I spent a day with FURRIES (face reveal)

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furries one of the most misunderstood groups on the internet members of the furry community have been ostracized by the public for their unique form of self-expression some calling them scary or sexual or even disgusting why do these people feel most comfortable wearing a furry animal suit and what are these people actually like in their day-to-day lives is being furry primarily a sexual thing like so many people believe my name's anthony padilla and today i'm sitting down with furries to find out the truth behind the furry fandom [Music] hey thank you so much for coming out thank you for having me milo oh huh hug it out hey aaron oh thank you great to meet you it's so nice to meet you thank you so much for coming out bo no problem teaching me about the wondrous world of being a furry i wouldn't call it wondrous but it's something how do you refer to yourself is it furry furry furries yeah i would call myself a furry probably just a fursuit maker and uh costume artist i guess i don't really like to label myself as furry i mean that's what i am you know like he called it though you can say i don't care can you explain what it is that you do i've been making fursuits since i was 13 years old so i'm a furry artist and i just draw cute little things like that this is my character cozy i'm a furry artist and also a fursuiter fursuiter yes so i have a fursuit and basically i wear him to conventions mostly just run around in an animal costume getting drunk and getting drugs part of it oh yeah totally and then you also dress up i pretend to be a dog at conventions i mean not legitimately pretend to be a dog but kind of getting into a character and kind of running around being silly having fun can you show me what it's like when you drink beer with that on that head is almost specifically made for beer to go right down your goalie yep what is a fursona it's very subjective what a fursona is but to me it's like my personal main character that i wear around dance in and draw can you tell me a little bit about your personal fursona this is cozy he's a he's a collie he's a border collie i love dogs so therefore i am a dog no it's like pizza same he is a bat dog and his name is tiki it's a cat it's just a cat but me as a cat i call it ruby all right here we go oh dude my fursona is a shark dinosaur shark dinosaur there's really nothing much else to it other than he's a stupid stoner just like i am when you put that on do you refer to yourself as tiki usually when i wear him i don't speak insane what's your what would that look like so if i were to talk to you and be like hey what's your name oh you're bashful you don't want to say it what are you doing here ruby you had the time to do it so you came here and you no i gotta go oh you gotta go oh ruby is not in the normies is it hard to use your iphone and face id with that on well you see i have i have android oh okay did you buy your fursuit or did you make it my friend actually made it for me um i have friends who are fursuit makers i sure bought i sure did it yeah i did this one i made but i do have ones that i've purchased from artists that i love and respect so what was the process like and how long did it take you to build that uh it takes about two weeks if that's all you're doing and then a few months if you're giving yourself like normal times to eat and sleep and breathe when it comes to just a head i could do a head in like a couple days or a week but it comes to a full body suit i made this full body suit in two weeks and rushed for a convention so yeah you could you could make one in a week if you wanted to wow are they expensive what's that like the average range could be anywhere from i'm gonna say 700 to 7000. i really wanted this made by somebody else and they said 4 000 which is totally worth it i just i needed a car at the time it's expensive and once you have it it's it's a really difficult to take care of it and keep it like you know clean and everything and not gross why did you initially become a furry when i was like 12 years old i saw some video on youtube of like a group of furries dancing together in a giant group choreograph and i saw that and i was like dad i want a freaking fursuit buy me a fursuit i used to draw my dog growing up there was one day where i was like i want to improve this skill so i looked up like how to draw dogs on google and he said no make one and that's how i started my business my dad literally just told me to make one through that i found tutorials of how to draw all these cartoon characters and seeing that and then getting led to a furry website and i looked at it was like this is the stuff i like to draw cool what attracts you to the furry lifestyle most um it's definitely the community it's the one that i feel the safest as far as being expressive and being open and being honest everyone's really open and accepting and there really is like low tolerance for like hate and hate speech everything like that if i go to one of these conventions and today i'm like hey everybody i i have to tell you that uh i'm queer they're all like great that's awesome for you or hey everybody uh my mom died they're like do you need money do you need do you need anything we're here for you and that's the coolest part about it what's the worst part about being a furry fur everywhere shedding everywhere i already have a dog at home it just this