I played the top mobile games so you don't have to

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all right we're checking out the only games where the more cursed they are the more they sell it's mobile games I love that my very first question in life is whether I want to use a seed to grow a plant or a bird The Circle of Life continues give me the bird oh it's an actual bird and you're not growing from the seed he's just eating the seed little seed big seed oh is that an egg give me the big egg you're just gonna vomit it out oh my God I don't know how that egg got into that bird well actually I don't know how that egg came out of that bird I've always wanted to give birth to the avian version of Satan is that an eggplant with a scythe opening are you cracking my egg or are you murdering it or are you reeving it soul I like ice cream the demon eggplant just set up an ice cream shop inside of the egg oh if I see this back yay all the little eggplants are happy now yeah oh all the little eggplants are screaming in fear because the Godzilla eggplant is hunting them down to kill them this is a game that combines speed parkour and Agility which I'm not good at any of those things so I'm probably just going to be raging until I eventually get to the end the concept is you have to color coat all of the things that you get to make your neck longer and longer so you can eventually destroy the planet by being I don't know some sort of bionic giraffe or something now you'll notice right now getting through all this allows my neck to combine to an even greater height where I make giraffes feel incompetent and yes even the Sphinx is nowhere near me I like how it goes to like a pyramid and then Jesus to be fair I'm taller than a dinosaur but I don't actually have a way to protect myself so I feel like I'm just a really long chicken finger of course each time you unlock new obstacles that exist only to make my life harder I think that playing all the GTA parkours and having an incredibly high blood pressure has really prepared me for this game yeah we're gonna do blue everything's color coded as well so if you work color blind you would be absolutely screwed see now if you touch a color that you're not a part of then it knocks your neck off I don't know what happens to your vertebrae you just like vomit it out of your mouth I'm also kind of curious exactly how stupid the various sculptures get new obstacle unlocked great I get to drown in a Floridian pool you may ask yourself great what do you get to do with all your money you get to do this I can now be a monkey wearing a banana on his back like it's a katana I'm going to war I'm actually using truck tires as my neck now I also have this King over here I might as well just unlock as many as I can God you know what we're picking the dinosaur actually it's not really a dinosaur it's like a derpa sword this is the kind of dinosaur that went to the prehistoric period and scored like a d-minus so what do I do oh either I drowned or I get to survive by having an overpowering neck all right so I need to go through here I should have picked green but I'm a over this way grab the gems hopefully Don't Drown again then we're going to Gold grab the gold and then of course at the end you have the wacky inflatable arm guy preparing you for a lifetime of regret okay I think I might actually have gotten to the pyramids at this point oh yeah no I need 30. you would have never known that like open-handed raptor Jesus is 38 neck chunks high this is how I'm going to measure everything in my life from now on like my wife and everything she's gonna be like hey honey do you think I've grown and I'll be like no you probably shrank you're now 5.3 neck chunks and then she'll be like have you been playing those loser games again and I'll be like yeah cover the germs oh yeah 3.6 right off the bat for doing absolutely nothing I like that I just get to hit bigger and bigger climate changing meteorites I've effectively saved the planet I feel like I'm actually performing in one of those dog talent shows that's a big one I'm actually going to attempt to do like well never mind I was going to say I'm going to try and do a absolutely perfect run here where I don't lose any necks oh I've got like super ballistic mode this is incredible ah oh yeah oh we're going right past that we're going right past the pyramid see how impressed everyone is they're all like congratulations you're a 30 foot tall mozzarella stick now I get to be it man's punching bag I think I can buy no 10 000 coins can I just buy them so now I have to time this is that what you're saying so like go now oh yeah easy okay this is starting to turn listen to like a neck game and I was gonna say more into a Wipeout oh this has got to be excellent for your back it's like a chiropractor but when you leave you're paralyzed Fever Mode 62 60 71 75 that was absolutely perfect I'm getting all of the bonuses look at my neck height wow I actually can't see my head I finally done it I have defeated Dollar Store Jesus he's like yeah we can't use that name it's copywritten so my name is jamesis all right here's the one opportunity where I get to see if I can open up a new neck piece did I say one chance I said as many chances as it takes for me to win you may be asking yourself great what are you I'm a depressed king with a gland problem all right gotta get the mega ring over here grab all this I should not have done that nope choke myself out on purpose did he did he just make a really sad little sound when he jumped through the air like what real quick who did the voiceover on this game I didn't even get to the Sphinx I betrayed my entire family great now I get to beat myself to death with swinging cheddar flavored Tootsie Rolls grab the blue and then gold yetis oh yeah oh we're weaving okay into the key green we're going for this time sometimes I forget what colors look like I don't know what happened there I feel like I should have gotten murdered but I didn't and I'm just going ah blue this is the one time in my life where I'm not satisfied with gold I did get all of the signs though not going to be happy until I can headbutt outer space yep that was the sound it sounded like Mickey Mouse but he's like choking to death don't mind me I'm just destroying the ecosystem okay this is a Flawless run oh yeah this is happening oh God yeah yeah more okay this should definitely get me to new heights like literally to new heights uh I'll take the hit ah it's all blue okay green there that is the highest I've gotten yet not only did I get all the bonuses I'm off the screen also my guy's legs must be amazing to still be doing this right past James's Leaning Tower eventually there's a Statue of Liberty and eat I love it oh there we go uh yeah gold hey don't get Beat to Death grab all of those haters oh check it out oh this is happening this is the thing that's happening oh God okay I don't think that's better than the last one but it's still oh never mind 5.2 I like how the game has to zoom further and further out pretty soon I'm not even going to be a human being anymore I'm gonna be like an atom with a really long neck I'm actually looking ahead ow I'm actually looking at ow ahead now which is something I'm not very good at nope no brain damage uh green okay I mean I that was I've reduced the damage as much as I possibly could we're getting full bonuses every time okay almost there also I can spend my money of stupidity again there's only two things left for me to get and I feel like I'm gonna regret getting either one of them [Music] going back with the tires great I'm a ninja that looks like he's carrying a sword that he stole from an illegal Ren Fair sweet yes look at the speed look at that I can just walk right through this I don't even care I kind of dance my way through here my sword is stabbing me in the anus every two seconds there we go grab all these whoa okay but your head really starts to Bobble as you get tall can I finally go past the Leaning Tower Pizza okay like seven more I just have to graft the necks of seven dead people on me and I'll be there I just realized why am I carrying a sword when I can strangle people to death with my own neck hey basically you have to go through a Turn Style but the Turn Style is specifically made to murder you that's good get the wheels grab the green go to The Gauntlet of death it could have been a lot worse oh God it's still off the screen it is still off the screen okay yeah what is this it's like King Kong now I have to know okay got the Flawless Victory Run going on right now all right choke myself half to death right when I start to see spots see that's when you let go okay so now blue open the water heat on this grab this I almost have fever yes plus 416 neck pieces what am I doing with this I feel like it's almost currency I just don't know what I'm buying with it I feel like I'm part of the mafia I'm ransoming your family but you have to pay me in neck pieces how many necks is your family worth I know I know there's always someone who's I gotta take him it's not even a neck anymore I'm Not a Human Being I feel like a superhero that can absorb other people's bodies but I'm a really crappy superhero so the only thing I can absorb is your neck it doesn't make me any more powerful it just makes me look stupider I just realized too if you notice beneath me there's like I don't know like a giant cityscape how did I get up here did I like chew my way up my teeth are really the only thing I could reach up here because of my neck times 15. come on oh yeah oh this is just like the movie Armageddon oh wow [Music] I want this one I feel like this is the Floridian way of dealing with problems like NASA calls and they're like listen there's a gigantic media right heading for earth we need to find a way to destroy it and the Florida man's like yes I will beat it to death with my head and NASA would be like you know what sounds like a great idea go right ahead 103 times 10.1 the power [Music] yeah Elon Musk here I come my neck is like a python it's one of the top causes of death in America okay at this point I finally need to be King Kong I may have mistakenly called him Genghis Khan I mean same thing all right looking good so far looking less good I'm out of people to slay for their necks I can't wait it's possible that I'm going to get to King Kong and it's not actually going to be King Kong it's just going to be like a naked guy with a gland problem oh oh ow I never thought I would be forced to get better at something that is like the most talentless thing in the universe okay [Music] keep going [Music] [Applause] yeah 14x over a thousand good avert your eyes James oh past King Kong yes it's human vehicle normally I need like a joke to start off these things with this game I actually don't because as time goes on you can see I'm using my buddy as a unicycle and then he will boost me so I can get bonus coins now I can get I don't there's two human bodies as wheels and there's one dude is like the handlebot I don't know what this is but I have