I Survived 100 Days in DRAGON FIRE Hardcore Minecraft.. But with VIKINGS

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a world before time filled with dragons vikings and brand new terrains never explored before i plan to survive build a nation and explore this brand new creation i know there is a leader of the viking nations but that is all i know this is going into 100 days of exploring adventuring and discovering new things in this world that i have never seen this is surviving the dragons dungeons and vikings ahead for 100 days let's begin as i spawned into a brand new world the prospect of adventure and treasure really got my heart racing as i began to look around i saw dragons in the sky many ancient trees and different structures i had not seen before this was going to be a tough 100 days but i decided to begin exploring around me to see what may lie within these lands as i began to explore i found a small settlement however an archer quickly shot at me and i began to run whilst running i ran onto a man who had a polar bear he began chasing me with spear and shield and i sprinted away this was a warm welcome to this world i kept seeing these enormous dragons in the sky sometimes perched in the trees and sometimes flying it really made me wonder how i could have some of my own i found myself running through the forest with only half a heart food was very scarce in this land and hunting was almost impossible i knew finding a food source would be important i found a weird rock-like object i decided to climb on top until i realized it was a dragon's nest and with the nose poking out i began to run i didn't want to die on day one that's just embarrassing as night fell i knew i would have to find shelter or else i would surely die and sure enough i found a small ice village when i went to interact with the villagers all they wanted was sapphires as i had nothing to trade with them all i could do was huddle beside a man with a spear with my life in his hands i had no bed so i had no opportunity to sleep if a zombie came and broke down the door i would surely die i knew if i wanted to survive i would have to get some tools and supplies quickly i opened the bag that i had gotten when i started the game and inside a strange looking egg i didn't know how to hatch it yet so i thought it was best just to leave it and make my starter tools i then ventured out and i began collecting some basic resources to get my toolkit started while in the forest i saw a ginormous beast i had no idea if he was friendly or not but i thought to myself with half a heart it's best not to test this at the moment while in the forest looking for some food i found a weird rune-like structure with an object on top labeled something about titans i thought it was best to leave this alone for now but i marked it for a little bit later if i survived till then i noticed a clearing in the forest and i went towards it and a giant village dead ahead with wheat farms on the outskirts and some raw chicken that was just sitting there i knew i would have to make a run for it so with the last bit of food i had in my food bar i sprinted i collected the meat but i got a bit greedy and i also collected the wheat right next to it and then i went off and began smelting it down i wanted to collect all the food i could from this village i had no idea if they were friendly or not but typically vikings don't take too good to you taking their food so i assumed they were hostile while i was cooking the chicken that beast returned he got closer and closer and i had to make a decision do i stand there or do i run i decided to quickly collect my furnace and sprint away while i was sprinting something shot me and brought me back down to half a heart but thankfully i was able to evade the rest of the shots i then realized i could make bread with all the wheat that i had gathered so i quickly made some and began eating and i finally since the beginning of the video had more than half a heart as night fell i found myself without a bed again so i made my way into a mountainside and stood there for the night as day broke i found an archer right outside of my mountain and i sprinted away i didn't want to mess with anybody just yet whilst i was walking through the forest i noticed another clearing and inside a statue that resembled a dragon these vikings really worship these beasts i approached it and i noticed a priest that came out to meet me i would not worship these dragons i would own the dragons so i killed the priest [Music] i opened what seemed like a tomb object and inside a chest i made my way to try and open the chest however it alerted me that an enemy was still around and then i heard the flaps of a dragon and a shadow rushing however it was not the dragon that i feared more so the viking who emerged with sword and shield he began to attack me and with my wooden sword i knew i was no match i tried to use some evasive tactics to get some hits on him but his reach was longer than mine so it wasn't going very well so i did what any pogchamp would do and i ran away i burled my way into the tomb and quickly clogged it up but i had to figure out a plan as i knew he would be hovering and i didn't have any more food to regenerate health i tried digging a little piece beside me in hopes he would fall down it and i could smack him on his legs however he decided he wouldn't be doing that today and my problem continued so i mind my way out and i began to sprint into the forest i used the trees to my advantage getting hits on him well and eventually after some time i was able to take him down and i survived the first three days instead of my world i made my way back to the dragon statue and mined back into the tomb i was now able to loot the chests where i found some basic iron tools this would give me a great advantage i really wanted to emphasize on exploring and not so much mining in these 100 days so this was a great start and it also made me think of what great loot may be held ahead i began