$10 Vs $100 Japanese Capsule Hotels Ft. @Abroad in Japan

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He lied the video he said $20 vs $50

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/FaithlessnessWaste94 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

Hilarious video. Whenever they are together in a video I always end up laughing my ass off

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TheseConversations 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

are they planning on going to every hotel in Japan?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/magkruppe 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Lol where did these prices come from ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PorousSurface 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
all right welcome to beautiful shinjuku park one of my favorite parks in japan and today i have a very special guest joining me it's the chris broad i am special and i'm also sunburned what is this wacky weekend sunburn edition i know that you love being outdoors i do so i've decided we're not to do that because you're making me suffer i'm making you sad well let's go into capsule hotels chris well i made you suffer i showed you snow monkeys my reward is to get inside a glorified coffin so today i'm going to be taking you chris to two capsule hotels i mean i've stayed in the capitol hotel in five years i always find they're a little bit stuffy a little bit too contained and also quite noisy because it's like a dorm yeah in a coffin well i know that you love that so i found do i do i found two kind of interesting ones one very futuristic for twenty dollars and then i found a more of a premium one that has books and it's very aesthetic and it's about fifty dollars a night but you get the premium room so it's a buzzfeed yeah this is expensive absolutely original so the first location we're gonna be checking out today is book in bed a very popular and trendy capsule hotel famous for its wide variety of books that you're welcome to read as you can tell i'm clearly traveling right now this is my travel setup and when i travel i make sure i stay secure with nordvpn one of the things that nordvpn's been helping me with is that when i've been traveling i was in the middle of some shows in japan but obviously when i change my location physically to the us i can't watch some of those shows anymore but thanks to nordvpn i can change it right back to japan and make sure i don't miss any of my favorite shows also a lot of the wi-fi in the hotels isn't protected by anything so i always use nordvpn to make sure that nobody's getting my data you can also use nordvpn to make sure that you're getting the cheapest train hotel flight tickets available by stopping them from doing any shenanigans with your location and pricing and with their brand new threat protection you can get rid of those annoying intrusive ads whilst using your vpn so if you want to make sure that you stay protected on the go just like i am make sure to smash that link in description down below to get your very own nordvpn subscription and if you want to get a deal use the code on screen right now and thank you to nordvpn for sponsoring this video back to the video all right let's have a look whoa yo okay that's pretty cool it's a bit like a library this is what like the library should have been like as a kid you know what i mean it's like kind of hip kind of spacious with a disco ball because why not this is like where every instagramer would take their like aesthetic photos right they'd be like just reading learning about the world i think if you walked in here and you didn't know it was a capsule hotel you wouldn't necessarily notice at first because the curtains are sort of very small and sort of concealed between the books like it just feels like a library with lots of weird curtains rather than a capsule hotel i mean there's even more of it here oh my god it just keeps going i wouldn't want to be down this end this isn't so much booking beds it's just bed this is my room what is this this is where i'm staying i have to sleep vertically like a vampire there's something i'm wondering and i don't know if i'm being stupid or not if you look at the bottom there's like a little curtain right right underneath is that a bed no it's for your shoes right i'm stupid in what universe could that possibly be a bed it's the only thing as a tourist that's not the best about here is that most the books are in japanese but if you like looking at pictures i guess that's good too or you want to take aesthetic instagram photos with manga from this planted marker and after we were done exploring the common library area it was time for us to explore a booth of our own whoa look at that you can have your very own corner suite i gotta say this is probably one of the most interesting and coolest views i've seen so over there if you want this view you can have the kind of aesthetic japan train look with cebu shinjuku the train's always going and behind us is the nightlife area there's a big square people normally get really drunk so you get the best of both the world of shinjuku i guess culture and drunk yeah but you can read a book as well and you can chill honestly this is this is awesome i'm impressed by the the actual sort of main room with all the beds but like if you're going to stay in here you might as well just stay in a normal hotel right no no this it was awesome this isn't the capsule hotel experience is it no no it's not it's not so if you want that view there are good hotels around here that do it better he loves it he loves booking [ __ ] bread it's a painful thing getting into a capsule i never thought about that apartment to be honest with you there's no tv or anything it is