MATPAT APPROVED?! Testing Infomercial Products In Real Life!

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these seem to double or maybe triple as like as like caution pants never get run over again sona pants man every time I sit down I feel like I'm popping out of the back of the sauna pee when I started heating those puppies up no I'm just laying like oh don't worry there's a late there's a layer of of under shorter rules on under their weight not be able to do that what just happened did people actually hear into the microphone and we're all of a sudden we're just like a couple weeks ago probably more than that at this point because we've been doing a lot of traveling and not a whole lot of live streaming we were reacting to infomercials and I've made it clear over the course of these infomercial live streams that I grew up loving infomercials they're near and dear to Matthews heart he used to snuggle with them at night listen to them like bedtime stories and so we asked you guys which of the infomercials that we were looking at of the most ridiculous and goofy ones that we could find online which ones should we actually go out and purchase today we are testing out the first batch of products that we have here which includes fan favorites such as sauna pants that really awful tooth product that we had what was the tooth product named Herman a smile we've got some shampoo action I've got some shake weights hopefully we got some oxy clean we're getting it we're getting messy we're making mistakes like miss Frizzle and then we're gonna clean it up with the power of oxygen here we go okay excuse me I'm gonna go remove my by the just behind the curtain was your idea over there that's already been ruined by diet coke why don't you just go behind the oak don't like I don't think we should demonstrate Stephanie aren't you supposed to be telling people oh my god you kidding guys dream into a the first one is in the chat using hashtag you see I gotta put on the Bee Gees so you can also us up on twitter using ash make GG live where chris has drawn some amount weird amalgamation of a of a girl well I'm going to pant form yet I'm I'm kind of interested I mean just sauna toga right now more of a sauna toga this is just a terrible idea everything about this live stream just became both my terrible idea the best idea Stephanie these seem to double or maybe triple as like as like caution pants never get run over again sauna pants caution pants there's long pants and and and they also look like like they're careful don't tug them too they look they're very gentle they look really thick like maybe careful where you're putting your hands there feel like I'm allowed to touch my sauna pants wherever I feel like you're the one didn't you know I believe me I want nothing to do with your sauna pants right now this gentleman as you're considering whether or not these are these are a purchase for you I can I can honestly give you the female assessment of these these don't scream hey I really want to investigate these pants further in fact these are more of a warding off the females kind of pants I appreciate that but it's right here it's like a glorified belt buckle like a lady oh my god sorry is that us is the heat knob in your pants or you just happy to see people are gonna start pulling love the Luigi measurements on you so here's if you measure the Bulge of the smaller pants man every time I sit down I feel like I'm popping out of the back of the sauna P we're gonna start heating those puppies up no I'm just laying like oh don't worry there's there's a lay there's a layer of of under shorter rules on under there I might not be able to do these like normal no I swear the tips right I think this is the right way don't don't measure me based on this ball okay so let's uh let's go right not even one product let's crank up the side of pan see okay so the heat has been activated and I'm just you know I'm gonna go to maximum sauna right now I'm just gonna go up to max comfort oh jeez oh wow you just throw there all the way up oh there it okay are they getting hot fast I'll let you know in a second so while we wait for the for the sauna to arrive in Matthews and we should probably head on to the next item you just tell us what yeah when it's getting too hot okay the next one okay perfect smile so my teeth have been pre-prepared to some degree they are sitting over here on a nice on a nice paper towel all right let's stick these let's sink oh okay Oh oh my gosh you look like a I don't know if effect like a Halloween store mask already closed mouth oh oh man they are too low are you sure that I think there's a way that you could get them a little bit higher so that they would stick like maybe further up here I mean still I think like this or do you kind of the best case scenario and then cover it up with your lips still you got like you look like a half animatronic meanwhile I got to say update here even though I've got it cranked up to max Nava tude I'm you know it's it's