Meet My New Dog! | Welcome To Sparky's (FNAF Fan Game)

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no no don't no don't do that i don't know what's going on oh hey what them [Music] no [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we're not live right now but you know what it's okay because i'm rolling deep with my golden bunny crew i've got all three of them behind me uh after a recent realization in one of our past videos that i have subconsciously surrounded myself with golden murder bunnies i've just decided to embrace that and so thank you for joining me gigga chu here today on uh you know on a fnaf themed episode pipa 2 pikachu original version original flavor pikachu thank you for joining us um we're rolling deep my friends because today we're diving into the world of snap fan games yet again uh but this time is uh another interesting twist in the formula right so uh last time we played uh survival at tubby land or keep alive at tubby i don't know it was at tubby land what do you what was it was tubby land act one tubby land act do not die at tubby land that was it all of these games do not die at restaurant x uh and the the funny thing about that one was that it was a remake of a fan game that had been done like six years prior right so i made the comment in the intro of that one it's like ah look at how far this industry has come and look at how far fan games have come that the fan games themselves are getting remade in much the similar way as the games themselves get remade and stuff like that well today is yet another odd branch on this twisted little tree because the game we're playing today is inspired by the cancelled fan game of a five nights at freddy's fan game spin-off so you know just branches upon branches upon branches all rooted back in the poisonous tree that is five nights at freddy's um so the game that uh matt has selected for us today is welcome to sparky's correct welcome to sparky's which itself is inspired by the canceled fan game one night at sparky's the shift is ah the shifted sparkies don't die at sparkies that's what just name them all don't die at restaurant uh it'll be the don't die at series it'll be great um so apparently this just came out in may matt says it looks beautiful which as we all know as we all know is the sign of death for any game i i think i've told you this yeah you hate when games are pretty it's not that i know no you hate art and you hate things that are beautiful and you've said it on camera before i hate beauty and i will come into the room and smash it with my boots no matt matt man it's not that i hate things that are beautiful it's that a lot of times when jason and you have presented me with games and i haven't gotten to look at them and you describe the game as beautiful or wow the graphics are great see games games are meant to be played man they're meant to be experienced to you to you yeah to to make quality content online to be reacted to in some way like oh wow that's pretty all right yeah like do you see people really losing their minds in art galleries like whoa the ones that i go to what art galleries do you go to matt you know the secret ones for people people freak out you know people go up to the mona lisa and they're like yeah that's nice you don't see that what's true i think people do freak out at the mona lisa it's i i've seen the mona lisa not worth it no i agree but i people freak out i saw like starry night and there were a bunch of people like crying yeah this is a tiny tiny painting yeah right yeah the a lot of those big paintings like the the super well-known ones yeah you know they got a lot of hype they're kind of like the supreme of the painting world got a lot of hype behind i think there are much and i'm not knocking the creators except i am knocking uh van gogh because van gogh is a big hack um but i'm not knocking a lot of these other guys uh they have i think a lot of their works are great but i think a lot of their works are the ones that are underappreciated uh pablo picasso is amazing as an artist just if if you want a sense of like how artwork how to succeed in the art world i think he's really fascinating because he tried a lot of different stuff and he's just so talented in all of them but he finally found the thing that like hooked with people interesting how how to you van gogh is a hack but picasso is the goat oh but picasso is great well cause picasso famously a horrible person oh is he oh oh no really famously misogynistic oh that sucks damn it's why'd you have to go and ruin it i'm looking out for you hashtag damn it no his the picasso museum was great and i was so impressed with his bodybuilder because i only knew like again i only knew the big pieces and so i learned like here's the rich history of like what he's done he was super regardless he was super talented no the reason i think van gogh's a hack is you go to van gogh's museum because i've been fortunate enough to go there as well and his entire backstory is he he was just writing the coattails of his friends like if you actually read the descriptions and stuff like he had like very little artistic sensibility he was just like trying to at least again as i understood it from his museum but like he was trying to partner up with like his more popular cooler friends and trying to kind of riff and steal their art styles in a lot of ways and it was just very clearly that he was like a clout chaser like he was he was the old school art world version of a clout chaser in in like the worst way possible and so when like uh sunflowers and starry night took off he was like yeah i found my thing finally it's like but he was but he didn't have a really solid like core skill in art he was he was always this kind of like wannabe it's really interesting so he's a fan artist he's making channels no that's that is not what you're saying that is not what i'm saying that's