I Built the Worlds Largest Iron Beacon in Minecraft Hardcore

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I have a dream and that dream is to build the biggest of every single type of Beacon and Hardcore Minecraft oh I'm sorry you thought I meant this kind of big no no no little one I mean that kind of big but to do it I'm going to need literal millions of each of these resources and since that's going to take thousands of hours to do we're going to start with just the iron Beacon at least for this video but if we're going to build a beacon that's 300 blocks tall the first thing we need to do is find a place to put the thing which uh probably isn't going to be here so step one find a location you know this ocean might actually be perfect o it's a puffer fish I've never seen But Did did it just disappear aw could have been a pet puffy all right for each of the beacons we make I want to have them as actual useful structures not just an overly excessive piece of art like myself and because we're going to need like a bajillion iron for this project why don't we just make the beacon into an iron farm but a massive iron farm then make an even bigger Beacon to go around the farm and put all that on top of a massive Iron Golem and then put that in the middle of the ocean have it rising up over the water like a giant Atlas statue of pure iron just like that okay maybe more like this handsome devil all right so this is the Iron Golem we're working with so now we just got to put a big old beacon on top of that but first we need to go get more Cobblestone and repair our stuff oh no my children I had two here what happened to your brother oh he's trying to escape H well [Music] anyway now we got to figure out how to put a beacon on this guy taking inspiration from a normal Beacon we're going to replicate this but at a 1 to 32 scale so for each iron block here we're going to build a 32x32 iron block on top of the Golem but to get a general idea of how big that will be first we're going to outline it and now we need more Cobble five shulker boxes later and we finished the bottom row outline of this Beacon this thing is going to be huge so we finished the second layer and we've run out of Cobble again okay let's take a look at this thing that is a FY boy if we can get Jerry over here out of this hole we can compare him to the actual build I think it does look like an iron golem I was a little bit worried about it before but I think it looks good now now that the outline is done we need to figure out how many iron blocks we need to fill it all in so um let me get my glasses on here all right time to do some math the pyramid is made up of a 32x 32x32 size block meaning that each individual face is 1,24 iron blocks and since each block is made up of nine ingots that means we need 9,216 iron ingots just to do this and we want to do that so now we just got to multiply that by the surface area of AAL intersect dimensions of the [Music] and 3.1 million iron ingots how much do we have right now ah not a lot let's sa if care iron farm a bit now let's see how much this gets us ah not not much farther we still need like the 3 million ironing but that's not even the biggest issue we have right now because just a store that much iron we need nearly 2,000 shulker boxes which I don't have so either I can spend the next four months of my life killing shulkers in the end help help help me or we could just make a shulker farm that sounds like a better idea but if we're going to make an automatic shulker farm we're going to need to get the supplies for it which means Gathering sand obsidian and Cobblestone and then building a giant Auto smelter to turn into glass and smooth Stone don't ask what happened to my old smelter I don't want to talk about it then just grab a few more random materials and we're finally ready to get infinite shulkers now to get these shulker cells we just need to build a nice simple little farm based on the known principle of a hypothalamic pituitary adrenal AIS induced automutilation resulting in a spontaneous quantum teleportation cloning hybrid event forcibly directed through a multi-dimensional sa of Wormhole into a predetermined harvesting fac utilizing an undertermined by theoretical Epsilon delta0 Kelvin defin sub primary resource attraction simple but before we build a farm that spits in the face of the Geneva Convention I need to find a way to feed the homeless man living in my basement what that's why this video is sponsored by honkai impact third honkai impact third is a nextg 3D game with surreal scenery and stories where you can lead your captain in the Wu to fight for your desires in the world if your desires are playing on mobile steam pc epic and venturing through a unique story that is depending on your style of play hunai impact third has mini games full scale expansions and a massive open world to explore January 18th marks their new update as well version 7.2 the wings of Mars now if Wings on freaking Mars wasn't enough 7.2 is the final patch of part one not only are there new battle suits the strongest of them being fua which feature authentic martial arts but there's also a preview for part two's story and new players only will be able to get the herser of finality and the hersher of rebirth were the most powerful characters in the game if you download honai impact thirdd now and use the code on screen you'll get tons of rewards