Having a BLAST with Safiya & Tyler | Keep Talking & Nobody Explodes (Game Theory Charity Livestream)

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real quick since we are talking about donation incentives we do have to wax my way and you gotta guess if I don't see I'm sorry that I have to delay this any further but okay oh my gosh they're holding me you're gonna are you gonna give me a can you give me a countdown or something I know don't block the the stream you gotta see the Ross here why don't I just hold your hand so nervous or that W have to hold your please donate okay to help mental health donate three two one yeah and you're gonna pull one smooth even motion breakdown yeah you don't want to I feel like I'm about to like jump up like a high divers [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the live stream we are an hour two three three we're in our three what are we in our three cars we're at two hours 40 minutes currently I've lost all track of time we're in our three guys currently we just crossed the hundred and forty thousand dollar mark which is unbelievably not a hundred and forty two thousand Wow that's even utter we have less than eight thousand dollars to go toward our next major milestone which means in a second here we're gonna have to get to our last major milestone yeah so at eight thousand more dollars in cross one hundred fifty thousand dollar mark I have promised to do dye my hair across a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars and then they get complete control real quick that since we are talking about donation incentives we do have to wax my way and you gotta guess if I don't I I I'm sorry that I have to delay this any further but I guard reacts that's virgin leg me so what I'm just saying so yeah you never he's never wax that's what I mean ever it's very clear that like a because of the nice like soft sort of soft downy kinda yes thank you you've never wax or shave probably before I shaved once when I was in theater yeah but he's rather old that was a long time it was also weird like that at night it was weird cuz I felt my smooth legs against each I was very surreal you don't realize how different your leg feels oh no I've done it many times it's a it's pretty nice waxing your yeah I was like a swimmer in high school oh yeah your legs antibodies how painful is gonna be between it'll be over fast yeah we had Rosanna pansino on a little while ago we asked her this morning you're like we're like so if you've done and she was like yes of course and um she and we're like is it you know is it really people and who's like yes of course and I was like I know and he keeps being like it can't be that bad it's not bad enough that people like don't do it like the no sell things for you to inflict this on yourself okay no no no okay okay please teach me you got warmed up oh just you know this one doesn't need to rub to warm the white house so you can feel should I warm it anyway will it make it less painful yeah I've never done it before yeah like Sophie has done it a lot so it's like it she's used to it it's more like just like sudden yeah it's not like 40 year old virgin where it's like you know a tiny chunk of your whole leg stress oh wait what do i do no okay okay Tyler's okay okay Tyler will you ask me okay will you do me the honor there's such good sports and they come down and they'll like this is an awful this is the fear of Tyler by the way you might you might know their intro it's amazing she does she does awesome stuff you know she is I'm sure you okay here you go okay so I use press press firmly yeah I used the nads waxing strips at home yeah but in Tyler I place them and Tyler pull yeah I last night yeah waxes me wait well you wax each other I know I just got each other I've only done it one time but yeah I'm like Sophia's go-to esthetician right now good word very fine job I don't see any hair wear any hair should not be thank you you're putting my leg this is not trying to rub it in I know you're cold because the worst the worst outcome of this is that we pull and wax Laden hair were made yep that's what you don't shove it Lord okay that hey this is Sofia Tyler I mean throwing them again have a fantastic Channel they do all sorts of beauty related things okay oh my gosh they're holding me you're gonna are you gonna give me a can you give me a countdown or something don't block the you gotta see the Ross here why don't I just hold your hand I'm so nervous or that W have to hold you please donate okay to help mental health donate donate guys please leave one random gun way so what you know yeah you have to go against the grain oh my god oh my lord you can't pull this way then oh that's not gonna do it you start from this side of this way could you pull again yeah I'm sorry I'm merely being held down by two people and okay and you're gonna pull one smooth even motion straight down yeah you don't want to feel like I'm about to like jump up like a high diver [Laughter] it's like a Jason get in here so my leg is no longer a virgin here this is supposed to be soothing I don't I think that's probably bupkis but whatever it's Boyce's oh wow it's to get rid of um any leftover wax oh thank you there you go wow this is what treatment I've had did you find that painful I found it invigorating I think that adrenaline was surging like my body's so much that I'm like I felt nothing yeah I'm just like oh my lord what is going on by everyone you know we can sell this on eBay and donate it to charity and yes you guys can make clones of me that it was definitely right Wow do you like it don't you do another one I don't want to do another but I do like how smooth my leg is I got it up a little bit I was trying to like go just get two phrases coming wouldn't you ice