just makes it worse you just have fur on fur on fur not getting to go to as many events as i'd like to because it can be a very expensive hobby so the worst part about being a furry is that you can't be more of a furry i guess yeah i guess what kind of looks do you get when people see you in your costume just what is that going on what is that do you find more people reacting positively when they see you in costume yeah pretty much i i've only had a few negative interactions but that's like neither here nor there what's the most extreme place you've worn your fursuit there was a convention in pomona and it was like record heat i got into like the 110s it was very very crazy and you just kept that head on i kept it on and i didn't want a great character did you like put like ice packs in your head i didn't but that would have been a good idea a panic at the disco concert brandon yuri yes you just had your full face yeah snowboarding you've worn this while snowboarding i've also done ice skating do you have any special tricks you do to keep yourself from overheating in your fursuit when i'm suiting especially at a con there will be designated rooms for fursuiters and they're called the headless lounge because that's where you rip your head off and you're like oh i normally have like this uh scuba diver under suit that keeps me cool but i don't have that today so i'm just wearing a t-shirt and some cheez-it boxers so everyone out there knows because i'm a smack no okay i play sports all the time so it never really was a thing for me my longest is 14 hours without taking my head off were you wearing like a full-on nasa diaper what oh my gosh no what happens when you're wearing your full fursuit and you gotta go number one or like number two or like number three get ready this is so weird right i take it off right and then i go i pee in my diaper of course you wear a diaper no no no no you take it off and you go to the bathroom that is such a stupid question here's that dog so i've seen some videos of furries dancing and i want to know are there any signature moves or dances that your fursona has [Music] about all i got [Applause] what do you think the most common misconception about furries is um definitely the sex and suits probably heard this a million times furries they're people who dress up in their costumes and each other at conventions and it's just like yes that happens but no the majority of people don't do that the majority of people are young artists kids if you're dying walking right like that's not gonna be fun like in a suit where you feel like you're inside of a couch like that's not gonna be enjoyable what do your parents think of your furry lifestyle um my parents are super supportive of it they see it as a hobby which is what it is it's just a hobby my mom loves it they think it's really cute obviously they support my business they supported me enough to bring me up here and do this with you carissa c wants to know how fast you can run on all fours um not very fast not fast at all not very fast well i could probably crab walk pretty fast but that's it how would your fursona tell people to subscribe to my channel subscribe to his channel you oh i hate you i love you well you you heard him you see this guy this is anthony padilla you subscribed him because he's a good boy who's a good boy me what do you think my fursona would be like a cool dog like a dog on a skateboard i would be a dog on a skateboard yes i already made it i could show you you made my first i sure did yeah i made you anthony paw diaz oh my god there he is oh my god a lion a lion you look like you have lion and lion's mane for him oh my god i'd be like mufasa the furry i never thought that i would be the one cringing you know what i'm saying well i took an online quiz they said that my fursona is a little different i bought the nearest thing i could find to what i saw i brought that with me now and i'll go get into that uh my my fursuit right now i'm looking forward to seeing it all right okay hello hey what's up i slayed the sloth your mouth you don't like it you're missing something what am i missing oh yeah see now it's something dude i love your fursuit you like it bro yeah this was 50 bucks dude that's a bargain um can i see your oh my paws you know you can put your fingers in these right buddy i did not know that what did you say [Music] if you had any critiques for my costume what would it be um don't wear it don't go out in public in that um people are gonna think you're a pet all right well thank you so much thank you thank you milo furries really aren't too different from the rest of us they're creative people who enjoy taking on new personas in order to express themselves and they found entire communities of people who accept them who are we to judge someone who's just living their best self if anything we should respect furries for being able to confidently express themselves despite such strong negative opinions from the general public and isn't that confident something we should all strive for you anthony you don't make smosh videos anymore [Music] uh
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 7,667,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony padilla youtube, youtube anthony padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, furry, furries, fursuit, convention
Id: vvXMtU5rs30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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