I served him and his family | Talks with Tony

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hey hey tony gaskins here popping in for another episode of talks with tony and i listen i thought i just skimmed this hill letter real quick i thought i was gonna be able to do 30 minute video but this he'll hold this letter is look like a 30 30-minute read so y'all forgive me now dear tony i hope this finds you well and you are staying safe god bless you and the work you do thank you i am a 47 year old single mother of three two boys an adult and a teen and my daughter pre-teen i was married to the father of my oldest son for two years 97 to 99 and we went our separate ways when my son was 5 months old i was married for 11 years 05 to 2016 to the father of my two younger kids with whom he raised my three kids together up until our separation with whom we raise my three kids together up until our separation so 16 when you wrote this little four years ago we were together 13 years and he is eight years younger i have average looks overweight and i don't feel beautiful or attractive i have felt this way all my life uh i could see your picture here a little bit i can see your picture here a little bit god bless you says don't be so hard on yourself now when my second husband and i were married we took in his sister she lived with us for four years 09 to 2013. his mother less than 60 at the time moved in with us shortly after his sister had moved out she lived with us for two years 13 to 15 2013 to 2015. throughout the period his family was living with us they did not contribute financially to the household i had two jobs i am a nurse the exception was my ex he had one job and i would cater for everything in the home i would come home from work to cook clean and serve my ex-husband and his mother plus look after my kids this is all i knew to do at the time we all had we also had a good at all right i got on my back anytime he wanted it saying on his microphone y'all know what that mean on the microphone sang on his microphone and acted out whatever scenarios that excited him we even went to the uh on the poll on several occasions all the while my ex-husband was having affairs with close family female friends he even had a long-term affair with his sister's best friend sending new or move choking his microphone and were his norm i found out about his infidelity in 2013 i confronted him he denied and eventually he owned up to it he promised to stop the affairs he never stopped i found out and forgave him several times and each time he would get better at hiding the affairs his sister was his decoy everyone in our social circle knew of his of his affairs except me he would go on weekend getaways with the guys leaving me home alone with with the kids for three or four days he even once confessed to me that his mother told him that it was okay if he had an affair as long as he came home every night and i did not found find out after hearing what his mother had said i had an affair he found out about shortly after and i ended he found out about shortly after and i ended but he never believed me because i remained in contact with the other man our marriage quickly became very uh he would wake me up in the middle of the night and we would fight and argue until the kids woke up we went our separate ways in 2016 when he ended the marriage he shacked up with one of my friend's sister right after our separation after separating from the father of my children i got into another relationship within weeks with a man i met online this did not last very long as the new man swore a lot was condescending and judgmental because of my weight i did not see a future with him and i ended that situation i went back online where i met another man we dated for about four months our kids met each other and we even spent christmas holidays 2017 together he ended the relationship citing that i was not over my ex which was true i went back online but not as active as i had been earlier i had decided to put my all to my children and my job in july 2018 i had to go to africa on a family emergency whilst i was there now somebody tried to tell me how you say that whilst um while i basically mean while i was there i guess whilst i was there i got a message from a man from the online dating app let's call him sam 42 we met a few days after our lunch we met a few days after for lunch we both liked each other talked several times a day i had wanted to go for a short rest and relaxation before going back to my day-to-day life during our conversations i told sam of my plans and he offered to come along with me on our way to our retreat we met a man let's call him peter 50. so sam 42 peter 50. peter sparked up a conversation with sam and i the three of us talked the entire way to our destination about four hours at some point during our discussions peter had asked me to send him some of the pictures i had taken of the scenery along the way and i did oh okay peter who y'all met he fit it we went our separate ways i got on my back with sam for the first time then okay he went on vacation with you and got you on your back we had a great time and we discussed the future our hopes and dreams sam had a vision of being an entrepreneur and landlord he was honest that he was broke and he was in the process of getting a job in the middle east where he had been working prior by the time i was leaving to go back home we were exclusive in may 2019 i traveled back to see sam and spent two weeks together we visited my family a few times once again we had a great time i noticed that sam drank a lot and that every time we would be going to visit my family he would drink when i asked him