Work that BUMP, Baby! | Pregnancy Workout Challenge

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this is a variation oh yeah okay make sure your daddy needs the Deline into his quadriceps I think this may be my guys don't don't carry babies evolutionarily they tried that out [Music] daddy needs the stretches Handy's get out of the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live that's right it's not live so that if we really mess it up in this episode we can edit it out later it's also not live because we're busy dealing with this yeah hopefully when this episode airs there will be a little less of this and a little more of this except if people chew were a baby but if you look like that'd be pretty cute that's what birth produce it yeah large peeps man if only it was that kind no then be awesome also because these are not live who knows when we filmed them but based on context clues you might be able to figure out what this one was filmed relative episode I scraped my nail polish off anyway and like that you still showed off your nails though I still got the glitter on this one as if people could see that so today so today we're filming while we are getting ready to prepare for the birth of our new our new little dude which is really exciting but the process of being pregnant and and being just enormous as a person can be pretty tiring but you know what helps I don't stuff cuz I've never had that experience I hadn't either I had to discover it on my own and what is health Stephanie ah besides waist bands that support your protruding stomach a lot of stress and a lot of spandex and also exercise exercise actually helps you while you're pregnant it's true there are lots of videos on YouTube about at moving like old life I bet this is a bunch of mommy bloggers being like look at how fit I am no no it's not that's not the experience that you don't you don't feel like you're very fit but it does help and actually this helped a lot it helps to to move your body helps to to shift the weight all over the place so that's what we're gonna do today is you're gonna do some exercise does he work out in the stomach with you yeah he does his little Jazzercise it's water aerobics in there but that's okay he like doing punch punching in there like locate just regularly anyway but so what we're going to do is test out some yo some yoga and fitness moves for pregnancy if you are not pregnant you can still play along it's actually really fun a lot of them are really relaxing and they just help you kind of Zen out and if you happen to have a larger belly on you anyway and you're not pregnant it's good for that too and I'm here to be a supportive husband you're here to participate my friend yes yes that too I I can do easy yoga no I think you're not quite prepared to participate in the state you're in though for today I realize that for today I realize they don't know we got a herd Jeanette okay what were you gonna say for today I realized that Matthew is not quite in in pregnancy shape here we got a we got a beef him up a little bit if you know what I mean so I got you I got you a little gift is it my pregnancy belly yeah and to make sure that you have plenty of padding and support around it we also brought you a little pregnancy suits gonna give us demonic sensor this completely sensor complete with boobs which are no sensor I think these are probably what you would end up with in real life so I looking at a good size here supportive bra strap these on and then you'll be ready for your pregnancy workout okay here oh you're looking awesome you're looking awesome here just oh oh wait here nope no here if we just pull this up pull this up there you go and we have to make sure that it straps on around there you go you guys might recognize this from the Twitter post we did announcing that we were having a baby this is Matthew's official pregnancy outfit right ah even I mean I appreciate that it even comes with like this surrogate outie belly button right here oh it does that's nice okay you're pregnant it's also sticking out your belly button wow that is really I think you've got me you've got me beat here I'm like you in three weeks here we go who wore it best there it is okay good okay so take me through because it's really things do you wanna let some of the air out of that no Stephanie I'm not gonna let how dare you ask me to take out some of my baby I love all eight pounds of here oh my god you got a 12-pounder there okay you sure you don't have twins I might okay it sounds like we're talking about like bass and we're fishing you got a 12-pounder there got a loach okay sorry I'm sorry forgive me if I'm feeling myself up I'm really just looking for a place to put my microphone thank you heart totally squeezing your own boobs I mean as a man honestly like guys I'm sure if guys suddenly had breasts they wouldn't anyway TMI anyway so what what videos have you picked out so we have two videos to try today the first one should look pretty familiar I thought we'd ease into it by working out with a friend a friend who we actually know in real life you probably know her - its Cassey from Blogilates she actually partnered up with another channel to do a six-minute pregnancy workout so not not too long not too strenuous that's about what I can handle I've been I've been working out through my whole pregnancy so I'm hoping that I fare okay but we'll see because this might be really intense it's a hiccup oh man you actually do hate that hairy shady that's very very very odd anyway so we're gonna start out with a little with a little work out with Cassie about it great just as a side note before before any of this baby stuff started well just hurl something at me did