THE TENT. DEER CAMP 2020. "The Movie". The Minnesota Deer Season Opening Weekend.

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back it's time to head up to the tent for the Minnesota 2020 deer hunting opener originally uh Sarah was going to drive up to The Farmhouse this morning and we were going to take off together uh but at that time it looked like Monday night into Tuesday the weather was going to get icy um you saw what the weather is going to be like 68° up there today that's like that's got to break the record uh it's going to be upper 50s middle to Upper 50s here all the way up until Monday and then the bottom kind of drops out Tuesday or Monday night it will get cold and then Tuesday will I think there's a high is in the low 30s so a little bit different than what we've had the last few years Sarah's going to drive up herself she'll get up there she's going to try to get up there between 1 and two today uh Zachary is going to be driving up today and I think he said he's going to be there between 2: and 3 I'm sure my dad is already on the road headed for the cabin so it's all the regular people in deer camp except for my Dad's friend Wayne who always usually hunts with him uh due to the fact of this stupid virus crap going on he is going to stay back doesn't really seem like deer hunting without a few patches of ice on the road I'm wondering if the lake is still froze over I mean it was it was cold for a long time up there know well everything looks good in here I think I'm still going to start the wood stove just uh just one round to kind of warm it up in here cuz it's in the 40s in here right now and it's much warmer out here [Music] so if you guys didn't watch the last video when I was up here it was so cold that I had to take all of the canned food out of here and bring it back home because everything would have froze and exploded so uh that was kind of my excuse for coming up last time I will always get a whole bunch of questions in the comments about why don't I take any of this out everything that's in jars here is uh dehydrated there's no liquid in there I have to take everything liquid that I know is going to explode you don't have to take out fruit juices and stuff like that but all the canned goods any uh pop or soda or beer all that has to come out you can leave wine that will not freeze and explode over the winter but um that was the first time I ever had to do that take everything out before deer hunting and now look at it we're going to get almost 70° today for is well I think I'm going to run over to the folks cabin and uh grab my four-wheeler and bring that over here I was going to replace that solenoid because when I got the four-wheeler they sent that with the four-wheeler and the winch wasn't working and I get underneath here one of the cables going to the winch popped out of its little thing if I push it in here huh glad I didn't go through all that trouble that thing is in there and it's metric and I don't have any metric wrenches up here [Applause] [Music] I'm going to run down to my fire stand before lunch here I got a couple things I want to do the deer hunting up here is open for two weeks and three weekends and you guys have been through this with me before uh you know that this drive is going to be totally different by the third weekend it's going to be cold and there's going to be snow well that's where George Goes in I haven't talked to him for a little bit here and he said that they were going to maybe come up last weekend I'm sure I'll be texting with him later today I wonder if he saw any scrapes back there or if he had any deer on his cameras [Music] without snow on the ground it's really hard to find this spot until you already have tracks there so I brought one of these up so I'll see you in the morning and I'll know right where to park I'm just coming back here to push that roof up above my stand which it looks like it's already went up so so it's uh I just wanted to make sure nothing was broke on it well I'm back to the tent I did not spend much time in there at all I'm just wondering if that Lake's going to open up today that's some pretty dark ice well Sarah texted me at about 10:15 and said she was on her way so that'll put her up here anywhere between 2 and 2:30 depending on if she stops or anything my dad made it up and uh he said it was 42 degrees inside his [Music] cabin I wanted to look back to last year and see what the temperature was when we showed up [Music] here so I got here today at 9:10 in the morning and it was 58.5 out and 47.1 in Sarah and I arrived last year at 11:30 in the morning it was 32.8 outside you and got to come out together and get it the next day on the 9th it was 17.1 outside I guess I can't 10.4 de outside for the 10th 14.9 on the 11th oh I was up here for a lot of [Music] days needless to say the weather is a lot different this year what do you want like see your wife you help me out $17 I just grabbed the SD card out of this front camera here it only has a few pictures on it it's only been a couple of weeks but it's kind of a pretty picture of the Sun look at that bird right there a raven that's kind of neat oh I got a text from Zachary uh um almost 45 minutes ago and he was I'm just about an hour away so it won't be too long and he'll be here and Sarah she said she was going to TT to me when she got to the same place that Zachary that's before The Dead Zone with cell phones and I haven't got anything from her yet and let's see she