the money for it and I want it you know what I want both of these I can also get this here so we're just gonna spend all this money all right so I'm surfing on a map I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be using my best friends as a means of transportation like physically they're like well who's driving I mean it's technically me I I don't really know how to explain this okay so now I have to go through walls that will try and reduce my friends well that's very unfortunate okay we've almost unlocked a new vehicle that is this I don't even want to know it looks like a roller coaster ride except made with tons of people I got a free gift it's a Segway what do I get for the wheel of pain over here guys let's just change the color of my person oh now I'm just now I'm going to absorb Humanity as a green guy well that's fine I guess okay Yeet is over here do not touch the minus five and we've evolved to the chopper again I really gotta get past this like can I eventually become a tank or like some sort of helicopter or something oh I could become a full car now the thing that really blows me away is that like we're just at the very beginning and this is where we already are we're already at a full-fledged car made out of human bodies look at how stacked you get too you just stand on each other's shoulders we're gonna go to the Moon all right new gift oh my God where's that F1 car at take my money 550 for a buggy sold well there it is maybe I can buy it later I want a different color give it to me what do we got okay I'm shadowy vehicle man now although I always turn yellow when I hit the ground which is kind of interesting okay we're part way through the buggy right now so we're gonna get three oh yeah oh we're moving right along it's it's it's a lot of assembly a lot of human assemblies to get past the buggy though bust through some walls oh can I get all three no I still have like five wheels of human beings though and we're now as tall as like a 30 stories skyscraper at this point butterfly versus me his name is butterfly okay so what is this who can make the biggest car oh you get to make cars big on it on this now here we go okay we're still mostly a buggy this we're not with not much of a buggy left but there's some of it whoa okay now my buggy actually has people sitting in it and there we go we won where's butterfly at does he even get to finish or does he just crash and burn behind me his name was butterfly before but now it's like butterfire because he's burning in a heap somewhere in the last board whoa okay now now the stairs are starting to move I like how there's like different obstacles on each board okay and a big yidus onto the plus three we are into the buggy now that is fantastic still having good as we can get right now because I'm about to like set it up completely yeah we're we're at the last phase of the buggy and that is a lot of human beings standing on top of one another to get 3.1 okay it's a truck okay sure it is all right what's new in the store over here oh what a bus absolutely for a mere 700 gems okay now I think we do have the F1 car at this point I don't know what decides like where you turn into it I may have to go back and see if I can like Auto Select it but I'm all Sure hold on it's coming up here that we have let me get past all this the truck which is gonna be epic so one or three we'll take the three okay so right about the end of the buggy right there is this a plane you know you drew the Short Straw when you're the prop okay we're gonna try this we're gonna go mono wheeler unicycle we're gonna go unicycle to Segway so you can choose each one of these to the F1 I kind of want the buzz all right I think that's how this works here we go all right so yeah this is the Segway oh yeah oh this is gonna be amazing all right the bus is starting to really pull up here this hot don't go into the traffic cones I don't know why but I feel like they're kind of evil more of the bus is starting to get put together anytime I see I'll I'll take the people rather than the gems I'll take the people all day starting to get all the wheels on the bus there's even some people sitting inside and we're going way past 3.1 now oh yeah all the way up to 3.9 what new present do you have for me what could it be I love how this dude's back is just broken over the wheel all right I'm gonna choose I'm gonna choose the truck this time we don't have access to this yet we should get it in a little bit and I actually kind of want the car for this I kind of want the triple motorcycle I am one single man never mind I have three friends now and by friends I mean I'm literally using them to get from point A to point B not because I don't want to pay for gas money but like you know their bodies are which which transports me around okay don't cones nice oh yeah oh this this truck looks amazing starting right off with the car barely had to do anything for it magnets are putting in all the work look at this bam truck looking sweet going for all people all the time we got the full truck that's fine I'll take the minus four because there's a plus four yeah we yeah we can fully packed truck so now I'm curious of a fully packed truck actually gives you less points that yeah so the bus is better the people playing is halfway there I still have yet to max out the bus but I want to do it so this is like six people okay we're two away from maxing out the bus hit that wall get a plus one plus one minus three but then uh yeah there we go finally maxed out the bus someone asks in class what does it take to make a bus it takes about 30 people not working I mean like 30 human bodies all right we're up against Solly and I have a feeling we're gonna win here because we're stacked tall on the car the car is faster than whatever piece of garbage he's using his people to make all right speed I wasn't so much you get bust with people I was literally just mowing them down I was turning all my friends into roadkill but somehow that's how you win in life all right let's try a different color here the color is it's gray I'm we're keeping it yes also that was I sitting on the unicycle that time it looked like I was just like like sitting watching TV on the unicycle or something it was really odd the bus is also so wide that like you don't need to do anything it pretty much just picks up everything without any effort from you if there was literally like 35 Grays in this world I'm not sure I'd want to live in it like me myself whoa whoa whoa I was gonna say he's an easy one all of a sudden there was a bunch of traffic cones chilling out of the middle of the road who put those there all right grab it we'll grab it again it just seems like I'm hitting the people it's not so much as having people volunteer it's more of just plowing over them with a vehicle and then picking them up while they're unconscious and turning them into part of the vehicle there it is a literal airplane oh it's a bigger airplane oh it's a bi-plane all right More Wings means more human bodies so that's why we're keeping it oh yeah we're moving right past bus we're immediately in playing and you do actually have to fly okay whoa whoa whoa oh this is so drunk right now and having the plane is amazing look at the height of people yes finally into the force what is this is like a forklift or something I need to know okay four four oh they just they're just handing it to you now they want you to have oh if you didn't have the pool if you didn't have the plane you were pretty much oh I could just sit here oh no you can't it eventually blows you up uh looks like there's more people on this side so we're choosing this yeah when you get a bus in the first like 10 seconds that's no oh oh whoa okay quick reflexes and just assuming that everything this world is out to murder me really out there we're gonna get the maxed out plane and then fly through the tubes okay this is working and then there we go thumbnail hole and watch this bring it in for a perfect Landing we have maxed out the plane stack okay we're more than a quarter way to whatever this is I think it's a helicopter I kind of want it to be a helicopter but I kind of don't want it to be a helicopter like everything in this entire game is so ridiculously cursed I don't really know how I feel about it all right just fly straight ahead all right I kind of clipped the top of that wall there but you know we're giving the stone Mason something to do there we go okay perfect and we still managed to max out the plane even after you know hitting a wall randomly all right what gift did I get what is it better be something amazing a twin jet okay I don't have access to it yet but oh I can finally do the tractor though and I'm actually gonna do I'm gonna do everything on the bottom all right haven't really gotten to see the tractor yet so now getting to see it that's hideous it's only around for a second because I gotta do my flying over here there we go I don't know what happens if you hit that I imagine it's instant death the other ones you lose party are playing in those walls I I think you just you just explode and all your guys go flying they curse your name as their bodies break they all get horrible Road Rash uh plus one's all down here oh it's better to go up top yeah we're going up top this time oh no I didn't oh you have to do it okay because you need to play in order to actually get past all this all right so always go over to the right there we go back over to the right and we've got the plane right away okay oh my God okay the wall actually had its own thumbnail hole like it was a thumbnail hole inside of a thumbnail hole I didn't realize that uh where are you supposed to go here oh you have to take the minus 11 and just like what jump your tiny little set look at how far the bodies went jump your tiny little Segway onto this okay now the boards are getting are getting like legitimately difficult all right we got the plane first thumbnail hole no problem second thumbnail hole no problem I'm gonna go over through here all right I guess we're just gonna land this here we go oh yes oh it's like the dollar store version of Batman flying around Gotham come on I gotta get the plane okay good and we did get the plane so we could at least survive wow in the end all I had left was the F1 car I've got to hit as many people as humanly possible again I never thought I would say that but well what am I talking about I know I guess I knew I would say that now I have to go inside of tubes okay that doesn't actually seem that bad it's actually a little bit easier then like the the little yeti walls minus 22. am I gonna have a Segway left yeah it's only Segways okay and then murder everyone drop down on the tractor and then finish it off I want my jet I don't care what it takes you're my jet and through perfect uh I'll take the top 82 because that's a boost oh yeah well that makes this a little bit harder oh God and the oh he died like right away he didn't even get past the first part why would I even doing this for I could have just pulled over in the quest