I Survived 100 Days in JURASSIC PARK!

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i survived 100 days in jurassic world in minecraft hardcore after my mission in africa was completed dr halsey sent me to this island with a team of scientists waiting for me something about a new scientific discovery that'll change the world you know the typical talk scientists do i haven't failed a single survival mission yet so something tells me this place will definitely test my skills before showing you the story if you enjoyed this movie it'd mean a lot to me if you'd subscribe also 30 000 likes and i'll do another 100 days movie if my twitter gets to 100 000 followers before 2022 is over i'll release the world download to my hardcore world and now for my departure from the ship okay so the ship just dropped me off so uh at least it was kind of close to the land i'm hoping that it's only herbivores on this land and not carnivores i mean that's what she told me i think these are all herbivores i should be safe before heading inland i think it would be wise however to just you know harvest the wood right here it feels a lot safer okay now that we got situated with all of that of course i know i shouldn't have made all wooden tools but i kind of would rather do that now and be safe because i don't know when i'm gonna be getting stone stuff you know when i'm gonna go mining for all of that i did hear that there is some science lab here so there should be some humans here because apparently they just needed help with capturing some carnivores so uh that's my only mission here that's all i'm gonna be doing i i hope but i think we all know that is not gonna go according to plan because it's kind of a red flag that i wasn't dropped off at a harbor and i'm not seeing any people so far but my merch isn't a red flag i spent a few months designing and choosing the highest quality clothing items on the market i wanted to make sure the clothes you buy are actually good so none of the items are gildan they're all soft and very durable there's a limited edition hoodie that you'll want to buy before it's gone forever also some champion hoodies too if you'd like to support the channel click on my merch link in the description or pinned comment thank you very much for the support i appreciate you all a lot it's becoming apparent to me that i'm not going to be finding them anytime soon so we might want to catch a spot you know create a base because i'm getting a little worried hello yeah it's becoming apparent to me uh it is starting to become nighttime the sun is going down okay dragonflies are dangerous oh oh my there's a chicken this isn't the most ideal spot but i think this is probably the safest place to build a little shack at least just so i can survive the night yeah this'll have to do this this is rough so the hut is really homey you know i really do just love it so much uh i feel like i should probably work on that though before exploring the jungle especially with dinosaurs on there but i i would feel a lot more comfortable if i was a lot more situated and have a lot more items and armor at least before exploring the jungle well hello well there goes that pic did someone sneeze when they were typing on a keyboard how do you pronounce that oh hi oh hello well before making the furnace or at least just quitting with the mind for today i actually need to go and get some cobblestone hello and then before the day's over i think it's wise just to at least begin a farm ah okay i don't know if i should be keeping these bones at all but uh i do like the bone mail from it is there a gorilla out in the ocean right now what's going on all this we have the farm going i have 12 wheat so i can at least make bread but first yeah we're going to collect those sheep okay so if i want to make an animal pen for them ah man i actually need more wood well i guess that's all the one i'm collecting for right now okay let's just do it like boom boom boom and we go boom and we go so here's some tips for you all uh yeah sheep need grass sheep yes hello buddy come on there you go get in there you okay good the grass is growing we have a little bit of the daytime left so let's go back into the fun hole here's skeletons and i really don't like you hi nope nope should be safe over here hi buddy nope okay you really don't need to come over here i think before heading out of here okay cool that was one call never mind so beautiful out here all righty let's just check out this side of the cave instead so i'm more interested in getting coal because that's always an issue for me okay hi i stop stop it stop stop gotcha so this place is not friendly it is not safe in here oh let's actually extend the farm it should be good enough water here if you want you can go down there and there's a lot of skeletons you look like a dino that likes to eat bones i think you'll love it down there at least we did get a lot of iron and a ton of coal so that's incredible i really really like that and honestly we're just gonna wait for this to uh completely smelt okay so now luckily that we have a ton of iron i think the smartest thing to do is just you know get armor and then one thing that i never really do just because i never see a point to it to make a shield how do you make a shield ah that was my next guess see i i never make these uh we are struggling a lot on food again i really don't want to fight any dinosaurs because you know they're dinosaurs and i have a feeling there has to be a gorilla somewhere are they just monitoring me am i in danger okay let's actually go back let's finish up the farm there we go wow perfect amount of seats for oh hello zebras um i yeah uh i don't want anything to do with the rhino dino over there but uh the zebras i'm so sorry i swear this is not personal at all it's just uh you guys you guys have a lot of food on you and i think you should share okay okay okay please please leave me alone okay okay no no no no no no oh okay i'm never leaving this room again i do not get paid enough by dr halsey we're gonna have unlimited bread after this we got 15 bread from that not the worst definitely not the best i need to make a bow i i really need to do range combat or at least a tranquilizer dart or a barrett 50 cal a nuke would even be very good oh man this is going to be rough now i could try you know and kill those dinosaurs over there maybe explore a little bit but i honestly think i should try and get towards iron tools and everything plus i really really want to get a bow and we still have an extra string i need that i need that so now i can actually go around and just collect a lot more resources and just get a lot more iron please stop yeah we we can be friends oh never mind there's string down there oh i don't want to be friends anymore just come on up this is the weirdest fight i have ever had yes okay i can make a bow why are there so many waterfalls underground oh my god is that a moving iron ingot am i going crazy oh it's a stoneling i didn't know they were over here in this region oh there we go now we can actually hear nope nope i'm good i think i've done good enough i'm not weak i can take on these dinos you're friendly right why are you looking at me like that what are you friendly nope you're not friendly okay big birds not friendly and i don't know why but i want to fight you the issue is that i know that you can kill me in two heads okay yes no oh yes yes i knew it oh i knew it i don't know if it dropped anything but uh it's getting nighttime and i'm not saying that i'm scared or that you know nighttime is scary or anything but i don't want to be out here during the night time did i only get bones is that all i got at least it gives me bone mail and i guess that's good hey hello two of you uh there you go pop out a baby nice i'm very proud of you i actually want to get rid of all the trees over here just to kind of open up the front yard now it might be strange i actually feel safer in the trees i think my my base here should actually be a tree house i think that's going to be the safest option for me there we go we don't need the leaves to disappear because if i just collect these boom i can use them for decoration later on oh hi no it's okay no you don't need to touch me it's okay you as long as you stay over there and you don't try and come after me we're totally fine i don't mind you i would take that bed but i think i'm gonna leave it mainly just because you know i kind of have sheep right here we're gonna leave you know everything right there and then uh yeah honestly let's just let's just go yeah we're just gonna go wow this jungle is really thick yeah we need to hurry this sounds dangerous i didn't mean to like exactly do that at least it's nice and peaceful since that's a nice i spoke too soon oh god what is that oh yeah you're just gonna stay over there and not come for me right i'll call you state farm because like a good neighbor you could stay right over there well uh looking around i see more jungle jungle and you guessed it some more jungle so this is not a good sign okay i thought that was like a titan bowler or something please don't kill me uh let's just get to the ground okay yeah that one hurt this is starting to look like a nice place to build i think those three trees right there it's like you pulled like some nice platforms leading to them and stuff oh that's so cool lightning bugs