I spent a day with YOUTUBE'S BIGGEST LEGENDS (PewDiePie, MrBeast, HolaSoyGerman/JuegaGerman)

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Youtube's Biggest Legends. Those who have secured their place on the highly coveted most subscribed list on youtube Amassing hundreds of millions of dedicated viewers. These youtubers have not only garnered immense respect for their creative endeavors on the platform but to many they're considered the face of youtube itself. Those considered the quintessential faces of youtube have changed dozens of times since the platform's inception 15 years ago with the first channel amassing 1 million subscribers in 2009 versus the 16 000 with over a million subscribers today My name's Anthony Padilla, and today i'm going to be sitting down with some of the biggest powerhouses on youtube To learn what it's really like to have such a massive audience on the platform in 2020 Does having such dedicated and loyal fans leave these youtubers feeling immense joy and gratitude? Or are they relentlessly tormented by the demands of their continuously growing success; Unable to live a normal life and enjoy the privacy so many of us take for granted -Hello Germán! -hey, how's it going? (Speaking Spanish) -Felix! -Oh, Hey Anthony! Been a long time Gaming week. Say it with me gaming week. -Hello Jimmy! -How's it goin' man? Please put your right hand on this cash Dead serious last one of you to take your hand off this million dollar stack of cash keeps it Thank you so much for coming on here and teaching me about the world of being one of the most -Legendary youtubers of all time. -Jesus that title You're welcome So what do you consider yourself legendary youtuber? Youtube God, I just consider myself a normal YouTuber. -I would say more of a mythic YouTuber, -Mythi- like a Paladin? No, like a orange Isn't that oh wait. Am I missing the - this is not working. GOD DAMMIT Okay epic epic like i'm epic Yeah, something between there, you know legend, God, somethin' above that. -The word hasn't even been invented yet. -Yeah, definitely. -How long have you been a YouTuber? -10 years Officially, since I've started the channel, but I actually started on another channel. -It doesn't matter. -(laughs) -Yeah, you started on pewdie, right? -Oh, you --- knew that? I know! Dude I know your history. Damn man -I think it's been nine years, but I say 10 -because it sounds cooler -(laughs) -But it's been nine. (Laughs) I was 12 at the time, Right now I just turned 22, So, yeah I'm comin' up on 10 years. -Your youtube career is in the fourth grade. -When you really think about it (laughs) It's interesting because I see 12 year olds now and i'm like that's an idiot like they're so stupid -How was I making videos back then? -Right, right. Yeah, take that 12 year olds -You're stupid. Yeah, I know right? I just showed them who's boss. Do you remember what the first video was that you ever uploaded? -It was a Minecraft video, actually -Minecraft! Of course! (laughs) Because Minecraft was getting big and I'm like, this could be like the new thing (laughs) For some reason I didn't commit to it. It was just a video of me making fun of like people's obvious observations for example, when you get a haircut you have this friend that is like you got a haircut i'm like Such a genius. Yeah, I make an entire video about that. I used to play this game on Facebook called battle pirates I'll keep it short. No one really cares -but basically a hacker attacked me. -a real hacker? A hacker in the game, attacked me in this Facebook game. And I was so pissed, I recorded it and I was like, World look! I got cheated by a hacker I was trying to get them banned and I just uploaded it and funny story -My first video ever got 20 000 views. -So you were 12 years old and your first video ever 20 000 views -Yep. -You should have known. I was hooked, from that moment on I was just like, yep it's game over. How has your content changed since you first started uploading? (Exhales) Like crazy. Uh, I started with comedy it got to the five years mark, and I stopped my main channel and I focused on the gaming one -Mostly because I felt like I needed a break. -Yeah something with less pressure I was more like oh my god. I need to overthink this so much and it stopped being what it used to be So I was like I need a break to actually -Right. -Enjoy it again Yeah when you started doing content It was to make people laugh not because you wanted -huge stardom and fame to completely alter your life -Yeah. That's not the reason why I wanted to do it. So I started this second channel, And you know, I felt - I felt that little thing again, you know, I felt more personal again. -It felt, definitely a little like, -I didn't have this pressure again. -Yeah. And it was more like, I'm doing a video because I like it and not because of Who's gonna watch it? It's gone from me playing horror games, it's gone to commentary Random videos, random uploads. I joked the other day that I feel like I made every video -Yeah, you did sketches. You did