Side-dating the Deacon | Talks with Tony

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hey hey tony guys here popping in with another episode of talks with tony now i'm gonna be trying to run these things off and try to get up a good amount of them so just you're gonna have to set the notification bell you're gonna have to when you click the subscribe button if you're not subscribed then you'll have to click on videos to see all the videos because you're not gonna be shown every one of them even if you have your notification bell set but i'm going to be off next week so hopefully i have some schedule because i'll be off and um so hopefully i have some schedule and if i don't have any schedule then hopefully i will have uploaded enough this week so that while i'm gone you know you still can catch up so we jumping right in hi tony it's a blessing to listen to your videos i appreciate your honesty i hope that you can give me some advice on how to deal with my male friend i'll just get into it i was celibate for five years and six months i started to talk to this guy who's a member of our church a deacon we've been talking to each other over the phone and through text for about a year i was deployed and we had really good communication he is a lawyer for a very established insurance company he is also well liked i asked him if he was dating and he says yes he asked me if i'm dating i said no he said why i stated to him that i was celibate it seemed like it was hard for him to believe that i was single and celibate i stated to him that i had been celibate and waiting for my husband we were very attracted to each other and started sexting quite often which was which was new to me my guy friend had a woman in his life for a long time but he stated it was complicated i should have had more questions but i was enjoying my conversations with him when i returned from my deployment in the beginning of the year we didn't get together on a date until june we had a great time that night and i had a few martinis i had decided to end my celibacy that night later that summer we would see each other but i realized that he wasn't the one but we slept together again on december 28 2019 i haven't been with him physically since i ended up deploying in january 2020 until april 2020 i decided to stop communicating with him on may 17 2020 because i knew it wasn't going anywhere i will be honest with you if this wasn't here things may or may not have been different tony i really need your advice as i ask him again if he is still dealing with the same woman he said yes it's complicated i stated to him that it's not complicated if you either want to be with her or not i'm not going to lie i was so horny and i want and i want to have with him but he isn't worthy oh i just realized that i didn't tell you that when i was deployed that i taped myself [Music] handler i taped myself [Music] and i he can't get enough enough and he can't get enough of it my face isn't in the video he stated that it gets him turned up every time he watches it tony please let me know if i should completely stop communicating with him altogether or keep civil communication with him i know from your youtube videos that celibacy is good and i pray for a man that will be my boaz and i don't want to do anything that will upset my god and put me down a path that isn't perfect in our god's eyes thank you but y'all just to be the plan with god my goodness y'all be playing with god this is just in the level like that i don't do that that's gonna have me perfect in our god ah now man come on what do you think the lord was doing when you over there over there in iran with the video why you down there [Applause] man what you think the lord doing on do god see everything the lord all right gabriel oh my gosh nevermind i still still don't just keep saying the praise keep saying pray come on let y'all lift it up lift it up sopranos this woman down here sending video from iran oh my goodness i'm trying to keep the woman safe so she don't step on no ied and she over there stimulating his d in the picture on the phone in the camera and she do not know that the man then told her eric snowden told her everything you put on that phone this woman don't realize that this video got to travel from deployment wherever you at afghanistan all the way to that man phone nothing that went through so many phone lines it's been a thousand people in between your phone and headphone and watch that video oh that's how you got to look at these phones you can't look at these phones like it's just between you and that person you don't know who could intercept what okay listen somebody told me one time anything that could be coded can be decoded you hear me listen i'm married i don't ask for no videos from my wife no pictures nothing and i don't send nothing because i don't trust this here world we live in and it's her technology because they sitting right now at the computer and they know who you are because they got your phone they got your phone they got your name on your phone record they see that video came through the and listen they be watching stuff and you is in them people service they got all y'all phone out all y'all phone because they got to make sure you ain't no trojan horse y'all ain't never think about that yes what y'all think the man is trying to tell y'all there's no why y'all think they trying to stop private planes to see if that man on that plane because they want him come up what we got to have you you know told all these people all our business you supposed to be a consultant now you know let all these people know we watching their phone come on man i'm telling too much true so they got this here network trying to shut me down because telling too much truth listen come on now y'all got to be careful out here with these videos in these pictures listen if they can't see it with their eyes they don't need through them by the phone if you understand no nasty picture no nasty video again wait till they can see it with their eyes give me i don't care what they want and you can't trust people this man here i guarantee you again wrong t you your video has been sent to his group chat with all his guys i guarantee it because this is not your man this is somebody else man and he lived with that woman and that's why you came back in january and did not see him to june this man is in a full-fledged relationship this man in a full-fledged relationship oh lord bless y'all oh my goodness this why i have to do this uh and listen i'm listen my job is not hard okay my job is not hard but the thing is this is the first hour of work that i'm doing today so i think that the job is hard is that it's draining and it's frustrating because i had to go to college for eight years and i'd be answering these kind of questions that come on sister you know this plane is date now listen now let's go on a little deeper now you stayed off that pole ain't have