okay i think we need to go to sleep oh we still can we're not gonna have any issues oh we're gonna have issues working off fishes okay yep yep yep ow you were already dead i just realized i'm level 32. oh food oh hi is that an elephant uh no no no no yep i think this is home dinosaurs can't climb ladders right i think we should just leave the top up here for like a lookout and then what if i just build my house on this floor oh and then another cool building thing what if instead of making it all the same layer since the branch down here comes you know right here oh i can make it like different levels and stuff and then it wraps around to this side you think i can land this i think i can make this good way to start off the morning time to roll up the sleeves and we need a lot of wood so i did a little bit of uh chopping down trees and honestly i think this should be good enough for right now at least just for me to get started i'm kind of worried about building a pen for them down there in case like a t-rex or something comes by and wants to eat a sheep i kind of want to link this up to that tree and then that tree and then that tree okay that's cool oh let's go i can actually place it underneath the block that's really nice i like that i actually really like this this is gonna be really fun i'm not sure what i want to do for this part of the build yet maybe this could be the kitchen area i kind of want to start rounding it off a little bit there we go this is all looking beautiful i wonder if i should put railings around this i don't think osha is ever going to come by and check all my stuff so i really don't need to and i don't have dr halsey here to uh bug me to make it all instead of using uh fences okay nope that that's not what i wanted at all that's too high oh wait nice and then furnaces over here i'm gonna have chest right there for whatever reason so that could be a look at one and then maybe i build another staircase kind of starting here just going up and around okay it's turning night time the staircase is kind of going well over there i don't want it just i just want it to look like so clean and fancy something's definitely off and i kind of feel by now that the scientists should have sent some kind of a search party for me i thought they liked me you know okay and then i think we just shave off the top over here okay and then let's just get rid of all the logs up here it looks really cool is that a villager in the grass no no oh okay yeah i i think cutting leaves around is is a really smart idea hey hey you yeah can you can you come here for a quick second i need to check out to see if there's this villager right here oh it was just a pig why are there so many animals right here oh hi uh-huh yep nope yeah i know it's i'm too good now i've learned all of your tricks yeah exactly just like that one where you still hit me even though you're dead i didn't bring any wheat oh that's not good okay hopefully nothing comes by and uh says hi to you all i'm gonna try and be fast yeah we need to go and make a farm really quickly and i think a fun idea is to bridge over to one of the trees around here and then just terraform it into a garden i kind of like the idea of a farm over there i need to get dirt wait where's water let's see do i still got it this looks like a nice spot to you know dig up dirt i don't think it'll affect the look of the land too much okay that should be enough dirt yeah i was like a stack and a half of it i don't need that much for this area the problem is gonna be finding water okay now if i just you know kind of go around this entire area with dirt and i can have a nice sized farm and it should be kind of hidden from the ground so you know it shouldn't really mess with you like i am speaking thank you so i really shouldn't mess with the look of the land too much or you know at least look too unnatural from uh down below i need my hoe i also need a tool to uh till all of that dirt okay so we cover up the water spot just so you know nothing will fall in there and make it very difficult for us and then fingers crossed that the water source can actually affect every single uh spot then we just farm it up a bit oh yeah actually i'm going to continue this tomorrow i might add a leaf oh wait i think that actually looked really nice if i had a leaf border around this boom okay so now comes the other problem okay first i need to go get organized but now comes another problem is that i need water and i haven't exactly been seeing any water i i do realize that i probably should have made a second bucket if i'm coming all the way out here for some water but at the same time just think of the adventures we can have by me running back and forth and being dumb okay it was funny at first but now i'm starting to get a little worried or kind of confused where's the river what's going on over here oh god oh no no no no no i thought like the aggressive carnivores were supposed to be locked up okay don't panic my base should be oh nice and safe and almost out of food okay a few we're safe oh man i've never been so happy to be back in my base so kind of an issue that i can't find water but it shouldn't be too much of an issue if i just head north i should hopefully find some water that direction but yeah let's just go to sleep so i'm not gonna lie i wish i had iron just to make a second bucket because i feel like that would help out tremendously if i were to find water because i mean i can make two tracks and go there come back go back there and come back i am speaking do you hear that am i going crazy i swear there was just a river hello oh no no you you can you can stay over there it's okay we don't need to meet it's totally fine i'm a social person oh yes oh yes i can actually travel through the land really quickly with this oh as long as you guys stay over there that's totally fine with me oh my gosh i can't wait until my mission is done here i am not going to miss the jungle whatsoever what if i just make the pond here i remember this back in school leaves are a perfect little tub for for water so yeah that definitely works for me river where did you go oh hi no no no no it's totally okay mister you do not need to follow me at all i will be right on out of here awesome so we now have a nice little pool to cool down in and watch the stars pretty soon i'm gonna need to go and you know become a search party there has to be some clue on where they are it's kind of weird but i haven't found anyone yet it was a good jump okay i only got five food we might have to go and say hello to some animals what's up food there's so many of you i mean ideally it would be kind of cool to have uh parrots that'd just be so much work you know i can barely take care of myself i'm struggling to get myself food you know i always hear gorillas in here but i don't see them no no no no no no no no go back up okay we finally made it up here that was definitely a journey and i actually think that this is worse than being back at my base uh it's been almost three weeks where is miranda johnson john is there anyone out there uh why did i come here am i the only one that just feels like i'm being watched every time i come into the jungle i'm sure it's nothing you know all the carnivores are locked up is that an elephant i think is that like a really small oh that's i don't think that's an elephant anymore uh that might be an elephant who has the flu or it's british but it's time to get to work on the forest no i didn't even realize how low my uh max was and i don't have any more uh i have very strong intrusive thoughts right now just to light everything on fire just to clear up this place i mean not too bad for one day of work it's just at least the place is a lot more open and that's kind of huge it's like your forehead so there are pigs around here and i think i saw some cows nearby there are okay well there's one cow and now off to build i'm worried about dinosaurs getting in and you know getting a free meal is the only person on this island that deserves a free meal would be me made it odd and of course i know i probably don't need this whatsoever but i'd much rather be safe than sorry so that's looking perfect you're not gonna go for the cow right he's mine i need him i've claimed him you have arthritis or something why are you so slow come on oh man what do i do for a lead right now thank you there you go enjoy your stay okay now we need a second one hello fluffy all right before we go okay i believe that was all the pigs around here which was actually kind of needed because at least now i will have some food oh no no no please there you go there you go okay wow i'm actually a little shocked that this took all day uh in my defense it was not my fault i was not expecting them to be so slow very nice and now we have very awkward looking babies that have heads that are proportionately too big for their body don't you dare trying to leave so for the mine shaft i actually want to try and make it look pretty i think right here would actually be the perfect spot oh maybe we get to go cobblestone corners yeah you get what i'm putting down i actually don't hate this oh wait wait just so nothing jumps over the walls we actually just put fences on the bottom part so then nothing can get inside we have nice logs just like that going across oh leaves duh i know you guys are more into hay but i do kind of want to