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ladies and gentlemen let me see here i was tied up today mentoring uh in real life so i didn't get a chance to shoot a video and i meant to do a a live i mean a q a on instagram and um didn't get to so i wanted to do a q a or kind of like a chat and q a here on youtube uh i just i like youtube a little better than um instagram i don't know instagram feel a little different to me sometimes a little weird to me so i want to come on here um let's see what i mean you know i'm gonna start thinking more about and going into and kind of studying a little more on just different spirits so to speak and when i say that you know you hear about a jezebel spirit and you hear about these different types of people and personalities and my wife was just telling me about a podcast she was listening to and how this man came in and you know love bombed the woman and everything was amazing and her parents liked him because he had all the right answers but then turned out that it was leading more towards something that wasn't gonna be good for and she had to call off the wedding and it got me to thinking just how so often we can get deceived by our eyes and not really being tapped in and in tune in our heart and really knowing who we are and what we want and we can get deceived get see somebody who like they say everything that look good to you ain't good for you and a lot of times we don't realize that so i'm gonna start kind of touching on that a little more and really processing that because what i realize is a lot most often a curse is wrapped as a gift it's a lot of times that the people who look like you know a blessing could be the worst thing to happen to you because you drop your guards and so we have to be mindful of that and really have your antennas up to make sure that you really paying attention to someone's character and not just what they're saying and what they showing because i realized for those of us who have all the words to say all the the mouthpiece a lot of times we the worst ones until we renew because the more eloquent you are with your words the sneakier you could be the more deceptive you could be and before god renewed me that's how i was um a nightmare packaged as a dream and so i want y'all to be mindful of that and be thinking about that and start paying attention to the inner workings of people's spirit even friends and family here we go now you remember how i told y'all how the devil got into them on swine on the mountain every time i get in here we'll leave the dog for too long a net always finding way or something i'm gonna fly or something in my office we live in the middle of the woods so i'll be having to deal with this hill sometime so i want you to think about that now if you have a question for me um i see tully or tully forgive me from saying that wrong i implemented no marriage when we started dating now i do after giving life with christ and he wants 2-2 but i feel like it's only because i said something how to know um you can't really know you know it's no it's no foolproof way to know what it is but he doesn't really have a reason to lie to you you know he's not scared of you and so you see how many women getting their feelings hurt every day a man not scared of you he may not want to hurt your feelings but he'll still hurt your feelings if that's if that's not what he wants so understand that like he ain't really if he say you want to get married then he probably do want to get married but you can't assume that he's just saying that because you said something um because you know a man quick to quit to hurt your feelings even when you don't want to why don't men who have played the game not informed his daughter of grown boy tactic to save her the hurt does the broke hole run that deep well the reason why a lot of men who played the game don't expose the game is because to expose the game you got to expose yourself i did a video the other day and it was supposed to be like 20 minutes and i ended up talking an hour and 10 minutes and i never posted it i deleted the video because i gave too much gain and i was like i ain't there yet like all the game that i give is still another five ten percent but so we we passed simelac now but we we own we own baby food sometimes a little lean meat you know sometimes i get y'all some some turkey but it's some real buy game it's some real bad yeah it's some of the uh nigerian meat you know you know how the nigerians a lot of they meet be cooked real tough it's some of that right there kind of game but i had to i ain't posting videos i own 10 minutes i delete that's an all too much game too much everybody can't handle everything because just with the little what i do tell women be in the comments arguing i don't agree i did not agree that is not what men want that is not how men feel that what women be in the comments telling me i'm like okay so okay so we oh so so where was you a man i was just curious what no did you have your little surgery or something like i just curious how you knew mo about me and then me uh okay and so i'm like you know what i'm wasting my breath because ain't no use of me even telling everything because ain't nobody gonna believe it i on the other day i was talking about how if a man asks you what you bring to the table that is the most disrespectful question one of the most disrespectful questions and that is a condescending degrading question that he is putting you on the proving seat to make you look up to him and prove yourself to him and and when i tell you it was women in the comments i don't see nothing wrong with the question i don't see nothing wrong with the question i'm all right with the question because i don't have nothing to hide it's like man we're not asking you i'm not asking you what kind of tough questions can you handle what i'm telling you is that if he asks you that he's looking down on you now what did you miss in that we already know you could answer the question but what i'm telling you is he looking down on you so not are you okay with being looked down on and i just and so and the women i seen with that in the comments i clicked on their picture i clicked on their page i said okay okay they didn't let the world get to them then let the world you can't let the world get to you you can't let the world get to you if the world will get to you by your skin color your weight your height your hair style the world will get to you and make you feel less than because it's comparing you to everybody else and then you will start to lose your standards and lose your way because you like i just want somebody i just want me somebody like in what you gonna ask me whatever you want to ask me ask me as long as you're gonna be there for me and that's how we get uh sunshine j god bless i got a scar on my face on my ex that bit when men ask me about this i don't know if i should tell them what happened to me or lie about it i've told some guys and they would laugh and ask what did i do that do kind of catch you off guard a little bit uh if you tell somebody that but i think you should tell the truth you know the truth better than a lie and um it don't have nothing to do with you it don't make you look bad it don't make you look away so you know it it's like a soldier wounded like whoa okay you'd have been through some things now the downside about it is you see what we what we fail to realize that we are all a window everybody's a window so if you lie and say well i got bit i had a little dog and it bit me just like playing with me and i got too aggressive with dog and dog bit me the man will be able to tell you lying and so cuz we all the window we could tell when we line and uh cake ribbon god bless you so it's better to just tell the truth but the downside about telling business is that it could show some people what you're willing to put up with what you're willing to deal with and then they'll take you to that level because like oh you've been through this you already know what this feel like let me do that too how to heal after being told by the ex-husband he never loved me um now that's one of the questions right there that that y'all remember for everybody on the sound of my voice even though this is only a handful of people out of you know my following um the question when y'all say how to heal how to get over how to start over is all the same it's all the same whether you was with somebody for 50 years 5 years 10 years it's all the same and so that's a i out of i have said that a million times but he really the question really what it is what you're doing is you telling your story it's like you really don't need the answer because you know the answer the answer is time distance watching the videos reading the books doing whatever the work the courses the counseling the therapy the coaching everybody know how to heal but a lot of times we don't want to heal because the pain becomes comforting i remember seeing the study about the the monkeys and they had the monkey and the monkey was a baby and i think they had a mom with them or something and then they removed the mom or they put the monkey with this fake monkey and had uh like spikes on it had spikes on it something that would prick the monkey but not like you know gouge it and because the baby thought that was it's mama it hooked on to it even though it hurt and and it was kept going back to it even though it hurt because it saw it as this my mom this my safe place so even though it's hurting me i'mma keep going back and that's how it is a lot of time with our pain is the pain almost becomes comforting and we really don't want our problems solved because when the problem is solved then it's it's no longer something that we can hold on to something that we can you know have a part of us and so that's that's the thing what we have to realize you know sometimes it just all of that is the same putting one foot in front of the other you put one foot in front of the other my first time talking to a guy he is rushing me into a relationship and don't want to wait till marriage first time talking to a guy and i don't really like him but he is nice should i just tell him that this won't work absolutely tell him that it won't work never waste time you know never waste time never you know go out your way and all of that um uh to love jones is your video stopping because she said her video was stopping uh i see two love jones that might be the connection ride it out is your is your video stopping because normally when it's stopping on my end it'll spin over here and it'll tell me your connection weak but my wife i do be tripping it be in and not um let me see george parker god bless you now god bless i don't know if you meant um okay intron say mine is great okay smooth okay okay okay that's a life lesson um hi tony i wanted to know what it means when a guy says you're different but after they say that they pretty much stopped talking to me no um not really a question that could be answered you know it really doesn't mean anything it's just you know it to every man who says that would it could mean something different you know it's not a that's not a one-size-fits-all it's not something that you know every man gonna mean something what y'all have to realize is sometimes men will tell you something which is really in manglish is you're not the one or i'm taken or i'm emotionally unavailable and the word that would be used could be oh you're mean or you're intimidating or you're too good for me or you deserve better or you're different like what you said like don't don't get caught up reading into everything that a man say because sometimes we just talking you know it's just we just talking to hear ourselves talk uh dana ho god bless you now hi tony how and when to tell a man you're abstinent until marriage thank you now i got some long videos on that um where i'm explaining to you and you know the thing about my job is i have to answer the same question over and over and over and uh think about this now think about this if you if you at work if you at work and somebody say uh yeah could you tell me how to attach the report to um to the email and you're like okay well this what you have to do i know to change the system around but here you see the little paper clip right there you click that and then somebody else come oh yes could you tell me i need to put a report attach a report to the email could you tell me how to do that and then 10 people come do that now you know in real life you like what either but that's my job and so for one i want to apologize to those of you who have heard me answer the same question one million times because sometimes some of y'all say to me tony you didn't answer that a million times so again for that question i appreciate it because every day sometimes somebody coming new but i want you to understand uh you don't have to you don't have to she's a different tony been dating a while it hasn't come up so before making it serious should i tell um both christian uh no same question the same question when do you tell the question is you don't the answer is you don't tell you don't have to tell a man that you're abstinent until marriage because truthfully you don't know like you don't have a pad locked down there and so when you tell a man that for one he could just give up because that's that's that's a part of the package that's a part of the goal part of the reason he pursuing you for one if we just be honest he's not pursuing you for just for your mind so and then two it doesn't give him enough time to fall in love with you so the thing about it is is men typically fall in love between two years and five years and and that leads to the question what tony how you expect the man to get engaged to us before he falls in love men don't marry for love men marry for conviction out of conviction not out of love so a man gets married before