literally just a wooden box it's kind of like a coffin but yeah somewhat spacious and you have plugs and a light you also have a safe and you can put some stuff up here as well so that's pretty nice who built this ladder oh my god dude this is a nightmare imagine seeing someone like this getting into your room imagine kevin had drunk he'd be like i don't really like capsule hotels it's just bit of a gimmick more often than not hotels are the same price for a whole room so it almost feels like it's unnecessary to even stay in but if there's a gimmick like this i think it it does have some merit i mean i don't really see this as a capsule hotel i see it more like a library where you can also have a nap there's no air conditioning or room control and you need one because once you shut this curtain there is no airflow and it's really unpleasant and that's why i don't stay in capsule hotels if you want to have the full rotisserie chicken experience stay here i'm worried i'm gonna pull like the whole ladder i don't think there's any way you could do this it's like in military maneuvers i do like the idea of just being like i'm bored i'll read a book i'll read about a hammer all right and then you get in the bed and you're like oh yeah hammers are good i've never read a book about that it's that sort of spontaneous excitement of discovering a new book right whether it's hammers or sexy guy or cosmic wonder light source diamond equinox what is that and we found a wide variety of interesting books ranging from artsy books to books about hammers as chris said would i want to sleep here no not really because a they don't look ventilated at all so it's going to be a sauna when you're trying to sleep it's like 26 degrees celsius and there's no way to get a fan right you're gonna quickly regret the choice of staying here i do think you need like a television and a fan and a few more things in the capsule to make it actually bearable a television chris oh my goodness in book in bed it's about books not television chris the interior design is really good that's like a 10 out of 10. get out the one english manga no joke it's not it's neighbor no way it's all in english ignore what i said earlier now it's a 10 out of 10. this is worth the money come here you can read jojo's bizarre adventure battle tendency part two solid r the whole battle tendency is here as well how to win over connor in one thousand all right there we go you know i'm trying to be the influencer but i am very easily influenced there's a whole cafe area over there as well if you do want to come here and drink coffee you can do that it's definitely one of the more cool and unique capsule hotels that i've seen in japan and i do really like this whole sitting area here where you can just read and look out for shinjuku and i hear chris doing something what is he doing hey toss oh i'll have another funny name for you no it's your favorite look it's the story of the chris abroad channel tales of horror oh no no they do not have this trump think like a billionaire this is the christmas billionaires love their jobs not because their jobs make them wealthy but because they wouldn't have become so wealthy doing something that they hated pretty good advice for that too it's trump guy he's on oh my i'm running away from chris before he gets us cancelled all jokes aside this is probably the best like japan guide style but it covers like all aspects of the culture from like the work life the naruto phenomenon to like martial arts but it sort of just gives you like a really good insight into the japanese mindset what it's like to work in japan if you're coming from zero this book is really good and it saved me quite a few times early on so i recommend check it out even better than donald trump's book there's one more thing we haven't checked out it's the food and drink and after having our delicious coffee aesthetically made it was time for bed remember that really nice corner view room that we saw earlier well that's actually chris's room for the evening and for me i get the tiny little capsule so i've just gotten in my room which you know is great except what is this i gotta say i'm not a fan of making my own [ __ ] i know yeah yeah call me privileged whatever i'll gladly be privileged to take money to do this [ __ ] i hate doing this the worst part of laundry i will say the best thing about this book in bed is the books the bed is fine i can hear like every single little movement around me it's so weird but i guess i'll try and sleep for now and so it was time to sleep in my spacious plywood coffin and i gotta say it wasn't the best sleep i'd ever had and it looked like chris was having a much more relaxing time with his spacious double bed and his corner view and obviously waking up i didn't look too happy i woke up about six or seven times during the night the problem is whenever anyone gets up or does like anything you inevitably wake up as well and also eight o'clock in the morning they start playing elevator music which gets a little bit annoying it'd be interesting to see how connor did in his glorified coffin do you sleep alright i kept waking times [Music] and after complaining for hours on end it was time that we got our complimentary breakfast which is included with every booking all right give us the review egg lettuce mustard pretty good combo shut up funnily enough while we were staying in book in bed another youtuber was also staying there chiaki who mentioned that sleeping there as a woman is a little bit uncomfortable because it's a mixed dorm and there's nothing really stopping anyone from opening your curtain if they want to but i wanted to know what she thought out of 10. so i'll give five oh a crushing blow a crushing blow so you mentioned normally in capsule hotels it