spruce up this place i feel a little bad making you guys uh just living only a pen and i'm certain you guys must be thirsty so uh how would you like some uh dirt water huh oh that's cool like uh butter reads without making it look too ugly i mean regardless it's not gonna look real but i think if we just go around and expand the leaves make the area bigger it could look a lot nicer oh no way this is the ancient elephant mating dance called the 360 to nowhere but did you just die so i think that's the sunset so i think we should do it just like that honestly don't think that we just do anything up here but i definitely i definitely want to add some more around this [Music] i'm gonna start building down with all of my leaves just so i can add you know a little bit of droopiness and not everything is just so flat up here if me adding all those leaves going down i actually kind of like it i need to do it more definitely need to go around and uh yep time for a lot of leaves and then for the rest of the day i just went around and just kept on adding leaves to the bottom of all the bridges and making sure that it just all dropped down i think just adding you know a nice little simple leaf layer here just to you know add in some color and so we can tell where the edges should be good over there and then i just want to add a nice little border to the bridge i can't leave it i really need to get more leaves to finish it off okay that was pretty good well there we go we are restocked up the sheep is checking out the cows yeah that's right i know you wish you were in there you wish you could be a part of the good life now we can actually go back and add leaves to this side of the bridge and then i know i said i wasn't going to or at least like it probably wouldn't matter but at least walking up here it most definitely does matter so yeah i'm going to be adding leaves after doing all of that to the entire base i think i need to do it to the stairs i look so much better so i know i just spent a couple of days just decorating my base and making it look super duper pretty but i swear it was important i had to make sure all the dinosaurs knew that i was living better than them and i do need to go and find the other three scientists that are allegedly on this island i the island's not that big i don't know how they haven't found me yet and i know i do need to go mining but my tools and armor are barely healthy so i can at least go around and search again because i don't believe that i've searched everywhere there's no way that i'm alone let's be smart i want to make another bed for traveling now you see i would dye the bed but there's an issue with that i never die sun's almost down but and i it's good enough daylight to know still go out first area that i want to explore would be the river well it looks like the river ends that way there's still nothing my thought process is that following the river there you know hopefully be the lab and so they do need a lot of water to cool down the machines in there wow it's already getting nighttime uh we need to get some place to settle down and rest i doubt there's anything to be worried about i have a strong feeling i'm uh going into uncharted territory remember that's the island i was on so oh here's to hoping are you friendly can you fly are these the same mountains i climbed when i first arrived here oh hi oh my god i kind of want to fight him holy bones oh my god did i just walk into like an elephant graveyard or something fun fact about t-rex is did you know that they actually don't have poor eyesight and they don't actually only see things that move side note i actually have no idea what is on this part of the island it's definitely time to return home oh my gosh it's a dodo oh i want to take you home so bad oh man i want to make you my pet so badly wait what no wait why is it run down hello oh this was the t-rex enclosure of the other scientists and neglecting it that much i'm really hoping the t-rex died or maybe he's shrunk and he's here somewhere oh no remember how i said t-rexes are great hunters is this safe oh oh this is so overrun i'm in a dream i'm i'm dreaming i mean if i was dreaming i wouldn't have those things in it i mean if this is here the lab is close i didn't build this too far from the lab because they didn't want you know if the thing to get out they don't want the lab to be compromised but uh oh okay buddy you're a herbivore okay you can calm down i i actually think i know exactly where i am oh there's my house oh why are you attacking me why are you violent just leave me no i don't want to kill you i want to make you my pe oh god oh that is not good did he just stalk me to my house oh we need to deal with that we we might actually have to kill a t-rex we have to be very quiet we're hunting wabbit i oh my god oh my god you do you not see the building behind you moving what did i do to you other than kill you i mean but that that wasn't my fault self-defense so there's one thing that i want to try out and it's a whip the only issue i don't exactly know how to build whips i think of us ah okay so we have a whip so the whip is either a really good way to keep dinosaurs away from you or tame them uh either one could actually help me out a lot come on you have to tame this if your team stop killing me look at that little brat down there he's trying to sneak attack me not too shabby ooh 62 seeds i think we actually have enough to finish off the farm which is very nice now to go deal with bud head i think i have something that you may like honestly i'll be kind you can you can live in the shade you know we had our differences at first but you kind of gotten better no no no come on hello this was actually a lot easier back when you hated me i hate you okay what if i hit you i'm sorry i'm sorry there you go yes oh my gosh you have tamed this oh whoa stay right here okay wow you listen very well you're not trying to kill them are you oh he's breaking the fence can you just stay in here i know it's tiny it's not good please don't walk out yeah no no no this is not free range thank you very much thank you for listening i appreciate you all you i don't appreciate you though where did the t-rex go so can i tame a t-rex so if i do like we just kill him oh my god i'm in so much trouble oh my god okay i'm taking it oh god my shield's almost broken yeah remember me oh my god we need to get arrows i'm on buddy i'm on buddy okay you can't hit me from that far away that's not fair huh did he just fall asleep mid-fight well i can't tame him i'm sorry buddy i'm not sure what the t-rex stuff is for but i have a feeling that i shouldn't turn into bone meal so i think we're just going to keep it we have to go mining how do i hear water oh okay finally something other than coal no no no no no i i meant i meant stone oh back to the home we go so we have a backup pickaxe and honestly i just want to get down to diamond level and then i think we should be good hello oh finally we got some iron just make the speed along a lot faster so here's the mine right now and i would have said here's how much i got done by mining uh till the end of the day but uh yeah i kind of lost my pick or not lost it but my pick broke i should hopefully have enough stairs to complete this okay perfect very nice now i can actually run up and down everything is nice and smooth i'll take that instead of iron that's a nice upgrade oh yeah i'll definitely that was it there's just one okay so let's speed up things just a little bit so uh this is what the mine shaft looks like right now and this was basically all the mining that i got done today and uh it's not much uh we basically just got our pick back and um yeah this this really isn't worth it anymore uh i i think we need to go and find a different way to get iron oh why wait wait why are you taking damage are you hungry oops hi buddy hey here we go why oh wait oh this is perfect yeah follow me mm-hmm i got i got someone that you would love to meet i it's not my iron sword and i really wish it was like a chihuahua or like a five foot two girl ow ow ow okay so you're you're little to me and then the other one is not little to me okay now as i was saying let's go back to the t-rex enclosure because there was supposed to be more than one i think they said that there was four total how tiny were the t-rex's when they were in here this place is minuscule i'm not seeing anything i don't even see how they got out of here that's the other weird part i think i might just sleep uh let's just go this way see what's over here hey buddy are you friendly that was easy can i ride oh it's a triceratops oh my gosh wow okay i thought that was something completely different can i tame you yeah can i ride you oh no way oh no way i can actually ride it what i can go mining with this okay well i guess we took uh try try you know for uh as long as we can go so yeah it was fun thank you very much we're almost there i'm almost there okay the science lab is out there we're gonna find it soon okay so kind of want to try is maybe if we just make a boat and then we leave the tree exactly like how we found it so i think if we find a river let me go down it that should actually put us closer to the science lab we have a nice little spot right here i should have made a fishing rod did i really just circle the entire island i see the uh the mystery gorillas are still here oh