I spent a day with SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS (Secrets Exposed)

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substitute teachers a workforce of individuals who teach school classes when regular teachers are unavailable these temporary teachers are in higher demand than ever before but the amount of substitutes readily available to work has decreased by 10,000 in the past four years despite often being overlooked these unsung heroes play a crucial role that keeps our education system from collapsing my name is Anthony Padilla and today I'm gonna sit down with some of these substitute teachers to learn the truth behind this mysterious world what motivates these elusive figures to choose such an inconsistent and underpaid career how do they emotionally prepare themselves to step in front of a classroom of often judgmental and abusive delinquents do these substitute teachers turn on TV programs for their students because they're too lazy to teach or do they hide behind their TV cards out of fear [Music] hey Miss Bora hello mr. rosier good mr. Mays you can just call me major just mace just made just Mays no mister no mister well thank you for coming out and teaching us a little bit at the the wondrous world of substitute teaching no problem no problem what do you consider yourself substitute teacher I'm an educator you prefer educator well only because it really hammers home the point that I actually do work I'm a musician who takes care of your kids win I don't have anything else to do Oh kind of like a saint or like a like a tiny angel that just whisks in the nick of time mm-hmm what's your number one reason for becoming a substitute teacher I mean I watch school arad you got inspired by school of yeah you're like Jack Black Oh God I do actually like teaching I like that thing I can help them learn something they didn't already know how long have you been substitute teaching like three and a half years a year over 15 years 15 years it's definitely gotten easier I used to get nervous in the mornings oh yeah I didn't know what I was gonna face now I feel like I've seen almost everything yes like bring it what grades students to you right I'm elementary school so I can cover pre-k which can have as young as three years old oh boy to fifth grade which is 10 or 11 if they had to repeat a grade I'll do preschool to like sixth seventh grade sometimes middle school it's the worst it's a fact it's the most disobedient children here's the thing most people in society believe you're supposed to be teaching new educational things such as you know read and write and everything taking like that yeah but that's not what they really need they're learning how to socialize with other human beings so I mean you were you were one of the few that paid attention to that I mean yeah and I think that's kind of why I got fired from there you got fired yeah how'd you get fired I shot a music video at my school [Music] she's betting like the language that was used which subjects did you teach these children I have to cover everything a lot of people think it's babysitting because I could just put in a movie but a five-year-old is not gonna watch a movie for six hours III teach chess specifically uh-huh but I substitute for other after-school programs so like Star Wars Star Wars Jedi Academy you teach her chest but you like to sub for Star Wars Jedi Academy yeah what sets you apart from other substitute teachers me looking like this being like this talking like this I know a lot of people probably not gonna like it but you know this this is who are you I try and like instill some excitement in teaching like chess which seems like the most boring thing ever so I try I do like little dances and stuff to try and get them like into it what kind of dance to see you do to just like up down side to side up down side to side I know it's so nerdy kids like like that kind of stuff the fact that I actually follow the plans you do your job I do my job that's what sets you apart obviously I don't see other subs very often but I will hear horror stories about once that will fall asleep in the front of the classroom or you know they'll spend time doing magic or something I got like haven't gimmick I don't have a gimmick I'm just an interesting intellectual person yeah I was gonna help you with your mouth yeah there are substitutes bro sure like God saying school I was at but I got a substitute teacher one that taught them right they are gonna be deported they was all illegal immigrants like that they had a man watch teacher was watching he was watching on the computer and you put it to this adapter this don't come up in their projectors like that's something about education system is very tough because you got adults on warhead and they do abuse power and they do like Duke they are creepy yeah I mean you got kids are so what's the middle ground so people often criticize subs for being lazy by rolling out a TV and you know putting on a program throwing in a DVD can you show how difficult that actually is did not the DVD case Incredibles - uh-huh uh-huh how does this TV work I don't know this TV I'll have to figure it out oh I did because it's not that hard criticizing substitute teachers for rolling out the TV you don't know how much work that takes that's why I get paid the small bucks do you think substitute teachers get paid a fair wage I don't think teachers are paid a fair wage I definitely understood the stress that they went through that they go through and I was like bar this is not the slide this is not for me we did at least in my school district just get an increase but it took what eight years and a little bit of fighting why do you think you have to fight for why do you think they won't hand about I'm wondering that myself cuz there are a lot of things they don't hand out money for when I go into a school it's towards the end of the year and they don't have paper anymore and they on a budget for anymore paper are you kidding me that's stuff that everyone every classroom should have all year long I think the payment could be better for sure the amount of money time and energy I spent driving to this new school in figuring out parking is like way more energy than the amount I'm getting paid even for that what changes would you like to see in regards to the treatment of teachers the treatment from schools different schools is like erratic like some schools are like yeah just go here and then other schools are like these kids get hurt you need your you're held accountable and like it differs so much that like some schools I'm like I don't want to work at that school yeah if a person if a child can come and look me in the face would call me while I'm trying to educate sake and you can kinda just almost more so just