to build a temporary base right beneath the dragon i collected some wood from the nearby trees and then began collecting some cobblestone from the ground below me and all of a sudden i was attacked by a guard i was able to kill him but he dropped a sword called this soldier's sword and i didn't realize this at the time but this was going to be huge for later i continued building and getting the framework of my house done when another soldier came out of nowhere and attacked me why was this happening i had no idea i spent the next little bit building my house since there was no other trees a side of spruce it would have to do as my main building component i used a cobblestone base and then slabs for my roof it was a very primitive design but all i needed was a shack so i could bring resources to it later i would build the empire somewhere else i used torches to light up the interior of my house and then i began trying to figure out what i could do with the egg i'd gotten at the start of the game i tried placing it down to see if it would hatch something however nothing happened after doing some research i discovered that i need to incubate the egg so that it would hatch i had no idea what kind of dragon it was as i had no experience inside of this world but the incubator would be the first step so i decided to kill two birds with one stone and i went to go into the mines i began collecting some resources and heading towards the lava pools down below i figured if i could collect all the resources i needed and collect some lava then it would be perfect as you see for the incubator there are two types of incubators there's an ice incubator and a fire incubator and from what i understood my dragon was a fire dragon so i would need lava to be able to incubate it sounds like a cozy incubation process when i finished mining i went back to my base and i collected all my supplies i decided i wanted to move elsewhere before i made my main base as that dragon was slightly annoying and i didn't want him perched over my base like he owned the place so i began to move i found this watchtower-like object with some hay bales next to it and some soldiers guarding it we engaged and i killed them i then collected all of the wheat as that would serve as really good food for now because i still couldn't figure out how i was supposed to have food inside of this world it was too cold to grow any wheat and there was no animals anywhere i made myself a diamond pickaxe from all the diamonds i had gotten from mining and then i ventured back down to collect some obsidian i realized that to make an incubator i not only needed lava but also obsidian i then made the incubator and i placed the dragon egg inside this was exciting because as soon as i had dragons i could begin taking on some of the more powerful enemies inside of this world however nothing was happening i figured that it probably needed lava so i went and got someone put it in but the lava was decreasing and nothing seemed to be happening to the egg so i was very confused i thought to myself well maybe it's an ice dragon so i did was collect some ice i ventured out and i was able to find an ice dragon nest thankfully the dragon was occupied with what seemed like a empire beside it i'm not sure if they were worshiping it or if he was trying to eat them but nonetheless i was able to steal the ice from his nest and then return home when i returned home i craft the incubator for the ice dragons and then place the egg inside however nothing happened once again but then i realized that it probably needed ice or water it didn't let me put any ice inside so i went to collected some water from a nearby pond i then put the bucket inside and sure enough it filled up however once again nothing was happening and then i realized that it using the lava was it working so actually i needed the fire and cube you know what let's just pretend that didn't happen and get back to the fire incubator i went down into the mines and i collected a lot more lava by using a lot of the iron i had gathered from my money stint i then filled the incubator up with lava i had no idea how much it would take to hatch the dragon i wasn't sure if maybe more powerful dragons required more lava but this sucker was slurping it up like a slurpee so i would assume he would be a pretty powerful dragon however i had to wait for him to hatch so i went to do some other things and then out of nowhere an enormous beast just started to plop beside my furnaces i wasn't sure if it was friendly or not so for a moment i began mining some wood i'm not sure what happened because when i got back down from mining the tree the dragon had disappeared he must have flown away strange but i decided to start clearing out some terrain to build my permanent house this is where my settlement was going to be i was itching to finally get on some adventure i knew the time was near to begin exploring this world but i wanted to make sure my house was settled first and then i noticed the egg had been incubated so i plopped it out and i placed her on the ground and then it asked me to name it i thought about it you know it should have a majestic name as it's going to be the leader of all dragons the empire that will rule the viking nations so i named it chubbers since i'm an absolute genius i knew the best thing to take care of babies was to feed them candy right away so i went and grabbed some treats and i started feeding them to chubbers and sure enough chubbers got chubbier it started getting larger and larger but i ran out of treats which i'm sure is a bad parenting but i needed a place to keep chubbers until i could get more treats thankfully it had also given me some sort of awkward orb and when right-clicked captures the dragon in front of you and stores it inside of an alternate dimension this would be perfect although you can't have too many of these when you only have a few dragons at the start this is a really good way to keep them under control and then yet again another