god there's so many dodos here no please don't please don't you don't need to bite me oh i found number two unless they were moving the t-rexes to the science lab from that one enclosure and that's how they escaped why no no no no no no no okay okay let's travel a little bit more over here wait yes yes oh my gosh yes it's like see and there's dinosaurs everywhere oh this is this isn't supposed to be exactly like this hello my oh hey look we just got our second arrow we need to turn on the lights how long was this they're supposed to be cleaning robots even like th this place isn't supposed to fall apart like this okay so very clearly there has to be a way to get downstairs i hear way too many zombies and skeletons down there okay hi nice the floor missing hello beautiful not you not you you are not beautiful did somebody come by here and loot up this entire place for me like that's a little rude i think i found out what was wrong and how the t-rex has got out put you there let's actually make a chest yeah yeah let's splurge you know what we deserve it but yeah i guess until further notice this is the new base there's something satisfying about breaking vines that are super high up and just watching it all disappear i think we got a good amount of work done today i hate this place i mean i'm a little scared to say this because i know i'm gonna regret it later on but man i could do this all day how does a tree even grow up here how does a tree look at like oh yeah all this quartz that seems like a good place for my roots to go i'm good yeah i'm good that's that's usually how people die in horror movies and i'm okay you thought you were going to be sneaky beaky like there we go much better i like this place this is beautiful i'm running i don't really like it that much anymore there's nothing in the chest how did a tree grow here how do you how do you grow off of a fence i think for today let's actually just work on clearing up the front of the building oh my god for some reason i thought that was godzilla oh god i don't know like i i was like you know looking here i only saw the head you know it's like oh okay i'm just okay so to keep track of t-rex's i've killed one because i had to i'm pretty sure one died in the lobby of this building we saw one in the wild so where's the fourth oh it's so much more open you can actually see stuff ooh you could even look outside of the glass and actually see if there's like you know t-rex coming to kill you so i i believe i actually got all logs oh okay before all of them disappear because i could probably make some nice buildings out of it or not buildings but nice decorations might as well quickly go and try to save as many leaves as we can like i can't kill you that just feels morally wrong but i really wish i could move you guys there you go looks like brand new i i don't even notice the difference okay oh okay i think we're finally gonna oh that was the big tree up there so that actually cleared out a lot of space however it's everyone's favorite time it is a bedtime so as much fun as i'm having going around and cleaning out this entire place i think it's been like two weeks now that i've been doing this uh i'm a little tired of it i think we need to go on an adventure or at least just you know search around more of this place go into like the dangerous areas there's still this hallway okay i could check this out oh my god oh my god oh my god okay no no no i'm done i'm done i'm done nope i only needed one near death experience i only need one don't need any more i think we need some fresh air from this place then you know what i mean i i can't do any more damage to this place than you know has already taken place so what if we actually just make our own pathways i want to make a farm up here i think it'd be fun and then not bad it actually kind of looks like a fidget spinner we might have an issue i don't know where the river is i don't know where to get water i should really probably put a door on that perfect you guys see the water reads yep okay not too shabby and then i i would take uh him back but uh yeah i'm good buddy yes let me squeeze through thank you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what is your issue i'll handle you tomorrow no no no i'm not i'm not done with that yeah uh why are you so angry oh because something was attacking you i mean that something is now me at least now we can complete this can i make an infinite water pull with this just for now we're going to leave it just like that and then up next what i want to do for the farm just make it a little bit nicer let's just go around and add some leaves then we should have enough water coverage and perfect we have no seeds however it's a very good thing that we're in a jungle whoo so now we just go around and cook seeds that's off to a good start we now have renewable food i mean i can always just quite literally just take down the roof and eat it and especially with it being super rainy and kind of stormy let's go check out that underground area again wow you're creepy i thought okay i thought i was in danger okay guys i'm coming back please no jump scares gotcha okay oh hi oh hi i actually turned a velociraptor oh my god oh my god what do i do if there's one velociraptor here don't they normally travel in packs hi no you can't get through the door right oh you can get through the door i can get through the door oh things are starting to spawn oh yeah uh don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't show me don't mind me don't mind me don't mind me we're gonna sleep down here tonight there's one sleeping right there okay there's one more right there nothing bad is about to happen to you now we you were okay i got him oh hi i see him hello buddy hello you're not asleep okay there's one in that corner one in that corner don't worry buddy so he's tamed good morning you just got pranked oh lost doctor was slain by not skies oh so that was actually my pet there you are yep you're an adventurous one oh wow you are a brave one okay for some nice revenge we're going to be eating some good velociraptor tonight i want to go check out that swamp was for one i mean i i guess it's a swamp i'm kind of assuming it this is a private island hello hello okay so i see talking is not their strong suit uh um yeah the private island you're not supposed to be here what just attacked him i i lo that wasn't that was not my fault to your friend that was not my that was not my fault oh my god i'm getting cornered okay no no no no no no no i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to die i don't want to die i'm on buddy just just go away go away i'm the boy i'm you're not supposed to be here is there a camp or something near here with them when did they arrive i don't believe i've seen any humans my entire time of being here and of course they weren't friendly so they definitely brought enough firepower to you know go after something why are you here maybe they don't speak english uh donde esta la leche okay yep shield doesn't do anything oh how do you make a bullet okay so iron gun powder it's really simple okay bud drop the gun the issues that took three bullets so this place isn't safe anymore however don't see any more there's so many i was gonna see if you wanted to trade do you want to trade with me no okay that was cool i wonder if they're after that t-rex back near the swamp because it was hurt oh no no no no no no no no no no okay i think we need to return back to the treehouse don't see poachers i see a skeleton now i don't exactly remember like at all where my treehouse is so i think it's this direction though why don't we hear a waterfall call me crazy this actually looks familiar oh we gotta ow oh hello apparently a thirsty ninja came by and drank all of the water from my bucket oh hey look there's more water don't worry treehouse i'm coming um here's some more poachers at my old base okay oh and there's one right behind me um yeah let's okay wait maybe maybe i can entice one of them to come over here if i ask him kindly okay so that didn't work he doesn't want to come over here that wasn't me that shot you that was the other penguin okay you didn't buy it hey bud yeah this is my place yeah no it's not an airbnb i wonder if this is where they landed like if they are dropped off from a boat but i think i remember from this direction i think my tree house is over here well hopefully i don't miss oh yep nope didn't miss at all yes oh my gosh i finally found my trios oh hey look i see a poacher we should probably make an anvil and then attach my power 3 to my bow even though i have still not used it i gotta name our new bow the appropriate name oh i should really bring back the uh the t-rex bones do you think that there's a machine back at the science center that could actually let me recreate a t-rex oh man have i missed that view yeah living in the trees was definitely the right choice it's just so beautiful can i cook a rat before i fall asleep i i want to see can i make it into that little water dish for him like i really think i can i kind of want to see okay zeus okay okay yeah i'll try zeus i'm going i'm going let's see oh cool yeah we we can actually cook rats oh here we go here's our chance but everyone's been waiting for wow nummy rats yeah uh let's just go back to mining i just for a little bit cause i i mainly want to see if i can just get