I Survived 100 Days as a T-REX in MINECRAFT

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what is the strongest creature to ever roam the planet Earth some people would say it's the Megalodon with their massive team While others would simply say it's a raptor due to their crazy speed however both of these people are wrong the strongest creature to ever roam Earth was definitely the T-Rex which is why I've added T-Rex's into Minecraft with all sorts of insane dinosaur powers and now I'm gonna be playing as the T-Rex to see if I can survive 100 days against three cavemen who will literally do anything in their power to stop me will our T-Rex stand the test of time or will it end up getting wiped out for good okay so we're a baby T-Rex and as you can see I'm stuck in my eggs still and because of that I only have five hearts of HP which means I can die extremely easily because those are the three cavemen over there trying to kill me Dino chicken nugget but luckily I have access to my T-rex menu which will let me upgrade my T-Rex and get more powers and more Hearts now the second I leave this little Nest they're allowed to come attack me so we gotta make a plan I see a village over this way which is probably I'm gonna head because it should give me some items to get away from these guys there's also a village over there behind the cavemen but that one's too risky to go for so we're gonna go for this one over here in three two one go go go okay we gotta get to the Village quick we gotta get to the Village quick there's some distance between us okay let's go and let's go up to this building over here and let's start taking some logs from the side get back here it's two oh my God he's right above he sees me he's in this house we're gonna do this way this way this way this way oh I see blacksmith I see blacksmith let's go over here to the blacksmith okay the blacksmith is right here let's just quickly climb up this way we can use our planks to get up there quick ready please have an item in here oh we don't fit we don't fit break this block quick I see their name plates coming in here oh my God iron sword we got iron sword in here oh oh I five one heart one heart one heart go this way go this way I just put some armor on oh okay we got one we got one we got two dude me spear full oh he's blow he's blow he's blow he doesn't have a weapon we got him we got him we got him oh I'm low I'm low oh really close we gotta go we're gonna go oh he's back lyrics he's done he's done he's done okay oh this is risky let's jump to this tree nice we did it oh eat some bread and now let's run over these trees over here and quickly make a boat okay just break this log here Now quickly make a crafting table turn these into planks and quickly make a boat noise like chicken are we losing him oh yeah we're gone we're gone we lost them now just go across this ocean and find a place to make our first T-Rex base okay now that we've escaped the caveman I want to build a cave base somewhere over here so let's first cut down this tree okay we got enough oak logs for now so let's make a crafting table then some sticks and then a wooden pickaxe now let's grab some Stone and make a stone pickaxe and now just start carving out this staircase to make a base okay that should do because the sun's starting to set so we're gonna block ourselves in for the night and start working to finish up this base on days two to six I finished up our first T-Rex space and it wasn't easy because the cavemen were looking for me everywhere and I knew it was only a matter of time till they found me okay the base is finally done I ended up building a much bigger base than I realized and so let me show you around we got our chests furnaces and survival stuff here our beds right here and our mine shaft down there and then if we go with the front entrance here you're gonna see I have these two gates that block our way in and I probably would have done doors but our dinosaur literally doesn't fit inside of doors like there's a village right next door and you can see I don't fit inside buildings with doors so with the base complete it's time to work on our first dinosaur upgrade which has gotta be tail swing because you know I want to use this T-Rex Tail as a weapon but unlocking it's kind of hard now to unlock it I need to kill 10 Mobs with critical hits trade with a villager eat a golden apple and kill a caveman with fall damage now luckily for me I can get the 10 crit kills really easy there's one and there we go just like that the first Quest is already done now let's head to the Village nearby and trade with a villager to see what those greedy guys want okay this villager wants 22 carats for an emerald or we can give him an emerald and he'll give us six bread and with there being a mountain literally right here I bet you I can find an emerald pretty quick but I forgot my iron pickaxe so let's go let's go grab that there we go and now let's just go look for an emerald in this mountain oh here we go we found one oh my god there was emeralds in the chest I should have just looted the village whatever let's just go find the farmer and do this trade there you are here we go give me six bread in fact give me 18 bread and there we go we traded with a villager and since the sun is starting to set let's simply head on home and we'll get the golden apple and caveman kills tomorrow so luckily it's really easy to make a golden apple so let's just go down to the base grab our raw gold and let's throw it inside of our Blast Furnace now while we wait for that to finish up let's go cut down some trees outside so hopefully we can get an apple there's an apple apparently we have three well now just go combine these apples with our gold and let's make ourselves a golden apple which I could eat right now to finish the quest because we have to go find the caveman's base and then battle them so let's save our golden apple for that but anyway let's go check out spawn to see if the cavemen are still living in their cave so that way we can get the fall damage kill we need that was almost as amazing as today's sponsor pubg mobile foreign two weeks ago I told you all about pubg mobile and since then I have met tons of you guys playing the game but for those of you that haven't downloaded it yet I highly recommend trying it out because pubg mobile is a battle royale game where up to 100 players parachute onto an island and scavenge for all sorts of weapons and items to try to be the last player or team standing and it actually turns out that pubg mobile just had a massive fifth anniversary update meaning right now is the best time to start playing the game because my favorite part of this new update is a brand new Mode called world of wonder where you can literally build your own custom pubg mobile Maps or even play maps by other players if you can dream it you can now build it in pubg Mobile and I actually got to try out a bunch of these custom maps already in a special world of Wonder live stream where uh let's just say I was the best player in the whole tournament it should be called moving forward oh oh wow okay so I got crushed but that's completely my fault because I was literally given every chance to win like Samsung literally sent me the Galaxy s23 Ultra it has