What Do You Bring To The Table?

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ladies and gentlemen tony gaskins here popping in you know i was just on the q a on my story and i've been doing the q a a few days and i've seen probably three or three or four days in a row women have been asking me what do you say to a man when he asks you what do you bring to the table and [Music] i honestly i didn't understand why people were saying that like i didn't understand why people were saying uh what do you say to this because i i really cannot believe that's a question like even when i was a dog like even when i was out there i showed this to my wife before i posted on my main page that question from the young lady because i just was flabbergasted shocked in a paw like i'm blown away that this is a question and i'm curious like who made up this question like who have who got men out here asking a woman what do you bring to the table like we jesus you know jesus don't even ask that like like we all of that like as like any man in the world have the the room to ask somebody ask a woman especially what do you bring to the table as if he hiring her for his fortune 500 company and about to entrust her over 5 000 employees or something and he got to fire somebody like that is a let me help you all understand this what these grown boys is doing and i'm telling cause i was a grown boy you know i was a dog woman out all of that so i understand that punkness you know that that space of being a punk that space of being a lame i understand that because i was there and let me tell you what these guys doing what they're doing is they're trying to make women feel insecure inadequate and unworthy because if you feel insecure inadequate and unworthy you're going to be going you're going to be working for his approval so what the man tries to do is the man wants to put himself on a pedestal and then he wants to make you look up to him so he asks you condescending and demeaning questions like what do you bring to the table and it's like who is you like who would you be the table who who you hear like don't nobody want to sit at your raggedy table like you probably finna be cheating anyway you're probably gonna be lying anyway talking about what you bring and then he probably crossing the lid so let me ask you and see me i don't sit with my legs crossed i cannot cross my legs i don't understand the concept of crossing let god bless y'all that can but he probably said with a leg uh yeah so so yeah let me ask you um so what do you bring to the table like if i was a woman if i had a daughter and she was on a date and a man asked her that it'll look like an episode of one of these shows on a reality tv like i i i almost i have to bite my tongue to tell my daughter not to throw her drink in his face like what like who is you like jeff bezos got a divorce bill gates got a divorce man with billions of dollars can't even keep a woman happy when they could be on heaven gel basil's jeff bezos could have dinner on the moon and he couldn't keep a woman so what did he mean with regular money even if he got 100 million that still ain't no question to ask no woman what you bring to the table and see this the thing what upset me is this is what's breaking down society it's breaking down society because it got men thinking they the prize it got women thinking they the prize and now we're in competition now we going out on a date and it's who the best detective on first 48 like who could get somebody to crack in first 48 and just the thing it's terrible because when you look at that it's like wow so now instead of because what a man simply could do a man can look at a woman he can look at how she presents herself he can listen to a conversation as he's talking to her and he can evaluate who she is and how she presents herself and what she's bringing to the table like what you bring to the table is a question that you ask in your mind to say what does this person bring to the table but that's not a question that you let leave out your lips that's not a question you ask somebody as if they are auditioning for you or they are applying for your job and they have to sit on the proving seat the hot seat to prove themselves to you that they're worthy because if a man asked a woman what you bringing to the table and then the woman flipped the question to the man well what do you bring to the table it's like what what did you gonna say it's like what is he gonna say i'm a man of god well see really i'm a man of god and see i used to be from the street but i'm a man of god and so what i bring is like uh really what i bring is like uh well i got a degree and i got a good job and i made six figures so that's really what i bring like i could afford a table like what is the man gonna say nothing so it's like listen stop going up like i'm gonna tell you like this right here if i was talking to my sister if i was talking to my daughter if i had a daughter i'll tell them if a man asked you what you bringing to the table get your purse what a birthday want to bring to the table okay um well you know it's nice to meet you i ain't gonna shake your hand we're in kobe uh nice meet you and go home about your business going about your business like listen i'm not going to be sitting on nobody date getting interview about what you bring to the table like i'm applying for somebody job that come with a 401k if i'm sitting up what you bring to the table uh do you have a 401k uh do you got ssi do you got paid vacation not two weeks three weeks do i get a three percent raise every year like do i get uh mental health coaching and counseling do you got eap assistance program like if somebody asking you what you bring to the table they got to have a benefits package they got to have a 401k they got to have a match program everything you put in the 401k they matching it like that is the dumbest question and i don't know