what you're saying why would i say no because he because fan artists are good artists in their own right the thing about van gogh was that he did not have like solid chops like you like you said you look at this game and like it's great and we play a lot of fan games here and a lot of them are great or they're honing their skills van gogh had no interest in it he just wanted to be famous like but he okay are we oh man we're getting it okay okay all right but i thought fango never really achieved proper fame in his lifetime he got famous way after he died no sure okay the doctor who episode hold on like you know gold album all right hold up van gogh and they bring him to the future and they're like this is like what you really got van gogh amster it's the amsterdam the van gogh museum in amsterdam yeah that's the one i went to and i was so disappointed in him and i'm i i'm like how was this guy okay let me here table this discussion the thing is going to the van gogh museum and we were at vidcon amsterdam we went to the van gogh museum and i was both steph and i walked out of it with the same feeling of like this yes what however tragically his story ends and yeah maybe he got recognized after the fact or whatever but like oh he was a creep he did cut his ear off to give to a stranger you know but anyway he was he was i believe i believe and maybe it's a gross oversimplification and you know like i said picasso i didn't know what his backstory was but i was impressed with his artwork based on the stuff that i saw in his museum and and his level of talent as an artist all things removed van gogh same thing you know i had the exact opposite feeling where i'm like this guy did not have talent was very clearly going into art for the wrong reasons because he thought it would make him rich and famous and was trying to kind of ride the coattails and kind of riff on the styles of his his like friends and more popular counterparts in order to kind of like trend ride i guess i don't know i don't know forgive me maybe this was all you know i think thank you to art history let's play sparky can we play a video game thanks i will follow this up at some point um maybe during the next meme review if you guys do artwork in the style of van gogh picasso it'll give us a chance to talk about this again i'll look it up i'm going to double check with steph to re it's been a couple years obviously since we've been there uh so some of my impressions might have gotten blurry but i do know that both of us had that same reaction all right let's go friends sparkies it's a game it's probably scary i hear it's beautiful like a van gogh painting but in the best way possible not like a cheesy van gogh painting let's go new game also to be fair i do have strong reactions to our work i've had is kane wilson oh jesus i'm 19 years old and i hadn't been in my hometown four years so i lost my job as a pizza delivery boy oh school was finally over so it was time to enjoy my vacation cool and of course i you know needed some cash to enjoy my vacation so i decided to resort to the newspaper ads cool since i was too lazy to go looking around town or searching online for one linkedin is not that hard but i did a good five minutes of searching until i came across a rather interesting one rather it was a job from one of my favorite childhood places sparky and friends theater show well i mean i was surprised that this place even still existed great voice acting sparky's was the best place our mother would take us on our father's rest day or me and my little brother just behaved long enough to get a special treat unfortunately the job was for a security guard during the night which is not really my type of position that i wanted but i i just kind of turned down sparky things went on and on like that denied sparky august 8th if i remember correctly um it was my first day on the job and you know i had a little bit of cash left so it was great to finally start getting an income again it seems to imply that he survives all right because he's retroactively exactly getting myself into now there you go sparky and friends theater show it all began one night you can't turn down sparky cannot cannot oh man solid understanding of its own timeline clapping after you august 8th 2014. good evening mr security guard and welcome to sparky's my name is john i'm the head of the establishment just shut up liam i'm just kidding man also i heard that you got a promotion as a security guard for john's entertainment yeah man uh not really my ideal position but hey at least it's sparkies hey all right but uh hey i'm on vacation so i need to do something for me the staff told me that the mass animatronic uh had a issue performing to the stage this day he wasn't moving correctly as he was programmed to do so the scary part is that some people reported that they heard some kind of like animal-like noises coming from his voice box mouse squeaking noises to be specific for real yeah i wouldn't worry too much uh since they're programmed to make noises and stuff make sense anyways today you're going to repair whiskers okay now if i remember correctly there should be a box that contains a bunch of wirings that will allow you to connect whiskers to the computer then i'll start troubleshoot and find what's the problem and fix it great all right fix whiskers step one sparky's sister location night one this looks great you're okay it looks great the question is how does it play how does it play i guess we'll find out we're gonna find out okay it's very very barren and sad down here grab the key located in the security office before going to the first floor do you think this is the open like is this where the rest of where you get into the restaurant or is this the basement because if this is because if this is the opening of your restaurant you're like ah this isn't all that feel good of a place uh all right let's see