the kicker yeah they get like nervous so the faster we go well I was just concerned if I did a bad job if I didn't time it down right then there'd be like a drama video you know you know Tyler wastes valuable money you could have also done one of those things where it's like three to pull and you like pull down I do that's cruel so I don't Tyler's got a good poll I've got some pretty stubborn mustache hair so you like though about that it's all about having the record that you've done it okay so Robert should be able to lay out her mustache it's like poor stripped yes my dear viewer if you've never used a poor strip at home you deserve because I nail it off your nose and simply have like these mountains yeah it's like whoa it was sitting it's sitting in your nose right now yeah right now it's in it is in their nose right now and you can pull it out and then it's in a mire how beautiful it is when it comes out it's very impressed really satisfying it's like dr. dr. pimple popper right I was like a trend in like early 2015 to do those like black peel off masks with the face oh yeah and there was a good one yes speaking of coating yourself in black I'm noticing that both of you are are you like a traveling mind show or yeah are we keeping you from some sort of like robbery are you restore after this or something oh I feel like I usually dress like this and Tyler but yeah yeah you're holding open oh yeah she dresses for the evening time in the color you like you just wanted in solidarity I'm just smashing Sofia yeah well this is a very girly girl man we're going on - I was wearing like a shirt that it was it was kind of tight in the armpit so I was I was concerned about that have you changed quickly in this woody this is when I grabbed and now I'm wearing all black or you really put that one ear away I would not really I mean like don't throw it away I like this idea of selling it on eBay should come back in a frame just donating it and donating it to the lady or I could start her own wax museum except it's not wax people that's really is dripping wax other people's like hair and put that up there Madame Tussauds eat your heart out we could go around waxing youtubers and it would be the youtuber wax music jennamarbles his hair Tyler's hairs ice cream museum now right why not just go with the waxed hair music it with oil matter it's cute yeah yeah I love this I can Instagram full portion yeah this is me in front of the wall of the air everything else will be hair theme like you'll have a big wall that has like a bunch of like wigs on another wall that's like roll around you bring yourself into some yes it sounds pretty cool actually so with rhettandlink last during the last session we came up with the idea of working a franchise how to cook out and bring it to California so that way we're bringing quality food to California us us for right here creating the wax museum yeah we're doing cuz we don't have enough going on in our lives I think we should let's play the game I'm gonna pull up the computer and stuff I'm going to read off a couple more donations while you're so real quick just to explain what's going on so since Sofia and I really got to bond and meet each other on the core on the set of escape the Knights on the court you know where they cut all of my dramatic like crying over her dead body when she died you know there's a big fight over Sophia's dead body yeah they cut it all yeah I think it's because they didn't want to have to CGI me for longer than necessary I think so too missed all the drama that happened in the aftermath of me being like she's jet it was great it was a good moment um but anyway you know Sofia and I kind of made our names on the show as the two puzzle solvers right yes and so and so I thought I was trying to forget all of my interactions with you on the show yes if tonight had just blocked it up just like your outfit oh no just cuz I was terrified the whole time very scary yeah oh yeah stop doesn't like jump scares in general oh man well we have snap VR hooked up if you wanted to die I don't think you feel Alan no it's pretty intense so instead let's blow you up yeah so I decided to do a puzzle solving game called keep talking and nobody explodes which is one of my all-time favorite like puzzle games where basically you or one of us whoever's in the hot seat so it's you to begin with we've presented with a bomb great that none of the rest of us can see and it has different modules on it so you have to describe to us as the people with the bomb defusal manuals um you have to describe to us what you're seeing and then we talk you three through how to defuse that yes got it yes great totally self-explanatory you're gonna be awesome yeah alright so we need to probably yes you don't grab a grab the computer I have no way covered there are you gonna read off a couple of donations uh JD Rock sends in $50 thank you so much for that and it says seems legit dollars thank you so much then thank you for all you helped make me smile when I really I mean this is the guy you're most worried about right now yeah if you would open the bottom most game on the donation from Robert Donnell great cause best of luck thank you so much um and we have let's see five dollars from Josh Ben Benoit thank you so much for that and ten dollars from Katie Polly arrow this melon I have a social anxiety and many people don't know much about mental illness I really appreciate my top role model supporting this cause also Matt's deficit via Tyler I love you guys please hug skip for me we will love you too will thank you so much we love all of you guys thank you so much for doing make it a live stream of just like skip and Krusty meeting each other that would be amazing yes skip is much bigger than crusty boat trustees meeting