still kinda like they're lukewarm I was expecting a bit warmer and also am I really getting a lot out of this pant not really just a lot of ball sweat like let's call a spade a spade here my undercarriage getting moist the rest of my body not so much really just giving you sweaty crotch yeah yes Wow look like I definitely got the better under this deal right like honestly and then couple that with the fact that I can't sit down without crossing my legs and exposing myself like imagine if I was sitting at home and I had company over but I wanted to engage with my sauna pants as you do something Jason give me a look why would you not want to engage sometimes you guess one engage with your hot pants and become put over your own home you didn't take actual Tupperware that we own right we can destroy this if we need to most too late it's already destroyed oh my god what's good this isn't our own Tupperware is that this is tough where you bought specifically for this use case no great thanks guys thanks for clearing this one on here we don't make a lot of money I have to be just getting in here okay really chest well you have flex tip we literally just got a new Tupperware set so thanks guys as you can see here I have been completely irresponsible with my employers Tupperware pretend I'm Chris pretend that I'm Chris okay I took my employers Tupperware and cut a hole in the bottom of it because I didn't think a lot of the best infomercial guys have Australian accent I can't do it all right I imagine I'm Chris and I have blonde hair and I've been really irresponsible with my employers Tupperware they just bought it now I'm about to get fired and I'm about to get fired don't get fired Lex take me Steph ahh oh that is really sticky Wow really thick what is this it's no it smells kind of it it is I really cut off a strip E of this okay someone once wrap masking tape you completely missed the hole what are you talking about she said it's all over the hole follow up in the hole I mean there's there's this little like crack right yeah who couldn't see that the water moment of truth for a flex tape test number one will it hold ready covering up Chris's irresponsibility oh look at that ladies know what you have right whoa whoa are you flexing I'm flexing at somewhere no I'm flexing the tape nice I'm not getting I'm not getting to any fluids I'm trying to stick the ground I'm trying to like twist the tub yeah dry trying to like see if the Tupperware will like get to a position where it'll leak or anything no nothing dry is the Mojave under there you guys Wray as a bone here's that hole it's really hard to tell with us it's really hard to tell when it's clear so as the commercial shows you can actually tape it from the inside when it's still wet right so that's what we're gonna try to get here okay and you guys told me to do it with diet coke oh man ready zoom in on that what a shame that all of this diet coke is going to waste I also like that you did it at the very top of the top of the Tupperware well as if there's no chance okay here we go Freddie you're wasting the entire two liter oh it's sorry to fill out go go go go yeah no you got slap it in there slap it in this is what we do I'm trying to slap wait where is the hole that's what you said so anyway okay okay there we go did you bear look ma touch look I patched it I patched it it's patched there's nothing coming out the work yeah I think it did actually I think it totally worked we literally wasted the entire tick see this is just this is just sad I don't think we're supposed to use the whole thing do you want to just laugh it out of there please pan away from that the big final demo of the Flex tape commercial is the fact that he slices the boat in half and then patches the boat back together with the Flex cape and then sails it on the ocean so obviously or awake oh wait we're by wait are we going to go sailing on the ocean it's gonna sit right here ladies and gentlemen to tune in tomorrow when we will have finally completed our photo should we do this from the inside look at all this wasted flex tape here hold up what the heck are you doing fixing damn look at how good this is I mean that an accurate representation of the infomercial would be someone like a trained product specialist making this thing look beautiful this is how mote this is like what you see on Pinterest versus what you do in real life there it is ladies and gentlemen my Flex tapes fixed Tupperware just one plastic there we go this is gonna work like a charm it's not even making contact all the way around how do you do here it is my janky Tupperware three two one oh man oh oh oh no Matthew Oh see what happens see what happened happens you're not neat and tidy with your Flex tape look at that just popping out all over the place and you double sided it too right I don't know man this has nothing to do with my application accumulating in the bottom two you can see it slowly like taking the tape off oh yeah oh it's just like a dam that's gonna burst