one of those snow creatures ended up in my base although it seemed to be trapped in some sort of weird pond so i decided to leave it alone i continued building my house by using a cobblestone framework i really didn't like how the old house looks so i wanted to change it up a bit with this one however i ran out of resources and i went back into the mines to collect some more cobblestone but whilst in the mines i discovered some sort of weird gate-like object wouldn't let me pass through it nor open it i tried mining around to see if maybe there was something behind it like a dungeon but there was nothing however i noticed in front of it there are two pedestals one which seemed to carry some sort of wolf mask and the other a key i tried taking the key off the pedestal and it allowed me i then assumed that the only thing that the key could do is open the gate however i was slightly scared of what was on the other side i mean not scared but you know not cautionary but you know i i want to be prepared so i went back to the surface and i crafted myself a shield and got some more supplies and then ventured back to the ominous gate i right clicked with the key and a loading screen appeared and then bang i was in a weird place with unbreakable blocks and only one path ahead with only one path ahead of me i decided that the only option was to parkour across these blocks there was no way to return so i had to push forward i did manage to fall in the lava once but thankfully i had enough food to get me by and eventually i reached the other side however on the other side there was a bunch of wolves on every corner and when i tried to get too close they would hit me there was no way i was going to be able to run across that middle piece without getting hit into one of their pits and if i fell into one of their pits i would definitely die so i began cautiously killing them from a distance after clearing out the pits it allowed me to finally open one of the doors and when i opened it on the other side a giant werewolf which quickly charged at me managed to get itself stuck in a cobweb so i thought it would be really cool and go in and smack it however it nearly killed me i had to use my shield on a quick retreat i then used the door frame and my shield to my advantage and although i still got hit a few times i was able to take down the black werewolf however he dropped another key so i picked up the key and i read it this was some sort of master key as it was called the heavy door key ahead of me i noticed a door that i hadn't seen before so i went towards it and using the key that the wolf had dropped i opened the door on the other side were these blocks that seemed to have many holes in them and when i tried to walk on one many spikes emerged this was a spike hallway i noticed if i ran really fast i could avoid the spikes so i sprinted through the room and i opened the next door waiting for massive amount of treasure and it was just empty with a red portal i assumed that the red portal would take me home however i hadn't got my loot yet and there was still one more door i retraced my steps and went back to the original room and killed the wolves on the other side when i opened the door once again another werewolf emerged i used the tactics i had learned to kill the second one and get the key and then the hallway of spikes i sprinted across it opened the main door and inside a chest with some wolves and i quickly attacked them i was able to kill them both and then finally the lewd i had wanted i had heard these prisons held some of the most powerful armor types inside of the game and when i opened the chest there it was a lycan helmet i instantly put it on and it looked really cool this was much better than my iron armor and would be the final set i'd want to achieve inside of this 100 days or so i thought when i arrived back home it had me wondering the key that i had used that it was a tier 1 key and it got me to thinking about how many other tiers there are but i decided to go back and begin working on the house i began finishing up the walls and then i cleared out the floor i then began placing down some spruce wood planks as the new floor i have always liked the look of spruce wood and cobblestone all of the sudden in the middle of the night i was attacked by fire nation spearmen there were many of them but thankfully i had decent armor the fight was close but i was able to take them down it started me thinking who were the fire nation if i was fighting the vikings and the dragons who did the fire nation belong to it got me thinking that if there was a mystical race that potentially managed the ancient dragons this would make sense because why else would the vikings be paying homage to anything the most fierce warriors in the world they were not afraid of dragons perhaps they were afraid of the fire nation i capped off the roof by using spruce wood planks this was the final part of my house completed it was now time to begin adventuring and seeing what the vikings held around me fighting some of the viking outposts around me would be no easy challenge i knew if i were to fight them i could free some of the soldiers to fight for me however i would need some of my own soldiers so i began smelting down some iron i'd got from the mines and outfitted a few soldiers i created this would be the start of a one day massive army to take on the viking empires i then began exploring i found a small blacksmith-like place and when i approached i was attacked by a dual-wielding viking he was much too much for me so i quickly spawned down my soldiers and together we took him out later that day i passed what seemed like a massive viking kingdom with level 100 dragons guarding its gates i tried to get close to see how many men would spawn sure enough arrows hailed down and more men on polar bears appeared i was nowhere near ready to take on this place so i sprinted back into the forest whilst being chased i found a small clearing in the woods and an archer atop a