uh well they moved now okay uh all right that's that's a new and exciting addition to the pain that I have to deal with here so minus one no matter what and that will turn me back into a sad vehicle and now it's just like a Slow Burn of all of the people in my life well it's not really anything good it's basically just that I that I abuse so I can finish the board 91 were right there after having a time where I was struggling to even get a decent vehicle to drive now it's just all plain all the time yes there's a lot of gems you can get in this one too if you have the plane oh my God it's amazing there we go that is about as as bonus as bonus could get and the helicopter's ready all right we've maxed this out now everything's maxed perfect and go over to the store we can get the even cooler one oh and I can get the twin jet all right here we go finally our vehicles have gotten to just an utterly ridiculous Point okay Dodge all this completely random like Nerf death area crap um oh yeah okay all right the twin jet looks pretty cool kind of a tight fit through here though I'm not gonna lie uh ow okay and it's working out Quaker whoa whoa hey oh okay all right yeah the Tilt rotor look at the tower I do have to Max that out though because I gotta see how big it gets now there's random blades on the ground I'm surprised the blades didn't come much earlier in this to be to be quite honest with you it kind of seems like they're always there all right we already have the twins yet so things are going really good I just I don't want to hit anything okay almost almost knocked myself out there getting down on this thing is a little bit of a pain because it has a tendency to just kind of like rise on its own and it doesn't like turn so all right stack them to the Moon ow oh I have to I have to get hit by these okay plus five okay minus one plus five I better get to playing otherwise I'm screwed oh I'm screwed okay so one you have to hit one of these there's really no choice so five we should get the plane this time as long as I only hit yeah the least amount whoa you have to go between double you can possibly go between like double I don't even know what those were like like spiky pancake makers all right the Tilt rotor is almost maxed out but there's like five people left I can get all right come on everyone I have to get everyone I know together to max out the Tilt rotor this is your jobs now don't worry don't worry it's it's a good it'll be a good death it's worth it trust me okay so now I have to go through the hole and I kind of skimped that one but it's okay there we go and then drop it down okay we already have the Tilt rotor that's great there better be oh yeah oh this is happening and it's nice and slow too it's very easily maneuverable okay whoa the last two walls are you kidding me we're gonna get past times five though a hundred percent we're going past times five five point one of three yeah three okay this is working out quite well three on this side three on this side perfect and a a gift okay that was like double battle axes oh god oh no oh oh but it's okay I can just fly over everything now because you get to keep it and we Max down the till Road and the stack is complete [Music] five it's Buddy toss okay I was lured into this game with the promise that eventually the numbers in it get so ridiculously high that there becomes like an error message in order to actually calculate them now fortunately I happen to have some money to spend and then it looks like it just gives you stupid a man if you do some certain things so I want to do some of this first and I'm going to go ahead and turn into this just because I can what is with the creepy smile on this guy's face like he always has it it never goes away oh wow the extra strength it really does a lot the other thing is like I guess you could eventually just get him all the way up you know out of the entire solar system I'm pretty sure he almost took out a plane as well as a balloon what are the points that I get for this WOW uh yeah sure I can also turn this thing into almost anything oh I can just turn it into something that's not even a human being feels kind of bad though because now it's less like I'm buddy tossing and it's more like I'm just playing alone until I cry myself to sleep now if you can't throw your buddy at least a mile into the air you don't deserve him oh yeah uh we're in space that's where I always wanted to be I love that the Moon is looking at me Askew the moon was like getting kind of close all right now you can see I've just started learning but we're already at oh you know 13 000 meters because I use the dirty imperial system I really don't know how much that is it's somewhere around like 4 000 feet more muscles I say I do feel like tossing a buddy like this sad dinosaur here this dinosaur looks so done with life I love how it's still just a picture of my human body as it flies through the air it's it they didn't even have the audacity to make the dinosaur face look at me sadly all right we have left the stratosphere at this point four thousand and I think he just broke his spine the other thing you could do if you so incline is just get yourself an auto clicker and see how ridiculous the numbers get as a matter of fact I've decided that's what we're doing in the end we're totally Auto clickering this because I need to know where it ends now obviously I need to gain some real buddy tossing skill without the help of vigorously cheating like I so want to on the plus side I don't even have to try super hard anymore because my guy is so strong oh my God how many different planets are there that look at you sideways they're like don't you dare touch me well here since we're going into space anyway all right hideous alien being you know what to do ah yes a classic combination of friends an alien and a dinosaur although I don't know if it's a real dinosaur or just someone inside of a dinosaur costume I'm going to have to hope that they're real I also love how I'm doing this like right outside of a gym a gym that I will never realistically use I just I don't know if I need it I mean I know the dinosaurs like for God's sakes just go to the gym stop using me for this this could be the big one yeah [Applause] doesn't even mean oh my God oh wow what that doesn't actually seem like a normal planet anymore I love how the game did it like it turned away from being sideways to just a long ways look at the numbers six million meters oh yeah I guess I have some points to spend uh there we go hey Google how many miles is 6 million meters six million meters not even 4 000 miles we got plenty of space grab the iron robot over here is that the Doge oh my God grab the chicken oh the buffed out doge is amazing all right we need big numbers here we got to get past 6 million obviously okay 1.3 million uh huh oh God four million yes oh we're lit we're like going through a war ball 26 million the speed is so ridiculous all right my chickeny friend it is time for you and I to leave this galaxy for another more impressive one we are at a question of how good our Gray's reflexes [Music] they're getting pretty good oh there it is I love that you can like pause it if you want to just so you can appreciate the gigantic nebula all right just hanging for a while in the air coming down go go all the way to 50 million meters 57 million look at this chicken this chicken's like why did I sign up for this what was promised to me in return I don't remember that was a really good toss two three hundred four hundred million is that a cucumber I'm hoping that was some sort of astrological body because for a moment there makina made me hungry all right we're going back into our account oh yes over 1 billion meter there's two billion one why why do the numbers even have to go this high before I wasn't actually that impressed with the fact that we had gotten 3 000 or it was like almost 4 000 miles I guess I've got to find out how many like thousands of miles we're getting now oh God it happened so fast hey Google how many miles is 3.1 billion meters 3 billion 100 ten to the six miles what if you're curious It's almost 2 million miles not good enough bring in the angry dog and uh yeah there's fish go ahead and spend some of these over here in fact I'm gonna spend all of them yes I don't know if you caught it when the dog fires the fish up in the air the face it makes is so Majestic that's a very depressed Planet over there too I just realized you'll never really see his face unless like I I stopped just as it like right now you can see it there it is but after you get past about like about 500 meters or so that's it he becomes a background character you never see him again all right we're going for big numbers big numbers this time I want to go way past where I was it was like two million miles or something like that rookie numbers now first thing we have to do as always is to leave the entirety of our universe it's no small task you understand for a sad fish all right now I think that we are going to be substantially past the the fish's original best which was 30 million I don't know what happened I pressed this button and I just got that many stars what does it mean it's just enough for like two upgrades oh never mind it's enough for a lot more upgrades than that all right now with these ridiculous upgrades I should be able to go vastly beyond where we were before assuming my timing is okay now as you know the harder you hit your mouse the higher the fish goes until he hits the ground then he just wishes he had stayed in the ocean wait for it now oh yeah gaining like six million meters just off of wander away for it now yeah yeah okay look at him slowly leave the Universe I love how slow it happens too he's like oh maybe maybe I'll actually stay somewhere close to home and then he's like oh now instead it looks like I'm going to be hitchhiking on top of one of these one of these shooting stars I'm pretty sure that one shooting star like literally hit him yeah right there right through the heart okay this is hard because it's gonna happen real fast there it is okay going past the three billion yeah I've got I've gone into the shadow realm at this point I'm waiting to see Satan up here somewhere look at it it's all fiery and demonic I'm not sure that's what this part of outer space looks like I mean I've never been there before but there's a lot of like spaceships up here too what do I unlike the freeway I'm on like the highway of a space or something like that okay I need to get ready for this because it's gonna happen really fast oh my God okay I've gotten even more upgrades now there we go you know let's go over here to the cop the cop doesn't even look like he wants to be here you realize you are assisting in the eventual discovery of entire new galaxies right you should be a little bit more impressed I feel the fact that I've gotten this far without an auto clicker at this point is actually kind of concerning me wait for it's like Lamaze almost I'm learning my breathing pattern see that all right that's