I spent a day with OTHERKIN (People who aren’t entirely human)

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It's weird you never see otherkin slugs or hippos or trout.
It's always something badass like a wolf or fox or tiger.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DavidRandom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Imagine cooking your own ribs and eating them. What a crazy experience that would be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlothSorcerer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If I'm being honest I didn't find this interview to be cringey at all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/callosting πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the fuck does this dude afford to just casually keep getting surgery to turn himself into a uh, space elf?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So this is what smosh has been up to

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

We can thank the internet for this insanity.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/captaininvengo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

(People who are entirely human but have a very loose grip on reality)


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jasonh300 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The dude seemed pretty chill, but the girl was sort of not my type. Not necessarily cringe, and these people definitely shouldn't be bullied (they're not hurting anyone) so im glad to see that people are comfortable expressing themselves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

On all levels except physical, I am a wolf.

That's one of the people from the "I Think I'm an Animal" documentary. He wanted to legally change his name to some goofy sounding shit and his parents were very confused.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
other king a subculture who socially and spiritually identify as not entirely human the origin of other kin can be traced back to elfin kind digest a mailing list started in 1990 by a student at the University of Kentucky for elves and interested observers since then the other kin community has thrived both online and in real life with members largely identifying as mythical creatures such as dragons elves fairies animals and aliens my name is anthony padilla and today i'm going to be sitting down with other kin to learn the truth behind this mysterious community and how they operate in the 21st century how other kin transcended are trivial human reality enabling them to connect with other mythical and astral worlds or are they just perverse humans unable to cope with the day-to-day interactions necessary to survive in modern society [Music] I'm nya hi Louie no nice to meet you thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of other kin yeah thank you for inviting me so what do you consider yourself other kin just non-human or I try to become an L you're trying to become an owl yeah I'm doing a lot of plastic surgery like you know fantasy kind of features pay somebody to become something that it not doesn't look really natural I consider myself a British Columbia wolf and red fox there yet yes that's different than other caterers in the same no other Kane is more of an umbrella term so other kin refers to people who identify in some way as non-human theory and is a more specific term referring to animals that are living or were once living on this earth basically if it really existed in the realm of reality right that would be there yet so what does being other canons help you identify usually spiritual ease or psychologically or both I've seen cases where it's been neither but you have this deep identification as something that is not human for me it's wolf being and other kin means that you don't feel entirely or completely human in my case is something non related to reality I'm trying to become something from fantasy what non-human species or tintype do you identify as do you know what Pleiadians are Pleiadians yeah no they are a kind of elves that comes from space they are beings from love and light and they live in space and care about the earth and I really like it so you are a creature built on love and light from space exactly when did you first become cognizant that you were other kin so when I was about 10 or 11 I had this friend on this Danny Phantom you know the cartoon of hell yeah and I met this girl about my age and we became friends and she went into this anime phase you have to watch Wolverine what is will you have to watch it I'm not gonna tell you the plot you just have to watch it so I watch it I see know the intro with Kiba that's the main character the white wolf and I'm like this is me so automatically when you saw my intro right so I did a bunch of research I watched all sorts of documentaries on wolves I read all I could about wolves and by age 12 I knew I was a wolf if there are a way to permanently alter every aspect of your body to represent the species that you identify with would you do it I will be taller yeah I will be transparent I will have very big eyes I will have my hair super long maybe floating style but well that's not possible so I stay with the things I can do with surgery my next surgery for example will be a mask under my skin under mask under your jaw my entire chin my entire jawline my cheekbones and my eyebrows oh yeah it's basically like a plastic mask under my face is that so completely alter the shape of your face do you remember Angelina Jolie in Maleficent will yeah something like that you're gonna look like Angelina Jolie in Maleficent maybe I'm still deciding because it's really extreme but I like extreme oh how many plastic surgeries have you had around 30 I did my vampire hairline I with my know sometimes I change my eye color this is contact lens of course yeah was that your worst pain you've ever felt in your life no their Wars was in my eyes but for the shape you change yeah I had canto backsies like um they put threads in your eyes and then they pull so your eyes turn like you know like the Catalan there's thread in your eye and they change the shape of your eyeball and that one wasn't terrible I scream when I woke up from the surgery it was so bad that I wanted to tear my eyes apart because they hurt so much it was like the racers in my eyeball when you're feeling your most authentic do you have any go to things that you do to embrace your other can identity there's something called mental shifting and men fifteen is when a theory end gets kind of their mindset becomes more like their theory o-type so I would become more wolf like so if I'm out in the woods I'm full-on wolf like if I'm with close friends what's the problem yeah what I'm doing when you're out so we're running around we do kind of play it as wolves like oh no force at times yes sometimes we're too waked making wolf vocal with stuff so that here's something I might do when I'm out there as follows a howl sure [Laughter] whoa how'd you feel when doing that good like it gets me your eyes cheered up yeah it does get me like it puts me in this space where it's a release it's all of my build up all of my what I have to repress throughout the day yeah like comes out in that how do you hold being in other kin as a secret or do you publicly announce it on all level except physical I am a wolf I mean I'm a meme you're not a fan of that mean that was a misrepresentation of me that was a misrepresentation of a community that I'm a I'm a big part of and that I'm deeply ashamed of myself for letting down and that I do I regret that deeply as identifying as other kin altered your eating habits I'm savage AF there's this scene in the logos doc let me just like tearing up pizza yeah and even after that was filmed people were like my friend who was who was in it with me nayad you are you sure like do you want that up that's how I eat I actually will eat myself if I remove my ribs weight thinking about that where's the