I Spent 100 Days in a Medieval Plague in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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foreign [Music] [Music] mustard plague all right just listen to that it is foul and I get to listen up for like 30 hours and here's the thing about this plague whatever one of these medieval Men Touch me there's a chance that I can be infected with it and if I don't find a way to cure myself I'll die and this is on Hardcore I'm going to spend the next 100 days fighting off a constantly evolving plague and building an absolutely beautiful medieval Mansion then on day 100 there will be an all-out assault where these plague citizens will attack and try to destroy the mansion that I just spent like 30 hours building I'm gonna be doing something a little bit different this time around if you want to watch the full mostly unedited playthrough of this I got a link to it on on my second Channel called mustard Sean it is absolutely perfect for watching it in bed or what I don't know wherever you'd watch it right go you can it's a very long version of this is what I'm trying to say I got a link to it all right okay here we go I spawned in this huge Valley there were Cliffs all around me uh a ton of trees and this wooden Outpost nearby before running blindly into what could be full of plagued people I first cut down a tree and got a basic tool set then I went over to The Outpost inside of it I was absolutely shocked to find diamonds there was three of them in a chest I know what you're thinking whoa diamonds already that's pretty that's pretty good I'll tell you no it is it is not good as you think because I I can't even use them yet to use diamonds and any sort of tool for that matter you need to level up your stats in this mod pack and to do that you need to spend XP and speaking of that I encountered my very first plagued citizen shortly after uh curing man I went out to get more XP I was gonna need as much xp as I possibly could get because currently I couldn't even equip iron armor it was a very vulnerable man and just like the beginning of any MMO I started it by killing as many pigs as I possibly could [Music] that night when I got back to the Outpost my plan was to start investing all of my XP currently into protection so that I could start using armor as soon as possible I need to get to level five because at level five you can start using iron armor and without iron armor I felt very vulnerable so I wanted to get to level five as fast as I possibly could and since it was night I figured there would be a bunch of plagued citizens that would show up so I left the safety of my Outpost and went out to uh uh cure yeah I went out to cure them there's so many of them they just keep spawning okay I'm gonna tell you right now you go outside and you hear just in the darkness yep people coughing and hacking up phlegm and puking it sounds absolutely disgusting and it's it's actually quite terrifying it reminds you that this this plague is is actually viral and that if one of these things touches you you can get infected and that's that's exactly what happened to me wait hold on a second I'm infected oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay uh uh this isn't good to cure the infection all you got to do is just eat a golden apple and you know what hey The Outpost it had gold it had a big gold golden block in there it also had some uh apples oh once one small problem though uh I can't use an iron pickaxe and therefore I could not mine that golden block at this point I'd been investing all of my XP into defense and absolutely none of it into Mining and Mining is the trait that allows you to use an iron pickaxe so therefore I had everything I needed but I couldn't mind that I couldn't get the golden block so my new priority and I wouldn't say priority my new necessity was to get mining to level five otherwise the uh the infection was gonna kill me [Music] as time goes on there's going to be more and more plagued citizens that show up right now there there isn't that many which is good normally but in this situation uh not very good because I needed XP badly and there wasn't enough of them for me to get the XP that I needed and I was starting to think okay I might be might end this on day one but when the timer hits zero I didn't die the infection simply moved to phase two the downside uh now all my stats are weakened and I move slightly slower not to mention all the plagued citizens are nowhere to be found now I guess the plague is still spreading across the kingdom or something I need a few more people to get infected so I went underground to look for more and I ran into yet another problem I can't make torches yet because you need flint and steel and I I can't make flint and steel because it's flint and steel not flint and iron is flint and steel so I had no way to light the unlit Torches however I was able to steal some already lit torches from The Outpost and bring those down underground with me yeah I found a citizen in a wall so I cured him and then I realized there was an opening that I could jump through so it took me to a clapped mind system a very dangerous area to be in but when I was already going to die if I didn't act I was fine taking this risk so I continued through the mind trying to desperately level up as fast as I could and I was getting there but I wasn't getting there fast enough and then I was just was randomly teleported at the time I didn't realize it but I had stepped on a plant an Ender plant or something that teleports you to a nearby location and it put me in a different part of the cave and I was completely confused I no idea what just happened there I was just fully teleported somewhere else time was ticking and I still wasn't getting enough experience but then I remembered you can mine whole to get XP so I started mining as much coal as I could and I didn't realize it but the infection timer ran out and moved to stage three which is the final stage at this point you're very weak you know almost One Touch will kill you not to mention you're pretty much walking at this point but I was only one level away from being able to use an iron pickaxe I just needed to get my XP up to level seven I found my way out of the cave and spent the evening looking for Citizens that cure and then I found a group cured them by uh cracking their hands open and with that I finally had enough XP to use an iron pickaxe but when I got back to the Outpost it had been it was under assault by more plagued citizens when I got inside I saw that that two villagers that were in there had been infected I guess I will be curing them as soon as I cured myself but first I I leveled up my mining made in iron pickaxe cracked open the bars got the gold out there made the golden apple and finally cured my infection it was now time to cure in another way the people who were living in this Outpost before me it's too late for you oh really [Music] I had to do it let's just go infected again [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign in the morning I went mining to get more iron so I could focus on getting myself armor I went back into the mine I was in the night before and uh pretty much right next to where the entrance was the there was a there's a chest oh torches lit torches too and the golden apple that that's been here the whole time okay I could have just well you know what at least I have one now in case of another infection so that's fine I was down there for a while getting as much iron and XP as I possibly could I touch [Music] why am I on fire now what are those just get rid of okay okay there's fire plants down here I break them with a I can oh it's interesting are they called Cinder bloom oh it's not not exactly on theme but you know what I mean it's desperate I'm in foreign ERS are the spiders are becoming a problem the world I just want this iron that I'm gonna get out of here [Music] oh no here they [Music] go [Music] I just want the iron foreign spiders just get out of this cave before I die where's the exit later that night I was I was starting to sort my stuff into a chest my plan was to leave this place soon and start looking for some more permanent live and build a absolutely beautiful beautiful mansion but while I was doing that I noticed that a blood moon was Rising no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no blood moon we don't we don't need to have the blood moon I wanna just give me a break please I don't even know if I'm prepared for a Blood Moon here the plague it hasn't spread too much yet all right so at this point the blood moon wasn't super dangerous I didn't think that that many plagued citizens would show up but it was still a good opportunity to get as much xp as I as I possibly could regardless I only had one golden apple and I didn't want to get infected again when I had some armor I went out to fight the infected citizens and hopefully get some XP by this point I was able to equip iron armor so I felt a little bit better about this but still I did I didn't want I didn't want to get infected right I just heard my first one foreign [Applause] no [Music] um just so I said that infected again okay there goes that Golden Apple that's just a huge waste right but you know what at least I had found it because otherwise I'd be in the same position I had just been in where I was just desperately looking for for stuff and running against the timer however it also means that I'm I'm out of medicine now and that if I am infected it could potentially be deadly so I needed to be a man who was very careful at this point very very careful despite that I grabbed all my stuff and left this area I didn't want to be in this Valley anymore I was looking for somewhere better to build so I climbed out of the valley of hubashi what what have I written in the script I don't know I crossed some dark woods got in a boat and sailed along the coast until I saw a biome that I liked which was kind of this I don't know it looked like Westfall from World of Warcraft and I I like that a lot so yeah I also saw some turkeys it was good hey turkeys gobble gobble okay this this seemed like a perfect area for a man like me I love this this is good and for once in a 100 days video I knew exactly where I wanted to build and it wasn't day 67 by the time I figured that out it was here this this place was absolutely beautiful I loved it so I kept looking around a little bit just to find the exact perfect location and I found a brick house but I've stayed in one of these things before in my 100 days in the Arctic video so I didn't want to didn't want to do that again but I did grab some supplies and kept looking I found this Tower which was which would be perfect for now so I climbed to the top and put down a bed and got cozy this would be my my temporary base while I built my mansion look at this this is absolutely perfect the next order of business was getting weapons right now I could only use Stone weapons and I wanted to be able to use iron weapons and not just iron weapons I wanted to be able to use a special medieval iron weapons like great swords and halberds and that the big boy weapons all right I wanted to use them so I needed to get more XP and I also needed to find cows to get leather so that I could make Kilts and poles which were needed for the upgraded weapon so I went out looking for cows and the cow [Music] where are them cows at hey there's one perfect [Music] I need your leather oh [Music] not drop leather [Music] cow you are going to give me leather do you understand maybe there's something I'm not I'm not getting leather this is what we need smoking I can turn meat into leather [Music] and you just dropped leather anyways okay well have you always been able to do that in Minecraft turn meat into leather I like that though he just throw something in the smoker the smoke you know I'm gonna make a smoker instead of a furnace I'm gonna do this more realistically let's see how do you make a smoker [Music] I'm making a smoker for sure for sure I actually have a smoker in real life and uh I haven't used it in a couple weeks but I love smoking Meats very good I often think if I if I didn't do a gaming channel and an airsoft channel that you should subscribe