some hole you know instead of running down there maybe i was you know mining in the unlucky area maybe maybe like right here is actually like really lucky yeah i kind of realized i probably should have made some torches uh okay we have a little bit of time but we can still get like some mining done hopefully get some coal oh hello you're a beautiful site yes oh few the last block you know we actually didn't do too bad for like 20 blocks of mining let's actually pack up to go back to the science lab i think i accidentally went like entirely around my base because i think the science center should actually be around this direction hi yeah that wasn't me that was shooting you that was that was the poachers we're friendly shouldn't the science lab actually be kind of close to this because it was near the swamp i think we just need to uh set up for the night hi buddy i just really okay i'm down to keep a raw crab leg you know we can feast tonight if we survive this yeah attack each other let me rush in for the last skype there we go how was there a poacher right next to them as much as i would love to you know take your rat and uh eat it i'm totally good i swear there's gonna be some poachers in there um so we run against the wall and then we gotta be sneaky to the front door whoa do they clean up the front just gotta wait for him to get a little bit closer okay oh you're kidding me they're all inside i think i'm just gonna try and sneak past the guards outside al please just get closer to the door yep yep yep yep just like that yep one more okay well walmart okay there we go here we go oh god hello hello oh hello oh hello whoever his teammate was at shot him thank you but uh not for shooting me okay so scoping it out throughout the night i've actually been seeing a lot of them walk back there into cafeteria but i've also seen them walk down that hallway up top oh my god oh my god no please don't play so way of dealing with this come here come here come here come here don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i'll give you hopefully none of them come from the cafeteria out don't kill me oh okay the lobby is secured okay let's go take on the roof okay it's just one two poachers we can handle that oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh they got a lot of rudy tooty point shooties oh hello up hello ah there you go yep surprise attack them and there you go don't turn around hello that's the velociraptor wait is that my velociraptor hey buddy i'm over here okay boys hello there oh my god please don't shoot me there you go one down okay i still haven't been hit i jinxed myself okay owie there you go thank you for missing ow i said missing not hitting come here don't kill him i don't know how to kill him that was actually my velociraptor he didn't even have a name yet wasn't there a lot of vines on this as well wait did they like clean up and kind of restart the science center why would they put so much time and resources into like cleaning up this place and making sure it's functional but where do those poachers go okay two down there i think i can take them especially when they help me okay we found a lot more found a lot more fun oh my god i found a lot a lot a lot more a lot more uh we're going to use the boat okay we need to make more arrows arrows are a lot cheaper and easier to make than bullets let's get rid of this guy oh 360. he actually just had a 360 on there you want to want to tell me uh where you guys are from or why you're here would you maybe just maybe this is a better pathway maybe if i'm quiet enough i can actually find out okay i guess there goes that for going sneaky hi oh my god oh oh hi um there's just a sneaking suspicion to me but i think there's a guy on the opposite side of the wall of this oh my god okay that hurt that one hurt that one hurt you see it's a really good thing that they dropped food and i'm cooking it as i'm fighting them all so i can just keep healing yes it says please fight each other oh my god oh wait oh god oh god oh god here we go let's just run down here that was the worst decision of my life okay you guys can't work together that's just not fair oh you guys are really cleaned up in here i love what you did phenomenal service why is this so heavily guarded it is a destroyed science building why are they in this room what is this what is this you weren't here when i first got here this is like a beacon culture vat there's an analyzer somewhere is this what i think it is this is to create dinos i can actually bring back my velociraptor i can make a t-rex is that why they came to the island that's why they were hunting that one t-rex i really don't want to but let's cook the rats why not i don't i don't know so if we can figure out those machines down below we could actually go around and just collect a lot of dino bones and have a lot of fun really don't want to do anything except for cook and you know just sightsee okay so i'm cooking up the last little bit of meat that i have left and then i kind of got organized so you don't have all the uh all the lovely food in here my uh my nice oars you know other important stuff right in there over here you know the building blocks everything else really that you know i just didn't want to put into the other chest got a little bit clean because there's a lot of items that i don't care for and then just to clean up my inventory so we can make a velociraptor and a tyrannosaurus rex i'm very sorry i'm gonna technically bring you back to life but like not like you you i leave this place for one second and they come back okay i know you guys like the science center and trust me i'm very grateful that you went through and you fixed it all up i still don't understand why my shield will not block that i mean it kind of makes sense you know it is a bullet do i just like okay so i can't put anything into here those don't work i left blocks here and i didn't leave that here okay so the bones actually fit in here so it's just bone meal okay so maybe you need two separate bones the first one will give you bone meal it probably takes like a specific oh my gosh we got two oh do i just plop this in and then just magically i'm a dad of a dinosaur biogu i need rotten flesh which i think i just threw away 14 so that's dope we can get a lot of wheat and we just need to find some cows okay since it is nighttime let's go see if we could find any zombies oh that's so cute i love fireflies that's so cute yeah another zombie you yeah i need you to follow me this is going to be so dangerous i can't believe i have to stoop solo just to get a chicken of course you're back of course you're back and i'm gonna be incredibly generous to you probably way too kind than what you you know you deserve but here you go you're gonna get this nice huge place and then before we head out let's actually go get some wheat so we can get the cows if we ever find them we have a stack of wheat we're just gonna go find a chicken and a cow immediately and have no issues whatsoever won't have any fights oh my gosh chill chill chill is this like an ancient camel i hate dinosaurs i don't know if i've said that already what we might have to do with the chicken is just every single egg that we get we'll just throw it and then just hope that it spawns in more chickens oh come here buddy come here so one thing i've been noticing is that night time all a lot of the herbivores will fall asleep i'm pretty sure every single herbivore falls asleep however there's some carnivores that are awake only at night chicken come on welcome to your mansion you're gonna love it here oh and we got an egg there you go then we start breeding we're just gonna get a whole lot of chickens uh no eggs however hey now i got a nice blue bed now today's plan are cows hopefully okay i'm just gonna you know make an assumption there's no cow over here let's actually go behind the science center and check over there no no no no no no no oh my god there's so many wait if i tame him if i get attacked he'll help please save me oh oh god oh god even if i do find a cow out here this is going to be a pain to bring him back do i need to do like one of their mating calls like we haven't found any cows what is that oh my god no you have tamed them okay you're not trying to kill me anymore right okay no one's in my house so i got one the bed we go oh wait eggs oh yes one egg okay so we're at three eggs and thirty rotten flesh nice all righty a new day new chance to get some cows what's up buddy yo have you seen any cows [Applause] cool i don't understand that language uh oh there is a poacher i have a feeling i should kill the poacher i don't think we should uh leave them with the t-rex definitely not collecting any of that stuff then our base should be over here oh my god yes oh you beautiful face oh you are not a beautiful face i i need to yeah yeah if you could actually just leave yeah that'd be really good nothing against you i just okay we need to be fast you i beautiful please come here oh god you're so beautiful oh i love you oh i should really look into leads can i pick him up okay let's try something probably stupid oh my gosh yep ah let's just go home little bessie oh this is so much better and faster i'm so glad i'm incredibly strong let's go back to the analyzer rotten flush egg wheat milk and then you give us what i don't want chicken dna is it working oh it's working