Food Theory: The Secret Recipe for Mountain Dew Pizza!

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oh bad move pink pony no chance you're making it out alive oh sweetums oh six are you gonna cry nah shoot napkins napkins it's it's brilliant hello internet welcome to food theory the show that's bringing home the baking wait who are you this is my show it's it's me editor dan you hired me and have you heard yourself lately yeah i hear myself what yes sound awful there's no way you're doing this episode what you don't think that people want to listen to my horse raspy garbage disposal voice for the next 15 minutes no i don't think they do and to be honest i don't want to listen to it for the next week while i edit this so i've got vo this week fortunately i pre-recorded most of this in my kitchen already earlier this week so i already did most of the work here the potential damage that you could do to this episode is minimal at best don't screw it up though don't you dare tank the channel dan considering that all our jobs depend on it i'll try not to no pressure all right i'm gonna go rest my voice now like i said you'll see me mostly through the bulk of this episode and it's just the connective thread here but thanks for giving me a chance to rest guys i'll see you all next week alright theorists it's dan time now today's episode is brought to you by crime scene kitchen the all-new competition series on fox where america's best bakers think like detectives and bake like pastry chefs they will have to scour the kitchen for clues and ingredients to figure out what was baked there and then duplicate the recipe based on their guests all while showing off their technical skills and creativity we really appreciate their sponsorship and we encourage all you theorists to check out the series premiere wednesday at 9 8 central on fox i gotta say i absolutely love the premise of this show it's a fun twist on what you usually expect which is also exactly how i describe the cookbook at the center of today's food theory yes theorists you read the title right here's matpat with a fully functioning voice to explain today we're doing the do oh man it's gonna be do riffic i'm just concerned about the number of puns and how bad they're gonna get oh they're they're gonna be the lowest level of puns we'll need to do better [Music] i think the original mountain dew like advertising campaign had something to do with it being like derived in some way from mountain spring water i'm not quite steph yeah now he shoots off the cup gets more than enough after nipping at that good old mountain view mountain dew tickle your renders cause there's a bang in every bottle yeah don't think the tickle your innards tagline does well in 2021 so true story i had a dental appointment earlier this week and i told my dentist what we were planning on doing today and she actively covered her ears and told me to shut up because it was like her worst nightmare you see we all recently discovered that mountain dew creates cookbooks now shocking right and you're not the only one to be surprised even the cookbook itself has a question mark at the end mountain dew and food question mark looks like mountain dew is just as surprised as we are which probably tells you more about the contents contained in this book than any other book cover i've ever read the radioactive green ingredient is not something you'd think to use in other dishes and so true story the original intent with this episode was to go through the book have matpat make a handful of the recipes and just meme the book to death haha that was so bad who thought mountain dew or should it say the tundu because that's its official name now was a good idea but the thing is matt made them and they weren't all that bad according to him legitimately they were pretty good according to matt but there was just one thing missing one huge gap in the contents of this cookbook pizza there is no recipe for pizza i mean come on mchindu i'm just gonna say mountain dude it's ridiculous to do this for the entire thing they put a 96-page cookbook together and left out mountain dew's number one pairing 13 year old lamb party pimple pat was rolling in his grave wait matt's dead mountain dew and pizza just makes sense mountain dew pizza and doritos even more since mountain dew pizza doritos and all the grease on my xbox controller makes the best sense actually my freshman year in college i loved mountain dew so much my friend and i we once went to safeway where they're having a buy two get three 12 cases and we bought 10 full cases of mountain dew and they lasted a week if i die young it is because of that and so mountain dew i'm going to contribute the last four pages of your book it's 96 pages right now here's the last four pages we're giving you a pizza recipe today that is going to be do riffic it's going to be a whoopity-doo it's going to it's going to be a woo bitty doo this is going to be a top tier food theory episode right next to the bread gloves youtube premium here we come okay so admittedly this channel isn't the first to attempt making a mountain dew pizza a quick youtube search will bring up a handful of other videos all with varying degrees of success like this video that basically just pours mountain dew straight into the tomato sauce and calls it a day epic meal time meanwhile incorporated mountain dew and doritos into various parts of the recipe definitely a better approach but the video ends before harley can even give us his