you just throw did you throw this remote at me Chris no I threw it at the couch and nailed it by the way why did you throw this at me so you could have the remote if the volume needed to be you could have hit my unborn child Chris or my another unborn child anyway what were you gonna say step so before this whole baby thing started I actually used to try to get Matthew to do Blogilates workouts with me and occasionally he would say yes but it was such a bad experience for him and it was so hard that I couldn't really get him to do them very often dislikes I'm not a big fan of planks Cassie is pretty hardcore so I'm excited to see what she comes up with for this one likes it rough okay go shall we go do it all right yeah I think you have to hit like I don't [Music] we're fitness all the way my dear friend yeah I can see how this might live anyway what's ability it's six minutes but it's this is like a game theory video let's start off with three minutes look at their green screened in there so what like liber this everyone's in a void everyone's in a white void ready ladies okay ready yes I'm so ready or either of them pregnant she is the one in the white shirt it doesn't look like they have that weird like that's shadow behind them that you get when you have a green screen are you right yeah I don't play master oh man feeling it I feel like my center of gravity should be pulling forward but because I'm literally just wearing air on my belly oh do you feel it like you have to like compensate for heavy yeah oh yeah it's so like if you weren't compensating with you tumble forward that bad right over let's do your plie hold it oh man pulsing look she's like she's pregnant and she's like smiling all the way through that I'm pregnant - oh great alright the next move I mean every way to support your policies what we're doing like ballet oh no pregnant people can't balance like this here I got you you know you can hold my hand Stephanie I said okay this is more like an Irish jig Finiti I know I feel like I feel like you should have beer steins in our hand all those different toys step in time step n times W no reason every wrong step into box what are you doing over there I'm kicking like a chimney sweep steps hey kick it like a chimney sweep oh we're holding holding we're holding oh geez don't follow I think it will burn you up what should I name my child maybe I'll have a girl and you have a boy and then we can like have them clean all right we're nailing this like pros think you're gonna be okay not as flexible I know that's what happens when you get pregnant but all sorts of stuff starts to change do you feel that your body is changing is it magic body is changing I'm connecting with my body in all sorts of new ways I don't know what we're supposed to feel this just generally feeling it'll applause I'm gonna feel that your face when you like accidentally kick me with that leg I swear my balance is better than yours it is I'm not even like holding on here and I'm supporting you I'm showing how much I was looking okay my left buddy is here see and I for ya my left butt cheek is a lot tighter than my right butt cheek there's this thing I heard in the early age says you keep memories in traumatic memories trapped in your body and in your different parts of your muscles and so if there's a muscle in your body that's like unusually tight relative to anything else that's where you keep all your bad memories locked in and so I feel like all my bad memories are in my left butt cheek and that if one day you're going to be released you will man one day if I like get a massage or something or like just stretch it the right cuz I stretch a fair amount one day if I stretch it the right way I'll have like all these like past lives or traumatic memories flood into my mind and it'll be like revolutionary be careful just stretch just not that fun cheek you want to leave those feeling friends else feeling it during those little kicks my left butt cheek oh boy Chris have you ever heard that history of Oh No it'd be like the lamest way for my past self to die like stabbed in the butt cheek right shot in the butt cheek strangled via bunch of throttled in the body in the butt you know all my answer yes oh oh [Laughter] [Music] straight oh man codes the other day at the WT WT [Applause] my arms are starting to feel this come on Steph do good I already worked out this morning bra you knew this was coming you only have yourself to pregnant and to be healthy and fit during your pregnancy I think I be stood that one that was that was very easy all right let's go to the next one let's step up the game then the next one we have is a full on prenatal yoga workout great see how you fare I'm ready oh and she has her shirt off and you can actually tell she's a drive move today so we're already five favorite yoga poses that you can do throughout your entire pregnancy yeah perfect if you only have you know ten minutes a day that I can remember I can just do it on my own or you can watch the video so yes if anything does it feel good for you please back off what's that I haven't sued Western accent hey attention or you know New Jersey you've got that last ankle rotate that right foot out to the top of the mat so you're gonna heal the right heel in line with that look at those nice game theory so into that right knee are you getting your pregnancy or anymore they're just not busy to see a warrior to position and make sure that you're balanced with belly yeah it's bellies ear look he's doing great she she is she I remember glad you forgot the Jo geez forgot your baby first that's a gender I'm not forgetting little Shania just making your stomach feel nice Shania this is for you honey iron Chaz I'm