the fastest Snapdragon processor on the market a 5 000 milliamp hour battery and literally the best camera I've ever used on a smartphone so quick aside if you want more info on the phone you can find it in the description down below but anyway with the Galaxy s23 Ultra in my hand there was no reason I should have lost that tournament but luckily I've gotten quite good since then and plan to keep crushing you guys in game so if you want to try and take me down click the link in the description down below or the QR code right there to come play some pubg mobile because I want to battle as many of you guys as possible the cavemen left their spawn cave apparently which means they built another base somewhere nearby I just need to find it and take them out which I would on day 12. oh wait what is that oh I think I just saw their base I'm like 90 I just saw their base in the corner man I did look at them I found it I almost walked right past this okay let's get down there how do I get down there without them seeing okay let's just start going down they're gonna see me coming in there's no sneak attack in here or maybe there is he's coming to top he's coming up top is this dinosaur outside where ah whoa okay I got their attention since we need to kill them oh we need to kill them ball damage let's get him up here okay let's get up to this big tree up here block it off now we should bait them up here and we can hit them down okay let him start building up get over here T-Rex oh we got him we got him we got him oh yes oh brick down here oh my God I ate a golden apple I hit the golden apple oh he's getting me for my shield we're on him we got him this is too quick this way this way this way let's unlock our new combat ability I got tail swing I got tail swing there he is I see him okay ready let's get him ready we just tail swung them oh there he is oh no get back here Uncle bunga oh no oh we got him he's dead okay cool let's go let's go to the climb hell before they climb Hill oh my God tail swing is op and I have absorption now that I killed someone with it oh there's one behind me I saw a spear I just saw that pop up oh he just missed oh my God we just chucked him off the hill he's dead oh oh oh oh my God oh my goodness this is broken let's get out of here so now we've unlocked this amazing tail whip attack we are really strong at least it's drinked anyway cause we still only have five hearts of health and we haven't gotten a single utility upgrade so let's change that by unlocking never Skip Leg Day we're just gonna make it so I take half fall damage I no longer take knock back and I swim with dolphins Grace meaning it will be faster for me to swim than to ride in a boat so you know we got to unlock this ability so together we just need 16 hay bales some iron boots and a rabbit's foot so let's start with the easiest part of this which has got to be the hay bales because we can just get those over in the village over here okay there's gotta be hay bales here right hay bales oh I do see them they're all down here okay there we go we got all the hay bales we need so not just go home and quickly make another pair of iron boots by grabbing our iron and weld making iron boots and there we go we got those two now we literally just need a rabbit's foot which requires us to find a desert and since I don't know where one is let's go find one there were no deserts nearby at all I had to look for days just to find one plus the caveman attacked me while I was searching but luckily I escaped and on day 18 I found a desert okay we found a desert now let's go kill rabbits oh bunnies where are you no get over here yes now he's gonna keep killing rabbits until one of them drops a rabbit's foot foreign oh wait we got one we got a rabbit's foot we did it we got the rabbit's foot which means we have everything we need to unlock our brand new never Skip Leg Day upgrade which makes it so I take half fall damage and I can swim underwater super fast with dolphins Grace okay so now that we have that ability unlocked it's time to get our final tier one upgrade which is gonna get us up to 15 total Hearts which is three times what we have now so I definitely need this now to unlock it I need 64 string 32 raw mutton and 16 glowing ink sacks which means it's time to grind sheep killing montage okay we officially have all of the button that we're gonna need and with the button in hand we just need to get some string and glowing ink sacks both of those things can be found down in my mind so let's get going okay so now just go through this abandoned mine shaft and quickly grab all the string which we can simply get from breaking cobwebs with a sword and since there's tons of cobwebs inside of a place like this there will definitely be enough to finish up this Quest okay we've got some glow squids right here in this little water pool now let's go and kill them for their glowing ink sacks and just like that we got our first five glowing ink sacks we need but since we need 16 in total we still need 11 more so let's go find some more glow squids okay we know of all 16 glow sacks that we need and with those in hand we can turn into a teenage T-Rex which is huge like look how much bigger I am though I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of really really skinny anyway now that we're a teenage t-rex with 15 total hearts and strength one it's time to start working on our tier two upgrades where we can either get sharpened tea which gives us an attack as strong as a diamond sword or it can get Rampage where I get increased strength with every kill I get so as an example if I killed this pig since I have strength one I would now have strength two these upgrades are amazing but I think we've got to unlock the sharpened teeth one because that one is definitely gonna be the most useful so to unlock this upgrade we just need to discover a desert temple a 25 meet kill 10 hoglands and killed two of the cavemen with our tail swing ability none of which sounds overly difficult so let's start by heading to a desert and looting some desert temples ah there's there's a Temple I see one okay so now let's just go ahead and break into this Temple now let's just go down here but we gotta be careful I'm so big if I fall down we're just gonna set the TNT off okay we're good I almost set that off now since we're here we might as well loot the chest ooh silk touch and there we go with the desert temple looted we now just need to keep eating meat kill some hoglands and take out the cavemen with our tail swing but we'll work on those tomorrow because the sun's already setting and we're like a thousand blocks from home okay so now we have three other quests we gotta work on now that we found a desert temple and I'm not gonna lie I want to start by killing some hoglands because we still don't have another portal so let's go ahead and let's make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and now let's start making our way back down to the mine where we can then get some obsidian okay we officially have all the obsidian that we need so now let's just simply go back to the base and build ourselves another portal okay so now let's just go and build another portal we're just gonna now let's just make ourselves a flint and steel real quick