pretty good right wait for it boom right there all day 1.5 million easy all right well easy I was like seven you know thousand away and boom right there [Laughter] I love that in like maybe like four or five throws now I can assist in this this creature leaving the universe there you go good job yeah look at all the stars just vomiting out of here going for big numbers big numbers big numbers ah come on I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna continue from there just to see what would happen like because I think it just keeps going oh it absolutely does oh yeah oh it's working out real good okay we're going into the billions at this point getting very close to nine I don't think we're gonna surpass it but if I can time this next one we are easily going to reach yeah it almost looks like a almost looks like a demonic skull back here or something like that we are easily going to reach just ridiculous numbers it's gonna be so hard though it's gonna be moving so fast so three two one okay and then look at the portal yes oh my God it's like the eye of Sora we're now into the crystal oh hello friend hi can I like click on you or anything oh he's just leaving he's like oh just saying hi later man oh wow I like he's still going 250 2060 billion okay 264. okay here we go I gotta line this up correctly I didn't even know how long this is gonna take this is the first time I've gotten this high oh my God the numbers are on top of each other I can't tell uh okay 190. all right we're good I should have plenty of time yeah 150 40 30 20 easy okay easy okay we're still in the billions no big deal going back down through the eye of Sauron uh-huh oh God God oh no oh wow look at the numbers all right you know what let's uh hold on here God it's awful I want someone with more enthusiasm there she looks pretty enthusiastic all right see this part right here I can pretty much get flawlessly it's it's once you start leaving all of the different Realms of exist like all the planes of existence for a human being that's where I kind of start getting a little wild um oh wait for it now there okay that's a good one wait for it now oh okay I'm pretty sure this is the first lady I've ever thrown out of the universe at this point okay I should get her out of the Galaxy right here there we go yeah she's easily leaving the Galaxy fantastic hey how do you like the vacuum of space she's like well it tastes a lot like burnt steak I'm not sure if I can get carpal tunnel inside of my finger like my pointer finger but I have a feeling it's 100 going to happen by the end of this game I've gotta try to get as high as I can before the continue that we get like I feel like I need to get at least into the trillions I would say all right we're into the billions now so that's good so now we have to exit this plane of existence and then go on to the next one I like how there's no such thing as terminal velocity in this game like you can just fall for an infinite amount of speed like I I really don't even know like how fast hold on I've got to pre-load this click there it is oh the eye sees all and the eye is like gray why are you doing this to yourself I'm not giving up until it until I get at least a trillion okay 264 billion is it enough my throwing finger is prepped and we're ready to go that and I mostly want to see if there's like another another plane of existence that you can get through once you get past the the 200 billion area all right now okay looking good you kind of have to like press ahead of when you think you would that's what I'm getting from this okay so it would be like now yeah see it's like almost like an eighth of a second before your guy would normally hit the ground that's when you press it wait like five throws in I'm already leaving the Galaxy this is good this turned out pretty good this is why you want a heavier guy to throw huh oh yeah oh we're going we're going past we're going past a billion right now probably 5 billion I would say this is a matter of whether like how deeply I penetrate the underworld here I love that Satan's just been chilling out above us the whole time little did we know you actually have no idea how long I've been practicing to do this okay all I'm hoping is that the game doesn't crash before I like do this okay so 54. no oh there it is okay so 264 billion is what we're at I've gotta beat it okay if I can time this right we're 100 beating it okay down through the pits over here the eye of Sauron swallows us up then through all together we gotta get ready right now right now boom yes it's happening we're going past 264. there's the guy there's like the traveler the astral traveler he's like hey brother oh wow you're getting up pretty high 400 million 500 come on give me a trillion just give me a trillion I need to know 700 800 it's totally happening we're getting a trillion right now 900 1 trillion how can I keep going there's nothing else up here I don't know it's just like more and more Heavenly greatness you can see all the all the like cool oh it kind of looks like uh subnautica up here actually with all the caves and stuff okay I I've never been this far before so I actually have no idea how I'm supposed to time this because it's gonna go okay 500 billion four okay okay I kind of got the timing down three but then it's gonna speed up really fast once we get into like the millions right so now we're in the millions okay past the eye okay so it happened oh hold on I still haven't continue yeah screw you you get we're going to be a bit higher oh god oh it's totally happening right now one point 1.5 can I get like 1.5 trillion we're getting better yeah so that 1.2 1.3 there's still nothing else up here I I think maybe I've I've penetrated the highest level of the heavens I think I could finally die happy at this point but I mean I'll give it a shot it comes out of the millions so fast it's like so ridiculous like I would have to press I don't know like now although okay crashed it's first to light you know some games start you off as a baby yeah this game starts you off before that I haven't even been born yet and already I have to pick up all of my friends here as you can see so that we can eventually go through an entire lifetime I've always wanted green eyes and we've made it to the end we must we must fight the evil sperms I guess so that we can eventually get to the point of making the very being that will cause the end of the planet there I am I love how this guy has Danger on his shirt he should Taylor how many letters can I put here [Music] okay I finally ran it out of the edge over here but her name is end of days eating mcbeadie you shouldn't have given me so much leeway you will regret this for all time I don't know what the acronym is there take a picture okay ah my name actually just goes straight to the bottom okay so now I guess I get to be like my next age group all right I have to dress up can I can I get all these hairs can I grab them all oh I actually ended up with the one on the the one on the right oh purple fantastic that's what I love and uh yeah well Uncle Sam hat I don't want that haircut I don't want to lose my hat if I lost my hat there I would just be so sad oh so now the farthest I walk is how I the bonus is so cute I don't think that's true this is what I have made look at it on the wall I love how every single picture is going to be called end of days collect books why I'm not going to school right I'm skiing on the books this is exciting can't say I've ever done that before I feel like this may be violating some sort of school safety but you know whatever Yeezy mcbeat he does whatever she wants all right what do we get in school here ah an eight plus how come just what did I turn into okay I know I know this sounds like I'm pretty hard on myself but I am absolutely hideous and I blinked during the picture are you serious right now choose your destiny okay so now I have to what is this like my club's in school musician or football I'm going for the big money we're going for I probably should have went for football oh that's all the musician stuff that I just missed and keep grabbing this I'm a Strummer now I don't actually know how that comes before but before like whatever I was before basic oh do I get a do I get a motor scooter I get nothing I can't tell if I only get the house or only the car if I'm allowed to have both I'm a lead my guitar is pink because pink is for winners okay so next level we have to make another child we have to go down a different route this time though so you get to actually upgrade this time I don't know what any of this does I'm gonna get both of these oh we start with two sperm this time okay so we're going here I don't actually know what that was over there on the side it looks kind of violent I would love to have natural blue hair this totally makes sense right now all right through the wall don't worry there's no big deal we can just beat through the gigantic rubber rubber band of death uh remember green eyes we're always going for the green eyes because you never expect them to murder you in your sleep bust all of our opponents to death make it to the end and now we have well we had a we had a Strummer before I don't know what this will end up being your name is run for your lives my child here actually looks happy all right we gotta dress up over here so I'm gonna get my fantastic like Stabbing Westward hair I don't really know what this umbrella is I oh it's just something I'm carrying with me okay great and uh what is that am I wearing a pan on my head I'm not really sure remember how I said I didn't actually look that horrifying at first well you say slaying the outfit I didn't know that there was extra text actor after everything I did I've got to unlock this stuff I want to get all the rest of these open build build what all right I guess first I have to move into my house there we go kind of weird that I'm just living alone right now but I mean whatever I guess was this for my Oh I thought it was maybe where a dog would live for some reason they have a bunch of pet pigs oh my God they generate gems for me yeah whatever whatever other farm animal I need of oh it's a human oh this was my other character we're all part of the same horrible universe I'm not sure the two of us should be wow existing environment great I got some gems and some deer antlers that makes sense all right we're doing book collecting again for some reason I have to be well educated in order to murder most of the planet don't ask me why I'm going for Straight A's this time I feel like the person that inevitably causes the entirety of the planet to die should have gotten probably good grades I want to get the picture right when he blinks I think I missed all right we're good we're becoming an astronaut this time I'm a dreamer uh-huh into a trainee picking up this hair oh what happened I thought I would get the green hair too go with Liz oh I'm only halfway to my goals and I look like an idiot run fear lives reaching there reaching their what I got a present it's a terrible outfit