this has nothing to do with my lackluster application of the product I clearly clearly that said everything to do with the fact that the product just failed me in this instance no I don't think this is a product failure I think this wasn't Mathew failure because this user error yeah this may yet we have our diet coke soaked rag the last test no guys wait you guys went and intentionally stained a bunch of stuff is this art these are washed clothes why do some of these yeah wait this is our washcloths no it's sriracha what's not right it's Roger like so bit hotter like some mix of hot sauce like it oh yeah it's the sauna pants yeah that's my that's my pubic hair fire Stephanie giving up on this life Oh dirt doesn't he usually stir it with something all right well you can't be an animal now stir it a door baited by the what powered by the water we drink okay oh so night you're massaging it more than stirring it it's there it is and I'm mixing up everything it's so gritty and grainy in there oh I'm also stirring the bowl and bada-bing bada-boom soggy and slightly brown I was gonna say is it is it white is that white whitish it is whitish wait maybe if I you wring it out it's gonna bring out to be perfectly white maybe maybe I need to agitate it a little bit more huh Oh actually it didn't come out pretty white stop it Wow actually that's okay I mean for Lana I'm kind of surprised for limited amounts of effort that I put into cleaning this thing that's actually pretty good all right all right to line one yes so it's so it was the perfect line one okay step again oh I try it's a swirl I don't know the gentle hi Dorothy had managed to get it your mother show me how to do it Billy Merrill you just swirl it around in your hand I like that we couldn't get any clear bowls or larger bowls or anything for this test we didn't want to buy any really help okay here we go Ian there it is okay we'll bring it out secondly I know cuz right now it doesn't look so good all right no that's look at that look at the other side oh oh man maybe I maybe you need to rub it in a little bit okay trend is all of it get it to bubble up a little bit it's all gritty in there all right this clearly has worked makes your whites whiter and your brights brighter so this was sharpie Chris is like wow that actually did really yeah that one's own did not don't did not really come out so well here here we have we have mud mud also we also weren't able to get out all the mud I think we still got some I hope this is really much oh sorry that might be the dirt one Stephanie it is a very very subtle difference but very important okay Chris's want to remind us maybe dirt did better than no I don't know I can't tell this is these are still looking a little staining to me and then this stinky one that I really don't want to handle with the sriracha yeah the sriracha is not doing too hot sriracha this is if you if you spill the sriracha on yourself if you had just a spicy messy time this is really not gonna help what the argument was that this is diver Shamu Iver chamois is going to be better than ShamWow oh they and they are different that's they are this is already really interesting so the ShamWow this just feels like self yeah the ShamWow it's just like a glorified piece of film where this is a whole different material it's kind of rubbery yeah it's really hard it when it's dry or really hard I so as a swimmer I use these all the time I think they are the best most absorbent like material on the planet and they're also the most reusable so even if this doesn't pick up more than ShamWow the first time you can use this endlessly so let's just test out Jam well see how it does it's better be amazing whoo oh it is very absorbent oh look at that Wow I didn't have to go over a section more than once no huh Wow it really did pick up all of that Wow I'm actually I'm surprised way impressed with especially how's this Aaron literally felt like it feels it's just what else so we're just gonna fold it up and like drop it in okay here we go so this is the classic sham test you just stick it in a bowl of liquid and it sucks it all up ready it's not gonna get all up there's no way that it's exit our okay which one's gonna suck up more then we we have tested them so that way they are both the same size yeah okay Stephanie contends that the diver chamois is the more effective absorbent material so I did say at the beginning though that I think this is the infinitely more reusable of the two like you can wring this one all the way out to completely dry where even if you ring this one out it's never going to get to completely dry okay there we go that ready I think it's absorbed yeah okay so let's let's start off by seeing how much Oh more Oh ShamWow Samwell got more Wow definitely absorb more it definitely seems that way ring both of these out and see which one actually rings out to dry so that you would actually want to use it again okay that's the thing or anywhere see I think mine's going to ring out much faster