I spent a day with NUDISTS

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Speaking as a full-time nudist living in a large and vibrant nudist community, I will say these three have it exactly right. This is one of the best interviews of real nudists I have ever seen. Well done, Anthony, and I am hoping to meet all three of these wonderful nudists along the journey somewhere soon!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Freethought ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm glad you posted this to the subreddit, it's an awesome interview and really well done. It sheds a real light on actual nudism. Anthony doesn't just make the easy cliche jokes about nudism and he asks questions in a lighthearted and fun way. The people interviewed have great responses each in their own way of embracing nudism.

Fair warning though, the camera shots move a lot and can be jumpy if you're not into that kind of quick cut editing.

Also great to see that Anthony from Smosh is still making awesome YouTube videos and seems to be having fun with them. Brings me back to the old days of YouTube.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/zips4321 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Excellent interview: fun, intelligent, informative and real. Anthony Padilla is one of the old school YouTubers, and I have been enjoying his new phase of interviewing different people showing their alternative lifestyles, professions, and cultural choices. Thanks for posting it up!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dedos_inc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Omg I love Anthony Padilla.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
nudism a movement practicing and advocating for personal and public nudity many ancient civilizations had clothing-optional societies in which citizens were free to live their day-to-day lives fully or partially nude even while participating in public spectacles like the early Olympic Games it wasn't until Crusaders forced Christian values upon much of the world during the Common Era when public nudity became shameful and grounds for persecution as we know it today even though the modern popular opinion is to keep clothes a push for freedom to remain nude in public still thrives in communities camps and beaches across the world my name is Anthony Padilla and today I'm gonna be sitting down with nudists to learn the truth behind their unconventional lifestyle how does operating in the world without clothing affect these people's day-to-day lives his nudism just simple means to feel more free or is it reserved only for the most perverted and fetish hungry mistress in our society does nudism bring these people closer to self-actualization or does it keep them shunned and isolated from the rest of the world [Music] I see James how you doing Anthony let's see hey thank you so much for coming out and touching about the wondrous world of nudists I'm glad you called us because it is so what do you consider yourself a nudist natureรญs I don't see a big distinction to be honest with you between the two terms so I just say you just I just kind of say I'm very free and comfortable in my body the difference between a naturist and a nudists is a naturist enjoys like things that are about like nature or nudist is somebody who likes to be nude as often as possible so what does being a nudist entail be naked as often as possible anywhere that's illegal or I'm not gonna get arrested anywhere where it's legal you are naked yes the minute I walk in my house like I go through the garage and I'm like literally like taking my clothes off before I even like get into clothes how long have you been into this um I would say I've been on this journey for about two years since I was 23 years old 20 years I was what first made you want to be publicly new because I could yeah I always wanted to be nude that's who I am I've never seen any shame and a nursing anything wrong with it and also I've been in other countries where they don't care I ventured upon by accident one of the most famous nude beaches in the United States the first thing as I saw these two forms which I assumed were rock formation but it was interesting because one was kind of brown uh-huh and the other one was really bright white we walk closer to them and what it turned out to be were two people a black man and a white woman sleeping completely naked and then as we're walking we realize we are the only two people that are not naked because you were the outcasts we were the outcasts how often on a day-to-day basis are you new every day I watch TV naked I cook my gonna walk around naked you swim naked you can take cruises naked right you could go to Resorts naked I mean it's just the nakedness I just started googling there's a naked city in France that I'm going to next year it's called chordal a quarter mile something the entire city is naked the entire what's I'm going how does being a nudist affect your day-to-day life it's a stress reducer I think that is the one thing that I will say it doesn't really affect my day-to-day life it affects the people that are in my life so everyone around you is affected by your nudists basically so like if you like if you don't respect it or if you don't understand it if you look down on it well I can't be your friend how does wearing clothes normal clothes make you feel yeah like a monkey wearing a monkey suit what kinds of reactions do you get from people when they find out they immediately laugh laughs you know it's like a nervous laugh well why because they don't have any sense of what that is listen it's not my job to get the whole world on my side right it's not my job to save the world it's not my job to fix you from being a that's not my job because if it was I would have to do it every day all the time dude where is your favorite place to be new freedom acres what is that it is a resort in San Bernardino it is the most accepting loving non-judgmental place on the planet I went to a clothing-optional Beach one time and I was nervous I was like oh god if I go am I actually going to do this yeah and I went out there thinking I was gonna do it but then I was so nervous I was like huh other people are walking around completely new just chillin yeah I'm like and I eventually took off my clothes and it was the most liberating thing I have ever felt in my life yeah the wind yeah on my yeah areas were the Sun don't usually see it his son yeah on my regions the the first response I had was like wow what why didn't I know about this before why didn't anyone tell me women we should all try a yoni sunny have you ever Sunday I'm in the wilderness and on the beach and I'm sunning my my power house yes my universe the universe and I'm allowing the Sun to help build that energy you know I'm saying like there's a lot of power there do you feel like that makes you more confident with your body lately I used to be super skinny like model skinny and when I gained the weight I was really self-conscious and it was the newness that made me feel comfortable they're like you're beautiful you you're stupid like oh my god I can't believe you're this concerned about your weight this is like this is the opposite of what we believed I was so insecure about being so thin you know a lot of people think that skinny girls really have it easy but I got made fun of in school for being thin like I got called anorexic you know I never had any hips and I got older you know so it was very very difficult for me in my personal journey to be in my body and so for me to like take that back I feel very good about it why do you think so many people find the idea of nudity to be so taboo honestly I just think people aren't exposed to it and it's not normalized because you can't do it anywhere right because it's literally it's literally illegal so how am I gonna beat how am I gonna expose all these people to