I Survived 100 Days in SPACE in Hardcore Minecraft

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so [Music] imagine you're on a planet drifting through the cosmos but one day the core of your planet goes missing without the core your planet will become unstable and will slowly be dragged into the sun's gravitational pull and burn to ash with you atop it you have 100 days to defend the planet from intergalactic threats explore the galaxy to find powerful armor and unlock mysteries of outer space and find out what happened to your planet's core before it's too late for every subscriber we get from this video all donate 10 cents to team c's a charity run by mr beast to clean up our oceans you can check out how much we donated last video on my twitter i dare you to break my bank account wait please don't on day one i spawned into the world and floated down to a strange looking planet i jumped in the air and noticed gravity was different i had a trident in my inventory and i right clicked it to see if i did anything cool whoa yo this is sick i noticed some chests on the ring of my planet so i used my trident's ability to zoom on over i opened the first chest but it was empty i found some melons next to it so i grabbed those instead i then found a water bucket a lava bucket an oak sapling and some bones i got back to my main planet and i planted the tree all of a sudden a meteor shower began pelting my new home i ran around trying to take cover somewhere oh crap this is bad i found myself in a hole and i glanced up this storm was nuts surviving 100 days here is going to be crazy the storm passed and i ran outside to start putting out the fires all over my island i went down into a strange looking cave but before i got a chance to explore it i was ambushed by today's sponsor dragon city dragon city is a free-to-play game that you can download now from my link in the description where you can collect thousands of different dragons and build your own dragon empire you can breed two dragons together to make an epic dragon then bring your dragon egg to a hatchery and wait for the special moments as soon as they are hatched you can feed them and begin growing your army you can then train your dragons and take them into battle to make unstoppable beasts of war you can fight with youtuber dragons and get their special skins my favorite is the carl dragon to expand your city and unlock new levels you'll need to collect food gold and gems there are several events weekly and brand new battle passes to discover where you can unlock even more rewards and more dragons one of the dragons you can unlock is the hamburger dragon this is my favorite dragon by far mainly because he looks like a giant hamburger and i really love food i won't spoil what he does in the game you'll have to find out for yourself click the download link in the description get a special free offer 15 000 food 30 000 gold and dragon gear but it's only available for the next seven days with my link in the description for new players when you download the game enjoy the free loot and now back to the cave uh hello what are you doing down here i'm so glad you found me let's go well that was weird why was she so quick to leave and she didn't even tell me her name i'm just gonna call her ally as ali stared off into the distance i began starting my base i planted a tree to get the resources for it and chopped it down i needed more dirt to expand the tree farm to build the base so i went to the rings where the old wheat farm was and i grabbed the dirt that was there i expanded the tree farm and bone milled the trees i'd need a lot of resources for the epic builds that i had in mind i glanced off in the distance and saw some weird shapes but i was instantly distracted by floating cows yes i can get some food going now if i can get them down i then realized if they fell they would die i was in pure panic mode my first friends were gonna die on this awful planet before i even got to befriend them i ran under them and placed some water i then shot myself up trying to push them towards it when all of a sudden they all came tumbling down well one of the four isn't bad right i then began the creation of my house i used oak logs and oak wood i wanted to build the foundation for the main structure and the basement area first once the foundation was complete we could scale it up into different formations and start a colony like build out of it i ran out of wood and i plopped down a furnace to smelt down some of the cows that had plummeted to their death on my new planet i may as well put it to good use right oh crap it's back where's my hole i ran outside to see if the storm was as bad when all of a sudden i saw more than just asteroids space men with weird swords were on my island and this time big meteors had landed right on it i had no armor so i had to be careful i hit them back with my trident and thankfully did a lot of damage okay let's use our space don't get hit don't get hit okay back i slowly used the range of my trident to fight back these space cyborg-like creatures but then i got in close quarters with one of it nearly killed me i flew away and i barely escaped i grabbed some food from my furnace and went back into the fight i found him on the edge of my island trying to escape to somewhere but i ran after him and i brought him down what on earth is oh right i mined through the asteroids that had landed on my planet