I Survived 100 Days in a MYSTICAL REALM in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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for the next 100 days i'm gonna be put in a mystical realm one with dragons cyclopses oh and that's awesome gear and at some point i fight a giant spinning tree so watch to the end to see what happens when i spawned in on day one i got to read a couple of cool books not that i understood a word that i read but i guess they're helpful for later then i decided to look around and start chopping down a tree however in this world tree chopping's a bit different i basically just stripped the same log over and over until the tree collapsed on me however thankfully this one did break before it did otherwise i might have died to a tree on day one then when i turned around i saw a castle guess i know where i'm headed next but then i did my tool upgrade we got a wood pickaxe mind ate stone and then made our stone tools now we can check out this castle okay so this place looks abandoned don't mind if i loot some of it i went to the barracks and found a few emeralds and books and when i went upstairs there was an entire armory up here i even found my first diamond look at all this gear i have now i have the pick of the litter for iron armor let's just hope whatever's here doesn't actually require this type of gear that's when i climbed a tower and looked outside to my surprise i saw a pirate ship stuck in the ice looks like i know where i'm headed next but that's when i stumbled into a throne room with a chest behind it it had a diamond axe with vein mining on it in a top i found another diamond piece this one was a sword with sharp one two diamond weapons on day one that's gotta be a record however that wasn't the only record i was about to break when i stumbled upon the dungeon area there were like hundreds of zombies coming out of it i don't know what caused this place's abandonment but i'm pretty sure i just figured it out i think i probably spent five minutes just clearing out this hallway to see what was inside and the entire thing was just for a kitchen okay maybe not just a kitchen but i didn't need the food after that i found the real dungeon and that's when the fun began by the time i was able to make it into each room of the dungeon break the spawners loot all of the chests and finally escape it was already day two and not the beginning of it i don't know how long i was down there it was so dark but the loot i got out of it was definitely worth it that's when i was attacked by i believe the last guard of this castle i have a feeling this was the undead king but i ended up taking him out and getting two pieces of prop 4 unbreaking 4 iron armor i guess special enchants are definitely a thing in this time now that the castle is basically just mine it's time to go take over a pirate ship when i tried to get access i was ambushed by a ton of pillagers thankfully i just killed them through a window when i went inside and started looting i saw some really weird things what the heck is a rune i don't understand what any of these things do but i just filled my entire inventory with them i started reading some of the descriptions and i still didn't really understand so i guess i have some research to do but there was one thing i think i did understand and it was a mirror apparently what happens is if you are in danger and you right-click this mirror then you'll be teleported back to your respawn point which i'm assuming is a bed you just right-click on because i'm not planning on dying but i went below deck and found a ton of ores including diamonds emeralds gold and iron this is probably better than going mining other than all of the fish that i found i don't know if i needed this once i was done with the ship i decided to scout for an area to settle down or at least steal for the night i easily could have gone back to the castle but i wasn't sure if all the zombies had vacated it yet i may have missed something so instead i crashed the party of an unwitting gatekeeper stole his bed and slept on the roof cause of monsters underneath which i'm pretty sure were just monsters underneath the ice the ocean's probably pretty scary in this world yo look at those things those cannot be friendly i found something in my inventory called the campsite when i tried to put it down my entire screen glitched out and red lines appeared apparently i need a flat surface to put this thing on so i used wood to fill in all the red lines and i may have run into one of those giant fish from nemo i'm not terrified you are but once i had it all flat i put it down and what in the world is this apparently it's like a portable campsite i don't know how portable it is you need a flat surface you're not gonna find those in minecraft but i guess it does look really cool however it has pretty minimal use i then headed my way back to the castle and yes i can climb i have a spider talisman i got from this pirate ship i just didn't forget to show you or anything it's cool living in this realm you can gain special abilities by just putting stuff in your inventory like this slime heart apparently i now have no fall damage and i actually gained 25 regen oh yeah i jumped like a slime this is cool then i started my movement process to the castle i don't think i'm gonna stay here forever but i have a lot in my inventory and backpack that i need to get rid of oh yeah did i not mention i spawned in with a backpack anyway i emptied it all out into some chests and looks like the throne room's gonna be home for a little while technically it's fit for a king so it'll work for me i really want to find a cool biome that i can settle down in hopefully one without a dragon did i mention those were in this but while out looking i have found another pirate ship obviously i loaded the thing getting a little bit more resources but you've kind of seen this all before but i actually got a horn from killing one of the guys and apparently you can blow it next to some water and a captain will summon when i got close to some of the ice i decided to blow the horn and see