opinion on the taste instead it chose to show him raving like a lunatic over slo-mo shots of the neon green pizza i got 30 one-way tickets to heaven loaded in this magazine who wants that trip right now boy i've seen a lot of weird things on youtube this this is up there don't get me wrong we've done our fair share of weird things too i mean matpat wore bread gloves on his hands for two days which in the script it says i gotta admit that's pretty dumb but i'll just tell you right now it was pretty dumb that and like matt eating a tree which was a choice but we do have one thing those other channels do not and that is the official mountain dew cookbook the book is a collection of the best mountain dew recipes in existence and after pouring over it matt was able to unlock the techniques unraveling the mysteries contained within you substituted mountain dew where you would use a lot of citrus okay so it wasn't that difficult so the thing that's gonna be different about our pizza today is that we're taking the flavor the essence the core of mountain dew and we're infusing it into each and every step of the pizza making process so the way we're doing that is we've taken a bunch of tried and true recipes delivered to us from the mountain dew cookbook and we've tweaked them or altered them slightly so that they're more conducive to making a pizza so our crust dough is a modified version of the pancake dough our chicken topping is going to be a modified version of their just stand-alone chicken we have a cheese filling that is actually going to be a modified version of their grilled cheese etc this is going to be really healthy you're going to want to add this to all of your hot summer body diets rarely has there been a pizza that has actively made you want to brush your teeth after consuming it this is the pizza that is not american dental association recommended zero out of ten dentists would would wrap this so we've got some chicken to fry we've got some dough to roll out and we've got some mountain dew salsa to chop up as our sauce for the pizza so we're gonna go do that and uh cue the b-roll montage time [Music] for our chicken topping matt and steph decide to go with the citrus garlic chicken recipe it was actually one of their favorites from the cookbook the mountain dew flavor battles with the savory chicken in a nice way that is reminiscent of other sweet and sour chicken recipes but it does take an hour to marinate so they prepared that earlier so i know i really feel this is one part of the cooking that the mountain dew is really going to excel at sure marination is used to add flavors to your foods but the other purpose is to keep your food tender by beginning the process of breaking down meat tissues and let's be honest mountain dew isn't shy about its acidity levels or breaking down things like your healthy teeth look at that marinade looks looks real tasty sometimes i'm glad to just be the one editing these things and not having to try them out by the way that's six ounces of mountain dew in that bowl with garlic and cilantro in case you're wondering the chicken's going to take a few minutes to fry all the way so let's see them start working on the sauce shall we because it's mountain dew pizza we all really wanted to get the color green into this pizza wherever possible because reasons and so matt started with a green salsa recipe from the book that cleverly called for tomatillos instead of red tomatoes fun fact uh i've never actually cooked with tomatillos before this project so that's really cool still not cooking with them because you're not helping ollie actually calls these little tomato presents because he thinks that the leaf covering the tomatillo is like wrapping paper and he comes in and keeps unwrapping them he then modified it from there to keep it more in line with pizza sauce than a salsa he increased the amount of oil up the number of tomatillos and used one whole onion lack if you cry every time and to think he gives us a hard time about the dated memes he then reduced the number of jalapenos to one and doubled the number of garlic cloves matt's pa also named matt even taught him a new trick for peeling the garlic i smash it with the flat edge of my knife and then i still peel it with my fingers oh it is a little bit easier i learned something today yes ladies and gentlemen this is a legit food channel on youtube all right so here we go so we've chopped up all the tomatillo we've chopped up all the jalapeno the garlic we've minced the garlic and we've chopped up all the onions matt cried i cried matt cried for the onions i cried because of my existential dread and now we're gonna make some sauce they threw it all into a pan and added 3.5 cups of mountain dew into it fried it up and blended it into a fine sauce gonna be streaming exclusively on blender no further questions gonna be loud so i've shown you the sauce the chicken i think it's time that you saw the dough and uh remember how i said this is a legit food channel um yeah this isn't gonna help you toss the green pizza dough in the air oh no oh no oh all right gamer bro are you ready for some gamer dough ah i do the dough every gamer loves a nice healthy sprinkling of flour this is something that everyone likes to do at their lan party right sprinkle flour boom so we've pre-prepped the dough because that took quite a while to rise and to take on the full consistency of nickelodeon gak like i actually think we have discovered the secret gak recipe it's either