and i found some iron ore inside i also noticed the planet in the distance was drawing closer to us and we were going into its gravitational pull i gathered some of the dirt from under the planet's surface and i made a farm as i was running out of food once again i then gathered the iron from the asteroids that were still landed on top of my island i also took the meteoric ash as it could come in handy for a build later i smelted down the little iron i had gathered made an iron chest plate and started gathering cobblestone to build the next part of my home i was chopping down a tree gathering some wood for the next build when my game started to lag i looked up and saw tons of asteroid in the air and all of a sudden my planet erupted with explosions again i ran around the island to see the damage that it had done when i saw a giant meteor had landed near the base i put out some of the fires and then debated on what to do i had some spare cobblestone so i started bridging out towards it i wasn't sure if it was a blob of netherrack or if there was something inside of it i bridged across the void being very careful so i didn't fall into the abyss okay this isn't ominous at all crapple crap stay back stay back the heck was that thing i walked slowly to the tunnels searching for the core of the asteroid frick back up back up okay i can keep it oh crap oh crap please please frick okay i need to heal i need to heal after healing i made my way back and found another straggler back okay that takes care of you i found a chest in the main room and i opened it a galactic helmet hmm one out of four when i got back to the island i put it on and it was op this thing had so much armor to my armor bars i continued to work on my house by adding a floor i then added some oak pillars and began filling in the blank areas with grey concrete i had a cool idea for a space themed base that would be huge i did a foundation for it though but soon i could build on it and then build over the abyss and create an interlocked space station i ran out of concrete and i ended off the build with building a small stairwell into the basement i was out of food so i started to harvest and replant some of the crops i noticed the planet in the distance seem to be getting even closer now okay i only have enough iron for these two but where did you get those oh what the heck why do you keep scaring me um i got it from the asteroid that hit us oh no they're coming ally then whisked away huh that's weird i was making some bread when i heard footsteps crap i used my trident to juke the cyborg like creatures back and forth come here boy i'm fast as a penguin can't catch me i destroyed the small attack and began to cage the animals that had also landed on my island when i noticed another cyborg on the hill and i ran over and wrecked him with my trident get off my island after some time i caged away the animals when all the sudden my game started to lag again asteroids not again crap my animals i ran over to the pen and i tried to deflect the asteroids away from it the asteroids pelted my island killing a lot of the loose mobs i harvested a tree and began mining some of the cobblestone when i heard a rumble i walked over to the edge and peered out holy crackers that thing is massive the asteroids began pelting my island and as i looked i saw a figure a knight with wires for veins holding a massive blade he swung at me and i began defending myself with the trident crappy does a lot of damage cause i used my trident to outmaneuver them frick no i'm dead i'm dead i nearly died but i was able to escape and out juke them until i regained my health i slowly took them out and finally the last cyber night fell to my trident i sprang into action i needed to head to the planet i flew over with my trident and cautiously entered the main hall i found a chest near the entrance inside gold and iron this would come in really handy i found another chest down the hall with more golden iron and as i went around the corner oh geez okay freak i'm low i need to get i need to get out uh all right that man just walked straight into the abyss i'm okay with that i jetted back in and healed up a bit and then charged right back at the cyber nights i nearly died but i destroyed the first night i looted another chest and found more materials i continued making my way slowly down the paths when i found more nights oh boy okay i need to leave i need to leave he jumps he jumps all right good hit good hit kk okay he's done he's done let's just get back back i got through the next squad and examined the dead knight he stood there like a statue i didn't have time to examine it much though as i needed to stop the invasion before more troops showed up in my base and obliterated it oh hello smack you're dead oh a chest wow wooden steak how how useful as i turned around i saw a hallway leading into a large room i quickly glanced left and right and then i headed straight in okay this is cool some more chess so what's that i charged in the cyber reaper swung at me he was the boss of this planet i tried to use my trident's ability to zoom around and outmaneuver him but i wasn't good enough with it i couldn't land hits so i went back in for one-on-one combat okay here we go okay let's back up let's back up eat our last carrots i went in for another hit and i dealt a lot of damage but his scythe was melting me too so i had to be careful okay wow he does spin