what would happen i was expecting like a pillager boss or something like that to fight oh no no no no no no no no this sunken diver ship captain came out the butt of the ship and instantly teleported to hit me i know it didn't do a ton of hearts but i instantly got scared and clicked on the magic mirror i'm just gonna sleep safe at home tonight okay i don't know what that was but i was terrified hey so remember how i'm a good youtuber yep forgot to record again okay look this time it's not my fault i got a little carried away in searching for another area when i stumbled upon this what i thought would be a battle tower however the inside is actually just really nicely decorated areas and spawners and then at the top we have this weird cube thing that does absolutely nothing when i hit it i even used one of my god apples to try and fight it because i was very scared but when i did stuff to it nothing happens oh yeah also dragon's nest right there which i'm definitely about to go fight and no jumping off the tower with the hopes that your slime is gonna work is not a good idea nor is fighting electric dragon that instantly strikes you down with lightning and you teleport home okay okay i know the teleporting home thing's getting old but don't worry i'll get better armor soon but to ensure that i don't teleport home right away i decided to move homes i know drastic but i figured it would deter me from using my quick little tp plus i wanted to go see if i could find that captain it did only do half a heart when it hit me the first time maybe i can actually take it in a fight so i went looking mainly for a biome outside of all this ice but also for the captain once i stumbled upon the captain i realized it was a she first off and second they have control of whatever i'm standing on and could turn it into water or ice without knowing how much she's actually gonna hit me for i actually did decide to run away but later i did start actually fighting her and i realized i could do damage my diamond sword was actually doing damage to her which was more of a shock than you think i am finding a boss on day 8 after all but eventually she called for backup and fully yield which makes literally no sense at all but okay and there was no way i was gonna fight these trident guys so i just dipped from those plus this captain is completely and utterly obsessed with me she'll follow me anywhere maybe it was my cologne so i decided to fight her head on but pulled out something else there was a seafood meal that gave me a ton of boosts for water travel and i'm hoping to help me fight her now it's one on one i eventually got her to her last bits of health but she kept regaining it which means i had to do a complete combo to get her to die and with her doing more damage now i had to just rush in thankfully it wasn't too difficult to kill her and i ended up getting her helmet not sure how worth it that was but i guess that's one boss down for these 100 days i don't want to run into another magical ghost though back on the house exploring adventure then maybe i'll find a beach house or a lighthouse i guess no this is not something stupid hear me out i have just released a brand new summer collection on my merch store it has a brand new beachy tv logo design i think it looks amazing and i just wanted to let you all know that you can go check it out live right now anyway back to the video i eventually found myself in a forest next to what i can only assume is an actual battle tower this time but first it was guarded by a little bit of a beetle problem once i took him out i headed inside unfortunately it wasn't anything epic it was just skeletons and zombies trying to defend their tower but at the top i did get a waste stone which is going to be really great once i make a base of operations and let's not forget that's still what i'm looking for right now i found another little house with a couple villagers inside that weren't really villagers but npcs i guess and i went searching for a biome that i could really settle down in eventually i found a cherry blossom forest not too far away from where i just previously was and i must say definitely the most magical forest around here okay other than the one that was completely and utterly blue those trees look really cool but it was actually getting night time and night time in a mystical realm is actually super scary so i ran back to those villagers homes and slept in one of the beds no way i'm getting caught out at night but walking around in the daytime looking for a house that's fine only thing i really did this day was survey the area and figure out where i wanted to build my house and what i wanted to build my house out of slash how i wanted to build it it was a lot of brainstorming eventually i settled upon doing a tower at the very top of the mountain definitely not a normal spot for me now this tower was a complete and under work in progress for a few days and more than i would have wanted but the reason i wanted to do a tower with no access to it is because i had the spider necklace that allows me to climb walls so making a base only i can get into was favorable making the tower was definitely interesting especially with all of the slabs and stairs i had to build i honestly had no direction when building this so i was kind of like doing a watchtower-esque design oh and don't get me started on my vein mining axe that thing was a nightmare while doing this especially since i was building the entire thing out of wood one wrong click and there it goes however i did eventually have one platform finished now to just do the upstairs however before i decorated it i built this medieval tower i think it looks good and it probably ties into the realm a little bit then i built a really cool medieval guard rail with a ton of posts walls and that kind of stuff i was even contemplating using iron bars at the top just to make it a little bit pokier or spikier more smaller pointier i don't know anyway this was the finished result honestly i know it's not on perfect par with some of my other builds but i actually quite like it it's a