what we got matt do you play many video games um i play the ones that have animals that you can like befriend oh okay i see not the ones that are trying to actively kill you yeah what fun is that although surely someone has explored the animal crossing animals as animatronics oh i'm surely there must be i'm actually surprised there must be a five nights at freddy's game that is at tom next yeah five nights at tom nooks or yeah right five night of villagers something like that okay view my objectives find the key before going to first floor e to interact e e e there we go whoa let me throw that door open yeah very strong okay what do we got we've got one here wow a lot of security cameras okay throw this door but no i cannot okay oh lp printers my favorite my favorite copyright neutral brand printer it's fantastic fire escape plan what else we got uh a bunch of names i can't really zoom in meetings meeting with someone check the parking barrier okay this might just be filler watch a third copy i don't know oh we got our missing our wanted posters oh these are the guys are going to take me this guy on the left looks really familiar is that tyrion lannister is that a game of thrones thing yeah or tywin not tyrion and obviously not tyrion tywin i don't know that this poster on the left looks like a very familiar face to me it's my uncle bob is it your uncle bob really wow funny that he would end up as a he loved animatronic pizzerias so much that he wanted to be included in a fan game for him i understand all right so here's our security ooh oh delicious donuts yes please this security guard has the right idea man the the vanilla frosted with a little dab a little damn little drizzle of the chocolate that's a winner can i guide you i have i have fears why do you have fears there's a lot of space to explore okay so i should so i should actually focus in huh well if you want to do things in the video you know that oh look each donut comes individually wrapped i'm just throwing out i'm very impressed with this world's donuts there's individual stacked donuts okay yeah bri bring me around there if there's a lot to explore that i might get lost in here yeah to go back to the desk okay great far left on the desk far left on the desk over here oh geez great here we go oh yes the very obviously placed it's very dark okay uh let's see what we got use my objective updated nice so so okay so animatron right five nights at tom knox that's gotta exist what's the what's the shop called what the um i should know this is the clothing shop oh yeah yeah grab the box it's located it should be around the arcade find the box oh here we go oh look at how cool this is a great design what do we got we got the heart catch little little mini game there can i play it no i want to get back there i want to play heart catch you got the claw what else we got we've got brightness it's just just very dark i think you have a flashlight perhaps uh what get out of here get out of here i guess i should always check that but to be fair they were doing a good job of explaining things and i at no point did i pick up my flashlight oh look at that guy is doesn't that just sound look welcoming right there look at him welcome to our friendly oh here we go follow the rules don't poop on the floor classic classic don't poop on the floor i'm glad that this poster is making sure that everyone's aware of the basics don't touch the animatronics so subscribe subscribe to corey exception it's great advice again taking care of the essentials step one don't poop on the floor step two subscribe to corey extension which hey i think that is excellent advice do not bring food on the playground no running in the halls detention detention for you i mean uh no stealing drawings do not climb yourself up to the stage do not climb yourself up to the stage don't you dare do it play oh god man i did all that work looking looking into the distance and here it is this whole time well anyway just another reminder to subscribe to corey extension let's eat we got our pig and we've got cheese whiskers our mouths okay oh wow they really they really want that poster ever you've really got to know all this stuff all right rules are important it is and they're meant to be followed i want to play the club game so bad are you ollie good at claw games it's impossible to be good at claw games i don't know there's no way are you familiar with the spongebob claw episode no no oh wait where he's really good with the claw yes that's right yes uh-huh you have to be the claw right yes so uh with claw games no but i that's because they can adjust the tension of them they can i believe they can adjust the tension of the claw yeah so that way it can be very weak when you're trying to pick things up right so it can be artificially bad no ali is upset they really want to make sure that you're micro transacting with these claws gotta say they're like hey we know that this brings in the money so we're gonna make sure that this thing is everywhere um silver skis no so ali uh loves claw games um when we go to denny's uh or any or like uh the the trampoline park or anything both of them have the claw games and he is always like i want to play the claw game um constantly and it's one of those things where i'll let them play the ones at the the trampoline park because uh they have the ones where you can't lose which is cool and so you know he's able to play multiple times and then eventually he gets like a little candy or a little ball or whatever and you know he feels accomplished he got to play a little bit it's really fun uh he gets to get better at it and stuff like that so archive um nothing back here but yeah so it's one of those things that oh wait there we go i'm glad i i'm glad i highlighted this okay game game design pro tip to uh creator of this game uh the one thing i would say is you know good world so far great voice acting