I spent a day with *EMOs*

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emo a rock music genre characterized by an emphasis on emotional expression this term has evolved to also describe a subculture defined by its signature straighten flat hair with long dyed fringes plus skinny jeans studded belts and emo band shirts in addition to numerous facial piercings the emo subculture entered the mainstream in the mid 2000s and those who dress an emo fashion and associated themselves with its music were known as emo kids or emos the shock wave of this subcultures impact was felt across nearly the entire Western world but emo popularity heavily waned by the early 2010s leaving the emo fashion and music trends a distant memory in most former emo kids minds my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with modern emo to learn the truth about this lifestyle and how its evolved since fading into obscurity over the past decade our emos just people who find comfort in expressing the feelings through fashion and music or they really overly sensitive antisocial loners who hide behind their fringes in order to avoid real life interactions is the emo lifestyle really still alive and flourishing or are these modern emos lost in a black parade of pain and darkness holding on to a trend that fell into a relevancy nearly a decade ago [Music] hey after love burning hey Anthony Johnny sup man thank you so much for coming out and teaching me about the wondrous world of emos wonderous what do you consider yourself emo scene kid probably some strange mix of everything you know some days I'm like straight-up emo yes some days when I tease my hair really big I'm a scene Queens boy oh you know I guess well Google tells me I'm emo cool tells you that that's me you show up in the third row third row that's wow you know you to find emo sure what does being emo entail probably like hair tattoos piercings like the style tattoos are fun I like getting stabbed by tattoo needles you like getting stabbed yeah okay I'm snake bites angel bites I think it's called canine bites when it's the whole set yeah oh geez well we got some hidden piercing I got the stretch dears whoa you can fit like a whole fist in there I mean sometimes we do that how long have you been emailed six years like nine years probably 10 ish years what first inspired you to become emo listening to edgy hardcore music yeah you know music that has emotion to it oh you didn't feel you know you hear it in in the voice in the music come on bass and black my eyes he already knows just what is it about emo culture that you personally identify with most it's just a natural thing for me I just am a sad boy so so alright sad songs no dress like a sad person and that's just how I've always been say you're walking down the street with your headphones in and like your favorite song is playing and it just it can really take over you during my the height of my emo phase when I had my hair done perfectly when I was wearing my favorite clothes when I had someone screaming into my ears with some heavy chugga-chugga-chugga breakdowns in there I was like um do you remember what it felt like to first put on that pair of skinny emo jeans for the first time yeah it was really really really hard because I remember I had to go to the girls section when you still do but I had to go and get girls skinny jeans and me being like 13 or whatever I was like oh this is so lame like what the heck mom but oh you were annoyed that you're going to the girls section well I think I was like I was embarrassed yeah but it wasn't until like I start wearing makeup that people were like a little more judgmental or when I got long hair that's when people were more judgmental about long hair Oh completely yeah why I mean you know you just come across some people that just don't get how people dress you know they just don't understand or they don't some people are more close-minded and all you can say is okay bring me from a boomer himself I need a night it's a night I didn't before we learn more about the wondrous world of emos I wanted to give a quick shout out to you for supporting this series every time you watch one of my videos you help support this series and indirectly encourage interesting guests to appear on this show and share their unique life experiences with us every one of you who is subscribed and especially if you went through all that extra effort to go into a notification battle and turn on all those notifications you helped ensure that this series continues to be a success and with certain sensitive topics that are completely blacklisted due to YouTube's strict policies and prevent these videos sometimes for making any money at all you going that extra mile and you know buying merch really helps me continue to make this series and also allows me to pay my incredibly wonderful team who helped make this series happen I can't thank you enough that's all I wanted to say now back to learning about the wondrous world of emos do you proudly tell people your emo or do you keep that more of a secret I'm straight-up open about it I mean not looking yeah - I don't think it's a secret it's funny because you don't even look that like that like loud to me because I'm just I feel like I'm used to seeing this kind of look but I guess yeah most people it is kind of a loud looks like in your face yeah I feel like if you're not mor not used to it it definitely sticks out why do you think so many people have such harsh judgments against use people just assuming that you're gay if you like to wear makeup or like to you know put a certain type of effort into your look I guess like I even received that all I did was straighten my hair I didn't yeah I didn't do makeup or anything like that yeah and people would constantly assume that I was gay because of it it's kind of an easy target because you're dressing differently than most people are used to and therefore that kind of paints a little target on your face I ins wants to know if you ever worked at or applied to work at Hot Topic I apply dispensers but not Hot Topic my homie over there he works at Hot Topic so it is true it really is true would you like to draw your own tattoo design for me you want me to draw a tattoo for you I