no kind of in you five and a half years five and a half years you kept that thing at you you crossed the other side of the world sesting this man sending him videos of you doing the ungodly okay the ungodly and you sending it to the deacon this the deacon email me back what's the name of your church i'm going to email the pastor duke pastor do this is why god raising up people like myself outside of the church who are christian but outside of the church to bring a righteous word because this the mess that's going on in the house in the house of the lord do you know jesus walked into the house of the lord and flipped over tables because then people were selling merchandise what it sound like they don't have a marketplace a lot of churches got a marketplace today and now they were more worried about selling t-shirts and coffees and muffins than they are preaching a good word of the lord they're like man we really raking in the dough the books though we just need to open the doors for the books bookstore to be over we preach this old watered down message up here for 45 minutes getting them in and out so it was hey we need 30 minutes before service so they go to the bus stop 30 minutes an hour after the bus stop all right let's get that revenue this rather new bookstore ain't even under the non-profit book though is the llc and so now listen this is the deacon of the church substantiate this not now listen i try to be easy with y'all but one thing that ticks me off more than anything else is when y'all bring god into these shenanigans that right there upsets me listen listen i ain't got to tell nobody about what i'm doing i could be in that bathroom right now when the thing got do you hear me when the thing got but you know i do not do that i do not touch myself you hear me and i got me a wise so i could be picturing her and using that as an excuse when she tied up when she got a headache when it's the monthly friend that visit for a week y'all know tom i'm not talking about a literal friend well you got to break this thing down for some people i'm talking about the manchester un i o okay the uh all right the red sea all right when that visit okay until the red sea parks i could be in that bathroom just going to town just but listen i look at god and i make it literal everything i do all the time i ask the lord turn his head like lord listen now i know this right here is legal and okay with me and my wife not but still lord you might want to attend to somebody else right now but other than that i want my life to a microscope i want god to have a microscope on my mind my heart my spirit my soul and i want to be right if i'm driving down the street and mess around and see me a set of hams [Music] for those y'all don't know settle hounds is a booty in some leggings i got to catch myself i got whoop the lord is watching the lord well i got to remind myself the lord what hey okay all right all this human nature male nature all this listen practice control practice self-control and so listen to me now whoo so stuff and then you you asked me [Music] you asked me tony please let me know if i should stop communicating with him all together huh because what's coming now says come on now just come on now or keep civil committed why would you keep civil communication with a cheater this man cheating on his wife we're gonna call a wife we're not gonna say relationship that's complicated because far as we know this is this man wife because do they even let single men be a deacon in the church this this man wife okay and if she ain't his wife now by cause he's still dealing with it all this time so you write me by 2019 and 2020. so this this is a year this is a year plus this man still dealing with that woman and listen you just stayed off that pole five years and six months and then you let this thing let this man whip out on you this man put no good time in all he was using you was fun using you as a side piece to have fun sexting you don't care nothing about you treating you like the scum of the earth you know why so this is the thing this is the thing what y'all ladies don't realize what y'all be doing and that's what i try to help y'all understand because i'm trying to help y'all get educated about men and the ways of grown boys and dog men so that you can elevate your life and you can have a more prosperous life but listen this what you when you do what you doing right here any lady that's doing this and there's plenty of y'all that watch this video they're doing the same thing she doing so we ain't judging are we just addressing her because she wrote in listen to me listen to me now this is what the issue is when you doing what this woman is doing for this man you become you replace that that that app that he would be going on get his work in you replace that out you replace that website you replace the script club now listen to me men pay big dollars on snapchat to illicit explicit women to send them the kind of videos that you sending him for free so now the fact that he got you sending nasty stuff through the phone now he just soldier boy kiss me through the phone but he won't the other lips to kiss him through the phone and then he blow your head up to get you hype so you over there feeling special you over there feeling good ma'am this man trying to make you look dumb let me tell you something let me tell you something [Music] the average man [Music] have explicit conversations with his friends about what he does to his wife see i don't do that because my daddy told me son don't ever talk about your bedroom that's why when i if i mention me and my wife i ain't going no details you said i'm saying everybody grown though so it ain't like you supposed to act like you don't do nothing because you grown so you know something going down okay you got kid you know something happening but you ain't got to go into no details of what's happening and how it's happening how often and when and where and this and that when you talk about your bedroom but the average man will share some details with his homeboys about his wife or his fiancee or his girlfriend just being ignorant just being men and just trying to have something to talk about it's just uh your videos you might not know the site you might not know the name of the site that exists that this man got your videos on and he needs you to keep him coming in because he got some ref but new do you hear me that's his name on the site ref cause he's a deacon trying to be a real his name on the site is ralph e that's his middle name new is his last name and what he doing on that site you get on that site there's a lot of people on the site probably that don't show they face let me tell you i don't even go to the site because i don't want to track on my phone when tracing my phone i could go do this under the name of research to to say i'm researching so i could talk bad about it on this hill line but i don't even go to the sites