it does look beautiful but having something to telegraph that this is the object i'm looking for as opposed to all the other generic brown copy pasted boxes to fill the shelves uh that would be useful um i was about to leave because i'm like oh there's nothing that's really standing out or interesting here uh so just i'm glad that i walked up to it and just randomly pressed e just to see but like what what differentiates this box from this box right in fact this box might be more interesting because it's open so just a just a pro tip there if you're ever thinking about like designing a game having a visual clue of some point some part outside of this was the thing at the end of the hallway uh would be really helpful so okay now i gotta repair whiskers right uh which means find the door for the kids area okay find the door for the kids area wasn't there a door this is this is just a very sterile very sterile kid's uh entertainment area because like everything is so just like stark you know there's there's not a whole lot that's really judging up the places like this is a party center just a lot of games it feels very utilitarian i mean the solid shiny floor doesn't give you like welcoming embrace it gives me like welcome to corporate hack here's our lunchroom with very basic furniture uh okay oh here we go now we're getting to something that feels a little bit more fun family fun for everyone oh here we go cool okay so now we're getting to the animatronics this should be it i go to the main area where the stage would be there should be dining tables out there and probably a playground on the left side okay then find your office and that's about it good night man that's about it good night man okay this is not the door i was looking for apparently oh what's this snow cone oh cold cola it's an odd place for it but sure i can hey you know what i will not complain i will get refills whenever and wherever they're available so yes please look at this welcome to your corporate misery your nine to five begins today i feel like the way into this nope okay cool there's a lot of doors all leading to that area that seems like the one i'm trying to get to let's check out the bathrooms is whiskers in the bathroom he's not i know he's not i'm just checking out the bathroom whoa i'm a ghost i'm a ghost oh no that's the real trick here it's not the animatronics that are haunted it's the security guard himself that's actually a good twist i kind of like that you thought the animatronics were the ones that were haunted but no it was you the entire time i see dead security guards oh man you you know that m night shyamalan is right in his new movie with that twist as we speak women's room anything here no no just the floating box cool i love it oh that's really funny electrical feel like this this room because it has a label is important and because i was you know getting wires and things felt even more important i guess i could keep going forward but i want to make sure i check this door because it really feels like this is the place that i'm supposed to get in because there's that playroom there's the play place like everything he just talked about is in there but maybe not maybe we're just walking past it because that's that's all the entrances that i can find so onward through the hallways of this pizzeria there we go but uh but yeah so the claw games and also uh in japan the claw games are huge like just whole floors dedicated to those claw games and you can win everything from you know the traditional stuffed animals to like actually legitimately nice things if you can win that's always like oh are you kidding me it was here the entire time it's fine matt you were gonna say something there were always those games where it was like you could win a wii do you know what i mean yep i don't think anyone's ever won a wii right let me know let us know in the comments yeah what's the best prize that you've won in a claw game i have won multiple stuffed animals i've won a fair bit of stuffed animals um have i won much more oh this is cool this is great um have i won much more than that though let's see so okay we got our friends we got panda sparky maybe pig what is this a demo for for security breach it looks very security preachy um yeah i think the most i've ever won is just like a good handful of stuffed animals uh and i always felt like a i to this day save the game before you play wait save the game before you play save only once you don't want to fill up your last your save list okay cool save okay cool um no and to this day i remember very distinctly the the three stuffed animals that i've won in claw games because even though they're not great they're not great stuffed animals but the process of winning them was so you know influential in my childhood or like they mean so much because you get them in such a non-traditional way and they're like hard-fought i still remember them do you have any like do you ever go to like the state fair i mean yeah yes i love do you have any like state fair prizes because that's where i got all of mine from because oh what like that claw games that they were like no like the like the like water gun game oh yeah sure um because those you can win yeah they just cost ten dollars to play oh yeah it caught yeah it's ridiculous um and there are definite ways that you can kind of stack the odds in your favor like get three of your friends to do the water gun game with you and so you get a better prize but you're still guaranteed to win oh yeah all that stuff such a racket uh no i i won a good number of carnival game ones too um problem with that is those stuff the quality of those stuffed animals were always a lot less like i feel like when you hug them or whatever they feel like they're more stuffed with paper or like you know they're they're kind of crunchy as opposed to like a traditional stuffed animal there was one time