attacks okay i ran to the corner and healed oh heck he just jumped right across the room i kept swinging but he was so fast he smashed his scythe down and dealt a lot of damage i used my trying to escape but i hit a lava fall and my hearts were ticking down while i was on fire i raced around the room and desperately opened a chest i told him oh frank okay eat the apple eat the apple get the totem and get the tournament right as i got the totem and he jumped and charged at me and we re-engaged when all of a sudden he killed me but my totem saved my life and i flew it as fast as i could so he didn't kill me for real no no no no run run run run run run run after putting distance i quickly ate and then ran back he did a ground smash and i hit him with my trident i opened a chest and grabbed another gapple and kept fighting i swung the trident no the sudden i killed him he had the same pose as the night no you don't understand as i turned around to face him again he was gone had i killed him how did he talk after he was dead i looted the chest around the room and headed to the center i broke the very middle block and underneath i found a chest ooh some boss loot hades core it's not my core but i'm sure i can use it for something i flew back to my island but as i got close no my house it's destroyed i found some more cyborg knights on the island and i took them out you suck you suck and you suck i looked around and began putting the fire out i found a knight hiding in the house and i pulverized him i shot myself up in the air to get a view my entire planet was burning i had no time to sit and look though it was time to get things fixed first i went back to the big planet and eluded everything that it had i grabbed a bunch of iron from inside and looted some chests that i had missed after collecting a lot of iron for new tools i headed back to the island and started a mega rebuild before starting i remembered i hadn't fully checked my planet's ring and i went around and i found a chest with a birch sapling and some bone meal the first thing i wanted to do was gather more cobblestone for the build so i hopped into my generator and mine for what seemed like forever this mega build was going to be a space colony design with pathways leading to all my farms and any other structures that i build also special thanks to arts by kev lindsey ray and coffee fuel genius for helping out with this video i wanted a flat plane to build on where i was gonna put the main hub structure i removed the last bit of concrete and wood and began the foundations for the new home i wanted to build something that was sort of a mix of a spaceship and a planet colony type vibe i use stone brick as the main component as i'm in space and i don't really have a lot to work with i started forming a circle-ish type of outline with the stone bricks and after the outline was done i began giving it some depth using basic stone i scaled up another layer with stone bricks and i felt like this was high enough so i built some taller walls using oak planks around and started filling in the first floor with stone brick i wanted each hut to have a dual floor to maximize the space pun i built walls on the top floor and scaled them up to a higher tier and then i began on the roof i raised it up layer by layer keeping the circle pattern consistent all the way around and i finished it off i also increased the game's brightness at this point as it was seeming a little bit dull i finished the interior of the floor where i would put my things the four paths were gonna lead out to different ways i could expand the main hub um what's that i started seeing weird particles in the air when i turned around oh the heck those are some chunky spiders i sprang into action and i ran right at them i battled them all at once and i took them out they dropped these non-textured blocks i killed some larva they left behind they had tried to place them on the island to begin reproducing that was weird and disgusting at the same time that ship is way too small to have traveled here alone i gathered up some food and extended the farm i replanted some more of my seeds grabbed some stone and filled in the death pit that was created by a meteor and full of fire i kept getting invaded so i built a small cobblestone wall i built it a few blocks high around the entire base and then i raised it by another two blocks maybe this would help stop some of the invasions i felt like ally was just hanging out wherever so i wanted to build her a house i extended a walkway out from my main base failed at making an arch and then built a few proper ones i made a base for the house with cobblestone and wood i used logs for pillars and made the pad somewhat circular with some stone bricks and constructed the roof for the hut i filled in some of the pathway with smooth stone to complete it for now i started tearing down more of my old house when i heard explosions i thought it was coming from the planet so i flew over but nothing had changed when i turned back to go home i looked oh my goodness that was not there before some sort of spaceship was on the far side of my base i strolled over and as i got closer uh this ship is wrecked what the heck did this i landed on the broken ship and made my way into one of the bays i opened a chest and found an enchanted book and some bookshelves i found another chest and it was empty but i heard a growl i flew around and i found