but i could guarantee just knowing human nature because it's a lot of men and women who want them a bag they want them a bag but and they willing to do something strange for a piece of change but they don't want they don't just want any everybody to know they don't want their church members to know that's their vajay or dang elaine that's on that website getting it worked out so all this here working at you doing and you sending this way across seas [Music] you sending this thing across seas through that cell phone this man got you on the website making money that man got all kind of subscribers with your body your ex boyfriend from six years ago cause you been celibate which is not celibate that's what y'all have to understand that's not celibate that's abstinent you abstain you was on a fast okay what do celibate mean y'all have abstaining from marriage and actual relations typically for religious reasons okay now that's america and that right now y'all just y'all ain't celibate y'all just abstaining okay you just going without it's just the abstaining part because you want to be married and like you said you aren't so you want you some see when you do this right here this celibate is how they use it in a sentence a celibate priest so y'all got to understand when your situation got a um expiration date the way you said okay i decided that night to give up myself you just was on the fast you just was on a break yes it was a long five and a half years but you came on off of that why he played you he played you oh my god i could scream right now because when something is so blatant this stuff's so blatant to me but good good women you was abstinent for five and a half years you know how hard it is to fall for a elementary game listen okay let me break this down oh my goodness oh my goodness ah i'm a woman in hell oh my god let me break this down oh my god oh my goodness y'all be falling for some stuff and then i know the men they hate me they mad with me man why are you giving up all the game let them hold be hold but listen that's not no ho if she abstinent for five and a half years this somebody daughter this is somebody daughter who don't know no bella yeah i had a few drinks but she let me tell you what he did he made love to your mind because you wail over that deployment stepping over ieds and lord sparing your life okay and so you haven't you some communication with this man way across the water unless you in this the same country regardless you still cross some water some lakes and some oceans so your way across the water and then you over there okay and now here go what the man doing this testing you disasting you it's making love to your mind because this is what you have to understand see when you talk on the phone you still could be making love but see your mind is bouncing around so what's happening is you're not hearing every word that the person say because they say one sentence your mind depicts that sentence and paints a picture of that sentence now somebody who studied the mind will tell you a term for this ain't no doctor ain't gonna nobody school for that but i still know what's going on cuz i got a brain you hear that sentence your mind pictures that sentence the next sentence you miss it you miss it you might mix miss the next two sentences because you still picturing something your brain just bouncing around like a little racquetball and it's all over the place but see now this where text messages get dangerous but see now y'all ain't on the phone y'all on test message so now that you're on test message there's a few things that happen from the male side of this thing is he could be texting you and five other women that's one thing you and other congregants from the church because just how you want him because he a deacon and a lawyer i'm every woman in that church who's a member of our church a deacon we've been talking to each other over the phone and through text for about a year for about a year i was deployed and we had really good communication he is a lawyer and for a very established insurance company i'm going to call the insurance company you ain't saying that sir i'm going to call them do y'all know y'all employee y'all attorney is up at the church plucking off plucking off the people members and got them sending but jay's through the text message from cross seas oh yeah y'all need to talk to him cuz he he outside the lawyer creed of integrity this is absolutely ridiculous i am shocked and appalled i literally could throw up in my mouth right now because y'all come this far five and a half years of abstinence to fall for this and then listen you asked the man he did he say yes and he asked you dave you say no so you put him in a position of power you put yourself in a position of broke busted and disgusted loneliness you shouldn't even ask that question then so now you told him your business so now he know you weak lonely lost and vulnerable and he told you directly yeah i'm dave and then i said no he said why i stated to him that i was celibate oh my goodness that is between you and god don't ever tell a man what you doing with your body because see now let me tell you what you just did you put a battery in this mid towel red pill alpha male strategy idiot hit back you put a battery in his back because he met you in the church that's the first thing he told you he got somebody that he dating and you ignored it you told him that you not dating nobody then you did he say why then you tell him it's because you celibate they don't got nothing to do with dating they have nothing to do with dating you could not be sleeping with men and still be dating but this why you did it you said that because you wanted some brownie points you wanted some brown point ain't talking to her i ain't talking to you whoever wrote in ain't talking i'm talking to everybody every woman who's doing the same thing cause you're not the only one so when i'm saying i'm talking to everyone who doing the same thing so then you tell the man because you celibate it seemed like it was hard for him to believe that i was single and celibate it absolutely was that's why you shouldn't have told him because when you do that let me tell you what you do you become a gang you become a challenge stop telling people your business what you doing in your bedroom is between you and god what you doing with your private parts is your private business if you're going to tell somebody that you just met that you randomly meet at the church house you might well wear a shirt or a hat that say i am celibate you see what i mean that's not a nobody business so when if you say if you want to be honest and say that you're not dating okay all right you just had to be honest to a fault you're not dating okay even then you should say uh what not exclusively i'm not exclusively dating anyone like i'm not in an exclusive committed relationship but do i meet people yes you see i'm saying you don't