so you guys will have to see once we fuse lose and make the Pokémon but the first step is getting Riolu and Riolu can actually be a pretty tricky Pokémon to find being a rare spawn and only spawning during Dawn and DK time so I'm going to need you guys to pray for me oh thank god let's go baby Riolu has been found it's level 26 I might be able to damage this I think it should live a crunch and it does with ease I can even go for another I think if it crits it won't even kill he goes for quick attack oh let's let's go Riolu in the red HP I want to conserve these Ultra Balls so let's see if it stays in the first one come on buddy I know oh oh he broke free took me around 3 days to find this Riolu I hope it doesn't take the same amount to cat it come on buddy just stay in the second ball I know you want to oh that was so close I think that's it and yes rolu stayed in the ball and just like that we're halfway to our next Pokémon fusion and lucky for us his sui and zoroa spawns during the night which is what time one here it's actually an ultra rare spawn so I am counting on this taking a few days there's also so many trees the Pokémon Blends in with the snow we could be here for a while one thing I do know the zor Cario Fusion we're about to make is going to be worth it oh this is so much better this is a snowy tiger Hills biome and I can actually see there's no trees the Pokémon is still going to come completely blend into all the Snows so I got to pull out the [Music] binoculars finally I'm so nervous about finding this I swear I probably walked past like three of them by now you can barely see it cuz it Blends in but we found the huian zoroa oh my God look at cor bizard I'm zoraa I am so scared right now but here we go we got some Ultra Balls I don't even know if we can attack this thing it's only level 20 so here we go oh going to Chuck one Ultra Balls and it stays in oh let's go and once again we have the two pieces of our next Pokémon Fusion and while zoroa evolves at level 30 rolu actually evolves by friendship so what I want to do is come here to the mar and buy some Palm egg Berry we only have $700 to our name let's try and cash out there we go we have 14 Palm egg berries and now all we're going to do is simply feed them to our little baby Riolu right here as you can see our happiness is 109 right now but after we give a palm egg Berry you can see it went up to 114 so all we're trying to do right now is max out our rol L's happiness and just make it a little easier to evolve by friendship when we grind it up the stat is already 159 so we're pretty much halfway there so now all we need to do is make our way to the highest level trainer level 70 Tyranitar and do some Switch Training look at all these levels so I'll see you guys when our Pokémon are evolved and just like that Riolu evolves to Lucario and his zian Zorua evolves to where did it even go there it is okay and we now have both parts to our third Pokémon Fusion let's go make it I'll tell you guys this process right here will never get old but here we go we'll put Zoroark on the left Lucario on the right will'll place the fusion key and click zor Cario I need you to turn into something crazy there we have it dude this Fusion is so sick and its signature move is even cooler and speaking of signature moves I think it's time to get corvaz hard and zor Cario up to level 100 and while we're at it too we might as well evolve our little baby Fred here into Big Fred so I'm going to take some time here to grind up the Pokemon and I'll see you guys when we're level 100 and I think with this Dragon Ascent come on take down Superior there we go we're level 50 which means baby Ray quaza is now evolving oh come on Fred look at Fred he's turning into Big Fred we can't even see all of him that's how big he is but Fred evolved into a ray why you trying to battle me bro I just got a Rayquaza do you know what you're signing up for but not only that coriz hard and zor Cario are also level 100 meaning they have their signature move and corvaz guard's is Sky Forge surge which releases a surge of Steel energy into the sky crashing down on the opponent it's a base 85 special steel move not bad at all and zorio is Illusionist Masterpiece through years of honing its work zorio has perfected a technique in order to copy a Pokémon's Essence simply by attacking them and if you guessed it it's basically ditto's transform but it does damage which can be really interesting look this is a level 105 electivire let's go for Illusionist Masterpiece and boom we're just an electivire now so in this scenario whether that's good or bad I'm not really the person to make the call and let's just take a quick look at corvaz hard's sky for forged surge we have a frost L here and we go for the move I'm just going to do it just annihilates a level 105 Pokémon we got some money to heck yeah but we got all the easy fusions out of the way now it's time to make some Legendary Pokémon fusions which is obviously a fusion between a legendary and a non- legendary if you guys remember we won some money from defeating a boss here at the boss Tower and that's perfect cuz we need to money grind because the next thing we're going to be doing is going into the Pixelmon war zone which is a very scary place if someone challenges you to a battle and you lose they steal one of your Pokémon one of the coolest things about the war zone is Legendary Pokémon actually spawn there but first things first I think we need some master balls before we try to catch any legendary Pokémon so I'm just going to keep taking out these boss Pokémon until we have around $40,000 I don't think it should take too long I'll see you guys when we're hopefully Rich all right so now we got around $40,000 $40,100 to be exact which means we can open the GTS honestly I I should have