bit unique and i did it for the situation i don't want anything getting up here other than me of course because i can climb wall i think i mentioned that oh i didn't think about dragons oh wait i did that's why there's an interior i thought of everything except for my armor which is still iron so it looks like we're gonna go on a mining trip however i have a great fear about leaving my base in this world because i do not know what's out there and so far i've already run into a dragon and almost died twice just wait for what happens in the next few days eventually i found a decent cave to start mining in there are like thousands of ores down here i don't know what any of them are but i just basically started mining them one of them was purple gives me really cool gear and is a little bit better than iron i know that my goal down here is diamonds because that's the only goal i can really have right now but i mined it anyways eventually when mining a similar blue oar to diamonds i actually did find diamonds and i went ahead and used a fortune 3 book that i got earlier and put it on the diamond pickaxe so i can get more while i'm down here then i found a really good part of the cave i was in and i started getting a little bit more diamonds obviously i mind all the other wars but the fact is i have no idea what these do my brain cells are pretty lacking when it comes to this realm but the only thing i do know is i need diamonds then i'm gonna have to go get netherrite oh the nether's not gonna be good in this realm when i got out of the cave i had like a stack of diamonds unfortunately though it was night time so i had to run home immediately and now that we're finally here i can actually craft uh ah man i should try and pronounce this but i'm not gonna i'm gonna craft these ingots up and now i can actually make armor this is half of an armor bar less than diamond so it's actually quite good i don't have any enchants for it yet but it looks really cool honestly it looks like dragon scales um un unfortunately though dragons uh they they're still gonna like one shot me with this on but that won't bring me down eventually i'll kill a dragon probably then i went back into the cherry blossom forest and started cutting down all of the trees i feel like i should insert a lumberjack joke here because that just makes most sense for me sorry currently googling let me check here oh here we go why did the lumberjack lose his arm he had an accident no okay you see that build down there yeah i don't think my recording button's working anymore i swear i'm not this bad of a youtuber anyway day 17 i went ahead and built this little area and caught a chicken now it's time to keep going i went ahead and started production on a sugarcane farm because i really need to get enchantments however if you remember early on i actually got bookshelves from one of the castle rooms so me building this entire sugarcane farm was absolutely useless unless i need what do you need sugarcane for other than books yeah i can't think of anything but it does look really cool at the end of the day so i'm okay with it and to actually make an enchantment table i need four obsidian so i had to go find that down in the caves but when i mined underneath my base i found something really cool there was a gigantic lava lake right underneath my base which means not only will i have a ton of obsidian but now i can actually mine down here for a little bit more diamonds okay look i know i just went mining all right i get it but i'm not gonna miss this opportunity so i stayed down here in mind for a little while eventually gathered the obsidian and now i can actually enchant stuff this is why i made the top of my base five wide perfect for an enchantment table i crafted all the diamond armor i need and started looking through what types of enchants i could get i only have two options right now because i only have 35 levels hopefully i'll go into another soon and worry about level gathering later but for now i'm just trying to get some sort of protection on my gear i ended up getting protection 3 on my diamond chest plate and then from there i enchanted my sword to get sharpness 3. honestly i'm pretty upset that i got such dull enchants but hopefully i can go in the nether and gather like 60 levels then i might have a chance at actually fighting a dragon after that i went out exploring a little while until i found my first village but it was already nighttime so i stole one of their beds hey these guys have cows time to steal them and waypoint welcome to my base in the sky oh we're in the sky all right everybody flow down the water please hey none of you died all right we'll take you over to the pen now i didn't think we'd get this far and now i have two cows the use um i'm not sure i already have all the books i need and an infinite ham so i i don't need food uh you're for decoration also i try to get rich at the village that did not work you know how farming village are supposed to trade you for pumpkins well i went around their own biome collect as many pumpkins as i can converted a ton of villagers to like their last level with all the emeralds i'd gathered so far none of them traded me pumpkins i mined like 10 stacks of pumpkins traded away like seven stacks of emeralds just to get nothing back i feel scammed okay this dimension is treating me like crap let's go see what the nether's like i am terrified to be here i was in the nether for a little while but i'm going to give you some quick jump cuts of what i actually did currently i have equipped it a ring that makes piglins docile towards me so he went into one of their areas opened a chest and every single one of them wanted to kill me i'm back home now i went back inside to see if they forgot about me they didn't i'm back home now i found this cool boat thing in the water being guarded by blazes jumped for it and was instantly barraged thankfully the fire is actually not what i'm scared of and there were no like deadly mobs inside of here i found another diamond sword couple of golden apples some gold and some iron boots i'm not gonna say it was