it's a traffic cones my father is literally the devil I finally get to be a devil I just realized my mom has red eyes too see each time you get reincarnated it gets stupider and stupider oh my God we're going full demon okay so now we have like hyper slow that's interesting yeah give me the red eyes if we're gonna do this we're doing this all the way man we're not gonna go halfway and we're gonna ruin the entire planet I kind of thought about being like a blonde hair demon I would just get made fun of but all by all of my demonic friends what does a demon grow up to be oh really all right everyone demonic jotaro here I'm here to I don't know okay so now I actually have to like get out of the ray of violent spray paint no I don't want no are those other horns I thought they were traffic cones that I was wearing on my head why are all of you children clapping for me you're all going to die this is my newest child I'm growing so fast I'm also going to be so strong I'm gonna be like punching straight through people's organs pretty soon do I have to like ride my books on top of lava what kind of school oh that's right a demon school I was gonna say what kind of school does a child have to navigate lava that is the face of a serial killer school was easy oh I get to unlock the next level be a professor or be a devil it's such a difficult choice to make I think I'll go with devil yay I'm a Grimmer oh I don't want no education that would be terrible all right I'm Lucifer I'm an old yes I am carrying the skulls of those who have opposed me all right I'm the overlord I've got a full tail now okay here we go all right I gotta make my money here all right oh yeah oh we're making the stacks I've I never thought it would get to this point I don't really know what like the overlord needs a bunch of money for it doesn't make a ton of sense to me but I mean oh I get to do what kind of car I'm gonna drive all right I could buy that one I can buy that one I got oh it's a demonic tank [Music] I wasn't sure that it could get any weirder I'm literally going to be an alien now I mean whatever I guess if you could be a demon there's no reason you can't eventually be an alien let's do this I mean you wouldn't have known I guess alien are just born the same way everyone else is I'm going to be a female alien this time we definitely want the purple skin I don't know why trying to be born as an alien you have to deal with like like gigantic Mallards trying to crush you obviously grab the pink hair over here we will now have a violently assassinate anyone that gets in our way and eat them like cannibals and now we can finally make the very first alien overlord child to go right next to our demon child that is Phantom Kim for an alien say hello to a vote for me as a vote for the eventual heat death of the universe all I can think about is what does like a what does an alien child want to be when they grow up I'm kind of curious I definitely want to wear this hat and uh yeah we'll wear a cat head as well why not hello Mortals I am going to be your new oh it's not actually a hat it's like a cat rattle my options are L for pirate why I mean I've got a big pirate I guess all right we're gonna be a sailor into a Captain Fantastic this is what I always wanted to be when I grew up what is chilling out of my arm why is there a frog just literally stuck to me this picture is probably the picture I'm most proud of in my whole life right now I think it says on the most potential to succeed the universe in life all right hold on we're gonna open up the next level all right so first instead of making money the right way obviously as an alien I'm just going to gamble my way it's a success and it is working out fantastic give me the Lamborghini what do you got over here what sort of what sort of oh so that's what that's what people from space it's like space pirates Drive okay where does all this culminate to who who am I choosing is this like my just the person I'm gonna marry or I think it is I'm filling up the love I kind of don't want to but I feel like I have to do they have green hair you know what we're both having pink hair now now I I'm effectively married to my absolute duplicate I don't remember what color eyes I have they're probably green though so now dating couple engaged or literally at the altar we've known each other oh my God ah it's investment run that's right either you make enough money or you fall over dead so the idea is just like any human being you start life with a pot on your head and a back brace made of stacks of cash and then you have to oh God then you have to pick one to invest in it was either Tick Tock or Vine and I feel like Vine has not been making its way around too well and eventually you ride your stacks of money into bonus money and it looks like there's like a solid gold helicopter at the end I don't even know I'm not gonna lie I want the solid gold helicopter I just don't know if it would do anything besides crash and kill me because I'm pretty sure that that's not how helicopter Twitter Facebook I don't know Twitter which one's doing better well actually Twitter's not doing great right now a whole eight percent on that big stack of cash get my tires flattened which apparently takes money from you I don't know why I love how if I step on something an I tear a ligament I well I guess that is true you would lose money that way mostly because I have to pay for all the doctor bills oh yeah there's just briefcases everywhere then you have what is this who do they like what are they like people TR like groping me for my money solar energy 189 increase on that whether or not it's the right thing to taxi or Uber I don't think that taxis are doing anything right now our stack is actually getting so tall it is has removed itself from the stratosphere I wonder if I can get to the oh I got it I'm at the what do you do what is this oh you have to actually fly the helicopter and collect the money so yeah I got the solid gold helicopter and it brought me to a private island and the island it's like it's like a dog house in here so I have to mention something real quick you think that if I could have spent the money and bought a solid gold helicopter I could have a bigger house than like a mini fridge I'm not even sure I'm I'm short enough to get in this I can spend some money to increase my starting cash well yeah sure there we go now I have a slightly bigger money brace crash it's not it's not like a crash like I have to like roller skate down a hill and try and not die what is it oh Microsoft Edge or Chrome no one uses Edge on purpose do they even the game doesn't think so all right I'm already wearing sunglasses that means that I'm I'm clearly successful is that a golden rocket talk of all of my means of transportation or gold and of course now I can unlock the price it's it's basically like the most Posturepedic chair ever made I never win anything though so I'm gonna have to buy it just regularly costs a thousand dollars what level is this bonus level oh whoa it's like I'm tripping on acid look at all the colors oh yeah oh you get stacks of cash in this level okay did I win what is this party find love travel but what which one's which what decides what decides where I go where'd I go to I'm going to party how come everyone's wearing party like uniforms except for me I'm dressed up like the Monopoly guy on the plus side I made so much money I can actually afford that share now what are these what oh you kick it okay Bitcoin or like dollars I don't know Bitcoin bitcoin's gotta be doing oh hey all right so don't get your feet stabbed then grab all this at least now I know how you have to utilize the money bags you have to kick them like you hate them and then take the money that they picked up behind you I love how in the wheel the prizes one of the prizes is literally death all right now my private island is looking slightly more impressive I guess I really hate to think about how much fuel I have to burn to get to the island considering the only way over there is like golden whatevers a Marvel or DC oh it's gonna be Marvel it's gonna be Marvel all day yeah 20 tax uh yeah we'll do times two here I still can't get to the rocket yet I'm trying is that the devil oh it's not the devil it's a bathing suit I don't know what is this what is this is this more important right now we're in the middle of summer so I guess it makes sense that's pretty awesome maybe it knows what day it is okay go around here and Yahoo or Google all right well considering I'm like you know on YouTube right now I'm guessing Google is the right way to so if I if I hit a woman do they take money from me or do they give me money what happens if I invest in the dollar oh it's the US dollar I'm screwed then that's not doing very well right now all right ride the money ride the money uh God everything is so violent in this game NASA or SpaceX do people invest in NASA I don't even know if that's something I can put my money toward it's like a government agency isn't it okay so the answer is always Bitcoin so that should get us pretty good Stacks oh yeah oh our money is going straight upward eventually we're going to take out like an airliner with this gigantic stack over here tell me I can make it to the yeah I love that I have to get to my I love that I have to get to My Island with a rocket and then the rocket just crashes in the water and it's just left there all right what can I buy for my Island today oh nothing I can increase my starting cash though my big briefcase big briefcase lots of money giant briefcase McDonald's or Chuck E cheese I've seen one Chuck E cheese in my area and all of the people there look like they're dead all right I'm the Monopoly guy again that's always a good sign when you're the Monopoly guy I'm going to ride a motorcycle to Victory sure this looks totally safe at least I didn't leave the motorcycle in the ocean oh I can buy them a plan for one thousand dollars it's not even like this is plant do dishes or something I'm taking the boat oh yeah there we go my favorite color too like Pepto-Bismol pink there's one thing I love to do it's go into work and vomit money all over people look at that stack it may actually be in a different solar system hotels are Airbnb Airbnb oh yeah 75 times over 100 I'm pretty sure that my stack has its own ZIP code right now oh yeah look at the height back to the uh back to the solid gold helicopter and you actually have to fly up and down too is that that's interesting all right yidus over here yidus over here broke broke what what's broke what happens if I hit these women they do they take all of your money Coke or Pepsi I Coke wow Coke is the right answer I was gonna say that's like my personal favorite but I don't know how to evade taxes real quick great you learn such valuable lessons all right Uber taxi yeah I think we know which one actually made it in the world there 248 over taxis and I'll take the times three what is this a plant or a is that is that like a Jacuzzi I don't know what that is I have to get it because I actually