yes oh I have a cut on my nose right now if you see that that's actually Krusty I was walking around with a bandaid on my face the other day oh and I went to get a haircut I got a new haircut for the street oh thank you I didn't I love hairy hairy muff but I'm finally waxing it away one step at a time yeah I had to explain to my my hair salon guy why my nose was a under a band-aid you liked it what's wrong something minute you you got your nose done it's okay it looks great there you look very one small incision these are really small it was it's very subtle I like thank you I like I was self-conscious about it all right okay all right Sophia so you are in control of the bomb yes and your goodness yes okay all right this is the this is the instructions so we shouldn't we share don't look out here oh yeah we can see the monitor but don't look at the monitor at all uh and Jason we've input code 241 for the manual they want me to be like in a cave sorry we did we didn't have like no that's fine we get we if you guys can call us out watching the stream if you see us looking up at the camera also less than $5,000 oh yeah well is it five thousand dollars away from the 150 mark great Oh Lauren keep sending it in Matthew is one step closer to dying his hair so type in 241 okay yea this game is much different than I originally thought it was why what did you think the game I'll keep talking and no one explodes right that's good now yeah yeah so I thought that it was literally you have to keep talking the entire time or someone will like be out or something so in the bathroom before but I was like it was like going over I was like do I know anymore Burnie shakes my eyes like that's amazing goodnight guys do you know any bottle of um not full ones but parts of some yeah I appreciate you some later if you shadows have offended think but this and all is mended no I was I was going I remember one sort of incomplete one from Romeo and Juliet which is so lame but then I remember I remember very small amount of one sonnet and also the quality of Mercy is not strained remember it because of Nellie from the office ok so do you have a bomb ok ok ok well she's also Alexander Winkle thank you so much for your hundred dollar donation incredible and the cosmic sketcher sends in fifty dollars it's amazing and says another fifty for me always willing to support a great cause that's fantastic things so so much so I learned those Shakespeare monologue back in Mo's at theater theater class junior year of high school I think I still know it it's the closing one from good summer Night's Dream if you shadow if we shadows have offended think but this and all is mended that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear and this weak and idle theme no more yielding but a dream gentles do not reprehend if you pardon we shall mend and as I am an honest puck if we have unearned luck now to scape the Serpent's tongue we shall make amends ere long there's something I'm missing but then it's give me your hands if we be friends yep all the end and Robin shall restore amends I think that's how it ends but there's a chunk in the middle the darn I was so close it's a few on the clock right now by the way is she no shoes on any second I'm I'm learning how to do it okay sorry sorry I'm Phil I'm vamping for time always really hard right it seems like there's like the henry v has like a really good beginning into the breech speech oh for a muse of fire that would ascend the greatest heaven of invention and then it's like does some stuff and it's like kingdom something some like whose then then bridge to the third also has a good one because it's now is the winter of our classic by this office trying to say she wants to put the vamp in game game you know what else is another good vamping moment is uh the color order from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat which I did freshman year of high school which I still remember the entire sequence up because we had it grilled like just drilled into our brain over and over red orange scarlet black it was red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet black and ochre and peach and ruby and olive and violin fawn and like a golden chocolate mob and creamy crimson silver and rose and Azure and lemon and Russ and a grey and purple and white and pink and orange wow that's impressive yeah and you had to do like all these dance moves with every single one over and over again yeah it was so ridiculous hey we should play a farm shall we let's do a blob game alright before so I think it's Oprah beautifier that what does happen a bunch in a kingdoms first days Prince's to act and monarchs to behold the swelling scene why do you uh-oh something something oh my Mary cast that did affright the air at Agincourt is also relevant for some reason ok she's like I'm gonna bring it out well that's our time with Sofia Nygaard everyone thank you so much okay I have the first pump okay the first Bob and we have your manual all right oh yeah we're ready to go by the way Twitter loves the idea of skip meets Krusty I'm telling you it's gonna tip is large and he knows how to throw his butt around all right cool we got it the first bomb yet that yes still just start it just start it all right it says everybody has to start somewhere let's just hope it doesn't end here too okay we've got five module or five minutes for three modules and we've got three Skype strokes okay all right ready okay we should divide up who is doing what okay there's three modules there's three of us okay I'll do don't look up I'm not looking at my employers hold up no no Tyler didn't seem ready we're looking at our Bob right now okay we're down guide us Sofia okay okay I click on it I'm clicking I've clicked on it okay so I have a