and now let's go to the nether okay so now we just gotta find 10 hoglands to take out which really shouldn't be too hard okay I found a Crimson Forest which should spawn a bunch of hoglands so let's just look around for a sec till we find one here's a hogland luckily I take no knockbacks but killing these guys is super easy here's a baby and there we go that is 10 hoglands down so let's head back to another portal and head on home because there's only two more quests to go till we unlock the sharpened teeth upgrade okay so let's head on back home oh they blew up my base yeah I knew what the hunters are here they're literally here we can just keep hitting him back with our tail attack get the dinosaur oh my goodness he's powerful just keep the shield open and go go oh there's our chance to get out go go go I don't fit there we go oh we got it we go to the base we go to the base heal up oh no no no let him take the fall damage that's really gonna help us get this guy I hit him up we killed one oh no there we go one dive and he's dead and just like that they're all gone using our amazing tail attack but the bait is absolutely destroyed and now it's full of mobs there's literally nothing left all my items are gone it's just the only Quest we have left to do is eat a bunch of meat I guess we'll just keep eating meat while we build a new base cause for now this base is toast on days 23 to 30 I rebuilt the entire base and ate all the meat I needed to finish up this upgrade meaning all I have to do now is use tail swing on the cavemen to finish up unlocking the sharp teeth upgrade so welcome your faces to the brand new T-Rex base the base is actually hidden right here behind this waterfall and so if we swim inside you're gonna see we enter a massive underground cave with a Lava River and then all our stuff behind it including our enchanter our nether portal and all our survival stuff and of course right by the entrance we have our bed which is everything we need to survive so first things first let's unlock our sharpen teach combat upgrade now that the base is complete you're gonna notice that this has nine attack damage and 1.6 attack speed where our sword only has seven attack damage goodbye so I'm much stronger now so you're gonna see that this attack is really strong and can one hit cows what if I right click the cow you're gonna see I cause it to bleed because anything I write so I can make him bleed and then I can kill them this ability is great but now that we've finished that attack you've got to work on rampage the last tier 2 upgrade we have since technically teenage T-Rex is a tier 2 upgrade and baby T-Rex was the tier one just take my word for it there's literally one more tier two to go so let's go and let's unlock Rampage by getting 64 rotten flesh 128 Redstone and one Bell now luckily we already have a ton of redstone throughout this base so we've already finished up with that meaning we either need rotten flesh or a bell and I'm gonna choose to go down into the cave and get rotten flesh because a bell is gonna be way too easy to get we just go to a village and break it Geronimo bring it on zombies just like that we have all the rotten flesh we need okay so we got all the rotten flesh we need now and so we literally just have to go get a bell so let's go ahead to a village and quickly grab one here we go here's a bell and now with the bell in hand we have everything we need so let's just head on home okay so literally in one day we were able to get everything we need to unlock Rampage which is our brand new ability where every time we kill something it increases our strength level so as an example if I kill this villager here I turn red can we kill this guy and this guy and you're gonna see my strength is now strength four and my speed is speed three because for every time I kill something it's gonna keep going up another one look we're already at strength IX let's beat up this golly oh my God we actually beat the Golem in like two hits oh my goodness we are absolutely broken anyway now that we have Rampage it's time to start working on our tier three abilities and I want to become an adult T-Rex because I get 25 hearts and I won't be so skinny so let's go ahead and become an adult T-Rex by getting 64 sugar 64 nether quartz and 20 sponge and since I live in a desert sugar cane is everywhere so let's start by getting 64 sugar and there we go we have all the sugar what's happening what's happening oh I can't see what's happening oh Hunter's here oh god let's get these guys throw one in the water he's gonna be low he's gonna be low he just took a ton of fall damage right we got him okay now we get a speed boost just keep rushing them just keep rushing him that's not gonna help that's gonna help me oh we got him let's launch board ready we have to cool down let's get this guy let's get this guy oh once oh wait oh how did unicorn die assist Uncle corn man please ah did I kill him with my tail ability I don't even know how I killed him whatever not gonna worry about it okay there we go now we have 64 sugarcane that we can simply turn into sugar and now we only have two things left we need to get so let's quickly head back to the base and head to the nether so we can get some nether quartz okay so let's go to sleep and now let's go over to our nether portal and head to the nether okay there's literally another quartz everywhere here so let's start mining okay just like that we got all the cord sweetie so we literally just have to get 20 sponges now which might not sound hard but it means we gotta find an underwater temple so let's head outside and let's start looking on days 35 to 38 I look for an underwater Monument pretty much everywhere and of course I couldn't find one and that's because the closest one to me was over 2 000 blocks away it legit took me till day 39 just to find one oh I see an underwater temple okay let's just head over here to this thing now he's gonna find a spud room inside there should be a sponge room somewhere in here let's go down here and look for the sponge room actually we can use doors I think to give ourselves air right door on the ground here one on top of it oh God no we're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna die right oh my God we have half heart we need to go my God we just almost drowned okay well that did not work so instead we're gonna have to break in through the sides oh okay we found the sponge room let's go back to our air pocket and get some air okay now let's go over here to the sponge room and let's start breaking these sponges okay and there we go we have all 20 sponges we need now let's just head on home and throw them in the furnace so that they can dry okay so let's go and let's split up our sponges into two groups and throw each of them in one of our furnaces now the sponges are gonna go from a wet sponge into a regular sponge which is literally all we need to become the adult T-Rex so we just gotta wait for these to finish okay we've got all our sponges we officially have everything we need to turn into an adult T-Rex look at this thing it is absolutely massive to the point where when I'm in F5 I'm zoomed out like 10 or 20 blocks and look at me in the crafting table I'm huge but now that we're an adult T-Rex it's time