having the boy and you named him chance of this video definitely how did you end up with Shania because damn she's gonna feel like a woman ha ha ha ha I just wanted mine to be an investment bankers you have a soulless job and make a lot of money we have tissue boxes crisper address you provided us with it yeah here here I'm gonna use a tick I'm gonna use the F in tissue box as a yoga block are you feeling stretchy do you feel like your stomach oh yeah I'm feeling nice look at look at how supportive this tissue box is here not getting crushed at all so simple man just like a yoga block to the other side but just go eat this thing course everyone do we take treat yo that's number two if you work environment step if you want the viewers at home to get regular episodes slightly bent if you can you can bring your hand all the way down oh god I need to bring my hand all the way down to my yoga block there we go supportive of them right Matthews a little further along than I am in this pregnancy so he needs a little bit more support I understand I'm surprised that my belly is not getting in the way as much as I expected it well these are the these are the yoga poses for pregnancy so they've got to keep your belly out of the way you know like if I was doing downward dog that was a beautiful chair like do those in those workout look I think you're sitting down now so let me readjust my daddy needs the Strada lean into it I think this may be my guys don't don't carry babies evolutionarily they tried that out [Music] daddy needs the stretches Handy's get out of the way you're doing amazing right I think the yoga is also bringing out your patience Oh as it did before I was pregnant as well Matthew is the only one I've ever known to take you competitive sport all right daddy's like that it's just a don't judge me okay I mean I understand things body positivity get a little out of place Whittier whether you're pregnant yeah sometimes when your belly grows things shift around okay are you experiencing any other symptoms you have do you have constipation coming back are you getting cravings for pickles and ice cream you've been through those how many knows on the live stream - that is true constipation Marcus or are you ready we haven't been ready for the come to pee there was not another video in this series it's the constipation challenge that's one of the most common symptoms per Google is cravings and then chucking 30 and then nothing else happened trust me Steph I have no problem with my own oops you oh it's good I'm glad doing really well how's the stomach are you are you squeezing it mister round up shooter round now here squeeze mmm yes they're like no I kissed my unborn child Stephanie okay I showed it love although it's really what should I uh where's the Chazz is getting no love over there she was fun he's an independent young man okay Wow puppy so we can already where we balance on our bellies tell me you don't you don't balance on this one just slightly if wine is your block here's pop it away are you are you smashing your baby though that's the question though he's great okay that's good it's a girl you're having a girl music gender-neutral pronouns he is not a gender-neutral pronoun it's great okay no with this one oh my gosh you're you're do you wanna block oh I think I don't know yeah okay they're dope you hope no this actually this helped a little bit look at Chris meditate with your baby what's second Oh meditate with my cords getting all a Kimbo yeah you should you should hold your baby I have one with my internal chakras yeah that's good I'm glad to hear that wait I think I lost I think you lost the baby no I thought it was my belly button but it's actually just the poof microphone button popped out of your stomach yeah I mean stranger things you know no actually I feel like that wouldn't be you a nice I feel like I haven't seen a stranger thing yeah we did it yeah build it good job good job whoo I don't know I don't know about you but I feel more in touch with Shania than I did before did you well it's Shania you got to meet her for the first time really in this video which is pretty wild since you know apparently I'm like I'm ready to pop you like weren't even showing before it was amazing it must have been your incredible styling black really is slimming it is it's true how did you feel do you feel you feel looser you feel like you would be more ready to have baby yes Wow you're just super effect in just 15 minutes six minutes and then nine minutes that's really all it is it's this whole process it's just that easy wow man pregnancy is a cakewalk but so that's it for today guys we'll be back at some point in the near future with another video that may or may not be live that's about as much as I can promise we don't know where in the programming slate this is gonna fit in but anyway remember that's just a video a video on demand thanks for watching it if you don't like the name Shania what should I name like that yeah also please Shanaya wait maybe I like the cheese half of the meatball
Channel: GTLive
Views: 510,318
Rating: 4.9657249 out of 5
Keywords: prenatal workout, pregnancy workout, pregnant workout, fitness, baby shower games, challenge, prenatal fitness, baby shower, baby shower ideas, baby shower games ideas, workouts, baby shower challenge, gtlive, gtlive challenges, yoga challenge, baby yoga challenge, at home workout, matpat yoga challenge, gtlive yoga challenge, gtlive matpat reacts, matpat and stephanie pregnant, matpat, gtlive baby, gtlive challenge, gtlive workout, matpat reacts, pregnant, pregnancy, matpat baby
Id: jJneqDQeSug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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