another one of those alien spiders right under the bay so i took it out i found another chest with gold and other goodies inside and then i opened a chest which had a galactic bow and a binding gem yo these new bow noises are sick and it explodes i should probably be careful with this i headed back to the base and started on my next build i wanted to make a sentry tower to potentially put some turrets in and this way i could see things coming from a farther distance i built the foundation using oak logs and stone brick to keep the theme going and then i placed some fences at the top so other people wouldn't fall off i mean i'd never fall off of course i made a flat roof using the stone bricks for support so i started to texture the roof when all of a sudden not more asteroids shoot ally's out there i flew down as fast as i could and started spamming blocks around alley to try and protect her the asteroids poured on the base but the blocks did their job and she survived man i should have been hiding in the fort room so i don't get swept up whoa whoa whoa wait a second we have a forge on the island yeah it's down by the core where you found me i walked down into the core area but there was nothing there i started mining blocks randomly in the walls looking for a hidden room oh what's this i found a basalt room hidden in the back inside i found a small forge with a fire spirit inside of it i could hear a faint whispering i figured i'd have to throw all the gems in and the trident so i threw all three in and then i paused maybe i just threw my items into lava and that was not what i was supposed to do all of a sudden a new weapon burst out of the flames it had the geminids as i checked my inventory i noticed it had sharpness on it and i had a new effect resistance each gem must add a new effect i could be so powerful i heard a strange noise and i looked around and i saw two more spaceships nearby crap i need to get food in case they come i made some iron leggings where all the sudden oh frick i'm being attacked no no no why are they blue i quickly flew away and barely survived my island was being invaded by a new alien species i use my new bow but all of a sudden this man just heated his way all the way up here and here we go back okay and there he goes right into the abyss not the smartest species i've ever fought i flew back in and spammed my boat the creatures larva and large bugs began swarming me though okay these dudes keep reproducing while we are fighting what is wrong with them it took a while but i eradicated the last of the gross creatures where with these ships coming from i flew with the ships but they disappeared again as i got close someone is playing with me i thought i kept running out of food so i harvested and expanded my wheat farm and then planted some more seeds i also wanted to enchant my gear so i returned and began on my next project first i completed the arc walkway to my watchtower i then started an enchant area right behind it i built a hut primarily with prismarine and some concrete and then i complemented it with some glowstone so i could actually see when i walked into it i then zipped back to the planet and grab some more iron and to double check the chest that i had left behind oh i'ma grab some of this this could be good for building oh there's a cyberman here and get evaporated okay there's more more back okay okay get over your noobs i spent a while grabbing some iron and another brick for a future build i arrived back at the island and started tearing down the old structures when i noticed more falling animals yes a second chance i won't let you die this time i mean nobody died before i quickly made some fences for my new friends i grabbed some wheats and i lured them into their new homes finally some company i then mated them all to produce some future food okay that sounds a bit weird okay and you guys are still falling wow i placed down some bookshelves in the enchant area and then i climbed the watchtower no more no oh what the heck is that oh no no no that's massive i went back to my island when i was invaded by gold and purple aliens death die ew ew this is nasty i quickly made my way to the ship so they wouldn't come to the island and wreck my base i ran inside and i began battling they were everywhere and the more time i gave them the more there would be i opened a chest ooh some nether right hey hey whoa whoa whoa back back i ran into a huge colony of them and both spammed them and then i ran in i looted another chest and i found oars but i was attacked by a bunch of larva and then a giant spider again oh there's lots of them all must die no eggs for you no eggs for you goodness these larva are gross i found another clump and i went in again and die and die okay everybody needs to just be dead around here please stop you i killed the last of the larva and i found a chest with an enchanted golden apple okay this is enough you will not no no no as i turned i found a giant opening with the chest sitting on some glowstone okay this is slightly suspicious but i want the chest so i wandered out onto the path with the void on either side of me oh holy moses i knew this was a trap a giant lion looking alien thing spawned right in front of me it was a celestial being and all of a sudden the floor filled with glowstone and white blocks i began spamming my bow at it but it didn't seem to be doing any damage okay let's go in i don't know how