gaming. You've done commentary. -Check it off. Nice. I'm done -Someone pointed out, he only thing I haven't done is the sex tape. -Sex tape! -Yo hit us up, you know for the right price. -Come on guys I need more subscribers sex tape at 110 million. Let's go. -Wait, what are you at now? -105. (laughs) I'm desperate. My channel's stagnate Do you still have trouble describing what it is that you do to out-of-touch family members? I feel like I have more troubles Explaining what I do to like, I don't know whenever I go to a country, you know the immigration process and i'm like, "what is it that you do?" and i'm like so I make videos For people that I don't know First time I came to the states, for example, the guy couldn't figure out what I did -Yeah, -it's like so you work on google like no, I don't work on google -So it's really hard -you're like google pays me, but I don't work there. Yeah, and I look really nervous because i'm trying to explain myself Yeah Not because i'm nervous Because I don't really know how to explain what I do I've had the same thing happen to me where i'm going through customs and i'm like I make videos on the internet for people And then I was like, it's not it's not porn though. and then I was like, why did I say that? -(laughs) -No uh We weren't thinking that before but now we're thinking about it so many YouTubers rise to the top quickly and then Fizzle out just as quickly as they appeared. Why do you think it is that your channel and the things that you make have remained, relevant for so long? I think most channels they blow up for something and then they just keep doing it And then it's just like a slow Trajectory down which is why we try to like always go bigger or change it If you look at the content i'm making now, it's not the same as six months ago And if you look at six months ago, it's not the same as a year and just keep doing that You always want to be mixing it up. And if you're doing that, like people are going to be interested. What we, brought up earlier about doing different type of videos and I think it's the same with you like you changed your channel a lot -too. Finding something different. -Yeah, -You find, -Yeah. Anything is going to get stale after a while. That's just how it is so. It's definitely scary to try new things on Youtube though, because the moment you try something new the algorithm doesn't favour you and then your fans are like "I sUbScRiBeD fOr ThIs ReAsOn!" and then it's like - it becomes kind of like, it becomes scary to try new things Yeah, I never ever thought of it that way That's the smart way of looking at it, but for some reason I guess lucked out After making such a big name for yourself on Youtube, Do you feel any sense of pressure to live up to expectations people have of you? If people don't like a video, It'll make me depressed. I'll probably cry -(Laughs) Yeah, yeah -Because it hurts my feelings, but then I just write down You know what I can fix and move on so in that sense Do you feel like your sense of self-worth -has been attached to the content? -1 million percent, yes. I feel that completely, and that's why I get upset, or like sad, almost when people don't like something that I put out. I've taken many, many years and I feel like I'm still not over it but I'm trying to detach myself from my content. Let me know how you do it! (laughs) Cuz I don't know. Like 75 percent of people refer to me as Mr. Beast like i'm more Mr. Beast than Jimmy and i'm not complaining like this is what I love and I want nothing else, but it's just how it is But there is kind of no denying that if you were able to separate The artist from the art a little bit, you might be able to go through life a little more easily But I don't know if I want that because I think that's part of what pushes me to work so hard How do you balance having a connection with your audience; and then also, Leaving some space for yourself to have your own personal life? I think for me just taking two days off a week has been really good for me to just decompress from -And reset the week -Just having a weekend I know it's so stupid. But I always looked at like normal jobs and be like I don't have to wake up early. I can wake up whenever I want youtube is the best job ever But the more I get into just normal working routines the better I feel about myself Are you ever nervous that your channel will die? I've been preparing for dying since the very second video maybe I feel like i've been preparing for death since I came out of the womb That's it that's it it's a stressful situation but it's i'm really safe. For example with money I Don't really spend money Like I feel like i'm always preparing to like, you know, i'll have money saved for when this is all over Yeah, and um, it's been 10 years I'm like, I'm still saving money when this is all over Yeah And I'm like wait I'm gonna be like 50 and you know i'm gonna save money when it's all over And then I'm gonna be like and I died And I never spent a single penny. I feel like i'm afraid to spend the money