who made this question up but i guarantee you he lame i guarantee you he lane because it is not a real man on the face of this earth that is going to ask a woman what do you bring to the table it ain't a real woman on the face of this earth that's going to ask a man what do you bring to the table because it's clear to see what somebody bring to the table just by looking at them and talking to them you could see if they are fit for your life but see this right here it's a grown boy strategy but the men out here they calling it uh alpha male strategy they call it red pill they call it mgtow they calling it high value man listen all of that is revenge of the lames all all of them associations mgtow red pill alpha male strategy high value man a man who is high value don't even call himself a high value man that's not even a word that a man because your value speaks for itself if you got to call yourself a high value man you a low value man because you're the great value version out of walmart because if you are a man of valor if you're a man of character if you're a high value man you don't have to say that people gonna be able to see it in your conversation in your lifestyle the way you live the way you carry yourself you don't have to wet it on your forehead and be sitting on no date well so yeah so really for me as a you know as a high value man it's like it's really important to me that i understand like the woman i'm talking to and like and so really like one of the main questions i have for you is like what do you bring to the table i got the uh it was like me sir i got to go man i'm out of there man what what and listen if you clarissa shields now if you clarissa shields if you're not clarissa shields or one of them mma fighters then just get your person walk all night but if i'm a woman and i'm like clarissa shields and he asked me what you break the table what i want to bring to the table and take off because that's disrespectful like this a thing and that's what i want men to understand like listen listen i got to go my wife told me i could go live because she she washing dishes i told her i wouldn't be longer than 30 minutes but listen to do what i want men to understand don't don't don't as a man don't get online and get caught up in these lames like look at this man like look at the men that's starting this stuff and really ask yourself like it is this a guy look up to like is this guy like somebody i look up to like was this guy that guy pal when we was in middle school when we was in high school or do this look like revenge of the lanes do this look like he leading a hate brigade against women because he hate women or he hate his sexuality or he got exposed like the men that i see that's talking about high value man mgtow which is the mgtow men going their own way the red pill the alpha male strategies the uh some guys somebody said one guy said something talk about something aware rgm aware or something aware he was saying something he aware of something but i don't know what he was talking about but there's some nonsense out there but i have never seen one of these men that's leading these movements that i'm like oh damn but he hey but he looked like that dude but he hey he hey he look like he used to get him like that man really know what he talking about like that man had them whoo hey that's a hey that's a real man i ain't never felt that when i when i look at these guys i'm like poor fella poor fellow man the girl he wanted didn't want him she wanted to start quarterback he got her roses he took she took his roles and gave it to the star quarterback told him no to prom and then let somebody else take her to prom and he ain't healed yet he ain't healed yet he wanting to go in there and date a woman and she cheated on with a with a ex-boyfriend or her child father and he ain't healed yet like when i see these men lead these here toxic movements that's creating division that's creating this warfare between men and women i'm just like wow y'all done gay y'all negative man a microphone who used to get punched in the eye like just just for pants too high you're paying too hot and then now what's happening is to the men listen be a real man like as a man you should not take pride in putting a woman down as a man it should not make you feel like more of a man to degrade a woman or put a woman on the witness stand on the proven seat to where she got to go through all like as a man you should if anything be looking to lighten her load as a man like if you're the man and you want to be broad shoulders and you want to be that guy pal you need to be able to say you know i got this this on me i'm gonna be me i'm gonna be a real man and if she's not the one i'm going to let her know like listen i don't think it's going to work out between us and i don't want to waste your time because i know we all have somebody out here for us but i don't feel like this is a fit point blank period and then you can go on about your business instead of coming in as a man and then you trying to put this woman on the witness stand you asking her prove yourself show me like i seen the pulse of the guy you know who made a post about he put his woman through all this kind of stuff for a year testing her so she could prove that she the one and she healed his heart and you know i ain't gonna talk about nobody's son but you know sometimes you just could see the struggle on people sometimes you just could look at them and see oh yeah you really are man well you went through something and just because you know how the world lives and you know how the world could be cold and you know how the world could treat people for whatever reason so you you have to be able to understand where somebody's speaking from so if you see somebody speaking from a place of pain from a place of insecurity from a place of confusion then that ought to be your sign to say you know what yeah i really