checked this before I kind of just realized I hope we have master balls right $80,000 that is the wait we have Park balls 35 wait there's only 11 minutes left we have to buy them now okay well there we go guys if that money grinding just took 11 more minutes we would have been out of luck I'm pretty sure these work just like master balls can be used to catch Pokemon will never fail there we go and I would say it is time to go into the war zone but our team is invalid all the Pokémon must be level 100 and we can't bring any fusions or Uber Pokémon which means I think you can guess where I'm going with this but we're going to catch six random Pokemon lechon perfect a level 100 lch or I guess an oink alone we maybe should Evol it but there we go all right one part of our war zone team has been caught and just like that we have caught our six war zone Pokemon this team is insanely good and now like I said we need to level them to 100 but honestly this shouldn't be too hard I'm going to open the shop and I think we go to miscell no it's somewhere else where is it oh I no it was a miscellaneous right here the EXP all we'll just buy one of those and then turn it on I really should have bought one of those sooner it would have made trading so much easier but honestly leveling these to 100 should not be hard at all none of them are hard Pokemon to level up so I'll see you guys in a few days when our God Squad is level 100 I believe after this quick attack fet will be level 100 which means our full team of got God like Pokémon is ready for the war zone and with that we are ready for the war zone so we'll type slash war zone oh my gosh all right we got to buy some extra time for ourselves we have 80 seconds in there let's at least give ours 3 minutes inside but the countdown is starting and we are now here in the war zone look at the timer it is going down all right guys we got to move fast and we just got to look everywhere in Hope a legendary spawns look at all these Pokemon oh my gosh a Don fan Kingler another trainer all right we got to stay far away from him cuz remember what I said guys if he challenges us to a battle and we lose he steals a Pokémon and you know how hard we worked for this level 100 furet we're not letting it go to waste oh I can see him through the wall he sees me too I don't know if he wants to battle me though it looks like he's not running towards me thankfully we should try to get away though I don't want to battle that guy I'm running there's some crazy Pokemon in here we found ourselves a Scizor there's a der on that can gmax on a Sharpedo I'm just waiting to see like a Mewtwo or a Groudon something insane Oo we just found a Charmander that would have been much easier to get than the one that we got oh my God but only a minute left on the clock it seems like our luck today is running out oh I see the trainer stay away from me please please please please there's a bunch of Pokémon over here and I just want to look at them there's a gargan akle a sawbuck oh and only 30 seconds left the clock is dinging I don't think we're going to find a legendary if we get into battle with it the clock actually stops so we don't have to worry about finding it and then time running out thankfully but it seems like this first war zone run oh yep we're getting teleported back to spawn so our first war zone outing unfortunately wasn't lucky but thankfully we have plenty of chances to reenter the war zone so it's been a few more days looking around the war zone and so far no sight of a legendary Pokémon but trust me I'll tell you guys when I see one why Soo is spawned in the war zone where where where where where where where I see Persian gospod there's a Soo here in the war zone that we can catch yes it is right here we have 40 seconds left on the clock we are in battle I'm just throwing a park ball no time to celebrate I don't want to get kicked out maybe there's a glitch or something we have found a legendary Pokemon I mean that's pretty dang sick let's go baby soga Leo I'm getting out of here right away I don't want anyone to battle me and steal it we're going back to spawn dude that is insane so we go into our war zone bank and we can pull out Soul Galo that is just insane but I do have some rather unfortunate news um Soo doesn't fuse with anything so we're going to need to find another legendary to fuse with but we can either sell this Soul Galo or trade it so it's very useful so as cool as Soul gallo is we need to put it back into the PC cuz we need to go back into the war zone and hopefully the next time we find a legendary Pokémon it's one that confus hello is this a real legend is this an ancient what I didn't even know if this was a wild Pokemon I thought this was like two trainers battling and one of them had an ancient Articuno we just got so lucky I haven't even seen a player in the war zone yet and we just got that hold on slap safe place get me out of there so once again we catch a Legendary Pokemon I cannot believe that I didn't even see that it spawned in in the chat so it must have spawned before I even went into the war zone that is just too cool and Articuno actually confused and it actually fuses with another Legendary Pokémon here's the thing we have one more Park ball left in like $9,000 so we might as well go back into the the war zone back like we never left we got to put this park ball to use RI Ram is spawned where there is a RI Ram somewhere here in the war zone I think there's two other players here with me we found it we have Tracked Down the ri Ram it is level 85 I just realized too I still have Articuno on the team so if someone were to battle me we could just lose it you know they could steal it from us I'm going to get my SL safe place ready SL spawn get me out of there I actually cannot believe it we are on a legendary