button on I've got six sort of like panels on my bomb okay and the top left one there's a button that says detonate on the top middle one there is a set of wires there's two blue ones on the top boxes nothing is there another puzzle anywhere else yes I'm there on the bottom right there are four keys that look sort of like a strange like musical thing okay so you should take them wires you do wires I'll do them I'll do the buttons all right you do the music what are your wires look like all right so um my I've got two blue wires on top so I have one two I have six wires in total two blue wires on the top six blue eyes make two blue wires on top there are there are there yellow wires yes there are yellow wires yes uh okay is there one yellow wire there's one okay one yellow wire is there more than one white wire no okay ah otherwise if there are no red wine okay there is a room or there is a red wire there is a red wire yes okay higher [Music] okay yeah okay talk about the button yes what color is the button red okay honey batteries are there on the bomb ice usually held on the edges of the bomb how many batteries do you see okay I see one two okay I see and the buttons on detonate the bun says getting okay press and release pressing more quickly release it okay there it is okay that's nice oh come on guys give some some musical symbols or something I've got some like strange-looking symbols I've got four keys okay okay okay there looks like old school things like one of them kinda like a backwards end a backwards end in the top left no no we do only one column below has all four of the symbols that she has Oh got it okay cool I agree okay so why do you describe them to me so okay so there I've got four in sort of like a like a sort of a square yeah so I've got um it's like a two by two so on the top left it looks like um like an Arabic character it's like a smiley face it look at the smiley face alright okay good oh yeah it looks like he's a student's time yes and um and then below him it looks like a backwards like clef basically okay or a normal or normal ways Club I don't members like a musical thing accused sort of yes thank you go and then on the bottom right it sort of an upside down P with like a little bit far through those oh yeah I got it okay so beef yes upside down remember and then above him I have a stick-figure dog basically okay triangle head what's the class is the cleft uh yeah is there an eye in the middle window so basically so if we talk about the body paragraphs yes okay like a filled in key yes mirror image yes okay yeah okay okay so you have to press the four buttons in the order they're symbols appear from top to bottom oh so okay so you're gonna want to hit the clef thing first [Music] well done d this game is my nightmare [Laughter] really I just Tyler really doesn't like reading answer I've never but yes really stress instructions like an Ikea myth no I can't I'm really bad yeah I can do it I don't mind doing it but like ever since is like a really little kid like when I'm getting a new console oh you just love things in until it worked like I heard I can't read the little walk with a really fine print I can't you're the guy who lays on the wax and then rips it off but how that lack wax actually gets laid on who knows I was nervous you were gonna have me read the instructions for the wax well let's keep you staying nervous by going to the next bomb which should be a significantly harder oh yeah awesome do I get did such a strong job yeah did I oh yeah I thought you did great okay you did the cameras so here before we before you officially start the next bomb at bearded bauble on Twitter says there we go I just threw my contribution to the cherry weak pot I might not suffer from mental illness but it still impacts my life on a very personal level to this cause is a given Matthew Matthew and Steph and the rest thank you that's awesome thank you so much and that's the thing about definitely about today and that's the thing about the cause that we're working for is that even if it doesn't affect you personally you almost certainly know someone who who has a mental disorder or a just something that they struggle with that they may or may not want to like you know talk about all the time but you can help them by by raising money for charities like this and also just for you know being there participating in the stream and talking about this kind of stuff because the more we talk about it the more the easier it becomes the less stigmatized it becomes and the more we can do to help yeah so if you'll click on bones let's go again you guys alright god yeah it'll be ooh pick one that sounds exciting for you something old something new I'm just gonna go in chronological right one ah okay so the description is when did seeing a familiar bomb become comforting no matter this bomb will only be half comforting okay three modules again see really does remind escape tonight right and this is why they selected this game for us to play God all right cool got it okay don't look for us escape tonight it was also the chat everything happened so late is really funny funny that's a lot of pressure what are we seeing all right great so um I have three little open thing with three different puzzles again do I have one that is um the keys again one that's a button and one that looks almost like a battleship thing it's not wires it's like um it's like a little like array of things there's a red rotating arrow okay it's basically is that one stuff do you do too but about one too three four or five six it's a six by six set of dots you do the symbols again I'll do this I'll do the grid okay all right cool all right start with button button so you know what is the buttons blue no it's white okay the button okay button