why he would drink when i asked him why he would drink before we went to visit my people he would say it was to calm his nerves that did not sit very well with me however i let it slide he proposed before i came back home and i said yes we continued with our relationship with the normal ups and downs he had applied for a visa to come and visit me in july 2019 i got a random text from peter which i responded to and we started talking not long after the first text he said i love you introduce me to his 21 year old daughter proclaiming that he had raised her after her mother had passed away i later found out that she was raised by her maternal grandparents after the death of her mother whom they were separated from before her death eternal grandparent according to him his tourism business was doing very well i broke off the engagement with sam with the excuse that he drank too much and started a full-blown relationship with peter a devoted christian sam was heartbroken as he found out about my relationship with peter he got the employ he got the employment that he was anticipating and left the country sam would occasionally check up on me with a phone call or a text message i traveled to see peter we got married less than a week after i had arrived he met my family everything seemed to be too good to be true and moving so fast he took me for a two night honeymoon for pictures and it was then he began talking about migrating i then found out that he was broke did not have any money or property to his name he was asking me for money and making plans with my money he told his daughter and his sister to ask me for money i sent him money and his daughter i sent him money and his daughter for a while then stopped like that was not bad enough mate like that was not bad enough may 2020 i found selfies of him with two different women on different occasions he denied them saying they were just friends i ended the situation and i have now filed for a divorce meanwhile sam and i had never stopped communicating since he meanwhile sam and i had never stopped communicating since he had gone away for work for about eight months and had and had started to re-establish himself he went home for his vacation the world shut down while he was there and he could not go back to work during one of our conversations i was not my usual bubbly self and he asked me what was wrong i broke down and told him everything we continued to talk and get closer again we agreed that since he has his visa he could come and visit okay it had cut the message off but then i had to click this thing and it expanded the message we continue to talk and get closer again we agreed that since he has a visa he could come and visit he missed his flight in august suddenly we had started having small arguments one day he told me that i lived too far for us to keep having arguments the way we were and he was worried to come over in the state of our relationship in september we planned another visit he sent me a picture of his luggage as he prepared to head to the airport a few hours later when i tried to text him i found out that i had been blocked on all social media i tried to reach him but could not eventually after about two weeks i reached out to his friend who was able to get in touch with him and later he said that his luggage including his phone had been stolen by the taxi driver who drove him to the airport and he did not know how to tell me as he knew i would not believe him we have reestablished contact we have been talking slash texting daily his mother passed away recently and i supported him financially with funeral expenses he told me that i am the only woman he can keep in his mind after the death of his mom i spoke with his mother a few days that's how she's built mom i spoke with his mother a few days before and the day she passed away and the day she passed away tony i hope i can get your insight on my situation i apologize for this email is so long i wanted you to have a clear picture of my situation i appreciate any and all advice you have to offer many thanks and god bless you and your family okay right well i'm telling you what well you know this has been 14 years i've been working with y'all and it's time to hang it on up so everything everything has been good y'all but listen i'm not it's gonna be okay this right here i got this oh oh my goodness the lord can call me bite or work lord and call me back to work and take my watch out well i tell you oh my goodness okay that took 13 minutes to read 14. i got two and a half hour to my first coaching call of the day uh this ain't going this video ain't gonna be that long oh my goodness so stuff what did i just read oh my goodness what did i just read this right this right here has become the most complex situation i'm trying to get let me get the notification off hopefully in this video you got to swipe the things yeah right because if you touch it it's going to flip out of this video and flip to that notification so i had swiped that thing just right like i was working on the squad now listen i'll be honest with y'all let me be honest with y'all what i'm going through right now honestly i don't really like addressing this kind of stuff like this kind of stuff right here it bewilders me to no end especially now if this came from a 22 year old like the last letter i read or like another rhetoric that's different but at 47 year old dealing with a 42 year old man and a 50 year old man i am just i'm just behovated like that's how i feel and that's we're gonna get that a word i feel be hoover wilderated [Music] and tabulous we're gonna add that on to the end of it that's how i feel but hoover will be rated and tabulous