can't listen to this because i see where this person's heart is at i see where this person coming from and they're hurting they lost they're searching and they're trying to feel like somebody now because somebody put a microphone in their face somebody help them get a following and i'ma tell you what's wrong right now is and it's on both sides and that's what i try to tell women too because it's a lot of women who you choose a man based on his money it's a lot of women who overlook a man who don't got money who ain't at his highest height his highest earning potential and so it's that man that go working for you seen the movie spider-man and the move is how you got spider-man and then you got the villain out there and he out in the tunnel and he building this big old monster that's going to take over the city but see the the people that the villain can recruit are the ones who have been hurt the ones who feel ostracized alienated disrespected overlooked and so that's why i try to help women understand it's like just like this don't lead a man on don't get a man and get get them for a free date for a free meal don't don't leave them on if you don't like them like let them know day one let them know out the gate hey you know i'm not in a place right now to be dating i don't want to waste your time because all it's doing is just perpetuating the cycle like these men that's out here that's creating these strategies to manipulate women to put women in a place of insecurity and vulnerability these men are just men who have been hurt because think about this when you confident you don't want to manipulate anybody when you confident you don't need a strategy to deceive or to manipulate when you confident when you confident you don't need to put anybody down to lift yourself up when you're confident what do you bring to the table will never come out of your mouth when you confident because you know who you are and you don't want to make somebody feel less than but when you insecure your insecurity then pretends to be confidence so when you see arrogance that's really from weakness when you see confidence that's really from humility but a lot of times our insecurities can confuse confidence for arrogance and we can confuse arrogance for strength and so what happens is it's human nature to want to be accepted and we feel like we have to sell ourselves we feel like we got to prove to somebody who we are and so when somebody then says to us what do you bring to the table we then feel the need to run down our list of accolades because i see so many women who this question has already affected because so many women introduce themselves in the questions that i answer on the stories as hi tony i have a master's degree a six-figure job and i own my own house why can't i get a man sis nobody cares like it's like we we are in a place that we feel like we have to prove ourselves to somebody all you got to do is be you and the person for you they looking at your heart they're not looking at all your accolades they're not looking at all of that like my wife was a biomedical science major i was like a halfway criminology major and i was a criminology major because i was selling drugs and so i was sitting in the classroom with a quarter pounder wii and a 380 and i was learning about the law so that when the police pulled me over with that quarter pound a weed in the back seat i could do i could hit him with the jay-z line from the jay-z song no sir you're not going to search me because i know my rights and so that's why i was a criminology major now my wife ain't know all of that at the gate but she could have easily said okay criminology major what the max you gonna make bios medical science major in school with the hopes of being a doctor what the max you could make she could easily see a criminology major if you become a detective police whatever chief you could touch 100k but at what she was on her trajectory she could get the 400k or more if she especially if she doing plastic get into plastic surgery she could be making millions so she could easily look and say um our trajectory different so i'm not going to deal with you because i need somebody who's a science major or engineering major because that's a man that's going to be close to but she looked at who i was she looked at my heart and see that's what that's what you do when you confident you're not looking for somebody to be a meal ticket you're not looking for somebody to be a business partner you're looking for somebody who can love you in the dark you're looking for somebody who can be there for you and support you and they got a heart for you and they don't want to put you down they want to build you up and they want to build with you see the problem with our relationship today is we're trying to do business deals we want to get in relationships to be monetized on instagram we want to be in relationships so that we could get ad placements so that we could get commercials we turning love into business we turn in relationships into you know couples goals for social media and we're looking at people based on statistics we're looking at numbers how much do you earn how tall are you how much do you weight we're looking at numbers instead of looking at character instead of looking at who somebody is in a heart because if a person have character and that's why i always say let a man's character be his currency let a woman's character be her currency because a person with character can make any amount of money but a person without character no amount of money can buy character so you see you see broke millionaires and what i mean by that is we see people who got millions of dollars and still don't got love got millions of dollars and can't keep a relationship got millions of dollars so money don't buy nothing but material possessions but the things that really matter they free you got to just sacrifice for it and