is white is there a lit indicator with the label CA are anywhere on the thing uh yes I think so see I see SI g CL r CA r yes white yeah that's CA r yes okay so if that's case hold the button and refer to releasing a held button Oh God okay so hold on hold that thought releasing a held button if if you start rolling the button down a colored strip will light up on the right side of the module okay okay what color is it white white release when the countdown timer has a one in any position got it okay okay let's let's talk about the grid great so where are the red circles there is green circles okay where are the green circles the green circles are one two three down and two three down and like actually no it should be one two three four five to the right okay five to the right one two three four five and how many down three one two three five five okay one two three four five okay and is there one that is one two three four five six down and four to the right okay and where is the where's the arrow thing it is um the top row and it's one two three four to the right one two three four okay so I'm gonna want you to and what do I need to do find the maze with matching circular marks the defuser must navigate the white light to the red row wait where's the white light it is on the first column one two three for five down okay one two three four five six first-first comb one two three four five okay so you're gonna want to go up up up up up nope nope alright where's the white light it's now it is a one below it is in the first column and one down yeah first moment okay it's gonna be right right right right so for right right right right right one up one up and then left until you get to the red arrow got it it worked yeah okay I got it give me symbols keypads again yes hi what do you describe them to me all right so the top left one is a stick-figure dog with the triangle head okay the one below it looks like a cursive H with sort of like a tail right yeah um the one that is the bottom right is an O with a little tail at the bottom lipstick out of it yeah and then the one above it looks like an A with like a sort of little stick coming down five here's the order you want to click them in okay oh yes next one do the egg got it then you wanted the dog with triangle head yep and you want to do the eight little tail got it yeah well a minute left yeah plus team look at our flying you know how much are you doing well there's time to read donations yeah Kevin told mine thank you so much for your hundred dollar donation Wow incredible Matthew speech open sure Q as well from $200 and you turtle Ethan drizzle you for your hundred dollar donation you guys are in gorilla stood whole can you hold your bladder for ten fine I feel like it just matters just like releasing I drank a ton of coffee you getting your money's worth that's worth an exercise I'm leading the charge right now you are leading the charge I'm going to read one more here Frank Jeremiah Myers thank you so much for your $20 donation love you guys what you're doing for mental health research I have a lot of friends who suffer from depression and anxiety besides being being their friend I feel like this will help out also thank you so much it means a ton thank you guys for all of your donations all right okay let's do it new bottom here we go wait going with it's called double your money great double the donation money [Applause] well we're $1,500 away from hitting the big $150,000 mouth huge it unlocks the me dyeing my hair whatever color oh so you don't want that choice to be in Matthews hands and really why would you we need to get to 100 but before we do let's get that 1,500 before Sofia and Tyler leave oh yeah there we go that's not the challenge yes then we do it I think within the next like 10 15 minutes okay okay no baby before we hop in I actually have some great news I just found out that Skillshare donated $1,000 yes sir only $500 away yeah hey if you guys don't know Skillshare is they actually sponsor episodes of Game three right there awesome we use them here in the office and just like around art our team uses Skillshare to learn specifically like stuff about editing graphic design thumbnail design all that kind of stuff that they need to either brush up on like learn a new skill they do like a lot of - totally not tutorials but like full lessons full like that are creative by the experts yeah they're created by people who really know what they're doing people who use and and do whatever they're teaching about all the time so you're getting like you know kind of insider track information from people who really know kind of what's going yeah like one of the most popular ones that people will use after they sign up with our code is like how to become a youtuber so Skillshare is a great learning community that supports a lot of like really talented teachers and experts in their field and so to hear that they actually called in and donated that possible so thank you that also means that we are now five hundred dollars away from a goal so at this point we absolutely can hit it before us Asaf and tyler leave so help me dye my hair I've had the same effing haircut for my entire life I just style it differently since I was a child I've never done anything different with my hair is cut I no discussion sure so there's this haircut called the meet me at McDonald yeah and what they do like I got I got high and tight where they'll shave the sides of your head news and then perm the top billy crystal's get this haircut at McDonald's and you can diet on McDonald thank you that I the McDonald's which of course opens up the red I mean I want to say $275,000 let me wrap up red McDonald's afro hair fabulous yes I work out what it's like it's real like in right now I gotta