The Ultimate Minecraft Civilization Movie

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I need to escape a giant Fireball is heading towards the Earth the statues will take me to a civilization that I can survive in I think the gro civilization will be a good choice see you guys on the other side all right I'm safe now well I'm in the gro civilization what could possibly go wrong let's just hope that Gro doesn't try to enslave me Gro has been enslaving us villagers for years and you're going to be one of them yeah right villager I'm going to go exploring now yo what's going on over here Worship the Lord bro ain't no way they're worshiping grocs all right guess I'll just take a seat thank you all for coming here today because I would like to thank our Lord and savior grocs nah I'm going to make them mad bro this is stupid why y'all worshiping this buffoon H hey why y'all looking at me did I say something who do you think you are oh shoot hey yo I'll I'm going to kill you all right we're just not going to talk about that bro who built this ugly statue hey you just called my son statue ugly wao whoo wao chill you know I was actually just joking yeah what what up then what's up then square up tough guy no no no I don't want no trouble big man you know your son's build is a is a masterpiece really is all right what should I do now hey please can you give me some money sir I have a wife and four kids n I'm good hey get back here I want your money now what you do villager School yo I want to learn something new hey you're late oh shoot my bad lunched detention for you bro what all right class today you are going to be taking your test and if you fail you die I'll be handing them out in just a moment God I hate my job oh this is going to be light work good luck on your test and good luck on your test Bozo bro what is with you all right it's time to lock in on this test all right what's the first question is Gro the king um obviously not 69 + 4 20 5 10 15 okay that's got to be like 500 shut up you're causing a distraction for the classroom bro shut the if you collect 100 emeralds how many should you give to grocs oh zero 100% all right I easily got a A+ on this test here take it teacher all right you failed the test now you're going to face the punishment um okay what are you going to do well it's been a pretty interesting time in gr's Empire but I'mma leave now oh my gosh gr tax season is tomorrow and I don't have any taxes oh what a loser hey yo freeze what are you doing in my Village yo GRS I'm leaving right now actually I'll be out of your way in just a second nah you can't leave bro you're going to work for me now bro what are you talking about I'm not even a villager hey server flick the lever wait what did you say hold on a second what's going on BRS what the heck is this all right sign the contractor we're going to kill you okay okay chill can I read it though no okay bro fine here you go I bet tax season is tomorrow so you better have taxes for me I don't really trust you bucko bro what just happened bro how do I even get taxes yo villager do you know where I can collect taxes for grocs yeah dude for sure just follow me should be right here bro so apparently this is one of the places you can go collect taxes oh my gosh I guess I'm going down and into the Villager mines we go baby all right well I got no time to waste it's time to get to work you know I never expected to become a villager slave in my entire lifetime bro I should have picked the FBO civilization well after some off camera mining got myself some taxes for grocs damn I didn't expect so many villagers to be down here the day before tax day you know I'm going to keep collecting taxes wait hold on a second is that dude getting robbed bro where did that villager get the gun from yo that gives me an idea all right this is perfect yo villager give me all the taxes in your inventory or I'm going to kill you with this pickaxe wait don't do this he yo freeze what do you think you're doing I'm robbing this guy didn't you read the GRS Empire contract no GRS didn't even let me read it it's against the law for villagers to Rob fellow villagers so for breaking the law give me all of your taxes bro did you not see the other robbery no and give me your pickaxe as well dude I have absolutely nothing now bro what the f I am so dead bro it's already night time guess I just got to hope for the best wait a second I have another idea all right I'm going to try to take the taxes from this house oh shoot [Music] damn bro he's rich and let's go I should be fine [Music] though all right today is tax day boys and I have everything I need I'm going to keep some of the taxes in my inventory just so I can save up all bet it's tax season let's see if my villagers are ready all right hopefully Gro doesn't kill me wait hold on a second oh oh shoot bro they really just killed the Villager in there oh no he's coming to my house now n no no I'm chilling no I'm chilling no I got enough taxes all right well here goes nothing yo how's it going GRS all right you know what time it is yeah bucko yes sir I already got everything right here for you all right my man you valid let me just inspect your house real quick oh yeah of course I got nothing to hide you realize if we find hidden taxes we will kill you bucko all right all right why do you keep calling me that all right you're good you don't have any in your inventory though right absolutely not GRS bet I'll be back every day to collect your taxes all right see you later bucko okay see you guys later oh no they're about to go to the dude's house that I robbed let's go I have all of my taxes open up bro yes sir Lord gr my taxes are right here you're not going to believe this I forgot that I did that n you're going to disrespect me like that what the freak man oh no Lord GRS please I didn't do this oh he really did him like that all right well gr is going to be here every day it's time to grind tax season let's get [Music] it okay another day what's up GRS yo froggy give me those taxes 100% GRS I got you bro bro you never disappoint hey what's going on over here hey man thanks for the pickaxe see you later yo villager what are you selling hey dude I'm selling pickaxes bro these are way too expensive hey what are you talking about wait wait look behind you your father came back with the milk really father where are you I don't see you that was so easy bro dang this pickaxe is [Music] crazy yo dude you actually saved up for that pickaxe of course bro took a lot of hard work though that's crazy that villager broke as F bro my favorite villager hand over everything let's go I've been popping off with these taxes bro