ever present yourself as optionless because you meet people just like you met him so you see this a thing it's all how you phrase stuff it's all how you say stuff oh i think i do a four hour seminar this is gonna be four hours long this is gonna be a two hour video oh my god i gotta get y'all the whole game oh my goodness cuz see this right here cause he listen while he's skiing off in you could be a ill illegitimate baby mama while he's skiing off in you this why i give away the game because this what caused broken homes this right here type of ignorance and see and that's what i mean when i mean ignorance i mean in the literal term of lack of knowledge this right here what do the bible say why do my people perish due to a lack of knowledge listen what good do it do you to be abstinent for five years and six months to then bust it wide open and catch hiv what good do it do you to be abstinent for any period of time and then bust it wide open and catch syphilis what good do it do you to be abstinent for any period of time and then bust it wide open and get pregnant and from somebody who got somebody and from somebody that just want to talk to you long distance and then when you get within distance takes six months to see you you said i should have had more questions but i was enjoying my conversation with them see listen this what i was meant by you put a battery in his back because see the problem with men today is they believe every woman is a joke they believe every woman is a ho and got some of that in them so the problem with our relationships today is when you meet the men they don't believe nothing you say they believe you everything you saying is for brownie points and for clout and that's why you told him you would celebrate because you wanted some cool points he gave you food points and then he set out to show you that you were fooled he set out to prove that you were fake lying fake christian using the name of god in the church house but he finna turn you out because he want to prove that she was a jezebel spirit that's what his goal became when you told him that you single and celibate and yes i'm misusing the word with y'all just so y'all understand when you told him you single and celebrate he said oh really we gonna see watch this here i'm a lawyer i'm a deacon lawyer watch watch how i have over that nasty she better be crossing water nasty you hit me what is he sending you what he said to what the deke sent you he mentioned by you said i you said oh i just realized you just realized you knew i was gonna get with you on that oh i just realized that i didn't tell you that when i was deployed i taped myself and he can't get enough of it you know why because he need that revenue coming in rev e knew from that site he putting you on yeah he got all the male subscribers so now you can turn him into a pimp he using your body and your videos to get that revenue coming in and if it ain't got the revenue coming in let me tell you what's got it coming in let me tell you what he got coming in clout from all his homeboys because he don't care nothing about you because this a lawyer he got sense he know how to phone work because he know that when somebody go to court and they a phone record gets subpoenaed he know everything could be seen at the end of the end at the dundalk at the bottom line he know ain't nothing private in his world so that's why you mentioned nothing but you got something from him now and if you did got something from him and he a lawyer and a deacon he'd have been turned over to a reprobate mind you actually talking to the spawn of satan because this man in the church as a deacon cheating on his woman and you got you sending through that phone you hear me come on now come on now my goodness my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness i can't tell y'all my goodness y'all just be into all kind of stuff [Music] my goodness i'm just going through here [Music] listen to me now um y'all jeffy oh my goodness yeah now see this the thing now let me tell you the other side of this let me tell you the other side i'm gonna break this down to y'all now this one because this is why i want y'all to understand how you giving these boys ammunition you giving these boys ammunition he's a deacon and a lawyer [Music] pan is gone oh deacon a lawyer here you go oh what a cell phone that deacon a lawyer oh he go oh deacon lawyer oh my goodness deacon lawyer oh man deacon and lawyer oh oh oh they got the phone digging oh deacon and lawyer this is what i'm trying to tell y'all now let that man work up the street at stake in shape he ain't getting this man might be on a trajectory to own the franchise he ain't get it thank you say [Music] hey you think i'll fit a shape song for you stake your shape oh it was nice medium yeah but i'm a man manager of what the double the double state bacon i got to go sir scoob sorry skip check please he can't afford it just bring it to me he worked at stake of shape do you know i know a man that was sweeping the flows at mcdonald's [Music] and while he was sweeping the floor a little couple came enough older couple say you want to own mike donald he said y'all would love to he said we want to help you they made that man owner operator mcdonald [Music] hit mike donald became the mo poppiness high selling mcdonald's in that area of detroit and he bought him one got him another mic done i had two mcdonald's own operator from sweeping the flows and see this how y'all put that battery me and bait the boys back is when somebody got a some status all y'all comments your common sense go out the window deacon lawyer spread eagle he go yeah i know all kinds of stuff going on you got all kind of stuff going in and out of there you drizzling all kind of chocolate down there and you lean down there licking chocolate off for yourself that man get all kind of videos why because he a deacon and a lawyer now listen yes it's me without a job getting these videos too but this how y'all put that battery in these boys back because now they say all of you is gold diggers if a man make enough money all your common sense go out the window if the man got a job with a top with a status to it all your common sense all your self-respect all your dignity out the window out the wonder but then when a man come to you and he could be on the climb on the rise on the grind doing his thing but if his title ain't where you want to be you treat him like the plague and that's how you could stay abstinent for five and a half years because when you meet a man who ain't got that title ain't got the right job organization [Music] situation you get none of this and you going about your business but listen to this give that man a title he don't have to even work this man ain't had all this man was doing was having fun with you he's sexting you come on man that's all he doing he can't send no flowers and all that crossing waters cause you over there in the