I spent a day with STRIPPERS

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strippers exotic dancers who strip their clothing and perform in clubs and various events around the world stripping has evolved into a booming industry estimated to rake in over 75 billion dollars worldwide feeding into society's most repressed sexual desires my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with some of the most talented strippers in los angeles to learn the truth behind this underground profession do these dancers strip to supplement an already existing barely livable wage or to stripping offer bountiful financial security to those brave enough to risk their personal reputation is stripping merely a harmless form of paid self-expression or is it an underground community of perverted criminals [Music] hey Mars hi are you Billy Anthony what's up Oh Zahraa moon thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of professional stripping yeah what do you consider yourself a stripper exotic dancer an entertainer an exotic dancer just a stripper ho stripper ho sorry even just the ho so what does stripping entail it's like a vision you know women want a fantasy from my side of it so yeah when I go to a show you know I want to put on a whole act for them like let's say they want an officer at the door I come with a noise complaint I'm gonna knock you know I'm gonna bring that show I'm gonna be into their fantasies yeah I'm also in you come in you got smile on the faces like what's up baby Billy Rock you ready to rock out with the CAO you know yeah it kind of feels like I'm getting paid for like people to watch me work out how long have you been stripping only since November five years in four months nine years nine years yeah what first made you want to strip I met this stripper this beautiful redheaded woman and like she was talking to us about her job and about how much fun it was being a stripper and so I was like okay I want to try it let's do it I think the thing that like most intrigued me was like how she said that it made her feel like she said it made her feel sexy and I had grown up in like kind of a house where I wasn't really told that I was sexy or beautiful or anything like my parents didn't like dote on me like that yeah so I was like discovering my sexuality and discovering my own like sense of like Who I am and my own beauty right so it made me feel beautiful really I watched The Magic Mike and I was like Magic Mike inspired you yeah it inspired me first when I've seen it and I was like I wanted to do that you know and I was telling people and stuff and they're like yeah you know I'm skinny Doug at the time you know my name is actually Doug Doug before I came to Lima Rock yeah what do you think makes good stripping versus bad stripping to me everyone has their own yeah yeah the thicker girls that like to just do spins there's some girls with the bodies that like to only twerk you know every one so you get this unprofessional guy he goes in there that's a bad ship show because he's not gonna have you know a dedicated playlist he's not gonna have you know a choreographed introduction dance he's not gonna know what games to go over he's not gonna know how to treat it professionally because a lot of these guys are going in there to get laid and stuff that's the last thing on my mind my mind is to please these women I want to put on a real authentic show I want them to feel like they're in Las Vegas like they're getting thunder down under' in their damn front room of their house do you proudly tell people you were stripper or do you keep it more of a secret oh dude everyone knows I am proud of this my family knows but like I just kind of been like about social media kind of like on the edge about it because I feel like there's like a social stigma I sort of live a double life I've never told my parents your parents don't know what if your parents are watching this right now dad it's stripping more of a way to make extra supplemental cash or could it be a strong source of income I'm comfortable I'm happy I can take days off when I want I'm a licensed hairstylist I'm a licensed cosmetologist but I've just been really happy dancing yeah I make my full living off of it and I've been doing that ever since I started trying to just four months ago I've just signed off with construction and I never looked back what's the most money you've taken home in a single shift fifty five hundred fifty five hundred dollars in one single night so I go out on stage and I start dancing and that guy comes up to this stage he hands me a hundred dollar bill and he's like come talk to me whenever you're done i sat down with him we started talking it was just like a vibe you know your chemistry yes he was like what do you want I was like I just need five grand right now and he gave it to you he's just got cash he had $60,000 in cash in his bag so you could have asked for sixty I know I could ask do you think you're paid appropriately for your job so here in California yes and in a few other states do they've changed it to where strippers are no longer given the option of being an independent contractor we are legally required to be employees some people with certain interests in mind don't want us to be employees they want to keep us as independent contractors because they can control you and we don't have any rights we don't have any labor rights as independent contractors versus being employee you know we get all of the benefits like health care workers comp you should minimum wage why would you not what kind of injuries have you had from stripping I ripped my toenail off squirty and the guy was like throwing money so there's like blood and money how important of a contribution to the demands of society do you feel stripping this if you didn't have any way to like release your stress and have like kind of like a non-judgmental environment a lot of people come out with like big problems and like we're here to listen without any judgement like they can tell us anything I don't care if they're the biggest chick in the world yeah big buck teeth coming down whatever I look at them like they're the only woman in the world and I make them feel that way and they've hundred percent believe it and in my mind I believe it too because you know that's what makes me happy that's what drives me is you know that's my passion is to make these people feel wanted to make them feel accepted to to where you know that they know their value their Worth and essentially I feel like if we get the right people out there we can provide that to our citizens and that that's definitely needed and can help mental health and everything in between why do you think so many people have such harsh judgments against stripping if you don't really connect with the girls then you're not you're never gonna know what their personal struggles are yeah you know some people have to do it you don't whose parents died or what so if you don't connect with them individually