he has fallen in love on average he gets married because he knows that is the thing to do that that's what he's supposed to do and that's what is expected of him by god the bible says it is better to marry than to burn meaning you need to get married if you cannot abstain so some people some men literally get married just to get out of sin and it has nothing to do with being in love with the woman and it's more so because he he fears anytime the word get to go on the devil getting one of these little gnats or something oh it could have been a piece of lent y'all forgive him i just be i just you know high strong it could be the concussions i had playing college football i don't know and so you have to realize that men motors for marriage is different than for a woman so you have to understand that when you tell a man i'm abstinent you got typically one or two men you got one man that is not in love with you and he like okay i'm gone you telling to you shouldn't have told me that cause i was getting ready to fall in love while i was working for you but now that you didn't say it i'm absent until marriage okay i'm gone since you want to be bougie and then you have the other man who he says oh okay yeah you are okay we're gonna see about that and he goes into game mode he goes into challenge mode now the third man which would be the most rare is he's abstinent until marriage too but men typically don't do anything without bragging about it so if if men if we doing something we gonna we gonna let the woman know on the first date we abstinent until marriage because that's get us some clout like if but as a man we eat one vegetable yuma right i'm vegan so you know what i'm saying because really like it's just what it's just what you do as a vegan is like vegetables and it's like i just had some broccoli so it's like you know you know i'm vegan you know technically and it's not for everybody tomorrow morning he eat bacon and but last night because he only had him some broccoli he vegan and so that's what you have to realize um so if if if the man abstinent you're gonna know he abstinent before you have to tell him if he don't tell you then he's not absent and you telling him you don't know what you're gonna get and you can't promise tomorrow you're going to be abstinent so what you have to do keep your business between you and god and if he tries you like you say it hasn't come up so being that it's not coming up he could be falling in love and then if he try you then he could say then you could say i'm not ready for that after he tried you four or five times and you said no i'm not ready for that he gets the picture he get the picture if he don't get the picture after that then it's like you might need to go about your business anyway because he too thick-headed tmr god bless you how to deal with a spouse who has mental issues but does not want to get help we have two young boys together when he is depressed he is very cold and distant even sometimes with my son what you probably need to do what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to get a you're gonna have to get therapy um because mental health is not something that a life coach addresses because life coach our wisdom comes from life experience whereas with mental health professionals like counselors and therapists not only their life experience but they've studied several books and gotten degrees which have human study so that they understand the mental health things based on thousands of human study and so even though you're not the one with the mental health issues a therapist can help you understand the issues he's dealing with and then give you a plan of action because i would be in the wrong to say something not fully understanding what you're dealing with you know and so and i i try to always decrease my liability because in a relationship and dealing with humans it's always life and death so you gotta you know go to the resources although you hear it you may trust my message you know i'm not equipped to deal with to address mental health issues that's on another um level nicole moody god bless you hi tony i have a different type of heartbreak my grandmother passed away in 2019 my mom in 2020 i feel like my safety net is gone only two women i trust how can i build trust in other people um nicole god bless you god bless you that's also not my area either uh what i recommend is grief counseling because grief counselors have studied the stages of grief and they understand the different emotions that you go through because they've studied books that have studied thousands and thousands of humans and how we grieve i have not done that and i have not gone through that so again i speak from life experience so if it's something i have not gone through or seen up close and personal then i really you know i really can't just throw something out of there out of ego or arrogance you know trying to be a know-it-all that's not my situation reality check god bless you now god bless you hi tony first thanks for all you do now i know a man is a man but are there any different or additional techniques we need to know when vetting a non-black man nope a man is a man a man is a man because that cuz a man is a man point blank period a lot of times we have this thing to where we beat up on our own race and people will say only black people do that like when i talked about what do you bring to the table a lot of women said only black men do that but ain't never dated a white man ain't never really sat down with no white man because i heard i heard a white man who was a good guy in the grand scheme of things say say the very thing and basically he was like so i made the money i got the money i call the shots just in the white guy voice i'm like i i i have the money i call the shots over here it's like what you gonna do about it i make this money what are you gonna do go somewhere okay bye i'm good i got the money so i'm like okay okay and this gentleman on his second marriage and in the first marriage i'm thinking the man is is a great amazing guy the first marriage you know his wife used to sell him out in front of people you pushed me down the street then and tony he pushed me down the street he helped me out he pushed me like i was a refrigerator he pushed me so hard i was like really is that what happened becky her name on becky i just used the name but i i was like oh okay so you're aggressive so you put hands on women i thought y'all white man was uh what y'all call it creme de creme creme de la creme but you just like the rest of so listen i try to tell y'all men don't change for race it just it just may operate a little differently may have to get to know you a little better before they show you their true colors uh roxy god bless you now angel why would a man refuse a paternity test if he says he is not the father wouldn't he take it to prove he wasn't well because he know he probably is if he don't slept with then he know it's a good possibility he is and so he just if if he take the test that removes all doubt but just saying that it keeps some doubt in the air with the hopes you might not try to put him on child support now y'all see how i could address uh the uh action of a man just because i'm a man i understand the mindset of a man now there are exceptions to the rule so you got to take everything with a grain of salt you can't take everything as as law because it could be different but that's where your wisdom knowledge understanding and discretion comes in knowing your situation so if you know you only gave me this much information and i answered the question off this much information but you know it's this much information then you know you can't take the answer a hundred percent because i didn't have all the information i broke up with my boyfriend because of communication preferences like text verse call was that a mistake no that wasn't a mistake that wasn't a mistake because that's a big thing communication this my quote now somebody gonna steal it and let me tell y'all when i tell y'all you teach people how to treat you by what you stop what you allow and what you reinforce or by what you allow what you stop i can't remember the order of it because when i tweet my quotes when i used to tweet my quotes i tweet them in the moment i literally would write it in 30 seconds and the next time i write it it would be a little different because it just came off the top of the dawn dr phil producers stole my quote so now people telling me oh a lady wrote in a comment dr phil coined that no dr phil didn't because i worked five years in the group home to come up with that quote and the word it like that dr phil ain't come up with that better get that straight now so listen i got a quote that says communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life without it it dies communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life without it it dies so you have to understand that if you don't have good communication in your relationship your relationship is dead so you might as well leave if y'all can't talk to each other in some kind of way even if he can't fully articulate the way you can he need to at least be able gums and morse code to get his message to you um britain god bless you been with god 10 years no kids work through past issues no cheating stop or god but he's unwilling to wait until uh are you happy to get married or he'll leave but we aren't ready for that well since i tell you what now you kind of lost me in that message right there because you say he unwilling to wait till marriage for uh but he's happy to get married so if he happy to get married then y'all go get married tomorrow but here's the thing is you've been with the guy 10 years now unless y'all start dating at 13 then y'all supposed to already be married so if you've been with somebody 10 years come on now come on i think that about them ran this course now that button ran this course so you you got some you got some things to do on that one now alicia a god bless hello tg how do i know the program the program to sell online with shopify etc best program slash value with small initial investment and current info thought about combing reviews on udemy severe cognitive issue with little time and capacity um i wouldn't use shopify if you want to sell stuff online i would use teespring and because when you go through teespring they got literally almost every product you could think of and all you got to do is go to like fiverr f-i-v-e and get your designs made so go to my and you'll see what i mean when you order a shirt from teespring prints the shirt and ships it to you so i don't have to touch anything i just got to send people there and you can get pillows pillows pillows for those of y'all pillows you can get pillows you can get um leggings you can get uh bucket hats t-shirts hoodies canvases you could sell digital products all right don't teespring they they don't upgrade it they don't rebrand it t spraying shirts used to be so terrible i say this is bad brand alignment for youtube how y'all got us aligned with teespring and these shirts is garbage but now they're gonna upgrade their material i order some samples and thing good quality good material so go to go to teespring and uh you might be in the blessed business tribe that's information i give in the blessed business tribe now over time this is the blessed tribe you got the blessed tribe and you got the blessed business tribe that's blessed business tribe is all videos on business i try to do at least one a week rose gold god bless how do you apologize get forgiveness from a man when he upset with you over a small misunderstanding he blocked me and won't respond to my apology yet stop apologizing you didn't already apologize don't chase a man you got to ignore redirect and then reinforce learn that in the group home so you ignore attention seeking behavior you didn't apologize that's all you could do you keep chasing chase and chase and apologize all you're doing is weakening you to get you all the way desperate and then he gonna take you back and treat you like dirt because you don't broke yourself all the way down it's a little misunderstanding you didn't save for sleeping with his best friend you didn't save for cheating on him period you said for a little misunderstanding so you got to understand a little misunderstanding all you need is i'm sorry about what happened i apologize for that if you don't wanna go about your business go on about your business um lasagna god bless you now god bless you god bless you should it be a big deal that a guy talks to you on the phone at my age i understand guys really don't like talking on the phone so i really don't press the issue um it should be a big deal because that's communication so if y'all not gonna be in person then you have to be on the phone so that is you have to have communication communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life so you have to communicate and i'm gonna tell you a man don't mind being on the phone with a woman he won't with a woman he won't try he'll have all kind of radiation to the head if a woman he won't a man will be on the phone with the hill caprudo uh yeah how you doing mm-hmm who me am i tired oh no i mean it's big but i built different i'll feel different over here what you thought this was we thought you were talking to the man in the podcast it's sitting in the dark with the things spinning on the desk and all something new you got a real man over here yeah i know my phone big but it just ain't what it is i'm built different if he wants you he'll sit on that phone all day long when he don't want you any excuse to do when he don't want you any excuse to do and that's what you have to realize and understand he'll get you in it oh see me see the way i'm mail see with me i'm from the street and see because i'm from the street see i see you you use the church boy