to work on the next upgrade thick headed headbutt which is gonna let me double every single ore that I mine and to unlock it I just need three anvils 64 copper ingots and one scoop God I hate getting scoot so we're gonna save the scoot for last and instead work on the anvils and the copper ingots so let's quickly head to the base let's grab our iron and let's go and make three anvils so we just need to go ahead and make three blocks of iron and then we just need to put some iron below it and we get ourselves an anvil but we need three Anvil which means in total we need nine blocks of iron which I don't have enough for so let's head down to the mine and let's grab a bunch of iron and copper so we can unlock headbutt okay just like that we have a bunch of iron and copper so let's throw our copper into smelt right here and our iron just melt up here now all this is smelting behind me let's take the iron we do have and turn them all into iron blocks till we can get six now we should need eight additional iron which we have so let's go ahead now make all the anvils we need we'll just put those at the bottom put the iron blocks on top and we now have three Anvil which we'll store in here for safe keeping now we just need 64 copper ingots and some scoot which uh our coppers right here still smelting and there we go 64 copper ingots now we just need to go get some scoot which means we have to breed some turtles which honestly can be kind of a pain in the butt however I'm gonna spend the rest of today Gathering all the supplies we need so that way come tomorrow we can easily get this scoop okay we found a Turtle Beach that has some turtles on it so let's start by digging out a grid area so we're just gonna go ahead and dig like this okay there we go we've gone ahead and built a grid on the ground now we're gonna go ahead and put Oak fences all around this thing now we're gonna take and break a hopper in the middle and then we're gonna put water buckets in all four corners and once you do that you're gonna see all the items that fall in this thing automatically end up inside this Hopper which is exactly what I want to happen let's quickly go down into the ocean and grab some seagrass and seagrass will help us lure turtles in so let's go ahead and trap some turtles inside come here Turtles okay I think I got two turtles on me that's all we need come on come get your seagrass come on up here yeah come on take your time it's okay come on bud let your friend out of the water here they come yeah come on Turtles to the farm okay come on in Turtles okay we got one turtle in for sure can you get that second guy in and he's in oh get played welcome to the farm okay now we're gonna give each of these dudes some seagrass and they're gonna do this little wiggle thing and it's turtle eggs just play the waiting game those will eventually hatch drop some Scoot and that scoot will end up in this Hopper now normally I couldn't just leave this Farm AFK but because we have a chunk loader set up whatever happens in this Farm we'll automatically register no matter where I am in the world so now wait for that scoot to generate let's go and work on our tier 3 combat upgrade the deafening Roar which is basically gonna let me roar my enemies to death and Rock it sounds pretty cool so if we just we just glow and behold advancement a bucket Axolotl a bucket with a puffer fish and we use Chomp 20 times on the cavemen then we can go ahead and get this upgrade so since we're waiting for our scoot let's go ahead and let's start by grabbing a bucket with an axolotl and a bucket with a puffer fish okay there should definitely a puffer fish somewhere in this Reef it's gonna be really small I see puffer fish I see puffer fish come here you puff me yeah now get my bucket yeah we got a puffer fish in a bucket and now that we have a puffer fish in a bucket let's go get a bucket with an axolotl in it because that is super easy to do and here's an axolotl so let's just scoop them up in our bucket and now we already have a bucket with a puffer fish and an axolotl complete all we need to do now is use Chomp 20 times on the caveman and we need to get glow and behold which means we have to make the text of a sign glow which is super easy to do okay we're at the turtle farm the eggs are gone which means our scoot should be in here and it is and we got the scoop which literally all we needed am I getting dicing oh the caveman you know they're not really cavemen anymore they started with Spears and Cave outfits now they shoot rocks using slingshots I only see two of them there's still one more missing oh my God does that bleed through my thing oh what are those he's got bleed he's got bleed I'm going in okay well we can use we have to get Chomp kills anyway so just right click them and jump them dude he hurts oh my God we kill so quick okay he's bleeding oh oh I'm blood I'm blood I'm blood oh no he's dead there's one more over here we can get him with the tail whip ready watch this boom yeah oh my goodness Taylor he's a climbing but I'm a coming he's done right he's done yes and just like that we have our Scoot and we survived that terrible attack like seriously what are they cavemen that was a terrible plan they're gonna have to be way more creative than that if they want to take on a T-Rex but anyway now that we have our scoot we can unlock thick-headed head butt so let's unlock it and let's try it out in arcade so if we go up to this single piece of gold here and we break it you're gonna see in total I got four gold and that's because I broke two gold ore so we got four instead no that's unlocked we just need to get glow and behold which is this advancement I showed earlier we just have to make a sign glow so let's grab some wood and some sticks and let's make ourselves a sign now let's go back down to the cave and let's go kill a glow squid okay let's take out this guy here and now they put a sign on the well that says you smell and we had a glowing ink sack to it it starts to glow and now that we've done that it's time to go ahead and get out of here because all we have to do now is Chomp the players a bunch of times at their base so let's head to their base and let's pay the caveman a visit and so since the cavemen changed their base again I checked around the surrounding area to see if I could find their new one and sure enough after only a couple days I did I see a name oh my God I just found their base I wasn't even positive if this was their base but now I am this behind me is officially the caveman base I almost walked right by this it looks so normal at the entrance I didn't believe it was their base anyway we gotta tail whip them a bunch of time so let's just go down here hello and now it's just tail whip and bunch oh my goodness a T-Rex oh my gosh and there's three hey did it to him again back up I'm bleeding now okay let's get down there and Chomp them some more no oh my gosh okay we need to eat we need okay he's waiting let's get this guy bleeding we all need to do this eight more times our health is getting kind of low though I don't like being down here he's bleeding okay he's dead he said he said what I wanted they're all far away now we're good we should be good eat some food and I see it my shield let's get him bleeding