Pokemon tear wait this is a Garian Articuno I couldn't even tell cuz it's the ancient texture so I take back what I said about it fusing Garian Articuno does not fuse at all but I think this Pokemon inspired me to go for a normal Articuno Fusion later but before that let's try and make our Rashi Ram Fusion cuz it actually fuses with luxray and shins is a rather easy Pokemon to find there's one right there there we go it's a pretty common spawn here at the Savannah during night but we got 62 pokeballs surely it'll stay in one of them right she just be the first one stay in the first ball and of course it breaks free okay and there we go shins has been cut which means it's time to level our Shinx up to a luxray let me turn my exp all on and it should be only a couple fights and we'll have our beautiful luxray look at that shins is already level 15 it's just too easy and after that shins is evolving into Luxio and Luxio is evolving into luxray meaning we have both parts to our fourth Pokémon Fusion let's go make it I hope you guys are ready for this Fusion it's personally one of my favorites here we go luxray in the chamber we got rushi RAM on the right and the Beautiful rashy Ray in the Middle look at this I just love how elegant of a Pokémon it looks like it's a beautiful Pokémon but it'll also beat your whole team if you're not ready but now it's time to go for our next fusion and I bet you guys are wondering what's going to happen with Fred the Rayquaza and don't worry I have something huge planned for this guy but it's so big I want to save it for our final Fusion Pokémon but what we desperately need to do right now is grind for some money yeah give me that $100 ooh and a nugget that's like $5,000 but now that we actually have some money $18,000 to be exact we can check the je oh perfect perfect oh that's not what we want we want a regular or or there we go is there anyone that's cheaper orb of Fier res Souls not what we want all right let's grab the normal orb we also need to visit the evolution items part of the shop and get ourselves an ice stone I think do we have enough for one please tell me we do yes okay but now if we head back to my trusty house we can place the orb and the ice stone and get the orb of Frozen Souls which is the first upep of summoning Articuno and instead of Articuno spawning in you can actually summon it here at the Frozen Shrine but first we need to fill fill up the orb and you fill up the orb simply by battling wild Pokémon and knocking them out so as you can see the orb has a little bar under it now that we need to fill up I think it would be best to do that here at a beach biome because the Pokémon Articuno fuses with spawns here at the beach biome at night and that Pokémon is none other than suun and luckily for us suun is the only legendary Pokémon that spawns at the beach my objective for now is to just knock out Pokémon and hopefully see a suun but of course we got to wait for night time well the orb looks to be halfway full which is nice as you can see from the bottom which means we're just about halfway to our ticuna but it's night time now which means suun can spawn so I got to get moving and now the orb is only one or two Pokémon away this needle ran right here you are going to be the victim of my Fusion Pokemon let's hit it with an earthquake and just like that yeah the orb is blue now and we have our orb of Frozen Souls there's no time to celebrate cuz we still don't have our suun oh yeah what I don't have my headphones in so I didn't hear the little pop up in chat we found the sweet I was getting so nervous all right now we need to catch it it is level 70 and we only have Poke Balls dude what am I doing I have now thrown 40 pokeballs at this thing and not one is yet to catch it please dude if we lose this suun I'm going to be so sad oh it's stay in we captured the let's go baby we found the suun oh my god well I mean let's go get an Articuno but sadly for us it still cost $220,000 to summon Articuno we only have 940 we also need extra money for better Pokeballs and healing items I'm not making the same mistake as suun so I believe it's time to open the GTS and actually sell Articuno and soul Leo I feel like 150,000 is decent for solo and we'll list it up for 24 hours and I might as well try and get $200,000 from Articuno and now we wait all right so I took a break for almost an hour and I think both of our Pokémon got bought because we have $350,000 so not only can we summon aruno but we can come over here first thing we need to buy some healing items just in case and most importantly Pokéball balls I want a bunch of Ultra Balls but not only that timer balls are also a Saving Grace with legendaries I'll get one quick ball because why not cuz there is always a chance it just stays in the quick Ball but also let's get Thunder Wave and I really hope one of my Pokémon clone this yeah Zario can't oh no please tell me someone can learn Thunder Wave oh no oh rushi Ray you should be able to let's go Rashi Ray coming in clutch I forgot you're an electric type which I think I forgot to show off we're fire in electric with the surge Surfer ability and of course we'll see that signature move very very soon but now it is time for us to finally summon Articuno let's SLA the orb in there and boom Articuno has spawned I love how it says we already have one cuz the garan one but here we go Thunder Wave first things first and boom oh oh I forgot to Quick ball it dang it we can throw that strategy out the window I'm just going to go for a double kick oh my gosh he CR do not critical hit the legendary rir Ray please rir Ray is doing a great job eating these hits but Artic just doesn't want to stay he really hates me for some reason I feel like we're almost to the point where timer balls are going to be very very useful so I'm not