much damage it does oh it's a lot it's a lot i had to use my bow as his attacks did a lot of damage but all of a sudden my bow just wasn't doing anything after gambling i went in for some swings okay this is doable this is doable oh what is this the celestial was giving off effects and spawning at orbs everywhere as the celestial got lower he did more and more damage okay that hurts that hurts no no no i hate these effects okay okay gamble and some swings oh okay that hurts that hurts so i had to run back and forth and use my trident to make quick moves he got me low too many times and the fight continued for a while okay i can finish him here we go go go spam okay okay frank no he's so low he's so low i got this okay and go go go okay one more one more let's go chill destroyer oh shush you hunk of meat no one's coming i ran back to the chest and i found a chaos core inside and a shield i went back to the spaceship ring and looted the remainder of the chest i found galactic pants and i put them on only two pieces left i couldn't wait till i had the full sets i found more apples diamonds and even netherrite scraps i made it back home and i got my netherright ingots where did you get that oh wow why do you okay never mind i found it in the spaceship over there keeping summer safe okay why and she's flown off ali knew something but she didn't want to say no matter i had things to do anyway i went back to the ship to see if i'd missed some treasure i found another ring and ran around i found it was transporting iron gold and diamonds so i mined them up and i found even more around the rest of the ring when i got home i made some bread and then i went and breeded my animals ah come on i wanted some more bones and bone meals so i decided to build a mob grinder this was going to give me xp and all the mobs i needed to progress i built a pathway out and then built my arches i was going to combine the small mountain with the base of the mob grinder i built the main fall tube with stone brick and used oak wood to pillar the sides i then created oak platforms built a wall and a ceiling i ran out of stone brick right at the finish so i patched up a little bit of it with cobblestone no one's gonna notice right i created some hoppers and i placed them at the base and connected them to chest to collect the drops and then mobs began falling this was perfect i went back to the crafting table and crafted a diamond chest plate a diamond axe and a diamond pickaxe a shovel and hoe because why not i grabbed a book from the bookshelves and made an enchant table ran back to the enchant hut and placed it down i enchanted my pickaxe and got fortune one my axe got efficiency two my shovel got on breaking two and apparently hoes can be enchanted as well i also enchanted my chest plate and my boots i didn't have enough for level 30 so i had to stick with lower enchants while i was destroying more of the comet i heard noises behind me and when i turned around i found my island had been invaded by cyborg aliens i ran over to face them right away and started battling but i was overrun with too many mini robots immediately i need to get rid of that giant dude over there before he wrecks my island i then went toe to toe with the big boy and immediately i killed him another robot fell from the sky though and it seemed to be all of them i found a straggler near the border and i took him out they dropped among other things nedorite ingots did the ships dropped another right yeah we're gonna be so op how could they find me after ally was done being confused i began adding to my wall i made it two blocks higher all the way around and then i added a single row of oak planks to walk on and expanded them one more row out holy crap i began getting bombarded again with meteorites the storm seemed to be getting stronger and stronger i started working on filling in the holes around the planet so i would stop following in them and almost dying i transferred my items from the planet into the new house so i could expand it a little bit easier i began the creation of a cobblestone generator i placed three hoppers in the middle put three buckets of water on one side and a lava bucket on the other i tested it out and it worked like a charm i spent the next while gathering cobblestone for a new build that i had in mind i placed down some dirt blocks and some oak saplings while i was mining to get some trees growing what how again what the heck is what is that a giant meteor crashed on my island and a robot charged right at me i took it out but then more started coming from the asteroid i battled them and i took them down i tried a new tactic on the last one and i demolished it i ran to the meteor and i opened the chest inside the chest contained galactic boots and a binding gem and some minerals finally i could add the next core to my tridents i went to the house and got the chaos core and then i headed down to the forge i headed down into the forge but it had expanded i was slightly thrown off the whispering seemed really loud this time but nonetheless i threw in my binding gem core and tried it and moments later a new trident appeared from the flames as i opened my inventory to check it i saw i had looting 3 and i had a new effect fire resistance this was overpowered i went outside to put out some of the fires and all of a sudden more livestock plummeted from the sky and the chickens are still taking forever this animal