see i'm from the street see we had trap we had trap phone we had tracfone we had all it right here we have burners see we don't talk on the phone see so when you're dealing with a real street man like me we don't talk on the phone now that's his excuse let a woman call him that he want to deal with he wearing that phone out give me so listen to me so understand that and this is one thing just go across the board a man who wants you you gonna know it how do you feel about partner having about celebrity crushes is this a red flag partner likes twerk videos on female celebrity rappers um y'all really get intricate with the question uh i i i i know the good boys say the small thoughts spoil the vine but y'all really get intricate only question uh yeah tony i want to ask you my partner like to cut the crust off his bread when he make peanut butter jelly what does that say about him but um what's this that's actually a good question because social media is very real but let me help you understand what you got is your nasty man you got your nasty man and so this thing all of us will look at that twerk video and and see that twerk video and look at that and then for those of us who born again we repent we gonna repent lord forgive me me i'ma go to the three dots in the top corner of the post and click on the three dots and then it pop up with some options and you could click see fewer posts like this y'all try that if you don't believe me that's how you know i really do this i live what i preach to the best of my ability so i click on there now i didn't got my eye full but i thought give me the eye for lord forgive me lord forgive me i'll go right up now and see this i'm expressing this to you so that you know and understand that every man is tempted every man struggles and deals with lust and a lot of times holier than doubt women come oh a real man not gonna do that a real man are not gonna do that if he got eyes ray charles could not see and he could tell what they look like from that wrist you remember the movie ray he grabbed everybody oh you wanna come to the room okay can you come to the room he went to trying to open an eye just to see if the lord hadn't gave him his sight back but so listen this is what you got to understand every man going to see something and have to either he either going to indulge in the lust or he going to catch itself repent for that lust and create some boundaries some safe proof like when i clicked on that three dots at the top right and hit see fewer posts but then let me tell you a man who take and he liked the video he hit the heart on there he nasty he nasty because he didn't went too far because he could have just looked at the post but he want to send a message and he gonna hit the like he's sending a message either to the to the woman who posted it if it's her actual page or he's sending a message to you as his woman to let you know that you're not the only one that got his attention and he and he know you're gonna see that because he know you knowsy and that you play blues clues so he lead little clues for you to find because he know you playing blues clues sherlock holmes so he gonna lead a little breadcrumb so you can find it and what is do is play on your psyche so you start to question yourself so now you up there in the mirror trying to twerk you trying to learn how to turn and throw your back out because he he keep liking twerking video so now you walk around cooking in a thorn and you trying to turn and it's all because of that program and he didn't did on you let me get you let me get you insecure mm-hmm let me hit that get you insecure get you to work a little harder are there levels to texting and calling for men what if he don't call you every day but still text is that good communication or should we be on the phone every day in dating stage god bless you you should be on the phone every day in the dating stage you should be on you you know you should be on the phone every day in the dating stage um and now i'm gonna say this again i'm gonna say this again some of y'all some of y'all computer froze okay some of y'all phone froze listen listen if a man like you he's going to get on your nerves if a man like you you finna be like oh goodness will you start calling me oh my goodness that man called me like he called me breakfast lunch and dinner he chewing on the phone like listen when a man like you you going to know it and man who like you not going to take a day off from getting on the phone with you and truthfully when a man like you he wants to facetime you so he could look you in your face when a man like you you mean he want to facetime you let me grab a question uh nurse 52 look 40 52 look 40. and see you with a good eye all right so let's just come with your confident nice let's say i look for this don't tell me no different i ain't arguing with you i'm not arguing with you he is low income i helped him so many times my dad died i missed three months work he left two weeks ago found your page the day he left youtube listening to your phone calls listening to what you saying on your phone and serve you up my video bless your sister the good thing about it is you got rid of them that's a good thing and i'm gonna tell you something that you that you need to learn right now at 52 years old don't ever in your life give a man money don't ever in your life give a man money and i know i used to be the beneficiary of a woman money but i'm here to tell you that's a mistake that's the worst thing you could do as a woman is give a man money that's like that's like giving a child candy instead of uh baby food giving a baby candy you you hand the baby you know uh a twix the suck the chocolate all food instead of putting smashed up carrots in their mouth you know that's like when you start feeding your dog table food and it got that seasoning on it your dog don't even want that you put the dog food out dog looking at you like you crazy and literally will starve until you get that dog some more table food that's how it is when you give a man money he is there for the money he gonna be there for the money man built to hunt men built to go grind men built to go get it if he don't work he don't eat let them starve oh i'm doing bad okay mcdonald's is hired mike donald hearn and if they won't hire you get you a cup and stand on the side of the road with a cup and a sign let's say your work and i'm if i'm going to a construction site off in the pool by them i'm going to the orange grove to pluck oranges i'm pulling by there hey hop on hop in the back of the truck we going out here to the field come on you say you want to work come on ain't going to get number 20 all but hey this all you got a man gonna go get it so don't ever get no man money because for one he don't need the money because there's too many ways to make money it's too many way to make money all right hey tg how to build a website um if you go on go daddy you gonna go daddy uh or bluehost and you buy your domain so let's say you buy right after you buy that go daddy gonna pop up you know use our website builder and they have a website builder that you click that and then you choose your industry so if you're a life coach if you got a store massage therapist you got all the industries you could choose from and you got templates and then you just click on the template that you want and it's going to bring it up and then when you click on that template every picture that you want to change you click that picture and it's going to have a little edit the the pencil you click that pencil and it's going to open up your documents where you can upload a picture in place of that picture every word you want to change you click on that word and then you can replace it with the word you want there but they make them so nicely that you can leave ideas if you choose the right industry if they got your industry even the words they got on there fit your industry so technology is so serious today you don't even have to have a web designer you literally you know i don't have training in that and i i built a lot of my websites my sister owned a groupon that i put into through my uh one of my partners who have group homes show her how to open a group home i built myself the groupon website i got clients who authors and speakers i built a website give me 500 because they just didn't want to do it give them fire all right don't turn down none somebody don't hear hating while deleting people no the those the moderators the moderators they delete everything that's not a question because when in the in the q a it's only supposed to be questions for the first hour and 15 minutes just questions so when you all the extra commentary they they delete that so that i could just identify the questions a lot easier and uh so yeah and and i see i keep saying share h now share h that's one of my moderators because i kept saying her name all the time so her and other moderators are people who i just kept saying they name all the time but cher she'll swaying on you so sometimes i used to see share in the comments cussing somebody like we like me and her grew up together i have i don't think i've ever met cher in real life but when i tell you she will cut somebody out for me and i don't say everything i say is not right so i say a lot of bad you know ignorant stuff because i'm talking just from my heart i don't have a script so every human if you talk in an hour two hours you're gonna say something that you wish you could take back and sheriff still didn't been here the moderator they didn't been here with me through all other mishaps i don't have but one thing about sheriff as much as i talk about the lord sherry will cuss you out i'll be on here preaching about the lord now but share will cut you out give me sure don't cuss nobody out now don't cuss nobody share we working on we working on cher and that cussing but what would i tell you she used to go in she didn't got better so i realized the videos i'm doing is actually helping share because she got better because when i tell you she used to assassinate she a fellaia quick so she just deleting stuff that's not a question so y'all understand that and i miss somebody thing here want to make youtube videos sharing red flags and dating experience to help women how do i balance this if i'm still single if you say don't let men know your past well that's something totally different you know if you want to be a public figure if you want to be a voice then a man it's okay for a man to know your past because for one you know the gang too so he see that okay you gotta pass but you've learned and you've learned to the point that now you teaching and so you know they're gonna get that and go on our tony gasps academy tony and you'll see the uh youtube for beginners course i think i've missed somebody on reality check god bless you that's what i miss right now okay i got a nurse um ashleen bless you i have an issue with men saying i'm intimidating but i can't ever get an answer as to why any insight would help well i'll tell you sis that's a hard question because again that's it's really it's just man speak it don't really mean anything you know it don't really mean anything like men really are not technically intimidated by a woman because you really are only intimidated by somebody that could whoop you and so if he don't feel like you could put hands on him he's not technically intimidated by you so what it really means is that you have a no-nonsense type of vibe because see some women when they meet a man they so flirtatious they're so you're so hilarious oh and they rub down his shoulder you're so hilarious and they do stuff like that so they're so uh frisky and so fresh that the man is not intimidated and and then we're using that word but he don't really mean it what what the definition mean he just said that your vibe is like business it's like hey how are you okay great all right everything's going good okay yeah yeah but you don't you don't give no vibe that invites him in to lean in for a kiss on the first date you kind of got a stoic demeanor that is about business i want to talk to you we can have a good conversation but i'm not going to be putting my hand on your thigh i'm not going to be laying my head on your shoulder i'm not going to be kiki ken and slapping you on the chest and that's what some women do they be too fresh and frisky and so when you not like that a man may say oh you you kind of intimidating and it just mean you like you got a wall you got a little guard up the way i just can't grope on you on the first day so that's actually a comb a compliment when a man tell you a little intimate intimidating receipt of god bless you thank you brother for giving the resources i've invested in betterment and been using mailchimp i appreciate you rasheeda from hey god bless you rashida age receive don't give all i don't give all our little uh secrets out now from the blessed business tribe we see the must be in the blessed business tribe we'll be i'll be sharing business over there next stop with brio god bless you hi tony i've gotten her man at work to the point that i started wearing a fake engagement ring it helped some but is that enough to stay or continue to apply to jobs i'm drained sis don't get weary and well doing and now if the harassment is you know like traumatizing then you got to find the courage to go to the hr and if you don't want to go in there personally just send them anonymous tip like with the me too movement it has created more of a safety space for women it also is gonna be some people who you know gonna tell them a lot if they get mad but for the most part a woman ain't got no reason to lie on the man so they're gonna take it seriously when you write in hi i just want to let you know john doe has you know groped me and i would like to remain anonymous but i would please like someone to look into this or you know