left at she should be getting there about now she's probably about an hour away too come on in D I saw yeah it's breaking up a little there wasn't that little spot in the middle it's yeah I walked out to both STS oh you did you went to the other one also I to one oh yeah and so if anyone ever who wants to sit there any sign at all then went to town there wasn't no scra but there was two you can see that they in front that stand oh they did so they went out that trail yeah I don't want to mind I this oh you y it's so is it not it's 69 it's ridiculous but what I didn't there was some Fresh Tracks know here and there oh there was that's I don't know but the crown out to was nothing in that trail oh there was and there was even a little snow there but so I'm going to go back take off and spray it you the morning I'm only going to wear jeans with underwear and H with the orange one right it's going to be 45° or something in the morning and that's all and I'll just bring my coat with me right and I have on my shirt only you know because my big blanket is still out there so I can slip it on if I have to right right it sounds like the supposed to be from the south I think yeah but I don't think it's supposed to get windy windy until Sunday yeah but but I think to tomorrow it's the South and then eventually changes to the West if it's from the south that'll be good to come across you here yeah how does that work if wasn't bread either you know that was good that wasn't so yeah hard your person have to read the concentrate yeah y y and you won't hear them either now you know no you're just going to see them that's it so okay you want home hey come on in makeal delivery for Mr Jo Jen what a bottle of Co Jo Jen any sign by yours when you were up last week or you know I well I had a trail camera out by where Tom his and then at my stand um I think on the was it the 15th and the 19th there was a d by Toms oh there was and so two dos showed up and then on my camera on the 19th there was a dough and on the 23rd there was a Sixpoint Buck at 2:30 a.m. you know the dark right but that was it I mean just two pictures on each huh so I think it's going to be a really tough yeah I think it will be too between the you know several bad Winters we've had and then the Wolves there were fresh we pulled in and you know go heading back there uh towards our stands and there were four or five wolf tracks on the road I mean one of those guys was really was monster so they're around too yeah hey Zach and they were coming from that direction hit the main road and then headed off and then we uh Steven was with we had the four-wheeler and then we went all the way back to his bar stand so we're back there again um although earlier this summer it was so narrow you could only get a four-wheeler and now it's wide but I didn't see any tracks going back there and I always thought that when them I always like to get to my stand early because then I figured those guys would go to their stand and push them across that swamp right because I remember the first year I was hunting there we we I don't know if it was him and I or me and Sarah walked back there and they had like one of them little seats that just fold onto the tree that was just put up there yeah remember and that was like right across the swamp me so I figure if they're hunting there they would push them yeah but I haven't seen a deer on that stand for a long you know quite a while but there're still trash and you just never know him right and I really up there where my dad hunts and then where I eventually hunt and usually shoot the deer um I like that later in the season when it gets cold they seem to move in there yeah but who knows yeah I mean of course you could think there's nothing there and in an instant you know boom shows up and your season's over I'd almost hate to shoot it deer Saturday or Sunday because it's so damn warm think the same thing what do you do you have to go get ice or something or what you know I think well I guess tonight it's supposed to be like 40 you know I mean I think a deer could hang for a couple days be fine you know yeah long as you're getting on into those low 40s hopefully and yeah tonight I think is the I passed on you know little six-pointers and stuff and of course last year I was the only one that saw a buck and I let him go you know right early and I said well this year I'll you know if I see a legal Spike gone up you know might as well shoot yeah cuz Tom's going to come up he's not staying with us cuz he's uh you know he's got that uh uh medical condition where you know he just has to be careful right so he's going to drive up from his cabin oh at marble and then hike in and then we'll chat on the walkie-talkies a couple times in the morning and then he'll drive back and he'll do that if he gets something you know he'll show up and and help him and right and stuff but uh he said no I just you know I can't really risk and Steph works in the hospital so oh yeah you know he he took a test a week ago cuz he started he woke up he had kind of a runny nose and that's one in the hospital I think every time he goes in every day when he when he goes in they have to do like a little questionnaire any of these symptoms and runny nose was one of them and so he got that rapid test but it was negative was it and that well George just left he's actually outside talking to Zach right now I've got to leave cuz Sarah she should be getting there right about now [Applause] what's