i just saw it move oh okay while that's going let's actually go make some more goo and then let's actually try this out on our uh one of like the actual dinosaur dnas instead of a chicken hey bessie thank you very much thank you give me that egg thank you very much guys love you and then let's take one of you and let's go see if the chicken is done did i just make like a chicken demon i wonder if i can combine a t-rex and a chicken dna so i wonder if it's one bio goo per animal or is it based off of size what if i go find a dodo bird maybe they drop bones and then i can make a dodo over here oh i like that idea just so we don't lose our progress let's just put some bio goo in cultivated chicken egg oh darn i kind of wish you could see it inside of that block so we just made a chicken let's run back over here let's see our lovely dinosaur clone chicken egg then oh we actually made a chicken please work let's put all of our goo in there i'm going to assume since this one is bigger it's going to take more time let's go dodo hunting oh dodos anybody want to pop out hello what is i need to run oh turtles weird frogs oh my god there's so many dodos for anyone watching this recording back at the lab i'm so sorry to all my co-workers they do drop bones oh let's go i i'm so sorry for anyone that's witnessing this but just imagine all of the dodos i can create back at the lab i promise you this is worth it oh god never mind no time to run home time to go home okay i'm good so it only takes like one goo per dna but i believe we could just throw all of it in here like if we just do like you know all six different types of dodo bones oh dodo dna oh we got it we got a package of bunch of cabbage chocolate egg so that's pretty sick and then let's just put the dodo dna in there back over here at the analyzer how are you doing buddy okay you gave me a bone but another dodo dna i'm hoping to at least get three on here so you know we get four total that would be cool to have more than four oh don't you dare i swore my life if you just killed all the chickens do not kill that cow okay okay everyone's still safe oh my god i love poachers i love them they're just gonna non-stop keep coming so we should make some areas for the dinosaurs and maybe in here would actually be a pretty good place for some of them should we cover up the holes because i know some dinos can actually yeah no no no we're going to do that guys i know some dinos can actually climb and here we go no no oh we need one more i'm just going to take it from there no one will notice and perfect and then time for the picture what a bit about egg oh okay um oh you can move it uh interesting yes multiple eggs multiple eggs yes very nice okay very nice we just made three more goo thank you guys very much yay it's done now let's go and check on our dodo dnas everything's oh that's sick okay so we killed four dodos and in return we got six total so that's awesome and we got a lot of bone mail which to be frank i really don't care about i wonder can i plop in all five dodo dnas oh i can i want to transform this place though especially since i like the dodo so much i want to tear down some of those walls and then replace it with glass then we'll give them a nice decent sized one i feel like i feel like we can be you know kind to them and we'll put the door right there so we don't lose the door we will mark it with torches very beautiful what a beautiful area actually here we can make it even fancier because i don't really want to have leftover fences oh and then i put some torches on here and perfect should i rip up the floor oh let's actually do that you know what we're gonna go super fancy we're gonna rip up the floor we'll put dirt down and then we'll make a grass trail all the way over here oh interesting so i was actually thinking that we might have to bring in grass from the outside make a trail in here take you know like 30 days to do it but there's grass right here and i can actually just make a trail from there leading up and then there we go so we should be able to get grass a lot faster wow vines grow very quickly i mean we can at least start placing down the dirt and then we can start with the grass trail leading up okay so if we have like a little starting area right here then we have a staircase just beginning like that okay so the grass should go boom boom boom and then there we go i should start following all the way over here am i being invaded by aliens okay wait wait what was that that's not a normal sound whatsoever so the sound came somewhere over here is that shirley that really did not sound like an like a dinosaur so uh what is that hello what are you that's is that radioactive why is that so bright it's giving off like a hue like it's a uranium i guess i'll just remember to tell halsey about it okay that should be enough dirt very hopefully to actually finish up the floor in there okay we're making some progress that's really good okay now all we we got finished off the ground right here that's more important ah beautiful okay and now just you know hopefully fill in the rest of the floor dang it uh i think we need like one more stack of dirt it wasn't enough [Music] excuse you what is that a phyllosaurus oh my god you are creepy oh no no no no that is creepy oh what uh houston we have a major problem come on you guys had to have left it in a chest somewhere maybe more no no we might be able to actually rebuild it so i know that base of that machine was iron i'm gonna assume that it takes glass because you know we can actually see inside of it maybe it's not that expensive to make we also need glossier to make make the walls pretty so this isn't it's not too annoying or bad we just lost oh no we just lost every single dodo dna this is a lot of sand yeah if we find more dodos we're just going to be doing them one at a time especially if it fails again it's on setting let's just quickly get some sand okay so we have almost two stacks that should be enough okay wait wait also while we're out here let's just very quickly collect some dirt so we can finish off the floor to the dodo's the building okay we got a stack in one block that's good enough uh knights here really don't want to be out here don't mind me guys just just passing through don't attack me do not attack me oh my god i believe to craft it it's this oh my god we're saved oh we just got so lucky okay we have infinite water out here pick it up from there oh yeah that's right our egg i mean it's been what three four days our recipe book maybe there's some kind of incubator that i need to make although there's no incubator okay while we wait for all this sand to turn into glass oh let's go yay the grass is finally up here i'm just gonna leave this because it can go to about like four other spots maybe five i'll leave that right there let's finish up the floor okay and it is perfect we do have the dodo egg oh i okay i guess you no no no no no you're not running down there and escaping oh my god no no yes oh my god oh my god dude come on why does everything want to just ruin my buildings okay we have three shields and a lot of dinos let's go have some fun all righty mr angry pants i need you to leave oh my god oh my god this thing does so much damage oh oh my god oh my god oh my god there you go buddy come on you have no idea how terrifying it is to have the empire state building chasing you down oh no oh god don't hit me don't hurt me don't hurt me oh my god you are so petrifying are you even close to death oh god that works so well that thing took out two shields just by itself oh i think it's safe to say i really need to go change my underwear please whatever you do do not go over there okay let's just relax a little bit today we're just gonna go around and build you know we're just be nice and relaxing just go around you know hey pop these out pop those in not bad i actually really like this i think we should go around and actually raise up everything to like the staircase make it just a nicer view oh this looks beautiful oh it's so open and nice maybe over here okay not bad it's very artsy but i really like it kind of want to do that over there now i wish i had black dye so i can match with this one probably make it a little bit more visible through there oh i can also keep an eye on that strange power thingy and then the grass is actually coming along really fast you can get out of the corner bro like you you have this entire area you can't explore it okay it's a little bit of a travel but i do remember there was this one coast where i saw some dodo birds i just really don't want to travel all the way over there actually you might make it faster yeah you make it a lot faster okay if we travel this direction somewhere there we should actually run into the coast and then we should be able to find some dodos oh hey wait oh we're back home well at least we found our nice little beach hut here and now we just we'll just stay here for the night here we go time for fun okay dodos nope you are not a dodo bird okay might head back soon because i don't believe the dodo birds were this far away and we might just have to you know keep running around i remember that there were dodos on the shore somewhere but i don't remember it being this far away and i don't want to waste too much time so we don't have too many more days left on this island thank god so i really really want to