get a perm perm the top you have to tell us because of Matthew's complexion maybe not ready no yeah I mean what happened to the whole McDonald's crew don't you feel like that they've kind of been dissipated over the worst grommet it's scratchy the fry guys grimace is the purple one cream you're thinking of Wallace and Robin I am I am could be like a grimace Ronald McDonald mashup with the purple hair purple hair that's a good one well you could make it happen by getting $275,000 but first we gotta cross over $50,000 let's do it all right but let's also defuse a bomb so I got six modules six modules you can't look up so you can also like dictate multiple modules for us at the same time to like if you feel comfortable multitasking you'd be like I got a X colored button with the word this and I got a Y colored wire six wires with the colors but Bob whatever you know I've never done this much I know you know get through six months are gonna be hard let's do it ready I and start okay this screen is for your eyes only okay guys let's do this all right see ya Bob okay here we go that's one of those keypad things in case anyone wants to miss these things I think that keypad thing is where it all starts I hope I didn't click anything all right soft eye you want to do the keypad thing okay they're all closed right now the only ones open is the keypad can i I don't know how to flip it over okay okay okay yes that is what's going on okay so I got wires on it - okay wires got the keypad on it I have another keep that on the back as well just clarify all right so then we have two sets of wires here okay so in the top left wire set there are five wires horizontal they're all horizontal one of them is yellow one in this black last wire black no okay the middle wires black okay put on the bottom right there is another set of five wires sorry it's okay so you you have it you have a black wire I do in the middle in the middle let's see is there one red wire no okay oh you want me to go into the key first wire cuz the first wire okay it's like how do I do that okay I'm gonna cut it boom we're still alive I think okay cool right there's another set of wires though in the bottom right and there are five five layers and the black wire is the last one yeah and there is a red wire as well okay is the last stage of the serial number on the bomb god yes it is okay it is odd yeah okay we're two bottles down here okay so now I have a keypad set huh alright so in the top left I have basically like a six with like a very horizontal stem to six okay and they got a backwards end yeah a little like a headphone jack yeah and the bottom left they have like half of a pound sign yep okay and then I have an Omega got it okay so you go for the the six first okay then for the half a pound sign got it then for the end okay so now I have a I have one of those ages that has a little tail I have like a very that's a gun wasn't a very cursive L is almost like a C and an L in cursive so it's kinda like a it's like just loops it's just like loose okay I think I'm like a loop to like it looks like the wrong yeah alright then I have a backwards ething with like almost like an colon at the top yeah and then I have this again [Applause] let's see with the DA in the middle a little boob guy okay okay um wait you have a backwards C with two dots on top I have a backward C that has like a line the middle way that would first backwards see we've got in the middle second got it then the loop-de-loop got it then I'm H with the tail got it we were alive okay so what are the left among the last two modules are these a closed abort things are they buttons they're buttons great one of them is red one of them is white okay one of them is red how many batteries are on the bomb on the bomb there are there's one two three and with the what's the button saying or five there's there's five and the bottom set the bun says aborted okay if the button is white no there's a white one as well though focus on one button what's the what's the color one one it's red it's red and it says abort and there's five batteries okay if there are more than two batteries in them there's a lit in Decatur do you see a lip indicator with the label frk indicator with anywhere on the bomb no no it's not yellow if the button is red yeah says no if none of the above apply hold the button and refer okay so hold the button and you should see a colored strip all right what colors the strip hold it press these blue blue release when the countdown timer has four in any position okay the countdown time work I got it yep alright four and then with the other cutting alright now the next one is white white okay and what's it it says abort and it says abort okay button it's blue there's weather and there's more than one and then nope okay if the button is white and there's a linen do you see car CA are anywhere on the mud indicator with label car no okay it has more than two and there's a linen to get there was no frk there's no yellow that's not red if any of the above apply okay so hold the button alright and what bright red don't have any other question really with the counterterrorism one and also - [Applause] oh I got you Wow let's try to do like a wraparound yeah you tried to high-five you and you just pulled away yeah it was as though you were dissing you basically okay I was doing a good job very impressive I mean does that solidify you guys outside of the game of like always otherwise then I don't want to tell me how to dance yeah don't do traction man can I just and I have a little pet peeve that when they do say stop and everybody clap your hands and everyone starts doing eighth notes in time with music but then everyone speeds up like it's like everybody clap your hands do more hyped up right like it's