so you know what I'm going to do some good today hey man go buy your family a meal you deserve it wait really yeah man here you go um hello yo what's up is this you um no that's not me froggy dude your sentence is 15 years for robbing a villager shop all right take everything I have I already know the drill H all right buddy see you in 50 years I'm a genius bro that guy's an idiot I could just mine out of here I don't even have to say anything froggy is the goat all right I'm going to take a break for a little bit it's been a really long tax season wait what hey get back here bro what is this guy doing I swear if this guy's about to steal all of my taxes yo bro please don't steal any of my taxes oh my gosh bro are you serious you're never going to catch me boy bro remember I gave you money the other day what are you doing bro what is your deal this is what you get for robbing the other villagers ha I don't even have anything in my inventory bro bro how'd you get so far wait what are you doing where'd you get bedrock from what bro we've been running for hours just give me the taxes back hey what are you doing are you talking to me yeah you why are you trying to take the money from this homeless man bro no no no he literally took the taxes from my house and started running away I swear huh I don't believe you bucko get out of here oh my gosh dude I don't understand why are all the villagers against me all right I'm going to go take care of some unspoken business real quick and I'll make sure no sees me all right homeless man where you at oh shoot does he live in here or something like that okay I guess I'm going to go in here um homeless man are you in here what what is this what does bro have like a secret base or something all right I'm going to find out right now oh shoot yo what just happened oh my goodness what is this place oh man today was a long day bro what the homeless man is rich n this is actually insane yo yo homeless man what's going on down here wait how did you find me I saw you run behind the statue and I followed you but bro you are insanely Rich bro um yes I'm very rich so how didd you get all this money I've been begging for money in the empire for many many years and that's how I got this Fortune dang that's actually hella smart you're not even homeless so like does GRS make you pay taxes or what he only makes me pay one Emerald because he thinks I'm homeless so what do you plan to do with all of this money well here's the thing I'm one of the few villagers who got the time to rego's contract basically you can rank up in the Empire well you could rank up in gr's Empire everyone starts off as the rank gr's lover which is your rank and mostly everybody in the Empire okay so what's the villagers that work in the tax mines so it's like a default rank but if you consistently give GRS a very large amount of taxes he will promote you to the second rank tax collector Tax Collectors travel to other Villages and collect taxes for grocs haha give me those taxes stupid lowlevel villager I'm a tax collector now so I mean business there is one more rank it's called Soldier soldiers are basically just GRS his bodyguards they don't have to pay him any taxes okay bet so I guess I'll start trying to rank up in the Empire so what's the plan with all this money then oh shoot bro it's already the next day bro we got to go pay gr of taxes hey can you give me some taxes cuz you know you kind of like robbed me oh shoot let's go appreciate this homeless man all right how do I even get out of here I have to get into character but just hop in the water all right bro I'll be here tonight we'll talk about the plan see you later all right well I got myself a lot of taxes from the homeless man I should be fine oh shoot Gro is at my house oh my gosh dude GRS GRS sorry I'm late I I was pretty busy bro where have you been I was grinding these taxes for you bro check this out damn bro where did you get this from what can I say I'm just a goat you know what bro I'm a promote you wait what all right froggy this is how tax collecting works we travel to other Villages and collect their taxes and then at the end of the day we bring them to GRS if we don't then we die let's go okay okay I'm liking this this is the first Village you are going to tax collect but first I'm going to show you how all right seems easy enough bro I'm going to be unbelievably good at this all right let's get it hey don't point that gun on me what are you doing I'm your instructor oh shoot my bad my bad so basically this is all you're going to do hey open up it's tax season I don't got no time come on oh my God yes I'm coming here you go and then they'll drop you the taxes if they don't just shoot them okay Bet do I got the next house um uh yeah yeah go to the next house let's go here goes nothing hey yo open up it's tax season let's get it okay okay I have my taxes take them just take them yes sir give me those taxes how do I do frogy that was astonishing all right next Village yo yo yo you know what time it is it's tax season open up take my taxes sir I've been working very hard all right all right you got some good taxes you're valid you're valid okay next house taxes and boy open up okay here take my taxes dang y'all got good taxes this season pleasure doing business villager bro I love being a tax collector open up give me all of your items boy hey you know the drill I'm so sorry this is all I have all right final house let's go here take all of my taxes but I just want to say that I love your YouTube channel and everybody Sear subscribe so you can get to 200k oh thanks man I appreciate it y'all should definitely listen to that villager all right time to give GRS the taxes I collected I bet give me those taxes you're welcome Lord GRS anything for you hey GRS I've been grinding all day bro I got loads of taxes for you the day is not even over yet I got a bunch of time until I meet the homeless man again I'mma kill some time hey you're wait a second you're a tax collector now yeah what about it you were always my favorite student I knew you would succeed in life wait what are you talking about you hated me you passed the class without doing any of the tests or homework or attending any of the classes dang you really switched up huh ooh another ceremony all right I'm going to take another seat right here oh my GRS it's a tax collector bro no way yes sir that's me I'm the tax collector here you better respect me would you like to come up on stage and speak absolutely villager all right so I just want to say that I am thankful for all of you worshiping GRS and maybe in the future you can start worshiping me that's all I got to say all right