I spent a day with FAMOUS BEAUTY GURUS (James Charles, Glam&Gore, Patrick Starrr)

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Is it just me, or does this type of investigation journalism feel more wholesome and heartfelt than Shane's style??

I know I watched the asexual one Anthony did and my coworker who is aromantic grey Ace felt so validated and heard for once. After she shared that with me a couple months ago it stuck with me.

This video did the same. It feels like it'll take the veil off peoples eyes about that community, the same way this subreddit has been trying to do.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 409 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WitchsbrewSalem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anthony Padilla continues his "I Spent A Day With" series, spending a day with Beauty Gurus. I haven't finished the video as of yet, but I do truly appreciate this series. This was a nice quarantine treat.

ETA: I actually relate to Mykie in being a female in a male dominated field. I work in IT and when I started going to work with makeup on, I started being treated as an assistant versus as the bad bitch IT professional that I am.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 315 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/baashley823 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very interesting that all denied the 30% rule Morgan mentioned. I don't see her lying about that, so I wonder if they lied about it or if it's just the irrelevant mid-size people who do it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 143 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/earthtoannie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

James seems to deliberately dance around the word β€œfamous”. I get it, people jump on him for everything. But it’s ok girl, you can say you’re famous.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If people haven't watched this series by Anthony Padilla, they need to GET ON IT. Especially the DID episode is fantastic. It's so weird to watch Anthony from Smosh be such a fantastic interviewer.

Also, Mykie and Anthony are dating, and they are disgustingly cute.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 230 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gnm3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


I LOVE how Anthony edited in Jeffree when he mentioned if beauty gurus manipulate their audience into buying their products πŸ‘€

Okay now that my petty comment is complete, this was a great interview and all the participants made good points about their job. Even Patrick said with more expensive brands you're mostly paying for the packaging and clinical results, etc. Mykie talking about how her passion has been tested hit...different. James talking about how the mean comments (just plain mean!) he's gotten aren't something that a normal human being can handle HURT me and made me think about all the disgusting things that were said during Tati's "ITS NOT ABOUT VITAMINS" scheme.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 174 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Anthony's style of interviewing people, this series makes me so happy haha it's so heartfelt