and new players will get even more bonuses in the game you'll receive 30 crystals 2,800 188 asterite and an SSS trial card option download the game using my link in the description today please G Squad is getting rowdy and I haven't fed him in months so first we need to build a chamber to hold the Shuler and to eternally torment him into shooting himself in the face so the Shuler will go here with this rail line to move into position and over here we can make a little chamber for the army of snow golems to harass the shulker from whenever there's a shulker here the Golems will see him and begin bullying him that will cause the Sher to try and fight back but because of how tight this area is it will end up hitting himself now something special about shulkers is when they get hit with their own attacks there's a chance that they'll duplicate and teleport to a new location leaving a new Shuler where they were before man these guys are Savage it's like here you go friend come to the death spot I'll leave now we just need to make sure that the place they teleport to is in the Nether and to do that we're going to surround them using giant nether portals and a bunch of glass now we're covering this all with buttons so the shulker has nowhere to go but to teleport to the glass on the inside where it'll instantly get moved to the nether but since half this Farm is going to be in the nether we'll have to make sure that both dimensions are constantly loaded so we're going to need to make a little chunk loader down here and another one on top of the nether roof and now the farm can run no matter what world I'm in once these Shulas arrive in the nether we're going to need to get them to some sort of killing chamber first we're going to build this small platform down here for them to jump on after coming through the portal and then we can build a rail line to pick them up and drop them inside some powdered snow where they'll slowly freeze to death don't ask me why snow doesn't melt in the nether however there is one major issue with this far when the shulker in the Overworld shoots it self there's only a chance it'll duplicate which means it could end up killing itself and therefore rendering the entire Farm useless so to fix that we're going to build a backup system first we'll build a chamber up here to hold some Reserve shulkers that come to the portal and then on the Overworld side we'll build a little system here to drop them off into the torment hole this way if the shulker ever dies the Snowman will stop shooting and therefore no longer hit the target block that will send a signal all the way up and request the new shulker so now that it's built we're going to build a quick collection system that'll put all the items into a shulker little bit ironic there with the farm complete complete there's only one Teensy thing missing we need to kidnap a shulker which will require moving it thousands of blocks and through multiple Dimensions all while it tries to kill itself and me this is going to be painful let's set up the tracks from where he's actually going to spawn all right this is where the fun part comes in oh nice it worked okay all right this should be enough to push him I hope let's just run along with him and make sure he keeps going here all right moment of truth come on please work oh I dang it I missed the moment did it work it did not work I believe he needs to be out of the boat let's go I did not think that was going to work we need him to no Bert get out of the boat no get in the mine cart wait let me light up the rail maybe that'll help there we go okay no I didn't want it to do [Music] that just left get in the mine cart let's go let's freaking go I'm not celebrating yet boys oh now he's down there he damaged himself and he teleported out get out of here shulkers yeah there we go do this first and we're off oh this is nice here we go this one has to work work oh stop hitting yourself no he pushed me into the [Music] portal okay did he go through I see it finally that took 4 hours oh my goodness every mob is like checking it out it's like what is this [Music] thing no oh oh great there's three now I swear this has to work all right so this is the point when we need to actually build the rails to our shulker farm oh don't kill yourself now buddy he's arriving all right now that we have him near the farm we need to get him into the farm so he's over here we got to get him through here oh okay I've immediately been shot the easiest way to get him through he's going to be using rails then when he's in the Overworld we can send him into this new home to be eternally tortured but that's going to require a lot of building and rails so so we give that a push there he goes all right here comes the Moment of Truth which side did he go out on wait what he came back Gary why why does nothing in my life ever work attempt number two did he go through okay we have no idea where he is after mildly struggling I had a new idea okay oh no no Gary oh thank god let's be careful okay did he make it hey are you actually kidding me all right so this means we're going to have to go back to the end and get another one Chad seems to think there's another shulker in here but there's no way that's possible oh I do hear him where he's got to be under us if we enable subtitles we can see Yo there's another one Gary had a child okay this is an okay one of them's here give