it's an interesting societal thing that as soon as they open the door to everybody clapping their hands everyone intuitively just understands that they should be clapping eighth notes like no one's actually clapping quarter notes and everybody clap your hands or like everyone's like yes but then they just don't maintain it with that metronomic precision that I'm looking for that's all right sorry people do speed up a lot they do yeah okay so I have the unfortunate task of helping to keep the livestream on track which means that unfortunately I think we have our new amount of time with Sofia I think we might have to kick you off let's all do it so you do eight notes you do quarters all the halves [Applause] [Laughter] everybody clap your hands okay because actually we're also vamping for time we wanted to do my triplets right triplets just for my sake everybody clap your hands your universe that's the de-facto okay next time you hear mr. C in the sound machine or whatever the new mr. G and the cha-cha side at a wedding I dare you to be the person who claps triplets everybody clapping that's like a way I want that to go viral so bad like I gave I gave in for the spices and the polkas he insisted on the polka polish family that's real polka I got the accordion and we know that's like that Scottish dancer you just like grab them and they spin around you know that is nautical that's it uh that's it I guess sex is really it looks really fun gets swung around and stuff everyone's wearing kilts in Sex in the City where Charlotte marries a Scottish guy yeah so they had like a Scottish Society of New York she isn't a big fight in front of room yeah oh great fantastic a lot of data but you know that's great so Matt should dye his hair plaid wow really cool that would be cool that would be really like can my hair become an optical illusion not be interesting yeah listen I think I know ople hair where you kind of do like different like sort of pastel color oh yeah oil slick hair where you do the same thing which is dark oh yeah yeah yeah there's so many options and you can choose if we hit hundred seventy-five thousand dollars what what's the next one up no hundred seventy-five is they choose the hair I thought was like they choose the theory no they have already 100 hundred thousand must choose the theory which by the way that whole is gonna go up on this live stream shortly right yes we're going to set that live yeah do you want to choose no I'm just gonna say that you know if there's a Pokemon one you should include Bulbasaur this time Wow vocalizing the the angry I have or comments come to life I have a game theory come out tomorrow hopefully if everything goes according to plan that's odd evie unacceptable it's pretty good it's not doesn't have a like grass evolution no yeah Leafeon if you shove it if you shove it yeah leave you oh yeah it's it's it's a later innovation yeah they sneak them all that was like no there's there's there's an ad there's an there's an easy for every season that's our plan present for each other for Christmas we're gonna take a week off we're just gonna just game boy that sounded yeah well that's why we don't we don't have it right now because we're just like it was just so much time playing right cuz that's what happens so we can like hide downstairs and play with them note without exaggeration do you all over here we have the REO party injury or even better without exaggeration all over Thanksgiving break we were literally like the wait is the baby asleep okay great let's go downstairs throw on like jeopardy the jeopardy on Netflix and do puzzles that is literally what they are literally like 69 years old Matthews parents this is this true Matthews parents got us a set of eight jigsaw puzzles for the things if we're like the holiday season ranging from their dirty old patterns and they range from five hundred to a thousand pieces each we got through the challenging ones of like we did a maca root like it's all like close-ups of food and so there's a lot of like that sounds amazing yeah you got the Jeopardy just mindless in the background and learn a little bit and every once in a while you're like oh I know this one yeah I can be a tournament of champions well look at me suck on that Kolby he's so irritating he's just smug so smug well because all the Netflix Jeopardy's are like they're tournament so there's an Colby's you see them walking around or you come over and do puzzles and play with us and we can all sit in our respective corners of the room and play pokemon yes we can train them to then compete against each other we could control or do like a master ball Ponzi scheme or we just like train up to the point where you get master balls then trade them and start the game again oh yes great again well thanks friends for coming so much and I'm glad I have to dye your hair and yeah thanks the wet thank you for keeping me in in solid hands when you wax my legs yeah sure really I'm so proud of myself about yeah Oh Tyler it is smooth it's so great yeah and everyone got a good [Laughter]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 226,254
Rating: 4.9603844 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, safiya nygaard, keep talking and nobody explodes, keep talking and nobody explodes gameplay, tyler williams, safiya nygaard hair, safiya nygaard tyler, safiya try guys, try guys safiya, leg waxing, keep talking, buzzfeed safiya, pewdiepie keep talking and nobody explodes, jacksepticeye keep talking and nobody explodes 4, game grumps keep talking, game theory charity livestream, charity livestream, gtlive, gtlive safiya, gtlive keep talking and nobody explodes
Id: _M4e27UDjy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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