do it's for you to have on your body yes okay you can even sign it so everyone knows who did it I don't know I'm gonna be designing a tattoo today I won't peek toe your dime no pressure oh boy okay all right I present to you insecure Pikachu it's beautiful can you add a teardrop yeah it's perfect if this video gets over 100,000 likes I won't travel to you and I will be with you while you get this tattoo done please and we will follow lean faster on this journey please this will be awesome considering emo is short for emotional do you find yourself to be more of a highly person yeah yeah I mean I I think I definitely can be emotional that's why I write so many sad songs and make so many sad videos you know you definitely have those nights you know it's like 2:00 in the morning like AMC arms playing it's just like just why you're not okay what's one thing you wish you could say to everyone who expresses harsh criticism against the emos everyone expresses themselves differently and judging another person is not cool dear person that has harsh criticism towards emos stop wow yeah wow that speech though if there's someone watching who feels like they identify as emo but are afraid of expressing themselves out of fear of judgment is there anything that you we want to say to them so many people are just so afraid of what other people are gonna tell them or what their jobs gonna do that they don't do what they think is gonna make them happy for the longest time and then they reach their later years in life and realize that they can't keep not being themselves and they finally say you know yeah yeah if you want to do something if you feel like something is gonna make you feel more like yourself get just do it just do it just do it there's some brand out there that said that one I don't know who that is yeah I think it was Reebok what are your parents and your family think about you being emo they love it they love it yeah my mom was in a BuzzFeed video with me where I turned her emo so oh so she embraces that dude eyes how'd she look horrible but she's my mom so she looked great do you hope to be emo until the day you die I hope that sounds like an emo band I said I I never want to be afraid to express how I feel in that moment until the day I die so if later on I don't want an emo hair I don't want to dress like this I hope that I have the bravery to do whatever I want yeah cuz I kind of wanted to see how long I can do it maybe I can get a Guinness world record for doing it the longest yeah they're probably giving those out for the longest emo longest what are you looking up yeah they probably giving it up what do you think the biggest misconception about emos and emo culture is I'm not really always sad it's kind of a front mmm well you you're just faking like you're sad I fear soon as you land there you blue-steel it up a little bit you like uh-huh he knows you probably do it too I tell that's beautiful now the moment everyone's been waiting for emo makeover time she's gonna help me cuz she's my style adviser sometime Oh what I had such a hard time finding emo women and here you are wait do you want you want me to strain your hair yeah I don't know how to use one of these just kidding you know when I used to watch your videos that like you know well I still do ha ha ha yeah you better yeah you better backtrack on that but when I used to watch them when I was a baby I never thought you know like oh I'd be straighten your hair someday but you never thought you would grow up to the street my hair yeah Brendon Urie looked like another thought I'd be able to screen his hair but here I am so nerd you guys look like Brendon Urie you know he looks like you this is going back to my tiny let's go be tight and a little good with body days it's gonna look good if it's tight I did it oh yeah this is how I used to wear it before I before my body started turning into a 30 year old man's body I is this good no this is horrible dude you're really making my credit go dude how does that feel it feels and it feels like I'm becoming who I've always been meant to be his eyes will be as black as his soul smoldered me baby I'm kind of honestly with it cut on the sides it kind of looks like and with the spray this would be the new look of it hey Karen yes you picking up your son from school today yeah my minivan but I got I got the orange slices for all right he's waiting for you he really wants this juice boxes - hey Allbritton hi-c you know I got it I actually have a parting gift for you a best interviewer shirt that you could get a pillow shop calm but I'm gonna make your little emo day and give you this for free this really makes my emo day I'm so happy hey guys do you like sad subscribe internal that notification bell all right you got 5 seconds a shout-out and promote anything you want directly in the camera go SiC follow me on instagram i'm a little emotional and youtube.com slash bernie mac follow alice cuz she did that sick makeover at hellish underscore snow underscore fox instagram the swimming plant stepped on you testes Johnnie Guilbert everything also watch Angry Birds because it has Anthony Annette I'm not making fun of you it's great thank you so much Bernie I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world of emos after spending the day with these modern emos I've come to realize this lifestyle is more than just a trend to many people as it allows them to freely express themselves in a way that makes them feel most confident in a society that pushes freedom of expression who are we to judge someone for expressing themselves through fashion or music when it brings joy to their lives see you later bye guys make that light button bleed what is up Los Angeles whoo all right yo we are curb-stomp my penis I love you guys thank you problem this is our first track it's called drowning in tears until I die from suffocation on liquid in my throat and it was really salty those tears thank you that was great good
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 5,249,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, emo, emo music, my chemical romance, fall out boy
Id: JrFUr8e-vjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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