I spent a day with KIDZ BOP STARS

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kids bought a brand of compilation albums featuring children performing popular songs often with lyrics altered to be more kid-friendly which many find to be cringy or outright upsetting nevertheless Kidz Bop has sold more than 17 million albums since its debut in 2001 but who are the kids who have brought these bops to life over the past 18 years how badly did they get bullied by the kids at their school for their involvement with the polarizing brand has their experience with Kidz Bop been a blessing or a curse my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna sit down with some of these X Kidz Bop singers to find out the truth behind Kidz Bop hey Rob nice to meet you thank you for coming out and teaching me a little bit about the wondrous world of Kidz Bop so how do you refer to yourself is it Kidz Bop alumni or X Kidz Bop er no maybe ask Kidz Bop er yeah oh geez you're one of the real ones the real ones yeah how old were you when you first started doing Kidz Bop I think I started around 9 years ago uhm I think I was 13 I was 11 and when did you retire probably nas 16 17 I did it for 3 years oh yeah 15 was there an audition process yeah it was very long it was probably like around a year you did a year of auditions yeah I would legit go in there yea and lip-sync and dance around so you audition for the dancing and eventually eventually in the singing yeah I was a singer going into it but it was like mostly dancing and I think the first audition alone was like going into a room with a choreographer and like 10 other kids and like within an hour having to learn like a whole like dance routine what are your dancing look like in your audition do you remember probably lip singing like a Justin Bieber song and others probably like and then I did this cool trick where I did like a handstand and I think that's what I how I booked it but I was probably just like I was like a pop locker so you could lip-sync and pop lock and handstand yeah what was your reaction like when you got that that phone call that you made it I was in the car and I was in the backseat and I was actually having a bloody nose oh yeah so I just turned around and she got the call and she was like oh I was excited was I screaming here I'll give you a call hey I got it I got it I got the job what when do we what do I wear what do I do like just wear your new school back to school oh my gosh I miss all my friends like a famous scene and scene how did kids in your school react to you being a kids Bob singer I don't go to school I'm homeschooled so you did you'd never had to deal with anything bad no the life is just a perfect place right ha ha like I got so much in school for it because they find out because it was like being posted like it was like national commercials like and like we were touring so everyone at school was just like you're you know for it you were called a loser yeah it's totally so you you went from living at large as a kid's pop star back to school where you're treated like yeah so what did kids duty did they do anything to really say anything to you what was it that they just laughed about it for sure like Kidz Bop like well I like in the halls and all that kind of so then I started making money I was like good I didn't want to tell anybody that I was doing anything so you were proud of it but also ashamed of it I was I wasn't ashamed of it I was just like cuz I was at that age where I was like in high school yeah and then one day I was walking at school and they're like What's Up Kids bomb I was like oh and when you just like throw money at their faces and I shove it in their mouth they just strangle them with hundred-dollar bills totally doesn't kill you makes you stronger so have you ever been teased for being on Kidz Bop no I wouldn't say that no damn that's it right yeah that's great how did your parents feel about it they loved it there supportive you know they were just like she's doing her thing they were excited they have been the ones taking me to the auditions yeah so they're like thank God we did all this gas money and finally he could pay us back I just got booked something so they're excited what made you most excited about doing Kidz Bop was it the singing yeah I guess it was the singing but also like meeting all the kids having fun I think I was just so excited so I think I was more in it for like the fame like oh probably being only like one of the only singers you know like we see yours we were tight seeing it but they really didn't like use our voice sometimes there's like another they got they out sourced from like other singers to like send in or something so they need the cute face and the good lip-syncing yeah it could have been adult singing over you it could have been I don't know don't mark my words than that but like I don't know I need to do a real investigation yes a conspiracy like I said majority then we're dancers mm-hm there were only like two other singers with me out of like all the kids and they would use my voice on other people too yeah wait so and then maybe give me a different boy sometimes which I would get pissed about okay so there'd be kids singing with your voice on top of them and you'd be singing with someone else's voice yeah they put my voice on me and you will hear it like it's like low is it your real voice yeah not the entire time though like not that no and then they put it on backup it doesn't even it made her look real good yeah but they would you guys but all the time and I'm like I want to like have my voice like on me kid I didn't I never even said anything I was just like can you do an impression of what you're singing sounded like when you were kids back okay I'ma be a imma be on that next level I'm gonna be rocking over that bass treble like it was just very much lightning in it like all the time - my heart is in Havana nunna he took me back - I don't know the lyrics I think it's Walmart he took me back to Walt that's not it Kmart you know know what's your favorite part about singing for kids Bob probably when I get to do the high parts what kind of high notes can you hit mine I could I should audition I don't know why I haven't yeah did uh did being a kids Bopper ever help you get relationships now I've never been in relationship ever yeah sorry to make that assumption yeah it's fine it's cool do you want me to put it like a thing on screen that says like Rob's single hit him up yes please well [ __ ] what should I say what should