that I earn because I'm Constantly thinking like this is all going to go away at some point. I need to be able to be safe. I need to be I need to be comfortable enough to know that i'm not going to lose this but i'm just constantly holding on to it Yeah, that's definitely something That it happens when you didn't grow up with money My dad died when I was three, so, you know the main source of income was gone So my mom had to work and you know, try to give us an education, you know We barely had money to eat sometimes so, you know, I always was used to like money wasn't My thing I don't have problems thinking that my channel is gonna die Because i've been preparing myself for that always I never assumed that this is forever. Many of us and maybe you included feel like uh, we're not sure how long this is gonna last so we need to just like Go go go as hard as we can because there's a chance it's going to fizzle out and die tomorrow -So like got to make the most out of it now -I'm in that first stage I'm like, this is kind of just like this is going to leave tomorrow. I need to take advantage of the opportunity I totally get that. I used to work like 80 to 100 hour weeks every single week non-stop my mom I remember she was like you're gonna have like a stomach ulcer or Aneurysm or something from the stress that you put yourself through and i'm like mom you just don't get it The channel's gonna die next week mom, please! I went through many financial hardships with my family and I was like, I can't allow that to happen anymore. I need to -Set myself up for success. -So you sold to defy I sold I sold out because I had to because I was scared Okay, don't let fear control you. I appreciate hearing that because i'm 100% and still in the face where like like every day I'm not working. I feel like you know when everything's said and done i'm going to be like dang like I wish I would have worked that day, but Yeah, I mean honestly since google owns youtube and youtube's as big as it is It's not like he's just gonna go like this overnight So yeah There's probably still at least another decade here for us. before we learn more about the world of the most legendary youtubers of all time I just want to take a quick moment to mention that many of my recent uploads are donating 100 of their profits to causes that I feel strongly about I spent a day with coronavirus survivors and I spent a day with survivors of police brutality For instance are each donating to help fight the spread of coronavirus and to protect the human and civil rights of individuals and their encounters with law enforcement so Please give those videos a watch if you would like to also help and support the cause i'll put one of those little pop-up links Up here for both of them So it's super easy right at your fingertips and thank you again to all the incredible people Who have appeared on this show my wonderful crew for helping me make this series And of course you for watching and supporting. Especially if you're new here and only came for PewDiePie or Mr. Beast or Germán because you saw their names in the title Especially you. That's all I wanted to say, now back to learning about the world of the most legendary YouTubers, of all time. How has your perception of one million views changed since you first started? It's hard like, uhh, I have to remember sometimes Yeah I have to remember like what that number means If I if one of my videos get like five million views or something i'm like oh, yeah cool and i'm like wait That's a lot of people imagine the people Yeah, imagine the people there as bodies. It's ridiculous. You like you it starts to mean nothing. That's a problem Like it's it's so many zeros that it just stops meaning it's not having meaning, you know It's hard to understand. A lot. I mean a lot. I remember the first 1 million view video, I mean ecstatic, -screaming, like, showing everyone at the lunch -Really? Yeah. -table at school like look -(laughs) One of my friends was like lebron james doesn't travel like, you know It's just just clips from the internet. So I just made it into a montage and I uploaded it. Oh, travelling dude -I thought you meant like flying on airplanes and buses. -Oh No! (laughs) No, like traveling in basketball. I just uploaded it and I thought it would get like five views -- a million! That was your first million viewed video? Yeah Thank you Lebron. Legend makes legend. Do you remember what it felt like when you first hit 1 million subscribers? -No, I don't actually -(Laughs) -Well, you've hit - you've hit that 105 times so it doesn't even -(Laughs) It's all blending together in your head at this point. Uh, no, I I do remember like specific landmark, but for some reason yeah one million. I don't remember anything. I remember a hundred thousand was like damn. This is really taking off now -I'm sure you feel the same. -Yeah, yeah. I remember a hundred thousand I celebrated by going to taco bell. Hell YeAH Taco Bell! -Three tacos! -What do you do for a million then, You can't beat Taco Bell, come on. For