what have you now sometimes they may say we need proof because they don't know if he you know slept with your sister and you mad and trying to get them fired but you just have to kind of have a put up your boundaries in a way the engagement ring if that's what help you that's what help you you got to do what you got to do but at the same time you also could be throwing your husband off so so you typically got to go through nine toes before you meet prince charming so you know understand that it's like you win son you lose some but um ashley god bless you now my husband has done it all and i stood up by him now we have not lived together for one year i file to lawyers file myself police haven't served him he won't sign them then he calls daily why why won't he divorce i really don't understand i get that question a lot i really don't understand that though you know why a man dog a woman eyed and just be nasty and do everything wrong and then don't want no divorce i mean i i could get it if he got uh money he don't want to lose or he got assets he doesn't want to split that's the only thing the other reason the other logical reason is he just really doesn't want you to be free he wants you to stay stuck because as long as you married on paper he knows you can't marry someone else but he knows that he doesn't have a conviction to not sleep with another woman he don't care about sleeping with another woman because he doesn't care about adultery obviously because he did everything while he was living with you so but what he knows about a woman is most women not going to be able to pick themselves up and leave until they have closure women are so big on closure that if that marriage still open meaning you haven't gotten divorced you pretty much gonna stay stuck you're gonna be planted there so what you gotta do is look into the laws that allows you to circumvent him not signing the paper um so you could go on about your business regardless of whether he want won asylum or not elaine p god bless you i'm attracted to a guy who lives in ohio and i'm in north carolina would it be desperate of me to add him on facebook uh well i'm kind of curious how you attracted to him if he's not already on your facebook like where he where are you seeing his attraction at you know you see him on instagram like and um i mean a facebook ad it's not the end of the world it's not the end of the world it's not it's not the worst thing you could do if you ask somebody on facebook it does me and we read in the stuff so yes he may read into it and say okay she's feeling me she's trying to get connected he may read into it but if you don't message him then it's like okay maybe she's just friendly maybe she thought she knew me and if he interested in you then he'll go ahead and initiate the conversation so i would say if you're going to add them on facebook that's the most you should do but don't add them and then dm them that you got your eye on talk to the mentor god bless your blessing seven year history and just did three three-year bid with him now when you say bid now for me that means prison time so i'm i'm thinking you talking about a relationship bit but correct me if i'm wrong if you really went to prison for him now free now and wants to work on himself okay seven year history just did three year bid with him he went to do three years up the road free now and wants to work on himself and be friends i'm hurt but healing should i wait more or move on he's very ungrateful and selfish both 38. well sister i mean you answered your question you know inside of every problem are seeds to the solution so you can't be dealing with the jailbird while the caged bird singing who them got out and and got out and smelling fresh out and got a nerd to be ungrateful and selfish so to get out for a man to be locked down three years and get out and be bitter it made me question what was going on with him and behind them boss you see what i'm saying if behind them balls it was something else going on in there because i don't understand getting out of being ungrateful and selfish and then you got seven years history with him you know he ought to be happy to see you but see listen you got to go and cut that so that you have you because you came you can't mentor if you in a situationship if you're in a little toxic situation ship now because you want to be able to break free from that see what that release feel like so that you could teach on that tina my child's father lost his job and wants to move into my apartment until he gets on his feet i know you said don't give me and money thoughts um do we got a mama you know do we got a mama do we got do we got a homeboy he got a grandma or hunty like if y'all not together then he blocking your blessings because he'll come live with you if he don't live with you that mean that's not your man that's your child father he lost his job guess what it's another job hiring it's so many people who don't quit their job and started them a business in in in the pandy so it's jobs out here desperate for work so he literally could get hired the next day he's looking he's looking for him somewhere to deliver rent free and how about he putting in he putting the applications and then he messed around and get hired and he and now you can't get him out because he then gave you a little bit of money toward it and he know you ain't bold enough to kick him out so when destiny separates you don't try to reverse destiny destiny separate to let him go live with his grandma with his auntie with a mama with his homeboy you know let him he ought to have a savings you had a job okay get your little room house you know let them stay where he's staying he got an apartment let him stay with each stand and try to see if they got the moratorium or whatever it is where you can't get evicted you know give him some resource send him an article he goes somewhere he'll go a foundation in our city that help people who don't lost a job due to this hill 19 and they'll pay your rent it's foundations that do that so give him a resource versus letting him come back into your place because you not with him you could go out the house tomorrow and meet your husband you meet your husband at the gas station y'all start talking you can't have no good conversation with your new man cause your baby daddy and uh blocking your blessings and but then he will go out of the house faking like this his house this his apartment faking like he put in an application but he had another woman apartment on her day off with her spending all day with her when her and she think he got somewhere to stay think he got his own place he living in your place you know how i know that because i've seen it happen a million times so listen the one thing we got to do for men and that's why i go the way i go how hard i go because i'm hard on myself like this when i'm flat broke when i'm on my face bang in the dirt i had to do what i had to do i went through seasons the way i had to get rid of i had to sell everything i got i had to let cars get repossessed i had to get rid of i had to do what i had to do and if i had to go back to square one i'm gonna go back to square one and i'm gonna get it but i'm not finna ask my wife hey can you take care of me i'm not going to my mama or my daddy can't you take him k can i borrow something no i'm finna get it i'm finna get it however i got to get it now i'm finna get it and i got the way i would get it without doing something illegal last time i did something illegal i was 23 years old so listen it's too much out here for a man to do when i want to get out the streets i had to work at a group home for eight dollars and fifty cent an hour but that eight dollar fifty cent hour pushed me to write my first book to pitch myself to colleges to be a speaker to pitch myself to oprah every day to pitch myself to tyra banks every day cnn every day until i got on oprah i got on tower i got on 700 club while i got on them globally televised shows when i was making 9.50 an hour i got bumped up from 850 to 950 after i got my training i was making 9.50 a hour when i went on oprah to tell my story so this is what i understand about being a man if you take and you put a mattress under a man but when he about to hit rock bottom he'll never learn he'll never grow you got to let that coccyx hit that hit that rock he gonna have a herniated disc and a sciatic nerve but it's going to teach him how to walk he gonna learn how to strengthen his backbone and he gonna get out here and figure out how to get it but if if y'all keep saving men the way of the world this world ain't gonna never change men got to learn how to get up and go hunt and that what the bible was talking to men when it was talking when they say study the ant because the ant don't sleep it say if you spoil your arms too much folding under arms and slumbering will lead to poverty you say if you don't work you don't eat so listen that's what the government for to save somebody the government got food stamps got wick got unemployment checks that's what they got all that but as a woman you can't say no man that's why we got so many mama's boys because mama and grandma always bailing him out of jail he keep going doing the same thing and they're gonna bail them out they're gonna pay the bills bombing they're gonna pay a lawyer and then he come right back out and he hidden licks again because he know his mama or his grandma or his girl gonna get him out of trouble you got to let his face hit that asphalt let that nose get skinned up let that lip get bust let that whole face get rolled across that asphalt and he gonna get up and learn how to be a better man he gonna learn how to walk straight without falling and tripping over his shoestring every day so listen y'all stop being this man pillar and let him hit rock bottom so he could learn from his choices because a lot of men talk about they got fired from their job and it really cut their attitude ain't nobody firing nobody right now everybody looking for work because everybody was scamming off the unemployment checks everybody in the mall every week in louis vuitton to the unemployment checks i ain't never seen the designer stole wrap around the corner in a pandy but we in the pan d and designer stoves had more business than they ever had because everybody scamming sba ppp and the unemployment but then they like they can't get it no so listen it's plenty of jobs out here and this is a state of the union address to where we have to let men learn how to be men and as a man what it mean to be a man it means you accept 100 responsibility for your life and you stop leaning and depending on people you depend on god and let god work it out mon trees god bless you hi we have been married since we were 22 now 31 he isn't mature gives me the silent treatment in divorce process will he mature or should i go well you're in divorce process this way you're going to learn if it's a chance for him to mature this way he's going to mature at if he don't mature in this hill process if he's still being nasty in this process then you know he not gonna mature for you now see what you got to understand when you get with a man 22 or whatever you said he could have been so young he didn't know what he wanted and he was just going through the motions so he went through the motions and then he got rich and then he got older he got wiser and he realized y'all not a fit and so he sabotaged a relationship so that's what you got to realize hi tony thank you for your video today on being ready for the test how do you forgive yourself for past mistakes and relationships when you didn't keep your standards and gave into the pressure um you just forgive yourself just forgive yourself you know it's not a ritual that you could do you don't need no sage and you don't need light no candles you just say listen i i didn't know any better i ain't knowing any better now i know better so now i could do better point blank period you know don't don't don't sit in don't sit and lick your wounds too much key on god bless you you know we a lot of time we sit and we feel sorry for ourselves it's like it is what it is you know it happened y'all ain't got nothing on my mouth just a gray hair right there i talked so much the greyhounds coming right here on the side of my beard with my wisdom coming in right by my mouth so y'all got to forgive me what should a single mother teach require out of my 18 year old son responsibility don't take help don't don't be giving him money let him go work if he got to go work at wendy's let him go out there and work at let wendy's let them work and and you be real with them if you put a roof over his head he could stay with you but make sure he got a job and make sure he living and doing the right thing ain't no smoking in my house ain't no drinking in my house ain't no cursing in my house you get on your video game but you got to you got to go to work you got to go to work and you got to bring your checking here you got to bring your checking here i'll let you keep majority of your check but i'm gonna need a little piece of that check just to teach you about paying bills you got to learn what it feels like to have to come off some of that money that you don't work hard for so you take them take a little chunk of it you know take a little chunk of that money and you just teach him life responsibility if he doing something where he can't work like he a college athlete or something then they're gonna have you know money for him they're gonna have three hots and a cot what do you think about this whole men being the prize movement guy wanted me to meet him halfway for a date one and a half hour drive oh well you know being a prize that's that's uh subjective you know it's subject it's subjective and it's it's all relative um the thing is is you know medium halfway it really depends on how you see that you know if he what i think