amazing but it was better than i expected then i found a really weird tower with a ton of wither skeletons on top of it and the inside had like literally no loot then i found another boat ship with a gigantic blaze i'm home now i got nothing out of that trip guess i'm back to mining in the overworld which i don't actually mind i do get some good materials out of here but i don't really have quartz in the over and i really don't get much xp from any of this but i was able to enchant a pretty decent bow hopefully this will defend me from some dragons yeah the overworld was not a good call i'm just gonna take the nether safe and sound not run into any giant blazes and only look for courts so that's what i did for quite a few days just gathering as many levels as i could i did explore a couple castles as i went but there's literally no good loot in any of these the beginning castle that i found with like two diamonds in it was probably better than everything i've found in the nether so far but the quartz is actually super nice to have i'm already over 30 and i should be able to enchant most of my stuff by the time i get back and when i ended up leaving the nether i had 39 levels from there i was able to enchant every single thing that i had not great but i did get in chance now i'm probably gonna have to go back in another at some point and get more levels but priority right now should be getting netherright then i feel like i might be able to chase a dragon i feel like i've jinxed myself because now i'm mining for netherright look i'm not gonna give you guys a huge section of me mining for another right because i swear it is just me banging against some netherrack and for the first like hour it was i didn't find anything at all eventually my luck did start to turn around and i found some netherrife but i don't even care it took too long once i got back home i had 27 ancient debris and started the smelting process and i was able to switch some of my armor over so hopefully i'll be able to switch to full nether eye pretty soon i want to get better in chance before i go fight a flying salamander day 35 was a pretty interesting day i decided to go out and adventure to see what's around my base i pray it's not a dragon i first stumbled upon an abandoned village with a lot of hay then found a battle tower which again the only thing i really need is the way stone from up top something really interesting that i saw though was a skeleton get absolutely destroyed by elephants i guess that's what happens when you shoot an elephant would that happen in real life i just say don't try it oh yeah and then when walking in some of the woods i don't know what biomass is but i'm never going back my infinite ham decided to disappear from my inventory just vanish straight up vanish you can see it right here it's just gone and then when i went back to look for it my golden apple disappeared not a golden apple my god apple disappeared at this point i was fed up and just went home day 36 i spotted a very different tower i headed inside and there were books on item frames what the heck's this all about i tried to read them and i don't understand what any of these do then when i got to the top i opened a chest and immediately heard the tick of tnt i raced to grab the things that were in the chest blocked my shield and got hit with a ton of tnt but this tower is not going to take me out i have a lot more to do i stopped to kill a dragon then i found an underwater drowned temple there were multiple underwater enclosures with spawners inside but i didn't really get anything good from here and when i went to an underwater nether portal i was almost killed there was a giant fish that attacked me from behind and i had to teleport home at 1 hp the entire 100 days could have been cancelled because i didn't click the mirror fast enough it still haunts my dreams but no mere fish is gonna stop me from adventuring so i went off in a new direction from my base and that's when i saw it another dragon but my lack of gear prompted me to go directly home and start putting on netherite there's no way i can take a dragon in iron armor so i basically just decided it's time to start using netherite i went back for the dragon and the fight began i started whipping as many bow shots as i could into this dragon i don't want it to get anywhere close to me and if i can kill it before i even got hit that'd be great the dragon never even took flight and just started slowly approaching me but at this point i was already draining her health and when she finally reached me for her first attack i had just finished the final blow i grabbed the dragon's remains and actually got 12 dragon scales which can be used to craft way better armor than i have right now but 12 is a little bit less than 24 which is how much you normally need for a full set of armor so i have a feeling i'm going to be killing a lot more dragons throughout these 100 days then i went back to looting pirate ships i ended up finding one of the horns i can use to summon another captain and i wanted to face her again however this time when i spawned her in things were much different as you know i faced her in iron armor before and now i'm in half netherite with a diamond sword with sharp three and this boss spawned a little bit differently she had her own power-ups that made her almost 10 times stronger the battle lasted a ton of time she kept spawning things mobs around her kept helping around the battle which i might say was not fun and i couldn't even eat enough golden apples to survive eventually i had to teleport away with her barely surviving i know that normally i would have only gotten her helmet but with her upgrade i would have gotten a random legendary book so i was actually really disappointed i wasn't able to kill her but that mini boss isn't going to stop me from getting the dragon scales i really want and at the beginning of the video we actually found a gigantic tower with a possible boss on top and a dragon's nest right next to it so that's exactly where i'm headed i'm hoping it can kill that dragon and get enough scales