i want a goldfish yeah and i insisted on bringing him on a ride with me and and they let you and they see how old first off how old were you like eight or nine okay okay that's that's fair but but the fact that the layers of adults that had to approve that decision let it go forward that is concerning to me the fact that parents yeah we're like yeah okay the fact that ride operator yeah was like yeah i see no problem with any of this i'm like 15 year old but still still i that is not a a 15 year old knows the consequences of life and death and animal cruelty and oh my gosh really i think the animal cruelty blame should be on the person who gave me a goldfish who like suggested that goldfish should be put in bags as prizes gold fit no cuz i i'm a suit i don't know i don't know the proper care and handling of goldfish but i or as like how long they're sitting in there what's done with them but like as long as they're being treated okay they don't need like a whole lot of you know they can transfer temporarily it's like saying you know a person being in a car or living in a car for like a couple of days is bad well but we choose to be in cars they don't have to use to be in bags but they did all as long as they're living in water are they i mean are they choosing any elements in their life plus it might be a transfer to like a mansion for the goldfish like they're gonna be transferred into like a cool tank something tells me the state fair goldfish aren't really you know headed headed to manchester are you told i don't what it's a whole thing you're you are so chaotic today i'm trying to play a game and just move the conversation forward you're like let's get into debates about animal ethics and whether we can actually own an animal and whether vincent van gogh is better than picasso geez wow matt is saucy today i don't know what got into mirror matt long story short steph and i rescued two turtles from chinatown that were in a bad way in a bad place we brought them to our house or to our very small apartment in new york but we treated them like royalty because we expected them to like you know die we wanted to give them like the best like final two weeks of their life i wanted my goldfish to experience the thrills of a poorly constructed carnivore well there are certain things that you can and can't do with animals and the fact that there were no adults or teenagers who taught you that and said it was okay you know it's just it's unfortunate i'm sorry that you're taking it out on me after all these years oh hey hey we finally got to the game congratulations we're actually playing the game now we're troubleshooting oh hello wait was the controls here s so s is for tips what hold up that was w no no don't no don't do that i don't know what's going on oh hey no no no no no no no no no save the game before you play save only once you don't want to fill up your save list okay so i saved once so okay hey ass for tips here we go controls left okay i thought the press s for tips was actually in the game uh left mouse one to interact with objects asd okay so aft to look around press space to shine your light this is only available to use when looking at the left remember that you can't look around while having this on press w w okay w is hide as to get back hamlet he comes from the okay hamlet was the pig that just slaughtered us he comes from the left door when he's there shine your light on him to make him go away fuzz outside your window if he shows up give him an electrical shock by using the power box whiskers a plushie of whiskers will appear in multiple different spots find and click on it to make it go away the left monitor will show you its point of view best to prioritize them less so they are less important okay sparky he'll show up to the door behind you if he does deactivate the electricity using the breaker in okay he'll show up behind you if he does deactivate the electricity in the breaker in front of you as soon as possible he's very silent make sure you look behind you more frequently nico he's at the left door hide under the table and get up as soon as she goes away all right i think i've got a better understanding of all that now i think so shine the light over there hide s to get back uh breaker box at the window and then nope no i didn't want that and then s is completely behind me s is behind me okay okay all right i got this maybe s is behind me s is behind me oh wait wait wait oh wait what's this okay what was this i need to turn off the breaker oh god shoot there were three two things that happened at the same time there was the breaker box and then also the these are good jump scares they're really great models i'll give them that really solid models breaker box in front of me was that one so behind you is breaker box window okay there's the breaker box right here so this is the thing oh that's great fantastic here's this he's light he's breaker box in front of him that was not that was not a whole lot of time gotta admit and that's a plushie of hamlet i'm assuming all right and hide there's another person that i hide from okay there's that breaker box is he gone is he gone is he gone sure he is oh wait there's there's this thing click the plushie yes okay no one there i hear something spooky going on oh my gosh you are still there again oh my gosh oh my gosh ah okay that i need to wait longer it's not just to flick him away i need to actually wait okay we're learning we're growing we're becoming more well-rounded individuals we are evolving all right that's good it feels like i'm working out all right try this again no one there and back i think i think the biggest thing and matt i'll need you to let me know about if there are any sound cues that i should be looking for the only one that i've heard is the the door opens when the pig is there right okay okay that's that listen for if he leaves looks like he's gone