would be really him thinking he the prize if he tells you to come to him come the whole way to him now what some men trying to do is they're trying to [Music] um see what woman is real and what woman is a gold digger you know they trying to because here's what here's what people don't understand about the mind is everything we hear it briefly affects our mind and so when we hear like if i hear a rap song and they say i got your girlfriend and you don't even know it if i hear that i'm looking at my wife she could be talking to drake right now in the dm i wouldn't even know uh could sound like he bragging about dealing with somebody why um literally my mind go and being a mature man this is why i try to dispel this myth that women think that just because a man is a real man and a mature man that he's not going to have immature thoughts irresponsible thoughts no as long as a man is breathing he gonna be human and human is gonna do stuff that's ignorant at times but so this is the thing because of what men are hearing they really getting scared thinking that so it's inducing fear and he thinking i'm gonna get played he thinking i'm dealing with a savage woman who is smarter than me and she knows more than me and she fin she finna run me through you know rape me over the coals so that's all it is so sometimes it's like as a woman you got to ask yourself what can you give without losing your femininity what can you give that also is um foolproof for you because you meeting him halfway that mean you meet him in a neutral city to where he can't follow you home he don't know where you live at he don't know your actual actual city your actual address so it's so you got to sometimes look at it and see where the protection in it could be and and kind of think of it like that now if he just all like trying you like a basil then that's when you know a baser b-a-s-e-r that's like it's like a drug addict for those y'all who not familiar with the term that's old-school term montreal god bless you we have three kids he thinks that when we divorce he will still be able to stay in the home he isn't consistent with providing well listen he might be able to stay at home unless you go unless you're going to get a judgment that he got to move out from the judge or unless you going to move out you know if he's not going to leave so you know that might be a conversation you need to have with him but um that mind bothering to me how man could not want you or not want to do right to keep you and keep you happy but they didn't want to live up under you like that just go to show you you know that's going to show you how how we as men how we could be to where we just want three hearts in the cot we just want somewhere to lay our head and he'll go outside and do his thing it like you know like that like the dog go out and stray into the neighborhood touch him a little something but he know where to come lay his head at and that's how some guys are you know i really don't understand the mindset but i try to wrap my head around it but i can't really understand the mindset but i'm hearing that often brittany god bless your relationship long term calls me out of my name when man he's dependable and always has my back not in love anymore but still love him worth saving nope not nope any word say as a woman you got to be in love because a woman is created for love the woman's soul per sole purpose when god created a woman it wasn't to build a fortune 500 company or become a ceo that's what the world forced women into when you look at even just the natural biology of a woman it's not conducive to having a job because you believe five to seven days of a month and then you get pregnant and you carry a whole human for nine months just your biology is not even conducive to having to go hustle and grind because of what your body naturally goes through and so even with menopause like think about this like women go through things transitions in life with hormones that is not conducive to a workplace but the world has said hey women go go work and get out here and get it because you can't depend on no man because men are not dependable men gonna you know a lot of men using and abusing and cheating and mistreating so a lot of women have said listen in the days of old we could depend on our man to protect and provide but today it's a lot of men that's squandering over a woman so women getting getting on their grind and they putting a mind to it but i have had six figure and seven figure women come to me and say tony i'm tired literally women have said to me tony i'm tired i'm not built to hustle and grind yes i make a quarter million a year but i'm tired i want a man that i could be with that i could build with that i could have kids and i could sit down for two or three years and be a mom like i had countless women tell me that and it just they just speaking like my like my wife you know i i work and i pay the bills and it's a it was times to where she would go through and she'll be like man i know i should have been a doctor you know i feel like i should have been a doctor i should have not let go of my dreams and i'm like baby let's do it let's go like hey take your mcat again apply to med school anywhere you get in if you get in a dominican republic we there i work from a laptop i work from a cell phone we can live in the dominican republic if that's the only med school you get into and then when i tell her that and she weighs being a mom and being able to go to the school at eight a.m 10 a.m watch her watch her play with going and working 40 to 60 hours a week she choose being a mom when she could do any kind of business in the world right now that we can invest in any business she want to start in the world she chooses to be full-time a mom and i asked her all the time said baby why you don't start to like no online boutique why are you gonna start no skincare why are you gonna start no clothing line why you don't do this do that because you know you got your little support group on instagram and you like this you like that and she said and she always say she said because business isn't going anywhere but my kids going somewhere and if i go hustle and grind when i don't have to she said different if i had to go hustle and grind if i had to go build a business but if i have the choice because you earn enough doing what you do to pay the bills what's the sense in me going to work because you got to be gone sometimes you hear you dare you doing this if i'm hustling and grinding just as hard as you are because i got to build a business then i'm losing my i'm losing time with the kids so if both of us hustling and grinding who the kids got who who do the kids have full time and that's what she said to him and i said you know what hey that's your call that's your call she said but when they go to college i probably will just have all this time out today i won't know what to do with myself then that's when i pursue my business ventures and because she had children young 12 more years my wife would be 47 47 that's a prime ripe age to be going in entrepreneursh entrepreneurship hey y'all got to forgive now some of these questions i'll be right now so y'all got to forgive me y'all popping up the question now um oh so what i was saying you got to go your man call y'all out your name and you're not in love with him my whole point of that whole spiel was a woman is made for love a woman is wired for love a woman is created for love so if the woman is not in love the relationship is dead see man we not created and why you're for love we have to learn how to love for women love is next to it's like innate because a woman gives birth so the ability to love instantaneously is biological in a woman for a man we have to literally tell our minds drop your guard open your heart and allow love in and and women have to do the same too after they've been hurt but before a woman has been hurt she all for the law she all with it and men may be that way as little boys but then the world conditions a man on top of his natural programming and wiring uh i'm gonna call it i'm gonna call you that dude because i don't want to say okay be calling nobody daddy old man building with a woman for a while oh yeah this a man like not come on i don't be having me calling your daddy old nah come on now i got to call you do okay building with a woman for a while i know she has my best interest i decided to entertain new women i've been honest to both 22 year old man feels wrong yeah you're wrong yeah you're wrong you're definitely wrong now and you live by your daba you you make your choices and see the one thing you don't want to do is take a woman who perfectly fine who perfectly good for you and get greedy and go dealing with entertaining a new woman when the woman you with has your best interest now from what you're gonna learn from these q and a's is that women are very forgiving and so if you realize you made a mistake by talking to this new woman who is not better or than the woman you already had who got your best interest then you could try to right that wrong and try to correct that and try to rebuild trust and if but if she is she having it if she gonna put you in a prison of your past mistake then just gonna let the relationship go if she's not gonna let you out that prison of that stupid choice but you might be able to rewire it and i can't say that because you talk to a new woman that the woman you with is not the one because that's not i know how men are and how we just could get greedy and um cheat on a good woman that we have feelings for that we respect is as crazy as that sound it just it's me and we got to figure that out mentally and understand where that blockage is gut the honor god bless you hi tony thank you for your videos my cheating baby daddy owns a business with the lady he silent treatment for one month run how to tell him to break up uh yeah i tell him to break up says he already broke up with you y'all already done for one he cheated on you two he owned a business with the lady he cheated on you with he then gave you the silent treatment for one month that's your closure that's that's your closure that's your answer that's everything since that's already that's already gone they'll say don't don't even don't even sit there and waste no more of your time pondering on that now going about your business i'm working on my character but i get easily triggered by family feel like a hypocrite when you get triggered think before you speak and then do the opposite of what you normally would do and that's how you develop new brain patterns emotional intelligence what do you think about moving cities to have a better chance of meeting men most men in my city are married or too young if you live in a little old you know hokey poke city then it makes sense to move especially if that other city you move to going to have other opportunity for you better jobs more job options more living options like my hometown where i'm from the level of soccer that my sons play on they don't have that in my hometown so i technically if i want my son to have a decent shot at their goal of playing pro soccer or getting a full scholarship to a d1 school or some type of athletic scholarship even if it's partial to a d1 school then i got to live in a city that has the highest level of youth soccer um that's available so i had to move or not move back home for that opportunity and so sometimes you know i wouldn't just move solely for meeting a man because there are men in your city it just you just might need to get on a billboard you might need to get out more you might need to run for for mayor so every man that's in the city that's single come out the woodworks like they know you if you really want you a man just take over your city you know with your life coaching business put your put your face on the um bus stop bench they ain't gonna charge number 100 a month in a little city so you send to me like see that's why i try to remind women is roof did not meet her roof didn't meet be at boaz sitting in the house roof was in the field had roof not been out grinding in the field with her work at the active she would have never met boaz but because she was out there boaz saw you know he'll swing it in the wind and say hey who is that and he had to inquire within so see sometimes just in your city if you're going to work and coming home you ain't meeting every man that's in the city but if you in the rotary club the lions club or whatever kind of the small business association you start a company you get your office space downtown you've got the you know the bus stop bench for six months for six hundred dollars now every man that's in that city that's worth some not even senior your husband may come to you just for you being in the field working um i missed another one of the little chats kiana god bless you i'm trying to see okay i think i caught up i'm trying to answer the the questions in the actual chat but then people keep you know when y'all send me here colorful ones with the blessing it kind of i try to catch it for it disappear so y'all in the chat this is a free q a now y'all understand that you don't have to pay to ask a question but you know how some people is they gonna skip the line at the club if they can uh do i'm gonna call you the dude man oh he got me trying to call him daddy yo we weren't in a relationship wanted to get my basics together true more success in business gave a big head new woman won't settle intrigues me thank you well if you weren't in a relationship and now that's the one loophole that y'all that y'all youngins believing is y'all be with the woman talking to the woman the woman feel like y'all in a relationship but because you never said will you be my girlfriend you technically was single so and if that's the case then yeah you you you out dating you dating around and the fact that you was honest i respect