see this the thing so we so lost in our relationships because women looking at men for the most part as a meal ticket a check book how much money he make and then men looking at women as like a sex toy or says doll and and now men starting to say oh well women want me for my money i'm gonna get off of her money and then so now we looking at okay if we put our money together what what size house can we buy like what our credit scofiend to be like like listen at the end of the day when you get on your death bed you're not gonna be worried about what your credit score was and how big your house was and what kind of white picket fence you had and all of that you gonna be worried about did you have real love like did you have real luck and my wife taught me that because hey i was chasing money and i was in college and i was selling drugs because i'm like shoot i get a degree and i'm a hustler on the side and i'm gonna work a regular job and my wife said no you gotta leave the streets alone i'm like i'm like i'm trying to get money for us so like i don't care about that she's like i don't want that kind of money i don't want that kind of money i'm like so you comfortable living in the hood i'm like so you comfortable not having no furniture in the living room that we just could do a track meet through the living room because we ain't got a nail piece of furniture you come to like yeah i'm cool and what i learned from my wife is like we could be in the negative and if i'm treating her like a queen we was grown adults we were young now we was she was 19 20 21 but she had a smile on her face and guess what that helped me do that allowed me to see her for who she is and see her heart so although she was a biomedical science major and could have gone on to med school and become a doctor i wasn't banking on that so today yes we absolutely 100 percent millionaires but we literally out the mud we literally i the raggedy apartment no furniture and now room we got a bed that that cost 99 with a 13 inch tv that was 10 years old and we on wic we on food stamps we on all that but what we had was love and when you got real love you could build anything so what i'm used to making a year i'm making a day because that love gave me peace and with that peace it gave me clarity and with that i could visualize i could map out i could plan and then i could take action because it wasn't no pressure on my pocket it was like treat me like a queen treat me like a woman that treat me the way i deserve to be treated talk to me with respect and be faithful to me and if we got that we could build anything because money easier to be made money easy to be made my wife told me last year she said baby in the pandemic you made seven figures without leaving home how we get here lord people always say lord don't pay no bill lord do pay the bills because love is priceless so when you got real love the p the people who say lord don't play bill don't have love ain't never had love don't know what love do don't understand that god is love and god is all-knowing god is all-powerful so we chasing money and not realizing that as long as you're chasing money you will always be lacking but when you find your purpose when you discover uncover your purpose and you pursue purpose with passion money gonna chase you money gonna chase you what you need gonna chase you you don't gotta be a millions of dollars but you're going to be taken care of so at the end of the day every time i go broke i can look at my wife eyes and i got love and that's priceless and you know what i do that invigorate me to go make all the money i could dream of making that pick me back up because i ain't getting bombarded and looked down on and talk talk down to and so this the thing now now i asked my wife i was like listen you ever ask a man what he bring to the table because i know she asked me that i said even when i was a dog i ain't never asked a woman what do you bring to the table like i feel like that's the most disrespectful condescending question in the world like that is a clear sign that you thank you somebody and somebody got to prove themselves to you and and they beneath you and they got to prove that they could sit at your table and like boy your table ain't got no lead boy you'll tell me you got no leg but you barely doing good you get laid off for that job you look you lose your fake followers online that's in the paid for [Music] like around here in that four thousand dollar suit it ain't got four thousand dollars and just cuz you got your credit score okay you get you some credit cards but you can't afford to charge them because you can't afford to pay them all okay okay you got money but you ain't got peace you got money you ain't got joy you got money that's all you got you don't got money money got you give me what got you here like my brother you say give me what got you here so it's like come on man to the men listen stop disrespecting these women like stop taking pride in arguing with a woman stop taking pride in putting a woman down stop taking pride in putting yourself on the pedestal and i keep saying so many men i'm the prize i'm the prize well you're jacking the box you're cracking you you the prize in the cracker jake box what kind of prize you is because if you really the prize then everybody you meet you make them feel like a prize too because if you really the prize you ain't gonna put nobody down to make them feel less of themselves hey this tony guys watch this hill back and everybody i seen this thing on he'll say turn your badges on and um the instagram put this on here and i see that down there hey god bless y'all and i really appreciate y'all for that um cause you have to do that and i ain't asking for that and so god bless you on that right there and just know you ain't got to do that but i so appreciate it now so appreciate it this month my wife birthday month so she turned to 35 she turned 