how wonderful and awesome it is where if I do that I'm gonna get arrested or it's illegals do you find that you inspire people around you yeah comfortable with their bodies let me tell you the greatest story ever okay so I have a friend who will remain nameless and she had a she had breast cancer and she went through a single mastectomy and for people that don't know that it isn't me they had to take her breasts off there the tumor was so big that they had to take so much mass out of it that she could not get a fake breast put in so she has to walk around for the rest of her life with one breast and not only that like get you know what scars you know just up and down because of how they had to cut it she was suicidal she was I'm never gonna find love and she went through this for a year and I kept telling her come with me come with me come with me come with me what she resisted two years two solid years cause she was so shamed because she was so shameful then she she sort of tried to kill herself she said she didn't but I know that she tried and so I'm in the hospital with it I'm like listen if you do not do something about yourself image you're going to die I was like there's a whole world of people that are gonna look at you weird and there's a whole world of people who aren't find the people who aren't so she wore like a netted you know like shirt and then you could tell that you know and she had big like big boobs so yeah I mean you can tell and I'm not kidding you five minutes into we opened the gate the gate shuts we walk past the thing to the bar and some woman comes up to her and gives her a hug and she was like you're so brave and she just started crying she knew she needed to hear that and they had a whole conversation the woman that she was talking to her had breast cancer too but she was able to get fake breasts so she was just telling like I can't believe it I don't I mean you're so brave please know that this place you're accepting and she was like if you want you know you could take off your shirt like no one is going she was economics gonna wait so he going to pull and slowly but surely people just keep coming up to her like oh my god you know your body is beautiful and you know because you can see on her face that she was so like not comfortable do you know what I mean yeah and when people see that like when I see why did somebody not talk to him I welcome too much listen I don't know what you're going through but you're beautiful and nobody cares whatever you're going through Mike let's dance in the pool together in the day she took her shirt off now she's engaged you're welcome what do your parents think about your nudism my mom is like one of the most supportive wonderful women of all time but I love like telling her these things cuz it just like kind of makes their heart race a little reaction so when I told her that I was gonna do this interview in example she's Oh baby are you ever nervous about leaving marks on your furniture or anything around your place well I think most people put towels down yeah I know I do and I'm like a clean freak so I I shower like two or three times a day yes I every single day I watch TV I put a towel yeah I sit on a town like this on a towel I don't want first of all you know hook there's juices things happen things happen I don't want the juices to get all over my my my furniture and stuff and then also when I have nudist parties I tell everybody you have to bring a towel because I want you to put a towel down before you sit your naked ass on my beautiful furniture it's being what BYOD yes right oh my god I'm gonna start using that why do you think humans became so obsessed with clothing I really think if you if you if you go back and look at different societies and to do with establishing class establishing status in society right so the way the show your hierarchy yes and not just clothing but makeup hair all of that it's all about saying to the world look this is who I am when in reality that's not who you are that's what you have acquired why do you think so many people consider nudity to be inherently sexual because the only time most people are nude is when they're having sex because we're told we're not allowed to be nude any others there you go why do you think Society has taught us to feel such a deep-rooted sense of shame regarding our bodies control control yeah I think there's a connection between the human brain which we say is more advanced right we say that right yeah but in one way because we're so advanced we've learned how to control people better we've learned how to limit ourselves and limit people and this is limiting this is a limiting belief system that the only reason you should be naked in this world is if you want to procreate or have some fun having sex other than that cover it up Jessa kaya wants to know where you keep your keys I got purses oh yeah you know fanny pack oh you know I love me a baby amber wants to know what the top three rules are when going to a nude beach number one be completely news do not be a Gawker not be staring at other people and and leave your judgmental thoughts and comments at home toast the bath wants to know if you ever look at other people's genitals when you're out of nude so thank you there's a difference between looking and staring I'm not blind but I don't look at it like I just was sick see it's just when you say okay like I'm looking at you right now I said you have a shirt on I see you on pants I see em shoes those are awesome socks oh so you have on awesome stuff so if you're not wearing anything it's the same thing I look at your your hair look at your breasts or whatever you're their torso I look at your legs what do you think the worst part about being but waiting for the world to catch up it's also the best part it's a you know administer and it be there and help people understand and watch their journey putting your clothes back on what do you think the biggest misconception about nudists is that you just want to be over sexualized but you're just wanting to show your body they might think that a lot of sexuality goes on that people become nudists and maybe men become nudists in order to have more sexual partners or something like that predator afraid of predatory behavior I I'm just guessing from people that I've talked to that are not nudists yeah but nudists don't feel that way because they know none of that is true do it just subscribe Anthony Padilla I mean like he's actually changing the world with these these these snippets that he's doing and changing people's minds and so I think you should support that Emily yeah are you got five seconds to promote anything you want directly in the camera go follow me a goddess period adorned there is a naked bike ride who are you why topless for naturist and for nudism and for breast cancer awareness The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz followed by the mastery of love and the voice of knowledge Thank You fee I appreciate it I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world of nudism after spending the day with nudists I've come to appreciate their confidence to express themselves in ways unfathomable by most people in modern society these nudists feel a sense of freedom by embracing their bodies and inspiring others to feel confident in their skin with or without clothing which is something that could all benefit from feeling less shame about in the first place see you later bye guys press alight how do they not get streaks on their chair when they sit down [Laughter]
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,094,410
Rating: 4.9659481 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, nudist, naturist, nudism, naturist communities in europe, how top become a naturist, how to love my body
Id: ioRoxbrHtFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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