barracks you can't even see nothing what how many gifts he sent you while he was over there how many flowers he sent you he a lawyer he could send the flowers every friday did you get them flowers no one doing that all y'all had a good communication but what was the communication you said that thing y'all what's that that's not communication argument communication and listen this man pimping you out now let now listen listen okay this is the thing and i see this the thing what this what i'm hoping this what i'm hoping [Music] what i'm hoping this will this is my hope for this video my hope for this video is that the men who watch it could get out their feelings and stop worrying about what lord trying to do over here okay that's one thing for the women who watching this my hope is that you can have enough sense to know that just because you didn't do this exact same thing that this sister did that this woman did that that don't mean you not ignorant in a situationship [Music] that if you dealing with a man that got you giving giving giving [Music] of yourself body parts showing stuff that all is right here and this is not your husband [Music] this ain't your husband your future husband this somebody else man or this the community thing elaine it's the same thing and what's going on right here listen to me if you will get on your back for a man who work a good job and got a good title on that job but you won't get on your back for a man who don't work the job or make the money that you want him to make then you are out the ooding yourself p-r-o-s y'all know well yourself if what a man do for his job and his title will determine whether you will get on your bike or not that is no different than an escort that's no different than a stripper that is no different because it have to be about his character it got to be about your relationship with god so how is you gonna say that i know from your youtube video that celibacy is good and i pray for a man that will be my boy look you know you celibacy is not abstinence abstaining from is not a game it's not a game you play it's not a role you play it's not a trick it's not a it's not a mind game it is a commitment to purity it is a vow to god it is a covenant just like marriage it is a covenant it ain't something that you say well i'm gonna do this as long as i can until i get honored and then when i order anything the first thing swinging first thing smoking i'm on it come here give me that first thing on there my seven yo good thing you don't know what i'm doing he probably think i'm sword fight i know a sword but they put a w in there so it's gonna be sword okay all right stop arguing and so listen to me now the first thing you want i passed i passed on the the garbage man anger lane i passed on steak and shake man elaine i passed on the school teacher and elaine but what you say you what deacon the lawyer oh you get it with the phone out again look here you go everything you need to see turn that phone up send all kind of nasty text messages come on now oh i just don't want to receive no more levels i just i just i can't wait till the day where every woman under the sound of my voice could write in and say tony i get it i get it i ain't never been played again did you hear me because this is the thing i obviously get and see this is the thing what i don't get why men be mad with me every woman who write in is because they watch my youtube video that's the only place i've given this email address out at on a youtube video and this is the questions that i'm getting at with women watching the videos so to every man who your argument is i'm selling that i'm breaking the man cold i'm giving away all the game it's barely matter it barely matter and this is still i know from your youtube video she wrote youtube in all capital letters that celibacy is good and i pray for a man that will be my bow ass and i don't want to do anything that will upset my god and put me down a path that isn't perfect in our god's eyes come on now don't use the word perfect and then be on your bike in that bed come on now y'all stop that because when you do this let me tell y'all why y'all need to stop involving god when you're going to be committed to willing sin is because when you bring god into your mess and you say in the name of god but you committed to willing sin to willful sin this ain't no slip and fall sin you are bringing damnation upon your life because you're making a mockery of god and god will not be mocked and the price you pay for that is greater because you know better it will be a woman who does not know god and who sleep with a different man every day and her life will be better than the woman who knows god and chooses to continually willfully sin that's why people who know better pay a greater price because you know better you'll see people who don't know god and be living peaceful and having a blast getting promotions on their job making good money and it's because they know nothing about god they're not bringing god into their life they're not mentioning god they just living life based on universal laws and universal principles and they will be better off than somebody who keep bringing up the name of god and keep talking about god but willfully sinning willfully sinning the bible say that the bible tells you that that the person that don't know is better off than the person who know and still do wrong because when you do that now you spitting in the face of god everybody gonna fall short of the glory of god what the bible say but you shouldn't be in a place to where you are willfully you mess around you walking down you walking you walking through the mall you look around and then man walk past with with a gray sweatpants on and you just happen to be looking around and you see your log that's not willful sin that ain't willful sin nine you go talk to him [Music] get his phone number and then you hop on that log that's willful sin now you just walking you look around and you happen to see a log in this man hill pants not i remember one time i could we was at school and he come out and the the purpose of eyes is that so you can see everything around you he come out in our pe shorts ipe shorts used to be cheap cotton it was just a cheap little thin cotton thinner than a t-shirt than a cotton t-shirt he come out in rpe shorts from the high school he's 6-3 260 pounds he later went on to the nfl played several years he come out not even men even us men you still see everything he come up with a little soft short song with a baby arm down there swinging slap you in the face with that paper arm and here call this young lady out there now she looked a hot mess she had no man she seen it i'm sitting out there i'm sitting on the bench i see her i see her lock eyes on my cousin situation i said here he go so we out here trying to pick us up something that he come out here want to try to show bulge [Music] but i tell you eat by you these