that and the fact that you are here paying to ask a question as a young man i respect that because this i think this is the first time i've ever seen something like that the first time i've ever seen a young man or a man period send a financial gift to me to ask a question so that's to me speaks to your character and just you 22 so you kind of don't know what you want really don't know what a wife looked like but see this a thing if you don't know what a wife looked like if you don't know what you want then you have to continue to make that clear to a woman at the gate you know let her know like listen i'm just kind of dating around i don't really know what a wife looks like or what i'm looking for i feel like maybe i know her when i see her so i don't want you to get your hopes up i ain't getting my hopes up i'm just meeting people like be as transparent as possible since you won't hear you know you seeking knowledge sometimes women turn the top ten man talk that i mean you're talking to a man like talking to the wall unless he coming to seek knowledge so be open and transparent with a woman when you meet her and if you meet her and she don't intrigue you you say the new woman intrigue you because she won't settle now that don't necessarily mean she a better woman because some women they just have been dogged out so many times they have been around so many times they learn how to play the game some of the time sometimes the worst women play the game the best the worst women a lot of times be the most intriguing because they got a jezebel spirit they got a black widow spirit they know how to play the game a lot of times it's the good women who may be shy and socially awkward and may not really know her way around a man or how to really talk to a man because she's so innocent and pure but a woman who them been out there and them been touched quite a few times or been around a lot of times them women they know exactly what to say they got a silver tongue and what come off their lips is like in the book of proverbs read the book of proverbs young man read the book of proverbs when i read the book of proverbs that thing say that that woman sits and waits to snatch up a man and take him in the house and do all everything under the sun with him and rob him like uh like the rapper lady out of new york say she used to do her man when she was unscripted say she used to get them in and put something that drinking give them a little sliver slop and take all that cash out of their pocket and get out of dodge that same action that that woman said she used to do in new york is what the bible talked about in the book of proverbs that they want to sit out there waiting a silver one so see you got to realize that now he'll go he'll go uh miss t-72 oh that's me tony i'm sorry miss t.a we asked you i'm just under a plan with him i've been playing with him amber washington god bless you he's 35 i'm 34. six months longest he's ever waited he broke up because of lack of but try taking it back hours later he contacts me daily and wants to see me without speaking to a coach advice well to be honest with you don't need a coach he already know what he's doing see what he's trying to do is he trying to push it to the edge and let you look over the cliff to see if you're gonna get so scared that you turn and jump in his arms and you lean on him for everything for dear life you cling to him for dear life and now he your savior so what he trying to do by leaving you is he trying to test you to see if you really bought that life because a woman who playing a role she's gonna forget her act so the women who faking abstinent when a man say he's in the lead oh you finally you know i was thinking and it's just like i realized i've been listening to the wrong people on youtube and just talking about this waiting and it's not even realistic that's not the way god made us yes god said every man falls short of the glory of god and he who was out sin cast the first stone and it's like i'll be honest with you i've been really just wanting you and i'm just and so that's what he trying to do this a test but the fact that when he broke up with you for a lack of and and you didn't call him chase him begging him no let's talk about this he tried to take it back hours later and now he contact you daily because uh he 35 so you ain't talking about the 22 year old but that's what the 22 year old say he intrigued by because he said his new woman won't settle and that intrigues him six months this the longest this man has ever waited that intrigues him so he like so he he wanna try to act tough and act like he gonna lead but really he too intrigued because we want what's rare as men we want what's rare see me i can't chase women because i'm married and i'm in love with my wife but i'm gonna give you example i got into it with a dealership because they ran my credit too many times and i went back in there and i switched the car out because i was buying a car for a family member and i already had a pre-approved from my bank and they ran my credit when they weren't supposed to and then the car they gave me something wrong with it they would just swap the van out because it was only like two weeks they could you could swap the van in 30 days if something was defective with your car instead of just swapping the van they treated the car like a trade-in and then they ran my credit again to get a whole new loan from a different bank without my permission oh yeah you didn't mess with the wrong one so i left up out of there with a free car that is a 80 000 car a dodge challenger angel cat it's called at double hockey stick cat but i'm saved so it's an angel cat but it's called a devil cat and when i got it i didn't know much about them cars i just know it was 717 horsepower and so i'm out here hitting that gas but then i realized oh it's levels to this i got the narrow body they got a wide body and they got the angel cat red eye and then they got the now they got the superstar guess what men we want what's rare we want we want what's exclusive so when you save yourself and every other woman he'd ever been with and slept with him inside of six months when you save yourself and the rest of you was put together now if you looking like who shot john and forgot to kill him he's not gonna worry about you saving yourself he gonna go on about about his business but if you look and put together brains brand body and you taking care of yourself you put together and you rare he's gonna be so intrigued so what i did i sold that car even though it was free i sold that car and then i went and bought the highest level the dodge challenger super stock one of 198 made in 2021 and instead of 717 horsepower now i got 807 horsepower you see what i'm saying because see i'm married so i can't be doing that with women but with my cars i want exclusive because that's how men are so that's why i try to tell women that when you become rare when you become a one percent woman you're gonna attract the one percent man when you stuck in the 99 percent because you listening to the city girls and you listen to mega stallion and uh cardi b you finna attract men who gonna cheat on you just like a lot of their boyfriends be doing because you're in the 99 but when you get to the place to where you got the strength and wisdom to do what other women don't have the boldness or the strength to do you're eventually going to attract the man that is a one percent man because he's willing to do what other men are not willing to do you see what i mean so my wife is a one percent woman and that made me become a one percent man so as a man i don't curse i don't get drunk i don't smoke i don't masturbate i don't watch pornography it's gonna be very hard for me to meet a man who don't do any of that it's men that's like that but guess what because every single man that i know curses that already put me in a different class but my wife don't curse every woman i know now by curse but my wife don't curse and we don't curse because we want to be sacred and cursing is profanity and we christian and we want to be good examples for our kids so we don't want to do nothing that our kids can't do so if my second grader can't go in the classroom and say if you to the teacher then i don't want to curse because if i do it that condones him to do it you see what i mean so when you want different you got to be different you got to do different see a lot of people want to be average but they want something that's rare you can't get something that's rare if you average and so that's what we have to realize in this whole life you're gonna have to sacrifice if you really want something on that next level so understand that then hey hey y'all start sending them paid questions because when y'all send them paid questions it you know i'm saying i'm riding not on my answer but when y'all send them paid questions you put pressure on me that i need to go ahead and hush so i could get the next one because i don't want none of y'all to be sending me paid questions and then you know you wasting your money because i miss i miss your question because you sending it for an ounce and not just to you know say god bless you uh miss p god bless your first name last name god bless y'all and put no question in there mama t thank you do you think god bless you mama t do you think age matters do you think age matters okay mama t god welcome welcome mama to you i see this your first date here god bless you we glad to have you god bless you now mama t is it a wall for women of god i want my girls to grow up before i date but i will be 40 plus is this wise don't mind being solo but want to set healthy example i'm sorry mama t this is a different kind of question i'm thinking you about to ask me you 24 can you date a 50 year old man god bless you this different kind of question um [Music] i respect you on wanting to wait until your girls grow up before you date now see listen to me it's one thing to date and then one thing to bring men around your kid so see you can have your auntie your mama your best friend come over to your house on a friday night and watch your girls and you go on a date with a man that you met when you was out and about by yourself and you could talk to that man for a year to thoroughly vet him and get to see who he is and that he's a man of valor of character and now you really know him and you feel good with him and then when he asked you to marry him now you got a whole another year to two years before you marry him so you got three years to build with a man without him being in your daughter's life because all y'all y'all could talk an hour a day when your daughters go to sleep and then y'all could go on a date once every week on a friday saturday or sunday what whatever day you could get a babysitter not somebody a friend and family member that you know love and trust particularly a woman who likes men uh so that way you know your girls are because a lot goes on in the household as we know and so this is a woman that you know love and trust inside not top to bottom you can't fathom for anything in your life that she'll ever do something even though you know love and trust her you still got the nanny cams in there now see this is a way that you could date without introducing a man to your daughters and having him in in your life and if he rushing you by marriage that's when you know it's a red flag that's when you might have you a pedo because he know you got daughters he found out you got daughter he could know about your daughter he could see a picture of your daughters he could y'all could talk about your daughters but he don't have to meet them and know them and be in a life if you want a date before you 40 plus now waiting until 40 plus to date it does change the dating pool because you typically you either gonna get a man who is over 40 and never been married which could be somewhat of a red flag in most cases there are exceptions to the rule where it's not a red flag because he's been grinding and he's like a high level executive or surgeon or something that took a lot of time to get to where he's at or you're going to meet men who have kids already like you but they could have younger kids and your girls grown and now you got a man he got he 45 but he got a five-year-old so you now you got to be step mama for the next 13 years at least and so you're gonna have that or you're gonna have men who um they haven't been divorced they haven't been divorced and all of that so the dating pool does change over 40. which our 46 and up zone classes monday night you could sign up on tony gaster for the 46 and up now so understand that though on nicole wattley you might have to look at it from your computer if you don't see the change if you're in the bless drive and you want to join the blessed business ride you might have to do it from a different browser or like from a computer if it ain't showing you on the phone and if you're on the computer you may have to change your browser or go to the phone can you explain why you say men who are mama's boys will never change if they grew up without a dad and a mother who enabled and spoiled them starfish god bless you none um i mean the bible say train him up in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it so what that's telling you is how a man is raised he's not gonna depart from how he was raised the values he got even if he goes away from it he gonna come back to it good or bad so if a man is a mama's boy he's gonna forever be a mama's boy and and and the only thing that may change is if his mama passes away but sometimes that still don't change a man because he still hold on to the memories of his mama he compared every woman to his mama but now he comparing this woman to an inflated idea of his mama he making his mama more he make his mama better than she actually was and he didn't know his mama romantically but he comparing