to finish up a set of armor the first stop on my little adventure a gigantic cyclops i don't know how many bosses i have to face but thankfully this one wasn't closed and if you don't know how dangerous these things are if they eat you you die no matter what even if you're in the best armor in the game but my bow and arrow was my best friend and i was able to take him out now this cyclops den was right on top of a medusa area i don't really know what to call it but i'm just gonna say medusa area i don't really know basically in the depths below a medusa is there however since the cyclops area spawned here medusa didn't actually get to spawn that didn't stop me from finding one like four seconds later thankfully i had a blindfold on me and entered the den she was strong but not stronger than me and i was able to take her out and get the head of medusa i actually have no idea how to use this thing and later used it very wrong but it still is a cool weapon thankfully for my journey no other bosses stop me from getting to my mission i went back through the battle tower because i've recently learned that you can actually still fight the boss you just need three keys to activate it and the only way to get those keys is in those chests and the only way to unlock all of the chests is to break two spawners per level so i went through and made sure i did that i was actually able to acquire two of the keys but not three which means that boss is gonna have to wait for another day and at this point i had my mind fixated on the dragon and this one lasted about the same time as the other one it was able to do some attacks on me but i kept it at arm's leg for most the time and i finished it off with a bow gathering even more dragon scales but this time enough for a full set of this dragon scale which makes me wonder how many i might be able to collect throughout the 100 days so i continued my journey off to find another dragon the only thing cool in between was a gigantic volcano which turned into a lava mountain i don't know what biome this is but there's got to be a dragon around here somewhere eventually i landed myself in a desert where i found another dragon's lair this time though it was a fire dragon and put up way more of a fight than the rest okay this thing's a bit stronger no you stay back there get away from me nope can't burn me if i'm in water [Music] oh you better no okay why is this one so much stronger and with one final bow shot we ended the fire dragon this thing was so much tougher than the rest and i definitely am gonna use his scales for something oh yeah then i accidentally started a raid at a flying village nope everything i just said was true however i really couldn't find the raiders so i kind of just left them to their own demise whether it's not being able to get up to the village or all the villagers dying when i got home it was basically a bit of organizational stuff working out what i'm gonna be ending up putting on dragon armor which by the way i just made and it looks sick i just have to get in chance for it and we should be good to wear it the way i've been getting levels has been super slow recently so i figured i should try and travel to the end and make an enderman farm to do that i'm gonna need blaze rods so i headed to the nether and then realized i still hadn't found a blaze spawner or another fortress but that's when i actually remembered that these obsidian pillars have one blade spawner inside i tested them out and they do actually drop blaze rods so i made a platform to start grinding some blazes it took a lot longer than normal because well there was only one and it was kind of encapsulated and obsidian i was far distance away but i ended up getting all of the rods i needed actually i think i got more than i needed but then i needed the pearls which i haven't really seen a ton of enderman around in any of the mentions i've been in so i decided to use all of my gold to trade with piglets i found two of them in the jungle temple and trapped them in and basically just waited for days i only was able to get two so it took a really long time but once i had every single thing that i needed i right clicked one and it didn't work what is this i just spent days trying to get what i hate this game looks like i'm headed back to the nether it's not that i hate this place it's that i don't like getting levels here and i really wish i could just make a farm but if i'm to sit here for the next few hours and just mine that is my business okay we have plenty of levels now i have i have sat here for a really long time and gathered a ton upon a ton of levels i really hope all of this is gonna be enough to enchant my dragon armor i think it will but i might have to come back i don't want to though the first piece of dragon armor i enchanted was feather falling boots but that was the only enchantment i got then i got a protection 3 blast protection for thorns 2 chest blade which is actually really good i also enchanted my pants with projectile protection just because it will help out later and then my helmet with fire all dragons have different types of moves so i figured that protection isn't the best thing i should go for and then i went ahead and made another pair of boots and i got feather falling again i really just want to get some sort of protection or any other enchant on these things so that's what i'm going for but then i rerolled it and got protection 3 leaf walker and i'm breaking 3 probably the best i could have gotten then i combined those with the feather falling 4 and had a really good pair of boots and then i grabbed out all the books i'm supposed to put on my armor and started laying it out i definitely don't have enough levels for this but i'm just gonna add what i can step straighter two on the boots life mending one on the chest plate and i can't do the berserker ice thorns enchant unfortunately plus i don't think adding thorns three to my helmet is a good idea once the armor was set i put it on and now i look like an actual dragon this thing looks so cool i still need a really cool sword like a dragon sword but