gak or the snot that blocks my nasal cavity nickelodeon your heart out every kid's slime channel ever you should put some flour on your hands not on my face so the first thing we have to do is kind of knead out some of the air that's been in here so this is a full like yeast dough rising kind of flour so we can really get in there and kind of knead it out to make sure that the gluten is really developed i learned that i know i know i learned it from the great british baking show so a lot of the recipes in the mountain dew cookbook mix mountain dew into things like pancakes muffins etc all of which require baking soda however none of the recipes in the book give guidance or a yeast based dough so matt had to figure that out himself would yeast even be able to feed off of mountain 2 apparently yes caffeinated it right up just like me after my eighth cup of coffee before 10 am he knew that he liked the amount of mountain dew flavor in the pancakes so he put approximately the same proportion into our crust meaning another half can of mountain dew went straight into the dough as a water substitute i can feel all the sugar in my veins and i'm just reading this script this is the worst sounding thing i've ever had to read he did end up microwaving the mountain dew prior to adding it to the rest of the ingredients as it needed to be slightly warm in order to activate the yeast stephanie can you toss it in the air and make it you know actually do the pizza thing can you do the pizza i'm not that italian do the pizza thing i i'm an actual italian citizen but i'm not that italian look at this this is so good i'm so sad right now oh it just looks like you killed it we just killed a lizard in the backyard this is our dead iguana that we're just tossing around with the dough tortured into place and steph's citizenship in question it was time for them to stuff the crust that's right they wanted to do stuffed crust because why not embrace the gooey goodness of the stuffed crust 90s pizza that was the pinnacle of the friday night lamb parties nationwide it was also a great way to get some more neon green into this dish [Music] to make the stuffed crust filling they started with the book's grilled cheese sandwich and switched out cheddar for mozzarella so really it was a bunch of mozzarella mixed with some cream cheese to infuse it with the essential mountain dew flavor they reduced down about 3.5 cups of soda to about a quarter cup you could say they took some mountain dew and turned into some mountain goo matt forced me to include that joke he was um very proud of it based on the amount of times he used it in this footage mountain goo mountain goo mountain goo i feel my grip on reality fall apart as i slowly become nothing but an empty husk filled with puns and bad dad jokes oh oh the scent hitting my nose oh it's pungent of warm reduced mountain dew it is palpable and we still have about a quarter cup left to reduce it i think the hairs in my nostrils just shriveled up and died all right so our mountain goo has finally reduced down to past the point of being neon green and now into just like poorly hydrated urine yellow it right that's exactly what it is and it's syrupy consistency this is like maple syrup texture all over the place yeah this is the this is the texture of maple syrup and the color of i did not drink enough water last night urine so that's going into our cheese mix oh look at that nice oh look at that mountain goo he then added some food coloring to really give it that green pop it deserves is what he wants me to say but i know the truth i see all the footage matt and i know what really happened he forgot to mix in the gel food coloring and they had to scramble to try to put it back in here's the before here's the after look we're good editors but we can't fix every mistake also never say fix it in post or i will come directly for you the key is to stretch outward and then tuck inward because we don't want to make the pizza smaller so stretch out right tuck in stretch and tuck just like a rupaul's drag race whoa i would i thought that but i wasn't going there [Music] with all the components finally made it was time to build this monstrosity and of course here at this crucial part is when matt started to have some doubts so we blended up the sauce it did in fact blend uh i'm curious to actually give it a taste it kind of looks like a disgusting baby food wow that is such a barrage of flavors into my mouth right now it's a little bit spicy it's a little bit sweet it's like a sweet and spicy a little bit sour i kind of do hate it actually see here's the thing i love the tomatillo i actually like the jalapeno a lot there are a lot of elements of that sauce i like but to me that like syrupy sweetness that's like in the mix there somewhere i'm like oh what are you doing here you know it's funny i don't hate it i don't know if i'll like it in a large quantity on a slice of pizza i'm confused as a person it's wacky i mean look at the color of the sauce yummy it looks like baby vomit smeared on top of a green gac pizza people laughed at me when i had the bread bowl glove idea this one didn't even come for me this came from a different member of the team this came from luke right brother blame luke so hashtag blame luke on this one hit me with the cheese matt hit me with the cheese matt where is my hand it was cheese mat yeah first time every time i love the fact that matt didn't do anything with the cheese like he went to such lengths to put mountain