when he stick take that nice he's bleeding get him 18. send him back we just need to do it two more times ready in and out one two they're both bleeding let's get out here let's go let's go let's go oh they got me feeling there we go I should block them off that should block him off for a sec yep it's working oh they're coming though eat some food let's see if we can get out here ready yeah oh yeah they're behind me they're behind me make sure we can swim underwater fast go T-Rex swim swim like a dolphin we're out of here okay it's day 50. and we can now unlock the deafening more upgrade which does this okay yeah that did nothing I thought there was gonna be a cool explosion let's try and hear some mobs okay cows we're trying it with you hello oh it just kind of sets them up in the air a little bit and whoever I hit with my Roar is given blindness and slowness so you can't see anything right now goodbye but anyway now that we have the new Roar ability unlocked we're officially onto tier four upgrades so we could either become a battle hardened T-Rex get the intimidation tactics utility upgrade or we can get the prehistoric ground pound combat upgrade and I'm not gonna lie I kind of want to ground pound stuff so let's unlock that Quest and actually complete it we need to Roar people nine times Chomp the players nine times we've got a Roar on people nine times I need to get the serious dedication advancement which means making another right hole and reevaluating your life's choices feed a cookie to a parrot and Chomp the caveman nine times now all of these quests actually aren't too bad so let's start by getting serious dedication first all we've got to do is head into our cave and into The Nether Portal okay now we just have to go find some ancient debris which is actually gonna be really easy to get I can just plow through the wall like this and just like that we've got four netherite scraps which is all we need okay now let's just combine these netherrite scraps with our gold and we get ourselves into the right end game so let's go ahead and quickly make ourselves a smithing table plop it on top now let's make it Diamond House take it into the smithing table with another red Ingot and we get another right hoe giving us serious dedication and now we have to feed a cookie to a parrot and attack the caveman so we're gonna start by quickly feeding a cookie to a parrot now the crafter cookie is super easy it's literally just two wheat and some cocoa beans so this is literally gonna take like two seconds okay let's grab these hay bales for a week and now we just need to go find a jungle so we can get a parrot and get ourselves some cocoa beans okay so we found a jungle but it's a mini jungle oh wait a minute wait a minute I spoke too soon there's a big jungle cause while we can't find cocoa beans in the little jungle We're not gonna find any parrots so let's go to the big one instead okay let's just grab these cocoa beans down here now that we have the cocoa beans we can make ourselves eight cookies now we have to go through this jungle until we hopefully find a parrot oh I see one a blue parrot no come here oh right I forgot if you feed a cookie to a parrot it dies I'm genuinely sad I thought I was gonna become my friend anyway let's just make our way back to the base because all we have to do now is Roar a bunch of times at the cavemen and then we'll be good to go okay so I know it's night time and I'd usually sleep here but I want to use this time to start making our way over to the caveman base so that way we could be there by morning because we need to get the Caveman with a bunch of our abilities so I want to make sure I have plenty of time to attack okay their base is literally this hole in the ground right up here now that we have Roar we should be able to keep them blind down here for a while so let's go down to this hole we're gonna be quick about this we're gonna go in and fight them ready here they are we're at the base they're over here they don't even see us coming in oh they do now they do now fungus bogus fungus bogus I don't even care I don't even care now we have to try click him he's crunched blind this guy he's now bleeding that's time I can't see anything two of nine he's blind and bleeding oh that's in a lot of damage okay we gotta be careful let's back off I literally can't go any higher too big there we go we got through well he's breaking our base dude hey that's not nice [Music] okay [Music] we got him with the bleed let's go up let's go up here let's heal up a little bit oh they blew up they blew it up they blew it up oh we gotta go we gotta go they have explosives [Music] keep getting them no nice he's dead he's dead he's dead nice food okay he's bleeding now we got we're almost done we just need to Roar players one more time here we go we got it we got we got it ready they're blind while they're blind we can now unlock our brand new ability which is prehistoric ground pound which uh does this get him into the entrance what is that get back here ow I got it I gotta if I jump in the air I can slam on the ground and send them flying okay let's get him ready yeah Gekko oh he's done get back here if I do it right while they're at my feet oh he's toast [Music] he's dead now we get him ready he's done he's done he's done he's done he's done get out of here get here we have speed boost now let's use this River to get out of here using our dolphin swiftness oh my goodness and we're gone we're gone just like that we survived that that's crazy okay so now that we've unlocked a brand new amazing ground pound ability that is like really broken I mean look at this have I jump in this hole I literally do a squat and slam on the ground this looks amazing but you know what else is amazing working on our tier 4 upgrades because we still gotta unlock intimidation tactics which requires three strength potions three regeneration potions and 32 blocks of gold and since we get all of that from the nether let's go into the portal and start heading to a fortress so now let's just take out a bunch of blazes oh wait I'm under attack oh God hold up now I'm watching One Piece leave me alone now that we have all the blaze rods that we're gonna need we've just gotta start killing some gas for their gas tears because that's how you make regeneration potions so let's start killing some guests okay we've officially have all four gas tiers so now let's just head back to the Bastion we saw before oh look at Sebastian we need that later and let's go in WoW I'm trying to explain stuff right now you just bought yourself a one-way ticket to the nether wait he already lives in the nether anyway let's go back to that bastard we saw before and quickly loot all the gold blocks inside okay so we're at the Bastion let's just break inside and look at that gold blocks well we get another gold block that's four grab these arrows stop hitting me we now have 17 Gold Blocks but I really don't think there's any more in this place so let's get out of here and go find another Bastion because we still need like 13 more gold blocks it took all of day 57 just to find another Bastion okay let's check out these chests over here now okay no gold in this one we got some gold ingots in this one but no gold block we're gonna