for now this looks really cool and i think it's time we test out this armor i went out adventuring to see what i could find i first stumbled upon a cyclops which i took out decently easily then i found a tower but this one wasn't the explodey kind it had a witch at the top and some decent loot in the chests also i said hi to a cat at that point i kept going i eventually found a green dragon which was still really no match for me but i guess this was cool to see like a different color i think the only things i've seen so far is bronze black and gray then i went up to a floating island with actual ok loo although most of the good stuff in here was just iron armor so i couldn't really use that and when there was no bed up here i decided to go back to a battle tower i had found climb up it get a god apple by the way and teleport back to base from there i was just able to sleep and go back to adventuring i eventually made it to an ocean where i was just on the lookout for sea creatures i don't know what prowls this ocean but i know it could probably take me out even in dragon armor eventually a sea serpent spawned behind her and started chasing me in the water i'm pretty sure this thing can take me out so there was no point in running i turned the face in the water shot a couple arrows but my sword was basically doing nothing to help i even had to eat a god apple at one point but i was still losing a ton of heart so i had to teleport back home oh i'm still gonna lose this fight then when i was just getting a little bit away from my house a fire dragon attacked me i got low ground to see if i could scout it out and it was right behind a hill thankfully my spectral arrows did a ton of damage as well as lit up the man so i could see him clear i continued brushing him with arrows until he was killed and now i have a ton more dragon scales still nothing stopping me things went really well that night until i found another dragon's nest and snuck up on it this was a red fire dragon that i instantly decided to face it flew away from home knowing i was doing too much damage to it and then when it came back to fight it basically got stuck in a tree and i was just able to barrage it with more arrows i killed it and that was just another dragon down things actually got pretty quiet from here i was able to just kind of explore the area and not get attacked eventually i found a swamp where i was gonna make some boats and start boating across the ocean once more but that's when two sea serpents jumped out of the water and attacked me one was red and one was blue but this time they were doing jumping maneuvers which allowed me to use my bow to kill them off the red died first followed by the blue it actually wasn't that hard and they didn't have too much health i don't know why i wasn't able to kill one earlier but these guys seem pretty easy but these sea serpent scales can actually be used to craft a trident instead of just armor so this stuff is a lot cooler but when i did start boating off like my original plan i came up on a rock that didn't allow boats which was pretty shocking to me so i decided to just swim for it and see what was on it and then i was pulled in by a mermaid however these things just draw you in with songs and try and kill you but this time my sword actually did do work and killed her from her i got two shiny scales which can actually allow me to make armor from the sea serpent stuff i might end up crafting a set after all although that was pretty much the end of my journey i did head home with a lot of cool stuff i can use for later the first thing i did with my brand new gear was make the trident i've actually never used a trident minecraft i'm not even kidding like literally never and the first one i'm gonna make is one off of sea serpent scales now that i have this thing it looks super cool i just have to enchant it and then i remember that i had a loyalty eight book which i guess isn't really different than three other than the fact that maybe it returns to you faster but it's still super cool and i want to put it on this trident however i do need the other enchants which i don't actually know because like i said never used a trine before but the first enchants i got on it were impaling and piercing which i think are the best then i added loyalty and threw it off of my base pretty sure that landed in an unloaded chunk all right cool i jumped down and it did come back to me but that was actually a little scary then i basically just played with my trident for the rest of the day also killed some fish then i wanted to upgrade my sword which would require the use of a withered bone so i went to the nether to return to one of those towers that had a ton of withers on them however it didn't turn out that way my nether journey was cut short when i ran into a demon with special powers he had similar strengths to the underwater boss that i wasn't able to defeat and i had to leave well that was a waste of a day but i wasn't going to let this guy stop me from getting the wither bones i need so when i found him again i faced him head-on this time things were different i was the one with the drop and it actually didn't take that long to kill him plus he dropped an enchanted book for me so all in all it was good then i went on the adventure to find a working wither skeleton spawner because on my adventures i've broken a few of the spawners but eventually i did find one and i was able to farm it i sat here for a few days just waiting for skeletons to spawn and then killing them probably not the best life for them but it was good for me this will help me get the dragon sword i need plus some dragon arrows ooh maybe a dragon bow i'm just kidding i forget that that's a thing once i had been there a little while i had over half a stack of bones that i can use to craft dragon stuff i guess i then was able to craft the dragon bone sword and all i have to do now is go find a dragon kill it and collect its blood then i can change the sword into whatever type of dragon it was lightning fire or ice i was also able to add the berserker book to my pants so i guess