that's just what this right here is taking me through lord lord lord lord lord and now y'all not listening listen take it easy on this hill sister take it easy on this sus nah take it easy on this stuff i my heart goes out to this sister my heart goes out to their sister she a mother three two boys an adult and a teen and a daughter that's a preteen this is the flying around the world back and forth to africa from the u.s to africa let me look at you with my good eye okay so this is the hill she come from africa she's an african sister living in the states uh she didn't say what kind of job she have and went home now sound like went home and met the man had to go to africa on a family emergency whilst i was there i got a message from a man on the online dating app let's call him sam we met a few days after for lunch so she met sam for lunch they talked several times wanting to go i had wanted to go for a short rest and relaxation before no she did say what she do earlier dinner she a nurse or something my wife's ticking loud now this is the thing okay nah nah to paint a picture because y'all can't see her you know i would say uh now she titled her little desperate thirsty dehydrated or confused such sister ain't nobody put no diagnosis on you i'm i'm this flabbergaster labulous ah it's like lord don't call me home but can you retire me i i feel like i know this ain't bad as what my savior had to go through on that cross but i'm i'm ready ask the lord lord pass this cup from me can this cup be passed from me lord because this right here lord come on now i ain't signed up for this line for y'all to be doing this now listen listen i just had to delete a lady comment who she wanted to argue for the sake of online dating to that lady who had in her name doctor which i could say that because he commented publicly so there ain't no secret but i delete your comment because when i'm teaching something on here it's coming from this it's coming because i'm in the trenches doing the work so when i teach against online dating it is a reason so don't come on my page to get in my comments to give the opposite message instead start you a page and then let's see who people gonna listen to you on your page arguing for your online dating or me on my page giving you common sense wisdom based on real life this why i keep telling y'all stay offline stay off line her whole life turned upside down with all of this calamity from men she met online every single situation after she got out that marriage after she got out that marriage men online she was she married twice once with two years the second one was 11 years had one child her adult child come from the first marriage of two years the other two come from the second marriage of of 11 years and he was there and raised a three kids during their 11 years they were together 13 years and that man eight years younger now on that right there she didn't say where she met him now i can only imagine you know where he come from and all this with his sister moving in for four years then she moved out his mama move in for two years now this what blow me this is what this is what we get me now and that's what i'll be trying to tell y'all this is the most confusing thing and if and maybe and that's why i tell y'all i teach about men because i'm a man i do not understand women that's why i don't teach on women and that's why a lot of people don't understand i speak on what i am i don't try to just tell women what to do and how they need to be and what they need to do i explain to women the male perspective to create a dialogue between the sexes that's my goal not to tell women what to do and how to date and all that but to explain what i know 99 of men won't explain because of the man box this right here i do not understand at all why women do this kind of stuff because listen and now husbands that's out there men like myself that's husband we cannot forward this to our wife we cannot forward this to our wife to to brag to her about what other women got to put up with nor can we forward this to our wife to show her everything this woman was doing for this dog of a man this woman said throughout the period his family was living with us they did not contribute financially to the household this woman allowed his mama and his sister to come live with them for a total of six years although it was four for the substitute for the mama this woman worked two jobs i really ain't got no advice to her she already know the answer she already notices a bunch of foolishness just a bunch of tom ningla danglery but we gonna just go through this just because i want if you in anything remotely close to this i want you to feel it i want you to feel how you look this woman now god bless you sister god bless you because god will bless you with a good heart and all you doing is you just seeking love you just seeking love but sister let me talk to you stop being so hard on yourself stop being so hard on yourself stop allowing societal standards to make you feel bad about yourself because you don't have the same the exact physique that the world portrays that you should have that you don't have the same skin complexion or that your nose or your lips or your eyes or your hair or whatever you judging is not what you see in a magazine or on a movie now it's people in a movie that look like you who making millions of dollars millions of dollars and see this the thing it ain't that you unattractive is that you ain't got the money that you comparing yourself too but the painting picture y'all she looked um similar to uh viola davis if that's her name who was in um how to wait how to get away with erda that show how to get away and i