him a little push it worked get me out of there it worked I am a freaking genius okay Terren this is your time to shine my boy come on we're so close roll Terren roll Terren you did it that was so painful that was at least 14 hours now the nice thing about this Farm is that I can run AFK so while that thing fills up we need to move on to our next big project building a farm that'll produce over 3 million iron ingots and step one is going to be getting almost 500 villagers but first we need a place to put them the design of this Farm is pretty simple two villagers will Farm up here seeing there's an empty bed they'll breed the child filled with curiosity will fall through this one tall Gap and he'll be brought to a cobblestone Cube where he'll grow up and be used to summon Golems later while they'll be endlessly harvested for iron ethical now to begin the incest we're going to need to locate a few willing subjects to birth this new Colony all right where are the civilians there's one all right now we just need a method to get them from their old home to their new home so now we have to take a man and potentially his wife or or a friend and and bring them onto that roller coaster into the sky where they will go into their forever home breed and create 400 children for me the nitw is trying to come with us no you know what fine I spared him no you can't come this will be the slowest Trek ever this should light up both no no go no no oh no I'm missing out wait for me no I'm going back again oh no he's coming back down what do you mean h what did you just do oh okay fine let's go together yeah let's go here he comes don't worry he's coming your husband oh oh you're still in the mine cart they'd like to sleep uh-oh no no oh no no no don't walk bruh now we'll AFK later byy that to breed all the villagers but before we do that we're going to collect all the supplies required to build the iron farmer making inside of the beacon and the hardest resource on that list is going to be over 10,000 obsidian so this is fun having a good [Music] time all right 10 hours and 12, th000 obsidian blocks later and we have almost a quarter of the materials we need for this Farm why did I think this is a good idea now that we have the couple of supplies that we needed let's head back to the beacon site so we can start building this nice simple Farm but first let's check on our sacrifices ah I see they're doing well I guess it does look a little cramped so then I think the first thing we should do is provide them an even better home down here inside of the farm but I'm not just building this out of Charity you see when the villagers are trapped on this platform I'm going to have some zombies nearby to eternally torment them and consistently summoning Golems ethical okay so the beds are all set up as well as the chambers that will hold the zombies to Spook the villagers now we just need to figure out a way to get the villagers from up there down to here I think I've come up with a plan to do it semi safely but to do it we're going to need some dirt now we just do some of this and some of that should be about here is all right here's my idea I'm going to build a little platform down here fill it with water push some of the villagers down into it then they'll get shoved to the edge where mine carts will collect them and send them wherever they need to go at least in theory now we need to try it excuse me who wants to go in the hole yeah oh no go in the hole all right new rule into the hole you go the hole is the holy Place yeah there we go one two and three all right that's enough the hole is occupi how do I get out then all we do is boom boom there he goes okay so if I do this new strategy but do this there we go I can't believe my idea worked anyway now the next thing we need to do is load the zombie chamber but how do I get a zombie attention villagers um I'm going to have to sacrifice half of you to zombies so we're also going to need some name tags so they won't despawn you know what we'll name the first zombie number one and then we'll name the rest a simple and easy name to remember Billy Bob Jerome W Zombie B number one oh oh the villagers are so scared oh this is such a sad why is he going for me and not them well it's kind of cool it's like a transformation progress you know that happened a lot quicker than I thought it was going to happen definitely going to be using a couple on the same people so I'm not going to remember who's who all right so now we've ethically acquired some Billy Bob Jerome wampy zombie bees um we need to get get them down there which shouldn't be too hard and right here okay holy crap you mooved slowly wow all right goodbye Billy Bob drone wob zombie be so he's all set in his new home okay now we just got to get one more of him and nine more villagers into the farm shouldn't be that hard now that we have a setup for it no what happened to you bro you need to go in how did I know how you got out except a block there like an idiot oh this is going to be a long day is isn't it I don't have water I didn't put a block Above This guy's head so he's dead too that's nice I'm going have to lose this guy oh sorry I am making progress let's go let's go let's go haha no it's fine I didn't need him anyway okay let's not have the same mistake happened twice okay we finished the ailer acquisition and the zombie torturers all right so now we got to outline where