please don't be gone okay that's the thing i don't know when he's gone that makes me really nervous oh wait oh my gosh you are oh my god damn it i turned it off i turned it off i turned it off come on i turned it off no [Music] well this is this is that one i actually double clicked i know that i screwed that up that was my that was my bad that was my b oh boy oh boy this is a good one i'm so good at this game this is great he is so aggressive and they then these jump scares are visceral and i still haven't had to hide under the table yet okay okay he's there are you kidding me it is so okay all right all right all right game all right you want me to be real fast at this so okay it's go time this is night one there's only one night though right yeah okay think thank goodness this is there's only one night so don't be judged me too harshly in the comments there's only one of these things so they made it hard right but seriously i got it i got to get good as they say and really it's just just pushing that thing just flipping that thing and though he is quiet you can't hear him i wish you could hear him leave is the problem okay there he is yes confirmed gone it looks like he's gone he left okay there great no i'm hearing the winds come on okay all right i'm i i don't need to look for him i i just won't look for him i will not look for him or is it the fact that i click the other like there is such a small window of time to make that happen i'm like oh i have enough time to click this and hop over i just won't look for him if i hear him i'll just i'll just turn off the light i don't need to confirm it i like that they say he's the quietest of them and yet like he has a pretty loud door sound okay focus game time there he is okay sounds like an 80s serial killer movie okay here's the wind i did not know that he was there okay he's gone wait where oh really that's the view okay great okay okay great okay great hey we're surviving a little bit i say as i immediately die you gotta do this for a long time too huh great i don't know which one i have to hide from who do i have to hide from i think it's the same the left door that's not the pig left door that's not where is this where is he whoo that was a tough one oh hello great left door not pig nope that's not pig right oh come on i had to turn i hit w but i had to turn you have to turn and then w you turn and you w and you we are so close we're doing so well and by so close i mean we were like halfway but i knew what i had to do i just want to double you sometimes you just want to double you wonder sometimes you just got to press a w and you hope that it carries you under the desk when the evil animatronic is there all right let's take this again i mean i'm excited to learn mouse's jump scare that's that's who i want to meet i say as he becomes my final jump scare as i'm about to win okay here we go here it is locked in the zone locked in the zone okay great get out of here get great all right you are there all right here it is this is it this go time oh my god leave me alone you jerk no one wants you you are a rejected animatronic you are not fun and family friendly uh this guy is looking when he's in this position he's here yes okay i'm starting to recognize the camera positions too for the mouse there's no family fun for everyone with you around oh wait there oh that's a weird one new position for him that's exciting that's very exciting and turn i'm getting a great no www wait it was the pig was that a pig that was a pig i thought they looked like the other one oh come on [Music] okay thank you for y'all just got really intimate pikachu and i are uh thank you we go way back where x's from another timeline that's weird you know is it though are you judging me are you judging a little bit why um go tell that to the goldfish you murdered you sicko oh so now you're guilty right right he's riding the tilt no you're just doing that to yourself you've been you've been carrying that burden along for a long time it's very telltale heart i like hear the goldfish like blubbing yeah oh okay this is a pig i guess okay very i like that mechanic the mechanic of like where you can tell kind of where in the room he is based on based on the camera angle that's kind of cool there's the wind is that the pig yes again oh hey i need to see the other one more frequently in order to understand what it looks like because i'm having a hard time telling that that's a pig i gotta admit a little bit tricky a little bit tricky i think that's valid i also am having a hard time right because they're both big right they're okay they're right come on go go go go go okay okay yeah it's just pig pig so the pig has a bow tie right that's why i'm kind of starting to see the pig has a bow tie and having only seen the other one once hello okay no bow tie hide i like that you get this camera angle to know okay s is to escape from under there that's window great hey look now we're getting somewhere friends this is fun this is good the the i will say the uh the mechanics are very okay mechanics are very solid he scares me he's the worst because he also takes a long time to deal with is the other problem everyone else is pretty immediate but the fact that you have to kind of like wait around for him kind of sucks halfway wait i saw him pop it although having the mouse there allows me to see if that door is open so that's actually not a bad position for him to spawn in it's really cool that the mouse is able to spawn in all these different locations can i get a halfway save like can we just save it at the halfway mark like hey you did it congratulations okay oh and there he is i can't click and when it's so dark go away go away go away go away go away go away go away oh i did okay wait that's hide hide hide hide oh get out of here get out of here go get out okay oh no no no no no oh god that's the thing as soon as you get out from