think let me google her let me google her cause i'll be giving people a name doggone was talking about the young lady who played precious i would call in the latest sigourney weaver because i didn't know her name but i had just remember hearing something her name was with a s and boy people was giving me a hard time but it's like listen i don't watch movies and stuff and just study people names so let me see if i'm thinking about who this okay viola davis she looked like um a viola davis minus the millions of dollars that viola has to put into her skincare and into her you know her prep and all that so what we call that is natural black beauty viola davis even removing the money that's natural beauty it natural beauty to wear you your essence now when you get viola kind of monty you wearing giorgio armani luminous silk foundation you see what i mean now you got a contoured face and you have makeup with spf and flashback so that when you take a picture you don't look like casper the ghost when you get viola monty so like the meme say you not ugly you broke you said i'm saying money gonna make you look better now cuz you mo refresh you see what i'm saying like right now my wife not working nobody job because god has blessed us financially now we come from government but see now god elevate us and blessed us so now my wife instead of being on somebody's job today she got her hair done she got her nails done and she went shopping see you can't compare apples to oranges if that ain't the season that you in yet so sister stop beating yourself up calling yourself ugly and overweight and unattractive all that that's what the world has said about you but that ain't what god said about you and that's what you have to realize listen see me i'm a real man so i ain't gonna never tell no woman oh yeah you right yeah you ill ugly yeah what your wheels are [Music] let me get my glasses let me have this thing spinning on my desk you were adjustable for and only watch these folks and don't be playing don't be saying no by the name don't be saying nobody name my comment don't be saying nobody name i can't delete the names delete the names out in comments because i only watch these folks i literally have watched probably five minutes or less but i just pick up fast i i i ain't got to see much to see foolishness to know what foolishness look like okay listen i'm never finna tell no woman oh you this and you that you dissing you that because i understand i understand it's circumstance this situation my wife y'all see my wife now my wife do not look like what she looked like when i met her money make a difference yes she was pretty when i met her but she looked way better now so a lot of time when i tell people when i tell people i'm like when i met my wife i thought she was cute and women be like oh what you are not all of that your wife is beautiful yeah my wife is beautiful but when i met her she didn't have access to the stuff she got now so she did not look the same that she looked now she did not look the same she was still naturally pretty but when you take natural beauty just like in any woman because what god make and did you see any woman when they go to that makeover show or they go to a makeover class or they go to you like whoa who is this it just show you all of us got a foundation now and that when you go when you get the right type of treatment the right type of adornment you gonna change so that's the first thing i'm gonna say to you something stop being yourself up dealing with these sorry no good men and feeling like you got to meet a man online to have a man come on come on and uh not but let me tell y'all what this lady did y'all forgot already throughout this period the period his family was living with us they did not contribute financially to the household she put up with that i had two jobs i am a nurse the expectation was my ex and i would cater for everything in the home i would come home from work you know how hard it is to be a nurse that ain't no easy job especially if she got two jobs so she just ain't no nurse she ain't say the other job didn't want me here see that's african values that ain't that she's not black american because that's african values if some black americans gonna work like that it's some americans period regardless of race that's gonna work like that but see that's foreign when you come from somewhere else and you come to what they call the land of dream ah the land of dream and yeah it might be some dreams that could come true and more opportunity than where you come from and that why you came over here but it's still ain't all they're supposed to be cracked up to be but it could be better than the township that you was raised in i get that and did and when you when you got that level of gratitude this how you work but then the problem is she's been beat down by society so she feel like she is the lowest of the law i cannot imagine but i i can't imagine this level right here this level of service and treatment as a man i cannot imagine a woman allowing me to let my mama and my sister come live off of us not with us live off of us and both of them able-bodied and then that woman worked two jobs and one of the jobs is a nurse now understand now a cna is a nurse assistant but they still could call themselves they still call themselves a nurse a lpn is a nurse a rn is a nurse okay a nurse practitioner still a nurse and some might want to call himself a doctor not but still it's levels to nursing so she didn't say and and she's so tough that she didn't say what kind of nursing she doing she literally could be wiping whole booty with fingers busting through the scotch tissue because where she work at