that helps me later for fights now i guess the easy part is going and finding a dragon the first thing i ran into in the water was another sea serpent but this time i have the sea serpent trident so there was definitely no struggle and i definitely didn't have to eat a golden apple but i was able to bow it down and grab all the scales unfortunately nothing else cool really happened for a while i mean i fought some of the creatures of the night but still not that cool and at one point i found a gatekeeper and stole his bed again also might have killed him but that's not when something cool happened the next awesome thing that came along was a gigantic city okay maybe not like a city but like a city i went on top of one of the buildings to check it out and i saw a pillager but i didn't see like a ton of them so i thought it was kind of abandoned just then i found an ancient end portal and at the time i didn't exactly know how it works i do now and i'll explain in a minute i went around the town looking for stuff but i didn't really find anything super cool i guess the best part of this place is just the end portal hey you can naturally find n portals however to make this portal work i actually need 12 different eyes of ender which i didn't realize right now i actually thought i needed 12 magical eyes for this thing and when i i placed them all it only placed one so you'll see that later but to get those i went and grind witches in a random building i found look this thing looked magical and i found a witch spawner inside so i just decided to sit here and grind them for a few days of course i'll be needing one of the rarest drops from them but it was fun getting to use my trident on some witches for a few days once i had enough i was headed back to the ancient portal to see if this was the exact amount of eyes i needed which is basically when i realized i didn't do it right this was only one of the 12 eyes i actually need and i figured out that i had collected one of them which was the nether eye so we technically have two but this is starting to look like a 200 days task but i wasn't going to give up just yet i still have to find dragon's blood and i figure i can try and find some eyes while i'm out first place i checked was a mine shaft hoping that maybe there was like a cave eye i don't exactly know which ones i'm looking for i wasn't really able to find anything until i came across a guardian temple okay well it wasn't it was uh it was an underwater desert temple i i thought it would have been guardian but there wasn't really anything in the chests yeah these eyes are gonna take a while but finding a dragon shouldn't be so we're still on the lookout for that actually it did take a really long time to find a dragon but i found a cyclops so i guess i'll fight that i really thought that i could just kind of keep it in its cove but when it started moving out i had to back up i'm pretty sure i've said this before but if this thing eats me i die instantly no matter what i'm wearing dragon armor or not but i killed it and moved on i found another one of those giant battle towers so i decided to go check it out especially since i have two of the keys on me to unlock the boss if i can find a third one in here we can actually fight it probably better that i'm not in iron armor this time i found the key in one of the lock chests i was able to open and hurried up to the top now it's just me versus floating boss thing i gappled up input the keys and it was time to go apparently this is called a land golem and every single thing i did didn't even work i went up close to it and then it started to charge me after that i was able to use projectiles but then a flying stingray decided to attack me i don't even know what this is about pretty sure he's not with the land golem but i guess he's on his team i kept using my trident and bow against this guy because i don't know how hard he's going to hit it is a golem after all he also shot fireballs which i'm pretty sure is like a little bit less than fair but that's okay because my trident was able to get him pretty low plus using this thing is super fun even in the midst of a heated battle then i decided what the heck i'm just gonna charge and chopped him up and he died while saying no from the chest i pretty much got nothing but a book and a gapple then some crazy sounds started to happen and by the time i had my inventory organized the entire place collapsed in on itself and i was knocked off the tower i watched as this entire thing crumbled before me i honestly didn't know this was gonna happen but it's kind of cool that it did i have no idea how this is happening there was no tnt in the building nothing it's just coded to fall apart and you know what definitely satisfying to watch then i realized one of the talismans i have gives me speed and desert biomes and i mean a lot of speed so checking through these things for a dragon was super easy just look at me go i'm pretty sure i'm the flash at this point then i eventually strolled up onto another end city which has another ancient portal probably not worth it though since i'm already filling in one of the others i went up to the top and three evokers were there which i don't have any totems yet so i was fine strolling in with my speed killing all three of them taking their totems and absolutely piecing out of there there is no point for me to stay i just got three free totems from a place that i've already been to let's go probably not gonna use it though because this shield also gives me times 1.4 speed however i also realize these gave me a magical eye killing evokers gave me one of the eyes to the portal which means i can place this later and then it happened days upon days later i found a fire dragon which means i can kill this thing and get its blood i don't have any arrows so i've rushed in to use my sword and just started critting it out and then it flew away from me because obviously i'm the better player it basically just squirted fire at me for a super long time until it flew away even more and that's when it went into a cyclops den i actually got