women that he's getting to know romantically to his mama who he had a totally different type of relationship with because he's a son and not her husband and so that's why it's hard for a mama's boy to change because of the comparison ashley bear god bless you quick question i have a youtube channel and i'd like your input to see if my messages are coming across appropriately where do i go to set that up if possible the best the only way you could do that right now is if you're in the growth group on the growth group mastermind you'll see it on my so on there it still takes me some time in there because we have you know over 100 members but um in there we got a slack group chat and you could message me directly and i try to get in there and then we have um monthly zoom calls so it's called a growth group and they they they just started them a bible study off on the side you know they connecting and building on their own uh we need some men in there we need some men in there because it's like listen that thing get a little tough on me and these men according to god bless you why would a man be in and out of the relationship and again that's on to sign up why would a man be in and out because i'm not doing one-on-one session right now so the only way you really could reach me one-on-one right now is through the growth group why would a man be in and out of the relationship for seven years but no with anyone else during the separation we're both 24. god bless you courtney who told you that's what he told you you believe that have you slept with you if he didn't slept with you he didn't sleep somewhere else so so so don't go don't go to believe in that now don't go don't don't don't don't hold your breath on that right there now sister yeah seven years in and out what do you think he doing when he ought when he in and out he when he act he ends something else because he ain't in nothing else ain't no reason to be out you see what i mean if he in the net he ain't gonna be out of the relationship he gonna be there come on i'm gonna y'all gotta do you help somebody tell you if a man know how to ride a bicycle if you take his bike he gonna buy another bicycle you see what i'm saying well he gonna steal somebody else buy something but he still don't know how to ride if he know how to ride a bicycle he's not gonna settle for walking just cause you took his bike no he's gonna go get him another buy something so if he didn't slept with you and you not sleeping with him unless he walking with the lord jesus christ he's sleeping with somebody else and if he walking with the lord jesus christ then he's not going to be running in and out your life because he know that ain't of god to be playing with your emotions guy at work seems interested i let him approach me to introduce himself and he did both 27 28 he hasn't shot his shot as yet but always polite how to show i'm interested is he in a relationship um he probably taken he probably in a relationship and just your beauty style whatever oral got the best of them and he had a weak moment and he needed to just make your acquaintance to kind of curve his his lust his desire and you kind of like a little work thrill little work wife but if a man like you and he's single and he available he gonna hop right on that hey y'all i got to go in 13 minutes now got to go on 13 minutes and i can't try not to be on here all night now come on now you know all night man some people be doing lives four and four four or five hours i'm like well how'd y'all do that good four and five hours god bless you in my y'all hold on i thought something flew in my eye am i saying nothing in my 45 with adult daughters and attract younger men while out with them they say mom you look our age it's fine i say these young men won't ashton kutcher me attended 36 to 45 love live chat stay in this range um yeah with a man you you want to you want to be no more ideally you don't want to deal with a man no more than three years younger than you and then no more than five years older than you that's the ideal because women mature faster than men so a woman's maturity level typically is equivalent to a man five years older than her but a man's maturity level is typically not on the level of women his age let alone a woman that's older than him so the older you get than the man the less mature he's going to be the less compatible y'all are going to be unless you immature too but if you mature which if you don't hear growing like this that let me know you mature mr guys and you skipped my question um miss paris it was it was uh one of the ones a colorful one because if it wasn't one of the colorful ones then i skipped a whole lot of the ones in the chat because they're just coming so fast but i seen that i skip your question so had you pasted your question right there i would have seen it um ulysses says that i don't appreciate nothing he does for me because of my nonchalant attitude i give off i don't mean to be like this what's a different way i can show appreciation well i mean here's the thing you got to ask yourself when he does something for you do you say wow thank you i really appreciate that that was so nice you didn't have to do that that was so nice that's what you need to say write down get that script rewind that get that script that's what you need to say if he wants you to say more than that then he doing too much he want too much he asking for too much he wants you to be some own bowels through the house doing cartwheels and bite flips because he did a little something it's like listen man you doing what you're supposed to be doing like what you want a cookie do you want a trophy for doing something nice for a woman thank you tony you are a blessing always god be within your family god bless you y'all i got about nine more minutes now time for me to go so many questions love your content i've matured through your talks and finally just growing up god bless you what is the best way to deal slash break generational curses you know that's a hard work that's a lot that got to be done and to be honest with you you can do it but you have to be so mindful about it and you got to get to a place to where you look at what your mama did what your daddy did what your family did and you identify those things you could even write it down and study it and try to get to the root of it so that when you see it in you now you know what the opposite action is so let me tell you my family broke you know my family broke my family struggled you know they worked all these years and and they spent every dime they made and instead of just taking just a dime just a dime of every dollar and putting it into an account and letting it sit there and letting it grow so that when they retire they have a dime of every dollar so if they work ten years and made thirty thousand that's three hundred thousand dollars you work 20 years 30 years that's 900 000 had they just took a dime they would have had 90 000 sitting in a an account when they retired they didn't have that so what i had to do is learn from that so every single week that i get paid i send something to an account to where it's invested in stocks spread out evenly through a robo investor not a financial advisor because they don't end up stealing your money or charging you too much but i use fdic insured i use and every week i send money to that and it and i choose my stock split the way i have 90 stock 10 bonds or i may change the 80 stocks 20 percent bonds and i choose their core investment strategy that they recommend based on all of their years of study and i and i see the money growing and i put the money in there and it don't stay where i said it grows so that's what i did to break a generational curse you have to look at what your family did and make sure you doing the opposite so now if i hit hard times or if i on an emergency i got me a little safe pot of money that i could go to and i could tap into if i need to i have an invention i can't afford to get up and running should i get an investor i know this will be a big deal okay miss paris thank you for posting that question i ain't even know that was you but i seen i seen the thing i think what you first need to do before you can afford it uh you probably need to talk with a coach talk with a business coach you also have to realize that it's almost no original ideas today and so google google google google and see if what you create and exist um you know i have clients come to me with an invention and then we get on google and it already exists out there it don't mean you can't still create it because it ain't just one person selling hamburgers you got mcdonald's you got burger king you got wendy's you got checkers rallies hearties everybody selling hamburgers so you still can invent what you want to invent don't mean ain't nobody else gonna copy the invention and then also you have to think about how can you make the smallest version of it to despise not small beginners and then build from there they only got 20 percent more battery left so that's a good thing i'm believing cc alexandra god bless you know and i was scrolling up through here and realized i missed that one question and i apologize about that now peace and look at him look at him look at that working so that's like a little light a little light bug or something y'all got to forgive i live in right in the middle of the woods so anytime open the door to get some mail some slip right on in here sometimes it's a lizard running it but in here y'all got to forgive me and and then the devil get on into the thing to distract me if i meet a guy organically how can i find out if he's also dating others and or if he's online dating or men rarely ever 100 single men are rarely 100 single meaning only dating one woman at a time especially in the beginning stages but here's the thing you never should care about who else a man is dating because when you care about who else a man is dating what i mean i'm not saying condone him dating someone else if you're dating him like if you get exclusive with him if you get in a relationship with him but when you meet him he's still a free agent you are still a free agent so if you get caught up worrying about who he's talking to then what that does to you is you lose your aura because now you're operating from insecurity and you're operating from worry and you're operating from fear but if you just confident in who you are and you able to just stretch your stuff and you like listen if he talked if he bump into anybody else she got to come with it cuz i'm on it i'm up so she got to be stepping in the name of love for her to be better than me so you just have to have your confidence and you can't even ask him about another woman because if he is talking to another woman his attention span his consistency those things gonna lack and you're gonna know hey i got three more minutes hey tony well let me see samantha suarez god bless you now hey tony is it wise to be back with your ex for the sake of the kids x seems to have done the work well he seemed to have done the work but you got but you know your ex is he the type to really do work or is he the type of fake like he do work you know your ex and you had kids from so you know your ex so listen to your intuition and what your intuition is telling you if you truly believe he'd have done your work then it's okay to be back with him if you want him and you can't be with him for the kids because if you with him for the kids and you not happy and you miserable now you become 50 of who you are and so now instead of y'all being 100 100 y'all 150 and the kids looking at you like man why am i mama walking around like a zombie why my mama looking like who shot john and forgot to kill him while my mom looking broke busted and disgusted toe up from the flow up and then he looking at he and your kids is like wow um virginia now listen instead of y'all asking me can you get my question just post your question again see i see where you said can you get my question had you posted your question right there i would have seen your question so now you you see this one one million questions in here now virginia jeff post your question again right here while it's going slow so now i could see it now see listen to me this is what i'm trying to tell y'all when you're not called to this right here and you serving this you serving people and you reading questions most people who do live they talk at you they just talking they're not paying attention to no chat and answering questions on my end this the question is this big i really need a magnifying glass and then there's 1 000 questions coming in here and i'm one person so y'all got to understand that now y'all can be sitting over there hey you missed my question let's see listen this one i'm trying to tell y'all when you're not called to this doing this right here will make you snap that's why you be seeing the podcasters going off and cussing women out and calling them all kind of name because they not called to this when god called you to this he gonna give you a level of patience so that you could do the work but see when the devil sends you to be a distraction to the people you're not going to have the patience to deal with humans and you're going to be cussing people like calling them out they name calling them all kind of everything you see what i'm saying samantha's warrior god bless you tony i'm a hispanic woman from cali and i've been listening for over a year thank you for all you do god bless so samantha she's trying to let me know tony you ain't just got black women so don't just so you need to congratulate tony stark coming on here just having a message strictly for the black women because you got the hispanics out here listening to you too god bless your sister i know you're out there now god bless you now listen because i did some messages for black women and i talk directly to black women