treat me like well you supposed to be in the DOE just go back and do your job you know compensate that what's one thing you wish students would do when they find out they're gonna have a substitute teacher that day I wish students actually would be on their best behavior so a teacher might occasionally pop into the classroom during the day and I tell you those kids go from - she's coming when they see the real teacher but they're not doing that for me when I'm standing right in front the class why do you why not because they don't little respect you are right it's a little bit of that and I'm just saying guys you should be when they're not when your teachers not even in the room I teach younger kids yeah and the amount of getting a little crass but the amount of farting that goes on maybe like when you have the sub like change it to a healthy lunch because like I teach them Wednesdays and Wednesdays are like sloppy joe day and I'm like dude please change it you're just being hot box and farts yeah fart box how important do you think substitute teachers are to the education system super important I mean without him kids wouldn't have that class that day and they would be running around the school and getting hit by cars and getting into trouble like seriously do you think people realize how important substitute teachers are not it's literally a thankless job you don't think that you receive any praise I don't give any thanks I mean occasionally I'll have kids how many pictures you wanna see some pictures thank you kids draw your pictures yeah there are some good ones thanks for being a good sub has a student ever made fun of your name yes I feel like I am often back in elementary school myself yes I was often called [ __ ] oh great which is hilarious jokes on them because I was the smartest kid in my class in elementary school Oh what is the popular thing now with kids oh it's definitely for tonight it's still four times you I saw kids today with like a sweatshirt on I thought I was dead not for elementary school what's the most bizarre thing you've ever witnessed in the classroom kids do all types of doing the Hitler's two fights you can't break it up break it up yeah but sometimes I'm slow to react sometimes you know it takes you aback like they really happy yeah cuz like you know you said it's lat randomly it's like Oh [Laughter] male or female your first instinct is not gonna be to run over there and go save the day it's gotta be to taking in like what do you think the biggest impact that you've ever made on his child has been oh it's really sad there was this girl who I adored she was really sweet and she would always talk to me about Harry Potter like we'd bond over that so she was always lovely and the bell rang one day she came up to me and dropped this bomb that she'd said sometimes I don't feel like being alive and you think oh my gosh why is it ten year old having these thoughts and here we are and I'm thinking oh I was not trained for this how did you react i sat her down and we talked for about an hour look I'm sorry that it's always dark you know and you can't see that light right now but I see light and I see you as a you know beautiful intelligent strong individual I enjoy you know you as a person and we both started crying at one point she gave me a hug and said she felt better I walked out and then I thought okay yeah well I definitely think I made an impact that day I hope that I did what do you think the biggest misconception about substitute teachers is now all of them don't care some of them actually do care someone like they doing this simply because they really enjoyed it I think the biggest misconception is that we don't do anything they think it's the put in the movie or that we don't know anything and I'm there to actually instruct I think like the school sometimes they take for granted like how much of a difficult aspect is to be like hey you don't know anything about this school or anyone or anything about this subject probably but come teach like 25 like angry kids yeah about it if you could say one thing to every student in the world what would that be I want you to just be your best self that's all it's not hard not asking for any special treatment for myself just be your best self I will be my best self and we'll have a great day anime slime asks what was the best but our teacher lets us do that excuse that you never got Oh cell phones cause some kids somewhat bring their cell phones to bring in cell phone kind of cell phones it's a status thing let me tell you cuz my like not the newest but they're always like what I found is a because that I've got the iPhone 10 why the eye contact you have elementary school kids judging you for not having an iPhone yes I'm telling them look I'm not a wasteful individual I'm gonna wait till this one stops working before I just discard it and buy a new one because there are landfills yeah garbage I don't want to add to if I don't have to I'm gonna give you a list of names to call a roll call because there's this idea that substitute teachers don't know how to how to pronounce any name okay so I want to see I want to see how you do I look down yes I'm super down for this isla here no well you stop my name but I'm here all right Ava here Kyra is that what it is here I yeah all right this next look I'm gonna butcher Chavan what is it si obh am I don't know that name shabaan yes that's right that Israel you did it Elias what is it Elias Eli Elias madam are you in size about your whole name sweetheart how would you command students at home to not only do their homework about to subscribe to my channel if you don't subscribe your grades will plummet won't go to college thank you so much miss Laura thank you I feel like I fully understand the wondrous world of substitute teaching after spending the day with substitute teachers I've come to understand just how crucial they are to a functioning education system these substitutes have proven that they're dedicated to helping our youth through academic and personal struggles and that it only takes one action to have a positive impact on the rest of someone's life see you later bye guys now press alike got it like good job you're me know exactly exactly I remember I remember being concerned about the time that I shaved my pubes in seventh grade and and it was nothing but but razor burns again I couldn't run around and like lightly PE class and that was the first time I got the wise idea to cut my balls with scissors [Laughter]
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,430,533
Rating: 4.9768844 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, teaching, education, substitute teacher
Id: P1Jz523UHeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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