up you made it hi how was your ride up oh pretty easy there's a lot of traffic though was there a lot of people going north especially like when I first got on 35 it was just like wall the wall people this morning I was like oh since I'm not riding up with Dad I won't have to sit in a cold tent for an hour I don't have to anyway I started to still once today just because it was a little chilly when I got here still 76 degrees outside hey who made this somebody sent that to the po. box and um it didn't have a name on it oh so I mean unless he owns the company that did it yeah so yeah I just put that up last time I was up here that's cool yeah it is it's a nice sign yeah no it's not so it comes out jeez wonder if there used to be a stop in there or something at one time you just come out so far and that's good yeah go ahead and get her try think Eco throttle on [Applause] there a long time since I heard her run I'm going to check the uh nice so all the rest of these are just summer ones you must wasn't me I didn't come up with well maybe 627 maybe oh yeah maybe I I did drive in there with the four-wheeler yes I did yep cuz I wasn't sure when I went down that Hill I've never seen that thing and all you're getting is leaves right now it's a lot of that's on the same day that's the problem when the leaves start mov I get the same problem up here with my the cameras so there's none on there from like winter when I go back to there's one there's an ear in there it looks like a little one oh it's eaten it is a little one a what it's touchcreen wow does it have spots on it spots yeah cuz that was on January or July 2nd the little thank you tracks I see I think that was like the second weekend of keeps up and Jo up the wind guest so I'm surprised there isn't more pictures of anything there was a chipmunk I think couple more I thought it was like climbing on here right there it's a red SC is a chipmunk I think I've ever seen a chipmunk up here before right he kind of stuck his head in but if a deer is going by here it might not get him I don't think so oh well there he's dead there's a deer does it have this was 1025 yep yeah it does oh yeah it does look at that that's actually pretty nice ni one two three four so yeah I don't know if it has a brow TI in there so I don't know if you guys can see this but this was taken on the 25th of October there's a deer back here and if we Zoom it in you can see one two three four points on this side can't see if there's a brow time but I'm sure it has the same on on the other side maybe's got smart idea was that the last see was that oh was that the last picture it took think got man I talk to him first yeah that was the last picture that it took H Zach and Sarah are going to walk down uh earlier I think when I was up here for opening fishing or one of the times that Melissa and I came up here I went out to his stand with my dad's four-wheeler and I pulled one of the cameras but and then Zach told me that there was another camera so I went back out there and that's this one here that we just looked at well I just took his other one back and shoved it um on a tree out here just on the end of the driveway and they're going to go grab that still 67° there's that Beaver right there for well that's some pretty cool shots of that Beaver out there two of them actually I want to get these taken off of this camera ah my I think Zachary and Sarah went over to my folks's place and are visiting with my Dad I'm just sitting here filling out the journal and uh George texted me and said I was going to show you this at the tent but then forgot this guy was in Steven's front yard Steven is George's son a couple days ago 12o non-typical would be nice to see him on on the stand I'm not even going to tell you what I wrote back but look at this thing now that's a nice deer just making sure you actually saw that that's a big old boy there you know I was looking at this and when we were talking earlier about the temperatures up here that was the 2018 season so let's see so when I showed up here it was 32° in 2018 deer hunting 2019 when I showed up Sarah and I showed up here at the tent at 1:18 in the afternoon and it was only 16.2 de outside and only 17.6 Dees inside and then today when I showed up it was 58.5 wow I think I'm just going to cook up dinner and people can eat whenever they want to eat be easier than doing it when it's dark the whole time I can hear a chainsaw going way across the lake and that's got to be George he said he was cutting up firewood today and then they were going to split [Applause] some Zachary said he's pretty excited it's going to be warm out he hates sitting out there when it's cold getting a pretty simple supper today I'm going to do uh New York strip steaks baked potato and a veggie tomorrow for lunch we're going to have sausage and shrimp jumbalaya and probably tomorrow night we'll probably do pork steaks where yeah yeah you guys go inside and you does he have the stove going and Stu nice and there I'm just cooking up supper now you guys can eat whenever you want to eat okay do I have to do it all in the dark like you're going to have to do every other night so y hey I'm happy that we don't have uh daylight savings this year I know remember that well you tricked me here's this card blue one but you already got your yeah pop it in there and check it out see what it's got on there this truck comes by quite a bit that white one van that's even must be even before it snowed out because