a million, I made a -I don't remember what I did. -There you go -No one remembers! -I don't remember! and we were the second channel to hit a million and I still don't remember. Right behind Fred! -What's up, fred? Shout out lucas crookshank. -Fred well done I mean a lot of emotion man. That was it's like five years of my life working relentlessly I mean so many times people told me give up on it. You're too obsessed. You waste too much time You spend too much money on this when I hit it. It's just kind of validating It's cool to be like yeah, like, you know, it is something and I am kind of making it you know Even though there are over 16 000 channels with a million subscribers I think it's still a huge feat to hit that million. I don't think that feeling -Is like invalidated now, -I mean a little bit (laughs) Do you remember what it felt like when you Reached number one most subscribed channel on youtube? Of course! Because we did it - we did a video together That was good. I liked it I was wondering if you'd remember that video that we made together. We handed off the crown that was a cool thing of you guys to do now if someone passes me i'm like No I'm not ---- doing that what you mean? You didn't give t-series your tiara and your wand? NEVER I feel like one-sixth of the entire population of all of humanity Knows who you are. I don't know if that's exactly true, but it's not true, but it's close Yeah, looking at a number of like okay this percentage of people in the whole world -Has represent a subscriber. That's insane. Yeah, I don't know what to say, but it's so weird -Yeah. how have you prevented yourself from feeling what many describe as -inevitable youtube burnout? -Month long break -that was all -honestly. Yeah, because I - I had made youtube videos for so long like 10 years and I just got this sort of Youtube life crisis. I don't know what to call it Just like am I going to spend another 10 years and never take a break? What the ---- am I doing? This is insane Yeah, doing a month, uh taught me a lot about myself and the sort of thing. I Enjoy and even though I - I really missed youtube I also realized I can totally live without it which was a really nice thing to realize Yeah, that's crazy how you just sometimes need a wake-up call that you'll be okay. You'll be fine if youtube didn't exist Which kind of takes away all that fear? -Surrounding, -yeah, you're totally right. Yeah, It helped a lot. I really like helping people, to me it's fun. I you know, like giving people a bunch of money or or you know giving people who would have had to pick between food or paying rent like food or stuff like that like You know and seeing them freak out. It just makes me smile and as long as I stay driven, I Really just keep putting in the hours and I keep reinvesting and like I don't get sidetracked I just got rid of every computer in my house. So I don't play video games anymore I'm getting rid of all the tvs like i'm like all lit like anything. That doesn't help me get to my goals in life -Yeah, -honestly, I want to get to the point where I live in an empty house with just a mattress (insert awkward and uncomfortable laugh) -Obviously a fridge with food and stuff -the definition of minimalism. I want to live a minimalistic life and just focus on Progressional happiness, like I think you know progressing your business will bring you far more happiness than materialistic objects -And so -yeah every dollar you put into this is now that could go into here and bring you more You know fulfilling happiness Do you have a specific end goal for your channel or do you think you'll continue to make videos until the day you die? I just want to keep having fun with it and I think if Once I stopped having fun with it would probably be that the time it's time to go -but -yeah, I have no idea when that is and you know, it's like Looking back in the year 2013. -I remember being like okay, maybe another two years or something. -Oh, really? Yeah being now. It just feels like all right, I guess i'll keep going (laughs) Yeah, you're doing so much work though. Still. Is it is it still fulfilling? I'll probably, Tone, scale down more and more as I go. But yeah, I - I still enjoy doing it. Where do you think you'd be today, if youtube -Never existed? -I was studying uh to become like this ceo type of position job And it's just like I can't imagine that fitting me at all I also applied to a job where that was more creative like a graphic designer related kind of job and I and I didn't get it was between me and another person and then uh, Luckily youtube just worked out and then they called me back a year later and like do you want to come back? -And I was like hell no, bitch. -You're like bitch. I'm rich Bitch, I got YouTube now. No, but I think something creatively like that. I would have been happy to do. I like, running businesses and I like doing you know making money. It's just something that I find really fun. So I don't know what it is, but I guarantee you I would have started up some other company I