is cheap so fingernail bust through the scotch tissue and got a handful of feces of this person that she nursing could be changing bed sores the gauze pads could be bathing old men who telling her why she bathing them don't you wanna suck on it i love me african what are you gonna do how much i gotta pay you for a little bit actually you don't get up like it used to you see it jumping come on in here viola you say i'm saying did anybody tell you like my old day she didn't tell her what kind of nursing she got to be putting up with my wife used to be a cna in high school she told how the men used to be she said one time the man said her will you just suck on it i just want to ask you a question would you suck on it were you in my little head why is it she was like what no it had to take off out of there but man couldn't catch anything he wheelchair bound and i remember that now i remember my granddaddy still had a he had a catheter you know the catheter is the thing that they stick in there the the ketchup coming out he had a cathedral and still y'all see how i wrote that all there that's that's cause i speak a little espanol i speak a little espanol he had a catheter and still paying five dollars from the corner from the kona lady to get a little action at 88 and so listen to me when i tell you we don't know what the one we're putting up with at work and then she was coming home she said came home from work to cook clean and serve my ex-husband and his mother plus look after my kids this is all i knew to do at the time we also had a good at life come on now who who is doing this right here and she say i got on my bike anytime he wanted it saying on his microphone not listen we not talking about karaoke at the bar for the anybody that's new singing on the microphone is all right down there and acted out whatever scenarios that excited him now that right there just kind of sending me just only because she looks similar to viola davis who is a world-renowned amazing actor it just i just like oh did not want to hear that something what kind of what you didn't see the nurse let you a triage nurse in the bedroom what what he got you in there doing that right now okay a bit much but listen then not not listen i'm trying to wrap my head around that because 99 of women not fitting to do this what this much as she done this how low the world has made her feel that she feel like she got to put up with all of this when you is a woman you're the queen of your castle you ain't got to let no man mama and sister come listen especially for those six years total it's like okay here go three months get on your feet sister come on now you gotta go you gotta go nine come on but we'll do it we will do it we will do it it'll happen i don't have family stay with me year and a half two years still would have still been in the same situation had i not got to the place to where i could afford to help family get out and get on their feet that happens so i get it we not technically not if you ills technically will tell your spouse that they family remember got to go stay in the shelter in case they use a bad mamma gemini you use something else you something else i'm trying to tell you now you you wrong for that now listen to me now now on top of all this lady did she say we even went to this on several occasions now i can't even see this sister going in the script she do not look like the type to go in now she looked like a nurse she looked like a school teacher she looked like a strong woman a strong mama um now it's something it is interesting to me sometimes when um you know when when the woman women wear the the bright red lipstick you know she got the bright red lip all night but i just cannot see it it looked like she come from a culture that women have no rights and when i say look like not just look not looks but what i mean like when what she's saying what she do like i remember when i was in nairobi kenya the men there told me that they don't have to lift a finger in in the house that the individuals i was with that may not be you know all around every household but they said in their you know relationships the man go to work come home and sit down he sit down on the couch he got a hot meal brought to him all the cooking all the cleaning all the stuff with the kids it's all done by a woman and that the man only job is to go to work make money bring that money home and then that woman when whatever he want from her in that bedroom that's her job to do and then cooking and cleaning and this exactly what she is doing this ain't no this ain't no american woman or a woman who is americanized i'm telling you i grew up in a two-parent household and my mama used to i work 40 hours just like you do you want something to eat you get it and cook i ain't going to do nothing make you a bowl of cereal i work 40 hours just like you and my daddy kathy you work in the air condition i work in the hot sun all i want is to come home and have something cook well if you want something to eat get in there and cook it yourself then what i look like a maid i don't care if i'm in the air condition i'm sitting down working eight hours a day just like you're working you're a man you pulled the work in the sun now see that there is what i know to be an americanized woman really regardless of color regardless of color don't let one of the uncle tom me and tell you that white women do note no white women is just the same just as the same way and the ones who cook every day don't work nobody job and and and if the ones who work a job and come home and cook every day that she she is a one percenter or she might be in a 10 percenter regardless of race and so if some race is