yeah yeah cuz last time I was up I didn't I don't think I did anything with it what's that is that a dog oh is a pointer seems like people like stop but it's just catching them perfectly dog there I brought up a chuck roast these are the steaks tonight pork steaks Chuck sticks a meat grinder for it really and then I I ended up with uh well we mixed like 5 lbs with like a pound of bacon cuz it's supposed to be really good yeah and then we mix the rest with like a pork roast a pork butt roast and uh ended up with a whole bunch of ground meat and then the outer loins I chopped those up into like little loin staks a little bit more like the VCR little oh yeah and yeah and it looks more real which makes it look fakey exactly it looky yeah y I think a good a good um investment for you dad would be a a small GoPro like what I have yeah and one of those uh gimbal handheld things what's uh what's that oh I like that it constantly keeps it level oh yeah but you know what I kind of seen that but I I don't like tomorrow when I go out to the deer stand I then take the other camera yeah because it's easier to work with my handic cam and that one you don't have that problem so I don't think I thought about that I remember searching about that and I thought I I'll use that but I don't think I would my KN my KN brother do well what in the world you running away from your brother for Sarah you really shouldn't be on your pH at supper time wow every you're having to get a different one of these and every year I can't because this is I've had this forever so I think we're all shooting 30 out six this year are we y okay that's good and I've got these ballistic silver tips that I like so much I got I ordered a bunch of them so oh cleaning kit for you thank you look you oh you're going to kill them they're going to kill have I think like one pack of them which I'm sure will be one too many for how right yeah I don't know how it's going to yeah I mean it's going to be warm out I mean it's it's going to be this well yeah it wasn't even supposed to get this cold tonight do you have a knife sack oh yeah I got that kit you got me oh yeah that's right so here's a just yeah make sure I get that one back I got this one here that George got me is that one from a while ago a couple of years ago yeah I've got I always wanted one of those but I've never really they're pretty cool they got really hard steel yeah okay so do you have hand you got hand warmers yeah okay so you're going to need yours will not have the flut Barrel does that have a smooth barrel yeah I think so right smooth on the outside right yeah yep that's the one yeah so let's make sure that it's unloaded yep so this one here you put the shells in and then you just put then you slap it cuz you have the flap door yeah that's how the 243 is too and it happens every year and it makes a ton of noise and I'm like so you could actually load that and put it in your case loaded just not in the gun oh yeah you know so you don't have to click around with that in the morning and then the safety on this is here okay and remember that's where your um 243 is in the back also yeah now Sarah if I shoot at a deer and it's off it's you okay you're the last one to that it was on when you shot it wasn't it already yeah it was good you go I don't even know why you guys are going in your stand cuz when I pull this out they all come to me feel like yes that's the gun I'm going to die by y That's right thing is in my case okay I just I don't bring my case out with I just took six shells and um I'm going to put one of the maybe it was probably not last year the Year prior it was super cold and it was like Sunday and uh I had my sleeping bag over my feet and then my this thing over my head and then I went underneath and I fell asleep and I po my head out it was light out really I was like oh no I missed some prime time I'm hang up on my GE outside I don't know I'm going to bring the jacket and stuff but I'm wondering if I should bring a vest or my over cover jacket probably just a vest I'm bring more than I need just because better to have that problem hi you guys had Burgers wow and Rosie was really liking the watermelon yeah I think it's CU it's all on cheek oh yeah has she been fussy [Music] today I think one time we put a we put them in bags with the dough estris smell yeah and that was a little strong yeah Sarah used to have one clipped on the back of the backpack and like Je get in the truck and like I remember that yeah you tell me this Lord Clayton how does a bankrupt King keep the whole probably not burning oil it's probably leaking oh yeah it's leaking a little oil from what the valve cover gasket no I don't know well maybe cuz it's like you know you have the part where all your spark plugs are yeah and the part like where you pour in the oil yeah it's like underneath the valve cover gasket okay how do you switch that out super simple is it well it's probably like $6 on Rock sir did you get with the the group chat and me asking what people I guess I should make my bed then okay everyone well we stayed up talking a little bit too late it's about 20 after 10 right now we have to be up at 4:00 Sarah Sarah it's 4:30 it's time to wake up so you can shoot at 622 today Sarah Sarah it's 4:45 it's time to get up4 cooler than what it feels like what's that 5 54 or whatever it is out there sounds a lot cooler than what it actually feels like we walk out there it feels pretty good yeah it does right but it's let's see