The Ultimate GROSS Food Challenge!! | Pregnancy Cravings Taste Test

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Next up we have yogurt mixed with peas and garlic. Oh no, come on now Those other ones at least there was ice cream or something yogurt mixed with peas and garlic? Yum! I think we should go one at a time and I think it should be ladies first. Because I respect you, as a woman. Uh huh. Yeah, sure. Oh god Why? Why is this a thing? Hey guys and welcome to GT not live! That's right. This is not live So there's no chat to engage with and if you're on Twitter will probably see your message But it will have nothing to do with this recording We will be engaging with you to the same level that you would expect from a live stream, which is a grand total of zero No. Come on, we got we got a little we get a little bit of credit but today fair warning Do we get a little bit of credit? We're hoping that by the time you guys see this there's a little less stomach going on and a little more baby. So while- While I'm out and and hopefully recovering with brand-new BabyPat We have some pre-recorded episodes of GT Live (GT not live), that are going to tide everybody over hopefully until we are both back in action! I like the branding of mini Pat myself. Oh, I like that. I think I can get behind that. I think baby Pat is a bit difficult I think mini Pat works better. How about tot Pat? mini Pat. One of the things I've missed out on, I feel, is those weird pregnancy craving food Combinations that are so famous and that you read about online, you know Like pickles and ice cream or whatever crazy combinations are out there I haven't really had any of those but I don't want this experience to pass us by without getting to try a few So we had Chris scour the mommy blog The mommy blogosphere aha where he learned all sorts of things about the pros and cons of breastfeeding But also learn some of the weird pregnancy cravings that we can select and that we're gonna try right now Chris is chosen along this journey When he has children, he's going to have a natural childbirth, which you know, hey more power to you, man Chris has elected to not breastfeed mostly because his breasts will not prduce milk So chris has come up with a list of the Internet's craziest pregnancy food combinations Which we're here to sample today for better or for worse indeed So with without any further ado bring forth the first food It's already here. It's sitting in front of us. It's literally- it's right down there. Bring for- fine Thanks. What is it? What is it? What is it Chris? This food is ice cream and potato chips ice cream and potato chips Like is it supposed to be in the same Bowl or are you just supposed are you supposed to eat it simultaneously? They're supposed to be in the same bowl in the same Bowl. You know, what? It looks bad what did the mommy blogosphere tell you? because... It's a mix Some people take a scoop of ice cream and dump potato chips in. Right! Some people mix it together. I totally get this. This is just like the fry and frosty combination. At wendy's? Yeah, that that lots of non-pregnant people eat too. I think this must be about like the salty sweet stuff. Try it out Steph. Okay, I say we both give it a try here you uh, you can put that spoon in your mouth I'm helping! you I've got my spoon over here. I've got my- Let me practice my feeding technique! We have a little one on the way It's an awfully big spoon For an awfully big mouth chugga chugga chugga choo, choo Yeah There it is What? It's, practice... It's a little bit weird On the one hand, you definitely get the salty and then you get the sweet of them of the ice cream It's all in one like sort of, you know flavor combo there. I And yes I did just lick the ice cream off the floor. That was my impulse ladies and gentlemen. Give this a crying baby out of 10. Oh Yeah, I don't think it's nearly that bad good again. I like both of these foods I think we're sitting in the middle. I think we're just like- happy neutral baby? neutral baby out of ten. Fair enough. Bring on the next food! Here skip you wanna lick the ice cream? Yeah, you want some ice cream Skip? You want some nice salty ice cream? Sometimes he likes potato chips Maybe this is a combination that Skip would like! Yeah you wanna try some salty ice cream? Is skip pregnant? Is skip pregnant. does he like it. He seems confused yeah, he's just confused. He's like no. I also don't need this combination It is bananas on toast with salt Bananas on toast with salt- I'm noticing like a theme here so far sweet and salty together. Is that a thing? Is that is that like a theme for all of these a lot of people want salty or spicy food? It seems oh I hear spicy food actually kicks you in the labor sooner. What? That's what i've read. oh, man, so don't don't kick it up a notch too high or else the baby's like "I'm out of there"? Right? just shootin out- Like if you if you go to Chipotle and have like the death sauce, he'll just be like, "WOA-HO" y'know? Going to the chipotle bathroom, you have a brand new burrito in your arms This is a good- We could dink this like they do on good mythical morning They're gonna copy right claim it, okay We can we can dunk it, and then we can- ..Snunk it That was stupid... Dumb idea. We're workshopping it okay?There's a lot going on- Sorry. I still got potato chips stuck in the back of my throat Oh this is garbage. No. No bueno. Begone! (Matthew is a little picky pants today...) Begone thot. (laughing) Nnno! What- how could this be offensive? This is literally just toast and some bananas. Yeah, with salt, Steph, salty banana. I