not that the women will do this but not every little thing what this something here did it's some it's some women that they will have three four kids and they will work full-time and they will come home and cook every day do that mean she happy i really can't see a human being happy during the work of a robot because that's not even human even as a man it's like if i'm working i'm serving y'all on a video i'm not in nobody hot son but i'm not i don't feel like getting up and going to cook you i'm saying like some stuff not even human it's just that's a robot like we we need a robot now along the robot can't start thinking for themselves nah hey they got to have a way i could uh lay that thing down but you went thinking for yourself now i told you to cook dinner but and this is how men do women a lot of men and that's what i tell y'all this movement that's going on out here with the punks that is trying to put women in a place of robotism want a woman to be a robot woman shut up cook and clean and then get on your bike when i'm ready for you get on your bike don't say no no that's that's stupid that is weak that's punk stuff and this what her punk of her ex-husband had her doing and she and i listen now i this right here might be a longer video because it's a lot of um it's a lot of the unpacking he'll now listen to me now listen to me now this what i try to tell y'all now then she said now they'll go to the washington women slide down that pole she sending that i could tell she was uncomfortable enough on several occasions and then she said all the while my ex-husband was having affairs with close family female friends he even had a long-term affair with his sister's best friend sending new or choking his microphone and that thing were his norm he did it all on that camera phone do you hear me and that's what i try to tell y'all ladies this is what i try to tell y'all is in my household it don't go down like this right here it ain't all of this right here my wife is a human she gonna have her headache sometimes she gonna be tired she it all it's right it ain't going down like this right here you know all this cooking and all that no sometimes it just it's a it's olive garden it's chef olive garden you see what i'm saying it's like last night i had meal turkey and cheese bagel for dinner with some doritos in between my coaching session that was my dinner that's that's real life like the day i only ate lunch so far today i had me some roasted wings from dale friskers i went to dale frisco's and got me some roasted wings you see what i'm saying my wife ain't got no prepared lunch that she made last night that's sitting in the fridge in the tupperware that ain't that ain't that's robotism that ain't human that ain't human life but she look what she doing and this is what i try to tell women [Music] when you when you feed lust see i heard a pastor say a long time ago don't know his name said that lust is not like thirst it can't be quenched when you feed lust it gets stronger this woman in here in the bedroom doing role play as a triage nurse who come into the room and then have a crush on her client that's in the bed and they end up sleeping together in the hospital she doing role play singing on the microphone doing role play you know what i'm telling you and then going out to illicit engagements with him to watch so he could get pleasure watching other women she cooking she cleaning and she letting his family live off of her working two jobs come on we can't call us stupid we can't call her that because she she's strong she wrong nah she could be a little lost look confused but this is conditioning this mental conditioning from the world or from her culture this mental condition this what the world or her environment did her and guess what in different ways it's doing it to everybody and that's what you got to wake up and smell the coffee and see how are you being conditioned hold on i got somebody at my dog okay so he's just dropping off y'all forgive me so you got to look and see how are you being conditioned now and what you doing what are you believing about yourself that the world had made you believe you said what i'm saying come on listen to me now what you doing and so she believed this and that's what i tell you when you feed lust so when you got a man that is not making love to your mind that is not giving you a two-way street that's not picking up what you put down that's not reciprocating your love that's not being honest and trustworthy with you and yet you serving him and you catering to him and you're feeding his lust you're not quenching his desire for other women you are intensifying his desire for other women because and that's what i try to tell women all the time when you get ready to have you when you when you get ready to bring you a third party in there in the bedroom and you thinking oh you satisfying him and you doing that so that he don't go out no all that make him want to do now is see what another one feels like without you in it he want to see what one feels like with her and somebody else and then he want to see what one feels like with two new and then two more new and then two more new and that's what i try to tell y'all stop doing this foolishness bringing the third person in going to the script love doing all that nonsense all that right there ignorant i will never as a real man i would never ask my wife to go no strip club with me i and i would not ask her can i go because i as a man is my place to make her feel like that she the only woman in the world not that she one of many not that she disposable not that she expendable because i need her mental health to not feel like this here ladies