find some dodos really fast of course you know i could go on a dinosaur and just you know haul it straight back to the science center but i kind of just want to run back on foot i feel like this will give us a higher chance of finding dodos oh darn it i thought that was a dodo ah man no it's just the main birds oh that's a hippo yeah we're definitely not gonna go over there to the land tank it is turning night time and we need to head home i'm just gonna get some wood while we're here uh we need to find sheep badly please please give me three dang it i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this ah that's not the right one yes just get up into the tree whoo safety here we go here we go please don't murder me i'm lost i still want to run alongside like the little coast area right here i remember this okay we just have to go this direction oh oh my god yes yes oh my god we actually just found a dodo wait wait is there more was it really just one oh my god there's dodos yes i'm hoping there's no poachers inside i don't really see anything what a beautiful view oh the sun's kind of setting but not really too much please oh please give us a lot of dodos please give us like four or five and then let's go check on that egg let's see if that dino egg ever hatched no way it still hasn't hatched like do i just need to like crouch near it or something like maybe like teabag it a little bit and let's go make a lot more a biogu now let's go back to the analyzer it should be finished with all of those bones oh yes we have five dodos alrighty machine please do not break and please give me a dodo alrighty that might take the rest of the day oh look at all that grass coming along on nicely oh my god please get out of the corner i'm probably just gonna keep this there though even though it is very ugly there i mean it kind of works kind of looks cool i know it's going to get rid of all the grass so that kind of sucks but i need dummy over there to not and uh end up you know on alive in the corner yes oh we got a dodo okay and it looks like it only takes one uh bio goots how to do one of these so yeah we're just gonna slap another bite in there it seems like it takes like one per day but now our little buddy has a friend oh it is growing it's getting slightly bigger there's like a look look how little he is and look how big he is oh this is so cute i'm so happy ah i love dodo so much okay well maybe it just can't hatch in here maybe it's too cold like it needs the sun maybe it'll hatch here you know it's can i pick up a dinosaur am i strong enough to pick up this big boy you're not trying to kill me right oh dear god i do not like it when you look at me like that can i pick you up no i'm not strong enough okay can i pick up you okay we're gonna leave that uh here for today okay good the machine is still here oh it's already done let's just go hatch this one while we wait for the t-rex to finish there you go i know welcome to your home it's beautiful i know it's quite literally the best oh my gosh oh we have one shot please please do not fail we're gonna leave one more biogu in there just in case if it needs more than one oh i'm so nervous for that one oh my god wait whoa whoa whoa you hatched oh it did where'd you go dude what's up i can't pick him up look at him it's me and my son look at him oh he's so cute no way i need to tame him okay probably shouldn't whip the child that's probably not a good look um i swear he's sleeping i didn't kill him i promise you i'm really hoping you're not a failusaurus yes we're halfway done no we're halfway done yes where am i gonna keep a dino i mean not a dino but a t-rex yeah before we hatch a t-rex we do kind of need to think of where to put it we could build a cage up top oh it's so close it's so close we almost have a t-rex oh this isn't too hard we can definitely make some feeders for them i'll be kind come on i want my t-rex give me oh we have a typhonosaurus like oh we have a t-rex and then we're just gonna make uh another dodo you know we're just gonna keep them going back to back oh my god we have a t-rex oh we have a t-rex i wonder if i need to make a feeder for the dodos do dodos eat meat so you go there you go there you there let's just throw that there i can make two feeders okay hello there little ones how's it going you guys hungry at all okay no no you're all still you all still look cool so if i do this do you eat i know yeah can you help me out with this if you're hungry at all do you just like out of it we'll check back on that later up next we're gonna go to our little buddy who i'm sure is starving no buddy oh my god oh god you dinosaurs okay we'll slap it somewhere in the center of the room uh since you're not that big i don't think it's gonna take that much food have you eaten at all no it's like 21 30. are you not a carnivore now first up uh let's just match this this side over here it is a t-rex after all so um yeah i'm just gonna take you know an educated guess and say that a t-rex needs a lot of space i'm sure i'm fine so now if we go around and just raise up the fences as much as i can i'm not really going for any specific size make the entrance a little bit more secure and since we don't really have too many fences left we're just going to start from the back because i mean if he breaks through this at least he's going into the jungle okay let's put the egg right here and hopefully he will actually hatch let's uh keep focusing on the food i'm pretty sure once i'm about to leave there should be another science boat coming by within like a week so i mainly just need to make sure that all of these guys can survive a week i was at 403 21 30. so he hasn't touched this at all you're a herbivore we honestly might just want to make three shears and then we're just gonna go like super not so crazy with getting a lot of leaves oh look oh are you fully grown oh you're almost fully grown you're maturing oh my god you guys ate a lot i'm pretty sure this was at like 2100 a day ago we definitely need to go check on the dna one please what is the t-rex hatch okay uh dodo in the machine can wait i don't see the egg oh oh my god okay buddy okay okay okay okay i'm sorry for whipping you i'm sorry for whipping you please do not make me kill you please please hold my god oh grumpy you hatch and then the first thing that you want to do is just you know attack me given i know i know but you also whipped him the second he was born okay well now that we know that the t-rex is alive whoa let's see dodo hopefully oh yes okay machine's not broken yes we got a dodo then we're gonna start cooking up the next one let's go hatch this one what's up buddies you got a fourth one all righty leaves you're in danger because i'm in town yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum i have what's up pig what's up buddy you're free lovely this should easily be enough food to survive those dinos until the next scientists come so that's really good i wonder if it's that that makes them angry for whatever reason or if they're hungry so one thing i just noticed uh i kind of don't have a shield oh my god look at that they only hang around this i might have collected a little bit too many leaves i might actually have enough to fill up both feeders entirely i wonder if there's a way to make them breed yeah i don't know if there is a way oh are you fully grown you might have a little bit more growth in your buddy so if this hits 10 thousand but there's still leaves in here is it just gonna consume them and not give me anything then i might be uh might be kind to the t-rex uh we're gonna see what kind of meat we can give him hopefully he doesn't try to kill me again i mean this time i'm not gonna whip him so that might help okay i butt head dude are you kidding me why i'm i'm i'm quite literally the reason why you're alive and you're just doing this to me like you still have not forgiven me at all really god just let me give you food you're worse than a chihuahua you know what here since he wants to be a bud head let me outsmart him uh he stands no chance against the boat and see this is why i like you this is why you get the fancy building oh whoops him i really don't mind if he just escapes at this point okay let's actually try one more time do i need to whip you is that is that what the issue is okay well you're starting to hit harder come on come here okay brat i can't even put any of these in here why am i here oh well you have 4 000 me in there okay wait you want to stay in the boat oh my god i'm just trying to free you yeah there you go you little turd i kind of want to see what happens if i put two t-rex's in there please yes yay okay we have a dodo and now for our last dodo and beautiful however i still i really want to try out another t-rex i want to see what happens if i put two into that uh lovely pen because i do know that they are territorial so i think it would be kind of funny and then oh we still need to make the velociraptor oh we can go make him a friend as well okay yeah we need we need to do that yeah as long as you stay out there buddy kind of tired of being shot at if i'm being frank so velociraptor that one's going yeah this is fun maybe we should have let the poachers take over this center like the science center a lot sooner because look you know before i couldn't even do this okay so we're going to start on the next one of the super so