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/biconicat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like Anthony's content- he has some great videos with various groups of people that are super interesting. And he's always very objective and respectful toward the people he interviews.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/purechamps πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anthony and Mykie were so super cute in this. And lmao the Joffree shade was hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pixierambling πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
beauty gurus sometimes referred to as Beauty vloggers are individuals who create and post videos to YouTube relating to cosmetics fashion hairstyling nail art special effects makeup and other beauty related topics the first beauty guru to shake the world of cosmetics is credited and Michelle Phan who joined YouTube in 2006 her makeup tutorials not only capture the attention of millions of viewers but quickly changed the landscape of how people learn about and wear makeup in their day-to-day lives since then beauty related content on YouTube has exploded garnering nearly 170 billion views annually by 2018 my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with famous beauty gurus to learn the truth behind this massively popular career our beauty gurus simply showing their love of makeup while giving young people the confidence to fully express themselves or are they coaxing their naive viewers into emptying their wallets just for these youtubers to buy huge mansions and exotic cars and a completely unnecessary show of wealth do beauty gurus give a venue for true art and innovation in the world of cosmetics or is this industry nothing more than a breeding ground for drama scandals and egregiously toxic behavior [Music] hi Jane hi everybody how are you this is literally my favorite trick to do it looks so I'm Mikey it only takes one alright Patrick Starr we're gonna take your favorite vodka tonic the eye shadow hold on the drink so we get through this video if you get there but what happened later yes thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of beauty gurus of course so what do you consider yourself a beauty guru a beautiful God not that although I appreciate that thank you very much okay I kind of describe my content as like entertainment content rooted in beauty I would say d all the above I guess all of them yeah I don't know it's been a journey I would say that I am a special effects and beauty makeup artist who does YouTube videos and who just so happens to be a beautiful goddess on the side yes what does being a beauty guru entail as like teaching people the art of makeup how to apply makeup makeup tips makeup technique but not only teaching it's more of just like bringing fans into the world of beauty and teaching people how to appreciate that and to appreciate themselves as well how long have you been a beauty guru I started being a beauty guru about four years now I started my channel I think in 2013-14 six years now yeah it's almost my 6 year anniversary congratulations what sets your beauty videos apart from this overly saturated genre on YouTube my content is more entertainment rooted in beauty for so long makeup content on YouTube was primarily tutorials reviews and the occasional challenge here and there being plus-size being gay being bald being brown I'm not the typical American Beauty I probably do more special effects now than Beauty videos at this point my channel should be 50% it's hot glam and gore but it's mostly gΓΆran gΓΆran so I'm always trying to mix the two which is not whole unique but it's common in the beauty sphere you're good at gore you're clearly good at beauty he's hitting on me I would never so how did you learn to do makeup literally from watching other gurus you learned how to do makeup from YouTube yeah now you are one of the biggest names in beauty onions so if it weren't for them there would be no James Charles yeah a hunter Persaud I learned how did you make a through Photoshop I really I would literally grab like my friends profile pictures and like Photoshop them and add lashes blush contour eyebrows the shade ever really no make up yeah digital makeup or you did physical yeah cuz cuz I just love like reshaping like make it was like the face team before face team was there a moment when you realize that you would truly made a name for yourself in the beauty community I think the covergirl opportunity was really like the shining star that's how I forgot you but I think more than anything that was such a cool bullet because it brought my name outside of just a digital space because covergirl is a global brand right everyone knows about covergirl you're a beauty fan or you're a random like mom in the middle of Nebraska who has never clicked on YouTube in their entire life yeah but they're my biggest audience so before we learn more about the wondrous world of beauty gurus I just want to take a quick moment to tell you that you're beautiful and so are all my guests today especially one in particular now back to learning about the wondrous world of beauty gurus I just got some major brownie points thank you what's the biggest way your life has changed since making a name for yourself in the beauty community I think an easy way to answer this is like what hasn't changed and I would still say like I'm unapologetic lee myself i love and care about my friends and family immensely I would take a bullet for any of them and I know they would take a bullet for me I can't think of many things that are the same even almost I almost every single part of your life is changing it's kind of a double-edged sword there's a lot of really really really amazing perks of the job and then there's a lot of things that are not so easy to deal with and I think one of the hardest things about it is that not many people share a similar job so it's actually kind of hard to talk to people who kind of understand right then not so fun parts of it I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be able to be in front of a camera for a living let alone be looking how I do because I call myself a clown sometimes I think I'm jigging and juggling like every day right but it's it's crazy because we're able to create a voice and a unique business but this growing up as a Filipino American boy it was the path was nursing you know did you like that idea of becoming a nurse I I didn't know anything else did you ever have plans to pursue another career yeah I thought I was gonna be a cinematographer it's a very male-dominated industry and it was not very friendly for me to try to get closer to the camera department I often had friends that knew I wanted to work in camera and would be like well I can't help there but they need to make a person so you were in a sense pushed away from your actual passions I literally had someone tell me that if they if I wanted to be taken seriously in order to be considered for the camera department I couldn't show up dolled up but that's just always been part of who I am I like expressing myself outwardly with makeup and my outfit and my clothes in my hair so I straight-up just said like no my work should speak for itself do you feel pressure to always look perfect you live up to expectations yes to have makeup on in branded situations if your representative or presenting my brands brand yes and that is something that in 2020 I'm working on fixing not fixing but getting away from because of the fact that I've been able to move out of just beauty and now are more just entertainment are here for me yeah why do you think that you feel so much pressure to have a full face I think the way that I was established