them both aggro at each other and they started fighting the dragon even launched the cyclops into the water i'm pretty sure declaring him the victor then i was finally able to kill the dragon and get the dragon's blood that i need for the sword holy cow it's been a long adventure back at base i realized i had a ton of sea serpent scales which is a different set of armor that i don't have currently and kind of want i also may have made one of the best swords in the game a flaming dragon bone sword and then put sharpness 4 on it sorry i just had to do that before anything else but then we did actually get to the sea serpent armor which looks really cool i wish i had it all in one color but it still looks really good i also made armor stands for pretty much all the armor i've collected over these 100 days we have the netherride set that i used of course the sea serpent the original gear that i wore in the beginning of the video and quite possibly my dragon armor if i retire at the end of this video which can be stopped if you guys like the video enough and i do 200 days quick little plug go like the video okay back to the video okay with an entire new sword an amazing set of armor i think we can go face something even more treacherous i've been fighting dragons cyclopses but nothing compares to what i'm about to fight next i teleported to a gatekeeper's house where i had one of my waypoints set earlier and here lay before me an everbright dimension portal i bought a lighter a long time ago lit this thing and it was time to enter may i say that this place is actually known for a lot of amazing biomes as well as some treacherous towers so i can't wait to see what we find when i spawned in it was like an entirely different blue world and in the everbright it's never dark like ever there's no night time so we're going to see the sun in the sky a lot i started wandering around found a poltergeist killed it saw a llama or a ram or this is a goat now and eventually saw a village which has its own custom blue villagers i really like that but this place still has so much to explore so i started boating i feel like you guys know by now i am not afraid of the ocean i fought sea serpents the singing mermaids pretty much anything at this point but to my surprise nothing spawned in the water it was just a beautiful ride when i got to an island there was a gigantic crab okay gigantic in the size of crabs that is this thing was no joke when we fought it even poisoned me but i was able to take it out and get a book i have no idea what this does but it's level 9 so it must be good after that i continued boating for quite some time before i found any land whatsoever i think i'm losing my sense of time while i'm in here there is no day or night cycle i don't like it but while i was exploring the next forest i stumbled upon a gigantic emerald palace i have no idea what this is but it is a gigantic green i i don't even know i got to the front entrance of what i later know as the natural dungeon and started my trek inside the entire thing was a huge maze and the only reason i'm in here is to search for keys to fight the boss what lie at the top of this tower is an amazing creature and something who's probably gonna kill me but no time for that i kept making my way up levels checking chests and getting batted around by a few of the guards until i finally found the top of the temple i inserted my i i need four are you kidding me i only have i'll be back all right i've got four keys now open the door once it did i was spawned in with a tree boss however this boss functioned a little bit differently all of my weapons from the overworld literally meant nothing my trident couldn't hurt it from a distance and my sword couldn't crush any of the walls barricading it and i was constantly getting hit by spikes from the floor eventually i started using one of the axes i had been able to collect throughout this temple and started taking down its walls thankfully most of its attack did pretty much no damage to me but basically it was a constant fight between me and him unlocking his door hitting him while he was trying to crush me avoiding his spikes and then hitting him again once he got tired out this guy was definitely tough i had to go through most of my golden apples and a few of those fish stews i got at the beginning of the video to give me strength once he was around half hp he actually came out of his area and started trying to attack me from here this man came into my playground so i ran away from him like a chicken from a fox maybe i'm not good at analogies but once he was tired out i was able to land some really good crits on him while he tried to go back to his little den and then from there it was basically repeating the same process over and over again thankfully i have this amazing dragon armor on so this guy basically couldn't touch me by the end of one of his finishing attacks i was able to kill him and end him right here and now the gigantic tree crusher is officially dead oh and i have a little trophy to prove it that was it 100 days in a mystical realm do me a favor and hit that like button down below and comment if you want 200 days and if you're already down there why not subscribe to the channel and ring that notification bell so you know when i upload next or you'll know when i upload the 200 days video who knows thank you guys for watching and have a great rest of your day
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 2,118,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suev, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, modded, minecraft modded, better minecraft, minecraft survival, welcomin, welcomintv, better end 100 days, hardcore challenge, 100 days in a Mystical world, Hardcore Minecraft, modded hardcore minecraft, 100 days in a dream, I Survived 100 Days in a MYSTICAL REALM in Hardcore Minecraft, better minecraft hardcore, 100 days in better minecraft, better minecraft 100 days, Mystical realm, modded 100 days
Id: yjljOwPKK_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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