the portals are going to go they're going to take the Iron Golems into The Nether and roast them there as these villagers spawn more because they're freaked out about that zombie so it goes stone obsidian this should if I did it right yeah there we go so that should spook the villagers occasionally into actually spawning the Iron Golem oh no okay this is a minor minor thing oh I already got it no come this way a he's so close a had one Health Point left all right we're going to send our last remaining zombie boy oh no it's daytime oh no oh I saved him oh my goodness I did it again so without the iron farm is basically complete except for the killing chamber except I have to build 40 more of these [Music] yeah I have had an epiphany sent down from heaven instead of doing this mine cart system I'm going to design a dropper system to drop the villagers exactly into their new homes this is going to work way faster I hope here they come boy boy oh no yeah yeah now it works now it works oh no dear God oh mistakes were definitely made oh now I'm stuck [Applause] [Music] great all right and after only 40 short hours of building the farm is finally complete now let me show you how this thing works with the Villagers trapped in this little cage they're a perfect distance to see our good old friend Billy Bob Jerome W Zombie B over there except they can't actually see him because for some reason they're unable to see through perfectly clear glass so that's why we have this lovely little timer at the bottom to pop up Billy Bob over there to terrify the villagers into believing their lives are in danger and with this perfectly time PTSD the Villager will summon an iron golem right up here on this platform to help them but because the nether portals are perfectly spaced out the instant the Golem spawns to save his fellow villagers he'll immediately get transported into The Nether so now we need to do is make our way over there to the realm of fire and find a way to ethically harvest the Golems for resources now the best place to make the killing chamber is going to be on the nether roof so first things first we got to get up there now it's really important that we make the killing chamber exactly where it needs to be because if it's one block off the portals won't link correctly and then we'll have iron golems all over our nether roof but never fear if there's one thing I'm known for its Precision definitely didn't get G Squad to figure this one out for me now that we have the perfect location we just need to build a quick little killing chamber and collection system so now when a Golem comes through any one of these portals they'll simply fall into the lava with the cobwebs there to make sure they have a slow and painful death then below we just need to build a collection system which I once again designed all by myself once the Golem dies it items will then fall down this hole and get pushed along the ice Trail it will be picked up by Hoppers then we just need to program The Hoppers to properly sort out the iron from the poppies and distribute everything into shulker boxes below for Easy Storage all right so now the auto Sor is complete we need to program each chest to accept only the loot that we wanted to to do that we need to place a hopper here and then here and a redstone torch behind it then starting with a middle Hopper we fill it with some blocks now since the first item we want to keep is poppies we go to the top one place poppies in fill it with a different type of filler block put in two more and then we wait now that it's almost emptied we're just going to throw a couple more in there and it should stop right here perfect now any items caught on the track above where these Hoppers are only red poppy should be inserted into this Hopper so now we just need to repeat the same process by putting a hopper here and then a hopper here all right so we have the entire Auto sorder programmed and now it's time to actually start the machine but before we do that we need a chicken first we need to make a little platform so we can capture the chickens now we need to spawn them in here ow oh I see cool I got two of them on that one now we have to make them into murderers the purpose of the chickens is for them to sit right here in the Nether Portal so that any golems that come through will have nowhere to stand and immediately fall into the lava perfect and now we need to bring these guys down here there we go right like this all right now the question is yeah I probably need the second one get a position this carefully right oh right here there we go now I need to get out of this without burning myself okay we're good and now the farm is complete it's time to not start it you see we need to store the 3 million iron ing gets this Farm is going to produce and we still need to make the 2,000 or so shulker boxes and since shulker boxes don't stack this is going to be [Music] painful and now that the farm is ready all we need to do is start it and wait for those of you who are wondering this is what roughly 100 hours in game looks like like and now we get to see the fruits of our labors oh boy that's a lot of iron now before you go thinking I'll be crafting all these ingots into blocks like an absolute peasant let's prep all the materials to make that process go way quicker all right what do we need first we need 470 glass we don't need scaffolding so we could get