and first showed into the world was with a full face of makeup so that's how I'm most recognizable so whenever I'm like doing something that's going to get me more recognition I feel like I want to be on brand no you look like I look like a foot like I look like a potato in the ground like a rooted vegetable when I wake up it's not even a joke like I I I don't feel pressure at all do you ever get judged or mocked for what you do yeah but I don't really care yeah look I feel like I have so many words blocked from my youtube comment section of my agency it's really hard honestly to leave those type of comments and it kind of I don't really see this much on my content anymore I never feel judged I used to when I worked at the mall right like I would get side eyes here and there but not anymore cuz just I don't I don't give frankly do you feel like the beauty community spreads the idea that you must look perfect and flawless at all times in order to to be at the top of the beauty community like you are I think that there's a really big stigma against the beauty community that a lot of people say like oh because everyone looks perfect that everyone else has to feel that way but I do feel like the content creators that are at the top do a good job of showing themselves without makeup on and talking about their insecurities and showing it aspects of their life that aren't perfect you can't show someone how you did the makeup without starting without it I'd like to think that most are spreading the idea that it's an addition and not a necessity platform holders like Instagram are trying to infiltrate a strategy to kind of balance the playing field by removing likes by filtering comments that may be detrimental to someone's mental health there very well could be a point in the future when we look back at this specific point in history and say wow I didn't realize it was so obvious at the time that having these likes visible having a constant comparison always there and having a number metric attached to it is clearly going to make you feel insecure and kind of mess up people's sense of self-worth yeah yeah for sure yeah do you feel like beauty gurus are criticized more critically than other people in on YouTube yes I'm Jillian percent when somebody has money or opportunities or a nice face or a nice house whatever it may be a lot of people assume that that person will have feelings because they have everything else they're just a celebrity who doesn't care what anyone thinks they're already as confident right ever will be right what sucks I'm like that's definitely not the case at all the very young reckless the prank type youtubers get heavily criticized perhaps as they should be but I think that in terms of people who are not really necessarily doing anything to harm others in any kind of way we do get very heavily criticized I think if you're not to know who we are and seeing us at surface level if you were to come across me sitting in all these sequins and not knowing my purpose and not knowing your personality yet my personality could deem a little bit askew you think someone that doesn't know anything about you would look at you and be like wow full of themselves potato like literally yeah a beautiful clam yeah thank you is the beauty community really as dramatic and toxic as social media headlines make it seem there's a few people in it that are awful people but I think majority of the people in the beauty community are nm for the right reasons are amazing amazing people are inspiring are equally as kind behind the scenes as they are in person and truly want to just make people happy inspire people and play that makeup all day long I don't think that there is any more crazy stuff going on in this community than other groups of people and not just on YouTube just in general a friend group has problems granted the problems that we're talking about here involve giant audiences a ton of money so the stakes are more intense but I do think that it's highlighted in a way that suggests that there's just like chaos going on amongst the people in this group and for the most part it's like a normal amount of drama between people cassandra wants to know if the 30% rule is real have you heard about that it's the myth that started circulating recently about beauty gurus don't want to be friends with anyone who either has within 30 % more followers in them or within 30 percent less followers with them why literally at such a lie friends I'm friends with everybody who said that no it was something that was said on James Chara not true in any way shape or form I'm sure some stupid beauty girl with like 50,000 followers had that one and somebody else heard it was like oh this has got to be a thing the fact that it's taken this much just explained it means none of us are paying attention enough to do that math ourselves it took me like 10 minutes in calculating something subscriber number and doing statistics in it Abbi Iguala wants to know if the more expensive brands are actually better if they're worth that price jump I think that to debug this met a lot a lot of what you're paying for is the packaging you're paying for the enclosure more than the actual thing you're using yeah you do have a name the packaging the clinical claims yeah everything but there are amazing brands that are not as expensive it can sometimes be dangerous to mix your passion with your career in doing so do you feel like you've ever lost sight of what got you into doing beauty in the first place it does but I think that that's why my canta has become more entertainment based rather than just makeup that passion has been tested thoroughly in the years on YouTube do you ever feel like you have a sense of like burnout yeah constant burnout makeup is obviously a highly creative skill what I do in particular is I don't want to say more creative but it takes Baker Productions like I'm making entire monsters from head to toe sometimes Ryan special effects makeup is not only difficult to do but you're doing it on yourself it is a nightmare to wear yeah you can't eat or drink during those hours but I feel like I need to do something bigger and better not just than the month before or the week before but from the year before and I need to keep topping myself and that gets really hard sometimes what's one thing you wish you could say to people who express harsh criticism to the beauty community get a hobby go outside date someone what do you know I wish those people could feel what it's like to actually receive those comments yeah because one comment is fine it's whatever but it's when it starts more applying and it's like one comment that has 10,000 thumbs up and we're working 10,000 in a row that are all awful cuz it's bandwagoning that's when it starts to hurt and that's something that no normal human being experiences on a daily basis if there's anyone watching who wants to become a beauty guru on YouTube is there any kind of advice you'd want to give them find what makes you unique whether it's your personality your artistry your teaching abilities your sense of humor that's what's gonna really bring a unique audience to you and get people excited to watch what are your friends and family think about you being a beauty guru um they love it yeah my parents at first were definitely very skeptical because they didn't know if I was doing makeup because I wanted to transition and if I was transgender or if I was doing it because I was really insecure and felt ugly and it took me a long time for them to kind of get know a long time I say that it different like eighty or it's like it took a little bit longer than I had wished or I had expected I guess it's a better way to put it for them to get on board and to understand