there's no doubt in my mind it would not be as successful, but I would be doing something. I think that makes sense that you've always been inclined to like keep one upping yourself to keep You know finding ways to make more money and you're not afraid to spend money (laughs) So we were just looking at our books, I think next month We're gonna spend around three million dollars on videos, which is it's getting up there -that's gonna be my most expensive month to date -a low budget film every Month with the amount of money that you're putting into it honestly It's kind of terrifying because like before it was terrifying but now like once it goes up like once you have a two million a month and now like -A three million. It's like sure can we can we afford that we're good, I think we're good? -Yeah, yeah I can't imagine being in your position where you're like cool. I Just gotta make sure I make three million dollars this month to not be in the red Exactly. What do you think has been the most difficult part about staying relevant on youtube for as long as you've been on it? I'd say the hardest part for me was getting relevant I mean it took like five years to just get anywhere and the entire time every week I was like should I just quit am I wasting my time and everyone just thought it was crazy so but no once once I encountered a hundred thousand into that stuff, it's it's Pretty easy. One thing I never understood is uh, *ahem* being on top of the youtube, uh Algorithm and all that ---- when you got started there was no algorithm! Now when you start off youtube, it seems like you really need to be really savvy with it I just did things that luckily worked out but I feel like it could have easily gone either way because I had no idea. I had no clue. Yeah We were never told that watch time was becoming so important. We were never told that click through rate was becoming so important No, you're right. Yeah, it's just something. Oh wait two years later. They're like, oh by the way, you want to get watch time What what how do you feel about the way youtube has become a breeding ground for controversies and scandals? -especially in recent months? a lot of it feels very Unimportant at least comparing it to how riled up people are It kind of makes me sad how people are so invested in these youtube dramas and all this ---- and like really right this matters to you? The drama gets the most views because it gets the highest click-through rate and the highest view duration and then People see that those types of videos become popular. Yeah youtubers feed into it the same way obviously some stuff have been important i'm Not trying to underplay that out of all the drama on youtube about 10% Of it is important stuff that we should really really all be paying attention to and the other 90% is just stuff That's just getting views because the rest of it's getting views. I don't care what someone's t-shirt were 10 years ago (laughs) I wish there was a way that youtube could change the algorithm so that -Drama isn't rewarded as much the way it is -Wonder i- that might be a thing because it seems like YouTube, you know That seemed to hurt their advertisers Yeah, if this continues where like every single video on youtube's trending is drama I think they're gonna have to say something. I really don't think it's that youtube promotes -That or rewards that, -it's the viewer as well. It's yeah youtube If we didn't care about that youtube wouldn't care. It's not necessarily, you know, a matter of saying hey youtube stop promoting this content it's also Hey viewers, stop watching this content Is it really youtube's fault or it's just what we like. Harley Heath wants to know if hate comments Ever severely impact you. If it is hate just because hate like without criticism without like something in the bag and just saying you suck -Not really like has never really hit me, -Right. if it hits something that like what we said before like something that they're right about, -Yeah, I'm like oh, I knew that about me so it hits me. if I pour 20 hours and a lot of money and stuff and energy into a video and someone's like This is the worst video i've ever seen more so if it's like another youtuber creator, I mean -Ah yeah, yeah, -but yeah, I try to just say like is it objective? is there something I can take away and apply to future content or is it just like right You know him just being mean and if it's him just being mean, I try to ignore it It's hard So you try to take that criticism and use it as you know, constructive criticism to to improve your content yourself. Dude, I literally every day I ask at least a dozen people just to criticize the hell out of my content It's the best thing you can do I think when I started off I was so not used to it that it felt like oh, what is this? You're not surrounded by that sort of uh thing but that's just very early on but then you just learn to differentiate what is Actual hate or what is you know, maybe you could have actually done better. I still get my feelings hurt from negative