guys he's trying to come here with all kind of balls so that's how the man that's how we and i heard her say to her home girl girl do you see that girl do you see that oh my goodness she talking about my cousin bulge [Music] now see it wasn't like everybody just sitting there just checking everybody it's just like when you look at somebody you scan them head to toe this one i'm trying to help you understand the difference between willful sinning and sinning like to where you just kind of you you you walking out the door you walking out somebody walking y'all bumping each other oh my god body partner touched each other and oh you happen to look up and they look like a tall glass of water in the sahara desert okay that just happened that happened there's a moment in time now you act on that and then you end up in the bed in fornication now that's well for sin this right here what she described is willful sinning and what tom i you know want to be perfect inside listen listen i'm trying to be perfect inside of god too but i'm not this would be like me going and meeting this woman knowing that i'm married and then start eating with her and then fall into bed get in the bed with her and in adultery that is complete absolute willful sin now if i take and and god know the difference if i take it i'm walking and i'm looking around and i see my set of hands oh my god look like two basketballs over there oh my god okay all right i'm going with my business i'm going about my bill going about my business nah is that gonna be the same as you seeing something and you going about your business you don't act on what you saw what your eyes laid hold of you don't act on it because you know to act on it if you marry or to lust on it to sit and dwell on it [Music] do to that thing brian that's male or female now if you lust on it nine that goes into sin in your mind and in your heart and what the bible says if a man lust in his heart he's already committed adultery that's what bob said so that's why we got to guard our eyes because we your eyes go to gazing too much and then you go to lusting in your heart you commit adultery if you ain't married then you can be more than anything now but i won't say that about fornication but it said about adultery now see here's the thing now now here's the thing so we have to get to a place to where we look at this thing and say okay now do you really want to please god cause don't mention god at all if you're not actively trying especially when you all you got a space and opportunity and time to make a good decision like this right here ain't no spur the moment thing this ain't like you walking you go to go out the door and boom you open the door boom y'all bumping each other your hand the back of your hand hit his bulge hit him in the bulge or the front of your hand you know you you going to turn around and and after you inhale the dope and then you go to turn around and your hand go to swing and then man walking right into you and your whole hand just cut that bulge that ain't well for sin yeah you got your hand full or not yeah you got to feel it in the cotton shorts yeah it sat in the hand now but you ain't intentionally do that now when you go to go go gadget hand and eyes and you go and get that thing and you're gonna put it to work nah you're well of sin and when you in that right now you need to lead the lord alone do not bring the lord into that mess because you finna bring chaos and calamity into your life playing with the lord trust me i know i haven't been there i lived in it before trust my no trust me stuff and just start falling apart you hear me so listen to me listen to me now listen stop telling a man all your business let him inquire with them let him pursue you let him court you you could be cool calm collected cordial nice sweet you could laugh for an hour at a time keep your legs closed keep your private parts private make him keep his private parts private make him respect you make him get to know your mind not your body not what's between your legs make him get to know your mind make him get to know your heart make him get to know your life and you stay pure you stay pure you stay righteous you do the right thing you do what you know is common sense you do what you know is right and don't operate from a place of horniness don't operate from a place of desperation and don't let his job title the money he made your desperation your frustration talk you out your commission because just like you said you a little frisky so that's why and you said i wanna give him something so bad but he ain't worthy but guess what he won't worry the first time but what do the good boys say that if you take who could take fire in a bosom and not be burned that if you gonna keep having what you call civil communication with them so so now you mix civil communication is what you call it you mix civil communication with feeling frisky okay h-o-r-n okay feeling frisky we're wanting to get him home with having already gave him some wit drinking you a few martini when you see him with already sinning videos all right what all this right here from the equal the next time you with him oh you said i'm saying two plus two or five you see what i'm saying two plus two or five oh yeah you fit a bit now oh yeah it fitting to go down so why are you telling yourself you waiting on your bow ass and you want to be right before god if you play with fire you're going to get burned this man have a whole woman he is not lying to you see this the other thing that put a batter in these boys back they come and tell you the truth they tell you they got somebody and then just try to water it down it's complicated but if it ain't com and then listen you got all the sense in the world because you actually told him it's not complicated either you want to be with her or you don't duh we all know that and you know that so why are you not listening to what you know come on now y'all ladies help me understand why what do that desperation do to make y'all do the stuff y'all be doing like what is it is it societal pressure that is that pressurized that you forget and ignore all common sense until you hear somebody else getting read left to right top to bottom and then everything make common sense but then when you get in the same kind of different situation ship you doing the same type of stuff just it could be in a different way oh i don't see no video well yeah i threw a little singing on it look but i don't see no video though that's different that's totally different huh that video ain't got no std what you doing you catching that's nice buddy come here buddy [Music] man i like that outfit you going to sing tonight huh wow i like them shoes you guys don't come here let me see it wow look at this oh forgot his bow tie home man you looking good i like that you smelling good too you got some cologne on mommy sprayed me twice sprayed your try awesome will you have fun tonight