want to know it is it's a pool tiny it looks more like an aquatic holding cell it's like solitary confinement but like slightly more festive all right we've got all the investors here looking to mug me alright so kick the thing yeah if you kick it perfectly straight you can get big Stacks I'm now basic coal or solar we're gonna go for the solar gonna eat over all the arrows pick up the key grab the tick tock so if I hit this does it like slap my money out of the sky oh it doesn't it's just they're looking cool oh yeah times two times four times five now I actually understand what I'm aiming for more starting cash what's the skulls oh oh God they murder you oh oh so now I'm doing like literal diamonds it's like emeralds basically okay who is this Ronaldo or Messi Messi no wow I was wrong there chest of money don't want any kind of involvement in anything even slightly resembling a relationship that would be terrible I love how it's always like always like that in all these games you always want to stay away from everyone I now have a fountain or at least I think it's a fountain it kind of just looks like my driveway is vomiting out blue raspberry slushies all right I changed it back to money because the emeralds was throwing me off I love nice cold hard Stacks I do like the skulls though just chilling around waiting to ruthlessly murder me Spotify or radio I wanna see also like how high I can get on my money like right now we're decently high but I feel like you can get way way taller all I want is to win this plant I want it I want the plant my life is complete where do you put the plant oh it just sits here like in the in the area right in front of where I crash all the time late at night heading to Las Vegas this seems like a terrible place to go to to make money Netflix or Blockbuster oh wow oh I can I I can't actually Gamble and as we know gambling is always the answer in life never mind it was a terrible choice to make winter coal it's probably cold but I'm gonna try wind all right well go into this I know Cole isn't doing great right now but I didn't think wind was doing that great either I got to the rocket this means that I'm going to pollute the Seas a little bit more the fish are going to be talking to one another they're going to be like what did you have for breakfast and Jimmy's gonna be like Rocket Fuel all right we're doing all of the gambling yeah 25 000. come on baby 25 000 I'm already rich does anything actually go past rich like I know eventually become the Monopoly hat guy but I don't know if there's anything even even further than that I'm Gonna Keep I'm Gonna Keep gambling I lost ten thousand dollars that makes me really sad I gotta pick it how come only five of those sold it looked so awesome how could this be I hate to say it but like the Mona Lisa is so last year anyway now with all the nfds and everything I'm kind of surprised that just someone's random stick figure wasn't the right answer there King of Hearts says don't break your neck flying down the roadway here watch out for the random woman wearing money for eyeballs that's kind of interesting around here grab all this laugh at taxis all right motorcycle we're gonna be real good friends tells you yay I'm making a lot of money to spend on my Island can I ever just buy a bigger island though always gamble always gamble am I literally crying wow I actually died from gambling and I fell off the whole planet I love how it's called loose I'm not stopping this okay I'm still gonna gamble I've got it yeah there we go I was gonna say I've gotta win eventually all right Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks I'm gonna invest in Starbucks I have a feeling that this game wasn't really allowed to put that there but they just said screw it we do what I want because because they're not gonna come after us anyway don't you try and violate me with your federal taxes come on helicopter yay we're good friends again I'm an executive and I got every single piece of money I just found a shrub that was my prize I couldn't I couldn't have asked for a better item for my Island you know what else lives on this island loneliness I'm not making the wrong choice again never mind I totally made the real yeah I made the right choice never mind all right watch this get both of those still find time to gamble eventually I'm gonna get this yacht but first of all I'm gonna get these spotlights so I can blind anyone who's not me who comes here without an invitation more starting cash oh god oh I almost got like uh cornered by those women all right yeah and then I don't know let's try Dunkin Donuts Starbucks did okay last time but I'm kind of curious how Dunkin Donuts is doing yeah they're kind of just staying where they've always been you'll notice that I have a fantastic Prince Valiant haircut now the guy's wife was tired of watching him have all the fun rocket shipping like across the Pacific and almost getting killed Walmart or Amazon Amazon especially right now because no one could go anywhere well that brought me all the way up to basic all right cell phones this is clearly the answer I don't even own a regular phone anymore I guess the question on everyone's mind is do you have eventually get the Monopoly hat for this woman also do I really need a yacht when I already have a boat yes of course you do you'll not get me taxes Red Bull or Monster oh man I don't know oh Red Bull baby that was kind of that was kind of a guess I don't really drink either of them big s okay so you go from poor to bro to basic to Rich and what comes after that I'm definitely gonna get it like we're getting a ton of money here all right slide down cut my feet up for no reason I think it's wealthy that's last all right I'll get the gold-plated dog house for the dog I don't have maybe I just put the guests out there wealthy I also look like a Christmas elf I don't understand why this is my uniform for like pure unadulterated well I love how the jet stream like the air of the sky actually follows a investment pattern this is the way the world actually works everything revolves around investing literally everything Brittany or Beyonce I the Beyonce obviously fajitas grab that I don't know how I caught my heel on one of those I'm still not wearing my my elf outfit either that's bad if you don't wear the elf outfit there's no way you get to fly the golden helicopter oh I didn't get the palm tree prize I'm Floridian that's the one thing I can't allow to go buy I guess I'll buy this tree in the meantime the fact that I didn't get a lot oh yeah apple or Nokia Nokia well why not I feel kind of bad for him all right soccer kick this grab all the money that was laying inside it clearly doesn't belong to anyone who's not me and Dodge all this oh no what was funny is while I was riding my money I was still in the in the midst of crying violently because I had just gotten tax 20 okay I can already see some of the Investments coming up this should be whoa this should be big money here we go McDonald's that's gonna be over 100 153 right there into tick tock now our money is gonna go right past the you know the the stratosphere over here any cumulus clouds will be stabbing them in the face don't want that 20 I've got the Elven uniform over here which means we're 100 going to be taking the helicopter of power over to this like sauron's Lair which is basically just where I go to sleep at night I really can't do anything else here all there is is enough space for me to sleep and that's it the one thing I need to make my life complete is my yacht I can't even be recognized by any of my ridiculously wealthy friends without one all right kick this perfect kick this slightly over to the right even better once again Beyonce makes Britney feel really bad she also makes me Rich which is nice come on Spotify Daddy needs a new yacht apparently okay I can finally buy the palm trees I feel a little bit better about my failures now Google just went up 206 I can buy a dog deck to go into the dog house I feel kind of good about that really I like I erected this doghouse and it's been doing absolutely nothing for me there was no living creature that could actually go inside of it Nike or Adidas Nike oh yeah Nike's let me go I have got a gigantic Tower of monetary power and as I have arrived at my island with my money I can buy some lily pads or a golf course I guess we'll go full Florida Ford or Tesla I'm sorry Ford it's not my fault 234 oh my God oh the Investments are huge and finally with my gigantic stack of money I have bought a yacht that will sit there and do absolutely nothing because I never come to my Island it's a lady toss well they had buddy toss so I guess it was only a matter of time before they eventually turned the tables and now have lady toss the only thing about this I've noticed is that what they try and do is they try and keep you from going too extreme but you can't stop me okay we got like 200 billion meters last time and I'm not gonna give up until we do it this time also there's tons of creatures I just noticed the bloodshot eyes of the guys being tossed in the air they got some normal people you have this being I think I just bought this I didn't mean to buy it but like I accidentally bought it and now we have it there's another person clawing its way out of this man's chest that's slightly concerning all the way until you get to this yeah that is the thing you could get okay so what we gotta do here is oh yeah we gotta increase our strength so high that eventually we get to the point to where like we do burst through heaven and end up in a place that has absolutely not heaven oh I get buffer each time now we also have some special bonuses here oh I've gotten past the leaning tower of pizza that's good and the special bonuses are you get to like do a rocket ship like basically tie a rocket ship to a human being I'll show you hold on so you get it high high high and then you use the rocket ship see and he goes even higher 107 meters rookie numbers more muscles oh yeah oh no what is this that's great I'm Bane I'm basically I'm basically like like Dollar Store being at this oh wow I didn't know getting the extra strength would be quite so stupidly good okay oh yeah my timing from the first buddy toss is just like out of this world at this point we're gonna wreck it all right 490 meters and we're gonna get wait we're gonna get past 500 like it's got to be right uh four four yeah 461 okay well I guess I have enough money for the next level of of muscles oh What's it gonna be this time I get more arms now why I'm not gonna ask why we're just gonna go yes uh we're past lake mountain Fuji or whatever there's the top of the pyramids we're already in 62 100 creators yeah it is oh we got four of these now I don't know what I did to to be so to be so rewarded I kind of don't want to use them I kind of want to like just keep stacking them this way we can go like really stupidly High all right this is our last throw so this will probably get us close to I don't know like 7 500 or something 72 yeah 72 25 that's not bad