Day at a Japanese Game Center ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ crane games, gacha + traditional candy shop!

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hey guys today i'm here with my friend yotaro i'm back again and we are at a game center here in morioka city that just opened up recently and i've never been here and i'm so excited to check it out because they have a really big gacha section they also have a traditional candy shop yes i grew up with these dagashia chowa era i wasn't born yet but i do love them they also have 100 crane games so we're gonna try our luck see what we can get at the crane game see if we can get any cool gacha and i hope you guys enjoy the video let's go let's go i have one hundred dollars i'm gonna give you 50 bucks and we'll take 50 bucks really so let's see what we can get with 100 at the game center but first we need some coins because you can't do anything at a game center with bills six and a half hours later i've never had something coined in a bag you got yours are you going to get me some good stuff can you get me some pokemon there's a cute machine here and i really want the handle come on shoot pick a paper usually these smaller pushes are easier yeah something else like this one's too hard like i'm oh that looks promising go upside down [Applause] come on let's see this is gonna become like a competition like who gets who gets it from anything not like how many but i'll be happy with anything at this point [Music] yes yes yes yes yes that was promising oh are you on your next five bucks yes my money why have i done it you asked me i believed in you yes yes yes yes the last five dollars i refuse to spend more than ten dollars yes come on come on cool cool oh it almost fell in oh [Music] [Music] oh he's cute he's winking we almost got three of them but i'm happy that i got a charizard this will be good luck maybe i will reach a million subscribers to evolve into charizard i still have two bucks i guess i should keep trying yeah i don't trust you you're a zero for 20 tries so far [Music] [Music] oh this is crazy that never happens you know why you got it because i i changed the position beforehand that was really lucky though let's try it out this is exactly why you want it right these two yeah good start good stuff good start start okay what should we do next what's the next something good something to eat with some fruit let's do some food yeah snacks oh i love these ones this is somebody [Music] that looks good that looks good that's perfect oh maybe not there [Music] oh it's kind of close to the edge now though is that a good thing i'm not really sure [Music] too much in the middle i really want these chips no i'm getting hungry yeah yeah that's like that'll take yeah yes yeah oh that looks good that looks good yeah yeah yeah that was perfect if the our tactics was right yeah yeah that was good though that was good that was good that was good i feel like these are the most expensive chips in the world that's it crazy like even when you know how to do it it's still hard it's like confusing i'm scared to mess it up and like pull it back to the middle that would be horrible come on [Music] [Applause] same thing like we did oh you know what i need 3 500. i don't want to think about how much we've spent so far just forget about it oh [Music] that was so close that was so close that was so close look at this pose so serious oh no i don't think so oh oh no you're doing it you're doing it do you know why he's helping why because you spent so much money already thank you how's it going if i mess up with it this is easy that was just embarrassment it's not even like oh my god it's not even on the bar anymore but it still won't fall come on last chance he doesn't need any more help he knows what he's doing [Music] and push it come on come on i love how the staff are like watching they really want us to get it because we spent like 30 bucks of these damn chips how did we mess up the first one oh don't you i'm gonna try and push it with the arm push it push it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] don't ever think about it okay let's do something easy is there anything that's easy i know it's easy i gotcha i'll get something for sure that's true let's do it let's do it actually i saw one that i really want what is it oh this is down here what is this explain when i did my apartment tour you guys might remember that i have this on my wall and i can set the temperature of my bath and like how much water goes in it and you can like talk on it like a phone and it's a miniature version of that and apparently you can push the buttons and it actually makes noise so that's super cute it's a 300 yen what do you use that for i don't know i just love miniature things they're so cute i collect them all of them this looks like the one in my house so i hope i get that one oh i got the yellow version i got that one it's like the old one i think the yellow comes from like from the sun i want to hear it what does it sound like oh it comes with stickers like temperatures [Music] oh my god oh there's lots of different ones twitter yeah like the building elevator i want to get the which one do you hope train the train toilet toilet i hope you get the toilet you can put it in your toilet room yes 300 you're getting old so you might need [Music] okay gosh so i think you have to pull the little plastic oh cute that's awesome wow it's too quiet to actually use it let's see i wish i made it louder exactly this one's cool so this is the button that's on your table at a restaurant when you want to call the waiter over i really want this one a mini saran wrap but it's got note paper inside so you pull it out and then you can rip off the note paper aluminum foil saran wrap wax paper oh this one's only 200 yen it's really cheap i want the second one because that's the kind of saran wrap i have in my house so you can show off your friend show off to my friend come over to my house so i think if we open this up oh it's so cute it's even bro i thought they'd make it really easy damn it try to cut my nails oh that's so satisfying this is so nice i think i got a defect let's see there must be an old like lady drunk okay okay okay i got it i got it i got it oh got it i think there wasn't supposed to be so maybe the person who made it wasn't drunk they were having a rough day yeah okay ready okay this isn't going smoothly what's that like stuck dogs stuck dog three let's break let's pray let's break oh my god this is pretty adorable we already shot his neck we tried so hard to get it oh my god who like think of like i would love that job wouldn't that be a fun job yeah what's this one chu oh so it's like misbehaving adolescent kids as cats those are actually pretty cool and this these are animals that are full i ate too much i ate too much i i got far from a remote work i can relate look at this it's my nikki neko but they've got a scottish fold too bad it's not great but yeah yeah those are really cute come on oh my god oh no it's not gray it's black oh it's really good quality oh it's in the stand it's like you can't get it they're quite big i expected it to be smaller here and then it's supposed to have a hole in the foot but it's kind of like melted the wrong way no way so i can't get the thing in it he'll just have to balance he looks so badass i love it this actually looks like my friend ushka's cat so i'm gonna have to give this stuff your toy is spending my hard earned money on another annoying buzzer but this slime it's not the buzzer it's um uh it's the uh the ringing bell yes calling bill yes for the waiter one which i hope it makes a different noise [Music] this is very nice i should train my cat to push this when he wants food oh yes that would be so cute yes that's so cool oh this is like better not better than like yeah it's more pleasant let's take this one away from you [Music] they're so awesome oh there's no hole in this one it just stands i guess so let's go like this and like this they're so cool should i spend my money on more or i don't want to do any more crane games we suck should we go to the candy store oh we should let's go i don't want to think about how much money we've spent already we probably don't have that much left so we're we're gonna go to the penny candy store what about about 14 000. 