convoy was different though villagers were a part of it i found a villager who decided to land on my roof and i tried to push him off fine be that way bob one of the villagers looked like they had a trade so i went over to him he traded uranium chunks for slug rock i wonder what that is used for i needed to find a house for the animal so i whipped up a barn using stone brick and oak wood in a diamond formation i filled in the floor using cobblestone i needed to keep my livestock safe this time after finishing i made some fences so i was ready this time i've had bad experience with these animals in the past i grabbed my weed and then i found this cow that was cheating death i brought him to his new forever home but he was too chunky to fit so i broke the fence and after some teasing i got him inside now it was time for his mate i found a sheep who had made his home with bob so i left him up there but i found another cow when i lured him and i finally had two permanent cows i ran around the island and found another villager with a trade when i right-clicked on him he offered me my final piece of armor for a piece of slug rock oh hey uh do you know where to get some slug rock from oh i'm glad you've asked those are from space interceptor ships they use them for fuel why do ships use moon rock for fuel that's weird i needed a better way of getting blocks so i flew over to the planet near me and gathered some quartz and some redstone whoa stay back stay back okay and you're dead why are these guys still here what the heck when i got home i started on my next project i made some redstone torches and some redstone repeaters i made some pistons and finally i started to dismantle my old cobblestone generator i wanted a better cobble generator i found a good spot for it and i placed down a chest i then placed five hoppers pointing into the chest i built a wall using bricks and placed down my pistons i built a platform on one of the sides and filled it with lava and i repeated the process on the other side but i used water instead i wired the redstone around it using repeaters and redstone dust i used a redstone torch to start it and when i tried it it failed i tinkered with it a little bit and then i got it to work next i wanted to find a spot for my new friend so i went for a ride with testificate number one and brought him over to his new house i had made him i convinced him to inhabit it he loved it so much he bolted inside i gave him his cubicle and then i went for another villager i went looking for some more villagers and i found bob still on the ledge i gave him a nudge and he bolted into the abyss i read around the island putting out fires and fixing my walls i made some more bookshelves and enchanted my leggings and boots i was admiring myself for a moment when i noticed something in the distance i ran over to the ledge to take a look all of a sudden my island was invaded i began battling but i jetted into the errors they did a lot of damage there's so many holy crap i grabbed my bow but when i tried to use it nothing happened it's like they jammed it i got up close to the big robot and began smacking it but the little ones overwhelmed me i slowly disposed of the little ones but nearly died so i went up to heal and then it went right back into battle the gold robot did a lot of damage though all right let's gaffle then let's head right back in i continued taking the big robot's health down and after some time i brought him down after healing i began terminating the little ones that were left back you vermin i killed the last few and as i looked around i saw my island was on fire i crafted some bread got my gapples and i flew over as i flew i saw a ton of huge robots i engaged right away and i flew up to get a view however the tower had a turret on it and it began shooting me frick this thing is melting me i battled the turret but it did a ton of damage i found myself below it and i healed i broke out the side and re-engaged on the roof and took it down i went back down and i faced the behemoths that were on the ground i found a giant spider looking robot i tried to knock it off the edge so it didn't do a ton of damage so i could fight everybody else so close so close come on one more hit one more hit yes yes oh wait he's definitely dead i killed his little minions and then i went back to the main island killed that thing killed one of those things and re-engaged with the big boys i got low again so i zoomed up but i quickly returned after gambling and i took out the first one i thought the last one remaining on the giant ship crap crap oh my goodness half a heart that was so close i charged back in and i finished off the gold robot on the edge of the planet its drops fell into the abyss i made my way back to the top of the planet i went around the towers and found some op loot inside of the chests each tower had a chest inside of it i found another star in one of them and a ton of amazing apples i headed to the middle of the arena and i broke the center block and as i floated down i looked around and i saw a chest right in front of me i went up to the chest and i opened it and i found another core inside but i couldn't read its writing i returned back home to put all of my things away i went back to collect some oars from one of the hidden rooms and when i dropped down i noticed some new blocks that crept in okay well that wasn't there before dead ahead of me where the