to all right you'll subscribe to them I would love to do a cooking channel Forge Labs Meats come get them mustard Meats we're gonna cook them mustard cooking it's good it's good stuff yeah that would be slogans maybe I will do a cooking channel [Music] smoker there it is all right the beauty of this thing we throw that in there we throw those in there give me some give me some good stuff after that I I made a special iron sword there we go absolutely beautiful and I'm going to bed before any disgusting coughing show up if I wanted to build a giant mansion there was absolutely no way I was doing that with stone tools I wanted to use iron tools and just like everything else armored weapons and and pickaxes I needed to also get my building skill up high enough that I could use iron stuff so and that's what the next Focus was on and for a brief moment I thought that the best way of getting XP to do this would be to go into the dungeon that was below the brick house that I found however once I was down there I remembered that I did not have any golden apples in that if if a zombie touched me I would likely be infected and uh probably die so I left I I don't know how I could just forget something like that that was I'm an idiot so then I shifted my focus to mining uh to try to get gold because without gold I'm gonna just basically one dead man so I started Mining and I got about halfway down to where I would start to find gold but I ran of torches so I came back up and then I remembered I can't just make more torches they're unlit torches and to make torches I would need flint and and steel not flint and iron it had to be flint and steel and you can see just how one simple thing it spirals out of control the good news was that steel wasn't the only way to light torches you could also make a matchbook so I went and got some some bamboo I made it into paper and then I combined the paper with wooden slabs which gave me a matchbook I then used that matchbook to light all of the Torches At Once by mixing them with the matches and then I had a full stack of torches that I could use the problem is is that these torches even though they're lit it will eventually become unlit and I will need to light them again even after I place them though it's a lot of work for a man a lot a lot of work for a man in this medieval world but with all of that out of the way I could finally start to look for gold again so I went back into the mine the next day and when you're when you're down in the mine in the dark and you just just listen to this how deep is this place [Music] do you hear that oh come on I went further in and I got down to why level nine and I mined a bit until I found an opening oh oh that just sounds worst thing I've ever heard okay there we go [Music] falling off the [Music] foreign [Music] I'm absolutely terrified to do what I gotta do oh man this is not like doing this foreign just to be sure to the [Music] [Music] I got as much gold as I could from the two veins surely enough to make another Golden Apple in case I got infected again and I wanted to look around a little bit more while I was down there what are you gonna do [Music] oh [Music] oh okay it's just time to get on here okay hearing a lot of them time to go all right okay So currently I have defense at five attack at five gathering at three and Mining at five I need to get this up I need I want to be able to use iron pickaxe I wanted to find a village because if I found a village I could start doing a lot of really good stuff so I I started looking around in the nearby area and I found nothing to the right of the Tower so then I got in a boat and sailed in front of the Tower and I didn't find much air either but the good news was was that there was a ton of coal which I was both going to need for building stuff but also it was a good place to get a lot of experience which again I still wasn't able to use iron tools like axes and shovels which yeah I was absolutely going to need if I was gonna build this massive Mansion after getting as much coal as I could I was able to level up to level four which is close but not quite there yet I just need one more level to go when I got back to my side of the lake I investigated some there's some weird plants bringing back stack after stack after stack what is this stuff [Music] oh whoa what what is the point of [Music] Jam [Music] you can just get rid of those I then spent the night killing I mean sorry curing a bunch of plagued citizens to get my experience up to level seven so that I could get my building up to level five in the morning I spent it all and then finally made an iron ax and with an iron ax I could begin the very long process of gathering uh a ton of wood but here's the thing about the the trees in I guess this mod they're they they're not normal trees you can't just cut straight up and then have the tree disappear there's the logs are everywhere in the giant Bush of a tree so you're you cut you cut five up and then you look to your left and there's about seven more just hidden amongst the leaves so you start placing down other wood it's just to cut down one tree it takes like five minutes it is a long grueling process that a man like me just absolutely does not have the patience for regardless I spent the entire day cutting down these trees this is nuts these are the most annoying trees in the world to cut down foreign the wood never ends like it's just more and more wood oh my God I keep putting wood down to get more wood it was day 10 which meant that it was a a plague spread night and therefore I needed to make sure that I was prepared for it so I spent the entire day repairing the tower by smelting down iron to make bars and using those bars to make a nice secure perimeter around where I would later just leave so this was just a big waste of time I don't know why I bothered doing this I also fixed the floor I did a whole bunch of stuff to make it secure up here big waste of time because at nightfall I just climbed right onto the roof and got ready for the plague spread event I'm an idiot I'm a complete idiot I'm a complete complete and I got infected too I'm okay okay thank you okay okay okay there's so there's so many more in there than I thought foreign oh come on there's another massive group oh there's more there's more coming this way foreign foreign there's another group there's another horde coming [Music] oh [Music] is another group why do they shrinkle through the middle I just want this XP [Music] look how many there is there's more over there too instead of curing myself I made an iron short sword and dumped all of my XP into attack and then I went down to the ground and started fighting off The Horde that had been that followed me to my tower to get more XP they're still here they followed me to my tower it's gonna take way too long after swinging and slashing at them for a while I realized this was going to take forever to kill all these plagued citizens this way so I cured myself jumped off the tower and tried to lure them away come on foreign look at them come on everyone down here [Music] I'm gonna pop them into the hole there's more coming I don't know I'm gonna Bob everyone into this hole I've bopped two and [Music] come on everyone get back there's too many [Music] foreign [Music] I managed to get them all into this this pit that I had dug uh where I then was able to safely kill him with all of that out of the way I could finally shift my focus to the next phase which was gathering the absolute truckload of building supplies that I would need to build the mustard Manor I just came up with it right now so I spent a good chunk of that evening mining for Cobblestone because I was gonna need a lot of it to get all this Cobblestone I was gonna need a lot of tools tons and tons of tools so the next day I was making some some new ones and minding my own business I I hear someone puking downstairs someone just threw up down there you wake up and you hear a man throw up oh I'm infected again [Music] do you [Music] do you hear that [Music] okay that was foul this is it after this apple I gotta find more gold so I had just enough gold how many apples do I have don't touch me do not touch me this foul [Music] and there goes my there goes the final Golden Apple I had so time to stop working on the manor and uh focus on getting gold again a man who's got gold on the mind just like all I could do especially now where the infection rate is even higher it's almost a guarantee that if one of these things touch you you're gonna get the plague and without gold I'd I'd be one dead man so my focus now had to be on getting gold once again but the good news was was that since I was focused on mining anyways I could likely get two birds one smack as Kim always says and get my Cobblestone and my gold at the same time the problem though is that uh there's a lot of a lot of plagued citizens down in the mines and I I don't know why they're doing down there I don't know why they always go down I can't get the plug all right I got a mine without getting the plague very very scary to do that oh oh [Music] because they're relaxed oh oh come on bye [Music] surprised I can even find this foreign I was running into a lot of plagued citizens down there and I felt like I was pushing my luck so I left I also ran out of torches and because of the realistic torches mod I couldn't just simply make torches I was a man who had to put in some work you know I also wanted to get diamond armor on me as fast as possible but to do that you I needed level 16 in defense which was significantly higher than the level 5 that was required to use iron armor level 16 in defense requires like the equivalent of like 45 levels of regular Minecraft XP that's that was a lot for a man like me so for now I I you know what I said 45 levels I have no clue that was just a guess it's a lot of XPS what I mean to say so for now my focus with the XP that I was gathering would be to dump it into defense and try to get that up as high as possible as fast as possible the next day I gunned it out the door you gotta just get it you come out the door you gotta go fast you gotta run straight out the door otherwise some guy's gonna puke on you and then you [Music] carefully cutting down trees to get more wood so that I could make torches and then resume mining so that I could get gold and the Cobblestone that I was gonna need to build the mustard Manor these trees they you're driving me a little bit Buck nutty I'm starting to get a little bit up a little bit uh crazy cutting down all these funky trees all right they had random logs hidden amongst the leaves and it was you'll see later that I ended up with a Galaxy of floating leaves around my mansion [Applause] [Music] probably a nice little piece of wood somewhere in there that's [Applause] what are you guys doing what are you doing oh he almost touched me I I cannot be touched by these things [Music] currently without golden apples even cutting down trees in the open is a high risk activity because if one of those disgusting plagued citizens they find a better word sneaks up behind me and touches me I'm dead all right so even cutting down trees right now was a high risk thing to do but I felt I felt secure enough because I was listening I felt like a a man with the world's biggest ears listening for any little sound I could hear and constantly checking around the trees were still bothering me though so I used flint and I mixed it with steel not iron I I got Steel by smelting down iron and now I had a flint and steel which I then used to try to deal with the floating leaves by lighting several trees on fire and causing a bit of a controlled forest fire here I was hoping to get rid of some of the leaves foreign much better much much better well the next day I guess the the fires had attracted some unwanted attention uh which isn't great because I I still don't have gold and therefore a way to cure myself if I was touched by one of these things where are they coming they better not be coming here where you guys going oh turn around there's nothing for you here look at this guy's face and bleeding out one side there's a lot of random I hope those go away after seeing that I knew that I was gonna need to fight my way out