on i need her mental health to be at the highest height for our children if she feel disposable if she feel like a pawn on my chessboard instead of like the queen on my chessboard then guess what that energy finna be transferred to our children my kids that i love they finna have a broken beat down woe i mama that feels insignificant and inadequate who then has to be divorced because she being cheated on and dogged out and then she have to turn to online dating to be dogged out some more all because of what i did as a husband see if i was in charge of the justice system if god called a man to be the head if a man don't know how to lead and be the head i'll be doggone you got the boy when you come here boy we finna take one at a time we finna get some pliers and we finna get implied that uh one at a time but um aaron how are you we finna get a set of tweezers and we've been just one at a time but did what you want not a hair on your head because you was put in charge and giving dominion over earth and you made a woman your floor man and you dog her out and because of your irresponsibility not your children broken now your children lost and confused now your daughter on somebody pole and then she being bought she being bought with cash moolah doula to go into the room to a hotel a motel 6 and do whatever and it's because you was a sorry example of a man in your household now your son is in the streets being shot at because he don't know what it is to be a man because you as a man could not value his mama so i can't even talk to her because this right here and so i hope you hear what i have said yes you lost yes you confused and yes you need to love yourself cherish yourself value yourself wake up and smell the coffee so stay out there online dating if you can't meet a man in the real world stay out the online date because i'ma tell you it ain't no real men online dating because a real man know that it's so many single women in the world that he could walk to his mailbox and meet a woman he could walk up the street and meet a woman he could go in any gas station he could go in any grocery store and meet a woman every real man know that ain't no real man getting on no online dating it says it is er earth the p word earth on online dating that's what's getting on now you know why because online they've been around since i've been around and i ain't getting no no you know why because even when i was a dog i knew i could walk outside and find some i met my wife in the mall and do you know when i met her i was talking to three four other women two of the other women i was talking to i met in the mall the other one i met at a little restaurant lounge where we used to go as college students to listen to music eat some chicken wings and they could dance on the dance floor the other one i met in the financial aid office she was the financial aid officer or whoever whatever you call them i didn't have to get on nobody lying to meet no woman they win one everywhere that's what a real man understand that's why i tell y'all to stay off this online dating you is meeting scam artists and i'm gonna tell you the truth i don't know sam and peter one day in cahoots i don't know if sound ain't tell peter hey we finna be on this right here set of transportation get on there too peter sparked up a conversation with sam and i and the three of us talked the entire way to our destination about four hours at some point during our discussion peter had asked me to send him some of the pictures i had taken of the scenery uh huh along the way and i did i don't know if he didn't sell one that could hooks that's how that's how much faith i put any online men now she met sam online me p don't lie but i don't know what sound had going on but they were running and then now it don't sound like they were living off of or getting nothing really off of her but and then when you came back the um what's the younger one name that you met online peter no sound i'm being confused you people name sam sam and get on now playing say i mean go to nobody plain sister and you sound like you believe it and that's why he disappeared and then come back i knew you wouldn't believe it where the world this man in africa i don't took the taxi in africa all out throughout africa that man ain't get no this is a grown musty body man ain't no taxi driver stole his luggage and his phone what in the world come on now and then insult the youtube ain't going listen to that come on now and then what peter did look what peter did married peter we got married less than a week after i arrived he met my family everything seemed to be going too good to be true and moving so fast he took me for a two night honeymoon for pictures pictures and it was then he began talking about my grade now what pictures not he took your honeymoon to get pictures of you before you go back home and he talked about my grade he married you because you got papers over here and he want papers oh and come on nah come on now listen this is the hill all right she in the thick of it when you're in the thick of it sometimes you can't see i need everybody outside looking in into this situation to be able to see what is going on so that when you get in you still could see because you remember what it was like to be out looking in come on now come on now and see this a thing and then men got the nerve to get mad with me for trying to explain to women the ways of a man when do you see what women is doing what women putting up with do you see how foolish so many women could be when it come to a man i it was a quote once i don't know the author of it it's saying women have to be two things this somebody else quote not mine he said