as long as I have enough to keep increasing my arm amounts I have six arms now sure I do I like how half of my arms aren't even like lifting the guy they're just like kind of dancing sort of oh his helmet comes oh my God I think I just passed Jesus was God he was hanging out he was like what was that seemed like a seemed like a guy wearing a bag over his head I'm not really sure though [Music] okay so I wasn't I wasn't sure if we would get to the stupid numbers that you were able to get to in buddy talk but it looks like I mean so far so good we haven't gotten into like any millions or anything yet so that's unfortunate now you do get your one revive which is excellent although I don't think it's going to get me that much further oh got me two more planets that's good and now he can use a uh he can use a parachute and then I guess die in the vacuum of space all right yeah give me all the boosts 10 boosts all right more muscles or more arms I guess what oh my band powers are gone whatever I guess I don't need them anymore oh actually that wasn't that good I thought never mind the first throw was so useless and the second throw was amazing at least it kind of tells you to write about when you should click it's not specific or anything but like you kind of know it's like right now come on baby we gotta get at least to a million you know know we do we're at 800 000 meters now obviously we're going to have to eventually calculate this so I can figure out how many miles it is but you know and wait for it now I still don't think I want to use my Boost yet I want to you know what we're gonna get as many a million we're gonna get as many boosts as humanly possible and then we're just gonna we're just gonna blow them all once we max out our strength getting so many coins I want this you got it right yeah yeah more strength and now that first throw it's all about the first throws timing we have now gone to the dark side of not our moon that is totally someone else's moon but I guess it's a good time to visit I still can't believe I guess now it wouldn't be as that a person it's like is that a panda and the answer is yes that is absolutely a panda time to blow past our previous best uh we got some twin planets over there they kind of look like I don't know it's like uh mutated meatballs I guess kind of like the meatballs that you would have if they were also filled with tons of toxic and radioactive waste yeah and the last throw five million do I hear 5 million glowing red demonic planet looks like it could be my Homeworld almost 5 million money I now have octopus tentacles you all I can I can upgrade a little bit more I don't even know what to say about this wait for it now [Music] at the very least I don't even know how much the Rockets will do now because we're already going so high I hope that they add like maybe double or something I would really like to get even more than we got on on buddy to us that was a really good time throw we're gonna get like an extra probably million miles per million meters or so from that right at about nine just barely under nine come on Panda I got I got a one-way trip to you back to you back to the old Homeland [Applause] old pandonia or wherever it was you do eventually like you know [Music] you know and now we're gonna upgrade to oh bat wings now I'm just demonic I have a flamey tail that's odd I get like literally [Music] where it's gonna happen we're at we're we're 100 gonna go further than last time this game does not respect multiplicity at all it is fantastic it's like ah whatever number I do also like the the the screaming okay so that wasn't that good of a throw I need to time this one a little bit better I really want to get like at least I would say like 120 million meters I don't think of this asking for too much we have some pauses too I don't really know what the pause does I mean at some point I guess I could check but uh what a wait all right 2 000 coins is level 10 gonna be like the the maximum now I'm trying to really get that first throw like as ridiculous as possible because you gotta wait like right until the end now let's throw okay so one 16 all right leaving past the eye of Destiny oh the eye of Destiny is pulling us back in it's okay though I still have two more throws so it's gonna be all right is I think I should probably click on this too this way when the time comes I'll actually be able to use it instead of like totally forgetting about it I'd really like to get past the eye of Destiny it is like holding us very strongly within its black hole-like grass I love it when endangered species like pandas get the opportunity to visit you know like different Cosmos and stuff like that oh it's so close we almost oh now he's just gonna sit there in another dimension all right ready level 10. I now am I have angelic wings okay so apparently angels are just flat out stronger than demons didn't know that all right so 120 130. you know I'll use one boost no I know I gotta save them we gotta save we gotta save we gotta go all the way to the end yay [Applause] well I eat was actually pretty good usually I only ended up getting you know a couple of million miles but that's probably a good like five right there you know what yeah I'm gonna see what this does up I did I I'm not really that sure I think maybe it like timed it for me like it knew the right time to click or something I mean well yeah sure give me more of them okay we're at the next level I also get this weird burger oh he's I'm eye Burger I think [Music] Burger literally just messed with my mojo my throwing Mojo I wasn't even ready to click the button because I couldn't believe that it was basically like a slice of tomato throwing this guy up in the air so now we're at 200 million now again million is obviously not as good as billion which is where we need to be so 200 million yeah we'll probably get like two you know 205 not to a six all right so we're finishing up right around 209. oh yeah my first throw was impeccable 225 quarter of a billion meters up in the air that's what we call timing I would love to have been the guy who got paid just to scream into the microphone like I scream a lot but this isn't even intelligible screaming it's just like ah and that's it they're like all right listen the samples that you gave us were really were really good but can you sound like you're a little bit more in pain like imagine someone is trying to do dental work with an angle grinder make the kind of scream that you would make for that what is literally more powerful than a burger like I need to know oh my god oh yeah I'll take it I feel like we're going to get to a billion a lot faster than I thought we would I kind of figured this would be extremely difficult to get to that point now a billion really isn't seeming that far away anymore 275 million I have upgraded to this octopus and it is absolutely hideous but God it's powerful what do you think 345 342 yeah 342. this is one of those instances where you need to ask hey Google how many miles is 342 million meters 342 million meters is equal to 212 508.948 miles oh that sounds like rookie miles we're not done yet I have now upgraded to this guy how strong is this guy you might ask bro that's strong well I guess we're gonna get pretty close to half a billion in short order here am I like Bebop from the Ninja Turtle we think 500 million now for 20. nice yeah pretty close 427. I am now the police officer I love how he doesn't even look impressed like you're one of the strongest people in the entirety of the game and he's just like man I wish I was not here 482 million now all right so that one we capped out at about 490 just to kind of let people know where I am right now I have uh gotten this football player at this point and uh yeah we're past 800 million miles you know no big deal I think I remember this guy from Buddy toss I'm pretty sure this is gonna be the dude that gets us over 1 billion miles up it's not gonna be that close it's only going to be like 916 million I tried one of the little Blast Off guys just to see you can only use them one at a time so I guess there's no reason really not to use it so here we'll we'll use it the second we can to get at least one billion over here so we'll use it like that like now yeah see two night or 990 almost there we're gonna get it this time 100 I've got 63 of these just sitting around doing nothing so I've got plenty to use are you ready time has come the name of this game is Lady toss but I have not tossed any ladies yet so I figured if I'm going to go for the max height that I've ever gotten I'm going to use a lady we're also gonna use all of our extra little bonus items here just to see what happens okay so 1.46 billion okay now we'll go ahead and use the uh the frozen ice over here bam that gets you basically like a like a perfect shot okay so that's gonna be four point eight one but we could also blast off to get us at nine three I gotta get 1.5 billion at the very least oh get ready for it get ready for it I wonder if I'll get it from the throw I might oh we didn't we needed that last little bit I'm so glad I kept these with the 1.5 billion meters and our lady gets stuck in a different realm of existence for the rest of her life you know what we need to do get more zeros this is gonna work out fine because uh you see now we can just do this yeah just as you know what actually let's uh let's just do this that's an interesting number so something I decided to do as we added like every zero known to mankind is go back to the beginning so that we can really begin to see [Music] wait what just happened after all after adding all the zeros like the bar actually went and passed an area that it could even exist and we got 100 billion well our girl literally isn't coming back she's just going to stay up there forever it's tall man run tall man run is one of those games where the entire purpose is to get like taller and fatter to the point where you can eventually just bludgeon your opponent at the end to Death I think I just lost an entire leg right there luckily this is also a game where you can win by throwing money at the problem so as you can see we can do things such as increase the height that we get increase the width that we get or do whatever this is I'm not I'm not actually sure I want to go any faster I just want to get taller and wider and taller and wider you know what giving it like a lot of these yeah keep that going all right let's see what that does I haven't actually gotten the opportunity to murder the guy at the end yet okay I'm getting freakishly tall right now I um what do you have to do here oh you just lose part of your body there's really no way out this is what happens when you don't eat your vegetables all right finally I get to increase my width a little bit 300 height okay so I feel like I should have taken the width instead of the height what do these guys do oh you're just bludgeoning them to death oh yeah oh no I can barely move I'm like a giant bloated cheese stick basically all I am is what happens when you combine the