of the Tower so I made an iron halberd right if you're unfamiliar with some of my other videos the halberd is a beautiful absolutely beautiful weapon this thing it's got reach so I don't need to get close to these you disgusting creatures I can I can skewer them with them I mean cure them it's perfect all right it does a ton of damage too it's also a two-handed weapon which means while using it I cannot use a shield and therefore I'll get like 700 comments from people telling me to use a shield now why didn't go ahead and leave a comment saying wow I can't believe this man is so brave that he doesn't use a shield only a true Brave man like this man would not use a shield in the face of such danger because Shields are for cowards people who hide behind a wall of Steel but not this man this man is what am I saying right now just focus on the video this is not so unnecessary halbert's a good weapon all right and was glad to have one of these things I finally got back to mining but this time I was just I was only getting Cobblestone near the surface I didn't want to go too deep yet because probably I was I'm gonna be honest I was scared all right I was the coward hiding behind the iron I was scared I was gonna get infected and lose everything that I'd done so far and have to start this whole video over again but you know sometimes a man's gotta take a risk or something like that anyways I spent the whole day getting as much cobblestone as I could here on the surface in the morning while I was out getting more wood I found another one of those outposts oh oh the good news there's gold in there the bad news it looks like this one has been overrun by plagued citizens so I got to be extra careful getting the gold because otherwise it's pointless because I'll just get infected and then have to use the gold that I found that that is not ideal so I hopped the wall got in secured the place looted it uh look to see what these guys may have to trade with but in order to trade with them I need Emerald so I thought I'd use the oldest trick in the book where I trade sticks to a Fletcher it looks an idiot who just keeps buying your sticks but then I made the Fletching table and this man had no interest in becoming a stick buyer I guess it's because I'm on 1.12 but this just ended up being a huge waste of time however I did get the gold though so when you got gold you can sigh a breath of relief you know tie a breath of gold that's what I always say yeah it's quite good I got back to the Tower and I continued to smelt down my cobblestone as we need I was going to convert this all into stone bricks but I want you to take a look in this chest right here right I have 14 apples at this point that is a this is a beautiful amount of apples take a look at that hey get it in your brain look Sean has 14 apples good because I soon I won't have 14 Apples because I'm gonna somehow lose this and I'm I want to figure out when and where I lost these Apples because it becomes a huge problem for me a man with no apples and as a reminders you need these things for to make golden apples right the apples are like are basically gold in this right now okay so they're currently in that chest right there right I'm gonna remember that and we'll look through the footage and see what happens to them anyways now that I had a way to cure the plague end end torches I felt very confident in uh going down deeper into the mine to get more Cobblestone and also more gold so I went back down and I spent the entire day mining it was very annoying putting down torches and then having to light them with Clint but it was worth it because I found more gold oh gold to me right now better than diamonds love to see the stuff love love love seeing gold man with golden eyes the next day I did more of the same I just I kept Mining and kept getting Cobblestone looking for gold and by this point also iron and diamonds but I found something that I wasn't expecting to find it's like lava okay I have no idea what those things are doing down there but you're gonna see later on that they they become a bit of a problem then to be quite honest I suspect that they are responsible for the plague it wasn't rats it was these things it was well mining I found uh I found more diamonds shortly after that which was good but again still can't use them soon soon very soon I'll be able to use them but right now I couldn't but to get to them I had to cross some confusing I don't know why I wrote confusing water and lava oh yeah scared me look at this I spend the rest of the day Mining and eventually I came up with the surface to sleep I continued cooking the stone in the furnace but while I was cooking I took a moment to look out at where I would eventually build mustard Manor and and those floating leaves were really starting to make a man like me go buck nutty all right really driving me crazy the leaves should go away now go go I installed the mod that was supposed to make Leaves what's it called evaporate I don't know it disappeared disintegrate it was supposed to make the loose leaves go away but I guess because these are modded trees nope they get to stay stay with me me and my I love love these floating leaves over but you know where I can't see floating waves underground mining so that's exactly where I went back into the mines back back to chopping down wood or stone whatever oh oh oh it's not supposed to be a scary monster I kept mining trying to get as much Stone as I could and whatever else I could find and what I found startled me why is there so many of these things [Music] I eventually found an underground river and a man like me who knows there might be some monsters in that river right so I'm not gonna do it all right no I'm done that joke it's over and there's no I'm not gonna go fishing in this enough right so I jumped into the river I started looking around I hope hoping to find something interesting this is creepy [Music] okay [Applause] what is going on [Music] okay [Music] what are these things what the foreign what is going on with these things they were they're starting to creep me out these are there are definitely responsible for the plague I don't know how but you just know it right you know what they've done a little further up into the cave I found even more they're all just sitting there they eventually led me to the bottom of a dungeon and against my better judgment I I went in we can I was thinking maybe I could find some golden apples in there it took me a while but I found a chest down there the only problem was that I needed to cross some lava to get to it but you know what I I did not stop me [Music] foreign [Music] I want no part of whatever's going on over there oh my God I didn't even plan why am I here [Music] [Music] infected yep I got infected okay I need that why am I down here right now all right look at that one touch was infected again draining another eight gold but seeing that TNT would a man like me sees TNT a little bit excited I was also excited to open that chest and when I did it had some potions some enchants some Iron Pants which had protection for a speed boost and there's something else on it but I forgot what it was so then I I shifted my focus to that TNT I towered up close to it and then I did something incredibly stupid there's chess and creepers up there [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what have I done what have I done what have I done [Music] what was the point of that foreign what was the point of that [Music] let's just let's just get out of here I caught my losses after that and wanted to get out of there and on my way out I did some self-reflecting I'm still thinking about what I did with that TNT [Music] like why did I do that I guess I thought I could kill the creepers easily how much gold do I have enough like what was what have I done it was the next day when I got out of the mines and the first thing I did was cure my infection and then I put some stuff into one of the chests and I cut more trees down and burned some more leaves and then just went to bed it was a very boring day okay day 20. Mobs Can now see me from much further away so I guess the plague had spread to their eyes and made them stronger for some reason I don't know why how that makes sense but they can see me for much further so I need to be extra careful now the area can look totally clear and I could be cutting down a tree but 60 blocks away the 15 plagued citizens could start stumbling towards me with one one goal one goal only make me waste more gold and or kill me very careful and because of this uh tons of them piled outside of my tower oh look at my door these men wanted inside don't know why there's nothing in here for them but they they want it in I guess they wanted some medicine so I gave them the only medicine that I know that works a good old halberd that I had that was stupid after that was dealt with I got on my boat and sailed away from the tower I wanted to see if I could find a village still and while I did not find one I found a large abandoned house so I carefully went inside [Music] in which previous video of mine did I stay in this very same house and as a bonus what happened in this house what dark event who was murdered just outside of this house answer or die what no no one's gonna die if they don't relax okay so what am I even doing trivia time in them so I was hoping to find some gold in here but eventually I didn't I I did however find some arrows food uh I found some bookshelves I think there was like raw meat in the free I don't know I got a bunch of stuff all right got tons of stuff I left the house and kept following the river I was still hoping to find a village uh but what I found instead was truly shocking yeah I don't know about that that wasn't shocking at all what am I what am I talking about regardless there was zero percent chance I was going down there right now this is something I do later on in the video all right and uh what I found on there was truly shocking when I got back to my tower uh I was making Flint minding my own business when oh no I realized it was it was day 20. it was a plague spread night it's an experience okay no getting hit No Good Hits [Music] faster okay oh my God there's another Fort there that's good another way to spawned no come on oh my God oh that spider almost hit there nothing like a nice cup of plague infection in the morning especially on day 21. you know what they say there there's nothing like it like it's Ye Old pestilence in the morrow okay I spent like 20 minutes trying to get some AI to make regular English converted into medieval English and that's what it came up with that was not worth the app despite being infected I took my sweet time to try and kill all the plagued citizens in the pit that I have made were you watching this footage you know it's I had no idea how nice I had it back when the plague wouldn't kill me in like 30 seconds but it was nice to see this all right later on that that plague is you don't want to screw around we had all the time in the world here anyways uh when that was finally taken care of I returned to my tower to cure myself and here I may just solve the mystery of the missing apples I can see that I transferred all 13 to my inventory for some reason I should have just taken one out I made one golden apple and I'm putting them I'm putting why am I putting them in the crafting table and then I just walked I just walked I can see them sitting on the ground right next and then I just leave the tower what what what what why did I do that I feel like that the Breaking Bad meme where Walter is screaming from inside the car [Music] I figured since I now had some torches and decent weapons I I could take a peek in the nearby dungeon I went in and I found this iron sword which had Unbreaking three and mending that's uh oh wonderful commore right there so I took it and almost got mulled by a farmer zombie [Applause] foreign I don't have the goal to be doing this sort of thing or the apples when I didn't know that at the time I thought I had all the apples in the world so I still wanted to find a village so the following day I set sail again and this time I went in an entirely different direction and I ended up at some Glacier so I climbed it