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sleepwalking a sleep disorder and phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness that results in a person walking or performing complex actions while asleep sleepwalking has likely existed since the dawn of humanity but wasn't seriously investigated and diagnosed until the 19th century sleepwalking is very common with the lowest estimations finding that at least four percent of adults in the us have experienced it in some form while up to 29 of children sleepwalk at some point before the age of 13. my name is anthony padilla and today i'm going to be sitting down with people who sleepwalk to learn the truth about this highly misunderstood disorder do those who sleepwalk live their waking hours blissfully unaffected by the activities they partake in while sleeping or does this disorder leave them feeling paralyzed by the fear of what may happen once they close their eyes each night [Music] hello selena hi how are you maya hello lee hey anthony how are you thank you so much for coming on here and teaching me about the world of sleepwalking absolutely let's get going what do you consider yourself a sleepwalker someone who does things in their sleep without their ability to acknowledge what's happening i sleepwalk i have night terrors i experience hallucinations the whole mixed bag probably the latter i i don't really like the word sleepwalker it's just doing stuff in an unconscious state i suppose or a state that you're not aware of a very active sleepwalker not more of a talker but definitely more of a walker and sometimes sprinter when i posted that i was going to be doing this episode there were probably 10 000 comments begging for me to get you little did people know i had we had already been in contact with you so how does it feel to be possibly the world's most famous sleepwalker on the entire internet you know what if i'm gonna be known for something at least that's something what are some of the most common things that you do while you sleepwalk i'm so fun and bubbly and nice but in my sleepwalking life i'm mean i'm flipping the bird to everybody i'm just like cussing everybody out i'm slapping plants most of my episodes now in my life are scary or i scream a lot i have touched hallucinations like i've been seeing this little girl who plays with my hair and it's terrifying i'll walk around the house go in the kitchen grab paper grab pens and just start drawing and scribbling that can be on the walls on the floor anywhere whatever i can get my hands on you are a sleepwalking artist yeah so i just all i do is ask well if you can call it uh i actually used to sleepwalk as a kid i would scream in the middle of the night i would go out into the kitchen and bang the pots and pans together i remember vibrantly one night screaming the word penis and being so embarrassed about the fact that my mom and my grandma heard me scream that well i if you're right in my house i'm yeah i swing that way so anyway you know penis is good you've been recording some of these clips and we have some of these clips now that i wanted to take a look at with you yeah sure so what's going on here well i've got obviously just got out of bed there i don't know how long i've been up but that is basically i do a lot of circles and scribbling and that that's that piece there on my wall yeah it looks kind of like a van gogh piece yeah well thank you i wish it was worth as much but yeah that was done at a friend's house back in 2006. and we'd had a barbecue outside and i got up in the middle of the night got the chicken bones out the barbecue and hot coals and started scribbling on these brand new walls that they had we just thought okay we'll cut that out it was a lot bigger but managed to cut one piece out which was unbroken and we've uh i've actually got it mounted and that's the piece there so you'll find canvases even when there are no canvases in the house so if ever i have a sleepover you better watch yourself this is my favorite clip of all time my face especially after i throw these and you see me coming back in and you know what this is the only one where i remembered the dream and i was at this pool party and i there was this giant jello pool and i knew that i was like taking cans of pop to the jello pool that's the only thing i remember i look like a child i love it just to watch it back and be like i fully fed my lawn soda just oh my god nice are you looking out the window i'm looking directly into the closed blind there is a blindfold down there just let them go oh peace you're you are not happy when you're asleep no i'm not i'm not oh my god that looks horrifying i can only imagine what people get in the yeah yeah the night vision does not help this one was really funny because i have no idea where i went you're just out of the frame you're just going these horrifying eyes with you blinking it really is terrifying are you experiencing sleep paralysis during this or does it feel similar it's very similar i have sort of the worst combination of both where i'm seeing those same hallucinations that are really terrifying but i also have like i i moved yeah i mean everyone has experienced a nightmare at some point in their