surgery I you like that it's the removal to have a like a waist like a really nice tight waist okay we're thinking doing like a barbecue with my own ribs sounds really really extreme and strange that I would love to see how you're saying that you would get your ribs removed to have a thinner waist and then you would eat your ribs over a barbecue to know how you taste that's exactly what I'm saying how important do you feel it is to alter your appearance to look like the other kin that you identify as well it's very important because it's that's how I feel so if I don't like how I look in the mirror how I will like some more eels or like the life I'm living so I would love a qu'atsu yeah penny if you want to get me a quad stitches yeah yo if you want to donate a quad suit how much those cost I have no idea there are a few thousand I think you want to do it in a couple thousand dollars sanaya girl how do your parents feel about you being other kin indifferent indifferent completely indifferent but supportive um they're not not supportive I think at this point it just becomes so normalized because they've lived dealing with it yeah that it's just it doesn't shock or phase or they just say oh my wolf child yeah my family wasn't very supportive affairs because you know plastic surgeries are really extreme decision to do are they supportive now we are supported now because they have seen all the positive things that bring to my lap socially in work love you know confidence and just happiness in general as being other kin affected any of your other relationships I've been rejected a few times when they were derived I was kin you were rejected because but I've also made like it's also caused me to find some amazing people how do you feel when you're rejected for that if you're gonna reject me yeah wait there's a million different facets of niya okami there's a million different facets of Anthony padilha right when you're when you're done with with this everywhere you go you're not the Smosh guy or that or the YouTube guy or though you have all these different thoughts and beliefs and if you're gonna reject all of that without knowing it because I identify in a wolf-like way your loss what are some of the biggest ways your life has been altered since you realize that you're not entirely human actually when it started it was kind of bad because I got bullied from things so different and the bullying was extreme being obligated to it a seed for example as massive yeah or thrown boiling water or calm a little water yeah I loved it a lot of extreme stuff I have many scars from that don't worry I actually think that everything happens for a reason you know they bullied me because I was different by right now people love me for the same reasons I was bullied before many people say they were sorry how does that make you feel when they apologize actually kind of good for them because I know now that people is changing not not just them all the world is changing they are more comprehensive they are more open-minded the love is growing and that's what we need because the world is ending and we have to love each other and work together to make this a better place this can be Haven if we all put our hands together Kelly wants to know your thoughts about furries and how they differ from other kids and other kin can choose to be a furry a furry cannot choose to be another can use of the other kin is an integral identification a furry creates a character a persona and often plays as or draws that character when it is not their identity why do you think it wasn't until recently when the other kin community became so popular mainstream media the reason I think there's all this sudden popularity in it is it's different and you know I think one person found it probably unfortunately people who are looking to make exploitive you know documentaries they found it did it I got memed they kind of knew what they wanted to produce before they interviewed me and it wasn't what I was looking for as far as being and they they wanted to paint other Kenneth's only thing yeah is like this silly jovial look at these guys who you know dress up as animals and they blurred the line where they put furries in there and they wanted to create something controversial something to yeah showed that people should laugh at you yeah but the fact that got memed that means other people who would not normally care are exposed to it yeah for me it was seeing the meme and then understanding that this community existed in the first place anyway cuz can you say that you're my fan then I am your biggest fan I am your biggest fan don't be one of those what's the biggest hardship about being other kin trying to externalize it because you know with plastic surgery it hurts it's pain it's painful like yeah in a body level but you feel the inside you feel like you have to yeah I mean if you feel pain externally but inside you don't know how good it feels you feel like you are becoming yourself how does hanging out with other can friends differ from hanging out normies nor me nor me suffer over here that normies you suck but no like I like hanging out with with people who are interesting yeah whether that be because their other kin or maybe they're from this other fringe culture that I find interesting I like hanging out with people who aren't cookie cutters what would you say to someone watching who's questioning their identity and maybe feels like they might identify as other kin but they're too ashamed to let me know people and I want to say this to all of you there are cringy wolf jumping and stuff videos on YouTube some by kids some by teenagers and some by young adults don't bully them you know this whole cringe culture is BS you know that the stuff that you do with your friends and you have fun doing that you would never post on social media but you know you love these people are brave enough to post that yes and be like this is a part of me I want to meet and and these people you're just crushing them everyone wants to talk things down and I feel like it's leaving people as shells of who they really are because they're afraid of being judged and let me tell you guys something you don't know somebody's identity don't claim to you need to subscribe to Anthony's channel and do you know why you need to subscribe [Music] might just tear you to shreds are you got five seconds to shout out promote anything you want directly to camera go go to my Instagram Luis patron elf I answer all my DMS on comments plastic surgery related or not community comm nyah Okami dummy community for other kid nya Okami if you want to learn about the wolf girl thank you so much Luis I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world of other kin after spending the day with these other kin I've come to realize how much they like anyone else strive to live their life authentically and without fear of judgment shouldn't we strive for a society in which acceptance of different beliefs and identities is encouraged who are we to judge these other kin for fully embracing and expressing themselves see you everybody guys have to like maybe you can be another kin - you can be an elf actually these are prosthetics yeah I really did my ears with plastic surgeries yeah I can give you this one's for you okay so you wanna try the ears okay hello I am just any other elf from space who feeds on air and energy is that right you look strange oh my god you don't like it yeah I kind of like it buy these guns oh my god that's how I look
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 4,558,007
Rating: 4.9247212 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, otherkin, wolfkin, elfkin, wolf girl, on all levels except physical i am a wolf, I spent a day with OTHERKIN (People who aren’t entirely human), interview questions, otherkin cringe, otherkin documentary, what are otherkin
Id: YrgN2Y4Towo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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