15 bucks i probably have about the same so let's see what we can find in here they have some really cool candies that i've never seen before actually and they're really cheap they are so these are so cheap this is one of my favorite snacks ever and um what's your favorite flavor of them [Music] i like the corn potato it costs 11 cents it's nice so one year is tax on 10 years you haven't changed it no they even have years yeah not too flaky no is it the last one that one's kind of rare this is so cute it's like kids shopping we've got like 30 bucks to spend all right go wild always like taking my son to the kitchen salad salad yeah flavor is so popular yeah that even like embedded the bigger version oh wow the loops oh that looks so good that looks so good look at this flavor sour plums tastes like crackers i've never seen these before cheese oh cheese cheese cheese rice crackers oh that's nice these are all like snacks i've never seen yeah these are yeah moro koshi honey uh yeah uh it's like spicy flavor spicy tofu flavor that sounds good this is so japanese what is it i mean who on earth think like you know whatever when you talk about snacks right yeah in japan they serve kids like this is sliced squid slices it's a giant squid squid that's so japanese is that something that kids would like yeah would a child be happy to get that retreat wow oh this is a competitor oh in a bigger version oh i saw one earlier that i wanted to try where did it go so i really love this series of candies oh yeah this is this is kind of like a hard mochi i don't know how to explain them but cherry cherry is very like deployable right where's like other stuff like foreign never seen that before let's try this let's try this sound really good i'll just stand to take the standard yeah sucker dumbbells the best what's this this is cute it's a little bottle cap this is lemon lemonade so many fun things look at this i'm going to get one of these this is a gum too you know what's so cute a bigger one bigger one get get another we don't need another one you're gonna have to squeeze it all into here kawaii look at it pretty much putting choco like like cake strawberry cake chocolate that's really cool oh that is so cute how cute are those oh my god i love these little tiny candies oh have you seen this before they call it yogurt oh yeah yeah it was weird do you like it i love it are they different flavors it's the first time ever that it comes in such many frames right like i thought it was just one it just looked like a plane it's a plain one but now i see like orange um strawberry this is flour honey flour flour oh we're gonna try that one what's over here gummies from the weird vending machine you guys remember my really weird vending machine like the creepy vending machine video it had a whole bunch of chuckle bats in it it was like a mystery box you don't know what you're gonna get and it was just like a box of really and it was like you know if you like um if you get home run oh and you're like if we want to give you guys if you get four hits yeah you get another one that's pretty cool this one is cute what is this have you seen those before look i think it's a ramen but it's snack oh it's a mini ramen ramen mini ramen cute chicken flavor oh this is so sexual wait [Music] i've never seen these mini banana chocolate we gotta go those are adorable 13 yen so cute this is such a good place to go for like omiyage yeah if you were in japan and you wanted presents for your family get them a bunch of like traditions dry moon's favorite chocolate fruit pineapple pineda pineapple let's have a happy time okay we gotta try these so blueberries traditional cocoa right yeah this is a cocoa cigarette like it's a cigarette it's just like yeah well how do you say it like we have them in canada too yeah oh yeah we have the two okay so there you go yeah so same but it's a blue blueberry flavor i'm so intrigued about this these little candies sour candies yeah to get that yeah like milk sauce everyone with your coffee sour it sounds horrible when i was a kid every time like my grandpa gave me like 100 years so i was like i was grabbing my hand yeah look at you now you're like i cannot i cannot believe that i'm holding a basket overflowing living the life oh famous i love kiwidango tango [Applause] so the cool thing about this little candy shop is it's all self veggie yeah do it yourself register so you can just check out yourself pick one up at a time and scan the bar oh my god we've got too many you're regretting it now where's the you would make a horrible cashier you know what we what we should do we should get a bigger bag not expecting you to buy so many things [Applause] contracts [Music] it's all right they're your friend we'll give them an extra show how much do you think it's actually a lot cheaper than i thought it would be when you think about it lots of them are like 10 yen yeah 20 yen each and the total is 932 yen oh my god it's so cheap that's so cheap that's awesome oh my god and you can just dump your coins in there and just dump them all in i think it'll sort it out yes cool and keep that we can have the prices thanks awesome very good that was fun yeah lots of sweets and what have you got i've got two pokemon plushies and the most expensive chicken chips in the chips in the world i don't know i just forget let's forget how much we spent on that i don't want to think of it no i don't want to lie i really don't want to think about it and you fought it's just way too much candy yeah it only came together no yeah under 1 000 yen yeah yeah that's so fun i love tagashia i think it was worth the money we spent i had a lot of fun i had a lot of fun too who was the winner we have to uh if you would like to see the real challenge go check out the otto's channel we did a proper competition over there i will link it down below and i won't tell you who won you'll have to watch to find out well definitely yeah thank you to the game center it was really cool that we got to film it hope you guys enjoyed the video and i'll see you again very soon [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 404,493
Rating: 4.9442425 out of 5
Keywords: day in my life japan, japan vlogs, sharla japan, sharmander japan, life in japan, japanese game center, japanese gacha, japanese crane game, gacha, gachapon, weird gacha
Id: RnuJ0R1R_as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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