I still got some time to kill hey what are these two guys doing he thinks he's a tough guy now huh hey bucko we're still better than you dang bro can you at least pay me my respects so this is really how the homeless villager gets his money that's crazy bro let's go thank you so much for this money man I appreciate it all right well I'm going to be talking to him soon let's get [Music] it hey man do you trust that froggy dude guy he's ranking up in the Empire too quickly I don't trust him yeah I don't give a all right the homeless villager is heading to the base I'm going follow him but I got to make sure I don't get caught okay okay looks like the guard doesn't see me I'm going keep going bro how did the guard not see him what all right bro has like an IQ of 10 go go go go go go go all right all right all right I I think I'm good all right homeless man you ready yeah I'm ready to talk about the plan all right let's go I knew I couldn't trust him oh shoot all right let's talk about the plan homeless dude all right Follow Me This Way froggy yo what is this who are these guys with my giant Fortune I'm funding my villager Army to kill GRS so we can take over the Empire dang so we're going to be taking over the Empire bro I'm 100% down but how are all of these villagers going to do that the army will invade grock's Castle all at once then kill Gro and we will be leading them along with a few other friends okay okay I'm liking this yeah I saw him go behind the statue and it looks like the homeless man did too but I'm not sure why let's check it out yo Bernard do you see that down there yeah what is that it looks like a hole with water bro how do they find us hurry we need to hide okay okay I'm coming I'm coming when they come down here surprise attack them bet bro I got you oh and cover up my villager Army bro I got to hurry up Bernard let's drop down oh my god dude what is this place hey yo put your hands up Franky what are you doing down here hey y what's up bro what do you want hey Put the gun down right now we're going to kill you oh hell no bro I ain't putting this down why are you hiding all this money from grocs huh that's pure evil hey back up back up I can take both of you right now yeah right bucko if you give us everything in here we will let you free if you don't we will kill you say goodbye to your little friend bro I can't believe y'all just did that you didn't give me any time to the negotiate we don't care you betrayed gr's Empire drop your weapon you're going to be in prison for the rest of your life I knew I could never trust [Music] you hurry up bucko grocs in the Empire wants nothing to do with you all right I get it I get it okay oh my gosh dude are you serious I've been here for 16 years over here bucko this is where you're going to be staying for the next 50 Years bro this is all I get what do you expect froggy a master bedroom get the hell out of here please I'll literally do anything I'll keep working for you guys well I'm never getting out of here damn I can't believe froggy betrayed us I really thought he put in the work for this Empire I'm going to go talk to him wait GRS are you letting me out nah after what you were hiding from me bro why would you do this you were like my favorite villager GRS you got to believe me I'm not going to do anything like this ever again just let me out and we'll be good nah I can't trust you if you ever escape my prison I'm killing you are you serious bro like I thought we were cool like that hey buddy what are you in for huh I was hiding a lot of money from GRS and now I'm in here for like 50 years oh okay that's not that bad wait what are you talking about what did you do see I stole gr's girl I'm in for 420 years 420 420 420 420 okay 4 bro I am starving I need to find a way out of here hey bucko here's your weekly meal have fun oh my gosh I really hate eating these bro like they don't even really give you any hunger bars ah what the f y'all really need to subscribe I'm suffering right now all right you know what I think I'm going to start working out let's get it 1 2 yeah and so the Frog decided to train and train until he was confident in his ability to defeat GRS but GRS had no plans to let him out so how will he manage to escape keep watching to find [Music] out all right after months of training I'm officially jacked I mean come on look at these gains oh let me guess you're about got to give me another poisonous potato wait Sew What listen the plan is still in session hold on hold on what are you talking about I was boys with the homeless villager and I'm disguised as a guard to get you out of this place oh bet good luck friend it was nice talking to you you too bro hey where are you taking this prisoner uh Gro wants to see him okay frogi yo what's up hey yo free oh shoot go go go just keep following me I know the roots of the castle okay okay I'm right behind you bro we got to go faster right behind us kill boss I'm trying I have really bad aim what in here hey GRS you ain't catching up to us I bet oh he's right there down here come on F5 sure would have been good right now huh all right where are we going now oh not that door oh okay okay hey get back [Music] here see what I'm trusting that you could get me out of here oh shoot dead end oh my gosh bro crouch crouch hey boss stop stop let's play it safe and not go down there because who knows how many weapons they got down there bet let's go get some more men and we'll kill them I think they left I mean they know we're down here but let's just still not get caught they could be hiding like behind the door or something let's go stay quiet bro I'm actually kind of scared that they're just going to pop out do you have like guns or anything n i don't all right ignore that what is it okay bro okay what did I just witness all right not that way bro what is going on in this Castle oh my goodness please help us I don't want to die here I didn't do anything wrong yeah sorry I can't help you all right we finally made it make sure the guards don't see you oh my gosh it's been so long since I've seen the daylight let's make a run for it let's go let's get out of here baby woohoo now I'm going to take you to our villager Army I bet sounds good I bet all right froggy we made it to the Villager base I'm going to show you around in here is where the villagers sleep eat and tell each other to subscribe to froggy dude y'all better listen to the villagers subscribe this is where the villagers train 24/7 damn everybody over here is on the grind hey we got one Mission and that mission is to kill grocs oh we got some basketball hey you ain't Crossing me up boy oh yeah I am oh damn hey I got next oh