rid of that we need a bunch of smooth Stone and now it's time to build the actual autoc crafter unfortunately we can't use the one from the new version of Minecraft so we're going to have to build our own and there she is I like to call it the semi-automatic crafter machine shulker box Grabber 4000 the principle is quite simple we load the shulkers full of ingots into these chests where they're pushed through this fire burning the shulker and revealing the items inside then they're pushed down to where I'm standing and all I have to do is Spam craft throwing the items out onto this water W where they're collected by a shulker system and when the shulker fills up it'll break and load into this chest but uh this could still take a while I've gone through four double chests now and I haven't filled one of those shulkers yet kind of concerned something's going on but maybe it's just dividing it up nicely maybe after this one of them will be filled all right and all that crafting has got us this a this is not nearly enough I've been here for so long that a raid has spawned okay so after all that see how much we have here so we nearly have two lines of shulker of iron blocks now it's time to begin actually building we're going to craft build craft build and like come back and forth okay we're ready we have all these shulker boxes full of iron blocks and we finally get to start building this massive structure all right now it's time to go for a swim swim all right eight Sher boxes later and we've done that ah it looks like nothing it's barely even above the water well 1992 more Shuler boxes to [Music] go that the Torso is fin wow that looks interesting H still not really coming together yet maybe once we have the weird nose and everything H maybe then it'll look a little bit better [Music] all right we have finished half of his arm um and we're out of iron well technically we have 19 more but yeah we need to go get way [Music] more look at that big boy we have to do the head let's get her to it [Music] boys the final few blocks we don't fall off now all right let's get rid of this oh gosh darn it all right boys big George the Golem is completed now let's have a big reveal and what this chunky boy looks like aha um he's looking huh okay wait a second I want to compare him to a real Golem what something something is missing all right H hey come back here okay what are we H I feel like okay I think the biggest thing that's lacking detail right now is his face so what is on your face sir all right I think I have an idea of some of the blocks that we're going to need conveniently there's a terracotta place right here [Music] while I was live streaming getting all the supplies we needed to decorate the Golem an unthinkable situation arose [Music] skill what I was too good at the game and have to stop me a log back can instantly fall into LV oh oh no oh no the worst possible thing um oh come on really wait wait wait wait why did I just get a boating achievement if it reset my achievements again I swear I've definitely made a flint and steel yeah you've definitely made a stone pickaxe I maybe not necessarily not since the last reset but like this I just made I definitely had lavas buckets of lava no one's going to watch this part and the same thing that happened last time is going to happen again and this is why you get to see every hour of footage that takes to film my videos on my VOD Channel anyway all right so we got a bunch of different concrete and now I'm going to try and copy this man's face on big George over there I'm going to take a screenshot here all right I got the screenshot now let's try and replicate it this is going to go well all right I think we're going to start the nose around here and then if we bring it up a little bit just like a rectangle uh bring this out to here if we keep doing this staircase pattern I think it'll I think it'll work all right so maybe we start bringing it back in now all right let's look at George Junior's cousin and George over here and see if they look the same look at that nose I think they look look similar yeah I think we might be missing a block there yeah let's place a block there yeah let's go all right big man what left what do we have left okay we got this giant line across the top hey stop walking away will you stand still for 2 seconds okay and this is why we brought the brown terracotta I'm going to just decorate a little line over here like this all right what does that look like huh it looks too skinny the nose is too thick let's make it a little bit wider all right time to see our work of art it's it's a little bit thick of a unibrow but but I think it does the Golem Justice and now we got to work on his eyes it's like a quarter of his eye is red and 3/4 is [Music] black all right the eyeballs are done let's take a look at this bad boy okay that looks a lot more like an iron golem yeah the face definitely helped H I've been thinking about this since we started I feel like we need to take some leaves and like decorate down the side means we to go and get some [Music] leaves that's looking a lot more like an iron golem I like it okay now we got to build that no boy since this is only 40,000 blocks and this Beacon is over 300,000 we're going to need like I don't even I don't even want to do the math we're just going to go get as many shulkers as we can fit and go from there all right let's grab out all