comments. I don't know. I - I know like I think I have thick skin, but it's not it's not that thick I was kind of an internet troll before I did youtube and it's really cringy kind of teenage behavior where you just try and write ---- Were you commenting on our videos about me was it you?! Dude, I wasn't- I wasn't a fan of your videos. I showed them to my mom. Shut the ---- up. All right? (laughs) You showed your mom our video? (Laughs) -What's up, miss shelburg, what's up? -She didn't like them. She didn't like 'em? She was not a fan damn i'm gonna have to take away the mother approved stamp. I Usually advertise my stuff with. JuliaWsup wants to know if fame ever affects your mental health? it's a lot on your shoulder sometimes and I think It's not like one common or anything like that that gets you I think it's when it happens over a long time It's tough to deal with but a lot of good comes from it, too But it's still there's still a lot of pressure that you might not have Doing something else. So I feel like as many perks as there are there's still a fair share of Negative side effects that you just you kind of have to learn to navigate on your own There was a time where I was obsessed with stats and I would compare myself to other channels The first thing you see when you look at someone's page is the views and -It's the biggest number. -it can always be better It feels like and you're never really fully satisfied almost Right, right because you're never the best, unless you've got 105 million subscribers. Ah, well i'm not anymore. It's okay You don't have to pretend Anthony -I was trying my best dude -and don't patronize me. Okay? (laughs) Being someone that has amassed over 40 million subscribers on two separate channels You must have you must interact with fans a lot to a certain degree What has been your most bizarre fan interaction? people go inside my house You had people show up in your and walk into your house? I made the mistake of for a second recording Part of my house outside and they figured out where I lived exactly and I had like 500 people outside my house Like going every single day and every single second to be honest i've had people show up to my door and expect to take pictures and come in and It's hard because you want like they they love you. That's why they're there. -Yeah yeah Yeah, it's hard to to tell someone that that is such a big fan of you So excited about you that you like you have to push them away and it's it's sad but there's just certain Limits certain barriers that you should just not not cross I remember I was in one of those times that people were just coming to my house. And before that I actually said You know, i'm a little tired today. I don't have a lot of patience today so i'm like hey Where do you live? Yeah, the guy's like, oh, no, I live somewhere around here Let's go. I need to talk your parents. I went with him his parents who his parents. Yeah And this is what happened: The kid was super nervous, but I was like i'm not mad. Don't worry I'm not i'm not gonna you know, but it feels like i'm gonna talk to your parents So yeah, you know probably he was really scared. So I went there and I went to the mother and it was fantastic She was like, oh my god. No, we love you here in your in your home We watch you every time and I was like no. Thank you so much, and I appreciate it but you know my private home is my private home and she was like Yeah, I understand. He was just really excited and i'm like I can take a picture right now, but I just don't wanna kind of being like yeah, but you still got the picture so -Yeah, -she was like I understand, you know, and the kid was like yeah I'm, sorry and was like don't worry and everything was really cool. So I had to come back make a video and said Please don't come to my house, even though I love you. I understand This is great. But my house My home. what is the most wild story you have surrounding creating your type of content because it's so involved -It's so huge! (That's what she said I'm sorry) We spent 24 hours on a deserted island and I knew the island had nothing on it. So I - I paid like three grand and I bought a giant palm tree and I paid like these two big boats to like drag it Out there, but we told them the wrong day. So we spent 24 hours on a deserted island We're like dead It's the end of the challenge and then you just see these boats with the palm tree and i'm like well It's too late now. Go ahead and take it back. I was like, where is the palm tree? Did you leave that palm tree on the island? Yeah it's actually like a monument there like No Like because people go boating by the island and then they go and take pictures with the palm trees Because there's no palm trees in North Carolina what is it about being a youtuber that brings you the most joy? I guess now, it's just like I I love the content I do. like i've been reacting to a lot of funny stupid videos and they just make me laugh Or overall, just the idea of like, oh I can do this. This is crazy. making the videos and, and, um