life but amplify that times a thousand it's got to be just absolutely horrific it's had a lot of physical harm in my body i've gotten a lot of ulcers in my stomach because of the amount of like stress on the body and it's for nothing i think that's the thing that's so frustrating about it is i just feel like my mind is continuously playing this horrible practical joke on me and i keep falling for it over and over and over and over again what's been the most bizarre thing that you've ever done while sleepwalking when i was in grade 8 we did this end of school year trip and it was at like this camp and we did a campfire we had s'mores went back to my bunk went to sleep woke up half naked in the woods took me half an hour of yelling to find my way back to the camp what ended up happening was i saw they had in the middle of this thing one of those giant pillars with the giant lights but i saw that and then i knew my way back to camp but i i just got back in my bed so no one even knew and i was crying like that was that was a scary one like it was it was tears i wanted to go home i can half do a drawing and then go back to it a week or two or three weeks later and you'll like you like pick up where you left off the weird thing is i cannot produce the r whilst i'm in a in a state of like a weight of consciousness your brain is interpreting these visual images and it's able to kind of like construct this goal of what it should look like and pick up somewhere in the middle i must be vigilant visualizing that to think okay there's some part in your brain that knows what you feel like it should end up looking like yeah you should be a doctor i'm working on it phd dr padilla yeah there you go mike what do you think it says about your subconscious the fact that you can do these incredible pieces of art while you're asleep but yet when you're conscious you uh your your skills are not quite as explored yeah it's a bit of a strange one or i'm blocking i'm i'm blocking something out maybe there is like a layer of something in your head that tells you you can't do it but yet when when that layer is removed it's always been there within you you look at paul mccartney the dna helix vision he visualized that in his sleep so there's been a lot of breakthroughs in this in your sleep our subconscious is so much stronger than we give it credit for yeah definitely do you have any examples of what you're capable of doing while you're fully conscious the closest thing i can get to like consciousness would be something like that so that's what you do when you're awake and do you have any of your other pieces too that you did while you were fully asleep well there's a story behind the first one uh-huh holy [ __ ] it's strange i don't really remember much about marilyn monroe people say why was it marilyn it's almost like it's bringing to life certain images that are in your head while you're asleep that's what i think what's your most memorable sleepwalking experience that time when i left and i ran down my driveway and in front of the house and i was hysterically laughing and you just see my husband bolt out after me that will forever be the funniest funniest moment to me you're just having the time of your life it's like a toddler who escaped home it is i literally revert to a two-year-old when i'm sleepwalking just the way i walk the way i talk like the way i move it's so primal child i lived over above a bar and yeah just basically getting up in the middle of the night going naked downstairs to the bar and pouring a couple of drinks and that was all on camera so yeah i think they have the security cam footage of that yeah yeah it's like what the [ __ ] yeah and that was back that was back at me back in that was the year 2000. you don't happen to have that footage to you that would be insane to include no no and even if i did no one's getting it [Laughter] morgan shepard wants to know what the process is like of waking up while you're sleepwalking either i make my way back to bed and i don't wake up or i slowly come to or like i'll be doing something i'll be like that's water bottle i need to go to bed so you'll just kind of wake up and realize that you're doing something you're in the middle of something yeah that's right or i will scare myself awake there'll be a really loud noise my dog will bark and that's usually when i wake up and i'm like and i'm scared is sleepwalking potentially dangerous absolutely people die sleepwalking they walk out into traffic you can hurt people in your sleep and not realize it there's just no conscience there and your your body is still moving around doing things responding to what it thinks is happening what's been the most dangerous experience you've had while sleepwalking i sprained my wrist i punched a wall in my sleep because i thought that there was something attacking me and then i've also walked outside before and i live right on a busy street so if i go outside it's only like a few steps before i'm right in traffic before we continue learning about the world of sleepwalking do people commonly question the legitimacy of these videos that you post on tiktok 100 when people you know make videos or huge posts we're like this is absolutely fake it's like