these shulkers of iron blocks and it's time to see how far this gets us all right let's take a look at this and see how it's coming huh these look nothing alike let's let's play around a little bit with this box up here and see if we can make it look a little bit more like that Beacon all right now before we fix this to make it look like an actual iron block we forgot to do the floor um so we we should do do that [Music] first okay that took way too long long but the floor is done and with that out of the way we have to go back to our problem that we had before designing some sort of block over here that resembles an iron block okay so this is what it would normally look like if we just built a wall we have to figure out a way to make it look more Dynamic that looks a bit too funky maybe if we did something like like this and we do this but instead do something like this goes here so this keeps going higher and then this comes back ah okay wait I'm liking this okay now we got to figure out a way to take this design and like blow it up 50 times bigger which I'm not really good at that but let's give it a try okay let's see how this is going before we build the entire thing and have to tear it down yeah I mean it looks better than it did before let's get it higher okay so the Wall's done okay I like it I wasn't sure what it would look like from a distance but this copied all the way down and all the way up again this is going to show a lot more depth than if we just stack the blocks up right it will be a little bit more expensive but we haven't limited iron so we're fine okay so now we just prepare to um do uh this design everywhere we're just going to require millions and millions of blocks some of which we have some of which we'll need to keep making but that being said let's uh let's get her done [Applause] [Music] boys okay Okay so we've done the first layer this thing is absolutely massive I need to get a shot with like the Golem looking at me yo this thing's going to be huge my only problem I'm having the same problem that I had with the gum there's a lot of white going on and it's hard to like even though we've added these little indents here and there and this little structure on the outside it's still hard to like make it look like a complete build so I was thinking we need something on top of this to colourpop it somehow just so you can like more see the scale because when you fly up and look at this thing it just like one it looks like one big white blob of blobbin right we need something to show how big it is I'm thinking we're going to use either one of two blocks grass or red sand now it's important we keep this simple and doesn't like intrude too much on the beacon just enough to give it some pop all right so I'm really hoping we're going to keep this cuz that was a lot of effort to put down but to make this go one step further I'm going to place a grass block in the middle and let it spread now I was debating on using red sand but I think I'm kind of sold on this I definitely did not steal any inspiration from ancient Aztec uh temples it was original original thought now the downside to this is it's going to require tons more iron but I mean like we have the fastest iron world'll be fine we be fine need to cry when I craft more blocks um okay mob switch is is not on that is good to know I definitely turned it on but it has decided to turn off okay everyone calm yourself oh there's like 50 billion of them down here okay it's all okay everyone's going to go sleepy sleepy you go sleepy sleepy in the [Applause] [Music] face okay that looks a lot better than it did before when all the green spreads are look even [Music] cooler all right with that we have only one layer remaining this thing is huge but it's not even like we're close to finished even after we do the last layer we still have to make the beacon on top which is going to require so many diamonds but we're not going to think about that right now for now we're going to focus on finishing the final layer we nearly finished the top ler and I ran out of iron again I'm so sick of crafting iron I don't want to do it anymore all right and now that the Beacon's done there's just one thing left to do all right well that looks a little dumb I suppose for a massive siiz Beacon we need a um a massive siiz Beacon to go on it so let's figure out how to make one of [Music] those [Music] H H let's see if we have any leftover obsidian now we just need the center of the beacon which we can use some sea lanterns to get the glowy area but the outside is a bit more tricky could maybe use blue concrete for it or blue terracotta if it goes that light or we can not be absolute peasants and use the best block for this which will be diamond blocks you didn't seriously think I was going to use a garbage block for the biggest iron Beacon did you ah we only have 23 and we need like 13,000 well I got to back up all that Big Tuck I just said now thankfully we actually have a mining Bo specifically designed for diamonds from when we had to collect every single armor Trim in the game but that doesn't mean this task is going to be easy based on my calculations even with this boore we're still looking at at least 16 hours of mining but before we can even start we need to organize and get our supplies ready to build the diamond BS all right and now that we've gathered all the supplies to make the Diamond Boar we need