under you have to check this back wall that is nope nice oh now we're getting now now it's getting tight this is getting tough i mean as if as if it hasn't been already that's also a tough like where's my little mouse man there he is okay it's also tough with left wait that's the pig nice good catch i was getting ready to hide nope that's back yeah so i'm not nope i don't need to do that good god so what i'm noticing is that those two that's hide those two tend to come together and i think the reason i was making the mistakes before was because i would take care of the mouse first before taking care of the door the electricity and i think that's what was killing me before okay oh god come on come on we're so close come on it's getting hard to see there's the bloom effect as everything's getting scary it's getting getting a little bit tough are we done are we done can we end the night can we end the night can we end the night please end the night where's our guy where's there is oh did we do it yes yes yes yes yes that was tense that was really hard at the end i'm like why isn't this over yet celebrate my victories [Music] what are we done said it oh yeah oh and we're back to things as normal totally fine perfectly normal uh cool i'm very short aren't i like this either i am very short or this is a very tall series of shelves what is going on uh all right hey can i hang out with you what do i what am i doing what are we doing here am i answering the phone i am not am i leaving through this oh probably leaning through the back exit door that makes the most sense yeah let's go through here you know that place where people kept trying to detect where the heck did whiskers go oh he's gone there's all sorts of sounds happening congrats now leave the room unlocked dude i just whiskers just leave the room and lock it hello that's crazy that's cool the door is open it probably went there i should deactivate him before something happens to that thing i'm gonna record this just in case no you full you're full don't do that no oh hello oh man some found footage cool all right why are you doing this this is this is dumb this this is dumb listen to your friend who said hey just get out your shift is over i'm gonna leave can i leave can i just leave i want to leave let me leave though [Music] wait so he wants me to deactivate how am i deactivating exactly what am i oh am i actually supposed to be going somewhere hold up he said deactivate i need to deactivate something or other shoot where are we at this is clearly not the way i'm allowed to go yet which means i'm supposed to go through here but the problem is it is very dark in here can i see it on one of the other program nope nope it's dark in every camera that we have so uh oh we're so close we're so close to the end of this we were doing so well if i can zoom in that's cool this room seems like it's closed off so that's not it what should i be hitting he said i need to deactivate something or other so it doesn't get out it doesn't attack is it here no no um deactivate the vending machine so it doesn't come alive that's the animatronic game i want something about sentient vending machines i feel like that's an untapped market to be honest yeah it seems like i have to go through here it seems like the thing i have to do is here oh damn it we do have the flash that's right we do have the flashlight thanks i forgot about that it is super dark man all the filters that are on this footage right now are pretty crazy okay and all right so here there it is getting through the door peak challenge wait night two hide and seek there's another night man no way here we go here it is hello i like that it took me only a minute to do that 8 20 2014. yes i'm here you know could probably at oh oh it's still recording oh wacky great weird no don't go up those stairs you are not allowed there apparently you are allowed down here great oh there there it is i was gonna say i thought matt there was only one night there it is to be continued see you soon so you get a preview you're going into the basement uh solid solid um where you're playing now is a horror game yes um solid across the board i think it was one of those things where uh gameplay super cool world building really cool voice acting really solid a couple things to kind of refine or smooth over um but really really fun this was a good this was a good pick i know it took us a while to get going and i know it took us a while to you know for me to kind of get into the gameplay but like as far as that snaffy like get into the pattern manage all the different mechanics and stuff it was good this was really solid i like this one i'm excited to see what else comes from sparky and the gang um so with that being said guys i think we're gonna wrap this one here uh if you'll excuse me i need to go research vincent van gogh versus pablo picasso as well as uh discuss with matt animal rights ethics uh and about whether one can truly own a goldfish and etc so we're gonna talk about that anyway thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you in the next video and remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video a video for you see ya [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 492,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welcome to sparky's, welcome to sparky's all jumpscares, welcome to sparky's full game, welcome to sparky's trailer, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan game, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach trailer, fnaf security breach gameplay, five nights at freddy's security breach, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, game theory fnaf, matpat, fnaf welcome to sparky's demo, fnaf welcome to sparky's night 1, fnaf welcome to sparky's all jumpscares
Id: Z4qnSGbsc20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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