shot some bunnies gave up and went home if I couldn't find a village the old-fashioned way I would make one to do this I made a caravan by combining like 10 chests in a crafting grid and I can use this to make my own village I used that Caravan to set up a camp following day and I'm gonna tell you right now I have zero clue what I'm doing I have zero clue how any of this works but you know what oh I like it it feels good this place had everything it had torches fences uh books wood and even had a little tent for me to sleep in in the morning I figured out that this I'll figure out this Village stuff later for now I need more building supplies and gold for my Mansion so I I went mining nearby this was boring I was just mining for whatever I could find and I found a ton of zombies foreign there was more mining the next day I was finding some gold which was good uh What was bad was that I was ignoring silver which at the time I had no idea how valuable would be later on Silver was a very very good resource to get and uh here I was just ignoring it right now the plague the plague was manageable if I was infected I would have enough time to probably get home and grab a golden apple but I didn't want to be in the habit of leaving golden apples at home because later on I would not have enough time to run home and grab a golden now the plague would spread through my body far quicker there we go oh yeah oh yeah after several days of mining I gathered everything I could and I headed back to the Tower and when I got there I had finally realized the mistake that I had made really I thought I had a ton of apples why do I only have one now where did I lose the other apples it cost one two three five six seven eight eight so I need two more gold okay well I'll figure that out later now I need a wood and I'm gonna need a lot of it so I started the very long process of cutting down tons and tons of trees and after a good hard days of work I went back to my tower and continued cutting cooking down my Cobblestone I was but a peasant cutting down trees working the land doing what I could to scad scavenge what little resources I had soon I would build my medieval Empire oh day 28 very good day it was uh it was time for more back-breaking work literally my back in real life was killing me yeah to get an authentic medieval experience I played this entire thing on a true to life medieval chair made of solid wood and a Sharp 90 degree angle no cushion just straight would perfect for the back and bum and speaking of chairs what a perfect time to tell you about this video's sponsor ulrich's back massages art thou backeth sword come down to thy backs stretching what am I doing with this joke enough of this I was getting tired of cutting down trees and getting Cobblestone I was getting eager to start building this thing uh which is still a bit risky because I could be working away on a wall and all of a sudden jeremyth the fourth infected with the world's worst plague could walk up behind me and give me a big sloppy kiss and then I mean it's just what am I taught I didn't want any plagued citizens sneaking up on me so in order to start building I needed to build a bit of a perimeter around where I would build to do that I made a bunch of railings or fences or I don't know what they're the I think they're railings I built a bunch of them which would keep the plagued citizens away from me I also wanted to set up a farm so that I had some food coming in so I invested some XP into that as well and with all of that out of the way I could finally start building mustard Manor yeah but there was one one little small problem I suck at building and I I want to get better so I thought the best way to learn how to build better would be to follow a guide and try to learn from it so for this build I'll be following big Tony MC's guide on how to make a medieval Mansion I got a link to it in the description it is a absolute beautiful piece of architecture right you see this thing and you think wow that is something I want to build all right so that's exactly what I'm gonna do the very first step was to set up the basic layout of the structure which was one big L to do this I use stone bricks and oak logs after I got the basic shape done I went back and removed some stone bricks and replaced them with Mossy stone bricks that I had stolen from my tower because I figured this this would look a little bit better and also because that's exactly what the guide said to do so I didn't figure that he told me to do it I don't know why I'm trying to say that I figure what am I saying the next step was to add more or oak logs around the perimeter of this thing to give it some depth and just make it not a flat boring wall and I learned something here I I always assume that you what you did on the outside you would have to do on the inside so these oak logs would need to be replicated on the inside in their exact same positions just mirrored but this layout doesn't allow me to do that cleanly so I would have never tried to build something in this shape which which is dumb because clearly you can build in this shape turns out you don't need to put the log on the inside in the same position I don't know if that makes sense but I learned something here right it was good to know anyways I got all the logs up and I lit some torches around where I was working look how many zombies are in there already let's get rid of those all tomorrow next up I I get the door up right you need a door what is a house without a door it's not a house it's just a bunch of bunch of stuff that's what what I always say all right so I got the door set up I put it right here I close it in and uh place down a cobblestone block for it uh then I used a spruce door right here next up was to bring in the walls or bring up the walls make them higher and put down more doors and some windows the tutorial called for using black stained glass which I didn't even know that you could stain glass in Minecraft right so I looked up how you do that turns out you got to go Slaughter some octopuses so I killed an octopus bought the ink sack used the ink sack on the glass that I got from the beach it doesn't matter you you know how you get glass right I'm not going to explain that uh I got this black stained glass but when I put it down uh yeah I didn't quite like the look of it I think because the shaders I'm using it just didn't look good it didn't look like glass so I'm probably gonna swap that out later make a little change but it was day 30 and how could I forget what that meant I meant it was a plague spread night and nothing interesting happened though I just fought them from the safety of my tower now that I know the size and layout of the house I started my farm the next day uh I was running out of food so this Farm was pretty pretty crucial for me to get set up and working but it's just a farm I don't need to explain that it's very boring all right I put down the water and then I added the crops around the Water started started growing them right this is more interesting look at this putting up the windows right getting some windows put up around the place even though I don't like the black black glass at this point still blend them up getting getting the job done you know I put the rest of the windows up I added some trap doors and they sort of bringing up the walls a few more blocks I was trying to use a blend of stone bricks uh moss and some like I guess polished Stone I don't know what it's called just to give it a little bit more texture all right look at all these guys just hanging out of my I had to kill all of those plagued citizens I I mean I cure them all of them and there was a lot of them I was starting to stress me out but no when things were more calm though I resume work on the manor next up was to add some upside down staircases that would uh later be a become a balcony here then it was time to start adding battlements as trim or an edge to uh this thing and that was done by putting down a pattern of slabs and full stone bricks lastly the there were Spruce planks that would act as a floor then I continued to trim the entire layout with these Spruce planks which I assume would be covered up later but I had no idea how that was gonna happen this was another thing that I would never do so I was excited to see how chunky MC was going to cover wait his name his name is not chunky it's big Tony why did I write chunky M's who is chunky it doesn't matter I was excited to see how this would get covered up and where this was going because I was learning a lot here the next day I just continued doing this added more wood trim uh then I this was followed by repeatedly breaking my legs by increasing the height of the oak log supports oops and once I got those those oak log Towers nice and high I had to put down some horizontal Oak clogs across them to make it look uh make it look good and that's what I did but when I got back to my tower that night got some got some disturbing news blood moon no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what are you doing here slugging back potions my poor house is not ready yet but they're all spawning there they're going to the corner because that's where the water is or something a whole group of them coming this way why are they all bunching up there there's so many coming look at this oh I dealt with the Blood Moon by safely killing all the plagued citizens from inside my tower with a halberd and I was very happy to get all that XP which would be very very useful sun's coming up how many zombies have been there one okay now I do this put this here and that all right how's it going everyone I got some work to do I was getting kind of fed up with these torches that were going out so earlier on I don't know if I mentioned this I went and stole a redstone lamp from one of the dungeons this thing is great because it will not go out which is very useful So I placed it down outside of the manor and now I got a nice little light source out here it's not very pretty but at least it's going to keep the place nice and lit up the next phase was to build the other balcony yeah in the front to frame it I placed oak logs and extended them outwards to the two oak logs that I placed in front of the building then the next step was to put down Spruce slabs in the gaps which would act as a floor I like the look of this it's very clean it has depth it has a nice amount of area I usually make balconies way too big so I'm gonna take a note of it that my balconies do not need to be giant massive flat surfaces you can just have an ice Point balcony like this also you might be thinking hey you know all that gold gear you're getting from zombies what are you doing with that Shawn you're making use of that and the answer is yes of course I'm taking all the gold I get from all the sorry flagged citizens and I'm putting it in a furnace and melting it down into golden nuggets which I can then convert to nine into get one single gold brick it wasn't a lot but any amount of gold is useful right a man always needs gold all he needs in his chest and don't don't even worry about me I'm a man who's taking care of myself speaking of which before going to bed that night I used the XP that I had gotten from the blood moon to get my defense up to level 16 yes finally level 16 which means I could finally use diamond armor so I made a chess piece and the helmet then I was back to work the next day to day 35 I needed to make some of the vertical oak logs look better so Spruce stairs were used to make this just look a little bit better and again I learned that instead of forcing wood types to be all the same you can sometimes get a better match in this case using Spruce stairs and oak logs it gets you a very similar color and therefore it Blends very nicely and speaking of blending I blended this man's brain by putting a halberd into it I continued putting up staircases once those were done I made the front door look a lot nicer by replacing some of the dirt with Cobblestone to give it a more dirty stone look a nice little entryway Day 36 speaking of 36 my legs had finally healed from breaking them 36 times previously so I broke them 36 more times by raising up more oak logs [Music] what I learned here was