don't want any salt in my banana. I have to say this salt doesn't really add much for me, but I mean, (no, it's gross) I like the banana and the toast it's like if I'm on a banana flavor you can have banana if I wanted salty banana flavor, I don't I Could eat it. That's weird. I don't like it. It's kind of gross to me okay, so, you know what this also feels like I don't this feels like someone who's like you know what I Really want like a banana split with salt on it. We're like oh Yeah that common that common thing when I go to bed and Jerri, can I get a banana split with salt on it? So it feels like someone who wants like a banana split with salt on it or something really decadent with that same flavor combination, but they're like No. I'm I Won't eat this like really extravagant things I'll just have toast with banana and salt it is feels like This feels like you wanted something that's actually like a lot more delicious than what that actually is but like you scaled it down to just like oh I'm just gonna slap some banana on some toast and sprinkle some salt. Discount banana split. Mm-hm. Is this what you hunger for, baby? Babby, is this what you crave? Banana and salt? Get better taste cravings Babby. The quest continues What's next? Next up. We have yogurt mixed with peas and garlic. Oh No, come on now Those other ones at least there was ice cream or something yogurt mixed with peas and garlic No, no You smell it I smell it over here. It smells like ranch dip I can literally smell it from here like a good two feet and it is awful smelling. Your taste buds are Very special right now. I'm pretty sure this is not gonna hit the mark. I think this is it. Just wait Steph This is gonna be the one. This is it. This is the one that you're like wow I can't believe these flavor combinations have escaped me for so many years All right. If I'm doing this you're do at the same time. I Think we should go one at a time and I think it should be ladies first Also rested use vanilla yogurt Really Sets off the whole dish. Okay, okay Okay, here's what it tastes. Like it literally tastes like ranch dressing or like or Veggie dip it tastes like a veggie dip. There's like there's like a mix of a veggie dip and Also something that your mouth feels like maybe should be like your morning yogurt with with granola or something But then you bite into the stuff that's in there and you're like no this is a pea and then you're like no there's another pea and then you're like no there's another pea and you're like There's no granola in this at all. And then it's just a really confusing experience. I will say It actually does not taste as bad as it smells The smell of garlic is really off-putting when you're like just looking at this and it looks look it literally looks like snot I mean there's just there's green clumps in white mucus and It just it this is this is like the most horrifying looking thing you've ever seen pickles Yes Queen! I like pickles. Okay. Wait, so that was that was Three of them. What's the reading that you give to this last one? Oh, I give that a I give that like a poopy face diaper baby out of ten. I was gonna say the same thing like turd baby Yeah, turd baby. Yeah, terrible. Oh, no, this one's got pickles, which I appreciate. So this one has pickles but it also has chocolate milk So I feel like I know where this one's going. Do I know where this is going Chris? Oh I think you know where this is going. This is a this is a pickle dip We eat the pickle and then we ignore the milk You know what dipping is is definitely gotta be the original intent of this dish so we should go for that But I do hear that people tend to eat they go in and then drink the chocolate milk separately I Love chocolate milk, and I love pickles. But again, I don't really feel like I'm gonna love these together Way to ruin full white that's the point of the games and stuff That is why we are here today testing out the pregnancy cravings. This is making me so sad These are like my favorite things. I Was hoping that the pickle with season my chocolate milk in a little bit. It didn't hear I Think that'll help season it a little bit better Really really get to the essence of this with my little pickle garnish on the side. There we go Yeah You can't be serious No Let me let me dive in one more time here just to double-check shocker of the internet Matthew is the one who's pregnant I've just been putting out a lot of It's like a chocolate milkshake, oh, it's curdling. Oh This is terrible like a chocolate milkshake Curdled milk, that's not dangerous for pregnant women, right? yeah, I'm actually blown away by this little taste mostly like chocolate look at this, but the look and the texture of it is terrible now Yeah look it's so you can see that it's already having a chemical reaction in the chocolate milk bra where it is starting to get like Chunky and thick you can see kind of like all the kind of like, I don't know what exactly you would call that but you can see how it's kind of like congealing or whatever which makes it a lot thicker and It gives you the texture Let me pour it out everywhere. It gives you the texture of chocolate milk so it's actually thicker than when I was just drinking chocolate separately and the Vinegar enos of the pickle isn't that bad? No, I actually like this one that I said Yay to pickle milk. I think no absolutely no to pickle milk. Oh Really? It was like it was like a you love pickles you like chocolate milkshakes. What's there not to like Them together in any way. Are you crazy? Are you crazy? And it's it's an instant milkshake. You got your pickles at home You got