I put on screen Rob is the coolest guy ever and he's super single and he's ready to mingle so hit him up hit him up in the description down below yeah where did you see yourself going with this career I just thought maybe I could have been like some sort of a star yeah like you thought that you'd be like the next Justin Bieber yeah like I think I'd be like go outside I'm like yo there he is like in real life you thought people get down on their knees and worship you yeah never that has never happened have you had any bizarre fan interactions no cuz I most of the time stay in my house I forgot the world is still a perfect place I just remember this one time like we were doing a meet-and-greet in a signing and like there was a line of kids but there was just like this one kind of older creepy ass looking dude standing by himself like in line maybe his kid is in the bathroom but like why the would he not go to the bathroom with his kid like and then he just comes up to me and he's like Kyra I'm just such a big fan of yours and um and like literally starts to go up my arm like this so my dad like comes up and he's like excuse me I'm like he blew the [ __ ] up I'm like the kids got team and everything cuz he's like but should that shouldn't have been a thing you know but it shouldn't have been a thing oh my god so do you talk about being an X kids Bopper a lot or do you keep it more of a secret yeah so I never heard really talked about it before until recently on my youtube channel I know what kids means but I don't know what Bob means I have no clue Bob is like a kid way of saying like yo this slaps bop-bop Kidz Bop kid well is this an actual question that you want me to answer know how much this having Kidz Bop singer on your resume gets you other work um it doesn't it doesn't get no not at all no work no work at all I mean it doesn't really translate to work now for what I you know I'm trying to do but it definitely like taught me everything so being on Kidz Bop tell you how to be a performer yeah for sure performing live and all that different stuff that I have to do now even flying and just having to work and keep going not get the proper sleep and not get any of that stuff because they worked us like we had like 12-hour days on set where it was like constant dancing constant interviews behind-the-scenes fittings for the next shoot so it just I think showed me how to like be on the grind if you were given the opportunity to listen to a kid's op version of a song and the original version which would you prefer original why because the Kidz Bop version better I mean the kids walk versions they be changing like word after word like y'all didn't have to change that word but they'll change it I haven't hear that they changed Lady Gaga's telephone lyrics from out in the club and I'm sippin that bubb to out in the club and I'm eating that grub of course yeah you got it you got to say that are you down to guess how they kids modified some other lyrics we got Macklemore and Ryan Lewis thrift shop probably should have washed this it smells like our Kelly's sheets what do you think they changed our Kelly's sheets to my mommy's feet [Laughter] clothes my baseball cleats okay oh yeah all right Nicki Minaj starships we're higher than a mother so they change those to we're higher than a firetruck guy we're Kidz Bop and we're taking over they got it there anyway Bruno Mars the lazy song meet a really nice girl have some really nice sex they changed it to meet a really nice girl sent a really nice text what do you think about Kidz Bop appealing to children by censoring specific words despite singing entire songs that have strong sexual and drug references um I think they should do like not those type of songs I think kids nowadays are so exposed to like all this like rap and bad stuff so I think Kidz Bop should step step it up and write put some more songs out there and maybe do these like Kanye West songs you think they should do Ron sheer songs I think so my parents didn't yeah like I listen to all types of music also though when I would ask questions they would answer they were never those parents that were like it came from a seed and blah blah they're like yeah no they were never liked up but I get it for parents that are a little bit more you know on that and once their kills to conservative and want their kids to like be able to bop to the tunes mm-hmm and that's how guys name yeah I want to ask if you could tell me if you know who sang my personal favorite Kidz Bop song Mariah Carey cover [Music] that's not real that's real why they do that to her did not get published you like it yeah it was nice to meet yours I might hear that in my nightmares would you be down to react to some of your Kidz Bop clips Oh fine I had a crush on her Wow I don't know why they told me to do that they told you to put your hand in it do something funny this is funny this is like do something funny and I was like doing something like up here and they're like maybe if you put your hand through your shirt and like it your hands attacking me I was like oh good like I'm doing you are good you know people make fun of Kidz Bop all you want but these are like 12-hour days it's just like working their asses are can get hard yeah can you rap something telling people to subscribe to my channel hey you're watching this video I kill you subscribe to Anthony Petula I mean Padilla yo we gotta go we gotta see ya hey it was really good i sharted thank you cool alright well thank you so much after spending the day with these past Kidz Bop singers I've come to realize that these censored albums are creating a new sub-genre of pop that's allowing young kids to feel included in mainstream pop culture whether or not we like it it seems Kidz Bop is here to stay see you later bye guys press of like don't let this be the first place where she has to deal with the harsh realities of the world keep these comments nice and clean keep the P R P R people read the comments for the videos they're in don't let this be the place where she's transformed into a person it realizes the real corruption of the world be good people for her sake
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 4,299,585
Rating: 4.9617653 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony padilla youtube, youtube anthony padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, kidz bop, kidz bop volume, kids bop, interview
Id: ddTlm1AEin4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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