small little pelicade i decided to approach it shot me with arrows but i was able to avoid them i tried pillaring up using some spruce planks to try taking out the archer however it proved to be very difficult as he kept shooting me off eventually i spawned in my own men and the assault began i used another strategy to get the other i turn off and i hit him into my men and we were able to destroy them [Music] i then began to loot the chest inside and sure enough i found some more soldiers this would make my army even bigger i placed on some of the soldiers to see what they looked like they were outfitted to the nines this would be a perfect place to scale my army while traveling the next day i found a tavern and decided to see what was inside as i opened the door a soldier immediately came out to greet me and try and chop my head off so i spawned down my own soldiers and we took him out however one of my soldiers decided to go for a marathon and sprinted directly away and i went and chased him down i broke down the door and all of a sudden the vikings flushed out there were way more than i thought and the fighting began it was fierce but we took the first wave out we pushed farther into the tavern staying tight as a unit and found even more priests inside and more duel wielding vikings we were able to take them all out and i began looting the structure finding even more soldiers weapons and valuable oars i returned home and immediately found myself back in the mines mining up some obsidian and heading into the nether i wanted to see what these fire nation keys i had gotten from the attackers did i was sure there was dungeons there and these keys must have been the way in so i mined some obsidian made a portal and headed into the depths when i spawned in i found myself in a cavern with no way out i used my pickaxe to mine a straight line and eventually i found it the giant caverns of the nether now it was time to find the dungeon and then after some searching i found it the fire nation dungeon i used my tier 1 key first as i didn't want to have to use my tier 2 key until i'd gotten all the loot from tier 1. when i right-clicked the loading screen appeared and then a brand new dungeon right ahead of me were some spike traps and more fire nation swordsmen i began to make my way through everywhere seemed to be filled with either lava or fire and traversing the terrain was very difficult but i kept pushing through nonetheless i found a different type of soldier called the fire mage and another swordsman he backed me up but i was able to kill the swordsman and then return to fighting the fire mage i figured that the fire mage probably dropped the key through to the next door so i made sure to place some blocks so that when i killed it the key would drop and i was able to defeat him i used the key to open the next door and inside the final loot chest i had guessed the right direction on the first try i opened it and i found some fire nation boots this was a terrific armor set so i took the boots out and i began to think do i want to go through the rest of the dungeon knowing there's no more loot i decided no i wanted to save my resources for when i had to go to the tier 2 dungeon as food was still very difficult to come by the first thing i did when i got back to the overworld was lure a pig to my compound it was the first animal i had seen that i could actually use if i could find one more i could begin breeding them and finally i would have a food source i had noticed a tower near my base that i wanted to clear out before i began the expansion of my dragons and my empire so i headed over and i began my assault i ran straight in and i spawned all my men in and the battle began i wanted to make sure the territory around my land was clear of any enemy soldiers i began making my way up the floors bringing my men up as i went every time i was attacked they would storm up the stairs to come and help me eventually i got to the top and i eliminated the remaining soldiers this tower would have a lot of loot in it and would definitely help me progress in my empire expansion after claiming all the loot i went back to the top of the tower and i noticed in the distance another viking fortress there was no way i'd be able to take it out right now but i knew it was on my list of things to do at this point i wanted to see what the tier 2 fire nation key did so i headed back into the nether i found a different dungeon than last time and using my key unlocked it as i spawned into the brand new dungeon i looked around me and everything was different this dungeon was much larger and much more dangerous than the previous one as i opened the double doors i was greeted with soldiers i used the fact that they were clustered together and the doorway to my advantage and i was able to take them all out with minimal health taken i began stumbling all over the dungeon stepping on these fire pits that kept lighting me ablaze in front of me the pathway ahead however there was one small problem well two spell problems to be exact and those would be swinging blades from the ceiling this can't be up to code i figured the only way to get past it was to run straight through it like a true pog champ would so i did it and i was able to get through without even a scar i met more fire nation soldiers on the other side and began taking them out i found these weird hoppers on the wall with some sort of iron trap door i hit the lever to see if they would do anything potentially give me some oh oh they're toilets oh gross as i opened the next door i saw something out of the corner of my eye a giant beast i couldn't really make out what it was but i had to kill the soldiers that were stopping me from seeing eventually i made my way over and it was a giant golem-like creature from the fire nation i began taking it down it had managed to get itself stuck in the cobwebs and i definitely used that to my advantage and i was able to destroy it it dropped me a master key yet i haven't seen any