your milk at home bada-bing bada-boom pickle milkshakes next up. We have ground carrots in ketchup Why? Why do we have that because pregnant ladies sometimes like to eat this? Do they? are you sure that this is real like are you sure that the websites- This is an actual thing that people- This just seems so random Chris started off being like I'm gonna pick the real ones from the website and then it just evolved into hahaha What funny things do we have in the fridge right now? Right, we've got a lot of leftovers that we need to clean up. Yeah. So let's throw things together really great. That's right Here's thing Caresearch of watery and watery edge up sucks I think we can all agree that like the ketchup water that pours out a bunch of bottles when you haven't shared them properly when they're not properly shook if That stuff sucks. It is like one of the worst tasting things known to human and this basically is ketchup water in carrot form. Because carrots are mostly water and then you eat the ketchup with it and it just waters down the It's just garbage. Oh, it is actually making my face Uncomfortable. No. Yeah, this is oh this is scrunchie face, baby out of 10. Breath savers? Mints? Cleanse the palate? it is also a major pregnancy craving! really no way Just mints? Just mints. Ah! I wonder how these will be! I'm so excited to find out. Oh, I do appreciate a good mint Chris. Also. It's a smart choice. Oh you're bad Spearmint! This sucks. Matthew's a winter green man. I'm all about the spearmint. This is how I feel about your effing spearmint, man Yeah, that's right. Wow. That's the equivalent of dropping the mic except... dropping the mint... (Oh Matthew) Fell on the floor. I don't want Skip to choke on it. So it's right it's very refreshing but I don't crave it. really?why don't you crave anything woman? Why don't you crave babby? Cheese and chocolate. Hey, if anything's got a shot with me, honestly, it's gonna be the cheese and chocolate. Like I love cheese I looove chocolate. Come on if there's if there's anything that's gonna work here. I feel like this should be it I feel like this is a Pinterest post in the making Oh, totally. Ah, here's my cheese and chocolate plate We spared no expense here. We unwraped a couple Hershey Kisses put some generic slices of cheese Wasn't really good together, you know I had high hopes for this one. It's not really panning out. Right? I thought this would be an easy win actually And it is not. Again! again with the sweet and salty no, no This is actually one of the worst ones, right! Right up there with the pickles on the milk. Oh You know how I feel about this one? This is how I feel about this one. So, what's this last one Chris? This last one is flamin' hot cheetoooos! Oh no Glad we're ending on... a really creative one. So this is so this is a major pregnancy craving, huh? Really? The spiciness. Right. Maybe it's all the women who want to like give birth early I don't even want to smell- I think that's what it is. I seriously think it's it's ladies who are like no. No. No, I'm done. I'm done just Bring on the sriracha and the flamin hot cheetos Pew! you shoot out like a- Potato gun! It's the potato gun steph! I on't think I've ever actually had a flamin hot cheto. I don't think I've ever had one either. It never looked good Don't give me that judgmental look. Look at this. What? look at this. It does look like a burt cheeto. it does it looks overdone It looks like a red hot little turd Huh No, it's spicier than I expected actually Wow, huh, that's a lot more of a keeper and the flavor actually isn't as bad as I was gonna say could I describe the chocolate milk for a second? Whoa, sign me up for that pickle milk Give me a big ol even helping to that curdle glass of milk and the regular give it to me straight There we go. Jerri don't want a little bit of this chunk. You could right there Oh Yeah again, I don't this this is lessons goodness Yeah, nothing There you go. We'll add the mint to it Just give it a little swirl. Now. You've got all your pregnancy cravings in one dose Mmm so tasty There's the face of a good partner It's so goood! Yay! Yay pregnancy! Do you feel like you've learned something today? not to mix vinegar and pickles and chocolate milk and mint and cheese You know You know but in the end we have to ask ourselves the question Did I really need to learn that lesson in the first place? Shouldn't I have intuitively known that? I know it's gonna come in handy at some point. Don't worry. Oh Thank you guys so much for watching this episode of GT not live, you know, oh god. So bad, oh So nasty You know what'd be cool? if when we got back from having a little mini pad We found some new subscribers. that one's to the left. Oh, and if you want to see us take some pregnancy quizzes and about what kinds of parents were going to be That's the box for the right Now if you'll excuse me i'll have to have like... some imodium. Or something. Head for the toilet, clear the way!
Channel: GTLive
Views: 336,921
Rating: 4.9737387 out of 5
Keywords: aste test, food taste challenge, challenge, pregnancy craving challenge, food challenges, pregnant, pregnancy, pregnancy craving, pregnancy food, baby, pregnant challenge, baby announcements, taste test gmm, matpat baby, baby shower, baby shower games, baby shower idea, game theory, game theorists, gtlive, gt not live, matpat, gtlive pregnancy, gtlive parenting, matpat pregnancy, game theory baby, gtlive taste, gtlive taste test, matpat food, gtlive food, taste
Id: mX2n9_t_Nbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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