Reading the comments and moving on to the next one I - I think I went through this whole journey of uh, I started off very simple and then I thought oh, I need like a big team or I need uh, an office or -Yeah, -you do all these different things it's really cool to do and i'm glad I tried them but I - I feel like I can't come back now and i'm like Okay, well this is -Why I started and this is why I enjoy it, -right you keep scaling it back down to like what, -You started for. -Yeah, and that's what I enjoy about it -The core of it is just uploading videos and -yeah doing what I feel like doing and keeping it simple Honestly, I just I just like helping people and it allows me to to do that and I just want to do something crazy Man, like I want to like end hunger in africa or something so just unfathomable that you're like no. Jimmy You're stupid, but then I end up you know Making a few hundred million dollars and then I invest and it grows into a few billion And I just do something so crazy with that that everyone's just like wow. What do you think the biggest misconception is about, YouTubers? It's probably that, its so easy. I think I love that when they're like, oh youtube is so easy blah blah blah -I'm, like then ----- do it. -Then do it! Nothing's holding you back. We've all started from nothing. If it was so easy everyone Everyone would do it. I I feel silly a lot of times when I spend like 30 40 minutes recording a video and then there's So much time that I have to spend to manage all of it. I always feel sad like damn -That's all I get out of this but uh, -right it is Yeah it's I feel like from the outside people see the like finished product and they think that it's cut down to 20 minutes and All you did was sit there for 20 minutes and like turn on the camera and go but there's so many different -Elements and moving parts to that -even if you explain it It's not stupid like yeah, you have to edit it and upload and even that doesn't sound a lot But uh, it's just a lot of micromanaging meh (??) I actually have a parting gift for you a best interviewer shirt, which you could get at Padildoshop.com but for you, sir, I will ship this to you For free. Wait, could you repeat that website one more time padildoshop.com. Just another time padildoshop.com Wow, see it on the screen right now. Wow, that's so good-looking Anthony, when you give people goals, you sell more so all the merch that you sell in the 24 hours after this video drops What are you going to put the money towards? 100% Of any and all profits made on my merch within the next 48 hours will be donated directly to unicef usa to help protect children in yemen from malnutrition, violence, and poverty All right You got five seconds to shout out or promote anything you want directly in the camera go! Just try to help any charity that you're passionate about just try to help This is a good time to just not think about yourself too much, but think about others. Go support the humanitarian crisis in yemen Donate to charities save the children is a really good one and subscribe to me. Of course. I want to Raise money for anthony to buy new plant. What's wrong with that plant? -It's looking a little sad. It's looking a little sad -I would prefer a palm tree (laughs) Hit that subscribe button subscribe to anthony if he hits 5 million subscribers before the end of the year -He will eat every leaf on that tree. -You want to watch me eat a tree? -I want to see you hit 5 million subscribers. That's what I want. -All right? All right, if I hit 5 million subscribers before the end of the year I will eat All the leaves off of this tree if it's edible I will! Thank you so much Felix. I feel like I understand the world of being one of, if not the most legendary youtuber Of all time, -Just a little bit more. -Bro you belong in that category. Come on -ehhm, I don't have 105 million subs. -Yeah, you're right. Screw it, you're not even near. -I'm, nothing. I'm trash. :( -Don't ever talk to me again. I won't. Bye. (Felix laughs) After spending the day with these legendary youtubers I've come to understand just how demanding being an entertainer of such A massive caliber on the internet really is on a platform that requires constant evolution Not just to remain relevant and entertaining, but to appease youtube's constantly Mysteriously changing algorithm, it's clear that these legends have solidified their place in youtube's most influential hall of fame Forever. See you later. Bye guys, Gently hit the like button. It deserves some smooth touches -All right, you got five seconds to cancel any youtuber you want, go! -Fred you're done (Laughs) I'm sorry Fred. I don't know why I just said. I feel terrible
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 4,596,749
Rating: 4.962502 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, youtube legends, pewdiepie, felix, german garmendia, holasoygerman, juegagerman, mrbeast, mr beast, jimmy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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