Kool-Aid guy and a cheese doodle I'm kind of surprised I haven't died yet from a heart attack yeah why not 100 up let's do this and up and over grab all this I'm so ungodly slow I think this is the fattest I've been yet so I'm hoping I can almost get to the end oh yeah I still can't beat this guy [Music] how did this happen it was like the saddest jump kick ever I weighed like eight ounces fantastic I now have a hat and a cooler body all right more more there that's a good start okay 75 20. all I gotta do is Dodge this no big deal we got some multipliers down here there's random bombs floating around okay so that and then there we go oh yeah that's perfect this is probably the best run and not only will I drive my way through the heart Trenton New Jersey but I will also deliver these skull crushing jump kick that will mentally this thing till the end of time welcome to the bonus level what about infiltrating Disney World do I get a buddy does this guy get to follow me oh he totally does yeah give me a hundred of those okay I gotta get another guy yeah this is fantastic I don't think I've ever had anything like this all right we're all getting wider wider taller grab all this I don't really know what's supposed to happen here do we do we split into groups and just eat to go head to head with someone a la like Street Fighter or something oh we do all right everyone sorry to help you out a little bit how come the height goes first and I'm just left with like 35 chins all right go around the random bombs I kind of been wondering what I'm walking on it looks like an airhead you know the the candy airheads the white ones where you don't know what flavor it is it's the flavor of sadness oh multiplication I knew math would eventually be good for something in my life and the big jump the problem was with no width I don't actually think I can make it to the end I was totally wrong how many more of these things do I have to murder before they stop chilling out atop an unpainted Captain America shield might as well spend more money all right I'm now at level 25 in almost everything now we just not drowned myself to death okay so division by one is always what you want to do the problem is I can't get past this without like you know losing part of my soul this is what it looks like when you lose part of your soul out and the big jump down this is totally gonna get to the end tells you I'm not gonna be happy until I can get to a point in the game where I'm literally taller than the thing that I'm kicking in the face and it kind of real smoothly move around this oh there we go past this times two [Music] a shuffle over here Shuffle sadly over here plus 25 and then a minus 250 or a divided by two I have no idea what I have right now I look like a dumbbell that's made out of melted ice cream I'm gonna take this one I'm pretty sure this can make it to the end but I'm still nowhere near big enough to the point that I want to be to kill this thing foreign hat why no one really knows I'm absurdly large right now wait for it go come on okay perfect again it's not a matter of being big enough to kill this guy right now it's just a matter of not looking like a giant silver chicken nugget plus 150 plus 50. come on baby times two and there's absolutely nothing else for me to get that was a Flawless Run for the grand total of oh I didn't get decapitated unbelievable USA maybe asking yourself great what even are those gemstones that you keep picking up those are the souls of the people who are not fortunate enough to just eat chocolate icing for dinner you don't look like I do without taking in thousands of thousands of completely useless calories ow ow even though I lost most of my rib cage I can still defeat you so do you want to start tall or wide the answer why out of the way oh yeah oh we're getting tons of points here wait for it wait for it Go uh-huh oh yeah this is happening [Music] and I as as someone who now looks like the Michelin Man get to the end of this nope that's just my head come on plus 100 plus times three no why do these barriers have to be here yeah yay I feel like if I did have a I'm the smallest you could possibly be to get to that I was gonna say I feel like if there was a trampoline for me I would have broken it like all those Springs would have just given way I would have fallen through the Earth's crust down to the core and then been evaporated in the heat I am like a human dachshund right now like the dog okay well now I'm just like a normal human this is all about patience that's what this is look at what patience gets you why is there a rainbow in front of me what does that mean that's just the area where I get like multipliers right it's not something different is it ah I wasn't prepared for this you know this one's gonna be close yeah it is the rainbow that I lose all of the organs that I've spent just hours grafting onto my body from the other Fallen stick men around me hello random pirate ship not exactly sure what you're doing here but I'm not unhappy to see you no joke these pirate ships are unbelievably good luck I'm basically as wide and as short as you can almost be and still manage to complete this level look let's see that's what you get for not hydrating correctly stay off that cell phone ah yes the power of arithmetic there's wow the power of arithmetic has caused me to get terribly high cholesterol times one times one means nothing it doesn't do anything for me plus 100 does a lot hey jump and this is awful oh god oh that worked so minus 25 oh or I could just bounce over this and plus 25 more and then I don't have any choice I can either get skinnier or shorter uh let's go shorter because I know for certain this body right here this incredible doughish figure will allow me to win I burned all my calories in order to kill you you should be proud now cough up the gems cough them up or I'll rip them out of your bloodstream oh give me the height more more oh this is gonna be a perfect run nope oh never mind it's totally not I'll take this I have no idea if this height can actually make this work totally can great I now have a crown you know what that means that means if I don't get tall enough to beat the board I can stab myself to death with it there we are okay it's got a maneuver your way around this it's like limboing except if you were shaped like a giant summer sausage and the summer sausage is successful give me the balls of liars foreign my thighs are so wide I never skipped leg day and eight and grab and another perfect run this is what I look like when I'm killing him I love it you just got beat by a blue corn dog how's it feel he's like like it's high in nitrates I like these recent boards right now because I think there's actually a way for me to get both of these uh hold on go there we go yeah no problem I could probably get all the jams too I just have to stand here you would have thought continue three hours later considering I have thighs made out of bloated tootsie rolls that I would have been big enough to get all this oh I totally can I can just hang out right here yeah what goes around comes around it's just smashing me in the left butt cheek oh I love it again all right and 200 100 I'm pretty sure this is the biggest I've ever been so far attacking this guy yeah this is definitely the biggest body I am now getting to the point where I am easily the side of his chest cavity okay times three to start into an immediate times two and we're gonna slowly roll around the corner big plus 25 with the ultimate whiff in fact I'm so wide I actually don't think I can get any wider like me getting this is just Superfluous at this point you want to be shorter or wider always shorter height is overrated I'm telling you watch see it's only now that I realize how big I was in the last level because if you look I'm just the size of one of his toenails wow I am now tall in space times two times three yeah I'll take a minus 15. now everyone on Earth gets to watch me Drop Kick this guy in the teeth say hello the vacuum of space enjoy coughing out your own esophagus I'm gonna go chill out on the moon spider so times three or plus a hundred and fifty I feel like the answer is times three I think this is probably the tallest I've gotten and it's only getting worse so if there's anything about width that I can take I'm definitely going to take it because right now I'm at like maximum height yes he's divided by three width give it to me there's no way this kid away [Music] totally win Get Wrecked I'm almost as tall as this guy I weighed like four ounces but I'm almost as tall as him okay times one is pointless so we'll take the plus 15. I love how it's like yeah would you like a multiplier of absolutely nothing well not really hey yeah give me that last one give me the last one there it is now I'll take a times three and then go to your math teacher and she'll be like what's two times three and you can say planetary destruction I need a special move name for this algebraic kick okay this is one of the best sizes I've gotten yet um we're gonna take well I guess I'm taking that I don't really have a choice I kind of messed that up that's fine though I think that we're still gonna get to the end and win this oh yeah look at that I still had a couple strips of bacon in my system I've decided that him like losing body parts whenever he gets hit by something is too morbid so now I'm just going to assume that he has explosive diarrhea and he is literally pooping out large chunks of his body I feel like that's way better we gotta take one of these so I guess I'm taking the negative 50. luckily you get lots of growth right after it I love how it's plus 50 or minus zero I wonder if I could eventually divide by zero in this game that would be great uh divided by three or a hundred I'll take the hundred yeah that's way better nice and easy win you may think that I'm on a different planet I've actually just eaten so much that I died this is Purgatory Purgatory okay so this is with and these are a height but we're gonna take some negatives after this so let's go all height and then we'll choose width since we really won't have any of it to get rid of oh yeah oh this is ridiculous all right choose with more width hold on I want to be like this I want this most of my thoracic vertebrae if I could win like this it'll be amazing I don't think you can but if I could uh I'm a human pipe cleaner and we have a winner
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 9,536,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, human vehicle gameplay, android game, human vehicle all levels, human vehicle game, mobile, funny, games, best games, simulator games, gameplays, android, long neck run, long neck run game, investment run game, investment run, tall man run game, first to life game, first to life gameplay, lady toss, lady toss max level, buddy toss, buddy toss game
Id: QT1PF9tGkio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 15sec (6195 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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