check out this chest here yes let's go three gold blocks that brings us up to 27. okay now let's break through here a little bit check this chest oh yes that's all we need that's literally all we need that's a full 30 gold blocks and with that in hand we can finally get out of the nether because I'm sick of this place okay so now that we're home we've just got to craft the potions so let's throw our sand inside our furnace now let's make some glass bottles and let's fill them with some water okay so now we got the glass bottles we just need to grab some Nether Warts because I forgot to grab those while at the nether fortress there we go now let's add the netherwort into the brewing stand and that's gonna turn all of these potions into awkward potions awkward potions now we should add a gas too to this one and a blaze powder to this one and that's gonna get us regen and strength Potions there we go regen and there we go strength we did it okay we have everything we need to do intimidation tactics or that's what I thought we have 30 gold blocks and we need 32 I read it wrong which is really unful oh my God okay we killed one we killed one we killed one oh I'm dead okay he's dead oh I'm dead where'd the other one go he's over here we got him oh my God my base is toast look at this they destroyed everything okay we saved as much of this base as we can but the cavemen definitely know where we live now so we gotta get out of here it's time to move Droid it was time to rebuild and I kind of have a confession to make here I collected the rest of the stuff I needed for the intimidation tactics upgrade however throughout the rest of the video I'm kind of just gonna not unlock it I forgot so uh oops welcome to the brand new T-Rex base this base is absolutely amazing so let's just jump down here real quick and let me show you how this place works basically I have a massive obsidian entrance right here and then we just walk in and we get taken all the way up our Tower to the top we actually have a bunch of dispensers with lava to put the space on lockdown in case we're attacked but anyway this base is pretty straightforward we got a lava generator right there so we can smelt easier we've got all our items and stuff throughout these chests enchanter Ben and Dad stuff just lots of stuff you get the point this base is absolutely incredible but anyway now that I'm giving you a tour of the base it's time for us to finish becoming a battle hardened Rex because we already have the blocks of diamonds and heart of the sea we need we literally just need three God apples so let's make our way to the ancient city that was under our first base and let's go see if we can get some God apples okay we're at the Asian City now just go look for some God apples real quick which we can find inside these chests okay no God apples in this one oh we set it off dang it oh my God three we have all three and we go to school Catalyst which we need later too well we got all three God apples just like that let's head on home okay so now that we're home let's just grab our diamonds and our heart of the sea and now let's turn our diamonds into diamond blocks okay we actually need three more diamonds I'm actually three shorts let's go and go grab those here we go got some diamonds and now we have 37 in total so let's just make two more blocks of diamonds and now we can say goodbye to the adult T-Rex and hello to the battle hardened T-Rex oh my God look at me I'm huge and I've definitely been in quite a few fights I don't even fit on my screen anymore like my head is cut off when I'm in my inventory look at this okay so anyway now that we are a giant T-rex that barely even fits in our own base we are done with the tier four upgrades meaning there's only three more dino upgrades to go we have the Apex T-Rex the extinction event and we have back mounted Cobble Cannon and all of these kind of require things from the end so let's get heading to the nether so we can get some blaze rods and what is that right there I just found I think I just found the caveman's nether portal but I am way too big to fit inside this thing so we're just gonna leave it be okay now let's just start killing some blazes okay we officially have all the blaze rods we need so now let's start heading to a Bastion so we can get some ender pearls okay here's a Bastion so let's head on over to it oh we know it's with the chest inside we got two gold blocks here and another right angle and an ancient debris okay now let's mine up this gold okay we got a few extra ingots in here and another nether riding get and there we go we got 23 Gold Blocks so now let's just trap a bunch of the piglets okay we've got a bunch of piglens in a whole trading now so let's let them do that while we wait for the underworlds helicopter oh I think I got training okay there we go stop shooting me let's see how many other pearls we got I see a bunch down here okay we got 23 ender pearls in total and nine blaze rods overall really not that bad and definitely everything we're gonna need to get to the end so with that complete let's get out of here let's turn our Blaze Rod into blaze powder and combine it up with our Ender Pros to get ourselves 18 Eyes of Ender now let's grab our water bucket now let's grab our netherride ingots so let's turn our chest plate into another right chest plate and our leggings into netherrite leggings and now we're definitely strong enough to take on the Ender Dragon so now let's just wait for our food to finish cooking then it's time to go battle a dragon now let's just cut through this forest and go about 100 blocks in the other direction and test it out okay time for the second eye what oh it's going back wait what already I guess we're going backwards back towards the base I'm not even that far wait what is it near our base okay our base is literally right there let's throw this it is it's literally near our base wait what how have I not run into this thing yet I had no idea it was down there wait what we're going down oh here it is I found I found the Fortress it's literally right here look yes we're in okay let's just start breaking blocks to get down oh we found it we're in the right room okay now we're gonna break the ceiling so we actually actually fit in this thing okay and now we fit in the portal so let's go to the end oh we're dying we're literally done we carved it out we're alive okay let's put some water up here now we can swim out of this hole and just like that it's time to take on the ender dragon as a T-Rex let's start by just swimming up here and let's destroy this one now let's start taking up the towers now there's only two more to go in the cages wait there's a caveman here wait what how did he get here okay well it looks like the cavemen are here I see one down below I don't see any others though nice nice okay we officially destroyed them all oh God one's on me one zombie One's On Me they're trying to get away nice he's gone he's gone okay well they're not attacking us get the dragon some damage he's coming in oh he just killed himself he went into the dragon stuff oh no oh God the cavemen are back they said it bends at the end portal nice we got him he's dead come on get him get him get him nice that's one gun we can get him here nice we got