35 this nine i know y'all said you ain't potentially but she ain't shamed about it and this month um you know my bread ain't all the way all the way where i want to be you know if because see me i give a 35 million if i had it to go shopping for a birthday if i had lebron james money if i had lebron james money i'd give my wife 35 million if she want to donate to charity like a bill gay's wife did after he after she divorces but she could do that but at this point i want to give her the world because when i didn't have anything all we had was love and she was there she was there at the bottom and so a lady asked me what does it mean when a man say he want to ride or die for me it mean a woman who want me for me not just for what i could provide but she liked my heart she loved my heart she loved my mind she loved my spirit she loved my attitude she loved my character and if she and if she if she rock with me like that i could conquer the world because i got a teammate i got a partner i ain't got no freeloader see a lot of times people look at my wife and you see that gorgeousness you see that beautifulness but see we grew into that we we grew into where we at like we we we used to look like we just jumped off the back of a truck out picking oranges all day like we we really have it all together on our look side like but we was compatible nah my wife like wine the better i love her the better i treat her the more she glow the more she glow the more she flourish that's what i learned about love so you listen y'all stop putting all these degrees on love like when i say degrees i'm talking about college degrees y'all stop worrying about how many college degrees somebody got i don't have a college degree i don't have a college degree and guess what there is not one single college degree that in your work field will will pay you more than what god done bless us to earn not one single college degree and i don't say that to brad but what i'm trying to tell you is we put an emphasis on the wrong thing if you got god at the center of your relationship what i mean the attributes meaning selfless love meaning love your neighbor as you love yourself meaning treat others the way you want to be treated meaning love your wife the way christ loved the church meaning submit unto your husband as unto the lord ephesians 5 if that is the center everything else will be added if that's the center see what y'all doing wrong so many people you putting how many degrees do you have so what kind of degree you got see i could crawl my leg i got something between my legs so i only understand how y'all man be crossing your leg uh yeah so how many degrees do you have okay what about certifications oh okay oh well where'd you graduate from oh okay so how has it been you know on your credit journey building your credit what um what's your credit score oh okay and so now we looking at okay you got a 750 credit score you got a degree you got a corporate job oh you marriage material and then get into the marriage and y'all looking like conor mcgregor all kind of elbows all kind of arguing y'all doing all kind of arguing y'all mad frustrated y'all don't want to shout the same bed every three months somebody asking for a hall pass they need a three-day vacation because y'all married degrees y'all match who got the who what degrees go together what credit score go together when me and my wife built our whole marriage with a credit score like our shoe size yeah yeah became millionaires with a credit score i weigh more than my credit score that's what i'm trying to tell y'all the world misleading y'all the only degree i got is the temperature it's 72 degrees in my house that's the only degree i got you hear me that i'm trying to tell y'all stop making stuff something that is nothing none of that matters what somebody bring to the table what degree you got where you work at what's your credit score none of that matters now that matters because all of that you know what i could take my credit score from a 500 to a 800 in 330 days but we literally walking away from somebody because they got a low credit score i could lose 30 pounds in 30 days but we literally walking away from somebody because of their weight when we lay down in the bed to make a baby we the same height but we literally walking away from somebody because of their height listen to me a lot of people come to me oh i'm single and i just can't get married it's because you don't have standards you have preferences you you looking for a preference instead of a standard if you understand what standards are see standards are rooted in the person's morals and values their character that's all if they got that everything will be added because when you get carried when you got good character you want to take care of your body you want to feed your mind you want to build business you want to have you you are ambitious when you have character but see you could have character and it just not be your season you being planted and then you being watered and then you got a harvest because see when you being planted somebody always all somebody gonna see is dirt when you be in water all somebody gonna see is mud but when the harvest comes tell your pastor sunday pastor i know where you got that word from tony gasket taught that online and he need no pastor hey god bless y'all i gotta go my wife told me she hadn't watched this i thought i've done 30 minutes it's been 37 minutes i got to go god bless you will talk soon i had to figure out how to turn the thing on okay hey god bless you all now youtube uh instagram got a donation on here god bless y'all now look at god somebody blessed me my goodness when somebody did that and god bless y'all
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 17,681
Rating: 4.9846082 out of 5
Id: fTUns7AJw9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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