would be separated between men and women yeah some places nowadays have different flaws and normally for only girls on some floors only boys here it's all mixed so but if it wasn't mixed you wouldn't get to see coloring so that's true that's true so that's a good thing but also i was scared if grace might come to my room the egg sandwich was amazing all right well we just finished our stay at book in bed and i'm tired quality of sleep is a solid like five out of ten i don't know it's good it's a cool place it's a cool vibe it's good for an instagram photo yeah i mean overall i was kind of happy with it it's all right it's an experience and after staying at book in bed it was time for our next capsule which is very much a more futuristic looking capsule hotel it focuses more on just the sleeping aspect and then getting on with your day and every single room costs around 10 so it is extremely affordable wow it looks like some kind of like space honestly this is so different to the bed and book one do you like being on the floor or are you kind of a i'll live with it you'll live with it no ladders for me it looks like you're in like a sensory deprivation chamber i'm right up here i'm i'm a big boy i get the top bunk there's not really much to say about it it's it's a capsule it looks a lot more comfortable it does yesterday it looks like 2001 a space off i'm going to be probed by the aliens please aliens take my butt cheeks there's one plug and one usb which is probably fine this one doesn't really have anything special to it you know bed and book had books this one just has bed it's very very just gets the job done come in get in your capsule off i think just for pure sleep this is the place to be because it's so quiet apart from our annoying voices for the soothing david attenborough-esque the british person will be a nice pleasant way to sleep there's a bunch of nine hour locations across all of tokyo and the bed is also really comfortable and when you pair that with the really affordable pricing it's easy to understand why people come here a lot of businessmen also come here just to sleep for a few hours and then leave it's super cheap super easy to get a room the only downside being is that you have no room for big luggage all right very quickly before we go to bed let me show you the bathroom it's very futuristic it's so bizarre this looks like something out of a black mirror episode look at this proceed to the work environment for your workers evaluation please make sure to spend your happy tokens so i guess all we have to do now is to enjoy the room and sleep and then give our review tomorrow it's kind of creepy how there's like no one else here though these are very like touristy places tourists love this [ __ ] yeah for hotels these days because business hotels are cheaper you get a whole lot but the absence of tourists it's just us in a massive capsule room isn't this so fun isn't it futuristic oh you're assuming my friend [Music] all right oh my god hi come here one thing that i like really hate about these things is like getting undressed has to be a [ __ ] pain in the face how do i get my pants off would i even put them i don't have my pajamas get me why did that happen [Music] i slept okay i mean it wasn't the best i wasn't the worst i think it's annoying that the plug is right above your head so the wire has to come on your face other than that it's not bad good morning okay you maybe well we've just finished our second stay at nine hours what did you think i'm feeling refreshed i actually slept a lot better this time nine hours is the place for sleep book and bed if you want a book if you want to read about donald trump that's the place to go learn the secrets of success thank god there was no audio there was no sound no ambience in the nine hours it's like soundproofed you're in a little futuristic coffin good or bad depending on if you like that because you could hear every single man coughing and sneezing every single time and my gopro would make loud beeps when i was filming my pov and that was really awkward capsule hotels used to be really gritty and unpleasant and a lot of them have disappeared because for the same price you can get a business hotel room right with your own big bed your own private room your own bath which is what i would prefer but you know if you've never done a capsule hotel and you come to japan for the first time do it one night check it out one night booker bed was kind of cool you do walk in it's like wow that's a library on some beds i like the fact that it has like a coffee shop as well so you kind of feel like you can kind of almost relax in the place without you know where's nine hours like come in sign into your black mirror episode it was a bit prison-like but i didn't know this book in bed was really popular with girls it was just like everyone was girls and then just me and connor a wolf amongst shitty the cda story but but let's shut the [ __ ] up but let us know what your favorite capsule hotel was and which one you would stay at links to both are in the description down below so if you do want to come to japan and stay there you can do so thank you to chris for joining me make sure to subscribe to his channel he needs all the subs he can get please help me please help charity at this point help me we need all the subs we can get and we'll see you next time on wacky weekend bye [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,177,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capsule hotel, Capsule, Hotel, Connor, Chris, CDawgVA, Abroad In Japan, Capsule Hotel in Japan, Capsule hotel Japan, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Hotel
Id: -4ztcBC6G2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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