that you can try to cheat the build by not placing these logs directly on top of the ones that touch the ground they're actually one block back which is good because sometimes I make my build look bad at the expense of them having to make the physical sense in the sense that the log needs to be on top of a log but you don't have to do I don't know why I forced myself to do that previously the next phase was getting the proper walls up but here's where my first challenge was with this tutorial to get the medieval look the second floor of the manor needed some sort of white wall the guide wanted me to use calcite except in this version of Minecraft calcite doesn't exist so I figured that I would use polish what is it called polish Dior diorite diorite is that what I'm an idiot I don't I can't read diorite I I figured I'd use this because it was kind of white but when I put it down I didn't like the look of it at all yeah I don't know if that but you know what thank God that I randomly installed a bunch of medieval mods in this mod pack one of them included all of these blocks which were perfect for this thing to make them you need a building tool which was just two sticks and some Stone then you put wood on top of it and boom you've got Timber Wood it starts as plain Timber but if you run it through the crafting bench a few times you can get different patterns I made two patterns one of them with an X and one was plain and I tried both of them and I decided I like the X more so that's what I'll be using in place of calcite in this build so I continued building [Music] my Nightfall I was mostly done starting to look good starting to look very very good zombie come bite me I mean a plagued citizen yeah I can hear the miracle it wouldn't be a nice night without me off pretty good impression eh almost like I did all the voices for these things on day 37 very simple day I just did some farming and some other I honestly I can't remember what I did just farming the next layer called for some more Spruce playing so I trimmed the entire structure with a spruce planks then it was onto the front door the front door had this high ceiling with a steep roof they got it I needed to build upwards further with the timber frame blocks in an almost triangle-like pattern where each row gets a little shorter and shorter so I just followed the guide and did what the man told me to do and it looked very good by the end of it it was much higher than I had ever normally build I always feel like I'm not building high enough so it's good to know that you if you think you're going high go higher good however I made a few small mistakes which I later fixed and then I started on what would later become the big Grand window let Lyden and it was on to raising the walls around the rest of the structure to be even higher which I did with more Timber blocks lastly I needed the back of this place to match the front so that back wall needed to come up more except on this one instead of it being a big window there'd be two doors getting huge biggest Minecraft house I've ever pulled by far look at that Mansion going up incredible next up was to bring oak logs even higher these things were getting a little Buck nutty looking really good though this man chunky MC or Tony very talented man knows exactly how to make stuff look good and this place was looking very good I needed more wood though so uh more Spruce staircases we need a lot of those things these arches were getting high and the higher the things got the more difficult it was to work I'm great that looks I spent most of the day cutting down trees making this useless scarecrow thing and then making more of the front of the manor look nice I needed the front oak logs to be higher and instead of breaking my legs again I got a bucket of water and put it down so that I could jump into it and after that I knocked out some of the Cross beams and it was looking pretty good and pretty pretty good uh The Next Step was to add a flower bed under each of the windows but this man chunky MC he was in creative and very easy just placed down a grass block however when you're me and you're playing in survival with a bunch of plagued citizens around you uh not so simple you got to use regular dirt and then you got to build a staircase up to that dirt so that's exactly what I did no I didn't actually I just put it down and like I think I thought the grass grass would grow on it eventually so that's hey that's good it was also a plague spread night so I had to fight off a horde I cured an absurd amount of plague to Citizens that night foreign chance of spreading on contact right now so basically if any of these things so much has touched me become one infected man I did not want that to happen no no no no hey this this was not good I only had one Golden Apple left and with that infection it would mean that I would not have any and without any gold single touch from a plague citizen would very likely mean by death if I spent the rest of that night fighting them off and I ate my golden apple in the morning I needed to shift my focus now to getting gold and therefore more golden apples instead I made this this stupid thing hey oh that Target dummy scared me like 30 times currently I only had six gold and seven nuggets so I needed a little it's just a tiny tiny tiny bit more I also needed an apple because at this point my apples were all gone and I'm uh yeah I don't know what to say about that all right so I went out and I set sail hoping to find some sort of structure like another wooden Outpost or another building that might have apples or gold in it I was very I was hoping to find something like that and shortly into my journey I found another one of those brick houses and I thought that I might get some gold in here I didn't but I did get an Apple upstairs in the chest which I needed further down the river I found an exposed dungeon and I thought maybe I could pop inside and find a chest somewhere not far in maybe even in light uh and grab some gold but all I found that I was that it was going to be a Blood Moon and I wasn't even home no this is the okay this couldn't get worse so what I did was I got my boat set sail into the middle of the river and just waited it out foreign [Music] everywhere you go there's just so many flooding out of the woods okay so just keep sailing looking for a village in the morning my plan was to climb into the mountain ahead of me and see what was on top of it but there was a or there was a horde of plague in front of me and this this would be my greatest challenge yet getting around these things without getting infected yeah I'm just gonna sail around them that's uh that's exactly how I'm gonna deal with that problem and that was way easier than I so I climbed the ice wall used my pickaxe which I thought was a pretty good use of a pickaxe I don't use this thing to climb when I got up I very carefully approach the castle it's golden here a lot of spawners I'm breaking down on the doors the door around here what's going on freaking my dog out oh yeah I don't like the sound of them banging on doors like that and I I was scared that the the plague would fall off the top of this castle and box me in so I left and tried to get the chest from the windows I managed to get one there wasn't there was nothing in there nothing useful I mean I'm sure there was something useful but there was no gold I needed gold but I started thinking that the the good loot must be on top of the castle it must be up there so my plan was to climb up and hopefully through a window get some stuff so that's what I did I got up to the balcony secured the doors and started looking for chess nothing so I went higher and I still found nothing I tried to push my luck by going down into the castle oh there was a chest there though [Music] foreign okay so in this situation [Music] my heart is pounding right now and I don't entirely why are they trying to get to me look how many just came out of the castle okay [Music] they're still coming out I've never done this before [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this place was crawling with plagued citizens just look at this this Castle just loaded but I I really needed gold and night was falling in one of the windows previously I saw that there was beds in one of the rooms I figured that I could pop into one of those rooms grab a bed pull it out and sleep outside to pass the night and not get infected so I went back up found the bed got in there secure the room and I actually thought I actually thought that I'd be able to sleep with like 70 plague plague people banging on the doors next to me foreign I spent the evening trying to slowly push further and further into the castle by carefully clearing and blocking rooms off one by one I thought that if I was extremely extremely careful constantly check my back secured all rooms and used porches I would be safe in doing this and I had to be because I had no golden apples and if any of these many many plagued citizens even so much as touched me that would likely mean my death and I would need to restart this entire thing so I treaded very very carefully remember just one of these things touches me but it's pretty much over for me [Music] oh I can sleep now bring them all the way over here [Music] oh it's interesting that if I go over here they leave thank you [Music] that's exactly what I was afraid of [Music] okay [Music] okay okay that's not good at all that is not good and then somehow a it's Ryan plagued citizen got in and infected me with one single touch I needed gold and I needed it now you see that timer at the top how it says eight minutes forget that it's not it's three minutes right three minutes and the plague moves on to the next stage that means I had nine minutes total the fine gold or die oh Oh no you're kidding oh oh oh [Music] I didn't think he was lucky he's at home okay oh where's the gold where's the gold are you kidding me was that some sort of joke what is this Cemetery Obelisk there's a house there please have gold why would there should be gold in a random house there's one gold and a name tag and bones I don't know what to do do I mine I'm gonna have to mine oh I'm running out of time I have to find gold here I like I need one piece of gold you have one little one piece of gold I'm on an infection through what oh because it takes less time now so that timer's not accurate I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't care [Music] no right there thank you come on come on come on come on come on I don't know when that's gonna end come on come on come on come on okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh [Music] oh my God oh I'm shaking right now I'm shaking oh hey hey not today not today my man's no way you thought I was joining you not a chance I I don't even know I'm gonna get out of this right now I ate that golden apple with just 34 seconds to spare but now I need to get out of here alive my first move was to kill the plague within the immediate area with my halberd next I secured the area by using some torches with the area lit up I was starting to see how much gold was in this cave Marvel there [Music] oh there's so much gold in here okay I gotta get all the gold down here more holder there all right I'm trying to feel like things are gonna be a-okay I didn't want to leave the cave without all this gold first I got the gold underwater then I got the gold above the lava and further into the cave I got the gold then there were some more underwater and then there were some more in the cave I was get I was just trying to get as much gold as I could but all of this mining was drawing a lot of attention some of throwing potions that I don't know where from they're getting closer they're just whipping potions down here what is that what are you doing [Music] that's how I'm trying to figure out how to get out of here so I dug my way out and only a few blocks away from the cabin I emerged I got in there and started smelting some stuff and went to bed I looked at the map I wasn't as far from home as I thought and while I was keeping around in the menus and stuff I noticed that silver granted a damage bonus against Undead this oh this was very very very very useful knowledge I