it's like i don't lost all the white women that used to be on the channel all the little white women that i used to see regular i don't see them no more now i just see the black women and then not and then we got us a hispanic god bless you now i want y'all to know i ain't racist i ain't prejudiced it just sometimes certain things got to be to certain people you know and i don't know nothing about nobody else race cause i didn't know the race i i am i grew up in fitting my god bless you now santa lewis new member uh god bless you so fitness mom i think this is the same lady who she like to if she see you your question getting overlooked she spent her hard on money to ask your question for you god bless the sister baby daddy and i still living together act like we're together sleeping in the same bed still talking to other women behind my back leave for good and did he never love me now fitness mom you could left that question in chat um yeah y'all need to stop living together and y'all at least need to start sleeping together and yes you need to leave for good because see if he talking to other women he dealing with other women then what's going to happen he going to pick up something out there and he's going to bring it home and one of them nights while you weak in your spirit and he roll over there and go to rubbing on you and you let him go ahead and do a little something then you finna be carrying something he didn't picked up out the streets so you got to be careful with that now let me find because it was it was a sister who she said i miss her question and then she posted again but she has two men coming in here so i gotta scroll forever [Music] yeah i was looking for that question i kind of almost remember a fade a little bit this is hard to see now let me let me see now now what a such that i missed the question clara delta god bless you now keep on keeping on god bless you now god bless you now that's listed up she she dug deep and sent no blessing not god bless you now you have to do that now true love never dies dated in our 20s and still have strong love in our mid 50s second chances sis i don't think that's true love because true love ain't going to let you walk round this earth for 30 years and not be up under you true love ain't gonna let you get away and true love definitely gonna let you get away for 30 years see what happened is y'all broke up he went out there like the prodigal son did his thing so his wild oats never grew never changed and then then bumped into you still the same man he was at 20. that's why he's single see as a woman you the man proposed to you so you could be single because you have not met the right one but for men it's a plethora of women that could be the right one it's a whole because a woman is created for love it's honestly not that hard for a man to find a good woman because women are created for love and they're conditioned by society to be the backbone of a household a ceo of a household to be a good wife even society and even mothers try to teach their daughters how to be a good wife and so it's different for a woman and a man so when a man been out here roaming around roaming around he come back at 50 after he didn't let you walk free for 30 years you can't call that true love system so so don't just you know because he bored and you know and and you just available don't just think that's true love now now you can get a little test now keep it less close and have your timeline three months six months test it out see how it go every three months extend it another month but you keep watching it by the 12 month mark between the 12 and 18 month mark you should know if this real or not fitness mom god bless you now here is a question you were looking for okay virginia's fight i thought that who it was but then i saw it was deleted so i i can't get to see it ig crush and i chatted two months i did my last question knock got my phone down my phone down ain't got no charge in here i d crush and i chatted for two months deep convo all the time opens up says he's interested but wants to heal can't stop thinking of him move on um [Music] yeah sister going back to business going back to business so it's the be that's a tough one right there and i know that hurt that hurt but see this is the thing which y'all have to understand about me is me and lord have put up shots in the gym me and love go to the range and let some go you know me and laura do burnouts and donuts so what i'm saying to you is that sometimes a man is just talking to you for practice sometimes it's just he's just talking to you for a distraction so the thing that women have to do different is you gotta stop fantasizing about the man in between y'all's conversations so what what women do is women talk to a man for an hour but then think about him for the next 23 hours until she talked to him again for another hour so giving him rent-free space in your head for any period of time every hour of the day other than when you're sleeping and then a lot of time you go to sleep and dream about them so now he has credit for 24 hours a day but he actually only gave you 30 minutes to an hour so that fantasy ain't no more question not this my last question that fantasy now makes you fall for him but he only give you the time when he talking directly to you see when a man not talking to a woman we're not thinking about her we on our video game we we fixing our old school car we working on our land we grinding on our job we doing other things women again romanticize fantasize and give a man all of this brain space when he's not even there and that's why a lot of women fall in love with men who call them every other day because on the day that the man not calling the woman still thinking about him the whole day so what women have to do is stop getting stop getting your hopes up and let the man prove his love beyond the shadow of a doubt so the more consistent he is and the more time he gives you he he knocking down on walls he getting past them barriers he don't know that you have barriers up he don't know that you not really so you literally have to tell yourself this don't mean nothing just don't mean this only ain't nothing just don't eat nothing yeah i just don't even know oh yeah that's a little sweet this don't ain't nothing just don't eat nothing yeah yeah i just don't eat nothing that's how you got to do that's how you got to do to condition your mind do not get your hopes up but when he go the distance it's a marathon not a sprint when he go the distance when he's still consistent nine months in 12 months in he still consistent he's still taking you on a date every week he calling you every day he's trying to see you as much as possible and y'all at the 12-month mark and he's still treating you with respect he's not cursing you out he's not talking down to you he's not controlling he's not insecure then you like oh okay this real but see what happened to by you telling yourself that what you're doing is you reverting your nature so that you don't be so open to him so that it makes him even work harder because he see that you not just spread eagle willy-nilly and so when you can understand that then he start to he working more but see what happened is men us being hunters us being go-getters us being like that when a woman is too easy we lose interest when a woman is is too open we'll lose interest because it's like okay game over like the gift already unwrapped we we we want the gift of where you got to go get a of sizzles you got to get the boss thing you got to get you got to really pull it got duct tape on there like we really want to have a gift we really got got to unwrap but when it come too easy we like okay we done you see what i'm saying and y'all understand this the reason why i express from the male perspective is to bridge the gap so that we can have better dialogue and communication because most daddies don't talk most brothers don't talk because we so caught up living the game and playing the game we don't get time to break the game down to our sister because we playing it we don't get the time to break the game down to our daughter because we plan it and i don't think i answered that question earlier when somebody asked me if a man played the game why he don't tell his daughter about the game so she don't got to go through it and the reason being is because daddy don't want to take his cape off because if daddy get a game to his daughter his daughter gonna be like oh so that what you did to mama you know what dad here go your toy that you gave me it i think this toy got cooties on it you did the men do that oh that's what you do and a daddy don't want to lose his daughter affection and admiration and love because that's the purest form of love see with the baby mama with the wife with the girlfriend he arguing with her they tug of war they love in war it's bittersweet love but with that daughter it's a pure admiration from his daughter so if he go to giving his daughter the whole gang he fears that she gonna look at him sideways and wonder hmm so now you took your cape off superman and you got krypt tonight now what he don't realize is that she still will give him the benefit of the doubt the same way her mama gave him the benefit of the doubt all the time he was cheating on her he still don't realize his daughter going it's women come to me my dad was married 40 years to my mom and never once cheated oh that what you think oh oh um okay well congratulations congratulations i'm glad your dad was just that amazing that he's that guy okay congratulations all right and i really be like okay was you with your daddy 24 hours a day before you were born was you with your daddy like do you ain't see your daddy 24 hour day you'll know what your daddy did your daddy could i used to work in the group home and it was a man who was married and he'd be in a group home hunting his co-worker on the top of the washing machine with the washing machine running so she getting a little vibration from that washing machine and she getting that vibration and penetration and he married so now his daughter thank her daddy ain't never cheated he cheated at work he cheated at work you don't know what your daddy did you know what your daddy did but see a lot of men don't tell their daughter the game because they fear their daughter going gonna look at them funny not realizing the daughter just gonna appreciate it and the daughter gonna be like every man do this but my daddy every man capable of doing this but my daddy they don't even realize that that's what daughter that's how the daughter gonna look at it so father's not talking to their daughters because the daddy's so caught up playing the game on the baby mama or on the wife or on the side chick and so that's the reason why we got to have more men who stop playing games and start being real and start being authentic and start being examples and stop trying to take advantage of women a lot of women cheat on women suppress women and start building with a woman so that as you building with a woman your kids could see what building looked like a lot of men talking about we need to organize and mobilize but then cheating on a woman so it's like how you need to organize mobilize centralize globalize and you cheating on your woman you see what i'm saying the best example you could do for your kids it show them how you come together and you work and you build it it's tony gaston god bless y'all appreciate y'all to to the to the moderators thank you so much for your support on here i really appreciate you god bless you because they they work for free and they're not in my organization like in my company with no 401k and health insurance they come on here and just serve and help me you know navigate this whole thing and i really appreciate you and the only people who could comment on his members of the blessed tribe and i do that because i'm not i'm not emotionally intelligent to the point where i could deal with haters in my comments because i um the lord still working on me so i talk on love and relationships but lord still working on me in other areas so if i hate to come out the mouth the wrong way with me i might have i might be to grab they name find their dress and have somebody visit them so that's why i keep this with just people who i know are here to grow and to learn and i don't have to deal with trolls because i'm the type of person i i lose sometimes i lose my freedom over a troll and so the lord working with me on that right there so i want to share that in transparency that's why i keep this hill chat closed and um a man dropping one time got slapped in the mouth and then he realized oh oh he wasn't just rapping for the camera no man i don't play about that i don't play by that disrespect now i'm doing the lord's work okay so i appreciate y'all for being in the blessed tribe and for those of you in the blessed business tribe and for those you in the growth group um especially too because that's the outside group you know where we connect and we got our call coming up so y'all stay tuned i'm posted in the um group chat on slack and uh for everything you need everything i do i teach it on like the in-depth stuff but this right here you know i'm gonna hit surface level and i'm gonna go in a little bit but this is the entrepreneurship the business knowledge to become a life coach become a speaker become an author all that on the growth group is on uh tracy ann jackson god bless you say she love the grace the the growth group god bless you it's a mastermind group it's on tony so god bless y'all we'll talk soon i'm going ahead and bother my wife
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 14,217
Rating: 4.9503818 out of 5
Id: vxzG0IdlF3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 0sec (8280 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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