it's still hard i'd like to thank honey for their continued support in sponsoring this series as you know sponsors allow us to continue the series and support all the outright stunning beautiful people that help make this series possible behind the scenes honey of course is the free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart so you no longer have to see that dreaded discount code box staring you down in the face at checkout because if honey finds a working 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can be customized to whatever is right for you and can be really helpful with providing tools to help with motivation or feelings of depression anxiety stress insecurity or whatever else you might specifically need better help has been continuing to improve throughout the years and screens all therapists to ensure that they have experience and are certified and licensed and provides customized online therapy that offers video phone and even live chat sessions with your licensed therapist so you don't even have to see anyone on camera or speak over the phone if that's not something that you're comfortable with therapy can be expensive and the price of finding a therapist that you like and actually click with can start to get really overwhelming which is why betterhelp offers a more affordable alternative to in-person therapy where you can start communicating with your licensed therapist in less than 48 hours so thanks again to our sponsor betterhelp who are giving i spent a day with viewers and listeners 10 off their first month at betterhelp.com padilla again that's better dot com slash padilla now back to the world of sleepwalking does anything increase your likelihood of sleepwalking i do know that when i eat cheese or chocolate it happens and this is just like a common recurring thing like you can perfectly link that oh absolutely and that's how the tick tock videos came to be because after being caught on its own sometimes i was like i know what makes this happen two nights a week i am going to do this my husband's gonna wait up and watch the cameras and we're just gonna let a party happen in the house so you can now like voluntarily trigger this thing to happen i will eat the cheese and chocolate then i take my melatonin i lay down i'm out in 15 minutes and within an hour to an hour and a half i'm up but that's down to alcohol as well thanks to alcohol it'll like mess up your rem cycle they got me up to the world famous edinburgh sleep center they keep you awake for 36 hours you've got to try and stay away and i said to them why are you keeping me awake and they said sleep deprivation which is the same as getting drunk on the piss right that brings it on so that effect brings on the same as what the alcohol does do you have any recollection of sleepwalking like after it happens or is it always kind of just like nothing there it's like flashes but there are moments when i am sleepwalking where i do have these moments where i feel very lucid and i feel like i'm in it and i see what's going on but i'm not really controlling it i feel like i'm just kind of like a robot like i feel like i'm kind of doing these things that are just meant to happen i used to sleepwalk when i was younger and it was that same kind of experience and i never like i can't tell if i was sleepwalking or if i was having a panic attack as a child and then having some kind of like derealization depersonalization like disassociation yeah dissociations kind of because like i would feel like i was in there and conscious and be like i don't really want to be running from my bedroom to touch the wall in the living room and then banging the pots and pans in the kitchen together but yeah i was like aware it was happening as it was happening it's like caught in deja vu and you just see it and you feel it and you're experiencing it but you're like this is not what's supposed to be happening right now do you notice a change in how well-rested you feel when you wake up in the morning i feel in my eyes the most i mean because i sleepwalk with my eyes open and i'll feel it in my body sometimes too i clench my stomach a lot in my sleep even when i'm not sleepwalking but there's just a lot of a lot of clenching happening i thought it would be fun when i was like 13 to try to see if i could train myself to do sit-ups in my sleep because i was like okay i need to get i need to get out gotta get those abs somehow and why why do it when i'm awake do you ever fear falling asleep definitely really bad anxiety about it and it leads to insomnia which ironically makes sleepwalking episodes worse it's not uncommon for really bad bouts of anxiety to cause me to go without sleep for like three days at a time and and then i'll finally sleep and then i'll have a really bad sleep episode it just sort of compounds on itself do you ever fear falling asleep in an unknown like location like a friend's house or anything like that there's a lot of instances where people with sleep disorders have been taken advantage of in their sleep and i've had that happen to me before and that's a really scary thing to think about and because it's not just okay who could i possibly um trust it's like there's all these things that