didn't want to go home just yet I while I was in this interesting area I wanted to see if there was anything worth grabbing so I left the cabin had a look around and didn't really find anything besides this graveyard which kind of looks cool for this area but there was nothing really here it's kind of kind of a waste of time in the morning it was it was time to head home so I grabbed my gear and left I thought I could avoid the castle by climbing up the side of this Glacier over here and then running around it and I used my map to kind of chart my path I saw to climb off this one and onto another one but it was pretty much smooth sailing all the way back to my house I was very happy to make it home alive so I have a ton of gold now but I don't have apples and honestly I'm I'm embarrassed to admit that I still don't know how to reliably get apples in Minecraft but I looked it up and it seems that you just need to cut down oak trees and there's a lot around here but the ones that I've cut down did not give me apples they needed to be the the regular Minecraft ones so I planted some near the house before going to bed I looked up some weapons and apparently the silver great sword is a beautiful piece of piece of Weaponry right and this thing not only does it give you a damage bonus against Undead but it also has reach to end and sweeping so that that is that is perfect for for all of this so I made one and the next day I tried it out on some unplagued and cured them with it and wow this is a truly beautiful piece of Weaponry here oh pretty good and then I got back to work on mustard Manor I finally realized that the grass the window whatever called the flower boxes aren't going to grow grass on their own so I made up a little little dirt Bridges up to them so that the grass could spread well the next phase of the build was to add Spruce planks to the front wall in another triangle-like pattern to add depth to the the front here it also made this thing far higher and this thing was becoming it was massive it made me worried about how long the roof was going to be and how long it was going to take to get all the supplies to build the roof but you know what you got mustard Manor must be the best the next stage was to build the side balcony so I started by raising the oak logs off even higher again breaking my legs in the process next there were the horizontal Spruce like logs followed by Spruce logs right but oh clogs were followed by the upside down stairs to make the shape better then I added some dirt under the windows again make flower boxes that I need staircases up to to get the grass to spread and then I broke more legs and made more horizontal oak logs as I built up the wall higher and I continued this pattern on of breaking my legs and putting horizontal blocks onto the back side of the manor back to work on the manor the next day working on the balcony of the the tall back wall I I was using Spruce slabs and Spruce trap doors as floorboards another thing I've learned here is how useful Spruce trapdoors are for building the next day in the morning from my tower you can see how big this thing was getting pretty good uh it looked you know what it actually was pretty good I was I was only getting started here though you know I didn't like those floating leaves it just kind of no one wants to see those things anyways it was another day of building this time raising up oak logs on the back wall even higher just getting those things nice and I'm making arches and adding flower boxes well I was a man who was working by the way I'm still hearing that just been hearing people puke now for like 20 hours you're watching the video you don't know that gets cut out yeah not for me I'm just trying I'm trying to build a house I just constantly hear that behind me sitting in my sit in my office right now trying to build my Minecraft house listen to people puke it's good yep there's more of it pulling out my notepad right now to write write this down guys hacking stuff up I cut down the trees the next day I planted uh I was hoping to get some apples and I didn't so I went back out into the woods and I found one and I cut it down and I got an apple thankfully I got more wood I came back and I worked on the manor more and the same thing for day 54 it was more work on the manor I set up three small balconies on the front side of the structure and you know what it was looking pretty good I also added lanterns to them uh which was a nice permanent light source right now the Torches how they burn out very it it starts to become a bit of a problem but using these torch are these lanterns I don't got to worry about them going out in the middle of the night and having a having a problem so this was good to make lanterns you need fixed torches though you can't I can't just take the Torches that I let myself I need to find lit torches in the world so that's I only had a number a limited number of these things the next phase of building though was the chimney I had to build this thing up nice and high with stone bricks and I continued working on it the next day and when I got to the top I used Stone stairs slabs stone walls and on top of it uh hay bales yeah I've never known why people use hay bales on the top of a chimney I see this a lot what is how can we use the the hay bales here everyone does this you can't see them from the ground but for some reason I don't know I just did it because that's what the guys to do at the time I only had two campfires though so uh for now it's kind of a half flip chimney uh but I made more in my tower that night the next day I put the rest of the campfires in the chimney and then I started the next phase which was uh the part I was most excited for the tower a Man Loves a nice big tower right you got a tower on your base you're it's feeling good I don't know if you know this by now but I always try to make a tower and this one this is gonna be the best looking one uh that I can't say that I made I mean I did make it but I did not come up with a design again so I was excited to make what am I saying right now get back to the script I'm going so far I started building this thing up high using stone bricks and uh cracked stone bricks to give it a little bit of texture and when I got to the top I started making the frame larger so it was a just one big Square wait type four in those comments if that scared you what am I saying it's so stupid oh I'm driving four right now I kept working on the tower the following day filling in with more and more stone bricks it got a it got a little bit more complicated at the top when I needed to use upside down stairs full blocks and walls to make this pattern but after I finished that part it looked very good finally it was time to start tackling the part that I was most dreading the roof I never liked doing roofs it it is I'm a man who falls off this sort of stuff so I risk my life every time I work on one of these things but to do the roof I was gonna need deep slate and since this is version 1.12 there is no deep slate in this version of Minecraft so I needed to I needed to figure out how I was going to get deep slate in a version of Minecraft that where it doesn't exist so I'll tell you what I did I downloaded a mod a new mod that adds it to the world and in order to find it in the world I was gonna have to go to a chunk that I hadn't explored yet so that was my plan to just go start finding unexplored chunks and look for deep slate at the bottom of the I don't know a deep coordinate so I gather my stuff I grabbed a I prepared a golden apple just in case I got bit uh and uh I got ready to leave looking good just needs a roof badly I set sail until I couldn't sail anymore then I climbed a hill and I slept in a forest in the morning I kept exploring I found a beach I dug up a ton of sand which while I was here because I was gonna need this eventually and then I kept going I figured while I was all the way out here I may as well just kind of look around so I don't know if I did what is going on here [Music] it doesn't look safe does it am I man the Sheep guess what you're gonna figure out what's going on down there oh my I'm stuck okay [Music] oh hey it's going down what is going on down here there's just zombies down here I don't like the people down here I found a nice spot and started digging down until I hit deep slate and with that it was it was time to fill my inventory I spent the entire day at night mining deep slate and stacking it in a double chest it was a plague spread night but you know why I I was a man underground so I did it didn't matter I was mining completely oblivious to what was going on about me everything was going well until I mined into some diamonds and at that point my uh my priority shifted to I want to get these diamonds I tried to mine them and it didn't work and so I went to the mod page and I found out that you can only mine deep slate diamonds with a diamond pickaxe but at the time I could not use a diamond pickaxe because my skill wasn't high enough so with that my focus shifted entirely to leveling up my skills so that I could use a diamond pickaxe and not only that but I I didn't even have a diamond pickaxe at the time so I wasn't high enough level and I didn't even have the item but but I was very close I was level 15 so one more level and I couldn't use a diamond pickaxe and I was sure I could find diamonds regular diamonds not deep slate diamonds regular diamonds somewhere down here so my priority became getting a diamond pickaxe because if I had a diamond pickaxe I could mine this deep slate way faster now just to reiterate you might see that my level is higher than 16 at a time that's my Minecraft level I don't know how to explain this this doesn't even make sense to me I need to get my Minecraft level up to level 18 so that I can get my mining level up to 16. yeah and I also need I already explained this I don't want to roll that on my script twice so the next day day 62 I got out of the deep slight area and started looking for diamonds affected I carefully went and got the diamonds it was a hassle because there's a whole bunch of stuff going on here I had to build a bridge climb down cut the bridge off so the zombies wouldn't come up behind me I mean the plagued citizens uh but there was and what am I saying I got diamonds to make the pickaxe that was one part of the equation taken care of the next part was I needed XP so I'm mine to an opening and I started uh just waiting for plagued citizens to come and only a few spawns so I mined and smelted some stuff and I got 18 levels and then I cashed it in and got to level 16 Mining and boom I was finally able to use a diamond pickaxe now that's that's very easy to explain but in reality that was very stressful and took me a while to do all of that I wrote it out in two sentences it took me it was stressful so I made it I used it to get those diamonds that I originally had found uh then I slept but here's the thing I already had quite a bit of deep slate enough that it was going to take me more than one trip to get it all back to my house and considering that I was I was pretty far from where the Mansion was I figured I would just do one of the trips now and come back and do the rest of the mining later so I packed up a bunch of deep slate climbed out of the mine and started walking home I saw some very weird things on my way back why do they all have eggs but they're all carrying a well you're they're all good they're all good eggs on all these eggs I made it home by Nightfall but when I got there I realized that I had left my bed in the cave which led me to decide to spend the night killing plagued citizens I gotta find a different word for kill and plagued people and uh yeah doing that didn't end up so well for me what what is that thing [Music] oh my God no I don't have an apple I don't have an apple oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no maybe maybe I do have one Apple there no apple no apple no apple I gotta go so here I was again scrambling to find a basic item in a short amount of time with the risk of losing everything [Music] come on Apple Apple Apple apple apple okay it doesn't matter already infected foreign [Music] all that could have been avoided if I had just