it's 51 it's it's literally 70° warmer than it has been some days when we go up to the stand man that's just weird crazy I guess I don't need any lead shot for grows [Music] you won't have a trail to follow either but you don't pretty much right where to go good luck definitely not your typical Deer Hunter morning good luck thanks you too do you just sit in your car until it gets light out or no all right good luck we'll see you later oh there's my parking stick for for well it's a little bit after 10:00 right now probably head back to the tent pretty quick here maybe an hour ago my dad said he had three D walk by his stand one of them had a tracking collar on it George said they haven't seen anything and I haven't heard from Sarah or Zachary and they would have definitely I think messaged me if they had saw anything [Music] yep I did not see anything but it sure was a nice one I never even zippered up my jacket nope I didn't get cold once no I didn't I just most of the time I sat there with my gloves off [Music] [Music] that's last land w [Applause] you see anything my dad three do yeah one of them had a collar on it until he walked right by stand could have Easy Shot it that's cool I heard one maybe two shots I heard one and then shortly after I heard a second one but it was so far off it was hard to really hear it oh I heard that one that was off like that direction somewhere yeah it's pretty far away though I didn't hear any shots at all doc Adams the vision is Practically Perfect a that pip fancy for Marian clothes you for a wife yeah as I find her I'll be back for the you I don't know that we added meat to the jumala we added jum to that's mean look at they learn all that St from Cowboys to come in [Music] here I'm headed back out to my deer stand Sarah she's going to walk out to hers and leave in a little bit she said when Zach came out here he found the spot where they crashed my dad's four-wheeler I think it was right there nobody knew and Zach found the little hub for the wheel and you can see he said the tree where it smashed against there I just got out of my truck and there was a shot that sounded like it was way over and then Zach texted me and said that that shot sounded close um I don't know I said do you think it was grandpa but uh he hasn't got back to me yet for they definitely came out a little more tonight than they did this morning Sarah must have either walked back or got a ride with Zach I don't see her light out there anywhere that's crazy there like all things sushi for not I know when that's done that's done I know people can die from that well oh man I've been watching this one channel well I was watching some videos from it and um I think it's a Russian guy who runs it if not [Music] [Music] yeah I might as well just cook all four of them yeah [Music] War should I do with my extra water I just leave in the too you know they're like that is that weird just like that one weird that took a long time to start all right I think the pork steaks are done so I would say that this one is the most done this would be one that we most ala would love cuz it was the smallest and then the other ones are just regular the foods here here is always really good either that or she scared him away one of the two you were too slow you didn't even get Lee comes around hurt him over and lock him up sir if do tries to stop you I intended no offense why do you want to hurt me I want you that's why wait a minute Gentlemen let's have me know I'm going to bust youe [Music] do might okay everyone it's a little bit after 9:30 the wind is picked up a little bit tonight we're just about we're just getting things ready we're about to go to bed probably be in bed by 10: so 4:00 in the morning we'll come once again Sarah it's 4:30 it's time to wake [Music] up good morning everybody it's a couple degrees warmer than it was yesterday morning but the wind is picked up so it doesn't feel any warmer the skies are cryst still clear Sarah Sarah it's 4:45 it's time to wake up trap in some is this one yours or mine that must be o Zach's right behind me Zach is going to hunt this morning and then he heads back uh Sarah and I will be up here all day today all day tomorrow and then the morning hunt on Tuesday and then we'll head back and we'll see what the happens with the weather if Sarah has to leave tomorrow because it's going to get icy I'm really not sure what's going to happen between uh tomorrow and Tuesday for for well I'm going to have to leave the stand here in a couple minutes cuz Zachary has to head home that sun has some heat to it today but that wind is really picking [Applause] up like the small yearling and then what I assume would be mama and they when I looked up they were looking right at me really but then they kept walking the trail and where I normally walk in the mom was uh like kind of like looking at me I was still at this point but I was watching and then she went the little one The Yearling St by just getting there and the mom went all the way up almost to the road and then that's the way the wind was going so she smelled me and she blew and then she came back down and they cut across and went like if my stand's facing this way and here's the trail they went through the brush to the back oh they did yeah huh but they came down that did they come down the trail from straight yep they followed the trail right huh I wonder if they came all the way around from the swamp or if they came up I don't know if they went