too worried that these Ultra Balls aren't really working all right I'm switching to timer balls now I feel like we're deep enough into the battle first timer ball no way no way oh it broke free I thought that was it no come on you want to stay in the ball buddy I know you do and we catch the aruno let me get that out of the PC that means it's time for our next Pokémon Fusion fusion and this is actually our first double legendary Fusion Pokémon of the challenge meaning this one is going to be sick and here we have it swe I love this thing dude it looks like a pegasus almost and here it is in the flesh I cannot wait for this to be level 100 which of course brings us to our final Fusion Pokémon and of course this is where our buddy Fred comes into play this Pokémon has been with us for long enough it's time to finally fuse it and I have no idea how I'm riding a Rayquaza right now I'm underneath it but the reason I saved Rayquaza for last is cuz we're going to make one of the strongest fusions of all time and the Pokémon we need to make that Fusion is none other necros and this could actually be really easy we have $300,000 so I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and just ask if someone will sell me one and now we just wait someone said sure we got to make sure we don't get scam though I'm going to ask them to list it on the GTS just so we can do it safely oh and they actually listed it necros on the GTS for 300K it's right here let me buy it it is mine and just like that we can make the strongest Fusion Pokemon let's go do it guys I am actually so nervous Fred is about to level up into Mega Fred we got Rayquaza on the left kosma on the right in the middle we have the powerful Ray kosma he's so big he doesn't even fit in the chamber but here we go we have our sixth Fusion Pokemon but the journey is far from over guys cuz we still need to get our last three fusions up to level 100 to teach them their signature moves but also we have the fusion Pokemon battle which means I'm going to need to train my Pokemon very hard so I'll see you guys when the whole gang is level 100 with their signature moves and now the rest of our Fusion Pokémon are level 100 and they each know their signature move we have Lion's lightning primordial Reckoning and we did that just in time cuz it is now time to battle Mr cude Mr cude it is time for the fusion Pokemon battle I hope you're ready you're going down well let's send out our first Pokémon and get this show on the oh you have a Kyo Ley no yes sir this is one of my favorite fusions of all time and it's so strong it's going to destroy your reir the fusion between Kyogre and reeli the fastest Kyogre you've ever seen I'm going to go for this move and boom baby torrential current you one shot me with the signature move no okay I have an idea though I know what I can do here I'm going out into zor Cario baby I have a strat Illusionist Masterpiece my signature move I turned into You O and I see your move set too interesting Mr what the heck this is so weird guess I go for the extreme speed and I go first let's go baby come on we need the damage come on come on E speed does a lapa torrential current takes us down I'm bringing out the big guns Mr Ray kosma is here oh my gosh that thing is really cool looking yeah and we're going to take out Kyo likey with an extreme speed Lugia maridon Fusion that is insane looking all right what am I doing against this uh I'm bringing out the sweet Kuno baby oh boy that could be bad Ice Beam we do outspeed but it doesn't kill gon is bulky but it might not be offensively that blizzard didn't it too much and Lyon goes down a gzar hard oh no uhoh this could be bad come on aord get him the damage EG we out speed now and take down agrar oh Mr sh you got two Pokemon left my gter slash is so strong you're in big trouble now oh Shadow sneak does a lot but not enough we get some damage off but the signature move Spear of Anguish takes us out I'm down to my final two Pokemon as well this is going to be a close one I'm going to go for my signature move frostbitten flurry come on G slush spere of Anguish effective let's go ooh mine also was not very effective oh that did a lot of damage though I'm going to go for it again though frost bitten flurry come no eat it up there we go s Kuno and G slash goes down are you on to your final Fusion Mr siren I am down to my last Fusion Pokemon but it is the God of all Fusion Pokémon arenatus arenatus is here possibly the strongest Fusion Pokemon let's see right now if that's true extra sensory is so Su Kuno gets the Flinch we have 2 Hp come on S Kuno you got to do some damage extra Soros ooh but the Divine it is now one Pokemon versus one Pokemon the fusion Gods duking it out who will win I'm going to click one move psycho cut takes down the arenatus and we have won the Fusion Battle GG Mr syu don't be too sad man you still got some really strong Pokémon and with that we've completed all of our goals and won the 100 days Fusion Pokemon Challenge thank you all so much for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more Pixelmon videos
Channel: Arpus
Views: 437,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arpus, arpus pixelmon, arpus pokemon, arpus minecraft, pokemon, minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, gaming, minecraft pixelmon, arpus minecraft pixelmon, I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon, Pixelmon 100 days, Minecraft 100 days, I spent 100 days in Pixelmon, Pokemon in Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon, 100 days, I spent 100 days, I Spent 100 DAYS in FUSION ONLY Pixelmon, Fusion Only Pixelmon, Fusion Pokemon, Pokemon Fusion, Pixelmon Fusion, fusion pokemon only
Id: BTtBz3wvuME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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