mommy's gonna uh video the whole thing for you yes daddy huh that guy right there uh-huh he's in daddy daycare oh yeah he ain't daddy daycare yeah that's eddie murphy he and daddy daycare his name eddie oh yeah i'm gonna video for him because i got a coach a client at um six and so what you you you singing for the seniors yeah and uh okay t going yeah that's good we'll go pick them up uh speed training yeah with cooper oh okay awesome daddy don't forget to pick me in carlos on wednesday on wednesday i'll be there at two at two and two two that's when y'all get out yes two two something okay i'll be there okay are you gonna take this one i'm gonna take the sprinter so that way y'all can have a movie on or netflix and then we'll go to the place tell mommy about it she may she might put something no it's okay it'll be okay just one night i love you close that door all the way i got a you know being that it's not my son like recital or nothing for him it's just they got seniors and the seniors graduating tonight and so the first graders are what you call senior buddies they got senior buddies and so what we ticking did is um and ain't sharing this the bragger name my son senior buddy came to find out the boy name be buzzing for being a good kid so we gave him a scholarship you know just uh you know me and my wife gave him a scholarship um fifteen hundred dollars and then my son teacher her son getting ready to go to school go to college too he's a senior too and it came out his name be buzzing and he like my oldest son mentor so we gave him a fifteen hundred dollar scholarship to at least buy you know like a little couch or something for the dorm room or refrigerator and bed spreads or you know something some books for their um freshman year so the seniors graduating so the first graders singing tonight and i typically don't miss nothing like that but being that it ain't necessarily for my son is for the seniors my wife told me it ain't no big deal she was like you know he just got the same for the seniors just like a song or so so i got a coach client at six now see this the other thing wednesday i got a bunch of calls so everybody that's working with me wednesday you'll get a text from me to reschedule you the tools deal thirsty because my son need me to pick him up at two now when it's something like that that's directly for him about him and he'd ask me like four or five times i can't miss that so y'all forgive me i'm gonna have to move all everybody who i'm working with wednesday and if you happen to get this point of video that you already know that the text or the email coming and we're gonna work move it around okay and if we can't move it around then i'll refund you and and yeah i don't mind giving bike money losing money for my son i would have moved this here around tonight if my wife hadn't told me it ain't that serious now if it was like his choir recital i would have had to move my coating session tonight back so y'all forgive but hey y'all got to give him a life you know when i'm doing this right here and i can't turn my son away he come out that room smiling like that ain't got his outfit on ain't no work more important than your children that's one thing you got to understand especially when they need you when they need you to be somewhere you got yeah it worked kuwait you know what i mean now if it's something when you absolutely got to be there it ain't that big of a deal to them because he if he if it means something to him he gonna ask me about it it's right here don't and he knows for his buddy so he's not saying daddy can you come now if he would have said daddy can you come daddy are you coming all right everything council like he said wednesday wednesday i got four or five calls ironically my wife was telling him like listen your daddy got to work cause she don't like asking me to miss work for stuff but when when it came to me i said listen uh all that could get canceled all that good accounts yeah it's sixteen hundred dollars worth of phone calls forever coaching sessions but hey all that could get council for my for my baby boy or or for my sons either one of them so i want y'all to understand that you know and the other thing too what i want y'all to grab pick up what i did put down is when when when you get to a position to where you could be a blessing to people randomly and it ain't got to be fifteen hundred dollars like when i graduated a billionaire gave me a check for 250 do you know as an 18 year old man that 250. was the largest gift that i got in 2002 that's when i graduated from high school and that 200 all felt like 2500 based on inflation it might not by be 2500 you know that's 19 years ago and so listen you know listen so listen let me know yeah why are we doing the hill thing don't just get what we talking about relationship pick up the lesson from mary well you said i mean pick up the lesson from everywhere because everything could teach something you know when you when you working you're on a laptop you work from home and your child come up happy and their child want to talk and you snapping on your child and i don't work i'm busy don't do that don't do that that's your children that work that that don't mean nothing i don't care who you working for your boss kiss your behind and you excuse that right though but that's that's what they can have okay when it comes to yours when it comes to your children okay it just they it ain't like you're saying don't work the rest of the year no they just want to talk to you for a little bit you could pick back up what you doing after that i understand that now back to this right here we didn't win over an hour so listen i told you this right here might be two hour i got a coach at six so now if i talk till six that mean i got to talk for out i'm coaching i don't talk the whole hour that's three hours straight work that'll be that'd be my work today you said it'll be so it's not that i work non-stop i got other work to do i need to send it set up an email for the email to go out tomorrow about the growth group if you don't know about the growth group it's on and it's a group coaching experience to where we have monthly calls and i'm gonna be just adding all kind of resources and stuff in there i'll be interviewing people on zoom and putting the zoom interviews in there and get that knowledge in there for you you know and just life love and business just building you as a whole person where i'll be your life coach so instead of you spending 400 a month if that's not affordable then you could be in this right here for something that's affordable but yet still be growing as if you're working with a life coach one-on-one every month so that's what the growth group mastermind is about it's on so i'm gonna send an email out tomorrow to the rest of the students so gonna get spot you looking beautiful baby who made that shirt who made that shirt [Music] it looked nice now hey be good and then uh