and much more completely and you're gonna be like oh I would much rather use this one here let's see okay I mean this is pretty dry I'm I'm incredibly impressed by this actually if I do just a real quick ring down don't lean this way this way this way I mean they're okay Oh yours is more rubbery mine's more rubbery and but it's but it's like really dry to the touch just completely you're good here it's like really dry we'll do it we'll do one more for the Kendra ah okay let's drop off and then squeeze alright whatever you got in there okay yeah this is squishy ah there you go bring it all in I am surprised I'm so impressed by the ShamWow I really highly impressed me I don't think it would be any contest to tell you the truth but actually it is okay about like it's slightly under 200 milliliters line is that it's almost exactly 2/3 of a cup so uh yeah well and let me pour my back is mine mine is exactly 2/3 of a cup you can see it there yep look at it for yourself and now pour yours into mine and you can see how much it measures up whoa it's yeah it's four quarters of a cup oh it's yeah every corners a little bit don't ignore the foam so yeah sham Wow sham Wow beats the diver chamois in absorbance in absorbency but maybe not so much in right now test well it so it makes sense right why you would want this as a towel that you're gonna like you is that like a swim meet or something so you can just wring it out and use the exact same thing again whereas this guy if you're looking at cleaning up a lot of really big spills this is like yeah like furrow cleaning a car or anything like this super you know what I would say all of the products that we've used so far ShamWow is the one that I'm the most impressed with really they're competing competing with sauna pants they're compete with sauna pants Wow I'm gonna say I approve of the ShamWow I am really impressed with it - hey I like that you just flashed it up for like three seconds the Euro club it is a real product it is a real thing the whole point of this product was so that way you could go to the bathroom in the middle of your golf game you'll notice wow this is an unusual-looking Golf Club well yeah that's because it's not actually a golf club it's disguised as a golf club it is actually a urine tube in here so the concept goes that you attach the you know the hand dry towel in most in most circumstances it would be the hand dry towel applying to your waist and then you know open up and and relieve yourself into your club thusly like this it is a hole with which to receive your urine hopefully it's enough okay so you know yeah it's for cost-conscious we bought it used so that you effing kidding me the lower half of the towel will now function as a privacy shield oh yeah here we go oh yeah really Chris can you pan down so we can get the view those are everything is looking really good here they'd all fluff it's coming up I'm now going to insert this water bottle under my pass under my Lillian cloth but in front of my pants and then port okay tell me that you're not noticing what's going on right now oh look at me just warming up the club should be like up against a bush oh yeah oh that that bunker on the 19th 18th hole is really rough isn't it that sand trap out Keller yeah no man I I guess what I'm saying god I've got a nice birdie in that last one yeah great ready drumroll please three two one look at that oh wow look hold the top it is and I'm let's see let me swirl it you swore my club let me swing my club around me jangle my club it's like a shake weight I think it might be eating perfect smile over there this is this it works it worked really well here's my assessment of Europe here this is this is right oh no no no no don't do it oh don't no no it's Oh God oh jeez ha ha as chase very says on Twitter the yellow D monetization sign is coming hey guys and thank you so much for watching this ridiculous episode of GT live if you want to see the uncut goodness well then click the box to the left or if you want to find where we found out about these products check out our other livestream where we reacted to crazy infomercial zombie the Fox right and remember it's you yes you want to subscribe to the GT Live archive channel to not miss a moment well you can do that right now for the low low price of absolutely free just click that button you see on screen
Channel: GTLive
Views: 394,957
Rating: 4.9604998 out of 5
Keywords: infomercial, flex tape as seen on tv, reaction, as seen on tv, matpat approved, infomercials, gtlive reacts, try not to laugh, challenge, flex tape test, flex tape, react, funny infomercials, testing flex tape, gtlive matpat, trying as seen on tv, trying infomercial products, gt live, try not to laugh challenge, funny commercials, react to, commercial, try not to cringe, cringe, compilation, gtlive, try not to laugh gtlive, gtlive try not to laugh, infomercial compilation
Id: K6LsxE3u6YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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