brought my bed back with me and uh now I was a man down to eight gold that's uh that's good we're really happy with that I Enchanted my diamond pickaxe with the efficiency efficiency 3 book that I had found I forgot where some somewhere I don't know I think it was in that dungeon before and uh boom well I was ready to get a ton of deep slate so I started running back but on my way back I got distracted when I found a house in the woods oh look at this the 15th version of this house I found straight up to the chest up here what do we got are you kidding me that's actually annoying you might think that's a good thing I'll tell you why it's annoying think about everything I just went through trying to get that diamond pickaxe getting infected essentially twice there's one right there yeah and then I made it back to the cave and I was finally ready to mine but for some reason I slept and in the morning I uh yeah I just left spent the entire day running home so all of that work to get a nice fast pickaxe I just didn't use it all right so that's hey that's good love that the mind of a man who can't anyway so that night I made some lanterns and I set them up around the Mansion because sooner or later he plagued we're gonna start getting inside of here from day 66 I was back to working on the tower it was very annoying having to Tower up with dirt every single time and I suppose I could have made some sort of ladder or something up the side to speed this whole thing up but you know I'm a I'm an idiot and I didn't do that but it was nice watching my man in the video fly around in Creative putting an unlimited amount of blocks down while I was a man's struggling here you know what this you gotta you gotta do what you gotta do I built uh so I built a water tower to make this faster but I still don't know how to properly swim in 1.12 um so I don't even I don't know if it made it any faster to be honest it was just a very slow process going up and down this water but I got back to building and the next phase was to get some Oak log supports up for the roof um then do some cross beams so I did I did all that but I added some stairs to add an arc you know it was starting to look pretty good on day 67 here's me going up the waterfall again nice and slow I love doing that you know day 67 it was not that interesting of a day I don't even know why I have it in the script here I just worked on the tower more and uh I I think I have a stomach ache in real life at this point because I had ate some cheese from lactose what am I riding in this don't there's literally zero reason to put that in the anyways Focus okay I I put up a ton of spruce trap doors around the perimeter uh both rail feelings and on top which uh you know these Spruce drop doors are very versatile they look they look good they're a thin block I start using these more here these are nice I got the grass had finally grown into my windowsills so that was it was nice hey that looks pretty good hey beautiful and on day 68 I worked on the front porch of the house well I guess the balcony and on day 69 I just did the side balcony roof things were going uh going well farming fall what am I farming at right now eight oh gosh oh [Music] how are they getting oh because I have a hole in my fence it's my fault not like doing the roof right oh every time this is uh who likes doing roofs no one does all right doing the roof was going to be a long boring process so I'm not gonna go too much into detail with the like 8 000 different blocks that I put down on the roof here I was following the guide it's just a bunch of deep slate stairs full blocks and slabs all right you're just gonna see the roof slowly get built over the next little bit and I'm not gonna bother explain what just come on [Music] listening to this is actually starting to make me feel sick it's just disgusting I I somehow forgot that it was a plague spread night no just take a night off take a night off [Music] tonight is not necessary to play this game no go away I don't want to waste any of these two because they're precious stop it [Music] see I don't know what just hit me something hit me something is hitting me oh it's invisible fighter what look at this now come on everyone all right one of those one of those zombies says diamond armor back there how does this man get diamond armor [Music] come on zombies one and all there's a witch over there for some reason ignore that guy I'm going to call them got the full full diamond set [Music] oh diamond helmet that's all right come on come on come on come on oh stop picking up the health I have a diamond home it's not worth risking but what if it's Enchanted it's unchanted [Music] what come on he hit me through the [Music] SE oh come on I knew I knew the Diamond Helmet was going to cause problems I knew it as soon as I saw the guy with Diamond Armor I thought this yeah come on everyone this is her picking these guys off I had to use my last Apple to cure that infection and now I was very very low on gold again so I went out looking for oak trees to cut down Apple where what is going a man needs apples need some mad you can't deny him in an apple I'm telling you that right now you deny him in an apple he starts getting a little bit crazy you know you don't know what he'll do next I need apples I will literally die without an apple no more games no more saplings just apples I I don't want to be spending any more time on this than I need to be the reason it's good I'm doing it now because this is the type of thing that you don't want to do when you're watching them the infections spread through your there's that dungeon again I keep ending up back here I completely forgot about that dungeon and uh I still wanted to loot it but not without apples and gold no I bet you there's an apple okay and I will return probably to that castle when I have silver weapons and I will I will call that place you ever say a word and not not be a hundred percent sure what it means but you say it anyways I keep saying call and I'm gonna be honest I I don't actually know what it means I just know in World of Warcraft that's what uh artha said in one of the caverns of Time Dungeon in Wrath of the Lich King calling of Strathmore he went he went in there and got rid of all the sick people so that's that's where I got that from you know there's many times where I've used words and not been entirely confident in their meaning when I was applying for college I had to uh went in to write an essay for one of the Apple applications um I'd write it in person in a room with a bunch of other people and at the time I was certain no I wasn't certain I was Pro I was fairly I was 75 sure I knew what the word detrimental meant so what did I do on the essay I wrote how detrimental being accepted come on I just every time I get a golden apple it gets taken from me come on a no no no please on a blood moon anything with a blood moon or those torches let's light this place up a mod we're not I'm not doing the whole one one one Rogue zombie I mean plague guy gets in we're not doing it absolutely not I'm fixing this stuff before it becomes a problem that doesn't make sense I don't care you can just walk through that you can walk through that I gotta fix it I gotta fix it I didn't know you could just walk through that why can you walk why can you walk through the gate what am I seeing where go go go seal it this one's fine it's this one I'm going upwards safe they're better not be anything and not get up here and the boys are here oh waiting for you good to see you I'm gonna cough all over you look I have enough gold for another one too like I was saying the word detrimental I was certain that that word meant foreign it was a word that conveyed a sense of just pure requirement so on my ESS essay I wrote how detrimental that college would be to my future success my future career being accepted that college would be extremely detrimental to my my future career and I I lathered that Essay with that word I didn't get into the college I was uh I was rejected you know what jokes on you because now I'm a professional Minecraft player all right yeah I like this Tower this hey you know what college did rejected me you you got a beautiful Minecraft hour like this nice big blood moon a bunch of plagued citizens stack it up on your walls I kept working on the tower roof the next day and it was starting to look pretty good the whole mansion was just looking very good odds you know my my man M.C moose tremendous Builder right I'm I'm thoroughly impressed with this whole thing it looks incredible the the last thing I need to do though with the roof was put a little lightning rod on top of it so uh I went up did that and then went to bed I had to cut down a million plague citizens in the morning uh then I used that XP to level farming so that I could put flowers or use bone meal or something in my windowsills to make it look a little bit nicer so it was just wasn't just a boring grass block so I did that and then I got back to work on the roof I kept doing that the next day too just working on the roof here the guy called for an additional window door thing which out of a ton of depth to the roof kind of kind of yeah it looked good a little bit looked very good and the next day I I did this to the other side and did the same thing just built the roof out another one of these little Windows things it was going well things were going well and I finally got an apple on day 76 when I took a little break from building oh there we go beautiful [Music] what is going okay [Music] I'm uh I'm just gonna ignore it that is there's more over here [Music] I have no idea what that is and I'm just gonna [Music] I think one of the mods is not working well so I'm just gonna does this lead into the video you know it's it is what it is all right I was looking for a new spot to mine deep slate That Wasn't So Far because I had ran out and I needed more and on my way to find a new little hole I actually found a little pirate ship which I boarded and got a golden apple from hey nope not so bad finding one of these things on a pirate ship pretty good I also found a spot to mine so I mine down I got some deep slate and I found more gold which is the best thing I can find way better than diamonds gold gold a man loves gold so uh got the Goldman went to bed in the morning I was up early to mine with absolutely no idea that I was uh it was about to be a one dead man foreign [Music] what was that what was that how did that zombie get in here foreign must have gotten in here there's those in some of the caves there's those leaves or plants that if you step on you teleport it it must have teleported into here by stepping on one of those people but you know what I didn't die because just like the mold in the mugs on my desk I refuse to die I keep coming back no matter what you throw at me I'm back I'm growing I'm always spread anyways I kept Mining and I found some diamonds and I got a ton of deep slate in the morning I ran all the way back to my mansion and it turns out that the this new mine was just as far as the first one because it took me all day to get back so this was kind of kind of pointless but my house oh my house the Mansion was looking good looking very good then I worked on the roof more in day 79 and uh why do you take a wild guess what I did on day 80. I worked on the roof all day again and and all night and since it was a plague spread night I fought the citizens and uh for the first time I actually I did not get infected kind of a kind of amazing to be honest I celebrated the next day by working on the roof my favorite thing in the world to do would be a man Up on the Roof hot sun slapping down these deep slate tiles just uh give me a give me a inventory full of deep slate send me up on someone's roof and you won't hear a single complaint from me is all I love to do in life just put down come on come on just stay on this okay day 83 more of the same stuff the next day you know what that was the case for day 84 as well just nothing more nothing less I needed more deep slate though because I was firing through this stuff going through it faster than uh I can't come up with a some come up with a joke in the comments right I was going through deep sleep