you want some of this bro oh hell yeah bro let's run it I'd like to see you try what you got come on you can't guard me you can't guard me these handles are too tough I'm on lock down mode boy yeah yeah hey on his head let's get it hey what hey [Applause] yeah all right bro I'm done with that hey see what let's lock in on the plan listen up everybody I'm going to be telling you guys the plan across from us is gr's base and we're going to infiltrate his castle and the main goal is to kill GRS once we kill GRS I will become the new villager leader and make my own Empire [Music] [Applause] all right GRS we're coming to kill you oh oh my God what just happened wait where's everybody else the the the they all exploded and I don't know how h I beg oh what's up grocs take this wait what why aren you taking any damage I beg oh hell no boys we got to run was that a rocket launcher no I'm not going to die right now bro N I bet boys we can't kill him bro like we got to figure something out oh no no I'm leaving gr this isn't even fair nah you can't leave bro yo yo yo GRS chill out chill out we can talk about this all right oh why am I back here the fireball has entered the atmosphere run hide do anything what is happening I guess I got to pick another civilization ebo or a cookie God I got to make my decision quick so I'll go with ebo let's see what it's like in the FBO civilization whoa all right well looks like we're in fbos parkour civilization yo what is this damn my hunger bar is already so low and I also got some leather boots okay I got to be careful with my jumps then I'm not trying to fall in that void and go back to the end of the world hell no damn a giant world of Parkour this is going to be an interesting experience all right I'm going to go try to find myself a house well I found the biggest house in the neighborhood and I guess I'll take it oh okay someone lives here hey what are you doing in my house I just bought it with parkour you bought this house with parkour what does that even mean I'm new here so I don't really know what I'm doing oh you're new here well if you want to buy a house go to the parkour shop and also respect ebo he is the parkour Champion FBO is the parkour Champion bet I'll be there one day but the main objective right now is to buy a house with parkour apparently I think I found the place where you buy parkour houses if that's even what you call them Yo yo I'm here to buy a parkour house great choose what house you would like to buy good luck um okay this shop looks pretty interesting what do we got over here a small house or a big house so do I just complete the jump to get the house here goes nothing boom baby that was hella easy follow me this way to your brand new house thank you my man I appreciate it oh can you give me some food bro oh and he just left whatever maybe there's some food inside of this chest wait what is this about Evo's parkour civilization let's check this out FBO parkour civilization rankings let's get it so we got the parkour Noob looks like that's what I am with leather boots parkour Pro they got iron boots a parkour Master yo I'm trying to get to that level honestly and finally parkour Champion which is currently FBO wait what is this overall worst player LOL on the next page bro that's me I want to overtake Evo and become the champion of Parkour civilization I will become rich I will become famous and control the civilization let's go hurry up mandatory parkour check who are you oh you got some food for me let's go hey I really appreciate this bro hey you can't do that Noob huh in order to get one piece of food you must complete the chosen parkour jum bro I've been getting scammed this entire time first of all I went to the parkour shop to buy a big house they didn't even give me a big house and now you want me to do parkour jumps for food raw food at that um yeah basically or I'm going to send you to parkour prison wait wait okay okay I'll follow the rules bro and so I did one parkour jump for one raw piece of food you know Screw becoming parkour Champion I'm leaving I'm not going to be living like [Music] this my hunger bar is getting tooo low bro I'm about to die I'm going just go back wait hold on I went this way right no no no I came from that way actually I went this way wait hold on no no no wait no no I'm lost bro I'm lost bro I'm dead hello is anybody out there anybody I don't have a chance out here I'm going to die no no no GRS there's no way yo froggy you know what time it is how'd you get here N I think I lost I don't even know how GRS got here no way see what is that really you bro I thought you died from the GRS explosion yo yo why AR you speaking to me bro why are you answering me no oh my god dude my hunger bar yo yo I see I see civilization let's go I got to perfectly time my jumps so I don't take damage midair but I got to hurry up bro I'm still a ways away from getting there come on the biggest house in the neighborhood would have food right BR please have food please have food oh my gosh am I going to make it come on come on I have two hearts oh I almost fell all right I'm here um okay I'm going to check the furnaces um yes let's go let's go hurry hurry hurry please oh let's go oh my goodness that was such a close one all right W oh no I can't believe I just did that what is wrong with me guess I'll just have to click respawn wait hold up yo I'm still here okay okay I like this ebo the parkour Champion where'd you come from don't worry about it I came down here to see the worst player in parkour civilization which is you of course how am I the worst player you have never seen me parkour before I'm not really sure I guess the parkour God gave you this role all right you know what if you're the champion show me something all right I'll show you my signature move oh damn a 360 that was actually pretty good I'm telling you if I was at full hunger bars and could Sprint I could easily beat you at parkour all right buddy I'm leaving no give me some food let's have a parkour battle I'm going to become the parkour Champion one day mark my words you becoming the parkour Champion there could only be one champion and you're not beating me at my own game all right Evo I'mma prove you wrong whoa what the heck is that oh I think he's chasing me hey leave me alone bro FBO help dude he's running at me full blast and I can't even Sprint I am the parkour beast and no Noob can rank up no bro I'm going to die again no stay back I don't want no trouble bro leave me alone what the heck was that so I can't rank up to a parkour Pro is that what that thing was telling me I'm going to try it again see what happens oh and there he comes he's coming