like you have no safe as stripping ever felt dangerous it's pretty common like for a sexual assault to happen within the club it's scary and it happens so often you go to the manager after you've been sexually assaulted and you say look this just happened to me and they're like but did it really happen like that or were you asking for that what you're doing my wife homes and you're like well I'm just dancing man it's like a gun out on you yeah angry husbands come home they don't understand what's going on why is this happening man oh you know luckily I you know I have a way of dealing with people and I get myself out of some very sticky situations what's been your most bizarre experience with the customer wanted a dance and then sat down and asked me to take off my shoes so he could smell them you want to smell your shoes I think they smell like potato chips okay well here let me smell your feet he was like trying to grab him in like smoosh his face and so I was like I had to stop the dance at that point cuz I was like he's getting gross you're like I am NOT a vending machine for foot fetishes yeah like he was really trying to smoosh like for a $25 dance this cost more than that Rudy wants to know people felt shy while stripping if like offset and cardi beer at the club that night like yeah I'm gonna be like a little timid definitely I get shy all the time man you know like um when I was a kid I was like overweight kid that you know would never dreamed of doing this I had you know phobias of talking to people and like you know sweat from my armpits oh yeah man I still get shy I don't know how the hell I am I do a rock today Ramsey wants to know if you find stripping success to be solely based on physical appearance I mean I'm all natural and honestly like I make pretty good money you know obviously if I had my ass done if I had my boobs done you know I probably would make more money are you tempted to alter your body or your appearance to make more money in tips and whatnot certain customers will tell me like oh you know you just need a boob job like how does that make you feel I felt like beat up by it like just by all the comments by the girls so what do you do on those days I smoke a lot of weed what's one thing you wish you could say to all strip club patrons bring money bring more singles top Communists strip clubs if you just want to drink go to regular bars as being a stripper ever affected any of your relationships Laura Lord Matthews ah anyway yeah her parents were like asking like who's this what was this American boyfriend of yours yeah they're from Egypt they're like strict they didn't like the fact I was American and in fact that I was a stripper so basically they gave her the ultimatum they were like either you leave this guy or you know we just send you back to Egypt I told go join the army you know quit stripping I'll give them a change your career and give everything up to be with her and at the time I was making really good money and my company was doing good and I offered that to the parents I even went over to her house and I knocked on the door and asked because of that and then dad came over and I said look if you you could you can slap me right now and tell me to leave or you can listen to me I wanted to you know and I said you ain't the army blah blah you know he did knife walked away crying like a little like a little kid man I'm sorry thank you that really sucks yeah I miss her man if you're out there I love you yeah is there something you would say to her I would say you know um I hope you're doing great and like if you are with somebody like I hope that person is treating you right and still got the t-shirt it says uh my Egyptian queen you know but yeah she's she was awesome man yeah what is it about stripping that brings you the most joy just freedom of expression freedom of my schedule being flexible nothing really can here's to the feeling of getting rained on it's just like cash rain on your face it's like somebody being like I like you but I really really really like you it's making people happy you know that smile on their face knowing that they're gonna go home and they're gonna just give it to their significant other you know it's gonna be wild whoa what's going on man I just know what's going down because I I've had a boy you know and he didn't know I was stupid on his girl's party yeah what do you think the biggest misconception about stripping in general is that we just want to like shirt for the rest of our lives basically that we don't have any goals besides that you know like a lot of girls are going to school and getting their like masters and stuff like you just don't even know would you be willing to give me a quick like 30-second demonstration oh can you teach me a few of those basics somebody makes it rain on you you gotta bust it open tell me what the bustin it opens so just get on the ground oh no no no your legs like that I I do see that I see a hundred percent of that okay you like this I just like a baby oh boy oh boy is Billy wrong stuff like that you know color me impressed color me impressed Oh what what is there someone here that needs to get arrested oh no not going off yeah cuz I still got it between my hands and between my leg cars oh sorry sir did someone call the police village no you're gonna you're gonna you better watch that was a wild ride yeah I actually have a parting gift for you it is your very own best interviewer shirt that you can get up a dildo shop calm I just went on the best interview ever and also the best stripping shirt everybody go and subscribe to Anthony for the yes YouTube and make it rain on the subscribe button alright you got five seconds to shout out promote anything you want directly in the camera go I follow my Instagram at young period Mars with a Z follow me on instagram at the underscore zara underscore moon instagram at billy rock entertainment website www.engvid.com thank you so much zara moon i feel like i fully understand the wondrous world of stripping that was a really thorough interview very thorough we got like that after spending the day with these lovely strippers I've come to learned that there simply keen on empowering themselves through a system that prioritizes sexuality while pushing back against the oppression of sexual desire within our society in today's world where sensationalized nudity is easily accessible to everyone at the click of a button who are we to judge these dancers for satisfying paying customers while doing what they love see you later bye guys that's a light [ __ ] I had them on the floor I'm going they go they go just like yeah you know driving them home you
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 3,217,055
Rating: 4.9729948 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, exotic dancer, strip club, exotic dancing, how to be a stripper, stripping, stripper
Id: tNPw2VHp6bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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