then our little buddy can have a friend in this room maybe that's why he's a a little anxious you're not wanting to get out maybe he's a social creature i honestly don't know you are there you are you know we're just repairing all the damage that the t-rex did to us now let's go see if the raptor's all done i don't know how to keep them kind of contained because they can climb like really high where would i keep a velociraptor i could break into here again kind of secure it up flatten it out maybe ooh there's there is dirt right here i could kind of flatten it out i think that'll work i think that'll work and that'll look really nice i like it a lot let's do it we'll use a lot of glass we'll put doors here that's how we'll get in he'll stay in like i don't really remember how much dirt i have or maybe he doesn't need dirt i mean it's it's messed up but maybe he doesn't even need dirt at all yeah maybe we have a double door there all of this is glass we can maybe change this cell with the glass but the bigger issue is how much glass do i have five yeah this will work let's go check up on the dna oh okay you're done uh let's just start cooking up velociraptor right now i'm coming buddy you're about to have a friend in there oh so when this egg hatched it ate the leaves so how long does it take for you to hatch well i think i've given it in about 20 seconds so clearly it's never gonna hatch so uh yeah let's go do something else oh can i actually just take the fast way down let's go 720 landed it and then i think the sand was over in this direction a fun thing i just realized oh here you are here's the sand i think we need like two stacks of sand so whoo time to dig and two stacks okay we're perfect just like everyone who subscribed now if we can just get back to the babies without running into a tiger oh dear god look at the science lab okay there you go i was like it should be here somewhere now if we run over here i'm just gonna smelt and all those hopefully they don't take too long but we still have time i guess we'll just bring this out uh how do i get up and then that grass should hopefully not take too long grow up here oh we could make a fun pond a nice little water area for him i'll get some more water completely throw that out oh we should easily have enough glass right now just to finish off that front wall and then we need to go and steal some water from the uh farm upstairs oh no i forgot about the dino please don't tell me he ate all the leaves where did he go oh don't tell me you're eating the farm okay come here oh god okay wait wait wait this uh i need you to get out of here what did you just eat what is in your mouth i love dinosaurs i love dinosaurs i love dinosaurs i just gotta keep telling myself that you know i love dinosaurs come here i already have enough issues with everything wanting to kill me here you there i think the water is completely leveled that's all good oh even better the grass actually grew through the wall oh let me remove this wall right here and you know just a nice little glass wall let me fill in this should be good oh we could add oh i like that idea okay let's add a little skylight oh i like that and then we can actually put the egg right here and it should hatch because it does have sunlight okay yeah so we can only have this much nice now this should be completely safe i don't think there's any holes left in here oh we need to make a feeder there you go there there there finish you off okay so we have a feeder okay we're gonna put the feeder right there that should be a good spot can i put any cool okay i can't put any of those in let's just get a little bit of food as fast as we can now let's just get all the food cooking okay let's see if the any of these meats actually work on the machine okay very good good yes the velociraptor is here yes clever girl alrighty clever girl okay so it's an egg it should hatch right there i'm really hopeful of it just please please do not attack me please i kind of want to watch it hatch i want to see what it looks like when it happens i've been waiting here for like two minutes and i don't think it's gonna hatch here we're just gonna walk away just for a little bit i want to see how my other pets are doing okay so this is a fully grown one you're almost fully grown okay oh oh the attaching oh it's doing this little dancy dance oh my god oh my god that thing was starving did he just fall asleep immediately aye and then let's go check on the other ones let's go check out butthead who for some reason just had to hit me how you guys doing okay you're eating a little bit you're growing you're still growing dude i'm not even i i literally have done nothing i've literally done nothing i'm just watching you i know this isn't gonna do anything but i just want to do this just out of just pure spite looking inside of the container i'm pretty sure it still has food inside so and then are you nocturnal and that is why i put her in a enclosed place yeah yeah there okay so uh definitely don't step too late oh no okay well we're out of arrows but yes okay wow you guys give a lot of food are you just gonna like follow me and just scream or do you fight back that was the weirdest fight i've ever had where'd she go ivelo oh sweet i don't even have to cook it i wonder if cooking it would have made it better all right how much do you go up at 25 sometimes more no 25 yeah 25. let's just see if i cook this does it go up by more coal is that oh god was that 65 yeah that might have gone up by 65 so that probably was a lot smarter to actually cook everything instead and then it takes more time but i think we should actually uh cook everything cause they're all looking good i just really do not want any of them to run out without cooking something also i worked very hard to get all of the uh all the coal for this so you know what i'm definitely not leaving any for the next person i don't think she can drown herself in there i just hopefully she doesn't fall asleep in there where did she go oh my gosh wait am i blind is she on the walls wait oh no where did she go oh no oh are you good uh you maybe she's trying to get stronger you know she's probably doing some pull-ups nice yep you guys are probably set for like a year and okay nice nice you're still full why are you looking at me like that and here is lovely butt head no no don't worry i still hate you i i still like really hate you it's a very good thing you can't break down that fence and i'm not gonna be here when you get to the size when you can and it is not my fault for once it was actually a really smooth ending well we did did a very good job here we did a good job in africa so uh i'm very curious where our next mission is going to be what does halsey have in store for me finally the last time i'm gonna be sleeping here it's the final day oh bella's not in her uh the corner doing pull-ups anymore she hiding somewhere doing squats she's not in the water oh god is there a velociraptor on the loose inside of this place is she on the roof or is she where is she where is she she broke out she would have been somewhere over here unless she died but i don't think she did there you are how did you get up here come here okay how did she get out we're gonna bring you right back okay please don't attack me okay trust me you're safer in here please i should have six dodos in here correct one two three four five six okay thank you birds for actually being enjoyable you know and staying in here i love you guys i'm gonna miss you and then let's go do one last check on the guys up here okay so one in that corner one in that corner okay so you guys are still here and yep of course there's bud head uh i don't even want to test to see if he could break out through the fences so we're not even going to get close to him and now i'm definitely bringing my bed with me i like this blue and then just to be safe we're going to bring some wood definitely need a boat i mean i don't want to take too much you know we are going to leave some of the stuff for or the the new people you know we at least found the science center i think we you know me and the poachers cleaned it up pretty well we're just gonna go and find the coast get into our little boat and quickly find that ship it should actually already be waiting for me it took a little bit too long in the science center and there we go to anyone who is watching this recording i hope you enjoyed my journey i hope you learned a lot of stuff good luck to whoever's coming here next take good care of my velociraptor i love velo a lot and now to see where my journey takes me next
Channel: Skyes
Views: 2,595,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Survived 100 Days in Jurassic World in Minecraft Hardcore, i survived 100 days in jurassic park in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in jurassic world, i survived 100 days in jurassic world dominion, i survived 100 days in jurassic world dominion in minecraft hardcore, 100 days jurassic world, Civilization, battle royal, 100 Players, Sword4000 Jurassic, Minecraft Jurassic Park, Minecraft Jurassic, Jurassic Park Minecraft, Minecraft Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs in minecraft, skyes
Id: jpxTaxiQrBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 22sec (4882 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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