him we got him we got him keep killing him they're coming back come on Dragon Land dude nice dragons back here we go we get him here we got him dragon's going nuts Oh no you're doing T-Rex it's not on my watch nice right click it grab the XP get off okay we get it we get it we get it get it no it'll fit that who we were to go yes I moved I moved I moved it I moved it we're good okay where'd the egg go where'd it go I see it hit him off it get him off and get him off get him off nice I can move the egg every time I use that ability we got one dead make him bleed nice he's done how do I get him I can't get him down there kill him kill him kill him kill him did he get it I can't do this on it yeah he's the dragon it's in his hand I got it I got it I got it [Music] he dropped it he dropped it I got it I got it no I literally dropped it they're all dead but they got the dragon egg no okay we're gonna have to go get that dragon egg back later but for right now let's just go to the outer end and get the dragon head and elytra and stuff because we need that to upgrade as well okay now let's just go looking for an end city after losing the egg I decided to just get it back later and for now just worry about getting everything that I needed in the outer end like the dragon head and shulker kills oh we see an electric ship finally there we go let's just get up there and get the dragon head and elytra there we go we made it in now let's check these chests for Luke got a little bit of gold and iron and this one it's all junk but luckily we can still grab the elytra and now we just need to get a dragon head which luckily can be found literally right here so let's just put some blocks around it now let's grab the dragon head and we officially have everything we need from the end now so let's go ahead and let's get out of the end okay so now that we have a lighter to the dragon head there's only a few more things we need to do to finish up our tier 5 upgrade for the back mounted Cobble Cannon I just need to ground pound my enemies and light TNT near them then there's the Apex T-Rex where we just need to get three totems of undying eight netherade scraps in the dragon head which we already have and finally for extinction event we just need 64 gunpowder another star and the dragon egg which was stolen from us so we need to get that back but before we do that let's gather up a bunch of gunpowder because we not only need 64 gunpowder for extinction event but we also need to make some TNT to get our Cobble Cannon so let's go down to the caves and let's go take on some creepers and just like that we have all the gunpowder we need so now let's just head back up to the surface and start crafting some of the TNT we're gonna need so if we combine up all our gunpowder and sand we're gonna go ahead and get 20 TNT and we still have 64 gun powder remaining which we need for our final utility upgrade but now that we have all the gunpowder let's head to another Fortress so we can kill some wither skeletons and then we can summon and take out the Wither okay there we go we officially have all three with our skeleton skulls and now let's just go grab some Soul Sand so we can summon a Wither okay here's some Soul Sand and now let's go home okay so let's go ahead and let's put our soul sand right here put our three heads on top and now let's start taking out this wither [Music] goodbye with her you are now dead and I got the nether star and now we just need to get our dragon egg back so let's head to the caveman's base and let's pay them a visit okay yeah this base is definitely abandoned they left a few things behind but all the barrels are pretty much empty their enchanters gone so if the cavemen aren't here then we gotta go find them and so until day 88 I was looking for the caveman's new base so I could get my dragon egg back whoa wait wait is that a hit I found their base oh we got it it's in this Village we're gonna make it obvious we're coming in here we go ready okay get ready and yep okay we're here let's do this oh my God yeah it's a code crew [Music] we got him okay we got a slight strength increase now we gotta find this dragon egg I'm guessing it's in their obsidian Dome nice there we go we're cutting through this place oh my God he's just launching them onto me oh I just need to get in a little more come on come on we're in yes no he's in our base okay neither chests have the egg oh it could be down there I need to get out here though I'm like trapped in here there we go we're out we're out bed in here look at this I just found it wait that's the dragon egg in there my arm's starting to break my arm's starting to break oh my God that's annoying he's blind again let's go around the back of the building real quick let's cut that open so now we have a place to hide let's just start breaking through the obsidian hey he's blind again nice he's dead he's dead he's dead there's our chance okay we broke a block nice the egg's gone the egg's gone oh I found it the eggs here I got an idea nice it's one down oh they're all dead They're All Dead They're All Dead there's our chance this is literally our chance put that there break that oh my God we're in get in the hole yes we got the egg okay get out of here and just like that we are out of here let's go okay so we survived that fight and we've got a dragon egg to show for it and so now with the elytra the dragon head and the dragon egg we're really close to unlocking some of these upgrades in fact let's go to the nether real quick and let's start getting some netherite scraps which will be super easy to get with our block breaking ability okay just like that we have eight netherite scraps so now we can leave the Nether and start working on our totems of undying okay so to get three total of undying we're gonna need to turn a villager into a cartographer using a cartography table so let's go and gather up all the stuff we're gonna need which includes everything from sugarcane to sand and of course the best place to get that is in a desert okay that is all the sugar cane we need now let's just get a bunch of sand done since we have the rest of the stuff at home let's go home so we can get some totems okay so we're inside a village and right here actually is a cartographer so I was gonna make one using the cartography table but since he already exists let's just use this guy and let's start by trading him a bunch of paper for emeralds so the green bar up top reaches Max now you're gonna see he has more trades where I can trade him glass panes for emeralds and we're gonna do that as well and now you're gonna see if we can get the Woodland Explorer map or some emeralds in a compass and if we look at that map in our hand we're gonna say we need to head Northwest to reach this Woodland mansion and Northwest is this direction so let's get going there it is the Woodland Mansion the map's not loading yet but it is definitely in this direction okay perfect we made it now let's just fly up to the top now let's just go ahead and break in and start killing the pillagers inside there's one right there we're going for that guy ready here we go we got him and we got our first Total one dying okay there's definitely one on the lower floor I think let's go down the floor and let's see