to find a location for it the ideal location is going to be somewhere not near any ocean so we don't run into a lot of water caves all right I've been flying over this terrain for a while and a side of the small Lake everything's been pretty non oceany so I'm thinking we're going to start the diamond Bo somewhere back here and then we should have plenty of distance to mine that way now did I have to leave and come back to get all the resources that I forgot to take with me the first time no of course not that it was just some other things that I've decided to take with me all right we just finished mining out this giant area and it's only for the machine that will get us to the tunnel boore you see we have to mine out a giant section just to build the diamond Bo and this machine that we're about to build will help us do [Music] that [Music] all right with that the first machine is done this will mine in a straight line a whole long way that way so we can then build this hleb to actually get the diamonds and all we need to do to start it is hit this move back a little bit this should catapult the TNT at the wall and now we just got to do that for like an hour or so should be fun so I'm mining right and I'm doing well and I'm thinking you know this seems different than last time you see the last time I built this kind of tunnel Bo I used it to get every single armor Trim in the game and I required like 30,000 diamonds and since this is only half of that I thought this would be a lot easier but as I'm mining I'm I'm noticing a difference and I can't tell what it is and then I realized the last time I went mining I was in deep slate and I was sitting here confused like why is there no deep slate am I even deep enough for diamonds and then I just put it together I'm not supposed to be a wild level 50 I'm supposed to be at y level 5050 this is I'm I I I'm going to bed I'll deal with this tomorrow all right in just a couple hours later we have the machine on the correct level and now we can actually start clearing out the area for the diamond boore all right and now that we have the actual tunnel dug we can begin building the Diamond [Music] Boar all right with that the machine is ready to use all we need to do is hit the s block cross our fingers that we didn't place any block wrong and watch it looks good we just have to check the other side now all right nothing blew up now we just have to run it for like 16 hours or so should be [Music] fun all right now now that we have all the diamonds we can finally begin finishing the top of the beacon albeit first we have to craft them into blocks all right looking at a normal Beacon we want to put the diamond blocks around the outside and then something lighter a bit more white on the inside all right now that's looking a lot more like this Beacon except we're still having I can't figure out what to do about this light you see how it starts white in the middle and then changes color as it goes out right now ours is just white and I can't figure out how to copy that now I did assume this issue was going to happen and so what we're in the mindes I did pick up some glow lkan hoping that maybe I could use it to fade out the color but I'm not 100% sure that's going to work but we can give it a try you know I'm looking at it more and it looks like an Italian man's chest hair not that I know that looks like but um I think we should take this down yeah that looks good again I think that's all we can really do we need to surround it in glass and we're done all right and with that the beacon is complete except for one thing we're still missing the beam that comes up from the beacon and to make that we're going to use 64 real beacons except there's kind of an issue it requires 64 nether Stars which means we got to kill 64 Withers and thousands of wither skeletons get the skulls to make those Withers except we actually have some nether Stars left over from when we became Immortal and fought a 100 Withers at once so thankfully where are they we can just use those all right and now we can build the beacon inside of the beacon and of the beacon ow with a beacon Rays finally shooting up to disguise I wanted to add a few more details to the structure taking inspiration from an ancient Aztec Temple I added giant staircases to each of the four sides now in ancient Aztec times they would perform a sacrifice at top their temples letting the blood run down the stairs but I didn't have any sacrifices so I just decided to let water run down instead I know it's not as cool from there I sprued up the interior gate by adding some depth to them and lighting portals inside connected to the iron farm in the nether the only thing left to do from there was add a few trees to The Greenery and Bone me the grass and then I could finally call The Beacon [Music] completed
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 2,039,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.20, cherry farm, minecraft hardcore, wadzee, minecraft update, minecraft 1.20 update, I Built The Worlds Largest Iron Beacon in Minecraft Hardcore, iron farm, iron beacon, biggest iron farm, biggest iron beacon ever, biggest beacon ever, minecraft hardcore build, minecraft beacon, netherite beacon, huge minecraft hardcore build, giant hardcore base
Id: 3VEyeIeltu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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