by your other stand I wish I would have been paying attention cuz I couldn't SE that right or there cuz I thought oh might as well and I did it three times and they didn't even seem to look at me really yeah huh the wind was blowing I thought well maybe they can't hear it that well it must not have scared them though they no if they did they didn't react at all never oh really huh wow so still have some cush but it's got yeah the foam and the air I don't know you didn't see anything out there nope seemed like a good day for it too yeah it did looks like most of the ice is off the lake now some of these Brill men are the victims of aimless Slaughter the rest I killed myself on top of the right there we just have to stop and come back in so I can run in there and Gra PA Sarah's going to go sit in Zachary stand tonight it's the warm out though it's ridiculous is well nothing today but I can't complain about how nice it was to sit on the stand I was out there in my tennis shoes yeah nice day uh we'll go pick up Sarah now and then she has to walk out to her other stand since she sat in Axe and get her backpack I don't know and I think a sleeping bag that was out there because it's definitely going to be raining I think night morning did you see anything no how about you no nothing no I don't think I heard anyone shoot or anything I heard a few shots about 4:00 but they a long ways away in different areas yeah I don't think they're in rut yet I mean with this warm or if they are they're laying low because I mean my dad saw Do's you saw or Zachary saw Do's um George's group saw and no buck following I mean bucks are stupid when they're in rut they just dancing around like stupid you know that's when you shoot them she's just running out to her other stand to grab her stuff and she'll be right back take the barbecue and cook up these chewy beef chuck steaks all [Music] right [Music] would be nice if it could be here you know yeah nice one back here [Music] I think this one should be done the other one was a little bit Frozen I mean they I hopefully it's not too rare I don't think so I like the medum rare So Alissa likes them well done I don't know how that let go 500 lb deal down here you go Sarah purple plums I'm glad you're sleeping out here and I'm sleeping in the bed with my door closed I mean you got to clean out your system somehow they're pretty [Laughter] good there's a second can if that's not enough for you then I'm might actually die what about me think about the other people hey you're in another room you're fine it's not even hard to eat this many plums so that's the whole can that's everything how many was it 10 10 are you going to drink the juice like a second I have my [Laughter] [Music] limits okay everyone it's just about 10:00 not really sure what's going to happen tomorrow with the weather but regardless it's time for bed Sarah Sarah it's 4:30 it's time to wake up oh it's another warm morning and there has been some rain like my truck has some drops on it but it's not raining right now Sarah it's 4:45 it's time to wake up pretty sure Sarah and I are the only ones that are going to be out today my dad's heading back home George said they're not going to come out if it's raining I think if I was a deer I would just stay underneath the tree today well I think I'm going to call it quits for the morning hunt here um we're going to have rain most of the day pretty much all day it's really going to rain hard according to what they're saying around that noon to two range we'll see and then the temperature is going to drop and like it was 50 or whatever this morning 50 something and it's going to be 20 by tomorrow morning so I'm not going to come back out to this stand tonight I am going to go out to my clearing stand and uh hopefully I'll do for this afternoon hunt and um tomorrow morning's hunt before I head home and hopefully the deer will start moving around if not I'll be back up here in a few days I texted Sarah and told her I'd pick her up so she'll be out here pretty soon [Music] yeah do we not have it on all night I don't think so we had it last night but I didn't have to start it this morning well I mean last night I put these paper plates in here and they didn't burn so oh it hasn't been uh it was out then well Sarah's going to head out today because uh winter weather coming in for tonight we just don't know when it's going to change from rain and Ice you know over to ice so she's going to take off right now was on the tree like behind you and it was that close to you yeah it was just like was it I should have tried to feed the squirrel some uh that was fun trail mag I totally had some it was raining too hard to do much we just got her stuff in there hugged and she's off I'm just going to drive up to the tire to make sure she gets out okay and then I'm going to just turn around there she goes [Music] [Music] so [Applause] I'm just sitting here looking at the hourly forecast and um for today there's like a 75% chance at 3:00 it's going to be raining and at 2:00 there's a 90% chance that it's going to be raining quite hard so we'll see now the rain has stopped for for right now and it's 11:34 uh but looking at tomorrow because I you know usually take off for the stand at 5: in the morning or 5:30 and at 6:00 in the morning see they said it's going to be a low of 20 but that was for you know overnight by 6:00 in the morning it's going to be 14° and at 8:00 in the morning it's going to be 13° and then it'll go