could go wrong why do you think you sleepwalk that in a way is kind of a scary question my mom was a sleepwalker and she has a disease called multiple sclerosis so many people have come to me and they're like hardcore sleepwalking you know you could develop parkinson's or epilepsy and i remember my early 20s they checked to see if i had ms and i didn't but they're like this doesn't mean you won't get it so i worry that this is a warning sign and that's that's what i would say is like the darker side of this is is this something else do people commonly question the legitimacy of these videos that you post on tick tock 100 and that's why i don't post them as much as i used to for me it's like this very real thing it's been a part of my life my whole life when people you know make videos or huge posts we're like this is absolutely fake it's like it's still hard even though it's so real to me to see it coming back at me and like okay guys i won't post it right people on the internet are going to be upset if you exploit anything about yourself whether it be the way you look or the things that you can do or the things that you do when you're not even fully conscious people just want to be frustrated by something but i do feel lucky because 99 of people really like it like one of the videos on tick tock has like 90 million views and it has like 15 million likes and it's like you know what 50 million people like smiled at this where there's probably like 60 bad comments the people who really like it or even are indifferent are likely to be more quiet than those that have some kind of problem with it absolutely the flower gal wants to know if you have to baby proof your room or your house or anything just in case you sleepwalk we got the screamers on the doors we have the bells on the bed and we have those like pull little locks like the hotel rooms have on our doors and that's that's what keeps me pretty safe i even get paranoid because like with the kitchen you know you've got a lot of knives and i always get i don't know it's always in the back of your head i don't know what my partner he probably doesn't sleep all night just guys if i was your partner i'd be taping down those knives i'd have alarm sensors like lasers i got an insurance policy out on it i've got a toddler gate on my bed sometimes i'll put like a door alarm or put chairs in front of the door i have a really squishy like bed cushion like it's really thick memory foam in the hopes that it's like really hard for me to get you basically turned your bed into quicksand just so that you couldn't get out of it easily that's the goal if there's anyone watching who sleepwalks and is embarrassed about it or afraid to go to sleep each night is there anything that you want to say to them don't feel bad i mean in the end everybody does embarrassing things and most of the people who are doing them are doing them fully conscious at least you know like we've got your excuses there's nothing you can do about it what do you think the biggest misconception is about people who sleepwalk that zombie thing in it you know i'm stretched out from yeah who invented this just that it's a funny thing to happen and you know there's a lot of portrayals out there that make fun of sleep disorders and make fun of sleepwalking and make it into a comedy bit for a show or for something else and people who haven't experienced it don't realize just how common it is for sleepwalkers to experience things that are really scary all right you got five seconds of shout out to promote anything you want directly to camera go i would like to say hi and thank you so much and guess what i write books check them out on amazon follow me on youtube and happy birthday to my little brother if you go to my website see any pictures with 11 11 50 bucks instead of eight grand and that's solely for you your viewers cheers find me everywhere at my own and listen to my songs sleep if you'd like to hear it it's about my sleep disorder yeah guys and girls remember subscribe to auntie padilla cool guy artist approved thank you so much maya i feel like i understand the world of sleepwalking just a little bit more thank you for having me after spending the day with these sleepwalkers i've come to understand just how much sleep disorders like sleepwalking can affect every aspect of one's life especially when it's usually only the funny moments that are broadcast to us in media we should be more eager to listen and learn because you never truly know what may be occurring behind the scenes [Music] i don't like to admit it now anthony but but well your ex-president owns a piece wait 45 owns a piece am i right to say his name i'm all right to say his name go ahead trump i like how it's all going to be swear word now you got it wait for real he owns one he does own one and that was that was way before that was about 12 years before he became president that's right that was when he was just known for being home alone and then roll on and it started oh yeah yeah yeah back i want my painting back
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 864,541
Rating: 4.9835501 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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