yeah there he is this is the one attacking nice we got his totem now okay we got two totems we just need one more and there's the last guy we need give me your totem and now let's get out of here okay so now that we have three totems of undying in our inventory we have everything we need to say goodbye to our battle heart and T-Rex and hello to our Apex T-Rex which may not look that crazy right now but you may notice he has these small metal things on the side of his body and when I get the combat upgrade you're gonna see I get a giant turret on my back but we still need to attack the cavemen first before we can unlock that one but luckily we can unlock Extinction event in the meantime so let's grab our dragon egg our gunpowder our nether star and our skull Catalyst and with those that can unlock Extinction event but you're gonna notice that when I click it nothing happens and that's because I can't unlock Extinction events till I get back mounted Cobble Cannon it's forcing me to get this one last so since we gotta wait on that ability let's go pay the caveman a visit and get all the remaining kills that we need okay their base is literally just back here you can see their Smoke Stack in the distance their base is mine we just gotta light TNT near them and then we can get them with our ground pound ability oh yeah they see me coming in they see me coming in let's climb this tree okay there we go [Music] nicer both lift they're both lit we got him well he's doing that right there hold on there we go we got a bunch of lit off just keep lighting it there we go we got him nice he's dead oh I'm dead we just need to get three more to go off ready and they're all close enough where I think this will work one two three they should just work yes we're done we're done we're done we got all the TNT lit off now we just fight them we just need ground pound kills like this nice we got him he's done oh I got my Stickman oh he's done where am I dude I'm dead two more kills with our ground pound we got nine that's nine out of ten this guy's flying using those rocks so we gotta get out of here hold on let's get him ready oh we got him let's go that's all of them we needed okay let's go ahead and let's unlock back mounted Cobble Cannon I have a giant turret on my back which is simply for doing this doing exactly what you're doing to me I can do it back now take this yeah oh my God it's broken and with that in our hand let's get out of here okay now that we've officially taken out the caveman we've now unlocked a giant back mounted turret on our T-Rex second shoot Cobblestone like this and if I turn on my auto clicker oh my God I can shoot it so fast and on top of being able to shoot rapid fire I can actually left click this thing too and it shoots like a shotgun so yeah I'm really broken with my Cobble turn okay I may have just done something really really bad I unlocked our brand new back mounted Cobble Cannon but I still can't unlock Extinction event even though you can clearly see I have everything unlocked this is where my dumbness came in now I want you to look what is in my inventory potion of string potion of regen gold block I never unlocked intimidation tactics so we had all this stuff we just never unlocked it so there's two Powers I could have had this whole time but I don't so let's first unlock intimidation tactics and then we can unlock Extinction events and now we are a full streak T-Rex let me quickly show you what these new abilities do okay so let's go ahead and let's use our new ability on these cows right here [Music] all of them are on my side so as an example if I want these cows to fight something let's go over this Village over here and let's punch this Golem you're gonna see my cows start fighting the Iron Golem get them cows get them and look at that the cows killed an iron golem this ability is amazing so let's go around and let's collect a bunch of different mobs to fight by our side and now we have an army following us perfect now we also unlocked an ability called Extinction event which I would show you but the second I use it it could literally end the video when activated it's gonna make a meteor fall from the sky over three minutes and if it hits the ground everyone on the server except for me gets banned meaning I win the game so we'll give the caveman a chance and save it for when they attack because if they kill me before the meteor drops I lose and so I waited for the cavemen to attack my base and try and stop me from surviving the final days and on day 99 they made their final move I just heard an explosion but I don't oh no they are they're here look at him look at them let's go it's time for this battle the cavemen are making their move I mean they're gonna try and get up here wait let's hit this button I can finally use my lava button now it's gonna pour lava from above oh wait they already got in one's already up here then okay we'll get him get him Golems oh he's in trouble oh he's in a lot of trouble let's find all our friends don't go blind let's get out of the base hold on hold on the only thing I'm gonna grab is my elytra I knew he was gonna try and take him I knew it let's kill all the Golems so we get bonus drink okay we've bonus drink now we should be able to One Tap okay they're all dead oh he's done yeah he fell to his death nice they were coming in from over in this Forest the lava is completely surrounded the base though so they can't get in through the normal way anymore look at him he's literally flying what is is this this is ridiculous they're all doing it that's it we're starting an Extinction event that's it I'm sick of your flying rocks meteor time look at this giant meteor if they can't kill me within three minutes that's gonna hit the ground and this game will be over oh it's a giant meteor let's see what you can do because I'm not gonna make this easy three minutes to get rid of it okay there we go let's go and let's get him take this guy out nice we got him he's done let's get him with our tornado attack we haven't used our tail whip much so let's go and let's get him with it put him in the lava yes get deeper in that lava enjoy my friend stay alive nice we're officially above the meteor okay let's get him here we go as he comes up ready boy bye-bye you don't get to just run away like this bro no that meteor's about to hit the ground let's go down and watch it ready oh yeah it's so close oh there's gonna be op here we go it's almost here come on T-Rex just stay alive buddy break the door break the dirt break the dirt if it can't land dude blow them up two of them are dead nice they're all dead They're All Dead it's done it's over it blew up I can't see him blind no dude and they are all officially banned from the server look at chat unicorn gone Rex gone per more gone and with that the T-Rex wins on day 99. thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,603,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I survived 100 days as a T-Rex in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft 100 Day trex, 100 Day trex, 100 Day t-rex, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, Minecraft 100 day t-rex
Id: yeMS05S-R6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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