don't be holding on extra conversation now hey bye because the way you looking hey uh she's going well well i mean gotta add lil cause she be a little what i be telling her i'm like listen just cause it's gonna be mostly white men and nothing don't mean nothing girl you look good the air race don't be right here holding my car i'm saying the conversation that for me don't be right here talking man they trying to come up strike up conversations no play but she doing good yes he doing good this is going good no i won't be like that really but i did hey hey hold on y'all talking a little too long play but you john you scratching up to my conversation now going back to business now listen to me back this right here what we talking about the the lesson number one the first line we come into five years and six months of abstinence when you decide to be abstinent that ain't no off and on thing i've coached so many women and when i say so many meaning more than one two is too many but it's been more than that that said i was abstinent or i was a virgin and i decided to sleep with a man and i caught this right here std or i got pranked on the first time or on the second time or on the third time and i'm like man and what that says to me is when you know better the price you pay is much greater the fact that you had decided to be abstinent already shows that you know better a woman who don't know better abstinence won't even cross her mind she hopping on aeropoles she get the opportunity because that ain't crossed her mind cause that's not her religion that's not her belief system she ain't never been told that she don't think that mean nothing she don't think that it's anything wrong she called it casual uh she think it's such thing as agile she just the loss in the sauce pray for but listen when you know better and you say you know what hold on quick commercial break now you take you taking you know better and then you get on your bike listen some stuff some calamity coming now this right here she didn't mention no calamity but so you've been graced because you went five and a half years a lot of people who say they're abstinent they don't even make it a year you you blessed if you make you good if you make it a year you went five and a half years so i feel like you got some grace on your life that god's saying listen i know that ain't you i know you want better i know you want to be perfect before my eyes i'm not gonna let this alter your life for good but guess what happened if you take your grace for granted eventually that grace will not be granted and you're gonna get up pregnant or with something that you cannot get rid of it's very real so you got to understand and learn that from the people who have already lived through it and trying to help others on my that's trying to help you they're trying to tell you listen i contracted this right here i contracted this right here i have i'm a single mother who daddy don't do nothing for the kids or the child listen to me if you got the wherewithal in the strength to close your leg then keep your legs closed there's no expiration date on that until you marry because if you don't thoroughly vet this man and make sure that this man is your husband and make sure that this is the man you supposed to be with then you could be lying on your back for a fly by night man for a man who came in your life for a reason or season but he is not a lifetime and so you are risking your life risking your future altering your life altering your future for somebody that is not for you so when you make a decision to be absent remains absent and whoever don't like it whoever don't like it that mean they're not for you see the the person for you fingerprint gonna unlock your heart they fingerprint gonna unlock your heart because it's a unique print that only they got so that person the person that's for you it's gonna unlock your heart that don't mean i'm not saying there's one person in the world but any one of the people that you could hit it off with that you could make it work with they're gonna be able to unlock your heart without unlocking your legs they gonna be able to unlock your mind without unlocking your legs so when you decide to be abstinent now if you don't believe in abstinence you know you you don't believe in sin you don't think fornication is a sin you don't think anything is wrong with sleeping with somebody outside of marriage okay to each their own god let's go ahead about you better all right talk to them let me know how that go but when you know better you got to do better and you got to stop falling for this and then listen stop playing yourself stop playing yourself if you know this person is not for you you know this person's not good for you you know this person got somebody or even if they ain't got nobody or they say they ain't got nobody but they're not doing you right and they're not treating you like you are there somebody like you are their priority like you are the main thing if they're not doing that for you then going by your business because you're wasting your time and you giving your life away and it's somebody that it will be all about you it's somebody that not going to be hollering by day in a relationship but it's complicated so let me keep giving you a little side loving and keep putting this thing on you and keep sending them nasty videos because what i mean is complicated but it ain't complicated enough for me to up and lead a butt but i'm gonna keep dragging you along and using you and playing you because i know although you acting tough the longer i talk to you the closer you finally get to sending some more than videos so i can keep the revenue coming in on this site where i'm uploading your videos that you see what i'm saying come on now we got to do better we got to do better hey my wife just text me i'm going to see what she's talking about just in case it's some serious but she know she called me for some serious but i'm tired i'm tired i'm drained anyway i don't talk for an hour and 12 minutes i got to go y'all let's listen to him again listen this three four five times just just just just just beat them braves with this just pat that scout with this hill message just let that message y'all know how y'all be doing just let that message do this here till it just seep all the way in there so they get in there to where anything that looked like this anything that sound like this anything that loosely resembled this run run if it ain't pure healthy whole y'all ain't exclusive building same mindset run because otherwise you're going to end up diseased or with a child out of wedlock point blank pure eye hey it's on the gas and god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 23,176
Rating: 4.9654536 out of 5
Id: np60gdSOp6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 7sec (4387 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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