of the doors i could use it for yet i continued my raid and found yet another golem that unfortunately was not stuck in cobwebs this time however i was still able to take it out and three doors lay ahead of me i opened the first one and nothing was inside and then opened the second one and sure enough it was a chest inside of the chest there was a fire nation map part and a fire nation chest plate although i was excited for the chest plate the map part had me interested what would happen if i found all of the pieces i thought this would have to be a question i would answer later because for now it was time for dragons before leaving i had noticed a giant library and i went back to it now that i defeated the dungeon it would allow me to break blocks i collected the enchantment table in all the books from the bookshelves inside i then began to make my way back to the main portal whilst traveling home i noticed a strange object instead of a lava pool and i went to investigate it as i got closer i saw some tent like objects and fire nation soldiers i plunged myself in and although is unfair with a 6v1 they should have brought more men to the table i was able to kill them all when i began looting the chest it had dragon treats inside this would be powerful because now i could level up my dragon to the point i could ride him and begin breathing fire on my enemies i spent the next few days when i got home working on two platforms i wanted to begin expanding platforms all over the base to put my dragons on now it was finally time to raise what would lead my army into battle the fire breathing beasts themselves as morning broke i climbed up on one of the podiums and i placed chubbers back down i then began feeding him treats chubbers became a powerful dragon and i was able to ride him i got on and we began soaring oh no oh no no no how do i control this no no no no stop go up how does this work i arrived home after some test flying that went without a hitch and i placed my night fury egg into the incubator i wanted to leave it incubating while i worked a little bit more on the base i then began working on the enchant area from the bookshelves and enchant table i had gotten from the dungeon i began by just mining out a little hole in the ground and then placed the bookshelves in the enchant table inside i began by enchanting my diamond tools and then started my next project i wanted to have a really big mine shaft going into the earth constructed and pillared with spruce and some other different building materials i thought this would be really handy in the future in case i needed to go mining and who doesn't need a good mine shaft so i began construction of it and filling in the sides finally the night fury egg had been incubated and i finally spawned him in he was a cute little guy however i didn't have any dragon treats ready to brew him up so i decided i would begin my quest for the land of the dragon in which not only could i find some crazy powerful dragons but i could also find treats that would help me to tame up my night fury eventually after some adventuring i found the obelisk which acts as a portal to the dragon dimension once inside i spawned inside of some strange monument-like object and right beside me there was a creature or a statue i couldn't tell what it was i got up and i started moving towards it cautiously i then left clicked it to see if it would do anything particle effects began and all of a sudden a three-headed dragon spawned in this was one of the guardians of the dragon realm the battle was fierce i first escaped the podium and tried to get my bearings every time he got me low i would use the pillars as he wasn't that agile eventually after some time i was able to bring him down while exploring nearby i found a vampire-like place however there was no one to be found i then went towards the head chair and beside it a vampire egg i didn't know if this spawned a dragon or an actual vampire but i took it for later studies i thought that kind of dragon would be super cool i then left as it wouldn't let me remove any of the furniture so i didn't was there so i wasn't able to actually take any of it quickly though in the distance i noticed a strange pyramid-like object i moved towards it and i went inside there seemed to be a sarcophagus in the middle and these ancient mummies and beetles everywhere i began collecting what was on the outskirts and moved towards sarcophagus however when i opened it it was empty it was interesting that they would build an entire temple for an entity that didn't even exist unless it actually did that being said though there was a mummy egg inside so i grabbed that i would assume it turns into a dragon but once again i have absolutely no idea while exploring a bit more i found this dungeon it wasn't a dungeon that required a key it was simply just below the surface and contained a bunch of spawners nothing too exciting was in there however i found a tier 3 lycan dungeon key this was the highest level of dungeon that i had done yet this probably meant that there must be dungeons somewhere inside of this realm so i began exploring and sure enough i uncovered the dungeon as i began to explore the dungeon it was not nearly as extravagant as the fire nation dungeon it's almost like this was an old entity waiting to be thrown in the garbage it just seemed to have a lot of werewolves in it and after i killed them all and grabbed the keys it allowed me to go into the final room however one thing to note about this was i was able to get an ancient dragon egg and full lichen armor which is one of the most powerful armor sets inside of this realm i then headed home as i really wanted to begin the incubation process for all these new dragons when i arrived home i realized i had lost my buckets so using my new mine shaft i went down into the caves and began mining a lot of iron i figured i would spend a day here just mining all the resources i could so i can make a ton of buckets and begin transporting lava