at me again full blast I am the park or beast and no Noob can rank up ha there's got to be a way to outrun this thing but d DN there's too much parkour you must be stopping every Noob from ranking up huh oh this must be the place where noobs rank up to become pros and I'm going to die again yep I got to see if anybody else has ranked up down here yo do you know anybody that has ranked up to a parkour Pro by any chance no everybody gets stopped by the parkour Beast it's impossible oh okay okay all right so I got the guy with the biggest house in the neighborhood to see if he can out parkour the Beast all right bro go go go let's go hurry up go go go I'm going man I don't know if I can do this though he's really fast it doesn't matter just keep going don't think about it hurry up I'm trying my best dude yeah we don't got a chance what was I thinking oh my gosh he's going to kill me oh no no no no no all right that's it I'm going to come up with a plan so I can rank up to become a parkour Pro so I think what I'm going to do is wait for the daily mandatory parkour checks and stock up on food from that that way I can Sprint and beat the parkour Beast mandatory parkour check let's go yes sir I already know the drill hurry up choose the food food do you want always going to go with the raw beef sir have a good day I just realized something I don't think I can make it with no food for an entire day especially at only a couple hunger bars I need to find a way to smelt this I'll break this wood right here so I can smell hey breaking blocks is illegal in parkour civilization no one's looking so I should be fine breaking this piece of wood what did I say next time I have to tell you something you're going to be sent to parkour prison my plan is not working at all what do I do oh I got got another idea I'm going to break my crafting table and I hope I just hope I mean I'm in my own house how could he all right I'm safe now just got to get my raw beef go to the big house and smelt it oh shoot bro I'm dying of hunger come on come on let's go all right we made it boys let's get it put my raw beef in the furnace get the crafting table and boom yes sir we're about to become a parkour Pro man I'm going to destroy FBO and parkour he don't got a chance hey what are you doing I was looking for your mom see you later boy you can't catch me I saw you break the crafting table that's not allow bro how did you see me what oh you're right behind me all right I just got to make it to the parkour Temple and hopefully my hunger bar doesn't go down nice I made it let's go I'm going to send you to parkour prison oh shoot yo look behind you it's your mom really oh what a loser bro now it's time for the hard part the parkour Beast let's get it I am the park parkour beast and no Noob can rank up ha not so fast buddy I can Sprint now if I get to the top of this parkour course I will become a pro you are not becoming a pro I will kill you I'm getting nervous he's catching up pretty quick how much parkour is left nah bro was getting way too close I think I'm almost there all I just got to run up these steps and I should be there wait no my Hunger no please oh oh I made it you may have won the battle but you you have not won the war you are not ready for the pro civilization goodbye I cannot believe I actually defeated the Beast all right well now it's time to walk up these steps and see what's up here and would you look at that my health and hunger bar has went all the way up I think that means we won boys y'all better subscribe it's time to advance to a pro oh what do we got here a lava jump that's way too basic for me dispensers nah is this a trap yo I got the iron boots now let me drop these filthy leather boots and replace them with the iron boots and now I am officially a parkour Pro in ebo Civilization oh finally some cooked food I have been dying to get this bro so where's the pro civilization yo what is that over there looks like we got a book message to all n what does it say I am currently a pro in fbos parkour civilization while attempting to rank up to Masters I came across this thing I can't describe it it has been following me ever since I attempted to rank up if you are reading this I am probably dead stay safe bro what what does that even mean now I'm lowkey kind of scared to rank up but let's see what's on the pro civilization boys yo what the heck bro this place is crazy okay F both a parkour Champion pretty soon that's going to be me right there now it's time to experience life in the Pro civilization yo ebo you're back wow I didn't expect the worst player of Parkour civilization to become Pro you're never getting to Masters really you still consider me the worst player get out of here with that bro I'm a pro now sir sir the worst player in parkour civilization is ranking up too quickly what are we going to do don't worry he's not going to be ready for the parkour ghost damn the houses look so much better up here bro I can't wait to buy one all right well now I got to get used to doing two block jumps damn I can see the bottom level now you know I would try to rank up right now but I think I'm going to hold back on that and just chill for a little bit experience life up here that book really makes me wonder what lies at the pro parkour course like what I'll worry about that later though right now I'm going to buy a house I've been wandering around for a bit and I think this is the place where you buy houses um hello anybody Here yes sir I can help you right here yes I'm looking to buy a house wait a second you look like the worst player in the civilization anyways you can buy a house right over there where the signs are how am I considered the worst player I'm literally a pro whatever um what do we got here got one house for that okay one house for that okay literally the exact same thing and bro don't tell me you're trying to scam me right now I would never do that all right whatever wait why am I on the Most Wanted what did I do um I don't understand how that guy doesn't know that it's me take our time no rush all right all right uh thanks I'm going to buy a house now uh I guess I'll just go with this one right here all right sir I completed the jump uh can you take me to my house yes of course nice job follow me this way hey one sec before you take me to the house I have one question who is that guy on the wanted poster and what did he do oh he killed a parkour Pro back in the noob civilization apparently he broke a block under the pro and he fell into the void okay that makes sense do I look familiar at all to you besides being the worst player maybe a little bit bro what we have arrived at your brand new