dew into everything except the main topping of the pizza anyway sauce went on cheese went on time for the chicken how'd it taste steph still tastes like chicken that's a good sign not as dewy as i would expect you definitely get a little bit of it though a little bit of doom i'm not sure i'm into this man i might not be a hardcore enough gamer for this dish and with that it was time to stick this abomination to everything cooking into the oven but wait i hear you screaming at your screen matpat said this was the ultimate gamer food he promised doritos apparently it's not a good idea to put those in the oven since doritos are surprisingly flammable yeah they found that out the hard way it erupted in flames while the camera wasn't rolling but i imagine it looked something like this next production call jason told us that doritos are actually quite good as fire starters while camping thanks great timing as always jason so they just sprinkled some on the crust midway through the baking process and with the pizza now cooking in the oven all we have now is to wait so if you'll excuse us we're gonna do some hardcore gamer activities wanna go play the witness yeah puzzling yes it's a puzzle game whoa whoa whoa that we play together here we are at the end of this long mountainous dewey road i think it's important to remember that it's not the final destination but the friends we made along the way that matters cause lord knows this pizza is gonna be awful so fun fact caffeine doesn't actually cook out in the cooking process surprisingly caffeine is thermally stable with a boiling point of roughly 178 degrees celsius or 352 degrees fahrenheit and it isn't actually chemically changed until about 235 degrees celsius or 455 degrees fahrenheit and sure when you cook a pizza your oven is around 450 degrees fahrenheit but the food isn't you see during the baking process no matter the temperature of the oven the food you are baking rarely goes above 100 degrees celsius as long as there is water in the food this is because the water is boiling off and keeps the food temperature roughly maxed out at the boiling point what does this all mean for the mountain dew pizza well basically it means each slice of this bad boy is carrying the caffeine equivalent to one can of pepsi isn't that insane each slice is like downing a full soda now the only thing to remain is the taste test please do the honors stuff ready slice it up okay slice up this monstrosity that we've birthed into the world this is the pizza that gets your italian citizenship revoked stephanie okay we are sliced we're ready to go all right here it is here's the moment of truth ladies and gentlemen i don't know i am so scared of what we have wrought here it is oh look at nice oh the underneath of the crust is really green and you can kind of see some of the ooey green oozing out of the side there yeah there's definitely a stuffed crust going on you're gonna eat it with a fork why did we do this episode it's pretty good this tastes exactly like a barbecue chicken pizza it does have a lot of similarities with that it tastes a lot like a barbecue chicken pizza it's got that little sweetness it's got the chicken flavor it's got the oniony flavor which honestly i don't hate it and it still has a little bit of that citrus kick that mountain dew has i'm actually not a big fan of barbecue chicken pizza which is maybe why i am not registering happy happy feelings with this pizza but it is absolutely a lot like a barbecue chicken pizza and if you're into that i could totally 100 see this being like a great pizza of choice i'm very curious about this stuff crust i haven't gotten there yet even the stuffed crust actually no also very good yeah the one thing we can agree on this is i will say hands down the ultimate gamer food so there you have it loyal theorists today matt and steph set out to create the ultimate gamer food and they had something surprisingly palatable success i personally have no idea but we think we got a recipe to help mountain dew get to that 100 pages so you know hit us up mountain dew i think we just might have the missing piece to your unnaturally green buffet and once again a huge thank you to today's sponsor crime scene kitchen premiering wednesday at 9 8 central right after the mass singer finale on fox if you love desserts and let's be honest who doesn't then crime scene kitchen is a culinary guessing game you're not going to want to miss and always remember that's just a theory a food theory matthew this episode's starting to feel a little cheesy there's a reason i hang out with you in my life because i know how to cook isn't it no it's because you put up with projects like this i am so sorry i am so so sorry we're going to retire someday right we're going to be doing this when we're 60. that's it done
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 3,607,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain dew, pizza, doritos, mtn dew, pizza recipe, mountain dew pizza, mountain dew recipe, doritos recipe, gamer food, gamer snack, weird food, pizza mukbang, doritos mukbang, mountain dew cookbook, snack, snack food, snack food recipe, pizza dough, pizza review, mountain dew commercial, pizza order, food theory, food theorists, matpat, food, recipe, game theory, film theory, eat the menu, binging with babish, delish, food tik tok, tik tok food, mountain dew ingredients
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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