back to the surface i was really excited to see what some of these dragons actually looked like after returning to the surface i used a lot of the treats that i'd found and some that i'd made to level up my night fury and i was able to ride it eventually in the sky we finally glided finally i felt the true power of the dragon if i could have a whole army of these things we would definitely be able to take on some of these empires whilst flying around i noticed a battle tower like object i decided to venture inside it was full of mobs and i began slaughtering them i thought they'd be really good loot for the amount of mobs that were in here but on every level there was just two rare orb blocks so i didn't bother pushing all the way to the top as it didn't seem like the reward was worth it we then pushed through another tavern we collected all the soldiers inside and we became ready it was time to take on one of the big villages now and there it was the biggest viking settlement yet we began ourself by killing the guards on the outskirts however there was a gate keeping us from entering the compound after a lot of axe swings the gate fell down and men poured out from inside my men rushed to meet theirs and the battle began all of the sudden a dragon came out of nowhere and began helping the opposing force but i had too many men we kept fighting and we kept pushing through i sneaked behind the men and used that as the advantage to attack them eventually after some time we were able to defeat them including the dragon however i didn't just want to win i wanted to make a statement so i got on chubbers and we took to the skies and i used chubbers to light the house ablaze after that in their day break i went inside and actually began claiming some of the materials in there when i arrived back home i wanted to begin work on my empire i've never really gone into detail with any of this so i decided this time i wanted to go into a lot of detail of how i built an empire and this time expand it much more than in previous videos i started off by enchanting some more tools as i would have to clear out some terrain if i wanted to actually create this city i then began mining out a little area to place my first building a builder's hall the way this works is simple builders are the designated people that can build anything inside of your colony if i wanted to build a lot of structures and raise an army i would need a lot of builders they're always the first thing you need to create so i started clearing out an area that placed my first hut and then after the area was cleared out i positioned the hut to be built at this stage though a builder now had to come and build the hut i programmed it so builders will only build based on your notoriety meaning the higher notoriety you have the higher of level buildings you can make all the way up to tier v the goal have every building including a barracks at a tier 5 level this will stop barbarians and vikings from rushing into your village and also will give you the maximum resource count i then cleared out another area and put down another builder's huts at this point it was just a matter of time before the builder's huts were built by recruits that would slowly make their way into my village after they had seen my notoriety whilst this was being done i really wanted to see what a tier 3 fire dungeon looked like so i headed back to the nether looking for danger after some searching i was able to find the fire nation dungeon i had one goal find the remaining map piece once i had all the parchments together i could finally travel to the most powerful realm of them all however the only parchment i needed was in this tier 3 dungeon so i would have to adventure through it when i spawned inside i was met immediately with lava all over the place this was a much more powerful three-year dungeon than before as i began traveling through i was met with force however i took out all the fire nation guards and began my search for the mages as they held the keys so i could get through the next doors eventually i was able to get through and on the other side there was golems waiting for me i was able to take down the golems and get the next set of keys i made my way through the next set of doors and another mage was there i was able to slaughter it however i had to back up a lot as i almost died i made it finally into the second last room where another golem was held i was able to destroy the golem and then after some more searching and scavenging around i found the final room it was filled with fire nation soldiers though and another dragon inside of the chest i found a new type of sword and more armor and finally my last parchment when i returned home i took the three fragments that i had and i made it into a fire nation map then i went to sleep and as day broke i got ready and i right clicked the map and it teleported me into a brand new dimension i got on chubbers and i began to fly around everywhere i looked was fire lava and these strange giant dome-like structures after a time i got off chubbers and began exploring the terrain below where i was met instantly with mages and these weird type of spiders i began to run for my life in the distance i noticed some more giant towers i quickly right clicked the map and went back home this was an adventure for the next 50 days part 2 will be coming on monday thank you for watching
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 810,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse, i survived 100 days in minecraft, i survived 1000 days in minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, Surviving 100 days in minecraft, I Spent 100 Days in Modded Minecraft, Spending 100 Days in Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Modded, 100 days in ancient greece, minecraft 100 days, 100 days modded minecraft, mud flaps 100 days, minecraft but..
Id: N4erYjGaPYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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