up 16 19 22 I'm just going to you know hunt the morning and then I'm going to head out so I'll get the tent cleaned up today ah and but it's going to be a chilly morning it's going to be a slap in the face compared to this morning's 50 or whatever and yesterday is warm weather I just decided to bring all my deer hunting clothes in cuz they're sitting outside but they were damp and if they smell like the tent they smell like the tent tonight the wind is going to be out of the West Northwest which means it's going to be coming from my left side in that stand left side and this way which that's an okay way um of course the best is always at your face but uh it'll be it'll be all right that's usually where the wind comes in that one CU this time of year now the wind switches around and starts coming out of that north and west I really don't think I'm going to have to cook it all tonight because cuz I should I mean never once did we eat everything that we cooked so I should have a bunch of that uh chuck steak from last night I probably still have some pork steak in there might even have some jumbalaya left I don't know and I have these ham slices that I can have for lunch and stuff so I don't think I have to cook for lunch or for dinner [Music] [Music] I don't know it's almost 1:00 and it's really raining I wouldn't go out to the deer stand this afternoon if it's like this well it's about a quarter after 3 right now it's still raining like crazy out there all of this is still coming up over the Northeast part of Minnesota so I'll just have to wait till tomorrow morning it's going to be really cold in the morning that's I was hoping that this would quit cuz now the temperature's down to 41 and it's just slowly dropping and I thought this would stop and the deer would want to get out quick before it ends but now I kind of hope that it stays raining for quite a while and then in the morning morning when I get out there they'll be running [Applause] around I think I'm going to run the four-wheeler over to the folks cabin get it underneath that overhang so that it can kind of dry out before it freezes for the winter I just listened to the weather on the radio and they said tomorrow night here which is I got to get back for work so I'll be gone a few days before I'm back up but they um two toor is the snow that'll be exciting George he said he's going to be up here the whole pretty much the whole entire deer season so they'll uh be out hunting in that [Music] resp come door all right well these are all my scent free clothes these are my dirty clothes in here so I'm going to take a shower right now because if I don't get a deer tomorrow morning I have a hot date with Melissa at Buffalo Wild Wings in duth at noon so I wanted make sure I've showered and uh I like to shower with the scent-free soap before I hit the deer stand and I do like the uh that far clearing stand you just never know what might happen so like I said um it looks really good I'm so glad that it's that far along and now hello everyone and welcome back I'm just up here at deer camp okay everyone well that temperature is still dropping it's past my bedtime I'll see you guys tomorrow morning good morning everybody it has dropped now to 20.1 de and the skies are clear it's definitely a lot colder this morning than it was yesterday oh I think I got it down so once I get back here I only have about 10 minutes and I can be on the road time to head to the deer stand well everyone it's time for me to leave the stand it's just a perfect morning today too but I wish I didn't have to leave cuz right now the winter storm warning is in effect and it's 100% chance of like 5 Ines of snow up here tonight at The Farmhouse there a like 100% chance at 4 in and downward where I'm working tomorrow which is just south of the Twin Cities they're supposed to get between 5 and 8 in of snow so you just watch all that will happen and I will have to call work off tomorrow and I could have stayed up here another day but I can't chance it at least I'll be up here in about three more days and then it's everything's going to be different it's all going to be white when I stand up in my stand here I can see my dad's deer stand right there my mom just sent me a text she says hi Joe a dough and a 10-point buck just walked right by our patio isn't that about how it works for okay everyone well thanks a lot for watching those of you that watch the deer camp opener every year know that this is not the end this is uh just the start of the Season that Lake isn't going to look like that when I come up here in a few days I just got a text from George right when I was leaving and uh he's out there hunting and so is Tom and they haven't seen anything today either so um I just wish that I at least he's up you know maybe both of them for the whole week here so tomorrow morning hunt I just think that tomorrow morning and tonight with the upcoming snow is just going to make those deer move around I will see you guys on the next video
Channel: JoeandZachSurvival
Views: 537,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe and zach survival, channel, the, tent, canvas, wall, long, term, living, lake, cabin, minnesota, deer, season, hunting, extreme, conditions, family, tradition, camp, wood, stove, heat, rain, cold, snow, movie
Id: 2Fv7byGUkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 35sec (6335 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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