faster than what else so it's back in the mines again and uh once I had what I felt like was enough deep sleep which it probably wasn't I climbed out of the mine and made my way home this mine that I had picked was much closer for real this time so the journey back wasn't bad at all then I slept and uh kept working into day 86. I was getting very bored of working on this roof very very bored so on day 87 I discovered something what where are the turkeys guys want to see hello turkeys I don't have much time to speak are you interested in this yes you are okay someone do this can I do this you guys can make a turkey answer quickly okay all I need to know look how good this looks I gotta get rid of that dirt the next day I use this to my advantage by luring two turkeys back to the mansion although one of them was uh missing a tail for some reason what do you call a turkey without a tail you call it a they call it a YouTube comment all right you fill that in as well it's two comments you gotta leave in there there's a joke so I took half the day uh but I got the I lured the turkey back to my house two turkeys the next day I replaced all the windows of the house with clear glass because I didn't like the look of the dark glass with my shaders and uh with that the exterior of the house was finally finally done I was so hot look how beautiful this thing looks this thing looks absolutely amazing now the only thing was was that I was going to have to defend it from an onslaught of plagued citizens who now will possess the ability on day 100 to build up and Destroy blocks there's no way I just spent like 35 hours building this thing for a bunch of brainless disgusting creatures that are vomiting all over the place to come and destroy this so I was going to defend this thing with my life and to do that I was going to need to set up a bunch of traps so one of the traps that I wanted to set up was something that I learned back when I did the original mustard virus and that is the Note Block trap but I didn't quite remember how I built it so I had to build a note block and then practice with it outside oh no nevermind that's uh that's later I don't need to worry about another uh it's day 90 it was time to take on that dungeon that I talked about before so I made two golden apples but I kept one of my chest so that I wouldn't drop it somewhere and lose it um I also made two silver great swords and some other stuff uh I don't know I was getting supplies ready to take on a dungeon but on my way out I got distracted by clearing up some of those floating trees and realized that it was way too late in the day to leave especially on a plague spread night foreign this is not good it's not good there's a weigh-in I need to remove that I know there's a lot in here laughs no all right foreign they just keep coming they're just like they just keep coming I I don't even want to think about day 100 okay I was down to one Golden Apple again I love that a man who's constantly living on the edge wonderful I also discovered something had happened with my turkeys in the morning why is there what have you done I needed more apples again so I went out to cut down trees until I got one and shortly after finding one I found something else Castle the new plan was to raid this place instead of that dungeon but the one that was a hole in the ground I wanted to go in this Castle see what's going on in here all right I absolutely refuse to get infected here refuse to get infected [Music] first things first [Music] remove that watch out for a drop in zombies every window oh [Music] foreign [Music] definitely watch up there thank you oh my God look at my frame rate oh oh [Music] all right look at this so 24 apples 15 volt this not even a big deal anymore what is a big deal it's the sheer amount of zombies that are in here but here they all come foreign [Music] come on out entire Kingdom in here oh my God [Music] [Music] all right look at that absolutely incredible when I got home I removed more floating trees you know this is just a it's not fun doing this this is a little worse worse than making the roof I still wanted to explore that that dungeon in the ground so on Day 94 I went there all right I said I would return and here I come how far down it goes [Music] hey that's kind of scary I am actually a little bit scared doing this especially because of how long it takes me to place a there's a golden apple down here oh no I was afraid they'd be down here oh [Music] look at this you know I should be collecting this stuff too [Music] [Music] come on [Music] another Golden Apple I don't think I'm kind of worried about is out you know what I think that was kind of a waste of time I don't uh yeah probably didn't need to go do all that anyway so um right hey remember that note block I was talking about that whole little speech I gave because I thought that I did that on day 90. uh yeah so just remember everything I said there right I needed to set up a trap so I I took out that note block put it in front of my house and started messing around with it trying to trying to get it to repeat a like a noise signal like boom boom boom you can see in the video [Music] need to like [Music] thank you okay that works the plan was to move this thing outside of my walls dig a giant pit around it with trap doors so that the idiots would hear it walk over and just drop into a pit and stay very far away from my absolutely beautiful mansion they don't need to get their disgusting vomity hands all over my Mansion I could just hang out in this pit so that's exactly what I did you know I also said something to the turkey at one point hey remember you killed your friend nice not nice what am I saying that's terrible horrible actually okay time to build a day 96. I uh I dug the pit around the the mechanism then I set up some trapdoors above the pit and now this should this thing should be armed and should be working but I needed to dig down a little bit deeper so I dug it down and then I connected a small tunnel from the pit to my Mansion so that I would be able to walk down the stairs to this pit and hopefully hack down a bunch of the the citizens and collect all of the XP without getting touched by any of them so it's got supposed to be like a little little farm of sorts it's gonna be a perfect I just need to put down a few more trap doors than I was done [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign level's going up it's going up fast okay after I cured myself I went up to the tower to watch The Trap [Music] they can still kind of see me but [Music] maybe I should put a trap there then okay they start to go for it oh they see then they see me as soon as they see me they turn around but I stand here long enough I stand here they'll go for it the next day I wanted to test the kill pit to see how it worked I should be able to walk down here thank you it needs some tweaking I can't I just because I have a lot of them I can't be wasting them but you know I was going through golden apples fast I guess I was uh being Reckless because I thought that I had lots of them really didn't I'm already down to like I only had three left or something like that it's like that old saying if a man wins the lottery he'll be dead in a week but you know what not me no wave I win the lottery I will be alive alive and well I'll say he's the world's most alive man for everyone water okay you know what enough uh so I I made a silver Pike here because I was thinking all right I need to be able to poke these guys from very far away because I'm getting tired of getting involvemented on so a nice silver Pike will do so I made one of those which has the longest reach you can get how big this thing is so far with us break so easy when I was in the tower a few days ago I noticed that the plague citizens stacked up in the corner of my fence and I guess it was because of the it was the closest block that they could reach that was to me or something I don't know they stood in this corner so I dug a pit down here and topped it with the trap doors and it seemed to work well [Music] all right oh the water's gonna put them out but it was time to sleep and uh I'm getting ready for d99 kind of a big huge day there's one of my houses one of my house right there he's right there he's coming for me how does he get into my house usually with this pit since I was setting up a farm the plan would be just to kill them all with a sword or the pike or something like that and then collect all the XP but because day 100 was going to be an absolute all-out Siege I wanted all of them just to die right away I didn't want to I didn't want them spending time down in the pit being alive being able to build out of the pit or anything like that so the plan was to fill temporarily fill the pits with lava so that they would just they would die right away the thing is it was day 99 and I had one day to find the lava and I thought this was going to be a challenge but turns out I actually remembered where lava was it was down below in the original mine that I made so I went down filled buckets brought it up filled the traps went down got more buckets brought it up filled the traps I Was A man carrying buckets of lava in and out of here getting ready for the final day on day 100. where it was going to be an all-out Siege here we go I've been in this position before I've been staring down a horde of death but I did not run I'm only talking about I've ran almost every time one of my it seems to be working I don't want to go on that side I want to stay on this side [Music] here they come here they come it looks like they're falling for the Trap this guy's thinking about him yep he decided that you know what I'm going in there going for it the traps that that one at TNT you see that why are they why are these plagued citizens going for uh are they stupid I don't know the plague affects their brain like that man just ran right in there's actually uh actually going quite well I am very surprised about this see what happens here this guy here kind of stupid they're still going for it all right oh yeah they can break oh I forgot they can break my left put that away okay they're totally inside they're totally inside what do they do what are they doing oh no oh no oh no hey okay we rocked you're gonna be I'm bumping you off the moment you're going down take one more step up here foreign I spent hours building this Fortress [Music] the Trap seems about diverting some of them I don't want them destroying my room infected again [Music] okay I gotta ride this infection out right to the very end stop breaking the walls you have no idea how long he's been building this I gotta lead them away I gotta leave I gotta lead as many of these things away as I can morning I'll repair the damage let's go get them away [Music] I don't even know if that golden apple or okay are they rising up from the lava I just get I got infected again I don't know if this is gonna work okay foreign leave my house there's no there's no reason for you guys all to be in there I'm not in there you want me right I'm over here just stay at it it affects me just stay away from the thing that I spent hours building these guys come walking in with another one look at this how are you running towards him infection too okay once I get hit some infection three I gotta eat the apple and if it doesn't work I have no idea what I'm gonna do I need another great sword I can get to my house if I can make another great sword I can survive the rest of the night they're breaking something they're breaking something okay I need to get look at the removed walls infection three I don't know if this is gonna work it worked okay okay stopped immediately stopped breaking my house it's day 100. come on come on oh yeah but I think thank you okay [Music] seven pieces of gold I'm gonna need that just stick that I need this seven minutes and switches cold well [Applause] it's not enough it's not enough it's day 100. foreign
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 8,954,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: pmRbKxtw9BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 35sec (9455 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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