parkour building follow me inside I'll show you around hey thanks I appreciate it damn it looks really nice in here definitely a big advancement from the noob houses I mean this is like a mansion yo about that w a guy how many people in the civilization know about it basically nobody only me the parkour police are going to start putting signs everywhere and the guy should be arrested in no time time once that happens and that concludes the house tour froggy dude MC thanks again man well that guy has like an IQ of 10 because he was looking right at me and didn't even realize I wonder what happens when you die as a pro or even a master oh whenever you die you just go back to the previous level so if you're a pro you go back to being a noob oh it's you the worst player anyways I got to go do my daily tasks for food your daily tasks what even is that oh I did not expect him to fall okay so this is the place where you get your daily tasks to get food I run up here and I saw the guy clicking this button looks like I got to feed noobs for 15 minutes and for that I get one piece of steak so this is how the parkour Pros get food well let's get it all right you can either do the normal jump for the raw chicken or the vertical jump for the raw beef good choice all right man you know what time it is chicken or raw beef my task for today is farm work alls I got to do is make sure the animals complete the parkour Cal you're next let's see what you got okay okay you're pretty good at parkour o 360 damn all right bro you're good who's up next Pig you got this bro let's go wait bro you're going the wrong way n no it's that way you're going the wrong way bro what are you doing okay yeah yeah yeah bro is this guy dumb please don't make me do this I don't care about your life this is my job now do the parkour or I'm just going to kill you I'm going to die Hey listen chicken your boy's got this he's not going to die look oh shoot um you know I take that back yo are you okay bro everything's going to be okay he's in a better place now if you need a friend I'm right here well now I got 10 pieces of steak from doing the tasks wait what oh no the parkour police are putting wanted signs up bro I got to make sure I don't get caught oh my God bro they're everywhere even in front of my house all right I just got to keep it on the low not go outside and I should be fine but I want to become parkour Champion nothing's going to stop me from doing that nah another one of these books what does it say You must rank up now they will find you and sentence you to life in parkour prison be very cautious or the thing that killed me will kill you I don't think I have a choice but to rank up to Masters and see what this guy is talking about I don't know who this guy was I don't know what killed him but we're going to find out I need to hurry up though the police are going to find me eventually hey where do you think you going stop right there under the name of apples parkour civilization law stop running hey y'all ain't catching me where the heck do you think you're going damn y'all are really bad at parkour oh shoot hey stay back bro I don't want to have to pull out the taser I am not trying to go to prison for life yes I made it oh you're in for a treat buddy wait what there's more I got to go all the way up here just leave me alone what just happened what what is that [Music] thing oh heck no bro I'm out of here the parkour ghost is that what that message was telling me what the hey chill oh what was that how do I even get past this thing it's just standing there oh okay he left he left he could just appear at any second and launch me again I don't think I can make it out of here all right I'm chilling right now oh no no no no stay back stay back no a oh my gosh I don't know how to get through this man like how do you beat this give me a chance oh it's all the way down there what is it doing oh no it's coming at me a full [Music] blast dude how was he already right there it's been like 5 Seconds oh it's right there it's right there oh I need to like Juke it out or something it's getting closer and closer by the second slime bug jump here we go I did not expect to make that jump all right the ghost is right there and the end of the parkour is right there let's get it boys all right got some really difficult jumps right here um oh my gosh bro he is catching up very quickly just got to do these chain jumps and we become parkour Master don't even think about it don't even think about it oh don't knock me off again please don't do this to me all right 100 IQ par four skills let's go that was close one no you have defeated me goodbye frogy dudes wow I can't believe I actually defeated the parkour ghost that must have been what the message was telling me but the parkour ghost must have killed him I don't even know how he was sending me those messages but anyways now it's time that I become a parkour master and would you look at that I have my myself some golden boots just going to throw away these garbage iron boots I'm no longer a pro I'm a master and I'm going to put on these golden boots looking dripped out today y'all better subscribe I'm trying to get to 200k now it's time to experience life in the master civilization and pretty soon I'm going to become the champion those diamond boots are going to be mine wow this place is crazy there's skyscrapers three block jumps everything FBO froggy you're a parkour Master I'll see you in our parkour battle for the champion title you're not going to win but good luck wait the parkour battle for Champion what are you talking about I just became a master wait what we're battling already if you beat me you become the new parkour Champion all right bet so it looks like we're doing a race to the Finish Line FBO you don't stand a chance against me now that I can Sprint you're going down let's go all right starting off with some simple Gra block jumps pretty easy pretty easy FBO get back here bro you ain't beating me all right some two block jumps not too bad so far damn three block jumps already okay ladder jump nah eo's a tryhard bro all right what do we got here we got a checkpoint let's get it I have to be really careful with my jumps but also be super fast at the same time if I fall it could be game over damn bro was insane all right I got to stop worrying about that and just focus right now oh these jumps are easy lowkey kind of crazy at ladder Park nah bro has to be cheating how was he already over there guys if I beat Evo yall have to subscribe slime block jump hey Evo what are you looking at I'm going to be caught up to you in no time all right I got to pick up the pace because he's getting too