chest was there was a portal without any thought of the matter i hopped right in ready for action as i began to walk around i had an eerie feeling come over me this wasn't a normal world it seemed like it had been lost in time and showed no signs of life is that a robot holy crap something shooting me i was pelted by another one of those machines so i ran to a nearby structure inside i found some empty rooms and a skull hidden in a cabinet the chest contained some lead ingots and some fun looking drinks i found some sort of abandoned campsite and inside the chest there were some more vials of weird stuff okay so is this thing broken or what's going on i minded and it broke into a bunch of pieces it almost seemed like a graveyard for the robots i found another house and finally got a smithing table to make some netherride gear when i got back home i looted it and i grabbed the bookshelf from inside okay this is new where's the door just a lot of food and ammo i'll take the bookshelves though i guess this is some sort of tower whoa i was attacked by people called looters all the sudden they inhabited these towers i ran through the building and took them out one by one i broke the clip here somehow but i found the last remaining binding gem in one of the chests when i got home i grabbed the core and i headed into the forge as i trudged down to the forge for the last time it's gone bigger again and wow that whispering is annoying now i threw my core in my binding gem and my trident and i was awarded with the final tear as i went to leave i found i had regeneration now this was powerful i started putting out all the fires when all of a sudden i realized i hadn't checked on ally recently i went to her house but she wasn't there i quickly read around the island but she was nowhere i noticed a boss bar on my screen galaxar he had come and he had ally with the trident in hand i left to go and find this monster he had crossed paths with the wrong person i landed at the base of this giant mountain and i headed towards the venomous spider aliens i took them out one by one crap i'm withered i gotta get out kids get it back here heal i broke all the eggs to stop them from laying and multiplying like crazy and then i headed up the stairs looking for galaxar there he is i launched reddit galaxar as soon as i saw him i made my way to the edge as he blasted a huge beam of light right at the ground i used my bow to do some damage from the main gates where all of a sudden he began forming a black orb in his hands and giant beams of smokey ash began pelting me come on i need to do some damage here come on just keep shooting all of a sudden galaxar spawned these giant purple meteors and cast them right at me and they did a ton of damage and then his light beam finally pinned me down i got off a few shots near the edge of the platform but after we hit a bunch i popped a gaffle and he spawned in a black orb again and dealt a ton of damage i flew to the edge and tried to keep away from him but i was hit again by his light orb but i almost fell into the giant lava pool that was right below me the battle took ages we just got to keep shooting and then we might have a chance here i backed up and i shot him with my bow again and again and again we have him so low we gotta finish him with the trident let's go he's solo he's gotta be solo come on come on just a few more crap what's what's he spawning what's he spawning okay we're good just a few more just a few more there we go let's go [Music] i broke aly out of the cage and she told me that she wanted to go and explore because this was the first time in her life that she was free i said it was okay and i flew back to my island i started to clean up the island by putting some of the fires out but then i started to think i never got my core back i wonder if galaxar or killing galaxar spawns it back in i went down to the core room and i found it had been destroyed the forge and the spot where the core once stood were in shambles i flew back up to the main part of the island and landed on the mob grinder how could this be this makes no sense wait wait a second i'm so glad you found me let's go well that was weird why was she so quick to leave um i got it from the astra that is oh no they're coming no you don't oh wow why do you okay never mind i found him in the spaceship over there okay why am she's full now did this should stop another item yeah we're gonna be so open how could they find me no you haven't made [Music] ali ali was the core if you want this armor or to tour the world yourself you can get them both from my patreon remember to download dragon city to get 15 000 food 30 000 gold and some dragon gear free within seven days using my link in the description let me know in the comments who gets the hamburger dragon
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 2,076,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Mud Flaps, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, 100 days modded, minecraft hardcore mode, i survived modded minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100 days hardcore, i survived 100 days in the FUTURE in hardcore minecraft, the future, future minecraft, 100 days space, 100 days one block, 100 days asteroid, 100 days onestar, minecraft outterspace, one block, one planet
Id: Mt-dZy9QQpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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