beautiful and foolish beautiful so that man might love her and foolish so that she might love man now see they call me a sim for creating dialogue between the sexes i didn't write that quote so that mean it was another man who saw women being beautiful and foolish beautiful so that men might love her and foolish so that she may love man come on now come on now where your mind got to be at to love a man who ain't giving you nothing and all he doing is using you and then here and then here go the one man using here go sam broke come to find out sam broke he over there in africa and he trying to go get a job in the middle east where he had been working prior he had to go way to the middle east to get a job he'd get over there he'd get a little established he'd get do a little something then he'll go peter but take you on a two-night honeymoon y'all had doing them three-hour tours that's how you got it for free you got to do the tour nah i used to do that me and my wife that we had to do them getaways where you get two nights free or three nights free if you're gonna do that travel tour and i'm like how dumb can y'all be anybody accepted a free vacation obviously cannot afford your time share y'all wasting money in time cause people who can afford don't even like free don't even respect free because of what they think who gonna be there and they think they in a higher class and they don't want to be there with people who want something for free i used to look like who do y'all think can afford this look at all of us all look out on fate all the women in here got on fake coach purses that come from the swap meet for 35 all the men in here got on beat up shoes awesome jordans and you could tell that it's dope boy money if there's any money in here or this man right here worked construction he being paid under the table and we all in here for the two night three day free vacation to do the two hour tour to sit down at this table to get talked to for three hours and y'all keep scratching out these numbers and changing the numbers and making the numbers lower and you went as low as you could go today and we still can't afford it sir excuse me we got to go we got to get back to this free vacation y'all gave one thing all right sir okay all right nice to meet you okay we gotta go now listen so peter took her on a two night honeymoon to get pissed she put pictures like this right here so didn't let me know these pictures are a little funny it look funny building pictures you see what i'm saying now hitting that here we go now and here we go and it was then he began talking about migrating okay all right green card gary peter want him a pass i then found out that he was broke did not have any money or property to his name he was asking me for money and making plans with my money he told his daughter and his sister to ask me for money i sent him money and his daughter for a while then stopped like that was not bad enough may 2020 i found selfies of him with two different women on different occasions he denied them saying they were just friends i ended the situation and i now have filed for a divorce come on now lord you signed up for this lord come on now ladies come on now y'all preach to one another preach to one another y'all got to hold one another accountable because see listen i'm trying to get the world together i'm trying for us to come together so we can have responsible men with responsible women uniting creating a union getting married having children and raising children in a happy and whole and healthy prosperous home so that we can shift the narrative so that we could shift the atmosphere move the culture forward shift the culture so that we could change our lineage so that we can grow and go to the next level so that we don't have to be trotted and wading in the water and climbing going up the rough side of the mountain all the time so that we could be doing better but it gonna take responsible men and responsible women so at the end of the day ladies listen even though i go hard on the men and i want men to be better men and to be good men and to set a good example and to treat you with love and respect as a woman you still have to be accountable and responsible for yourself you are a grown musky woman yes you musky too you get musky too all right in every area use grown when you could smell yourself you got to do better you have got to do better you got to stop operating from insecurity you got to stop operating from desperation you got to stop operating from frustration and loneliness and you have to love yourself and set common sense standards it ain't saying rocket science standards common sense standard you got to set it and listen if you can't set it for yourself set it for somebody else because we always could see other people business and problems more than we could see our own set it for this lady and to this lady said it for a woman you know the woman you know that was sleeping with your husband that's close to your family set the standards for them and then and write them all down and then live by them if you can't see yourself set it for somebody else and then live with you then put on somebody else listen to me dear tony gaskin god bless you uh thank you to those of you who have joined the growth group this mastermind group where we doing a monthly call and a whole bunch of little growing and videos and stuff we jumping off in on june but we enrolling right now on tonygastonacademy.com god bless y'all we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 16,830
Rating: 4.9468436 out of 5
Id: pXA_pEJdwbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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