far no are you kidding me I missed it oh my gosh bro this is not good okay we made it green concrete and barrier block all right so it looks like I have to choose the correct Pathway to go you know I'm going to go with the right way and oh there's FBO let's go FBO I'm catching up to you slow and steady wins the race I'm going to become parkour Champion bro what are these jumps all right let's see how we do okay I actually did it all right one more one more here we go yes let's [Music] go Next Level looks like the ice level I got to make sure not to slip off these ice blocks okay almost slipped off that one dang this level's actually kind of easy I wonder if I could finesse my way over there actually nah no I'm not going to do that end rods okay bro some are normal some you will fall through what does that even mean guess I'm just going to climb this mini Mountain what is this is this powdered snow oh okay I know what it means by fall through okay oh my gosh this is is annoying dude stop falling what is this how do I tell which one is which oh no I fell through the snow are you kidding me bro what okay we made it to the next level eo's right there just got to beat these jumps and we will catch up to [Music] him oh FBA fell let's go I'm finally in the lead oh heck no bro two block Neo jumps that's got to be impossible I I can't do this Evo's going to catch up to me if I'm going to become parkour Champion I got to find a way to maneuver around this ah dude I don't want to risk the jump though all right I'm giving myself way too much time I I just got to do it here we go wait what there's barrier blocks right there what all right Deo It's the final race let's go oh he fell he fell let's go let's go baby I just got to make these chain jumps and we're good I win this can't be you actually beat me I never thought the worst player could do this take my diamond boots you are officially the new Champion FBO it was an honor to compete against you in the parkour race but now I am the new champion of the civilization bro my favorite villager Rock Fireball will hit the earth in 20 seconds I don't understand why didn't I respawn in FBO civilization whatever there's no time to think about that guess I'm going to a cookie God civilization wait what where am I I can't see anything what is that a giant cookie what is this oh I'm falling bro what what's going to happen I'm going to die no oh bro what is this place am I in milk everything is a cookie yo this is crazy I must have just fell into the cookie planet and this is the home of the cookie God okay well I guess I'll start exploring look at the trees they're like candy canes all right let's mine this cookie block and what do you know it gives me a cookie oh shoot it also gives you other things bro this is like Lucky Blocks I guess this is going to be my only source of food unless there's animals around here all right I want to find civilization see where these cookie people live maybe this thing over here will tell me what do we got here milk Falls Ginger bread quartz no I'm good cookie Kingdom and cookie City yo I want to check out cookie City maybe I can make some cookie friends we'll check out cookie Kingdom later though y'll just got to keep watching dang there's so many cookie God statues everywhere he really wants everybody to know who's the god yo we got like a little milk waterfall over here bro okay okay I like this low key bro it looks like I could drink it right now like is there any way you could drink in Minecraft okay I think we're getting closer all right everybody we've successfully made it to cookie City dang this place looks sick I can kind of see the little cookie people walking around let's check it out hello traveler welcome to cookie City yo thanks let's see what's in cookie City yo this is actually so cool there's cookie people everywhere dang it must feel nice living in cookie City huh everybody looks like they're super busy so I'm going to try to find myself a job hey cookie man do you know where I can get a job uh sorry I'm going a rush I need to deposit my candy canes to the candy cane Factory bye bro maybe the cookie people in this building can hire me for a job yo cookie with a suit what do you got going on in here I sell items that you can put on your wall okay okay I respect the business I respect the grind what the you cabalistic monster get out of my shop no all right so I heard that this place is hiring welcome to Candy Cane Factory here you will deposit all of the candy canes to cookie God's money Factory oh do the candy canes go to cookie God mhm exactly why candy canes are the currency in this planet you'll be starting off at 170 candy canes an hour oh okay so basically I'm just making cookie God Rich time to deposit the candy canes and make cookie God very rich which he probably already is hey buddy I'm down here hand over those candy canes hey I got a lot of candy canes for you you look pretty new here and you look kind of ugly have fun taking them to cookie God I guess that's what he's doing yeah I'm taking them to cookie God man I want to meet cookie god well it's the end of the day and I only made about 30 candy canes yeah I kind of got scammed anyways it looks like all of the cookie people are going to their houses so I'm going to go to bed this civilization is pretty nice the houses are free what do we got in here a chocolate bed a chest and a poster of cookie Gods saying that he is the god all right guys I'm going to go to bed a hard days of work in the cookie planet can take a lot out of you peace out I'll see you guys in the [Music] morning oh my gosh what is all that commotion out there oh hell no bro where's everybody going everybody hurry up wake up the cookie planet is at War I'm just going to follow the cookie people we must go to cookie Kingdom now who is even fighting us another planet far far away they want to eat us oh okay it looks like we're leaving cookie City damn there are so many cookie people now they must have came from different cities huh hey does anybody know if we have to fight yes all of us have to fight and defend cookie God's planet we must protect our Lord oh boy this is going to to get crazy so it lookss like I'm joining the cookie army yes sir there is approximately 69 million cookies fighting for this planet we will not lose the war all right it looks like we made it to the cookie Kingdom dang bro this place is huge okay okay the cookies are getting ready to fight this war is going to be insane attention all cookies we are going to war with another planet called the chef dudes the chef dudes wants to eat every cookie including me the population is already down 420 million and it's