that I was doing it for an art form and because I wanted it to be a job but once they did and once they got it my parents have got my number one fans ever since has being a beauty guru ever affected any of your relationships not being a beauty guru in particular but just being a content creator with a large following in general has really affected my relationship life in a negative way but was it hard I mean you never know what somebody is in it for their motives or motives like its whether its followers or whether it's like money or a clout or attention yeah I actually just read about this a few days ago like there's a lot of straight guys that'll like either start talking to me and then we'll like literally be talking to me just to be like recording or screenshotting for the contact on tweet or there's a lot of guys that will still message me to this day be like oh I think you're really beautiful like if I come over like an you have on a wig and makeup and I'm like you know what no and I have those photos on my dating profile because if I was to find a boyfriend like it would be obviously important to me that that person would still love me and be attractive to me no matter what I look like there are boys in the DM before they're wrong reasons especially where my breasts place a big prosthetic boob in the wig and it's not that I'm transgender but just to empower women that hey if I'm and I can freakin look like this it's just inspired but I think it's it's gone past that in more recent times because it's been more of this fetish that I'm a woman but that's where it's been hard because I still identify as a male figure in society right it's gone both ways I've had relationships where the person didn't want to be associated with me too much because of what I do they wanted to be known as their own entity they didn't want to be Mikey's boyfriend I've had the opposite though where the person I'm dating feels extremely left out like I'm keeping them a secret because I kind of learned from one public relations relationship that I had that it's probably best to keep it super top secret that way people don't get involved what is it about being a beauty guru that brings you the most joy because I'm not the typical beauty guru because I'm not afraid of getting ugly and we're being weird I love when I get comments from people that say that they feel more comfortable being themselves when they were previously made fun of because they see that you know I'm weird like them and I have people who love me so they feel more accepted and I love that there's nothing better than comments like that because I wear a turban yeah I remember a lot of cancer patients resonating with me in the hospital while they're going through chemotherapy which is crazy because it's I I mean I have lost my hair and I think what I started losing my hair it was like really really sad for me at the time but I've turned it into this big iconic silhouette right across the internet which is crazy I wasn't like lost my hair getting a tiny piece of fabric up here and Amin inspire you that was never the intention do you hope to be a beauty guru until the day you die no I hope to be I hope to be a public persona right for a while yeah not until the day I die yeah absolutely not you're gonna retire I will actually retire and want my privacy yeah and maybe we'll start to design photos when I'm like 60 yeah for now I love what I'm doing now I don't think anyone's gonna want to watch me blend eyeshadow at 90 but if they do and I still want to do it I will do it there was a market when there's a niche there was a market what's been your most bizarre fan interaction I had just moved to LA and I was on a date and the guy had no idea and he was his dentist and I was so excited I actually had remember you came and you like he was like watching us to make sure I was okay you were watching a binocular no pretty much pretty much kind of but then there was so many fans that had just come up and was like hey picture picture picture picture picture picture picture picture and he was like what the hell is going on that I think that I feel like today yeah what did the date say you're thinking he didn't say anything but I never got a call back because it was just like it was just taking pictures and I just didn't know where else to go your date turned into a meet-and-greet yes I felt so married what do you think the biggest misconception about beauty gurus is I think the biggest misconception about beauty is what we were talking about earlier that everyone is perfect yeah because even though I think like I said we are doing a good job but like breaking down that wall and showing people the true versions of ourselves I think there is always the audience that of course doesn't consume Beauty content on a daily basis which is fine thank you know every right to not do that yeah but like when you don't consume it and when you don't follow the snapchats or the behind-the-scenes stuff it's really easy to look at that and say that this is such a superficial industry demonstration time I would like you to demonstrate the perfect way to apply makeup we'll just in general relax your lips turn towards me thank you doing lipstick it actually it takes quite a long time yeah that's your color is this my color do you know what this is lipstick what kind of lipstick red and a good thing about liquid lipstick is that it dries right which makes it yes proof it got a little bit on really we didn't let it dry long enough magic trick I don't know if I will be able to recover that well that whoa wow I am blown away by wow I would have never i like how people watching this up to this point may not have even known that we were dating because we don't we never mentioned that are you asking me out right now I actually have a parting gift for you love that best interviewer shirt but you could get a pill - I'm calm but for you that is for free we stand a shirt that looks like it was made by five years this is cute alright you got five seconds a shout-out or promote anything you want directly in a camera go off late probably my makeup journey almost so sweeties are just same Charles I have a brand new beauty competition show called influential launched at the end of April oh I'll think Patrick Starr makeup is one size fits all and that is my shadow follow me at my key on instagram follow me at glam and gore on youtube and if you are in america go vote this election subscribe to his bricken channel a lashes and all oops accessorized thank you so much Jane or Timoney I feel like I understand the wondrous world of beauty gurus a little bit more trying to here at after spending the day with these famous beauty gurus I've come to understand just how much time effort and passion goes into bringing these videos to life in a way that speaks deeply into each of their fan bases in a society in which beauty standards are constantly being pushed and challenged shouldn't we be more encouraging of bringing the focus back to the art and creativity of this passion that encourages so many people to embrace their own unique sense of self-expression see you later bye guys press alight how was that shaking my hands so much instead of ugh I hate it thank you so much Mike yeah like I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world a beauty gurus I know I should have warned you I wanted to be a genuine reaction okay you got it
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 3,204,940
Rating: 4.9630108 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, beauty gurus, james charles, mykie, glam and gore, glam&gore, patrick starrr, patrick star
Id: lZWmhToCOuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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