only been like a few hours Everybody Must fight for my Planet so that the chef DS don't eat us P let's get ready to fight I'm officially prepared to fight in the cookie war I'm going to follow everybody and see where they're going you're going to be fighting in the sky if you get held hostage don't tell anybody where the kingdom is you're going to be fighting on the ground you're going to be fighting in the water fighting on the ground okay bro I'm actually kind of scared to enter this war okay this is the first Battlefield I'm going to be fighting in here we go oh jeez bro what the heck all right who's trying to pick a fight oh you want to fight me give me cookies now they're very delicious bro what's wrong with you I love cookies I love cookie give me some right now I love very much cookie cookie in my mouth hey stay back Chef dud my family eat cookie I want to eat cookie Planet y'all don't really do that much damage you're not going to be able to kill me Chef man you make me mad I will grow what the heck how'd you get so big I want cookie for breakfast no don't stay away from me chill oh my gosh oh oh my gosh I'm so low I mean oh no I'm really high Health yeah I'm totally very high health I want cookie for lunch and dinner oh hey if you subscribe to my channel uh I'll stop fighting you can somebody please help me what the heck wait what another giant Chef dude nah that guy's like 100 ft bro oh my goodness and there's like a giant army of Chef dudes coming our way everybody Retreat now we are so heavily outnumbered come on guys oh my gosh everybody just died by another explosion hurry up frogy dude are you kidding me dude this bow is doing no damage to to the giant frogy dude we got to go to base camp come on I want cookie hurry up guys get in my ship there's no time they're right behind you okay we're coming we're coming yo we got to go bro there's like a giant coming this way too don't worry I'm on it froggy boom we're out of here oh my gosh bro that was a close one all right where are we heading to now I'm going to fly us to base camp but froggy I don't think we're going to win this War wait why why do you think that the cookie planet has never fought anything like this in its entire existence I'm thinking that all of the cookies might just have to go into hiding bro okay okay do you know how many cookies are left in the world not very many nearly 80% of the population is gone in a matter of 24 hours so where's Cookie God is he fighting in the war too no cookie God cannot fight in the war if cookie God dies or gets eaten by the chef dudes the entire planet will immediately explode he's currently being guarded by Mass security froggy we're very close follow me are you sure I don't see anything around here yeah it's pretty hidden we don't want the chef dudes to find us you ready froggy it's in here let's go bro we have to jump in milk okay [Music] bet man living on the cookie planet is kind of beautiful in a way but also very dangerous hey boys we're back yeah let's go congratulations do yeah let's go here where's the mission unsuccessful as you can see only two of us made it back alive I don't know what happened to the other guy that was coming with us the planet is going into shambles and all I hope is that cookie God is okay hey come over here this guy's been making a weapon for us he said it can kill the chef dudes so basically I've been making this weapon that can wipe out the chef dudes according to my calculations it's called the cookie gun yeah very creative I know oh boy this looks crazy wow that looks awesome can I have one too please hey give me one too this gun goes crazy this gun is so cool like toope on it too I can't wait to use it nah we really about to play a first person shooter in Minecraft oi get some ammo over here yeah the cookie I ate last night tasted pretty good what are y'all ready to kill some Chef dudes yes sir sir we need to protect everybody let's go danger let go let's get it [Applause] boys go now okay we arrived at the castle we just got to find Cookie God and make sure he's okay all cookies will sacrifice our life for cookie God hello cookie Army the chef dudes are searching for me in the castle I must activate cookie god mode wait cookie what do you mean there is no time to explain the planet must be saved dude what is going yo this is [Music] crazy Cookie where'd you go guys there's shap over there attack subscribe wait what is everything back to normal cookie God excellent job froggy thank you for your service but you got to go no problem cookie it was an honor to fight for the planet but where do you want me to go my Planet didn't have any issues until you showed up wo wo wo cookie put that down bro I helped you so much what are you doing the fireball is going to hit the earth any second now I don't know what to say just you're going to die no no this can't be why would cookie God kill me like that what am I going to do now I have no civilization to go to well looks like I'm going to die die [Music] forever what the heck is this thing looks like some sort of UFO why did it come here yo what okay I'm just going to flick a few levers and maybe I'll be my way out of here the Earth is going to explode in five 4 3 2 1 well guys we successfully made it out of Earth I can't believe we actually went through all of that I wonder why this UFO decided to come rescue me anyways subscribe let's get to 200k let's see where this spaceship UFO thing takes us Houston do you copy yes I'm right here Donald what do you see perfect perfect yeah I found this giant room not really sure what it is or who it belongs to but it survived the asteroid Donald I don't understand how could something survive the asteroid or the fireball it exploded everything no idea but right now I see a bunch of random blocks cookie blocks fence blocks and some oak wood whatever you call it yeah I think that's enough investigation not really much to see here I'm going to report this back to the crew Donald something's on the ship and I don't know what it is Jimmy would you quit it with the jokes you do this all the time Donald I'm being serious there's like a horde of villagers intruding the ship they're slowly breaking in what are you talking about villagers are extinct whoa whoa whoa put that thing down what are you doing taxes I don't have any taxes what are you talking about who is Froggy dude
Channel: FroggyDude
Views: 147,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft civilization, minecraft movie, grox, evbo, evbo parkour civilization, acookiegod, minecraft hardcore
Id: HucFZKb8EgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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